92C9.3 W'L-
3 1833 00859 7418
College of Arms,
14 Dec, i8qg.
Richmond Herald.
Being a History of the Descendants of SAMUEL "WAKEMAN,
of Hartford, Conn., and of JOHN WAKEMAN,
Treasurer of New Haven Colony,
with a Few Collaterals
Meriden, Conn. :
Printed by the Journal Publishing Co.
\Va Ancestry of Francis Wakeman,
Historical English Data,
Early English Historical Data and Wills,
N^j Additional English Data,
^\ American History,
American History (continued),
Mr. Wakeman's Home-
-Fairfield and New Fairfield Grants,
Family History,
Lineage Matter,
Other Lines,
Index of Names,
Index of Wakeman Names. ...
Wakeman Coat of Arms (in colors), . . Frontispiece
Tewkesbury Abbey, England, .... 8
Cenotaph of Bishop John Wakeman, ... 9
Bewdley, England, about 1600, . . . 18
Ribbesford Church, Bewdley, England, . . 19
Residence of William Hopkins, Bewdley, in 1633, . 27
Herald's College Grants of Arms, ... 42
" E. W." Headstones, rear of Center Church, New Haven, 67
Fac-simile of Will of John Wakeman, Treasurer of New
Haven Colony, . . . . . 72
Signature of John Wakeman, .... 73
Signature of Rev. Samuel Wakeman, . . 78
Fac-simile of Title Page of Rev. Samuel Wakeman's Election
Day Sermon, 1685, .... 79
Residence at Cohassett, Mass., . . . 123
Fac-simile of Commission of Capt. Joseph Wakeman, 144
Signature of Joseph Wakeman, . . . 146
Signature of Capt. John Wakeman, ... 163
Signature of Andrew Warde, .... 164
Residence of Capt. Joseph Wakeman, built about 1700, 167
Portrait of Mrs. Sarah (Wakeman) Bradley, . . 174
Bradley- Wakeman Coat of Arms, . . . 174
Sword of Lieut. Samuel Wakeman, . . . 175
Portrait of Mrs. Salome G. Beers Smyth, . . 175
Portrait of Mrs. Sarah (Jesup) Wakeman, . . 177
Signature of David Wakeman, . . . . 181
The Wakeman Chestnut Tree, . . . . 182
Portrait of Mrs. Rachel (Wakeman) Pearsall, . 189
Portrait of T. B. Wakeman, Founder of the American In-
stitute of New York City, . . . 226
Portrait of Adams Wakeman, .... 229
Signature of Adams Wakeman, .
Portrait of Mary (Wakeman) Burr,
Portrait of Mrs. Miranda (Wakeman) Burr,
Portrait of Jesup Wakeman,
Portrait of Mrs. Esther (Dimon) Wakeman,
Residence of Jesup Wakeman, Southport, Conn.,
Wakeman Homestead, Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
Portrait of Hon. Abram Wakeman,
Portrait of Gen. Bradley Wakeman,
Portrait of Hon. Seth Wakeman,
Portrait of Capt. William W. Wakeman,
Portrait of Maurice Wakeman,
Portrait of Robert P. Wakeman,
The system of numeration will be easily understood, as the
heavy numbers such as 44 and 45 on the left side of page 207
precede heads of families and have been repeated from pages
179 and 180, where they appear as light faced figures preceding
the same names as children of the families of numbers J8 and J9.
Similarly the light faced figures, 106, 107 and 108 on page 207 will
be found repeated as heavy faced figures on pages 260 and 261,
preceding the same Christian names as before, but as heads of
families. Thus one can trace lines either way through the book.
The small numerals just above, and to the right of the names,
indicate the generation.
Page 188, thirteenth line from the bottom, "Ann Stillman"
should read "Ann Silliman."
Page 206, seventh line from the top, " Ridgefiled" should read
" Ridgefield."
Page 339, fifth line from the bottom, " Thaddeus Crame "
should read "Thaddeus Crane."
To the Wakeman Family:
This genealogy is offered to the family with a feeling that it is
very far short of what a good and complete history of the family
should be; and while some of the statistical omissions are
owing to a lack of ability on the part of the author to procure
them from various records, a part of this is owing to loss or
the destruction of records of churches or towns, and of valuable
papers belonging to earlier members of the family ; a notable case
being the burning a very few years ago of pamphlets and papers
that formerly belonged to the Rev. Samuel Wakeman by a New
York city teacher, to whom they descended. These papers, etc.,
would have sold for considerable money. The scattering of our
family in nearly every state of the Union, many moving and
leaving little or no clew, has been another obstacle.
The work had its inception in data left the writer by his
father, which included only his direct line ; and at the time that
the writer was adding to it he met the Rev. Levi H. Wake-
man of Stamford, Conn., who had collected considerable his-
torical matter from colonial records, which he contributed to the
From this start search was made through various church and
town records, and many families in the old home town of Fair-
field, Conn., were seen, also the addresses of others were pro-
cured and written to, so that gradually an accumulation of data
was made. This was followed up with reasonable diligence from
1874 to about 1880, and from replies obtained, more addresses
were added to the list. During the time from 1880 to 1895 com-
paratively little progress was made, and in the early part of 1896
it was thought that the data on hand should be rearranged, show-
ing just where further data was needed.
In doing this it was found necessary to write to some of the
parties. From their replies and from many directories many
addresses were procured and circulars sent out. Mr. F. E. Sands,
a Meriden member of the family, offered to assist by furnishing
the blanks and circulars needed, and has rendered material aid.
Mrs. B. Wheaton Clark, of Lockport, N. Y., has also been dili-
gent in collecting data regarding the family. Rev. J. B. Wake-
man, of Rock Rift, N. Y., Mrs. Lydia Gould, of Sidney, N. Y.,
Mr. G. B. Wakeman, of Unadilla, N. Y., Mrs. Mary Wakeman,
of Lawyersville, N. Y., and many others have helped very much
in the matter.
When, in June, 1897, it was thought best to start a more active
research as to our English ancestry, subscriptions were asked for
to defray this expense, and the responses have resulted in our
procuring English data desired at about one-tenth what many have
paid for similar results. Contributions for this work were re-
ceived from the following:
Mrs. W. D. Gookin, Southport, Conn.
Mrs. C. B. Tompkins, of New York City.
Mr. Jesup Wakeman, of New York City.
Mr. Samuel Wakeman, of Ballston Spa, N. Y.
Mr. J. Finlay Wakeman, of Ballston Spa, N. Y.
Dr. Emory McClintock, of New York City.
Mrs. E. B. Proctor, of Boston, Mass.
Mr. W. B. Wakeman, of Arcadia, La.
Mrs. W. B. VanWagenen, of Southport, Conn.
Mrs. A. M. Longacre, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. W. W. Wakeman, of Southport, Conn.
Miss Cornelia W. Crapo, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. L. B. C. Evans, of New York City.
Messrs. J. F. and Samuel Wakeman, of Ballston Spa, also col-
lected valuable inscriptions from cemeteries that were of assist-
Mr. Edward Deacon, of the Fairfield County Historical
Society, has rendered invaluable aid and assistance, both in col-
lecting American data and in connection with the English
researches, which he was very well qualified to do, owing to his
thorough familiarity with English methods and sources of in-
Dr. Emory McClintock (a member of the family), of New
York City, has laid the family under great obligations to him
because of the great personal interest he has taken in the work,
giving to it the benefit of his researches in libraries, of a trip to
England, and of research there at a considerable expense of time
and money. He has also, by English correspondence and a
liberal use of fees, procured much valuable information regarding
our early English ancestors, and has given us the benefit of his
scholarly mind and excellent understanding of such matters. To
those who may notice omissions, or who fail to see any family
names or dates that they think should appear in the book, we
would say that if they will send them to the writer at Southport,
Conn., he will see that they are arranged and printed on separate
sheets, to be gummed in the book at the proper place, stub leaves
being inserted for this purpose.
Thanking all who have helped in the matter, and asking the
charitable consideration of all for errors or omissions,
I am very truly your kinsman,
When thought and memory backward turn,
With love for all ancestral lore,
We find there's much that we can learn,
As research yields so rich a store.
Oh, yeomanry of early days !
Of Puritan New England's birth!
Ye brought across broad seas the ways
Of righteousness and sterling worth.
For ye were found in walks of life,
Where trust and honor were reposed,
Bearing your part in battle's strife
Ere the dark tomb your forms enclosed.
By you our sturdy laws were made
In early stern Colonial days,
With blue-law feature, strict and staid,
As Old New England's rigid ways.
While many followed arts of peace,
And preached the word, or tilled the land,
Erst as physicians, illness eased,
Or practiced law with vigorous hand.
Earnest and true the lives ye led ;
High was the goal of all your aims ;
Ye earned by toil your daily bread ;
With pride our history writes your names.
And now with reverence and respect
We tread the ways our fathers trod,
Pursuing on with zeal direct
The path to righteousness and God.
Robert P. Wakeman.
THE word " Wakeman " is defined in Worcester's
* dictionary as "the title of the chief magistrate of
the town of Ripon, Yorkshire, England." It seems to
have meant "wide-awake man." At one time it was
pronounced as if to rhyme with Parkman, or rather with
what the latter would be — Pa'kman — if the "r" was
silent; but by about 1650 the pronunciation had
changed to " Wackman." At Ripon the title descended
from father to son and gave rise to the surname of
From 1473 to 1479 William Wakeman was priest of
the chapel of St. Mary at Kidderminster, near the
northern border of Worcestershire. At the same time
John Wakeman lived at Drayion, a small hamlet some
four miles distant, in the rural parish of Chaddesley
Corbett. The family tradition, recorded by Burke,
makes them brothers, sons of a William Wakeman.
The same tradition states the name of John's wife as
Alice Wormelay.
The earliest pedigree now extant is that of the Wake-
man's of Beckford, in Gloucestershire. It is given in
several ancient manuscripts preserved in the British
Museum, and may be found in the "Gloucestershire
Visitations " published by the Harleian Society. Under
the Tudors and Stuarts it was customary for the heralds
to make tours or "visitations" throughout the various
counties of England, stopping at the houses of the gen-
try to bring their pedigree up to date and, when
necessary, to arrange for reviving or granting coats of
arms. Those who declined to pay their fees were regu-
larly listed as not entitled to be classed as gentlemen,
some of these lists being still preserved. In 1586 the
heralds granted to Richard Wakeman of Beckford a
coat of arms which, according to the "Blazonry
of Episcopacy," had belonged to his uncle, John
Wakeman, bishop of Gloucestershire, from 1541 to
1549. The names of their fathers and grandfathers
preserved in the "Visitation " may be accepted as hav-
ing been stated by them to the heralds, and probably
also those of elder brothers, as follows:
John Wakeman of Drayton,
William Wakeman of Drayton,
William Wakeman of Drayton, John Wakeman, bishop.
Roger Wakeman, Richard Wakeman.
William Wakeman,
Edward Wakeman.
The houses of the brothers Roger and Richard were
included at great length in the manuscripts, as the re-
sult of subsequent inquiries on the part of the heralds.
They also noted that the bishop's mother was an heiress
named Godespayne, aud that his brother William's wife
was of a family named Clarke, whose arms were
sketched. The Wakeman arms as recognized in the
" Visitation," for the families of both brothers, were
borne by Roger's descendants at Tewkesbury and by
Richard's at Beckford. They were engraved, for ex-
ample, in 1634 on a tomb in Tewkesbury church.
Tewkesbury (or Theocsbury), dates from mediaeval
times, and the monastery (Anglo-Saxon) was of small
importance prior to the Norman conquest.
(Now in Tewksbury Abbey.)
Robert Fitz-Hamon — one of the Norman nobles —
married a niece of William the Conqueror, and on the
death of the latter, his son bestowed upon Fitz-Hamon
the estates known as "the honor of Gloucester, "includ-
ed in which was Tewkesbury. Fitz-Hamon resolved to
build a great ''Abbey of Expiation," being- pricked by a
consciousness of wrongs done by him in his many wars.
The result of this resolve was the noble church. In the
fourteenth century the eastern portion was reconstruct-
ed, and in the Lancastrian Battle of Tewkesbury some
time later, the abbey was much destroyed. The recent
restoration was begun in 1875, and now shows (see il-
lustration) a restored structure. In 1539 most of the
abbey buildings were destroyed save Abbot Wakeman's
house. In the abbey is to be seen the beautifully deco-
rated cenotaph of Abbot Wakeman, the first Bishop of
Gloucester. (See cut.) A copy of this cenotaph was
exhibited in the Crystal Palace, London, 185 1.
John Wakeman, younger son of the first William,
was born before 1490, and at an early age entered a
monastery, because about 15 10 he was at Oxford as a
Benedictine monk, an inmate of Gloucestershire college,
then a house of that order. While a monk he bore the
name of John Wich, according to a custom then fre-
quently followed, by which monks were designated
after places from which they came. The name of Wich
has caused much speculation. An explanation not here-
tofore suggested is that his monastic career may have
begun at a house of Augustinian friars at Droitwich, not
far from his home, a town then known simply as Wich.
As he became abbot of Tewkesbury in 1 5 3 1 , he was
probably connected with Tewkesbury abbey before go-
ing to take his degree of B.D. at Oxford Tradition
had it that his mother was an heiress, which if true,
might help to account for his elevation ; but his learning,
his talent as a preacher, and his force of character, were
grounds sufficient, apart from family influence. As
abbot he sat in the House of Lords, and attracting the
attention of Henry VIII., was appointed king's chap-
lain. The holding of this confidential position indicates
that he approved Henry's course in breaking up the
monasteries and pensioning their inmates, devoting
some of their lands to church and college purposes and
dividing the remainder among individuals, avowedly to
enlist so great an influence in favor of the change that
it could never be reversed. How effective this course
was, came to be proved wh^n Queen Mary discovered
that this alone of her father's religious changes was be-
yond her power to reverse Tewkesbury abbey was
dissolved in 1539, but the king's chaplain recovered his
seat in the House of Lords in 1541. when he became the
first bishop of the new see of Gloucester. He is said to
have been one of the early translators of the Bible.
Dying in 1549, he escaped the martyrdom which befell
his successor, Hooper, under Mary. The place of death
is uncertain, but was believed by Wood {At hence Ox-
onienses) to have been " Forthampton, where he had a
house and a private chapel " The house doubtless ap-
pertained to the bishopric, but if not, would have de-
scended to his legal heir, Roger. His will mentions
personal property only, which he left to two younger
brothers and their families.
As the king's chaplain was also a peer of the realm,
he must have been the most influential man in his own
part of England. Approving the distribution of the
monastery land, as he must have done, he could not
stand in the way of his own relatives without drawing
suspicion upon his private opinion of that method of
personal aggrandizement. We find, in fact, that his
near relatives removed from Drayton to Gloucestershire ;
his nephew, Roger, to Forthampton, where he died not
long after the bishop's death, and where there certainly
were monastery lands; his nephew, Richard, to the
lands of the priory of Beckford after its dissolution ; his
brother, Thomas, to South wick, a locality near Tewkes-
bury, which had been the property of the abbey; and
his brother, Richard, to the Mythe, an estate near
Tewkesbury, of which the earlier ownership is not
known. A little later the Mythe became the seat of
Roger's descendants, probably by purchase from those
of his uncle Richard.
Of Roger we learn from the " Visitation " that he
had an heir, William, and that he was himself an heir
to the family lands at Drayton, though apparently re-
siding elsewhere, as he is not described as " of Dray-
ton." He must have been the Roger Wakeman who
studied at All Souls' college, Oxford, about 151 6. His
will of 1552 describes his residence as at Forthampton,
and disposes of an amount of property which shows him
to have been better off than all others of his name at
that time. It names a wife, Joan, William, the eldest
son, and John and Thomas, younger sons, besides vari-
ous daughters, one of them named Anne; and enjoins
upon William to grant the Drayton lands to John on a
forty years' lease at the nominal annual rental of three
peppercorns, to begin after the death or marriage of
the wife Joan. William of Tewkesbury in his turn died
in 1587, leaving the Drayton lands to his heir Edward
by special mention in his will. These wills and the
" Gloucestershire Visitation " agree in all points.*
John Wakeman of Drayton, second son named in the
will of Roger, was living, obviously on his father's
property, in Chaddesley, for years before his father's
*Burke's account of the family arbitrarily assigns to this Roger the chil-
dren named in the -'Exeter Visitation," as having belonged to another
Roger ' of Woodrowe," a place not far from Drayton. The Exeter branch
secured the use of the bishop's arms by representing their ancestor Roger
of Woodrowe to have been his brother, as of course he may have been for
all that is known to the contrary.
death, and had doubtless been left in charge of the old
home when the rest of the bishop's family went to
Gloucestershire. By his father's will he was to have
the Drayton estate as his own property for forty years
after the death or marriage of the widow, but mean-
while he would be under the necessity of paying regular
rent to his eldest brother William. The situation was
not satisfactory, and soon after 1557 he removed with
his family from the parish. The names of his children
identify him perfectly. He was a son of Roger and
nephew of Richard (of Beckford), and had a sister
Anne; and the parish record of Chaddesley states that
on August 9, 1545, he married Joan , and that
his children were baptized as follows:
Roger, September 12, 1546; Anne, March 7, 1548-9;
John, May 10, 1552 (buried May 20, 1554); John
February 20, 1554-5; Richard, January 1, 1556-7
(buried February 15, 1556-7) No trace of any of the
five survivors is found later in the well-kept parish
register of Chaddesley, except that it bears evidence to
the subsequent return of the younger John, no doubt
after the beginning of the term of forty years during
which John of Drayton was to possess the ancestral
estate. The nature of the evidence relating to the re-
turn of the younger John cannot be indicated clearly
without due mention of other Wakemans then in the
In the reign of Elizabeth, Chaddesley Corbett, was,
as indeed it still is, a secluded rural parish. The chief
road through it ended at the next village. The ham-
lets of Chaddesley and Drayton, within the parish, were
almost too insignificant to be called villages. The roads
were wretched, and communication was difficult and in-
frequent. The nearest town worth mentioning was
Bewdley, seven miles distant. A book on heraldry
mentions Chaddesley with an expression of surprise
that several families of importance named Wakeman,
in different counties, should trace their origin to this
obscure spot. That exodus had, however, already
taken place, and what was now left was the Drayton
estate and two poor relatives named Simon and Richard
Wakeman with their families Perhaps they were
brothers; Richard's wife was named Frances and both
named daughters Frances.* Their other daughters
need not be mentioned. Simon was married in 1557,
and his sons were Simon and William, who appear to
have removed early from the parish; and Simon him-
self died in 1589 or 1590. Richard's only son was John,
born 1569 and married 1594. Richard, who was a tailor,
died in 1598 or 1599, naming in his will as "kinsmen"
John Wakeman, Simon Wakeman, William Wakeman.
The sons of Simon last named were less important than
"John Wakeman," who was either some one who did
not belong to the parish, or else the present holder of
the Drayton estate. That it was the latter is indicated
by the record of the burial on February 10, 1591 or
1592, of Thomas Wakeman, son of John Wakeman. As
the Wakeman estate now belonged to John of Drayton,
apparently born about 1524, or to his children, one of
whom was John, born in Chaddesley in 1554 or 1555,
and as there is no chance worth discussing that any
strange Wakeman would come to a place like Chaddes-
ley, it is strongly probable that the estate was, in 1591,
in the possession of the younger John, who had returned,
bringing with him at least a son named Thomas.
The only Wakeman entries (mentioning males) in the
Chaddesley register, from its beginning in 1539 to the
present time, besides those already indicated (and the
baptism in 1545 of a child whose father lived in the next
*Simon's Frances was bur>ed as a daughter on April 17, 1571, thirty days
after her baptism as a son; a mistake just contrary to one at Bewdley in
1502, when a Francis Wakeman, well-known later, was baptized as a
parish), are as follows: William (obviously of Bel-
broughton parish) married in Chaddesley in 1553;
Philip, son of Richard, baptized in 1592; John, son of
Francis, buried May 8, 1595; John Wakeman, buried
July 3, 1635. There is no baptism of any child of John,
son of Richard the tailor, who was married in 1594, nor
is there any note of his burial or that of his wife. He
must therefore have left the parish, like the sons of
Simon (the widows of Simon and Richard were both
buried elsewhere), leaving only John Wakeman, owner
of the Drayton estate — for forty years — as the sole rep-
resentative of the family in its ancient seat until his
death in 1635. There are only two entries unexplained
in this record of a century, the baptism of Philip, son
of Richard, and the burial of John, son of Francis.
Neither this Richard nor Francis belonged to the parish
(for the tailor Richard's wife Frances was too old to
have a child in 1592), so that both of them must have
been near relatives of the younger John Wakeman of
Drayton, and as such have had some right to make their
temporary home at his house. There was indeed no-
where else for them to go, unless to stay with old
Richard, the tailor, for Simon was dead and his family
scattered. The stranger Richard may probably have
been the third son named in his will by William of
Tewkesbury, and if so, he was cousin to the present
John of Drayton. Who Francis was remains to be seen.
There was no one of that name in the Tewkesbury
branch, nor does the closest search reveal any trace of
a Francis Wakeman elsewhere, except at Bewdley.
Meantime, what became of John of Drayton, the
father, who left Chaddesley with his wife Joan and his
children, Roger, Anne and John, in or soon after 1557?
Search elsewhere fails to show the presence of such a
family or any clue to it, except at Bewdley, in the
parish of Ribbesford, seven miles from Chaddesley.
Unfortunately the parish register of Ribbesford dates
only from 1574, so that the death of the child Roger,
the marriage of Anne, and the baptism of a son Francis,
assuming them to have taken place at Bewdley, cannot
be proved by any extant record. What we do find is a
record of the burial, March 27, 1587, of "Joan, wife of
John Wakeman, the tanner," neither of them being
mentioned before or afterwards. And we know that
there was not then within many miles of Drayton
another place which John Wakeman could find so ad-
vantageous to a country gentleman's son seeking to bet-
ter himself as this very town of Bewdley close by.
Bewdley — Beau-lieu, " beautiful place " — on the far-
ther bank of the Severn, had been a royal residence in
earlier times, and the palace on the hill was still occa-
sionally visited by the Princess Elizabeth or some other
important personage. Its location at the only bridge
over the great river, and practically at the head of navi-
gation for the boats then in use, made it the chief com-
mercial and industrial town in that part of England,
next of course to Bristol, at the mouth of the same
river, which was then at the height of its prosperity as
the principal seaport of the country. Burton, the his-
torian of Bewdley, says that cap-making alone "at one
time afforded employment to probably 1,000 people in
Bewdley. ... In the time of Elizabeth there were
twelve tanyards in Bewdley, and tanners have been
among its greatest benefactors. . . . The markets
have dwindled by degrees, and instead of thirty-two
butchers holding stalls in the shambles, there are now
only two " On the land side the Wyer forest came
close to the town, affording unusual facilities for the tan-
ning trade.
" John Wakeman, the tanner," of 1587 was so-called
as the master of a tanyard, as employees were then re-
garded as merely servants, their bare names being
entered on the parish register without distinctive
designation. It was no part of the function of a clergy-
man to collect statistics concerning the occupations of ob-
scure individuals, but it was the regular custom of the
rector of Ribbesford to note the callings of masters in
the different trades when entering their names in his
parish register. Ever since 1576, for example, there
were baptisms of children of plain " John Wakeman,"
whom we may distinguish as John of Belbroughton,
because his will indicates that parish as the probable
place of his origin, and who was certainly no near rela-
tive of Francis Wakeman. The latter appears in 1590
or 1 59 1. en the occasion of the baptism of his first child
(he had been married at Eastham in 1589), as " Francis
Wakeman, the tanner." In 1592 plain John of Bel-
broughton has a son baptized Francis, showing close re-
lations, as distinguished from relationship, with Francis
the master tanner. On April 23, 1593, Francis is no
longer noted as "the tanner," on the occasion of the
baptism of his second daughter, while on September 23,
1594, John Wakeman (presumably of Belbroughton),
whose daughter Mary was then buried, was entered as
" the tanner," a designation afterwards repeatedly given
to John of Belbroughton. That is to say, Francis gave
up his tanyard, and John of Belbroughton became
master of it, or of another, about 1593. From the
action of John of Belbroughton in 1592, in naming his
son after Francis, the master tanner, a much younger
man than himself, it seems strongly probable that he
was Francis's employee before becoming his successor
in the Wakeman tan -yard.* Francis's failure as a
*Of seven children of John of Belbroughton baptized at Bewdley, the first
two, before 11=87, and the next three after that date, were noted as children
of plain "John Wakeman," while the last two were of "John Wakeman, the
tanner." Lest any suppose that the rector applied his trade-titles haphaz-
ard, and that the Joan who died in 1587 was merely the first wife of John of
Belbroughton, it may be added that if so, the first wife Joan named a daugh-
ter Elizabeth, and the second wife, Elizabeth, named her first daughter,
Joan. The rector omitted a master's trade now and then, but such omis-
sions were exceptional.
tanner may be excused by his youth and inexperience,
but in view of his youth and inexperience, he could not,
apparently, have stepped into control of such a business
unless he was placed in it by, or succeeded to his own
Francis appears next in Chaddesley, where his son
John was buried in May, 1595. Why he should retire to
Chaddesley, far from his wife's connections, unless be-
cause it was his own family's home, is inconceivable.
His next son also was named John, and his persistence
in naming his sons John accords well with the other
facts which indicate that that was his father's name.
In 1596 he reappears at Bewdley, on the occasion of
another baptism, and at this time, and uniformly until
his death in 1626, he is noted as " the cooper." In his
will he left a legacy to his brother John, of whom no
other trace appears on the records at Bewdley.
One simple explanation fits all the known facts:
Francis was son of John and Joan, of Drayton, and
brother of the younger John, of Drayton; the elder
John being son of Roger and brother of William, who
were successively recognized as the heads of the Wake-
man family.
The following is from Burton's " History of Bewdley. "
" The earliest mention of the modern Bewdley occurs
under its old Saxon name of Wribbenhall — a name still
retained by the adjacent village on the eastern side of
the Severn. In the time of William the Conqueror both
formed part of the great manor of Kidderminster.
"The spelling in 1304 was Beaulieu, changing to
Beaudeley about 1472, and Beaudley about 1539. Cam-
den ( 1 551-1623) gives the same derivation. ' Bewdley,'
says he, ' takes its name from its most pleasant sit-
" « Delirium rerum Bellus Locus undique floret
Fronde coronatus Virianae tempora sylvae.'
"Which Bishop Gibson translates thus:
" ' Fair seated Bewdley, a delightful town,
Which Wyre's tall oaks with shady branches crown.'
"Dr. Stukelyin a letter from Bewdley, September 17,
1 7 12, says: ' Were I to choose a country residence for
health and pleasure, it would undoubtedly be on the
west side of the island, not far from this river (Severn),
and where it is most distant from the sea.'
" Leland has left us a descriptive account of the town
as it appeared about 1539:
" 'From Kidderminster to Beaudley two miles by a
fayre downe, but somewhat barren, as the Veyne is
thereabout on every syde of Beaudley for a little com-
passe. I entered into Beaudley, in Schropshire, as
some saye, by a goodly fayre bridge, over Severne of
(five) great arches of stone, being even then in new
' ' ' This bridge is onely on Severne betwixt Beaudley and
Worcester bridge. To this bridge resort many fiatt
long vessels to carry up & downe all manner of mer-
chandize to Beaudley & above Beaudley. The east part
of the bridge at Beaudley and the left Ripe of Severne
be in Worcestershire ; but many say and hould that the
west end of the Bridge and the right Ripe of Severne,
within the towne of Beaudley, be in Schropshire, &
Wyre Forrest in Schropshire, going to the parke at Tet-
" ' The Towne selfe of Beaudley is sett on the side of
an Hill, soe comely, a man cannot wish to see a Towne
better. It riseth from the Severne banke by East upon
the hill by West, soe that a man standing upon a hill
trans pontem by East may discerne almost every house
in the towne, and at the rising of the sunne from East
the whole Towne glittereth (being all of newe Build-
ing), as it were of gould. There be but 3 streets
memorable in the Towne. One from North to South
all along Severne banke. The second is in the market
place, a fayre, large thing and well builded. The third
runneth from North to South on the Hill syde, as the
first doth in the Valley of Severne. The Parish Church
standeth a mile lower at Ripley (Ribbesford in mar-
gin), ut aqua defluit ripa dextra. By the distance of
the Paroch Church I gather that Beaudley is but a very
newe Towne. There was a privilege of Sanctuary given
to this Towne that now is abrogated. '
' ' This description applies to the present site of the
town, and no mention is made of the old part on the
Wyre hill.
' ' Under the Tudors the prosperity of Bewdley was
in full tide. Henry VII. enlarged Ticknell House and
made it into a palace for Arthur, Prince of Wales, who
there resided and held his court. There, too, he was
married to Catherine of Aragon. Henry VIII. granted
three charters to this town, and sent his daughters, the
Princesses Mary and Elizabeth, to reside in it. The
many distinguished persons who were constantly
coming to the town, attended by large retinues, would
give increased employment to the inhabitants. To pre-
vent disputes a special law was made to regulate the
prices to be charged by the innkeepers (1528).
" Manufactures of various kinds were started in the
time of the Tudors, and flourished. The chief of these
was cap-making, which at one time afforded employ-
ment to probably one thousand people in Bewdley.
"In the time of Elizabeth there were twelve tan-
yards in Bewdley, and tanners have been among its
greatest benefactors. The neighboring forests supply
abundance of oak bark, and there is no apparent reason
why this industry should have fallen off. The market
has dwindled by degrees, and instead of thirty-two
butchers holding stalls in the shambles there are now
only two.
"We have seen that as early as 141 2 the men of
Bewdley had become bold watermen and owned large
barges or trows. Latterly a great part of the carrying
trade, both by land and water, came into their hands,
and they had the best boats and best crews on the river.
Merchants from Bristol, then the first seaport in the
kingdom, established depots for their goods in Bewdley
and Wribbenhall. Large storehouses were built and
the wares were conveyed by long trains of pack-horses
to the inland towns, and returned, bringing Manchester,
Sheffield and other goods to be shipped down the Sev-
ern to the seaports and West of England. Many old
houses here have extensive buildings in the rear, now
almost disused.
" In 1620 special mention is made of the ' women's
seats ' in the church, showing that the division of the
sexes is not a modern innovation. In 1632 long ser-
mons were the fashion, and an hour-glass was set up,
so that the preacher might know when to finish his dis-
course. In 1642 the gunpowder was removed from the
chapel into the court house ! The Civil War was, now
beginning, and the Chapel Warden's accounts and Rib-
besford registers contain many allusions to the stirring
The foregoing account by Rev. Mr. Burton shows that
the English home of our ancestors was a place of some
prominence, the great bridge having been built prior to
1539. The picture of it here shown is of the old struc-
ture, and is taken from an illustration in Mr. Burton's
" History of Bewdley."
JOHN Wakeman (of New Haven, Connecticut) was
*-* born in Bewdley, England, a borough, market
town, and Chapelry, in the parish of Ribbesford, and
Union of Kidderminster, locally in the town division of
the hundred of Doddington, and in the Hundred-House
and West divisions of the county of Worcester, fourteen
miles northwest of Worcester. (See Lewis's "Topo-
graphical Dictionary England," vol. I.) John Wake-
man married Elizabeth Hopkins, daughter of William
Hopkins, who married Helen Vickaris in Ribbesford
church, October 30, 1609.
Concerning the Vickaris family, the parish registers
of Bewdley show:
"Bap. 1575, Feb. 20, Robarte, the sonn of John
"1596, Dec. 22, Richard, the father of John Vickreg,
died of the age of 100 yeares and 1 yeare."
No baptism recorded here of Helen. Robert in 16 14
seems to have spelt the name Vicaris.
Burton's "History of Bewdley," appendix p. vii.,
says: "1637. In this year Richard Vickris, merchant,
and then chief Sheriffe of the citie of Bristol, gave a
green Cushion of Plush to be used upon the pulpit in
the Chappell of Bewdley," and also says that he was a
native of Bewdley. The parish church of Ribbesford
of which we give a picture, "is an ancient and curious
structure, standing in a retired situation, surrounded
by wooded heights. " In the Ribbesford parish regis-
ters Mr. William Hopkins is spoken of as "The most
eminent, wise and truly religious Magistrate of Bewd-
ley, and at last, member of the long Parliament."
Again, "William Hopkins, gent, a gracious and able
Christian ; then Burgesse elected for Parliament for the
borough of Bewdley. " He was buried with his wife in
the chancel of Ribbesford church, outside and near the
communion rail, where the chancel floor is raised a step
above the rest of the church, not far from south wall of
chancel on which the following tablet was placed. The
tablet has only lately been removed to the west wall :
" Here lie interred the bodies of
William Hopkins, late of Bewdley,
Gent: who deceased July 19, 1647.
And Helena, his wife, who deceased
Nov. 16, 1656, both in a good old age."
" Ask you in these what virtues were
Needless it is to write them here,
Go ask the rich they know full well,
Or ask the poor for they can tell."
G. H. posuit.
Wood (Athenas Oxoniensis), followed by Burton,
praises highly George Hopkins (G. H. posuit), son of
William, born at Bewdley, April 25, 1620, educated at
the Grammar school, graduated at Oxford, then Rector
of Evesham (where his son William was born, a cele-
brated cleric and antiquarian, buried in Worcester
cathedral). " He was very judicious, godly, modeste,
peaceable, and upright. " He was brother to Elizabeth
Hopkins who married John Wakeman.
Bigland's "Gloucestershire" (introduction, p. ii.
vol. i.), says: "Dr. William Hopkins, born at Eves-
ham, August 28, 1647; his father was a clergyman, and
his grandfather a gentleman of rank and fortune in
Bewdley, for which town he was chosen member of
Parliament, but died before he took his seat."
The following extracts from the Chapel and Bridge-
warden's accounts, of Bewdley, are of interest as
referring to John Wakeman and his father-in-law
William Hopkins:
1616-7 and 1621, William Hopkins, Warden.
£. s. d.
1625 — Received of William Hopkins for a peece
of timber, 00 9 00
1626 — Paid to John Wakeman for three peeces
of timber more to set the clocke upon, 00 2 8
Paid to John Wakeman for five foot of
board to mend the wheel of the great
bell, 00 00 7
1630 — Received for seate in the chapel of John
Wakeman, 00 2 6
1632 — Paid John Wakeman for 500 shingles and
19 foote of boards for the church porch, 00 16 00
(This will refer to Ribbesford church porch, the old timber one,
which is still in existence, and has the date and initials carved
on it.)
!633 — The accompt of Mr. Sares and John Wake-
man, per Mr. Sares, received of my part-
ner, John Wakeman, £2 12s. ood.
1633 — Nov. 22, Autograph signatures to accounts of William Mil-
ton, William Hopkins, John Soley,
^ ;*&.'«■«. ni<ft*«-
Received from the persons under-mentioned for seates for
them and their wives for the terme of * * * accord-
ing to auntient custom in * * * whose seats and sit-
tings are entered into the * * * of seats for the chap-
pell. (Edge torn.)
12 Cap * * * of Mr. Hopkins, £00 5s. ood.
of Mr. Wakeman, (torn.)
of Fra Wakeman, 00 2 06
The whole sum these five years is 94 10 04
Whereof Mr. Sares hath received from
Jno Wakeman for which he is to be
accomptable, 16 09 05
Soe yet Jno Wakeman is to be accomp-
table for 78 06 n
1636 — The accompt of Mr. Walter Pooler and John Wakeman,
Wardens of the Bridge and Chappell, of their Receipts
and Disbursements in their office for one whole year past
ending at Michs, 1636, is as followeth:
John Wakeman's whole disbursements are ^79 08s. b6d.
which is above his receipts, 01 01 07
1637 — Money received of some of ye 25 for ye
seat dores in the galery (18 names)
Jno Wakeman, 00 00 09
1638 — Mem yt upon ye 13th of Nov. 1638, &c,
William Milton, Will Clare,
William Hopkins, Jno Wakeman,
Fra Bromwich, Edw. Walker.
1639 — Pd Jno Wakeman for a plank to make the
Pd John Wakeman for one hundred of
plank and a peece of timber used at the
Bridge House,
Pd Jno Wakeman, being the precedent
Bridgewarden, for arrears,
In a leaf at the end of the accounts is a list of those
who furnished arms for King Charles I. Mr. Hopkins
two muskets ffurnished.
The following chain of title to the house of William
Hopkins (see cut) is from the Court Rolls of Bewdley
1681 — The attorneys of Margt. Hopkins, widow, surrender a Mes-
suage by Severn side to Wm. Hopkins CI. in fee. (See
details in Latin below.)
1700— The death of Dr. Wm. Hopkins presented and Elizabeth,
his widow, admitted for her free bench to a Barn and
Close on Barkhill, and John, her son, presented as heir.
1730 — Death of Elizabeth Hopkins presented, and John Hopkins,
her son, being a Lunatick, John Goole, CI, his committee
1738 — John Hopkins' Death presented and William, his heir, ad-
mitted .
1742 — Joseph Glover.
1770 — William Gomery.
1777 — June 30, sold to Wm. Barker.
1789 — Wm. Barker bankrupt assigned to Jas. Wm. Pountney.
1800-1858 — Backhouse. 1874, Fox.
1681 — Manor de Bewdley.
Cur, Baron Prancisci Winnington Mil dui manu predicti ibm
tent, secundo die Julii Anno Dui 1681, — coram Henr. Toye gen.
Homaguim Johes.
Johes Soley gen,
Thomas Builton gen,
Johes Clare gen,
Johes Bury gen,
Petrus Brannch gen,
Humfs Yarranton, gen,
Walterus Palmer,
Thomas Weaver,
Joshua Smyth,
Thomas Farloe,
Thomas Jones,
Johes Huiton.
Ad hanc Cur. ven Thomas Farloe et Walterus Palmer duo cus-
tomarii, tenentes man.i pdi et virtute litere Attorn eis com et di.
visim fact, per Margaretam Hopkins vid. (relict Georgii Hop-
kins Clci defunct) un customar tenen huius Maner, gerend, dat,
primo die Julii . . . reddidit in manus dni . . . totum
illud messuaguim sive tent.m cum Corte gardin et pertinent eidim
spectan sive pertinent situat jacen et exisstend in Bewdley pd,
infra Man, istud in quodam vico ibui vocat Seavearnside nunc in
possessione Rogeri Dawkes int, Messuaguim quondom in separ-
ably ten.s Rici, Walker, Antonii Nott et Nathanielis Tandy, ap
Borealiparte et mess.m quondam in tenura Hugonis Yarranton
ex Australi parte et extend a vico pd ex orientali parte usque fos-
sam sive lncile ex occidentali parte ad opus etusum Willi Hopkins
Sacra Theologia Baccalaurei hered, et assig, suis in perpet.
PjUR first New England ancestor, John Wakeman,
^-^ before coming here was a timberman (timber mer-
chant) in Bewdley, England. This would be a position
of much importance at that time (Charles I ) as the Park
contained in 1612, 3,500 old trees. On Wyre Forest
(Wyre Hill) were many square miles of oaks. These
were being used up wholesale. The wood was wanted
for making charcoal to smelt the ironstone brought on
pack horses from the Clee Hill. The Furnace mill on
Dowles Brook has still mounds of refuse ironstone.
Michael Drayton in his " Polyolbion " about this time
speaks of " Goodlie Wyre " as
" Ashamed to behold
Her straight and goodlie woods unto the furnace sold,
And looking on herself by her decay doth see
The miserie whereon her sister forests be."
In later times coal took the place of charcoal for
smelting iron, and Lancashire became important.
In an old document by Edward Blount, endorsed a
memorial of many benefactions to Bewdley Grammar
school and to the poor of Bewdley, copied from the
original of 1643. (The memorial was probably a large
board with these particulars painted thereon.)
" The Memorial of many good Benefactors names
their gifts and benevolences to ye Free Grammar
School of Bewdley by divers psons decd- to yr gt praise
and the encouraging of others to imitate the like charit-
able good works. The said memorial being made in the
year of our Lord God 1643, At the Costs and charges of
Bewdley, England, 1633.
John Wakemanlate of the town of Bewdley,Timberman,
Francis Bromwicke, Gent, being then baliff, John
Hailes, Gent, then Justice, and Wm. Milton and John
Wilkes, gent, Bridgewardens.
1 'John Wakeman, late of this town of Bewdley, Timber-
man, by a certain writing under his own hand bearing
date A. D. 1640, did give the sum of 40 shillings for-
ever to remain as a stock for the Free Grammar School
aforesaid, the use whereof to be employed towards the
maintenance of the said Grammar School yearly. The
which sum is now in the custody of Mr. William Hop-
kins, Gent, who caused this table to be made at the cost
and appoint of the sd John Wakeman, his son-in-law, as
by ye sd writing more at large it doth and may appear.
"The memorial of many good Benefactors' names
who have bequeathed and given charitable gifts toward
the main1 of the poor people of this town of Bewdley
and parish of Ribbesford to yr g1 praise and encour-
aging of others to imitate yr like charitable good
works. The said memorial being made in the yr of our
Lord God 1643 at the cost and charges of Jno Wake-
man, late of this town of Bewdley, Timberman, by a
certain writing under his own hand dated A. D. 1640,
did give the sum of 40 shillings forever to be and re-
main as a stock for the poor people of this town and psh
of Ribbesford, the int thereof to be distributed amongst
ye poor yearly. The wh money is in the custody of
Mr. Wm. Hopkins, Gent, who caused this table to be
made at the cost of Jno Wakeman aforesaid."
Burton's " History of Bewdley," says of the Gram-
mar School " other benefactors were John Tyler, 1626,
Joan Tyler, John Wakeman, 1640, John Lowe, 1643,
Richard Vickaris, 1661, Thomas Cooke, 1693."
We give here a copy of the will of Mr. William Hop-
kins of Bewdley, father-in-law of John Wakeman, also
picture of his home in 1628.
Extracted from the Principal Registry of the Pro-
bate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High
Court of Justice.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the sixt day of May Anno
Dni, 1647, I, William Hopkins, of Bewdley, in the County of
Worcester, gent, callinge to mind the eternall decree of. Almighty
God that all men must dye, and consideringe my old age and the
Infirmities that accompany the same, And beinge att this time of
indifferent health of body but of perfect memory, the name of God
be praised for his goodnesse, do make and ordeyne this my last
will and testament in maner and forme followinge. First, I com-
mend my sowle into the handes of Allmighty God my merciful
father, hoping for salvacon and eternall lyfe only by the all suffi-
cient meritts and mercy of Jesus Christ my blessed Savior and re-
deemer, and the sanctification of the blessed Spirritt and my body
to the earth from whence ytt came to bee decently interred in the
pish church of Ribbesford att the discretion of my executrix here-
after named. And for and concerninge my reall psonall estate
which God hath given mee I dispose thereof as f olloweth : Item,
I give and bequeath the summe of six poundes to and for the vse
and vses hereafter mencioned, that is to say, That the same shall
bee layd owt or ymployed in some purchase or other certaine way
by the Bayliffe and Bridgewardens of Bewdley for the time being
whereby the benefitte and proffitte thereof arryseing shall bee
yearely distributed and bestowed the one moyety thereof for and
towardes the mayntenance of the Head Schoole Master of the
Free schoole, and the other moyetie to and amongst the most in-
digent poore people of Bewdley aforesaid, and the sayd six poundes
to remayne in the handes and custody of my Executrix till such
certaine way or purchase bee upon or setled by the partyes afore-
said. Item, I give to the poore of Beene Sagage the summe of
tenn shillings to bee distributed vnto them by my brother George
Hopkins. Item, I give to my Sonne, George Hopkins, all those
two messuages or tennemente with the closes thereunto adioyn-
inge with their appurtennce, the one comonly called or knowne
by the name of Weaver's howse, and close, and the other by the
name of Whittingtone Barne and close, scituate and being on
Barkehill within the manner of Bewdley, and all deedes wrytinges
and evidences concerning the same ; To haue and to howld the
the said messuages and premises wth thapptennce to my sayd
Sonne George, his heires and a^sigues from and ymediatly after
the deceases of my selfe and Helen my wife and Elizabeth my
daughter-in-lawe for and during all the then residue and remayn-
der of the terme of hue hundred yeares which shall-bee therein
to come and vnexpired as by lease thereof more at large appear-
eth. Item, I give vnto my sayd Sonne, George Hopkins, his
heires and assignes for ever All that my rent, charge or annuytie
of tenn poundes, and which I purchased of Alice Longmore,
widow, and haue yssuinge out of a certaine capitall messuage and
lande therevnto belonging att a place called Whoarstone in the
pish of Kidderminster and county of Worcester, now in the bondes
evidences and munimte concerning the same to haue and to howld
the sayd rent, charge and premises (from and ymmediatly after
seuall decease of mee and Helena my wife), vnto him, my said
Sonne George, his heires and assignes forever. Item, I give to
my sayd Sonne George the summe of tenne pounds to bee payd to
him within one yeare after my decease. Alsoe I give unto him
all such bookes as shall-be convenient for his own study att the
discretion of my executrix. Item, I give to Margaret, now wyfe
of my Sonne George, the summe of five poundes and to her first
child the summe of five pounds Item, I give to my daughter-in
lawe, Elizabeth Aly, now wyfe of Theophilus Aly, the sume of
twenty shillings. Item, I give to my sonne-in-law, John Wake-
man (of New England) and to Elizabeth, his wyfe, the sume of
tenne poundes a peece, and to their three children Samuel, Hel-
ena and Elizabeth, the like summe of tenne poundes a peece to
bee payd to them or for their vse within one year after my de-
cease. Item, I give to my sonne-in-law, Edward Walker, tenne
poundes and my gowne, and to my daughter, Anna Walker, the
sume of tenne poundes and all the estate residue, and remaynder
of the tearme of yeares which shall bee to come and unexpired in
the lease of my new dwelling howse To haue and to howld the
sayd lease and premisses wth thappttences (together with such
standarde there in the same howse as my executrix shall think fitt
to belong thereuuto), ymediatly after the deceases of mee and
Helena my wyfe, and Elizabeth Aly, my daughter in lawe, vnto
her, my said daughter, Anne Walker, and to her Executors, ad-
ministrators and assignees during all the then residue of the
tearme therein expired. Item, I give to my grandchild, Edward
Walker, five pounds and my best cloake. Item, I give to John
Richard, William, Joyce, and Elizabeth Walker, sonnes and
daughters of my sayd sonne-in-law, Edward Walker, five pounds
a peece within one yeare of my decease. Item, I give to my lov-
ing brother, George Hopkins, and his wife, ten shillings a peece,
and to the six children of my sayd brother five shillings a peece,
and to my cosen, William Hopkins, my rapier. Item, I give to
my sister Anne Clares children five shillinges a peece. And to my
brother-in-lawe John Reynolds, his children by my sister Mary,
five shillings a peece. Item, I give to my partn, Frauncis Bag-
get, all my part of the edge tooles belonginge to the trade of tan-
ninge, and I give to his wife halfe a crown. Item, I give to my
cosen, Anne Vicaris, daughter of Walter Vicaris, tenn shillings ;
and I give to euy of my servants that shall bee livinge with me at
the time of my decease two shillings sixpence a peece. Item, I
give the summe of forty shillinges to bee distributed by the over-
seere of the poore to and amongst the most needfull poore of
people of Bewdley within seven days after my funerall. All the
rest of my goode, chattelle, and cattell by this my will not former-
ly bequeathed I give to Helena, my wyfe, whom I make my sole
executrix of this my last will and testament, and I desire and
appoint my loving kinsman, Mr. John Hales and Mr. John
Wowen, Overseers thereof, and I give to them Tenne shillings a
peece in remembrance of my love. And I doe heereby vtterly re-
voke and make void all former willes, legacyes and bequestes by
me heretofore made or graunted whatsoever, in Witness whereof
I haue herevnto putt my hand and Seale the day and yeare first
aboue written.
Signed, sealed and published as his last will and testament in
the prsence of Humfry Burton, Scr Signum, Richard Crumpe.
Hugh Deacon x His Marke.
Proved 3rd February, 1647.
Here follows a copy of the will of our last English
ancestor, Francis Wakeman, of Bewdley.
Extracted from the principal registry of the Probate,
Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, I, Francis Wakeman, of
Bewdley, of the parish of Ribsford and dioce of Hereford Cowp,
being sicke in bodye but of sound and pfect memorie, thanks be
unto God, therefore doe make this my last will and testament (the
xixth day of August, Ano Dni 1626, and in the second year of the
raigne of our Soveraigne Lord, Charles, of England, Scotland,
France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith), in maner and
forme following, Impr. I comend my soule into the hands of the
Lord Jesus by whose death and meritts I beleeve the remission of
all my sinns and the enioying of everlasting happiness in the
Kingdome of Heaven, and my bodye to be interred in Christian
buriall in hope of a ioyfull resurrection (by the vertue of Christ's
resiirrection) to life eternall. Itm, I give vnto my sonne Samuell
my best brasse pott, excepting one and tenn pounds of lawfull
English money, to be delivered and paid to him by my executor
when he shall accomplish the age of fower and twentie yeares,
and if he dye before the said tyme the, my will is that the tenn
pounds shall be equallie divided among all the rest of my childre
then livinge. Itm. I give my sonne Joseph my best brasse potte
and twenty-two pounds of lawfull English money to be paid to
him by my executor whn he shall accomplish the age of twentie
on yeares, and if he die before the said tyme, then my will is that
the xxiij£ shall be equallie divided amongst all my childrn then
livinge. Itm, I give and bequeath to my daughter Priscilla for-
tie-two pounds to be paid unto her by my executor at two several
tymes (viz.) the on halfe of it wthn six moneths after my decease,
and the other halfe att the end of the yeare after my decease. It
I give to my daughter, Anne Wakeman, my biggest brass pann, a
paire o£ fiaxon sheetes, on towell, on pillow, beere two pewter
dishes, half of a dozen of napkins, and fortie-fower pounds of law-
ful English money to be paid unto her whn she shall accomplish
the age of sixteen yeares, concerning which legacie of fortie-fower
pounds, my will is that twentie pounds thereof, being now in the
hands of my sonne-in-law, William Davies, of Gloucester, Cowp,
shall remayne with him till my daughter Anne accomplish the age
of sixteene yeares, prvided that the said William Davies enter into
bond and give sufficient securitie to my executor for the paying
in of the said xx^ whn my daughter Anne comes to the age of six-
teene yeares, and if my executor be careles of the taking se-
curitie for the payment of it thn he to paie it att the time
appointed to my said daughter Anne, and for the other xxiiii^, pt
of the fower and fortie pounds, my will is that it remayne in the
hands of my executor till my daughter Anne accomplish the age
of sixteene years, and my will also is that my executor shall paie
yeerelie to my daughter Martha or her husband, William Davies,
the sume of xxs towarde the mayntenance of my daughter Anne,
soe long as she shall continue with them and noe longer; and if it
happen that my said daughter Anne doe not continue wth them
till she come to the age of sixteene yeares thn my will is that the
xxs shall be paid yearelie towards her mayntenance where she is
abydinge, and further, my will is that if my said daughter Anne
dye before she accomplish the age of sixteene yeares, that then
the twentie pounds in William Davies' hands shall remaine the on
halfe to his wife Martha and the other to his daughter, Sarah,
and the twentie-four pounds which is in the hands of my executor
to be equallie divided amongst all the rest of my childre then liv-
ing, except my daughter, Martha Davies. It, I give and bequeath
to my daughter, Hester, my best brasse pott, the best candle-
sticke, a paire of flaxon sheetes, on pillow beere, half a dozen of
napkins, two pewter dishes, on tablecloth of flaxon, and fortie-
fower pounds of lawful English money, to be paid to her wn she
shall accomplish the age of sixteene yeares. And my will is that
my sonne, John Wakeman, shall have the tuition of my said
daughter till she come to the age of xviteen yeares, and if she dye
before that tyme, my will is that my sonne John shall have xx^ of
her legacy, and the rest of her legacy, given to her by this, my
will as aforesaid, shall be equallie divided amongst all the rest of
my childre then living, except my sonne John. It, I give to
Sarah, my daughter, wiffe to Richard Hubball, fower pounds, and
I give alsoe to Richard Hubball, her sonne, xxs, wch summe of
five pounds is alreadye in the hands of my sonne-in-law, Richard
Hubball It, I give to Martha, my daughter, wiffe to William
Davies, ten powndes, and I give to Sarah, her daughter, xxs wch
eleven pounds is alreadye in the hands of the said William
Davies, my sonne in-law, It, I give to Mary, the daughter of
John Wowen wch he had by my daughter, Mary, three powndes,
and to John, his sonne, wch he had alsoe by my said daughter
Marye, three powndes more of lawful English money to be delivered
unto the said John Wowen their father att the six months' end
after my decease, to be employed presentlie by him in some law-
full manner for their use and benefitt till Marye, the daughter,
accomplish the age of sixteene yeares, and till John, the sonne,
accomplish the age of xxi yeares, and thn to be paid vnto thm by
their father or his assignes w'h such lawfull pfxtt or benefit that
may be made thereof, and if eyther of the said childrn should dye
before the tyme specified, that thn the survivor to have the other's
portion wth such benefitt as is made thereby ; and my will also is,
that my executor shall have the oversight of these legacies for the
good of the said children, It, I give to John Phinley of the Wyer
Hill xs It, I give to my brother, John Wakeman, three pounds,
to be paid wthin two yeares after my decease by such sume or
sumes yerelie as my executor shall thinke fitt. It, I give twenty
shillings to be employed for the benefitt of the p>ore of Bewdley
forever att the discretion of the Baylieffe and Justice of the said
towne for the tyme being, and of my overseers during their lives.
It, I give to my Sonne John, all my working tooles and the re-
maynder of the yeares in the lease of my now dwelling house. It,
the remaynder of my household stuffe unbequeathed I give to my
sonne John and my daughter Priscilla, to be equally divided be-
tweene them. It, all the rest of my goods unbequeathed wth all
catties and chattels whatsoev, bills, bonds, debtes, &c, I give unto
my sonne, John Wakeman, and of this, my last will and testa-
ment, make him my full and sole executor, and I intreate M.
Hammons, Minister and Rector of Ribbesford, M. Hopkins of
Bewdley, and John Wowen, my son-in-law, to be overseers of this,
my last will and testament, and for their paines I give each of
them ten shillings.
Francis Wakeman x his marke- Wytnesses here-
unto William Hopkins John
Proved, 7th November, 1626, ~) I Certify that this Copy has
Fos. 17, O. B. I been examined with the Original
HK. I* Will deposited in this Registry and
123 Hele. J that it is a true copy therof.
J. R. HARVEN, Registrar.
THE following data lately collected is inserted, as it
contains some early English genealogy of our
family as far back as the year 1070. To be strictly
reliable, however, this data should be confirmed by
wills or other record evidence :
From Burke's "Landed Gentry" for 1852, vol. ii.
PP- 1483-4-
Family of Wakeman of The Craig (Monmouth) :
John le Wake, Wyke, or Wakeman, according to the
pedigrees preserved in the family, was living at the
time of the Norman Conquest, and married the heiress
and daughter of Malcolm de Vuseburne or Visberye, a
king's thane, and settled at Ripon, in Yorkshire, the
chief magistrate of which town was called the Wake-
man, but whether the family took its name from the
office or the office from the individual, is uncertain.
The great-grandson of the first John was
William Wakeman, who had lands in Oxfordshire,
temp Richard I., and is mentioned in several records of
that reign; he had issue a daughter, Celina, who gave
lands in All Saints, Oxon, to the Priory of Stodley.
Third in descent from Thomas, a younger brother of
this William, was
Sir Thomas Wakeman, who married Isabella, dau. of
Sir George Hastings, and left issue, two sons, I, Robert,
who married a dau. of James Allington, and left a son,
I, Thomas, a monk, living in 1280,
II, William, who m. Alicia Tamworth, and had issue
George, through whom the line is continued.
Seventh in descent from George Wakeman aforesaid,
was William Wakeman, who was settled in Worcester-
shire, and left issue two sons, John, of Drayton, in the
parish of Chadsley Corbet, co. Worcester, with whom
all the modern pedigrees in the College of Arms com-
mence and of whom hereafter, and William, a priest,
parson of Kidderminster in 1473 to 1479.
John, of Drayton, m. Alice Wormslay, and was
father of
William, of Drayton, who m. a dau. of Godespayne,
and had issue,
I, William, his heir.
II, John, last Abbot of Tewksbury, and first bishop
of Gloucester, who had a grant of the present arms
of the family. He d. in 1549, having made his will
dated the same year. (See Part II.)
III, Thomas, of Southwick, in the parish of Tewks-
bury, who was mentioned in his brother's will. He m,
and left issue,
1, John, devisee under his uncle's will d. s. p.
2, William, legatee under his brother's will. He m.
and had issue.
1, Thomas, of Southwick, respecting which estate he
was engaged in a chancery suit; he was in Holy Orders,
and presented to the rectory of Flyford Flavel, co. Wor-
cester, in 1560. He died in 1600-1, leaving issue
Robert (Dr.) who was b. in 1576, fellow of Baliol
College in 1596, prebendary of Exeter in 1616, in which
year he obtained a grant of arms, the original of which
is now in the possession of Thomas Wakeman, Esq., of
The Craig, co. Monmouth. He m. Thomasina, dau. of
William Shepheard, of Beare Ferrars, Devon, and had
issue, Thomas, b. 1612, Robert, b. 1615, Judith, b.
1608, Elizabeth, b. 1910. He died 1629.
2, William, d. in 1573, having left a will, in which
his wife, brothers and children were mentioned.
3, Nicholas, a monk, of Tewksbury Abbey, at the
dissolution, and had a pension 4, Margery.
IV, Richard, of the My the, near Tewksbury (which
he purchased in 1557), m and had issue,
1, John, mentioned in the Bishop's will, removed into
Norfolk, m. and had issue,
Robert, who d. s. p. in 1595-96, leaving a will in
which his mother, brother and sister are mentioned.
John, who m. and d. in 1598-9 (in whose will his wife
and sons are named) leaving issue,
John, who m. a dau. of Thos. Drawers, and d. s. p.
leaving all his property to his father-in-law. It is sup-
posed his brothers had all previousty d. s. p., and that
this branch is entirely extinct.
2, Richard, mentioned in his uncle's will, m. a dau. of
Pinock, and had issue, a dau. who was sole heiress.
1, Johanna, mentioned in her uncle's will.
2, Alicia, who m. George Badger, of Presbury, co.
The eldest son, William Wakeman, m. a dau. of
Clarke and had issue,
1, Roger, of Drayton, who was living in 1588, m. a
dau. of Haselwood, and had issue,
1, William, of Drayton, and The Mythe, co. Glouces-
ter, whose will is dated 1587, and mentions all his chil-
dren. He m. 1st a dau. of Stratford, and 2nd, Ann,
dau. of Richard Trotman, by the former of whom only
had he issue, viz :
Edward, of the Mythe, near Tewksbury, who m.
Anna, dau. and heiress of Edward Pert, and had issue,
viz: Edward, of The Mythe, d. s. p., John, who m. a
dau. of Pecke, of Norfolk; William, of The Mythe, d.
Sept. 1 68 1, leaving issue by his wife Elizabeth, who
was supposed to be enceinte at his decease, as appears
by his will. Edward, under age in 1681, Elizabeth, un-
der age in 1681; Ann, who d. unm. in 1693, and was
buried at Tewkesbury; Mary; William, whom, and was
father of Robert, of London, who was a legatee under
the will of his cousin, William.
2, Richard, of Hanley castle, co. Worcester, who was
co-trustee with his elder brother for their cousin John,
son of Richard, of Beckford.
3 Thomas, settled in Ireland and m. dau. of Lord
Chief Justice of Ireland.
4, Edward, of Monmouth and Gloucester (will dated
1588-9), who was a clergyman and deacon of Mon-
mouth, m. Joan, dau. of Arye, of co. Hereford, and
had issue Thomas, of Exeter, who was living in 1620,
m. Judith, dau. of Thomas Spicer, Alderman, of
II, Richard (of whose line we treat).
Richard Wakeman, of Beckford, co. Gloucester, had a
grant of the present arms in 1586 (see frontispiece in
colors), being the same that had been previously granted
to the bishop. He m. Joan, dau. of William Thorn-
bury, Esq., in 1567, leaving issue by his said wife (who
d. in 1598).
I, John, his heir.
II, Richard, of Kelshall, co. Suffolk, who m. Alianora,
dau. of Walter Wyndsor, and had issue, 1, Henry, of
K el shall; 2, Thomas, d. s. p.; 3, Richard, a goldsmith
in London; 4, William; 1, Catherine, who married, 1st
Thomas Green, of Stamford, co. Essex; and 2nd,
Thomas Harrington, of Bilston, co. Salop; 2, Anne; 3,
Elenor; 4, Chrysogona.
Ill, John, who was killed in Barbary.
1, Anne, who m. Thomas Clotbrooke; II, Elizabeth,
who m. Connon Parsons, of Kemmerton, co. Worcester;
III, Margaret, who m. Thomas Dauncey, of Gotherton,
co. Worcester; IV, Agnes, d. young.
The eldest son, John Wakeman, of Beckford, a bar-
rister of the Inner Temple, m. Margaret, dau. of Ed-
ward Nevill, Lord Abergavenny, and widow of
Lewknor, Esq., and had issue, a dau. Mary, who d. in
infancy. He m. 2ndly, Ursula, dau. of Edward Gif-
ford, Esq., of Chillington, and by her had issue,
I, Edward, his heir.
II, John, b, 1595 and d. s. p. previously to 1625.
III, Thomas b. 1598, who was apprenticed to Alder-
man Gower in London, and d. s. p., young.
I, Maria, b. 1590, d. young, before 1625.
II, Chrisogona, b. 1594, m. John Badger, of Pool
House, and left issue, a dau. his heir.
He m. 3dly, Ann, dau. of Ward, widow of
Rogers, of Harlacking, and by her had issue, one
dau. Jocosa, who m. Edward Napper, Esq. of Oxford-
shire. The eldest son,
Edward Wakeman, Esq., a barrister of the Inner
Temple, m. Mary, dau. of Richard Cotton, of Warb-
lington, co. Sussex, and by her (who d. 17th July, 1676)
had issue,
I, Richard, his heir,
II, George (Sir) who was sent abroad very early in
life, and brought up to the medical profession. On his
return to England he was engaged in a conspiracy
against Cromwell's government (during the time of
Ireton's being lord-mayor), together with a Captain
Lucy, in consequence of which he was imprisoned, and
only recovered his liberty at the Restoration. He was
created a baronet in 1660. In 1670, he was appointed
physician to the queen, and in 1679 was brought to trial
on the accusation of Titus Oates, for a pretended con-
spiracy to poison the king, but was acquitted. He
afterwards retired to Paris where he d. s p., but the
date of his decease is not ascertained.
Ill, Edward; IV, Francis, whom, and d. in 1685, s.p. ;
V, John; VI, Joseph, who was living in 17 18.
I, Mary, II, Lucy, III, Catherine, IV, Teresa.
He d. 9th Sept., 1659, aged 67. The eldest son,
Richard Wakeman, Esq., was a major in the royal
army, temp Charles I. and II. At the breaking out
of the civil war he raised a troop of horse from his ten-
ants and dependents, and served during the whole of
the war. At the battle of Worcester he was seriously
wounded, but contrived to escape to his own house at
Beckford. His property was seized by the parliament,
and was not recovered till the Restoration. The loss
sustained by the family was estimated by the son at up-
wards of ,£18,000. He m. Ann, dau. of Benedict Hall,
Esq., of Highmeadow, co. Gloucester, and by her had
issue, I, Benedict, who d. unm. 6 Aug. 1729; II, Henry
of whom presently; III, Edward, d. s. p. I, Anne,
who m. Francis Hinde. Esq., of Standon, Herts;
II, Mary; III, Elizabeth. He d. 31 Aug., 1662. His
second son,
Henry Wakeman, Esq., m. Frances, dau. of William
Higford, Esq., of Dixton, co. Gloucester, and Dorothy,
his wife, dau. of Robert, Vicount Tracy, and had issue,
I, William-Plowden, who m. Frances, dau. of An-
thony Wright, Esq., of London, and by her (who d. in
1763) had issue,
1, Benedict, d. s. p., 2 Oct. 1765; 2, Teresa, d. unm;
3, Frances, who m. William Jones, of Tidenham, co.
Gloucester. She d. s. p. in 1796. He d. 1765.
II, Henry, of whom presently.
III, Francis, d. s. p. in Paris in his youth.
IV, Benedict, d. s. p. young.
V, Robert, d. s. p. young.
VI, Edward, d. s, p. young.
I, Elizabeth, m. Owen, Esq., and went to
II, Margaret, who m. William Welsh, Esq., of Eves-
III, Ann, who m. Henry Long, Esq., of Upton-
upon-Severn, co. Worcester.
IV, Winefrid, d. unm.
V, Teresa, a nun.
VI, Dorothy, m. John Griffith, Esq
VII, Catherine. The second son,
Henry Wakeman, Esq., m. 1st, Mary, dau. of Ed-
mund Bracy. Esq., of Beoley, co. Worcester, and 2ndly
Ann, dau. of Bradshaw, Esq., and widow of
Kenedy, Esq. (who d. in 1789), by the former of
whom only he had issue.
I, William, of Beckford, d. unm. in 1836.
II, Edmund, who m. Lucy, dau. of Baily,
Esq., and had issue, Henry-Joseph, who d. s. p. in
1813; and Teresa-Appolonia, whom. William Constable
Maxwell, Esq., of Everingham, co. York, and had
III, Henry, who m. Frances, dau. of Baily,
Esq., and d. 7th April, 1820, leaving issue, 1, Henry
of London, who m. Mary, dau. of Bowyer, Esq.
of Kempsey, co. Worcester, and d. in 18 14, having had
issue, Walter, who m. Sybilla-Philadelphia, dau. of
Pasmore, of London, and had issue William Plowden,
b. in 1829; Walter, b. in 1832, and Sophia-Sybilla, who
d. in 1839; Mary, Elizabeth, who is married.
2, Thomas, d. s p. ; i, Frances, who m. Tal-
bot, Esq., 2, Mary, d. unm. 1842.
IV, Walter, who m. 1st, the widow Chinn,
Esq., and 2ndly, Mary, dau. and heir of Wil-
liams, Esq., of Little Malvern, d. s. p.
V, Charles, of whom presently. 1, Elizabeth, who
d. young. II, Mary, who died unm. ; III, Teresa, who
d unm., 1833; IV, Frances, who m. Thomas Porter,
Esq., and d. s. p. ; V, Ann, who d. unm. in 1833; VI,
Appolonia, who d. unm. in 1830. He d. in 1787. His
fifth son,
Charles Wakeman, Esq., m. 1784 Ann, dau. of
Thomas Davis, Esq., and by her (who d. in 1839) left
at his decease, in 1836, one surviving son, the present
Thomas Wakeman, Esq , of The Craig.
Arms. — Vert, a saltier, wavy, erm.
Crest. — A lion's head, erased, vomiting smoke and
Motto. — Ora et labora.
Seat. — The Craig, near Monmouth.
PART 11.
The statement as to the Bishop's arms is in-
correct, for both in the Herald's College and in Bed-
ford's " Blazonry of Episcopacy," it is controverted,
showing that the Bishop '$> personal arms were Party per
fesse indented, sable and argent, three doves rising
Here follows the Patent of the Grant of Arms to
Bishop John Wakeman.
Omnibus Christi Melibus has presentes litteras Inspecturis aut
audituris, Thomas Hawlay, alias Clarencieulx principalis Her-
aldus et Rex Armorum partium Australium occidentalium et
orientalium hujus Regni Anglie a Rivola Trent, versus Austrum
cum debita commendacione salutem.
Equitas vult et Racio postulat quod homines virtuosi laudabilis
dispositionis et vite honorabilis sint per eorum merita honorati et
remunerati in suis personis existentes in hac vita mortali tam
brevi et transitoris et in quolibet loco honoris pre ceteris exaltati
demonstrando signa et exempla virtutis ac etiam humanitatis vi-
delicit scutum cum Insigniis honoris ea intencione ut per eorum
exempla alii magis conentur eorum vitam exercere in operibus
et factis clarissimis quibus assequantur et impetrent famam
antique nobilitatis. Et ideo ego predictus, Thomas Hawlay, alias
Clarencieulx Rex Armorum partium predictarum non solum ex di-
vulgata fama verum etiam ex meo et ceterorum Nobilium fidedig-
norum testimonio sum veraciter instructus et informatus quod
Reverendissimo in Christo pater dominus Johannes Wakman sacre
Theologie Baccalarius Episcopus Gloucestren, diu in virtute
claruit bene discrete et Religiose se ipsum gessit et gubernavit
adeo ut mereatur et dignus sit in omnibus locis honorum admitti
honorari reputari numerari acceptari et recipi in numerum et con-
sortium aliorum veterum illustrium virorum. Igitur ob memorium
ejus tante virtutis et humanitatis per auctoritatem et potestatem
mihi Clarencio Regi Armorum officioque meo per verba in litteris
patentibus per illustrissimum Dominum Regem concessis speciali-
ter expressa ordinavi et assignavi prefato Reverendissimo Domini
Johanni Wakman Scutum cum insigniis honoris ut Inferius
gallice declaratur: " Cest a dire Sable et Argent indente per fece
troys demy Aigletz volans entrechangez du champ en chef ung
Crosyer dor entre les deux Aigletz, le baston Dargent ;" ut latius in
scuto hie depicto apparet; " Habendum tenendum et occupandum
eidem Revereudissimo Domino Johanni Wakman et ut ille in
his ornatus sit ad ejus honorem in perpetuum."
In cujus Rei testimonium Sigillum meum ad arma cum sigillo
officii mei Regis Armorum presentibus apposui et manu mea
propria subscripsi.
Datum Londini primo die Martii Anno Domini, Millesimo quin-
gentissimo quadragesimo primo et Regni Regis Henrici octavi
As to the arms of the See we find in Bedford's
" Blazonry of Episcopacy," " Azure two keys in Sal tire
Or" (Authority, " Hardy's Le Neuve "). Woodward's
' ' Ecclesiastical Heraldry" says as to the Arms of the See,
" Gloucester Azure two keys in Saltyre, wards in chief "
(plate xxii. p. 3,) the Pauline Sword was added to the
keys of St. Peter in early times but latterly dropped out
of use as appears by some old carvings in the Cathedral.
It is hoped that it may be restored to its place ere long.
The original arms of the See are said to have been those
of the old Earls of Gloucester (the Clare family).
The above genealogical matter is inserted be-
cause of its historic interest to our family, but we can-
not consider ourselves descended from either the bishop,
who was a celibate, nor from Sir Richard Wakeman,
whose arms are our frontispiece. The theory of our
descent from Roger Wakeman (seepages 10 and 11) is the
only trace we have of our ancestry prior to Francis, of
Bewdley. Yet there is probably not the slightest doubt
of our descent from one of the brothers of the bishop or
from one of his father's brothers. This would make
Sir Thomas (before mentioned) our direct ancestor.
SAMUEL WAKEMAN, son of Francis, of Bewdley,
Worcestershire, England, came to New England in
November, 1631, in the ship Lion, Captain Pierce, and
settled in Roxbury, November 2, 1631, and was made
freeman the seventh of August following, being one of
the founders of the first church in Roxbury.
He probably removed to Cambridge, and was repre-
sentative at the May session, 1635, and removed with
Governor Haynes, or rather, as his forerunner, to Hart-
ford, in April, 1636.
He was made constable and was engaged in adjusting
the bounds of the first settlement of Windsor and
Wethersfield. He was killed in the summer of 1641,
with Captain Pierce at Providence in the Bahamas, as
told by Winthrop, vol. ii., p. 43. His estate was, in
December, 1645, settled on Nathaniel Willett, who had
married his widow, Elizabeth, but he was to pay ^40
to the son when twenty-one years of age, and ^20 to
each of the three daughters on their arriving at the age
of eighteen years. They were all young, for the church
records of Roxbury inform us that he buried his only
child at sea coming over, and his first born here by
Elizabeth was Elizabeth, who married Joseph Arnold;
Joanna married Francis Hacleton, and Grace married
John Kelly.
The Captain Pierce referred to above went with others
to relieve English colonists in the Bahamas who were
suffering from the cruelties of the Spaniards.
(The above account is from Savage's Genealogical
Dictionary of first settlers in New England, p. 387.)
The following is from John Winthrop's " History of
New England from 1630 to 1640":
One Samuel Wakeman, a member of the church at
Hartford, who was sent with goods to buy cotton, cast
himself down by him (Captain Pierce) and presently a
great shot took them both. Mr. Pierce died within an
hour, the other (S. W.) having only his thighs tore,
lived ten days.
This Samuel Wakeman left one son, referred to
above, whose name was Esbun or Ezbon. The follow-
ing notice of him is from Savage's " Dictionary ":
"Wakeman, or Wakman, Esbun or Isbun, Stratford
among the freeman, 1669, son of Samuel at Hartford,
had lived at New Haven 1653, married at Guilford,
Hannah Jordan, but before 167 1, had purchased estate
at Fairfield, Conn., where he died 1683, leaving only
daughter, Abigail, who married Thomas Hill."
There is one mention made of his name on the re-
cords of New Haven Colony, 1653 to 1665, p. 391, where
his name is spelled Esburne.
JOHN WAKEMAN was an early member of the
Colony of New Haven. The first time we find his
name mentioned is in the list of Freemen "of the
Courte of Newhaven," held June 4th, 1639.
p.* There are seventy names on the list, the fortieth
of which is " John Wakeman."
17, 18. The next is an autograph signature to the
articles of agreement for both church and state of the
Colony of New Haven, which are in the language fol-
lowing :
" W hare as, there was a fundamental agreement made inagen-
erall meeting of all the free planters of this towne, on the 4th day
of the fowerth moneth called June that church members only
shall be free Burgesses, and they only shall chose among them-
selves magistrates and officers to h[ve] the power of transacting
all publique ciuell affayres of this plantatio: of makeing and re-
peli[ng] lawes, deviding inheritances, deciding of differences
thatt may arise, and doeing all things and businesses of like
nature. Itt was therefore ordered by all the said free planters
thatt all those thatt hereafter should be received as planters into
this plantatio should also submit to the said fundumentall agree-
ment and testifie the same by subscribing their names vnder the
names of the aforesaid planters as followeth."
Here follows the names of the signers, of whom John
Wakeman was one.
4.1. " Att a generall court held at Newhaven the
2nd of 7th M., 1640," John Wakeman and fourteen
others " were appoynted to view the Meadowes, to sett
*The figures at beginning of paragraphs in this chapter refer to the pages
on which the matter printed may be found in the New Haven Colony
Records, 1638 to 1649.
down before lotts be cast what allowance is equall to be
cast into the acre where the meadowes are bad. "
58. He was chosen deputy of " Newhaven Planta-
tion," October 27, 1641.
62. "Gen1"'11 Court the 25th of 12th mon, 1641.
Bro. Thompson, bro. Clarke, bro. Miles, bro. Wake-
ma, bro. Atwater, bro. Francis Newma, bro. Perry
and bro. Craine are desired to know the minds of their
severall quarters, how many are contented to exchange
their land in the neck for land in the oxe pasture."
6g. "At a Generall Court, the 6th day of the 2nd
moneth, 1642, Mr. Malbon, Mr. Gregson and Mr.
Wakeman chosen deputyes for the halfe yeare next en-
7^. " Att a court held at Newhaven 4th of the 3rd
moneth, 1642, Two of bro. Wakeman's men is excused
fr5 watching for the present, because of their employ-
ment at Powgassett." (Powgassett was the Indian
name of Derby.)
J 8. "A Gen'r'll Court of Elections, the 26th of the
8th moneth, 1642, att Newhaven.
"Mr. Malbon, Mr. Gregson, Mr. Gilbert and Mr.
Wakeman are chosen deputyes for the ensueing yeare
to assist in the Courts by way of advice, butt not to
have any power by way of sentence."
yg. " Att a Court held at Newhaven the second of
Neum, 1642,
Forasmuch as the causeway to the west side, beyond the
bridge, is damaged by the cows going thatt way, before the work-
men had fully finished the same, It is therefore ordered that
John Wakeman, Joshua Attwater, John Clarke, and Anthony
Thompson, shall view the damage and sett down what, in their
judgmts, they conceive is for the workmen to have in the way of
satisf actio."
The bridge named above was at Westville, where
there was a tract of land called the " Cow pasture."
85. John Wakeman "Chosen Deputie for the next
half yeare."
705. <; A Court held at Newhaven the 2d of August,
"Whereas, there is a difference depending betweene Robert
Ceely and Daniel Paule aboute a note of agreement betweene
them vnder both their hands with both their consents, itt wass
referred to Mr, Malbon and Mr. Wakeman to arbitrate and de-
termine as they shall see cause."
"A difference allso betweene Will Fowler and Stephen Metcalfe
about a tresspasse, wth both their consents was referred to Mr.
Malbon and Mr. Wakeman to arbitrate and determine as they
shall see cause."
"Forasmuch as itt appeareth by the testimony of Lawrence
Warde that Margaret Perre, alias Bedforde, now wife to Nicholas
Gennings, was to be servant to Captayne Turner vnto the full
tearme of four years from the time of her first coming to him, but
she, running away with the said Nicholas, before the said tearme
was expired, it was ordered that the said Nicholas, her said hus-
band, shall make satisfactio to Captaine Turner (her said mar),
for that loss of time, according as it shall be arbitrated by Mr.
Gregson and Mr. Wakeman, who are desired by the court to do
the same.
" And the said Nicholas is to make two-fold restitutio for those
things wch are confessed to be stolen from the said Captaine
ng. John Wakeman was chosen Deputy October 30,
1643. Again, " 5th of the 2nd Moneth, 1643."
125. "A Genr'll Court held at New Haven the 25th
of March, 1644, ' Chosen Deputy.' "
126. " Vpon a propositio made by those who have
the small lotts that they may have the Bever Meadowes
granted to them by the Genr11 Court, itt was ordered,
that Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Gilbert, Goodman Gibbs, and
Mr. Pearce shall view the Meadowes and certifie the
Court if they conceive itt may nott be inconvenient for
the towne to part with itt. "
137. '« At a GenrI1 Court held at New Haven the 1st
of July, 1644." The governor of the colony, Theophi-
lus Eaton Esq. , took the oath of office as governor,
and then another oath as a free Burgess, after which he
administered the same oath to the different planters of
the colony. Among these planters the name of John
Wakeman appears.
14.3. "At a Genr11 court held the 5th of August,
1644, Mr. Malbon, Mr. Lamberton and Mr. Evance,
having seriously considered the great damage wch this
town doth suffer in many wayes by reason of the flatts
wch hinders vessells and boates from coming neare the
towne when the tyde is anything low, did propound to
the court thatt if they will grant them four dayes worke
for every man in the towne fro 16 to 60 yeares old,
towards the digging of a channell, and let them have
the benefit of a wharfe and warehouse (wch they will
build) upon such tearmes as shall be agreed betwixt
themselves and a comittee (whom they desired the
court then to chuse to treat with the about itt), they
will dig a channel wch shall bring boates (att least) to
the end of the streete beside Will Preston's house, att
any time of the tyde, except they meet with some in-
vincible difficulty wch may hinder their digging the
channel so deepe.
" Whereupon it was ordered thatt they shall have the
help propounded by them (viz.) four dayes worke of
every male in the towne from 16 yeares old to 60, those
that cannot worke to hyve others to worke in their steads,
and those that can, to worke in their owne persons.
And that Mr. Robert Newman, Matthew Gilbert, John
Wakeman, Will Gibbord, Jasp Craine, Will Andrewes,
Anthony Thompson, and Robert Ceeley as a comittee,
wth the advice of the Governor and magistrates to treat
with the said undertakers, and agree upon such tearmes
as may be equall and for the publique good, setting
down in writing whatt is done and expected on either
14.8. John Wakeman chosen Deputy "the 24th of
October, 1644."
160. "At a Court held in New Haven the 8th of
April, 1645.
" Mr. Malbon required satisfactio of Mr. Caffins for
damage done in his come att severall times, once by his
swine and another time by his cattle, wch was valued
att eight bush's each time, butt Mr. Caffins aleaged that
the damage came by defect of their owne fence wch
was not made up betweene the clay pitts and their
corne. The case being somewhat darke, wth consent
of both parties it was referred to John Wakeman, Rich'd
Miles and Jasper Craine to view and arbitrate and de-
termine, or else to report to the court how they
finde itt. "
161. " Captaine Turner having received eighteen
pounds and eighteen shillings of Mrs. Higginson's estate,
and John Wakeman fifteen pounds also of said estate,
have both severally ingaged their houses and lands att
Newhaven unto the Court of Newhaven for the true pay-
m't thereof in current country pay at the full end and
tearme of five years from October last past, together
wth 3s. att every pound for the consideratiS of said
171. " Att a Generall Court held at Newhaven the
22nd of Octo: 1645.
" Mr. Goodyeare. Mr. Evance, Mr. Gibbord, Mr.
Wakeman, Mr. Francis Newman and Mr. Atwaterwere
chosen to audit the accompts of the former treasurers.
1 J 4. "At a court the 3rd of December, 1645 :
" Brother Wakeman and Brother Miles reported to the
court that they had (as the court desired them) viewed
the clay pits, way and fences adjoyninge, in reference
to the difference betwixt Mr. Malbon and Mr. Caffinch,
and found that the way to the clay pitts was to lye
open, but the quarter that lay on the one side could not
accomplish their part of the fence, and therefore haveing
planted, were forced for safeguard of their corne to
make a fence crosse the said way wth rayles wch way
the other quarter driving their cattle and sometimes
leaveing*? oppen the rayles and sometimes breaking
them, much damage hath been done by cattle and hoggs.
Whereuppon the court determined that the quarter that
should have fenced and did not, must bear the damadge,
and those that have tresspassed in breaking and leaving
open gates or rayles shall contribute, and desired the
afforesaid committee to take some more paynes for the
settling of it."
185. "At a Generall Court held the 23rd of Febru-
ary, 1645:
186. ' ' It was ordered, that brother Wakeman and
brother Gibbord shall goe with brother Brocket to se
the lott belonging to Thomas Fugill at the West Rocks,
measured and surveyed, and report to the court what
distance it is from the Center and what quantity of land
there is. "
221. 222. "Att a Generall Court held at Newhaven,
the 16th of March, 1645:"
It having been found by a survey made that " Thomas
Fugill " had " tauen in by fencing aboue, tweDty-eight
acres of cleare land, and twenty-four acres of wooddy
and hilly land, and though he vnderstood that some of
the church and probably some of the towne were offend-
ed at this, his vnjust course, yet in some yeares he
had neither procured a survey nor advised with the
Court about it, though from time to time, he had suffi-
cient opportunitie. This being considered, was found
and judged a publique unrighteousness, and so a pub-
lique offence and scandall, wch may not pass without
due censure. It was remembered that when Thomas
Robinson, one that is noe planter, for removing some
land marks in an unrighteous way for his present ad-
vantage, in the grass then to be cutt, though he could
not hold nor get the inheritance, had been lately fined
40s. in court. Mr. Wakeman and Lieutenant Seeley
were therefore desired to advise wth the magistrates
and deputies whether the offence be not more proper
for the court of Magistrates than for the Newhaven
monthly court, and onn the towne's behalf they were
ordered to prosecute accordinglie.
But the court was further informed that besides the
former vnrighteousness in the quantity of land, a small
part lying within two miles, he had severall ways offen-
ded and falsified orders ; in entering this order made
November the 29th, 1640, the grant in the substance
was this, that he should have his second division of the
cleare ground by the west rocke, provided it were not
within the two mile, nor granted to any other, and by
sundry in court it was remembered that he was
bounded and limitted within two rivers; butinhisbooke
of noates when taken in court, he hath left out the two
mile, hath added (or so much as he desires) of wch
clause he can give noe satisfactory reason; itt was
neither by him so propounded, nor was it any part of
the court's order. And as whereas besides his booke of
noates, before mentioned, he keeps two other bookes,
whereof the latter is to be a faire and lasting recorde,
besides the former materyall defects they differ from
his booke of noates in other respects. In both of them
that clause (if not granted to any other) is left out, and
a clause is added in such manner and with such cir-
cumstances as gives much offence. For Mr. Cheever's
and Mr. Wakeman's heareinge of his vnrighteous in-
closure, desired to see how the grant was penned. Mr.
Cheevers read it in Mr. Wakeman's and Thomas Fugill's
heareinge; he is assured and knoweth that at that time
the order ended with these words, or as much of it as
he desires. Mr. Wakeman conceiveth that clause
(according to his propportion) , was not then in the booke,
they both affirm that vpon that ground Mr. Cheevers
tould Thomas Fugill that the order was unlimited and
not easily transgressed and seemed to marvayle that
men should speake of his takinge in too much lande,
but added, you mean according ,to yor proportion.
Thomas Fugill closed both that that was his meaninge,
(yet said not it was soe entered or Avritten), and that
men would be talkinge. Mr. Cheevers, when they were
gon from Thomas Fugill's house, repeated the order to
Mr Wakeman, and presently after wrott it downe
according to wch he reported to Lieutenant Seely how
it was entred, who confidently replyed that the entry
soe made was a falce entry. This soon came vnto
Thomas Fugill's knowledge, but when the booke came
after to be viewed, the line affording room these words
were added (according to his proportion), but with
other pen and inke, a less character and crooked, as
wth a trembling hand."
' ' The booke vppon occasion being brought and left
wth the governor, Mr. Cheevers observed and was
offended at this alteration, and at a meetinge wth Thomas
Fugill before the governor and elders, questioned him
about it; Thomas beginninge to justifie himselfe, the
governour, to prevent further rashnesse and sinfull ex-
pressions, by way of caution, told him the booke was
within and he had viewed it, and if he could judge of
writing, these words were added and written after the
former part of the order with other pen and incke, and
wth a different character, notwithstanding wch, Thomas
Fugill boldly replied, that if the governor would give it
he would presently take oath they were written at one
and the same time with the rest ; but the booke being
brought out, the difference was so apparent that Thomas
Fugill was forced to chang his expression and said he
would take oath it was not written since Mr. Cheever
saw and read the order ; herevpon his second book was
sent for, out of wch this record was coppied, and therein
also (the line affording roome), the same words
seemed to be added, the difference in writinge (though
not soe much as in the greate booke), was cleare and
evident, wch miscarriadge of his gave offence to all
present; but this second booke being by the governour
and elders since viewed, they severally, but each of
them strongly, apprehended that a pen and blacker
incke hath bin drawn over it, their being now either
none, or a difference so small, as is scarcely discernible,
yet Thomas Fugill being questioned againe and againe,
denieth it."
" Thomas Fugill was reprimanded for his falce re-
cords and for his profanity in offering to make oath to
the correctness of his records, and by the court he was
presently put out of his office of secretrie for this plan-
John Wakeman was chosen Deputy for the " Jurisdis-
diction court," which was held April, 1646.
" It was desired that a view might be made of the
land behind Mr. Wakeman 's and Mr. Goodyeare's quar-
ters in the reare of their divizions. Alsoe what land
lyeth behind the Yorkshire quarter for ye small lotts."
John Wakeman lived on the corner of what are now
Chapel and York streets, New Haven, having bought
the house and land originally assigned to Widow Bald-
win, who went to Milford.
" At a Court holden April 7th, 1646:
" Brother Wakeman and Brother Seeley were desired
to view the meaddow Mr. Goodyeare desireth at his
farme, and to returne their thoughts of it to the court. "
John Wakeman was Deputy for the Jurisdiction Gen-
eral court held October 26, 1646.
"At a Court held at Newhaven the 5th of January,
1646, Mr. Wakeman acts a prominent part in a matter
respecting the loss of a ' vessell or shallop.' "
"At a General Court held the 10th of March, 1646:
Whereas, there hath bin a question about a highway
to those at Oyster Poynt, it is ordered, that Mr. John
Wakeman and Brother Anthony Thomson shall issue it
by order of this court and consent of the qurter. "
"Brother Wakeman, Brother Myles and Brother
Davis vpon request of Brother Mitchell were to view
some land desired by him at the playnes "
"At a Genr11 Court at Newhaven 17th May, 1647:
When ' viewers ' were chosen for the several quarters.
For Mr. Wakeman's quarter, Mr. Wakeman and
Thomas Osborne.
" It was ordered by consent of the planters of Mr.
Wakeman's quarter and Mr. Evance quarter, that Jasp
Crayne and Francis Newman shall consider of the fence
in difference betwixt them and soe end it may bee, if
not, to report back to the court again."
"At a Genl Court held at Newhaven 5th July, 1647,
Mr. Wakeman 'and eight others were appointed ' as a
Committee vnto whom all questions concerning the
sheepe businese is reffered. At the same Court a re-
port was given by Bro. Wakeman and Bro. Anthony
Thompson to issue, and their thought beinge that it
will be best, as they conceive, answer all the quarter if
the highway runne through the middle of their lands.
The persons referred to not being satisfied with the re-
port, it was recommitted for further consideration by
the committee and the parties interested "
"At a court held at Newhaven this 5th October, 1647,
Mr. John Bracy allynats vnto Mr. Kitchell his house
and home lott contayninnge 2 acr and halfe, and
25 ac. of upland lyeing in Mr. Wakeman's quarter, next
Mr. Wakeman's land, and 5 acr. of meaddow, be it
more or less, lyeing at the end of Mr. Wakeman's quar-
ter in the west meaddowes, and 9 acr. of upland, be the
same more or less, lyeing in the neck, wth what com-
onag remained yt vnsold."
"Roger Knapp complayned of wrong don him by
Mr. Coffinches' swine and money dew to him, but could
not get it, but by consent of both parties G. Judson and
Mr. Wakeman were chosen to arbitrate and end the
"At a Court held at Newhaven the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1647.
"George Ward and Lawrence Warde, plaintiffs, de-
clare against the company of merchants of Newhaven,
viz'd. Mr. Theophilus Eaton, now governor, Mr. Stephen
Goodyeare, Mr. Richard Malbon, Mr. Thomas Gregson.
In this suit Mr. Wakeman acted a prominent part. In
his testimony, Lawrence Warde saith that the feoffees,
viz'd., Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Atwater, Mr. Crane and
Goodman Myles, can saye something in this matter.
' ' Mr. Wakeman saith for the bargaine he can saye
nothing, but a little before Mr. Gregson went some
mottion was made to them the said feofees to paye, wch
was very strange to them ; and therevpon they mett at
the governor's wth the merchants. Goodman Warde
was there and aleaged his want of paye. The mer-
chants conceived it belonged to the feoffees to paye, but
they thought it belonged to the rigging and could not
consent to paye anything towards them. In that meet-
ing many speeches passed betwixt Mr Lamberton and
Goodman Warde, and as the said Mr. Wakeman re-
membereth, Goodman Warde said Mr. Lamberton and
Mr. Gregson acted with hime, and minded Mr. Gregson
of that speech with him in Mr. Davenport's streette.
Mr. Gregson seemed not to remember it thoughe hee
denied it not, but said withall, that he did it as a service
to ye feoffees. These feoffees denyed yt. Therevpon
Mr. Gregson seemed somewhat moved, and said to the
gouerner, 'if they will not paye, then I shall leave my
share, but then I will have them in my or our custody
and will be payde before they pass.' "
"At a General Court the 18th of October, 1647, John
Wakeman was chosen ' Deputy to the generall courte,'
and also to ' audite the treasurer's account for the year
"The Gouvernor acquainted the Courte that vpon
notice of the generall courte's order to staye the Duch
shipp wch was seized and caryed out of this harboure by
the Duch, the Duch gouverner hath sent a letter and a
protest against Newhaven for it, professing he will have
controversie only with Newhaven, and requires us to
send the three prisoners and the Duch Marchants and
their goods to them to the Mannatoes, with some threat-
ening speeches if we doe not.
As there was danger of war with Dutch settlers on
Manhattan Island, now New York, "the governor
therefore desires the courte to consider what shall be
done." The matter was duly considered, and, "the
things being many, the courte agreed that a committee
be chosen to consider and proceed therein as they see
cause, and by the generall consent and vote, the pticu-
lar courte for Newhaven, calling to them Mr. Evance,
Mr. Wakeman and Lieutenant Seeley, had full power
granted to them to consult, consider and conclude,
bothe concerning, receiving and protecting the Duch-
men wth all matters aboute fortification, the place and
manner, wth all other things thereto belonging."
In a foot note on page 354 of the Records from which
these facts are gathered, we are informed that the
" shipp " above mentioned was named the St. Beninico,
which the Dutch, claiming to be a smuggler, by a
stratagem, seized and cut out of the harbor on a
Sunday and carried to New Amsterdam, where the ves-
sel and cargo were confiscated.
" Att a Generall Courte the 23rd of March, 1647,
" Mr. Robert Newman propounded to the courte, that
ther quatr and the next wher Mr. Ceffinch lives, desires
that they might have on third pt of ther land within the
two myle exchanged for so much of heither end of the
playnes, because that on the hill is so stoney they can-
not plant it and yett is better for pasture than ye
plaine. The courte considered of it and chose Mr.
Malbon, Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Crane and Lieutenant
Seeley as a committee to view and consider of what
they propound and howe it may stand with the towne's
conveniency or inconveniency and to make a report
back to ye courte."
" Att a Courte held at Newhaven the 5th of Septem-
ber 1648.
" Henry Bishop informed the courte that he had
according to the court's order ye last court indeavored
to issue the matter in difference betwixt him and Mr.
Davenport butt could gitt none. He was asked who he
spake with to doe it, he named Mr. Wakeman, Mr.
Tuttill & Richard Milles. The court thought they were
fitt men & sent for Mr. Wakeman to desire him to take
this upon him, but he was not at home. Richard Milles
being in court declared himself vnwilling, but the court
agreed that they must chuse some to doe it, and ap-
pointed Mr. Wakeman & Richard Milles, two wch Henry
Bishop chose himself, and Mr. Crane & Francis New-
man chosen by Mr. Davenport. And the court ordered
that these foure men vizd Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Crane,
Richard Milles, & Francis Newman, doe take the case
into their hands and consider of it, and if they can to the
satisfaction of Mr. Davenport and Henry Bishop to
issue it, if not then to inform themselves so fully that
they maye be able to informe ye courte how it stands,
that they maye have what light they can, further to
proceede. "
Mr. Davenport owned a farm which was worked by
Henry Bishop. The difficulty grew out of this relation.
" At a Generall Court the 9th of October, 1648.
" The Governor propounded to ye court to know what
c5rse they would take to prevent the damadge that is
done in corne and meddowes, for he heares great com-
plaints; there are orders in force, but wheither was not
necessarie to make some stricter order aboute swine
and fences, or that some other course might be taken
that these damadges might be prevented, and wheither
thay will debate the matter now or chuse a committee
to prepare the matter against another court, but any
one might now propound what way he thinks of, that if
they chuse a committee they maye consider it. The
court agreed and voted to chuse a committee to consider
and prepare the matter against another court."
Mr. John Wakeman and eighteen others were chosen
to act as such committee.
" At a Generall Court the 3d day of January, 1648.
" It is ordered that the court with Mr. Evance & Mr.
Wakeman audit the treasurer's accs for ye yeares past. ''
14 At a Generall Court the 10th of March, 1648.
" Leiutenant Seeley propounded that the court would
consider of some other waye of rateing men then is set-
tled by lands, for divers men wch had good estates at
first and land answerable, whose estates are sunke and
they not able to pay as they did, & divers prsons whoe
had land for their heads, whose estates are smalle, yet
paye great rates, and others whose estates are increased
haveing but little land paye but a small matter to
publique charges. Divers others in the court concurred
with him, whereupon the court chose a committee to
consider of it and prepare for another court. The com-
mittee are the pticular court (calling in the elders for
any help or light they want), and one out of each quar-
ter of the towne."
Mr. Wakeman was the third of ten on said com-
" At a Generall Courte the 25th of June, 1649.
" It was propounded that the oxe pasture might be
fenced at the towne's charge, and whether it would not
be profitable to ye towne that it should be planted three
or 4 yeares & after iaid again for an oxe pasture, and it
was referred to the consideration of ye committee chosen
for rates the ioth of March, 1648 (the pticular court ex-
cepted), viz'd Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Wakeman and others,
& yt they inform ye court what they judge of it."
"At a Generall Court for Newhaven the 29th of
Sept., 1649.
' ' It was propounded and debated that some course
might be taken that fences might be made better, that
swine might goe abroade, that some fields might be
onely for planting Indian corne, and not plant Indian
and English together ; that ye fence might be brought
to a less quantity that men might ye better maintain
them. The court considered of the things and thought
the)^ were weightie and of great concernment to the
towne, therefore ordered to chose a comittee to consider
and debate these things privately and prepare it against
another court. The comitee chosen is the pticular
court, and one at each quarter viz'd Mr. Tuttill 'and
others,' of whom Mr. Wakeman was one."
The committee met twice for consultation, made ex-
tensive inquiries as to "how rates are carried on in
other places," and made their report to the "Generall
Court the 15th October, 1649."
Radical modifications of the mode of "rating" were
made by this court, and to finish the work, ' ' the court
chose a comitee wch are hereafter mentioned whoe are
to meete on the 6th day next at 4 o'clocke in ye after-
noone to consider and draw up ye severall rate wch they
thinke every man shoulde paye and then to present it to
ye gouernor and magistrats whoe are to consider of it,
and if they finde it just, pass it, but if neede be, vpon
any man's just complainte, they have power to releive
' ' The comitee chosen for this work of rateing are two
men out of each quarter, viz'd, Mr. Tuttill " and nine-
teen others, of whom Mr. Wakeman was one.
The last item shows that the number of " quarters "
in the original plan of " Newhaven " was ten.
" Mr. John Wakeman is chosen treasurer."
"At a General Court held at New Haven for the
Jurisdiction, the 30th day of May, 1655, Mr. John
Wakeman is chosen Deputie for Newhaven."
It waz propounded to know whether Powgassett is
not in this jurisdiction, but Mr. Wakeman, one of the
owners, and at this present a deputie for Newhaven, de-
sired a little time of respite before he gives answer.
John Wakeman chosen "Deputie" October the
19th, 1655.
At a General Court of Elections, held at Newhaven
for the jurisdiction, the 28th of May, 1656.
Mr. John Wakeman chosen "Treasurer," and was
also a " Deputy."
At this court, "John Frost, servant to Mr. Gibbard,
being called and examined aboute the burning his mas-
ter's house & etc." confessed his guilt, and after due
consideration, the court desiring to be very lenient,
"considering he is young " (aboute fourteene yeares of
age), and also somewhat childish in his way, agreed to
spare his life (though the offence be exceedingly
haynious and aggravated wth many circumstances), but
that the following sentence should be executed upon
him, viz. : " That the said John Frost should be a ser-
vant for one and twenty yeares from this time, five or
six of which yeares belongs properly to Mr. Gibbard,
being a remainder of ye time of service to him due vpon
a former agreement, and for the other time, fifteene or
sixteene yeares be it more or less, the profitt thereof
shall be divided betwixt Mr. Gibbord and Mr. Wake-
man (vpon whom the loss fell) in due proportion when
their several losses are made known ; that he shall be
seuerely whipped with rods iitt for that purpose ; that
he weare a halter about his necke and a small light lock
vpon his legg, so as they may be seene ; that he stand
in the pillory such a space of time as the magistrates
shall thinke fitt, and if he shall goe out of ye jurisdic-
tion with-out leave, he shall be lyable to be questioned
for his life again, wch sentence was by gen. court or-
dered to be published by the magistretes of Newhaven
the next trayneing day, wch will be ye 9th of June, and
then also, as the case requireth, to be executed "
The neighbors being afraid that if this boy was held
to service by Mr. Gibbord he would burn their build-
ings, and as his "wearing a lock on his legg would
make his services of less value to his master." " The
court told Mr. Gibbard that they could not force any
man to take him, but if he cannot imploy him himselfe
to satisfaction, he may treate with any other, as Mr.
Wakeman, the Marshall or Jno. Cooper, aboute the iron
worke, and if he can agree with any of them to satis-
faction, the courte will be content, but if no comfort-
able closeing can be so as he may stay here, but that in
the issue he must be sent away, and it may be back to
England to his father, then the courte of Magistrates
must meete to consider of some further punishment to
be inflicted, for example and terror to others, that none
may be imboldened to take such courses, and if the lock
prove inconvenient and a hindrance to his laborer, it is
left to the court at Newhaven to alter that part as they
shall see cause."
" At a Court of Magistrates held in Newhaven 26th,
12th rro: 1656."
"John Tompson entered an action against the estate
of Mr. Jno. Roberts which is in the hand of Mr. Wake-
man for the property comprising said estate to be paid
over to his, Tompson's wife, claiming that Roberts was
engaged to be married to her some 4 yeares previously,
when he promised if he never returned from England
for which he then sailed, that she should have his prop-
erty." In that trial " Anthony Elcott also vpon oath
affirmeth, that he heard Mr. Roberts say both at water
side and aboard the vessel when he went away that if
he proved inconstant, or whether he lived or dyed, he
gave that he had here to Ann Vicars, and she might
goe to them (meaning Mr. Wakeman & Mr. Ling, whom
he intrusted with his estate) and take what she
"An inventorie of the estate of Thomas Wheeler,
late of Newhaven, deceased, was presented, amounted
to ^196 :03s. :o8d., taken the second day of the nth
mo., 1656, prised by Matthew Gilbert and John Wake-
man, and by them testified vpon oath to be a true
appris'm't according to their best light, at a court held
at Newhaven ye 6th of nth mo. 1656, and Elizabeth
Wheeler, the widow of ye deceased, vpon oath affirmed
that according to her best knowledge it is a full and
true inventorie of her deceased husband's estate."
John Wakeman was ' ' chosen Treasurer and Deputie
ye 27th of ye 3rd Mo., 1657. Also to both offices 26th
of May, 1658."
" At a Court of Magistrates, held at Newhaven for the
Jurisdiction, the 31st of May, 1658, an inventory of the
estate of ye Theoph. Eaton, Esqr., was presented,"
with the amount and other items stated. " Mr. Math.
Gilbert, Mr. John Wakeman & Mr. Richard Miles at-
tested upon oath yt the apprisement was iust according
to their best light."
" At a Court of Magistrates held at Newhaven for
the Jurisdiction, the 23rd of May, 1659.
:' Joseph Alsupp, attorney for Robert Grey of Salem,"
brought an action to recover "^20 from Mr. John
Wakeman "for a claim against " Mr. Roberts," whose
estate was left in the hands of " Mr. Wakeman and Mr
Mr. Wakeman claimed that Mr. Ling- was dead, that
there was none of Mr. Roberts' estate in his hands, and
that it had been agreed that " Mr. Goodyeare " should
pay this claim
" The court having heard the case thns prsented both
plant' & defend1 declared that the sentence of New-
haven court, wch Mr. Wakeman heard and owred,
should have been an obligation vnto him to see the
estate forthcoming for the payment of the debt de-
manded, who had yt sole power of that estate devolved
vpon upon him, and did the therefore order yt Mr.
Wakeman shall pay to Joseph Alsupp ^20 for the use
of Robert Grey of Salem, but the damages demanded
wth the charges of ye court to be borne by the plint',
who hath not seasonably p'scuted in this business &
thereby occasioned loss to ye default. "
John Wakeman chosen " Treasurer at a court holden
May 25th, 1659."
" At a Court of Magistrates held at Newhaven for the
Jurisdiction, the 19th of October, 1659."
Mr. John Wakeman and others were "allowed and
established to be commissioners " on the estate of ''Mr.
Stephen Goodyeare, merchant, late deputy gouernor &
planter in New England," who died in London "in the
yeare 1658." "They were to give in iust account to
the court of magistrates at New Haven of whatsoever
shall be by them so done whensoever it shall be called
for and required, that righteousness may be attended
in that trust, and a standing record be kept for the view
of any that desire satisfaction about the whole carriage
of the business."
Among the creditors " to the estate " were :
Mr. John Wakeman received " ^061 15s. ood."
Mr. Samuel Wakeman received "^031 19s. 6d."
" Henry Tomlinson of Stratford being warned to the
court, appeared, to whom it was declared that sundry
of or friends and neighbors are unsatisfied concerning his
late acting at connecticute, in a way of unjust molesta-
tion of the gouverno1". "
1 ' Mr. Wakeman said that it was in vniust molesta-
tion of the cheife officer of the jurisdiction when sent
out vpon the service of the country."
" At a Court of Magistrates held at Newhaven the
28th of May, 1660.
" The last will and testament of Wm. Davis, late of
Newhaven, deceased, was presented, made the 18th of
the 6th moneth, 1659, by the oath of Mr. Wakeman &
Elinor Glower, proved the 6th of December, 1659, at a
court in Newhaven."
Mr. John Wakeman was one of the appraisers of this
" An inventory of the estate of John Walker, late of
Newhaven, deceased, was presented, taken in the
month of December, 1659, by Tho. Kimberly & Heniy
Glour, amounting to ^19 12s. 5d., attested by Mr.
Wakeman vpon oath to be a full inventory to the best
of his knowledge, & by ye apprizers, that ye apprizmt
was iust according to their best light, at a court at New-
haven the 6th of December, 1659. "
" The last will and testament of Hanah Beacher, late
of Newhaven, deceased, was prsented, made the 13th of
June, 1657, proved at a court in Newhaven ye 5th of
Aprill, 1659, by ye oath of Matthew Gilbert & John
Wakeman." Mr. Wakeman was an appraiser in this
"At a Court of Elections held at Newhaven ye 30th
May, 1660, for the Jurisdiction.
"Mr. Wakeman chosen Treasurer & William Gib-
bard to supply his place if God by his providence should
disable Mr. Wakeman (who was now sicke), for ye
discharge of that trust." "Deputies Mr. John Waketnan
and Lieut John Nash."
" At a Court of Magistrates held at Newhaven Octo-
ber 17th, 1660.
"Mr. Wakeman & Mr. Augur in behalf e of the
creditors to the estate of Mr. Stephen Goodyeare, de-
ceased, appeared, to present an attchmt vpon the estate
of Mr. James Mills, to the value of 10^."
"An inventory of the estate of Mr. Francis New-
man (the late Honrd Goevnor of this Colony), amount-
ing to 430^ 02s. o7d., was prsented, & by the widdow
of the deceased, attested to be a full inventory
of her late husband's estate, to the best of her
"Mr. Wakeman, Deacon Miles, John Cooper, vpon
oath, attested to the vallew yl it was iust, according to
their best light, at a court held in Newhaven ye 5th day
of March, 1660, 1661."
John Wakeman was chosen magistrate May 29, 1661,
but did not take the oath of office.
"At a Generall Court held at Newhaven for the
Jurisdiction, the 29th of May, 1661.
"Mr. John Wakeman propounded to the court con-
cerning the late gouers sallary (he being deceased) how
much they would allow of it to be payed, and it was
vnanimously concluded to allow halfe the years sellary,
and alsoe that ye charges of his funerall bee borne by
ye jurisdiction, as Gouernr Eatons was."
"The remainder of ye Court of Magistrates which
began May 27th, 1661.
" Lt. Jno. Nash was appointed a trustee (for ye
creditors to Mr. Goodyeare 's estate) in the stead of
Mr. Jno. Wakeman, he being to remoue and desiring
The following evidence is presented to support the
theory that the two burial stones now standing in the
rear of the Center Church, New Haven, marked
E. W., 1658, 1657/8, are those of Elizabeth Wakeman,
7wt? feed wide* k higk>, Serine thick
£Ui& darAjbones Headftone
the wife of Mr. John Wakeman. Our reasons for be-
lieving this are 1st, that she was the daughter of Mr.
William Hopkins, of Bewdley, England, " a gentleman
of rank and fortune," and there is no record of any one
else whose name has the same initials as dying there
within five years of 1658, the date on the stones. Some
have presumed them to be erected to Edward Wiggles-
worth, who died in 1653; but this is hardly probable,
as his estate was only ^400, and he left a wife and chil-
dren, who would be liable not to reduce their small in-
heritance by purchasing two burial stones in times
when they were very expensive. Nor do we find that
Mr. Wigglesworth had occupied such position of fame
or renown as to at all warrant the surmise that his
fellow citizens would expend their hard won shekels
on burial stones for him ; 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Wakeman
was given a seat in the church in February, 1656, but
was not mentioned in the next allotment of seats.
Further, we find in the Colonial records the following
that goes to show or indicate that Mrs. Wakeman had
died prior to 1659.
From general court, held April 1, 1661, Mr. Wake-
man was nominated at the court of election for a magis-
trate, after which Mr. Wakeman declared that he
thought the unsettled condition he stood in would have
spoken sufficiently to have prevented any such action
concerning him. When the question being put to him,
whether he did not intend to stay amongst us, to which
he answered that he was not resolved whether to go or
stay, rather than he would accept of the place he would
remove. They had therefore done nothing in what
they had done. Therefore it was safe to nominate some
other. It was propounded that another might be nomi-
nated, which by lot was so determined.
Mr. Wakeman 's will was executed April 4, 1660, and
in it he makes no mention of his wife. Now, as it is
hardly presumable that a man in his position would
have failed to have mentioned his wife in his will had
she been living, we consider she must have died be-
tween 1656 and 1660.
A theory has been advanced that these stones were
not erected to the memory of a person of very much
prominence. Then why were two stones erected and
elegantly lettered, one a headstone and the other a foot-
stone, and this in times when money was scarce, and
when no other stones were set up?
Mr Wakeman's children were well married prior to
his will, his son marrying a daughter of Deputy Gov-
ernor Goodyear, one daughter marrying Lieut. -Col.
John Talcott, of Hartford, and the other married Sam-
uel Kitchell, of Newark. With his children all well
provided for, it was natural that a man of Mr. Wake-
man's position and means should mark the grave of his
wife, who was of a family of position and fortune.
"An inventory of yl part of ye estate of Mr. John
Wakeman (lately deceased at Hartford), left within
this jurisdiction, with certain debts therein included
due from some at Stratford, taken the 21st of October,
1 66 1, apprized by Roger Ailing & James Bishop,
amounting to ^299 17s. ogd. ; proved in court at New
Haven, Octob. 30th, 1661."
NEW HAVEN, l66l.
" An Inventory of yt part of Mr. John Wakeman, his
estate (lately deceased at Hartford), which is left in
this jurisdiction soe farr as his executors have light to
present it, taken & appraised by Roger Ailing & James
Bishop, the 21st of Oct., 1661."
£ s. d.
Impr. One Great Brass pott & one little one, .... 2 00 00
One grindstone, two vatts, & one mault mill, . . 3 02 00
One shayne & one timber shayne o 14 06
One Hatchitt, one wolf trap, & 6 augurs, ... o 13 08
Some old iron, old axes, & augurs, &c, .... 2 19 04
Two old netts & some old pewter, & old brass, . o 12 00
Some more iron things, an old spade, iron &
Bill 2 08 00
£ s. d.
3 powder horns & one pound of powder, a tin
pot, o 03 06
Some old locks and keys & a marking iron, . . o 03 06
A piece of an iron square & an adze, o 03 00
Three shirts & some old books o 15 00
4 Bands, one cap & a Handkerchief, o 05 00
A wine cup & saucer, 15 Harrow tines & 2 hoops, o 12 03
An old jug & jar, & an old payre of shoes, ... o 04 06
An old sack & coat, a payre of shoes & stockings, 2 11 00
2 old caps and hat, an old trunk & old things
in it, o 13 06
2 Bedsteads and cords, & two Blankets 2 07 00
One old chest & a parcel of nayles o 12 00
Some old casks with some other old things, . . o 12 00
2 tubs, one iron kettle & pot hangers, o 13 00
A cob iron, a flasket, 2 sieves, & a piece of brass, o 04 10
One half bushel, glass bottles & a gaily pot, . . o 06 06
One joint stool, one clothes stool & 2 Indian
mats, o 10 00
In mares & horses, young colts, 45 10 00
In cows & young cattle, 15 10 00
One ewe & lambs, . 1 00 00
One silver bowl, 3 10 00
One table & forms, one frow(?) & one iron
crow 1 05 00
One gun, two payre of shears & one little kettle, o 16 00
One cutting knife & 35 lb. of tobacco, 1 04 10
In wampum & Silver, 1 18 10
In debts due to the estate about, 180 00 00
In lands & meadow, 28 00 00
299 17 09
The above is a copy made from the inventory in the
archives in New Haven, but the writer will not vouch
for the correctness of the footings.
The following is taken from "Wills and inventories
recorded from 1651 to 1663, 2nd volume of Records of
Court of Probate, Hartford Colony, " librarian's office,
"The inventory of ye estate of Mr. John Wakeman,
taken Sept. ye 24, Ano. 1661."
£ s. d.
Impr. Wearing clothes & purse, 27 12 06
Moneyes in old England, 05 00 00
Pr silver spoons, 02 10 00
Haberdashers' wares, Silk, Buttons, Tapes, . . 03 14 05
Books with papr books and paper, 12 ro 00
30 yrds ossenburgs and other linen, 04 00 00
132 yrds of linen of several sorts 07 03 00
17 yrds Nor Stuff and Chist with drawers,. . . 02 13 00
Scotch cloth and small things, 02 15 co
14 yrds Grogran, &c, 01 14 00
Table Linen and Bed Linen 19 10 06
Pewtr Brass and box with small things, .... 04 09 06
Coverlid, Cnpboard, cloth curtains & vallons, . 04 06 00
Curtains, Blankets and Bedding, 14 08 00
Broad cloth, Searg & Leather, 06 17 00
Blankit Stuff and Trucking, 06 13 00
22 yrds cotton cloth, 1 pr scales & wire 07 06 00
3 Chests and candles, 02 18 00
Ammunition .... 03 05 00
Nails & Smalls, 05 09 06
Chaines, Sawes, Sithes, Tooles, old Iron, . . 13 01 00
157 16 11
Per Richard Lord,
Wm. Wadsworth.
The above is a copy made from the inventory in the
archives in New Haven, but the writer will not vouch
for the correctness of the footings.
The original will of Mr. Wakeman is on file in the
probate office in Hartford, and is as follows:
I, John Wakeman of New Haven being weake in body, but of
sound vnderstanding and memory, in expectation of my great
change doe make this my last will and testament. First, I corn-
end my soule into the hands of my Lord Jesus Christ my re-
deemer, trusting to be saved by his merits and intercession, and
my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors and
friends, in hope of a joyfull resurection; testifying my thankfull-
ness for the free manifestation of his grace to me in Christ, and
for the liberty and fellowship vouchsafed me with his people in
his ordinances in a Congregational way, which I take to be
the way of Christ, orderly walked in according to his rules, but I
doe testify against absolute independency of churches, and per-
fection of any in light or actings, and against compulsion of con-
science to concur with the church without inward satisfaction to
conscience, and persecuting such as discent vpon this grownde,
which, I take to be an abuse of the power given for edification by
Christ who is only Lord of the conscience.
As for my outward estate and worldly goods that God nath
given me which I shall leave, my iust debts and funerall charges
being satisfied, my will is thus: First, I give vnto my daughter
Helena, wife to John Talcott of Hartford, twenty pounds to be
wholly at her own disposal, and to her husband, my son in law
Talcott, fiue pounds, and my best beaver hatt and band, and to
ech of theyre three children fiue pounds apiece, namely vnto
John, Elizabeth and Samuel, all to be payed within six months
after my decease.
It. I give vnto my son Samuel Wakeman's two sons, namely
Samuell and John, ten pounds apiece.
It. I give vnto my daughter Kitchells daughter Elizabeth
ten pounds.
Item. I give vnto my brother in law Adam Nicholls of Hart-
ford my cloath cloake and the suite of the same which was my
cousin John Walker's, and my grey hatt, and I give vnto his
wife, my sister Anna Nicholls, ten pounds to be wholly at her
own disposing, and to theyr four children twenty shillings apiece,
namely, John, Hannah, Sarah, and Ebenezer, all which is my
will should be paid to them wthin six moneths after my decease.
It. I give vnto Hanna Cheevers fiue pounds, to be set apart
and improued for her at the end of one yeare after my decease as
my ouerseers shall see meete vntill shee come to eighteene yeers of
age (which is the tyme agreed vpon for her continuance wth me
or mine), or till the tyme of her marriage, prouided shee marry
wth the consent of my executors and ouerseers, or wth the consent
of any two of them.
It. I giue to my servant Thomas Huxley my short gun with a
rest, and my hanger which he vseth to traine with, vpon his good
behauiour, that is if he shall carry himselfe honestly and faith-
fully in his place and seruice to the satisfaction of my executors
and ouerseers, or with the approbation of any two of them,
Item. All the rest of my estate, goods, lands and debts, what-
souer, I giue and bequeath to my son Samuel Wakeman. and to
my son in law and daughter Samuel and Elizabeth Kitchell as
followeth, that is when all my debts and legasyes are discharged
the way of Christ, orderly walked in according to his rules, but I
doe testify against absolute independency of churches, and per-
fection of any in light or actings, and against compulsion of con-
science to concur with the church without inward satisfaction to
conscience, and persecuting such as discent vpon this grownde,
which, I take to be an abuse of the power given for edification by
Christ who is only Lord of the conscience.
As for my outward estate and worldly goods that God hath
given me which I shall leave, my iust debts and funerall charges
being satisfied, my will is thus: First, I give vnto my daughter
Helena, wife to John Talcott of Hartford, twenty pounds to be
wholly at her own disposal, and to her husband, my son in law
Talcott, fiue pounds, and my best beaver hatt and band, and to
ech of theyre three children fiue pounds apiece, namely vnto
John, Elizabeth and Samuel, all to be payed within six months
after my decease.
It. I give vnto my son Samuel Wakeman's two sons, namely
Samuell and John, ten pounds apiece.
It. I give vnto my daughter Kitchells daughter Elizabeth
ten pounds.
Item. I give vnto my brother in law Adam Nicholls of Hart-
ford my cloath cloake and the suite of the same which was my
cousin John Walker's, and my grey hatt, and I give vnto his
wife, my sister Anna Nicholls, ten pounds to be wholly at her
own disposing, and to theyr four children twenty shillings apiece,
namely, John, Hannah, Sarah, and Ebenezer, all which is my
will should be paid to them wthin six moneths after my decease.
It. I give vnto Hanna Cheevers fiue pounds, to be set apart
and improued for her at the end of one yeare after my decease as
my ouerseers shall see meete vntill shee come to eighteene yeers of
age (which is the tyme agreed vpon for her continuance wth me
or mine), or till the tyme of her marriage, prouided shee marry
wth the consent of my executors and ouerseers, or wth the consent
of any two of them.
It. I giue to my servant Thomas Huxley my short gun with a
rest, and my hanger which he vseth to traine with, vpon his good
behauiour, that is if he shall carry himselfe honestly and faith-
fully in his place and seruice to the satisfaction of my executors
and ouerseers, or with the approbation of any two of them,
Item. All the rest of my estate, goods, lands and debts, what-
souer, I giue and bequeath to my son Samuel Wakeman, and to
my son in law and daughter Samuel and Elizabeth Kitchell as
followeth, that is when all my debts and legasyes are discharged
(which my mind is should be out of my estate as it ariseth indif-
ferently, and at the prises comon in this jurisdiction) : my will is
that my son Samuel Wakeman shall have two third parts of that
my whole estate that remaineth, and my son and daughter
Kitchell the other third part equally betwixt them, and my will is
that my daughter Elizabeth Kitchell shall have that part of hers
wholly at her owne disposing. And I doe make and appoint my
son Samuel Wakeman and my son in law Samuel Kitchell to be
joyntly executors of this my last will and testament. Alsoe I doe
intreate my beloved friends and bretheren, Henry Glouer and
James Bishop, to be ouerseers of this my will, and for theyr paines
herein I give vnto ech of them ten shillings. And I further de-
sire my deare and louing sisters, my sister Davis and sister
Glouer to assist my executors and ouerseers with theyr counsell
and help in prizing, diuiding and disposing things equally to
mutual satisfaction, according to the true intent of this my will,
which I subscribe with my hand this 18th day of 4th month, 1660.
In the presence of
" On the back, — This may certifie that Martha Davis and Ellen
Glouer have attested vpon oath that this is the will of Mr. John
Wakeman, lattly deceased, before me, Mathew Gilberte, Deputie
Governor, this 2nd of 8th month, 1661."
Inventory taken by Richard Lord and William Wads-
worth, September 14, 1661, amount, ,£157 16s. nd.
Mr. John Wakeman was deacon of the first church in
New Haven.
The first mention of Samuel Wakeman, son of John,
in N. H. Colony Records, is among those who took
"oath of fidellitie ye 7th, 2nd mo., 1657." Samuel
Wakeman is the third on the list.
The second is where he appears as a creditor to the
estate of Stephen Goodyeare, already noted.
"At a Gene1 Court held at New Haven, for the
Jurisdiction, the 28th of May, 1662.
"Mr. Samuel Wakeman desired to ppound some-
thing to ye court about some monies stopt by ye
jurisdiction treasurer which was due to his father from
ye jurisdiction, first concerning fiue pound eight shill-
ings that was brought to account after the auditt, the
matter appearing cleare onely forgotten by Mr. Wake-
man then the court did allow it. 2, Concerning the
wampum giuen in as jurisdiction stocke to ye deputies
for sixty-foure pounds, and they finding some at six a
penny and some at eight, the prsent treasurer Roger
Ailing would not soe accept without the allowance of
this court, Leiftennt Bell, Mr. Robt. Kitchell & John
Cooper testified y* wn they audited Mr. Wakeman's ac-
counts, then, Mr. Wakeman told ym y* this wampum
was soe received, viz., some at six a penny and some at
eight, thervpon this Court allowed it soe to be received
(as it was writ vpon) by ye treasurer, the jurisdiction
bearing the losse. 3, Concerning twenty shillings
wanting in tale in a parcell of wampum yt was sent to
ye Dutch by Mr. Hodshon, Mr. Samuel Kitchell testi-
fied that it was ten pounds sent in a baskett by his fa-
ther Wakeman to be putt off, and he further sd yt his
father received it for ten pound, but coming backe
upon the tale of it to Roger Ailing there was but nine
pound; this was alsoe granted to be allowed them.
4, Concerning ye difference between his father's ac-
counts and ye comision's conclusion in ye yeare 1660 of
about twenty pound in wampum, how to reconcile them
they could not yet find, but for clearing it produced a
writing vnder the hand of Mr. Allen, which was read,
but the thing not appearing cleare to this court left it
to ye court at Newhaven to view Mr. Wakeman's booke
& issue the business, betwixt them, and therein rest
satisfied." "November 5th. At a Genell Court held
at Newhaven for ye Jurisdiction, 1662. John Herri-
man ppounded about jQi 17s. 2d. which was not
brought to account with Mr. Wakeman, he desired it
might be allowed him. He prsenting his accounts as
cleare that it was due, the court thought it should be
allowed him. "
The following item is from Biographical Sketches of
Graduates of Harvard University, by J. L. Sibley,
M. A., Vol. 1, 1642-1658, Cambridge, Chas. Wm.
Sever, University Bookstore, 1873, page 16:
"Thomas Prince says of Samuel Torrey, I suppose
he was admitted into Harvard College about 1650, and
should, according to the preceding custom, have taken
his first degree in three years. But the Corporation
making a Law that the Scholars should study at Col-
lege four years before they commenced Bachelors in
Arts, several Scholars, tho' they were accounted as
good as any before them; and I suppose of different
classes, went off, and never took any Degree at all.
There were at least Five of them, who after made a
very shining Figure in New England, viz. : Gov.
Josiah Winslow, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Torrey, the Rev.
Mr. Ichabod Wiswall, of Duxbury, agent for the Ply-
mouth Colony at the Court of England upon the Revo-
lution; the Rev. Mr. Samuel Wakeman, of Fairfield;
and the Rev. Mr. Brinsmead of Marlborough; who
would all have been a great honor to our Harvard
Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, page 388:
' ' Wakeman. Samuel, Fairfield, son of John, was bred
at Harvard, but left college in 1655, upon a dissatisfac-
tion about an hardship which they (seventeen of the
school) thought put upon them in making them lose a
good part of a year of the time whereupon they claimed
their degree. He married 29 Oct., 1656, Hannah,
daughter of Stephen Goodyeare at New Haven. They
had Samuel, born Oct. 12 following, removed to Fair-
field and was ordained 30th September, 1665, was
much esteemed, and died 8th Mar., 1692.
' ' His will bears the same date, and his inventory is
of 8th Apr. following. He names widow Hannah,
children Samuel, who was dead 1691, John, Joseph, and
Jabez. He had also Ebenezer, whose estate was
divided among the the three brothers and three
brothers in law : Albert Denny, Abraham Howell, and
Nicholas Clegstone."
Forever Admired, Adored & Magnified be his Grace in Jesus
Chrit to poor sinors & to me of whom I am Chief. I have had
many thoughts having had A Long time of warning to do what is
Duty as to ye dispossal & setlment of ye temporall Estate God
hath given me, but not being able as things have been & are cer-
comstancd with me thoroughly to accomplish it to my own satis-
faction & for other reasons which are to myself: yet being suf-
ficiently my self do will and bequeath as followeth these partick-
lers as my dieing will.
Imprs. I give to ye Church treasury of Fairfield three pounds in
money to be paid to Capt. John Bur within one year after
my death ; by him to be Layd out upon a Silver bowl for
ye Churches use.
Item. I give three pounds in pay to gramer school in Fair-
field. I give to ye poor in Fairfield two pounds : ten shill-
ings of it to Thomas Jones and ye other thirty shillings
to be disposed according to ye discretion of my Executor.
Item. I give unto my Indian servant Jane her Liberty at the
age of twenty five years and to Avoid dispute about her
age it being uncertain, I fix ye time of her freedom to be
on ye twenty first day of March in ye year of our Lord
one thousand six hundred ninety eight also I give her
five pounds when her time is out, as for my son Samuel
deed I have given him formerly all his portion here by
quiting all accounts and matters I might Charge on his
Estate as debt to me till his last marriage : provided
those that have or may have to do as heirs Executors Ad-
ministrators or Assigns about my sons Estate do aquit
my Estate from any comand of debt or dues of any sort
till his Last marriage: it is to be noated I do not Aquit
my sd sons Estate nor his heirs Executors Administra-
tors nor Assigns from paying to or them interest on my
Estate as heirs Executors Administrators : or assigns ye
silver money that I lent to him ye same is but: except it
be paid.
Item. I have given & do give to all my Children each of them a
Bible they all have received their bibles but Joseph &
Jabesh & Mary they three are to receive and ye price of
them bibles are not to Exceed five shillings in money
Item. I do give to all my Children each of them such Books what
they are and to whom given will be known by this in-
strument this for my son John by ye gift of his dieing fa-
ther S. W. & written so as to tell all ye rest: I haveing
given formerly to my sons that were of age one years
diet apiece & arms or money to perchues them to ye
value of three pounds Apiece. I do now give unto my
son Joseph & Jabesh also one years diet Apiece and three
pounds Apiece to by them arms or Interest of the diet ten
pounds Apiece.
Item. I give & bequeath to my welbeloved wife one third part of
my movable Estate my books exemted that is of the clear
Estate when all just debts are paid that are due from my
Estate : & she shall have ye use of my negrow bov during
her naturall Life & what time shall remain in the Indian
Servant Jane above mentioned after my discease and if
my wife dies before sd Jane's time is out sd Jane shall
serve out ye remaining part of her time with my son
John & if my son die before sd Janes time be expired
then she shall be free from any further service the above
sd therds given to my wife is to be her own proper Estate
& my sd wife shall have ye use of my homlot and all ye
housing thereon during her widow hood but if she shall
performe A Second Marriage then to have the use of one
third part of my housing and lands during her naturall
Item. I will that my son Jabesh shall be brought up in Learning
till the twentieth of August next com twelve months : &
I give him twenty pounds out of my Estate to be improved
by my Executor for his maintenance who is to take the
Care of him in all respects for his Learning and other-
wise and my will is my son Jabesh shall be four years at
ye College from the twentieth of August above sd and
when ye sd twenty pounds is spent the rest of his Expense
for his Learning and otherwise shall com out of my
sd son Jabesh his portion he is to have out of my Estate.
Item. I give to my son Jabesh my books as far as they will go
toward his portion and all other of my Estate undisposed
I give among my children, my just debts and charges
being discharged, my son John shall have a double por-
tion to ye rest of my Children and they to have equall &
single portions it is to be considered in ye deviding to
each child their portion what each of them allready had
is to be part thereof.
Item. I do hereby give to my sd Executor full power to
all interests to sell such lands of mine as he in his dis-
cretion shall see needfull for ye beter management of
the trust I impose in him the Execution of this my will &
I do hereby appoint & impower my Loveing son John
Wakeman to be whol and soal Executor of this my Last
will to pay all my Just debts & Legacies or dues to Any
of my Children out of my Estate & to receive whatever is
due to my Estate & to do what is needfull for A faithfull of
an xecutor and for ye confermation of this to be my Last
will and testament.
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th of March, 1692.
Signed and sealed in presence of us
as witnesses
Nathan Gold Ser. C (I/Li ]*£&&*
Nathan Gold Jun. +J »
Mr. George Brinley, of Hartford, had a large collec-
tion of ancient American books, and among them are
two sermons preached by Rev. Samuel Wakeman,
of both of which I will give the titles, viz. :
Being a Sermon preached upon the death and at the desire of
John Tappin, of Boston,
Who deceased at Fairfield, the nth day of Oct., 1672.
By Samuel Wakeman,
Pastor of the Church of Christ there,
Cambridge :
Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1673.
O 11
Solid and awakening DISCOUP^S
";„, the Pcopfc of G,J to comply
*W0BS 'flrn Wni^rorn Sin «> hta|<
Kbvtoprevcni tb.cn tog «!* ^
pzrd ^
ttot\i tuoni
Ai it was dclivcrci ir
preached a£
^ -in Coiudicut in Ne)>
i^fi^Tof the Church o£ Chrilt in .•
'.■■', . »„f,*.f ^n f«r» /rows altj'Mr irwvA-:)' ■.> J '
k. fr'liXl- MP"'* a ' '' 1 , n „«<fVTrdith?re ji'MS, where-
„ ,' 5 p ,;' . r,;> iwsi from you an yo»r i?^.s' •<' rv ,
5 ■''•'' ,■ /■ '/-fore frotn^ifhtnci ihmt art falltn , M* • ■
mi ffjfiQ me} (att-n tafi £-:$>*
-/? N G
Eccls. 12:1 — " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy
youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh,
when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them."
Sound Repentance the Right Way to escape deserved
Rulne :
A Solid and awakening Discourse, Exhorting the People of God
to comply with his Counsel, by a hearty practical turning from
Sin to himself and his service thereby to prevent their being
made desolate by his departing from them.
As it was delivered in a
Preached at Hartford on Connecticut in New England, May
14th. Being the day of Election there. By Mr. Samuel Wake-
man, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Fairfield.
Ezek, 18:3 — As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have
occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.
Rev. 2:5 — Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and
repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee
quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except
thou repent.
Zach. 1:3 — Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord
of Hosts- Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will
turn unto you saith the Lord of Hosts.
Boston in New England.
Printed by Samuel Green, Anno Dom,, 1685.
The ensuing discourse shews the great danger of a Peoples
departing from God by sin, it will cause God to depart from them,
as here we find threatned. The way to escape this Judgment, is
to be instructed Be tkou instructed lest. This word of commina-
tion was directed and spoken first at Jerusalem, but reacheth to
us now in N. E., who stand in like circumstances before the Lord,
as Jerusalem then did. A parallel People with them, both in
respect of privilege and provocation Profession, and Prevarica-
tion. They were highly favored of God, so have we been; They
deeply revolted from God, so have we done, That faithful City
became an Harlot; and we in this Land are greatly degenerate.
New England Israel was once Holiness unto the Lord: What
are we now ? Whence it follows that (as persons concerned) what
was spoken to them; we must take to ourselves. If the Lord by
the Prophet thus instruct and threaten Jerusalem he doth the
same to us. What then is our duty ? 0 be instructed, reformed
refitted, that we may yet be spared, and God's presence among
us continued, O for that Reformation the Lord hath so long
lookt for hath so often been attempted, and so much talked of,
but not yet attained ! What is it more than meer talk ? Where
is the thing ? Is not all we have done but as the morning cloud
and early dew that goeth away, passeth soon out of sight and
vanisheth into nothing ? O then be instructed See and consider
the great and many sins so rife and common among us ; Sigh,
mourn, and lament over them our own and others sins, by all
which God is discharging dishonoured ; and then every one to fall
to our proper work of repenting, returning, reforming with all
speed and seriousness and that the Judgment threatned may not
be executed upon us by God's departure from us: Let us Labour
with all our might, and by all means to keep God with us, to hold
him and not let him go ; for if we let God go, we are not our own
friends, nor will it appear that we counted God our best friend,
for such we will hug and hold fast, and if possibly we can, will
keep them with us: How loth were they to part with their be-
loved Paul ? O blessed Paul, they desire much his company and
presence ; but what is the presence of Paul, though an Apostle,
to the presence of God himself with his People ? And would we
then keep God among us ? If so,
i, Put a due price upon Divine Presence, as Moses did, Exod
33> 2, 3, 15, The presence of an Angel will not satisfie him: If
God himself will not go with his People, what can an Angel do
for them ?
2. Plead hard for flic continuance of God's preference with
us as Moses there, and so the Prophet Jer, 14, 8, 9. Let us shew
how we value, and esteem of our God, even above all creature
comforts in Heaven or Earth, Psal. 53, 25, Say, Lord, what are
all these ? They may go their way so thou wilt stay with us, we
can do well enough without them, but not without thee.
3. Put away that which would drive God from us, as they
did and retained his presence, Judg. 10, 10, 15, and compassion
also: true repentance, and our returning to God, is the best plea,
we can make for God's returning unto us, and continuing with us.
Consider what may encourage, and what should quicken us to -
labour to keep God with us.
1. To encourage us, the thing is possible, God may be pre-
vailed with if due means be used. The Judgement threatned is
not yet executed, nor hath the Lord cast us out of his presence as
yet 2 King, 13, 23, yet it/i midst of us, Jer. 14, 9.
God is pleased to speak before he smite; yea to speak and
warn us, that he may not smite us; but being penitent, and
reformed we may be spared, 3. God is inclined to ?nercy, willing
to be reconciled to sinners, and easily intreated by them, when
they sincerely turn unto him. The Son Came, the Father ran,
Luke 15, 20. Again, 4. This Commi?iation is u?ider condition
(not absolute) that if we repent God will repent; if we return
God will return as the Promise runs — Zech. i, 3. This should en-
2. What should quicken us ? Consider, as r. If we do not re-
pent, and do not what we do in good earnest, to do to purpose,
we shall find God in good earnest in doing as he hath thoicght
and threatned against us — Zech. 8, 14. And 2. Consider what
it is for God to depart from us. When God goes, all goes, he
being All.
1. All God goes, his hearing ear, his pitying eye, his shining
Face and Countenance, his helping Hand, his Loving Heart, ten-
der Affection, yerning Bowels, his glorious Attributes of power,
mercy, goodness, which were all for us are now gone from us.
When God's Soul, which is Himself, whole God or God thus
wholly departs from a People. 2. All good goes, for if God leave
us, what good can he leave with us ? Doth not his goodness in-
fluence all our good things, and make them such unto us ? What
were Health, Wealth, Friends, all the world to us, if God be not
with us ? Yea, what were Heaven itself if God were not there ?
3. When God goes all evil comes, as Deut. 31, 16, 18. And no
other can be expected indeed, but when the Sun sets dark night
will ensue. Take away the light and nothing but darkness re-
mains. The absence of all good (which is in God only) necessi-
tates succeeding evil, and is an inlet unto it. 4. Whatever evils
befall us when God is departed from us will be turned ztpon us
as the fruit of our own wayes : and what we have procured
to ourselves, Prov. 1, 31, Jer. 2. 17. And so they laid the
pleasant land desolate, Zech. 3, 14. A great aggravation of
any affliction when self sought or brought upon ourselves by our
own default, as Joab tells David, 2 Sam. 19, 17. If by his so carry-
ing himself, he drew upon himself so great a mischief and misery,
as to cause his Associates, Souldiers and helpers to withdraw
from him: // will be worse unto thee, saith he, than all the
evils that ever befel thee from thy youth until now, to be left
alone that night destitute of a Guard about him, when danger
surrounded him and this through his own default, would make it a
dark and a dismal night indeed unto David; how much more
when by our sinful folly we provoke God to depart from us ; what
height of folly is this, and what depth of misery and distress doth
it bring poor sinners into! But Manum detabula; I may no
longer detain the (gentle Reader) thus standing at the door, but
send thee into the house to partake of the good things there pre-
pared; that wholesome and good Word of the Lord there opened.
I commend it to thee as good in itself, and good at this time, a
seasonable Word, an awakening Word, a soul affecting Word, a
good helping among many others of like sort, to make thee and
others serious, which was and is the design of this Sermon. The
Reverend and Pious Author having the sense of what he spake
upon his own heart, was willing also to affect the hearts of others,
and therefore (as you see) he used not only acceptable, but oper-
ative words, even words like goods and nails ; heart piercing ex-
pressions, that they that hear may feel also. But what will all
avail, if the Lord set not in with it ? Let our eyes be therefore
unto him. And now the Lord bless, let the blessing of Heaven be
upon this endeavor, and let that One Shepherd, the Lord Jesus
Christ, by the hand of his Holy Spirit, so foster these awful truths
upon all our hearts, that the powerful effects of the same may be
seen in our reformed lives.
Amen. So prays Thy Servant in Christ. F. Bishop.
Jer. 6, 8, Be thou instructed O Jerusalem, lest my Soul depart
from thee; lest I make thee desolate, a land not inhabited.
Whoso shall view over and attentively consider the whole trace
and series of God's dealing with and dispensations toward his
Covenant People (however as to them they have sometimes issued
very dreadfully) will find them giving in clear and abundant tes-
timony to the Truth of that of the Psalmist, Psal. 145, 8, The
Lord is Gracious, and full of Compassion, slow to anger, and
of great mercy. Among many other passages in the sacred
story to this purpose (purposely kept upon the File for the use of
the Church in all Ages, and for ours upon whom the ends of the
world are come) (he whose compassions have been ever of old,
using the same tenor of tender dispensations towards his People
now as then) the Text now read, as also what we find in the fore-
going Chapters, make this very evident and apparent. You may
see in the first Chapter God's calling, instructing and encourage-
ing the Prophet, as to his Office and Work, or as to his Office-
work, he being one of these Messengers of whom you have men-
tion made, 2 Chron. 36, 15, That the Lord God of their Fathers
sent unto them, rising tip betimes, and sending-, because he had
compassion on his People, and on his dwelling Place. You
may see in the second Chapter God's earnest and affectionate ex-
postulation with his People by him as to his antient love and
kindness to them, and their notwithstanding causeless Revolt and
Apostacy from him. Go cry in the ears of Jerusalem, etc.,
Vers 2, &c. God rings such a peal in Jerusalem' s ears by the
Prophet throughout the Chapter upon this account, as one would
thought, should have reached and pierced, should have thirled
and thawed their very hearts, you may see in the third chapter,
God inviting and perswading them to Repent and turn to him
with Promises of gracious acceptation, vers 1, 12. Also pleading
with them his Covenant relation, and merciful propention to-
wards them, vers 14, &c. You may see in the 4 Chapter God
adding further to his former Promises, Promises to Promises,
vers. 1, 2, and threatnings to his Promises, as in the sequel of
that Chapter, if by any means, fair or foul, he might induce or
necessitate, draw or drive them to Repentance. You may yet see
in the fifth chapter, God's lothness to proceed against them to
destroy them ; his exceeding readiness, his desirousness to pardon
and spare them : Ruti ye to and fro through the streets of Jeru-
salem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places
thereof of ye can find a man, if there be any, that executeth
judgment, that seeketh the truth, and I will pardon it, vers. 1.
God speaks as one agrieved to punish them, as one ready to par-
don them upon low termes ; and earnestly looking about if haply
he might find something why he might do it. In this 6 Chapter,
while yet there is any hope, we have God still pursuing the mat-
ter with them, laying close siege unto them, putting home his
threatnings, lowdly alarming them with his Judgements, plainly
warning them of the worst that was to be expected, and unavoid-
ably coming upon them, if not prevented solemnly, and earnestly
admonishing them to bethink themselves, be advised that it
might not come to that. This is in general the sense and intend-
ment of the Text and Context, but to take a little more particu-
larly view of it we have here : 1. In the beginning of this Chap-
ter an exceeding lively, sensible, starting and awakening repre-
sentation made of the siege and sack of Jerusalem, the miserable
destruction by the Babylonians impending them. 0 ye Children
of Benjamin gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jeru-
salem to escape the danger, he bids them flee out of Jerusalem to
escape the danger, or rather the sense of it seems to be that they
should gather themselves to go out of the city to make good their
fronteers, and stand upon their defence against the enemy; as it
is said of the Moabites, that when they heard the kings were
come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able
to put on Armour a7id stood in their borders, 2 Kings 3, 21.
Blow the trumpet in Tekoa, that is give the alarm, which as
now commonly by the beating of the Drum, was then done by the
blowing of the trumpet, Ezek. 7, 14. And set tip as a sign of
fire in Beth haccorem, as is wont to be done at this day to give
notice of any sudden invasion, for evil appeareth out of the
north and great destructioti. Under all these terms, rallying of
Men, Sounding of Trumpets, firing of Beacons, Military usages,
in such cases the Prophet notably sets forth what a dreadful
alarum the Northern Army should give them. The state of Jer-
usalem thus invaded, is expressed vers. 2, / have likened the
daughter of Sion to a comely and delicate Woman ; as in re-
spects of God's benign and gentle dealing with her, so in respect
of her abuse of Divine goodness and indulgence to Pride, Luxury,
Wantonness, &c. The Shepherds with their Flocks shall come
unto her, they shall pitch their tents against her, round about
they shall feed every one in his place; the words either plainly
show Jerusalem' s utter destruction; she should be so destroyed,
that sheep should feed in her, iam seges est ubi Truiafuit, or
under the similitude of the Shepherds, and their Flocks pitching
their tents against her, round about the Caldeans with their
Armies, the Captains with their Companies which should begirt
them round, and besiege and hem them in on every side is set
forth and expressed: It followeth, prepare War against her,
arise and let us go up at 710011. Wo unto us for the day goeth
away, for the shadows of the evening are stretched out, arise
and let us go up by night, and let us destroy her Palaces,
wherein is to the life described the zeal and spirit of the enemy to
the work their restless industry at it day and night, and their
very impatiency with themselves that they had not effected it ; all
tending to set forth the woful destruction that their enemies
should work them. But how doth the Prophet thus speak:
Gather, Rally, blow the trumpet, fire the Beacon, &c. Was
there any enemy in sight ? Was the Babylonian Army now in
their borders ? No, they probably enjoyed sundry years patience
after this, and before the destruction here spoken of came upon
them ; but the Prophet thus speaks all along in the present tense,
speaks as if the Caldeans were upon them, makes such a presen-
tation of things as if present, and even now in their eyes and
ears, that a dead, dull, secure, senseless people might be quick-
ened and awakened indeed. God would, and we should, make
evil present in the threat fling that we may put away and avoid
it; Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved
with J 'ear prepared an Ark.
2. In what followes in the 6 and 7 verses, he layes forth the
causes of this sore impending destruction that he hath described;
it seemed unreasonable to Festus to send a Prisoner and not
withal to signify the Crimes laid against him, Acts 25, ult. As
God wants not, so he is not wanting to give (the scripture is full
of it) the reason of all the evils that he threatens to do, or doth
against any; so here (according to his usual manner elsewhere)
he gives the reason of that great destruction brought so near
them in threatening of the former verses, viz., Jerusalem s
abominable and boundless wickedness. Thus hath the Lord of
Hosts said, hew down trees and cast a mount against Jerusa-
lem, this is the city to be visited, she is wholly oppression in the
midst of her. This is the City to be visited, not a City, but the
City above all other Cities deserving and designed to be visited,
but how visited ? Not in a way of favor, and care, and kindness,
as sometimes that term is intending not by Prophets, and the
tenders of grace and mercy. Jerusalem had been thus visited,
but she had not known the day of her visitation, but in wrath and
judgement and by a destroying enemy: but why thus visited?
She is wholly oppression, in the midst of her they are called not
oppressing but oppression, to show how superlatively oppressive
they were, and not only oppression but wholly oppression, imply-
ing the general infection, the universal prevailing of this sin, 'tis
added in the midst of her; not in her suburbs, outskirts some odd
and unobserved corners, was it thus ; but it sought no cover.t, it
was visible, evident, and eminent in her; itfollows, as a fountain
casteth out her waters so she casteth out her wickedness; a
Fountain casteth out her waters naturally, freely, incessantly,
constantly, forcibly, and abundantly ; and thus did Jerusalem sin
as those accustomed, habituated, naturalized to sin, as those that
could not cease from sin, as those that knew no restraint nor
bounds or end of sinning ; as is further set forth in the following
words, violence and spoil is heard in her before me. Continually
is grief and wounds, the cry of Jerusalem went up like that of
Sodom; poor Jerusalem, how is the faithful City become an harlot,
it was full of Judgement, Righteousness lodged in it, but now
3. In the Text (which makes the third and last part of the
Context) (having thus realized to them that fore and certain ruine
that was inevitably coming upon them, if not prevented, as also
laid before them, those great and wrath-provoking sins, the
causes of so great destruction) he comes earnestly and affection-
ately to call upon them, to be perswaded, cautioned and advised
for the preventing of it: Be thou instrtcctcd, 0 Jerusalem, lest
my soul depart from thee, lest I make thee desolate, a land not
inhabited. This application made to them in the Text, is the use
of the whole Context, the drift and scope, and design and ten-
dency, & issue of all, is O that Jerusalem would be instrncted,
lest her God leave, and leaving lay her desolate. To give you in
the sense and importance of the words we have in them ; Two
things to be considered, 1. Who is here spoken to ? 2. What is
spoken ?
1. Who is here spoken to, and that is Jerusalem; Jerusalem
(to say nothing of its situation and outward strength and great-
ness) was the City of God, the City of the Great King, the Holy
City, the perfection of beauty, Israel' s Glory, and the joy of the
whole Earth, loved of God in a special manner, and chosen to set
his name there: There was his presence, his Worship, his Ordi-
nances, his Oracles, his Prophets; there God shined and was
known in her Palaces. At the first the Lord chose Israel from
all the Nations of the World to be his People ; and after when
Israel fell and made defection from God he reserved Judah to be
the upholder of his true Religion ; and in Judah chose Jerusalem
as the place of his Worship ; so that as Israel was God's peculiar
People of all the World, so Judah was the best part of Israel,
and Jerusalem the chief place of Judah; Jertisalem was then
God's speciall peculiar People under that notion as appropriate to
God, as near to God as near might be. This Jerusalem God here
speaks to. And what saith he to them ? That's the 2, Thing to
be considered, be thou instructed, &c. The words are Hortatory
and Monitory and Minatory ; the Text in the run of it is mixed
and made up of these, it is an Exhortation, or if you will an Ad-
monition rather, and that under the severest commination. Note
in it three things, 1. The Exhortation or Admonition itself. 2.
The manner of expressing it, and putting it home to the Persons
concerned. 3. The Motives inforcing.
1 . The Exhortation and Admonition itself, the subject matter of
it, be instructed (it), the Word signifies to be corrected, to be
wakejJan genealogy. 87
instructed, to be amended in, and by being corrected, to be in-
structed is to know, and yet more than barely, meerly to know, to
know (as the use of the term in Scripture language commonly sig-
nifies) so as to be affected and acted accordingly, to know not
speculatively, notionally only, with a cold, dry, barren, unpracti-
cal knowledge, but to know with a consciencious feeling heart-
affecting, operative knowledge to be instructed, is so to know and
understand, take in and lay to heart the reason of things, as to be
convinced, affected, cautioned, advised, counselled, perswaded,
and in every respect accordingly concerned, and suitably wrought
upon by it. We may fully take it up in these three things.
1 . It implyes conviction, which is a right, true apprehension of
things, as indeed they are; a real understanding how matters
stand with us, or between God and us, to know things with appli-
cation to ourselves, or for ourselves; as the phrase is, Job 5, ult
which is indeed our wisdom, therefore it is called the instruction
of Wisdom, Prov. 15, 33. And we are called upon to hear instruc-
tion, and be wise, Prov. 8, 33.
2. It infers Contrition, in case all is not well with us, or seeing
ourselves (as it is said of Israel, Exod. 5, 10) to be in evil case.
Conviction works, contrition and Repentance; a true sight of
things infers and draws after it a due sense of things ; hence that
of Ephraim, after I was instructed I smote upon my thigh,
Jer. 31, 19.
3. It ineludes and takes in Conversion, Conviction, working
Contrition. Repentance works by it, and in the way of it unto
Conversion, in respect of which eminently the reproofs of instruc-
tion (i. e., the Conviction and Contrition it works tending to and
ending in Conversion) are said to be the way of Life, Prov.
6, 23. This is to be instructed, which is the matter of the
2. The manner of expressing// Thou O Jerusalem, be thou in-
structed; the terms are very Pathetical and full of affection: 'tis
a passionate, quick, powerful and very moving mode of expres-
sion, putting home what is spoken to the Persons concerned. Be
thou instructed, there is an emphasis upon this {Thou) thou that
art in a special manner appropriated to God, thou that art emi-
nently privileged above others, thou whom I have chosen, loved,
set my heart, laid out my care and kindness upon, Etc. Be thou
instructed, O Jerusalem : Depth of Sorrow, and height of desire,
when our affections and passions are up, bring us in with our
(O's) our interjections and exclamations, as here O Jeru-
salem, which carries in it great affection, and earnestness of
3. The Motives inforcing it; Lest my Soul depart from thee,
lest I make thee desolate, a land not Inhabited. The Words
hold forth a first and second, or a double dreadful commination,
in case the admonition given were not taken, were not attended
to, lest my Soul depart from thee: The Soul of God is God
himself, fob 23, 13, What the Soul desireth, even that he doth,
i. e., What himself desireth. So Judg. 10, 16, His soul was
grieved for the miseries of Israel, i. e., He was grieved, so that
to say, lest my Soul depart from thee is as much as to say lest I
depart from thee ; and yet it is more than so to say, for though
that be the meaning of it, yet this manner of speaking carries
more in it; God so speaks as to affect them with a due appiehen-
sion of his deep concernment in what he so speaks, as a matter
that his Soul, his Spirit was much in, when the soul is mentioned
a thing said to be done with the soul, it implyes our Spirits to be
much in it, as Isa. 26, 9, With my Soul have I desired thee in
the night, and with my Spirit within me will I seek thee early.
So also God thus Speaks to set forth and signifie to them the
withdrawment of his love and affection from them, lest my Soul
depart from thee, or as the Original, according to your Marginal
reading, be loosed or disjoynted from thee, that is lest I with draw
my love from thee, lest my mind be alienated. So it is rendred,
Ezek. 23, 18, My mind was alienated from her, my mind or soul
was loosed or disjoynted from her; the expression is the same
with this of the Text, cleaving or knitting of Soul to or with any
is expressive of love and affection: It is said of Shechem, his Soul
clave unto Dinah the Daughter of Jacob, and he loved the
Damsel, Gen. 34, 3. So of Jonathan, that his soul was knit
with the soul of David, and he loved him as his own soul.
1 Sam. 18, 1, Now I say, as cleaving and knitting of Soul to and
with any. imports that we intirely and inwardly love and affect
them, so for the Soul to depart from any, be loosed or disjoynted
from them implyes disaffection, and an altogether alienation and
estrangement of mind from them, lest my Soul depart from thee;
then is as much as to say, lest I utterly leave thee, lest I wholly
withdraw my affections, and totally aud finally take off my heart
from thee. And as is further threatned, lest I make thee deso-
late, a land not inhabited. The words are plain, and as plainly
signifie not those gentler and corrective, but those consumptive,
ruinating, destroying, desolating Judgements, that God taking
off his heart from them, would bring upon them many afflictions,
much of correction may possibly consist with the love and favour
of God towards a People, or however, certain it is, that a People
may severely smart under the effects of his displeasure, while yet
his heart may be towards them, at least not wholly taken off from
them; but when once it comes to this, that God's Soul departs
from a People, he puts himself into ways of destruction towards
them; when once his heart is taken of from them, his destroying
hand is turned upon them: He first casts off, and then cuts off
a People ; casts them first out of his heart, and then out of his
It remains only to tell you that the {lest) here prefixed, Lest
my Soul depart from thee, lest I make thee desolate : This two-
fold lest hath a twofold look in it, as to either and both parts of
the threatning; it looks both ways. i. Upon the prevention of it,
that by their being instructed what is here threatned, might be
obviated and prevented. 2. Upon the unavoidableness of it, if
they be not instructed, if they hearken not to counsel, no other is
to be hoped or expected but that it will certainly come upon
them. This manner of speaking, according to the common usage
of it, see Exod. 19, 22, Job 42, 8, implies as on the one hand a
possibility of escaping what is so threatned, so be it that due use
of means be attended to; so on the other hand, the impossibility
of avoiding it in case of neglect: it holds forth not a probability,
a danger only, but a certainty, that if means for prevention be
not attended to, the evil threatned will be inflicted, if Jerusalem
be not instructed, God's Soul will depart from her, &c. From the
words thus opened, let me commend to you this great, consider-
able and concerning point of doctrine, so in it self, tho it fall (the
more the pity) to so inconsiderable and feeble a hand to manage
and improve it ; namely,
Doct. God so threatens to leave and lay waste, to take off
his heart from, and turn his destroying hand upon his own
People, as that it may, a?id that it may be prevented, yet so that
if it be not, it will come to that : It concerns them therefore to
be instructed, to be advised, to hearken to counsel, to bethink
themselves, to be convinced, affected, repent, amend, convert
and turn to God, lest they bring it to that woful pass. We
have three things in the Doctrine (and the Text is very full of
them all) 1. That God so threatens to leave and lay waste, to
take off his heart from, and turn his destroying hand upon his
own People, as that it may, and that it may be prevented.
2. Yet God so threatens it, that if it be not prevented, it will
come to that, he will certainly leave and lay them waste ; take off
his heart from them, and turn his destroying hand upon them.
3. It concerns them therefore, or these things considered, things
thus standing, to be instructed, to be advised, to hearken to coun-
sel, to bethink themselves, to be convinced, affected, repent,
amend, convert and turn to God, lest they bring it to that woful
pass. i. God so threatens to leave and lay waste, to take off
his heart from and turn his destroying hand upon his own
People : i. e., His visible Covenant People, as that it may, and
that it may be prevented. The manner of God in his threat-
nings, is to leave room for remedy; his end being that (if it may
be) the threatned evil may be prevented: God doth not take a si-
lent leave of his People {Jacob like from Lab an) upon displeas-
ure steal away from them and say nothing, get him out of hearing
before they hear anything of it: He doth not break away from
them suddenly, and remedyesly, nor yet break in upon them sud-
denly, surprise them (the Sinful People) fall foul upon them in his
wrath, cast them off, cut them off; no this is not the manner of
God, whose delight is in mercy. But God threatens to leave his
People, so that it may, and that it may be prevented : God never
leaves his People but he first threatens, warnes, advises, admon-
ishes them; but he first bespeaks them as his People here: O, be
instructed ; our Bible so abounds with this that it were endless,
and to men acquainted with Scriptures, 'tis needless to give par-
ticular instances. God long and often threatned, and warned Is-
rael and Judah of old, before he alienated his heart from them ;
called them Loammi and gave them a Bill of Divorce, nor yet
had Ephesics, and those other New Testament Churches (tho now
God makes quicker work than then) their Candlestick's removed,
but after solemn & signal warning, for the prevention of it. And
the reasons of it are,
Reas. i. Prom God's lot hue ss to leave his people, his own,
his Covenant People. The tender and indeared affection that he
bears unto a People taken near unto himself; God's affections are
stronger and he stands in closer relation to his Covenant People,
than that he easily cast off and forsake them : The Lord will not
forsake his People, i Sam. 12, 22. And in very deed, their
being his people is founded upon such a bottom, even that of his
free Grace, that is not easily slighted, as the reason there added
shews; the Lord will not forsake his People. Because it hath
pleased the Lord to make you his People. God having made
any his People, and that of meer good pleasure, is not forward to
cast off and forsake them: God not willingly afflicts, Lam. 3, 33.
but much more lothly rejects his Covenant-People, as is notably
set forth, Hos. 11, 8, How shall I give thee up, Ephraim ? How
shall I deliver thee, Israel ? How shall I make thee as Adma,
and set thee as Zeboim ? My heart is turned within me, my re-
pentings are kindled together. The great God who here (as com-
monly in Scripture) speaks of himself after the manner of men, to
our understanding ; gives us to understand in this strange, passion-
ate and Rhetorical language ; how hardly he brings his heart to
it, to give up as to any more room in his affection, to deliver over
unto destruction his own People: God (as I may say) is at a set
when it comes to this, it casts him into a deep deliberation & a
sorely exercising conflict in his own thoughts about it ; how doth
he turn it with himself, and deeply, and inwardly, revolving the
matter, question with himself about it ? What give up Ephraim,
deliver Israel, make Ephraim, make Israel, as Adma and
Zeboim ? How can I do it ? What deal thus by thee, Ephraim,
by thee, Israel, by thee discard, destroy my own People as I
have done ? Sodom, how can I find in my heart to do it ? How
doth God roule this bitter pill in his mouth (with holy reverence
be it spoken) and as unable to swallow it, at last spit it out ? /
will not execute the fierceness of tnine anger, I will not return
to destroy Ephraim ; so exceeding loth is God to give up, to give
over his People to destrnction and therefore layes his threatning
of it so, as to leave room for remedy.
Reas. 2. That he might hereby try the love and affection of
his People, whether they will let him go ; God intimates to a
People his leaving of them, threatens with it before he doth, that
he may feel how their pulse beats towards him, what affections
they have for him ; how their love will strive and work upon such
an occasion before God quite leaves a People, wholly takes off his
heart from them ; he is willing to sound theirs whether they have
any affections left for him. You may read, Exod. 33 (the People
having committed that great sin in making them Gods of Gold)
God tells them he will leave them, he will go no more in the midst
of them : and to make them the more sensible of it, Moses takes
the Tabernacle (the visible signe and token of God's presence) and
pitches it without the camp afar off; and now God looks and
listens what they say to it, how they take it that he may accord-
ingly deal with them : When God is about to leave his People be-
cause they provoke and set light by him he is yet willing to try
them to the utmost whether they will so part with him ; whether
they will indeed let him go, or whether they will stir up them-
selves to take hold of him. You may see in Ezek., 9, 10, 11
Chapters, God so signalizing his departure from his People in
those several, gradual, visible, and observable removes of his
glory there mentioned, as if he had said, let them see me going,
that I may see if they have any love or regard for me ; God stands
at every step, looks back, listens if there were any that minded or
Reas. 3. That they might have opportunity of striving to
keep God with them, and be quickened and stirred up to the
improvement of it that they might as the Prophet speaks, Jsa.
55, 6, Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him
while he is tiear. God makes offer to go from his People, threat-
ens to be gone, speaks of leaving them that they may be effectu-
ally awakened to enquire what's the matter, to reform what's
amiss, to repent of and part with those sins that are the causes of
God's threatned departure from them ; by such intimations
also, lest I leave you lest my Soul depart from you : God
would stir up his People, not to let him go, shake them up from
their loose sitting to him, and quicken them to lay faster hold on
Reas. 4, and last. That whe?i God hath left a People, and
leaving them left them to destruction, they may be lost inex-
cusable ; that when God is gone he hath indeed cast off a People,
his Soul is departed from them, his heart and hand turned against
them (all means of precaution, prevention improved with them
proving unavailable) they may not have to complain but of them-
selves, and their wilful and remedyless self-destroying folly.
God goes not from a People but with observation, and after many
and evident premonitions and warnings, they shall not have to
say, alas, how hath God left us ? It was sudden, unexpected, un-
thought of else what would we not have done to prevent it: But
God will have to say, not only you gave me cause to go by your
sins, but (as it were) leave to go by your silence, your senseless-
ness; you know, and heard, and saw me going, and yet were no
more affected, stirred, no more then as those wholly unconcerned
about it, or well enough contented with it.
2. Yet God so threatens it that if it be not prevented, it will
come to that, he will certainly leave and lay them waste, take
off his heart from them, and turn his destroying hand upon
them. If Jerusalem, God's own people, will not be instructed,
let God threaten, warn, call upon, admonish, counsel them, noth-
ing takes with them, they lay nothing to heart, apply themselves
to no means of prevention but remain unadmonishable, incorigi-
ble, irreclaimable under all: God will leave and give over such a
people, though his own people: See Jer. 32, 31, 32, 33, verses.
God tells them he will remove them from before his face, because
of all the evil which they did, and because though he taught them
rising up early and teaching tbem, yet they hearkened not to re-
ceive instruction, so, 2 Chron. 36, 14, &c, God had compassion on
his People, and on his dwelling place : And hence bare with
them, forbare them, continued with much patience in the use of
abundance of means to wait upon them, but they continued to sin
and slighted all until the wrath of the Lord arose against his
People till there was no remedy. God warns in mercy, and may
continue to warn in much mercy: but to sin, to continue to sin
against warning, will at last bring wrath without remedy: And
the reasons of it are :
Reas. r. Because such is the nature of sin, such its contrari-
ety tinto God, so loathsome it is in his sight that impenitent ly,
irreclaimably persisted in, it will work any People, even his
own people out of his heart. God hates, abhors, abominates sin
as the Scripture abundantly witnesseth: It is that abominable
thing that he hates, Jer. 44, 4. Sin finds so little favour in God's
heart that he cannot abide the sinner in his sight ; he so hates the
work that he hates the worker of iniquity: The foolish shall not
stand in thy sight, thou hatest the workers of iniquity, Psal.
55, Not only for sin did the Lord eject, abhorre these heathen
nations whom he cast out before his people, for they committed
all these things, and therefore I abhorred them, Levit. 20, 23.
But even his own Israel they were defiled with their own works
and went a whoring with their own inventions ; therefore was the
wrath of the Lord kindled against his People, insomuch that he
abhorred his own inheritance, and gave them into the hand of the
heathen, &c. , Psal. 106, 39, 40, 41. And what a fearful word is
that from God concerning his own People, the People of his choice
and love. Amos. 6, 8, The Lord hath sworn by himself, saith
the Lord of Hosts. I abhor the excellency of "Jacob, and hate
his Palaces, therefore will I deliver up the city and all that is
therein. So much was the heart of God alienated from them, so
deeply was he disaffected to them by their sinful and unwofthy
deportments, of which you have mention made in the foregoing
Context. God loved Israel, Hos. 11, 1. Yea but sin (that make-
bate sin that separateth chief friends) was of power to expel them
both, his heart and house for the wickedness of their doings. I
will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more,
Hos. 9, 15. Never is God so wedded unto any People but they
may sin so as utterly to work themselves out of his affections.
Reas. 2. Because it is not for any worthiness in them more
thaft any other People that God is taking them to be his People,
and setting his love upon them, as God tells Israel, Deut. 7, 7, 8.
If they therefore forfeit distinguishing grace and mercy by their
unworthiness, they neither were, nor are better than others, nor
is there any reason why God should continue them to be his Peo-
ple, continue his love and affection to them, regard them more or
make any other or better account of them than of any other Peo-
ple: See Amos 6, i, 2.
Reas. 3. Because God' 's free Promise and Covenant z's condi-
tionall. If they will be his People he will be their God, if they
will own him he will own them ; if they will continue with him he
will continue with them, but if they will none of him, he will none
of them; if they cast off him he will cast off them. 2 Chron.
15, 2, The Lord is with you while ye be with him, and if ye seek
him he will be found of you, but if ye forsake him he will for-
sake you. God therefore gives this as the reason of his deserting
them their deserting him. 2 Chron, 24, 20, Because ye have for-
saken the Lord he hath also forsaken you ; so God tells them,
breaking with him that he will break with them. Num. 14, 34,
Ye shall know my breach of Promise. Not that God breaks cov-
enant (never did he yet suffer, nor never will his faithfulness to
fail) but they failing forfeited (as is the case in conditional Prom-
ises) the obligation on his part God keeps touch with us as we
keep touch with him : Not that this is so to be understood, as if
there were anything in us, or doable by us to merit, deserve,
or make due in a way of Justice Gcfd's gracious presence with us,
nor yet as if an uncertain and undetermined will and purpose in
God, respecting his dealings with a People, took its measures
from them, were moved, changed, determined, according to their
carriage towards him nothing less ; all is of him who worketh all
things after the counsel of his own will ; and of his free Grace
(yea, the very condition) whose it is to work in us both to will
and to do of his good pleasure: Yet God's absolute will and pur-
pose in himself is conditional in the dispensation of it unto us :
He takes no conditions from us, but he gives conditions to us, and
still reserving to himself according to his own sovereign pleasure,
to work toe conditions in us which himself requireth of us, he
dealeth with us according to them. And in very deed in this way
God wonderfully glorifies his Wisdom, Goodness, Justice in his
dispensations in propounding the most reasonable, equal condi-
tions as what can be more than to be with them while they are
with him ; to be found of them seeking him, not to forsake them,
but forsaking him, solemnly advising them for the best, and then
leaving People to their own choice and dealing with them ac-
cording to it.
Reas. 4. Lastly. / might add, because God is most highly
dishonored, most exceeditigly provoked by the sins of his own
People ; a Peoples being God's own, and the more he is owning
of them, is so far from palliating and extenuating, that it greatly
aggravates and augments their sin against God, and their Judge-
ment from him. You only have I known of all the Families of
the Earth, therefore I will punish you for all yovr iniquities,
Amos 3, 2. There is not that in the sin of others that is in theirs;
others may sin better cheap than they may do, whom God hath
known and owned above others, they sin against greater Light
and Love, and Grace than do others ; the relation they stand in to
God, and the mercies that in that relation they stand under from
him, exceedingly aggravate their sin: do ye thus requite the Lord
O foolish People and tmwise ? Is he not thy Fat her- that hath
brought thee, that hath made thee and established thee, Deut.
32, 6. And besides by virtue of this relation, their sin is more
against God, and so more to him, more deeply resented by him
than the sin of others: God can much better bear the misbe-
haviours and undutiful carriages of persons at a greater distance
than in his own family, his own Children, this goes near him:
When the Lord saw it he abhorred them, because of the provok-
ing of his Sons and of his Daughters, Deut, 32, 19.
3. // concerns them therefore, or these things considered,
things thus standing to be instructed, to be advised, to heark-
en to counsel, to bethink themselves, to be convinced, affected, re-
pent, amend, convert, and turn to God, lest they bring it to that wo-
fulpass. Zeph. 2, 1, 2, Gather your selves together ; yea gather
together a nation not desired before the decree bring forth, &c.
How earnestly doth God call upon them to recollect themselves (for
that seems to be the sense of it) so rally their thoughts to bethink
themselves ; yea, to bethink themselves and be advised before it
be to late. But this is so Consonant with, and evident from the
whole current of Scripture: Seefer. 4, 4, 5, & 26, 2, 3, & 36, 2, 3.
That it may suffice to have pointed you to those places, in which,
with many more, God manifestly admonishes his People of this
duty, and presseth upon them the consideration how nearly it con-
cerns them to be instructed, warned, reclaimed, look about them,
bethink themselves before those threatned evils as evitable, un-
avoidably overtake them : 'Tis also so clear a consequent from,
and the grounds and reasons are so obvious in what hath been
already said, that I shall not stand further upon it, but proceed to
Application. And the only use we shall make of it is (according
to the intendment, and Scope, and Spirit of the Text) for solemn
admonition and awakening: Give me leave (your call hath done
it: yea, the call of God necessitates it) to apply my self to you
with all possible plainness and faithfulness in the Name of the
great God (whose unworthy spokesman unto you this day I am)
and in his word, according to the tenor (as we have it here) of his
awful warning to his People of old. Thus saith the Lord be
thou instructed. O New England, Be thou instructed O Con-
necticut Colony, lest my Soul depart from thee, lest I make thee
desolate a land tiot inhabited: Jerusalem ivas, New England
is, they were, you are God's own, God's Covenant People, and
what concerned them in that their day no less concerns you in this
your day, this word that the Lord sent to Jacob, and it lighted
upon Israel, comes now to be applyed to you ; change but the
persons & the relation is the same, and as to condition it is so
much the same, that (as some have observed) never were any
people more neatly to be paralleled with them : put but in New
England" ' s name instead of that of Jerusalem, and to you be-
longs, to you is the word of solemn caution and admonition sent;
and O that you would be perswaded to take it home to yourselves
that it might sink down into your ears and take hold upon all
your hearts ; and that it may so do.
1. Consider, it is possible that New England may sin away
God ; we may so sin. as to provoke the Lord to leave and lay us
desolate. What though we have layen near God's heart (as I
perswade myself this poor Land hath done) sin and falseness to
God may work us out of God's affections, alienate his mind from
us as it did from his dearest Judah of old: What? though God
dearly affecting us, hath been tenderly and carefully protecting
us (as is evident he hath done) we may by our sins so provoke,
grieve, disoblige him that he may change both heart and hand to-
wards us: Was it not so with his own People, the subjects of his
antient care and kindness: In all their afflictions lie was afflicted
and the Angel of his presence saved them ; in his love and in
his pity he redeemed them, and carried them all the days of old;
but they rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit, therefore he was
turned to be their enemy, and fought against them, Isai. 63, 9, 10.
Never were any People so deeply fixed in the heart of God, or so
eminently privileged with the effects of his Love, but their sinful
wayes, their unworthy and unsuitable deportments towards the
God of their mercies hath wrought them out of his favour, and
brought them under his sorest displeasure : / have forsaken fnine
house, I have left my heritage, I have given the dearly beloved
of my soul into the hand of her enemy es, Jer. 12, 7. God's own
People, how much soever he hath owned them, or how tenderly
affected soever he hath born himself towards them, may not con-
clude from thence (while they take no care to carry themselves
accordingly) that God will not forsake and destroy them: indeed
such a presumptuous confidence men may have, as they had,
Jer. 7, 4, &c. But as you may there see God rejects their con-
fidence, beats them off from it, bids them not trust in lying
words, but bids-'them go; go ye now unto my place which was in
Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did
unto it for the iniquity of my People Israel ; and how many
after examples of like nature hath God added to that first presi-
dent, so that (as one saith) we have more places to go than to
Shilo. The Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them
out of his sight; there was none left but the tribe of Jadah only,
2 Kings 17, 18, And the Lord said I will remove Judah also out
of my sight, as I have removed Israel, and I will cast off this
City Jerusalem which I have chosen, and the hottse of which I
have said my Name shall be there, 2 Kings 23, 27. And with
like severity hath the Lord (in New Testament times) proceeded
against Ephesus and those other Asian Churches to the utter
rejecting and unchurching of them, according to what was
threatned, Rev. 2, 5. And are all these things nothing to us?
Can we look upon what befel them and not be concerned, to think
what may come upon ourselves ? the Lord that by all these in-
structing examples we may be instructed, lest it befall us as it
hath done them ; be we awakenedly apprehensive that it may so
do, believe we that God's Soul may depart from us, he may make
us desolate as he hath done them.
2 . Consider it looks very threatningly lest it come to this ;
it is not only possible that it may, but too too probable, exceeding
tremendously suspicious that it will come to it ; to be plain with
you (I dare be no other) according to the present face, and frame
and posture of things amongst us, we are in very fair way (or
more fitly to express a matter of that nature in a very formidable
way) to bring it to that woful pass, that is of sad, of very sad but
of very sensible consideration, to those whose thoughts are exer-
cised about, and have any discerning in matters of this nature,
who sees not (& who that is awake doth not tremble to see) that
things are going, yea every day more than other growing towards
that fatal issue ; God's people are not wont to fall off from him at
once ; nor he to take his farewell all at once ; there are many
dark and crooked, and winding and downward steps before
it comes to the bottom of this break-neck hill, with a
God-forsaking and forsaken people ; is it of no less certain than
solemn observation that God's New England People sit looser
unto God than they have sometimes done, and that he also
sits looser unto them ; it looks alas, it looks as if those dear and
ancient Friends were about to part, and were even standing upon
parting termes one with another. Consider we our wayes towards
God and his wayes towards us, and the one and the other, and
both together will present us with an aspect of a very threatning
tendency towards bis utter leaving of us.
1. Consider we our wayes and doings towards God, and see
if we have not cause, much cause to fear that God will leave us,
take off his heart from us, and turn his destroying hand upon us.
And here,
1. More generally Consider, Do not our sinful wayes and evil
doings give us cause to fear lest the Lord leave us; the evilness,
sinfulness of our wayes and doings is so evident and apparent
that there needs no secret search: how many above.board in-
stances might be given you, of which we may say, it is found
upon all these ; our iniquities testifie against us, our pride and
many other sins testifie to our faces the truth of this beyond all
denial, aud being so how threatniugly doth it look that God
will leave us, take off his love from us, and lay a wrathful hand
upon us ? Indeed sinners are prone to have slight thoughts of
God too as to his making so great a matter of it that he should
thus do ; but if you will take up true Scriptural notions of it, and
such as God himself puts upon it, verily you will find that in it
that will tell you that it is a righteous thing with God thus to deal
by a people so demeaning towards him, and that they therein receive
that recompence of wayes that is meet. What is sin (I mean not
inevitable, unwilling and lamented weakness and infirmities, but
sin purposely committed, and impenitently persisted in) ? I say,
what is sin, such manner of sinning, in the true Scripture notion
of it in the judgement of God, which is according to truth ? Is it
not a forsaking God ? And have we not cause to fear forsaking
God he will forsake us ? Is it not a departing, a going away from
God ? And we leaving God, may we not expect he will leave
us ? Is it not a casting off God, and we casting off him ? Have
we not reason to think he will cast off us ? Is it not a revolting
from God ? a revolting from under the Lord ? a casting off his
Government ? a rebelling against him ? And what can we count
upon or look for thus doing, but that God should turn his back
upon us, cast us out of his favour and protection, deal with us as
Rebels, become our enemy, and fight against us ? Yea, is it not
a hating God, an abhorring him in your souls (whatever you call
or count if God calls or counts it so), and can you thus dealing by
the blessed God hope other or better than that his Soul should
loath them whose soul abhors him, that he should repay them
that hate him to their face, to destroy them ? In a word, sin is a
heart departing from God in the root of it, and a life departing
from God in the fruit of it ; men having first withdrawn their love
and affections from God as the consequent of it withdraw their
duty and allegiance, and being thus revolted and gone from God
in heart and life, in affection and action, in spirit and conver-
sation; have we not just cause to fear lest God's Soul depart from
us, and he withdraw all the outward effects of his care and good-
ness towards us, and so make us desolate ?
2. Consider further, and somewhat more particularly ; are not
those sins to be found, yea do they not abound and grow rife
amongst us, that are very gravamenous, nautious, distasteful
unto God, that eminently tend to disaffect God, disjoynt
his soul from us, and provoke his sorest Displeasure against
us, First. Let me lay my hand upon that that lies at the
bottom of all our other sins, and which of all our unkind-
nesses towards a good God he takes most tenderly, and layes
deepest to heart, and that is our unworthy entertainments of the
glorious Gospel of the blessed God; our receiving of the grace of
God in vain, the neglect of that great salvation to continue im-
penitent, unconverted ; unbelieving under the Gospel is to sin to
the outmost, being the outstanding of uttermost grace and mersy,
and brings wrath to the uttermost indeed ; if uttermost love, ut-
termost grace rejected, what but uttermost wrath is to be expect-
ed? In the Gospel God hath made a way for his mercy, he hath
poured forth all his grace, he has no more, he has drawn forth his
soul, his tenderest Bowels mercys to the other end to poor needy
sinners, and for them to set at naught and slight all this ; this if
anything will make God forget to be gracious: nothing wins upon
the heart of God more than the hearty entertainment of the Gos-
pel, but nothing wounds God more, weans his Soul from a people
more than a regardless contempt of it: for a company of poor,
miserable, wretched, abject, undone, damned siuners to put a
slight upon the strange, wonderful, astonishing grace of the great
God in Jesus Christ towards them, bid him keep his Christ, his
Pardon, his Grace, his Peace, his Life, his Salvation to himself as
in effect they do that repent not, nor beleive the Gospel : I must
leave you to imagine how God takes this ; is not this the Salvation
that is by Jesus Christ ? the thing that God hath set his heart
upon ? is it not the most pleasing contentful design (to the utmost
that we know) that ever he engaged in ? hath not God laid out of
the greatest Skill and Cost upon it? and hath he not projected
and promised to himself the greatest revenue of glory from it ?
and for us to slight and set at naught, and what in us lies wholly
frustrate it, will God can God take this well ? We worms can
take it grievously enough to have our design frustrated, that we
have beaten our heads about, laid our selves for, set our hearts
upon, and promised our selves much from, think then what a cor-
rasive it is to the heart of God to be so dealt by in that which he
hath set his mind upon, never anything more. O Sir, would you
study to thwart, to cross God, to do the greatest despight ; there
is no way like this, and will God bear it to have the deep counsels
of his Wisdom derided, the great purpose, the pleasure of his will
opposed, the wisdom of his love slighted, the riches of his grace
despised, his Son the darling of his Soul contemned and rejected,
yea himself in all that he is, and has, and can do for poor creat-
ures (all his gracious and merciful overtures to them notwithstand-
ing) utterly set at naught ; will not God visit for these things ?
will not his soul be disjointed from, and avenged upon such a
people as this? Again, Are -we not guilty of great Apostacy
from God? a sin greatly distasteful to him: If any man draw
back my soul shall have no pleasure in him, Heb. 10, 38. And
are not we of those that draw back in such degree (the Lord grant
it may not be unto perdition) that we have much cause to fear
lest his soul depart from us ? is there not with too many of us too
evident a defection from God and the good wayes of the Lord in
their very judgments and opinions ? In their judgments they are
not the men they were, they are not in their judgments such fast
friends to the power of godliness, as sometimes ; they do not lay
that weight, that necessity upon a close walking with God, and
serious diligence in a way of duty upon Closet, Family or more
publick performances, as sometimes, so that if men do not begin
to cavil against, or question about these things, where is the rule
for daily secret Prayer, meditation, self-examination ? or where is
the rule that a Man must every day read a chapter or two in his
Family? Yet their judgments are secretly, insensibly wrought
off from laying the weight and stress upon these things. As to
the constant, diligent, accurate, thorough attendance to them, as
that they can go out with many neglects, and many remiss,
slight, hasty, half performances, and their consciences not much
reprove them ; the working out their salvation with fear and
trembling, utmost care and diligence the striving to enter, and
taking the Kingdom of Heaven by violence, begins to look more
than needs ; and the exercise of self-denyal in the holding their
senses under restraint, and government and constant watchful-
ness over their hearts and waves, seems a kind of overstrictness :
Men are gone off in their judgments, stand not so clearly and
fixedly perswaded in their own minds of the necessity and im-
portance of such attendencies, and begin to take up an opinion
that there needs not so much ado that all this is not of that abso-
lute necessity, but that it will be a tolerable thing, at least to
abate somewhat from it. And to evident is it that we are to
much backsliden from God in our affections and conversations :
we have lost our first love and left our first works ; if the love of
New England's espousals be now sought for, it will not be
found. And if the footsteps of those that first followed the Lord
into this, as then unknown land, be enquired after how dim and
almost worn out will they appear ? Where is that ancient love,
desire, delight to and in the Ordinances of God, and all the
means of Communion with him, and that careful and exact walk-
ing with God in all those ways of duty, both toward God and
Man now become ?
Verily, we are gone backward, backward and not forward, and
verily these backward retrograde God forsaking Motions carry-
such hateful unthankfulness unto God, such to be abominated
falseness, perfidiousness to him ; yea, they cast such reproach and
contempt upon God, put such a publick slight upon him, put him
to such open shame in the eyes of the world, for a People after
some tryal made of him and of his service, thus to decline, shrink
back from and forsake him, that we have cause to fear God, will
take himself in honour bound to right himself in the ruine of such
I tremble to think (the truth of the charge there made consid-
ered) how wishly that threatning looks upon us. Jer. 15, 6,
Thou hast forsaken me, saith the Lord, thou art gone backward,
therefore will I stretch out my hand against thee and destroy
Again, Is there not amongst us that hypocrisie formal-
ity, overlyness, outsidness in the matters of God and Godliness ?
That God that searcheth the heart, and desireth truth in the
inward parts, cannot but see and hate a form of Godliness, the
upper garment of Saintship (though even that now with many grows
thin and thread-bare), is in fashion, and a great wear amongst
us ; but inside Christianity, the power of godliness, is but here
and there found ; there is an outside godliness, an external show
still with us, we hear, we pray, we receive Sacraments, we have
our Conference Meetings, our Lectures, Fasts, and other Solemni-
ties ; we are conversant in external acts of Worship but inside
godliness, and that in which indeed the life and soul of it lies, the
loving God, fearing God, trusting in God, delighting in and liv-
ing upon God in the ways and means of communion with him ;
these internal, vital acts of worship, where almost are they to be
found ? Of us may God revive the old complaint and say, this
people draw near tne with their month, and with their lips, do
honour ?ne, but have removed their hearts far from me, Isai.
29, 13. And have we not cause to fear that God's soul, his affec-
tions, his Salvations will be far from those whose hearts are far
from him: those that having a form of godliness, but denying the
power of it, God hath bidden his own from such turn away, and
may we not expect that himself will much more do it ; how can
we say, we love him, when our hearts are not with him, or if we
do so say, will God be mockt ? will he accept us ? Yea, will he
not detest us for a dissembled profession of what is not. Me-
thinks destruction from God should be a terrour to us when we
read what near neighbors a hypocritical nation, & the people of
God's wrath are as we do ? in that Isai. [sic] 10, 6. Again, a cold,
dead, indeed indiffere7it, luke wartn spirit, a temper greatly
nauteous unto God. Rev. 3, 16, Many may their portion be made
fat, and their meat plenteous, as to temporals little mind or mat-
ter which end goes forward as to spirituals, or as to civils, or
order thereunto, methinks men seem to have spent (alas lament-
ably to have mispent) their zeal about matters of Religion I can-
not but remember what sad and breaking contentions we have
had not many years since about Church-priviledges, and that
earnest stickling that hath been with men for the obtainment of
them, for themselves and theirs. A charitable heart would sure
have thought that men's souls had longed for those wayes and
means of communion with God, and that a zeal for the enjoyment
of God in all his Ordinances had influenced those contendings for
and about them. But alas, who can but be sad upon it to see the
end obtained, and a door set open to those enjoyments, and such
a dull spirit of indifferency as to these things, at least as to mak-
ing any real and answerable improvement of them : Is this our
zeal for God, his Ordinances, the good things of his house, that
chills and dyes if it have not a spirit of contention to cherish and
keep it warm ? This fire withdrawn, we discover ourselves, as
indeed we are, a cold, luke-warm people ; verily it must be some
more kindly heat that must keep us warm upon the heart of God>
or we shall wamble upon his stomack and be in eminent danger to
be spued out of his mouth.
Again, Are we not guilty of great ingratitude unto God, of
unworthy unthankful slighting and undervaluing the great things
he hath done for us, the blessings of the upper and nether springs,
Spiritual, Temporal Mercies, with a liberal hand bestowed upon
us ? Verily, I think we have run deep into Divine displeasure
upon this account; and that if every People, New-England hath
cause to fear, lest wrath be upon them for their not rendring
again according to the benefits done unto them. Men have
known too well how to be discontent, and repine and murmur ;
but how to be thankful they have not known : if they have been
ever so little crossed, or pinched, or charged, the Magistracy hath
been discontented, the Ministry discontentful, they could even
with a change like pettish Israel, Let us make a Captain and re-
turn into Egypt : Much alas, too much of the spirit of that un-
thankful, untoward, froward, discontented murmuring generation
that was so grievous to God hath been amongst us, and hath
given us cause to fear that partaking of their sins ; we shall par-
take of their plagues: Alas for the day it looks, as if a provoked
God were about to bring it upon an unthankful People, when we
shall know the worth of those mercies in their want, which we
have not known in their enjoyment, when Justice shall be turned
into gall, and the fruit of Righteousness into Hemlock; when
as Mic. 7, 3, 4, The Judge ask for a reward, and the great man
utter eth his mischievous desire ; so they wrap it up the best of
them, and as a briar, and the most upright of them sharper
than a thorn hedge. In that day will unthankful New-England
be moved to know the worth of their precious, but low pric'd lib-
erties; as sensible as were the men of Sue cot h under Gideon's
severed discipline. Again. Our great pride prognosticates
sadly. I do not mean only or mainly those toyes and unmanly
vanities that trie minds of younger, and too many older persons
are set upon, though sad and bad enough it be, that the hearts of
Men and Women, made for a better place, are got into their
sleeves, but that haughtiness of spirit that predominates amongst
us, every no body would be some body, and persons of a com-
moner rank, look but too earnestly towards the upper end of the
World; men know not their places. The child behaves himself
protidly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable:
Men's conditions sit uneasie, and their callings suit them not, and
more especially that stoutheartedness that transports men to an
awlesness, not only of men, as vested with his authority, they will
bear uo yoke in any relation ; but even of God himself ; they fear
not him in his Word or Works, and what shall we think of this
pride ? put first among those things that God hates ? that are
abomination to him? Prov. 6, 16, 17. And will God (think we)
love or loath a proud people ? Hath God respect to the lowly ?
But doth he know the proud afar off? Psal. 138, 6. And may
not our hearts ake to think how far we are from the favorable and
respectful knowledge of God ? and how superciliously, and at
what a distance God holds us ? Hath God said, That to this man
will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and
that trembleth at my words? Isa. 66, 2. How are persons of a
proud and contemptuous spirit, that are so far from trembling at
the Word of God, that they can freely, and fearlessly despise both it
and them that bring it resented by him ; and to conclude, If pride
goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall,
Prov. 16, 18, we have cause from the consideration of what it
hath been amongst us to fear what will follow.
Again. Our great worldliness looks wofully upoti us; the
World, the love of the World, the zeal of the world is too deeply
gotten into the hearts and lives of men, and hath so thoroughly
possessed them, that there is no room for anything else ; their
eyes and their hearts are not but for their covetousness. There
was a generation that first fought the kingdom of God, but now
with many it is the world, the world that is first and last fought,
or if the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness have anything
from them, it is the leaving of the world they are put off with.
It is covetousness, so Paul. Col. 3, 5, is the love of the world
spiritual adultery; so Jam. chap. 4, 4. And doth God hate these
sins as much as in the days of old ? Can we think that such an
Idolatrous, whorish spirit that is found in the midst of us will not
alienate the mind of God from us, is the friendship with the
world Enmity with God, whosoever will be a friend of the world
is the enemy of God, Sam. 4, 4, is the love of the world and the
things of the world, exclusive of the love of God. If any man
love the World, the love of the Father is not in him, 1 John
3, 15. We may well fear, and not without a cause, that the love
of the world will leave us as little room in God's heart as it hath
done him in ours.
Again. That great sensual lity that is amongst us, and the
therein high abuse of Divine bounty : How can it but be very
evilly resented by God, when (as one aptly, and upon like solemn
occasion expresst it to you, as indeed the matter is) men fight
against God with his own goodness, turn the edge to his kindness
against himself; not serving him with joyfulness and gladness of
heart in abundance of all things (but as much as in them lyes)
make his Power and Providence, his bounty and care to serve
with their iniquities, when men grow fat and kick, instead of
having their hearts lift up in the wayes of God, who had made
them to prosper, they lift up the heel against him, when God's
corn and wine is made provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts of
it: the better God is to them, the more wanton, sensual, unclean,
temperate they are. O this galls, this provokes: How shall I
pardon thee for this, when I fed them so to the full, then they
committed adultery, &*c, shall I not visit for these things, &*c,
Jer. 5, 7, 9. Other things might be mentioned (but the time
would fail to insist upon particulars) the want of love and peace
(alas for the great decay of a spirit of love amongst Christians)
may make us fear that the God of love and peace will not take up
his abode with us; the want of righteousness (who sees not
great unrighteousness amongst us) may make us doubt that the
Rigateous Lord who loves Righteousness, and whose countenance
doth behold the upright, will remove his gracious presence farr
from us; so want of Truth, unfaithfulness, men's words, their,
promises, they are but like the hypocrites hope, they have no hold
in them, and do but deceive them that depend upon them ; a great
and common sin, and we may well think greatly provoking and
distasteful unto him whose stile is the God of Truth but I must
not follow these things any further, enough hath been said to tell
us that there is much of that of those sins found amongst us that
eminently tend to disaffect God toward us .
3. Consider yet again, as those are sins greatly nautious and
distasteful unto God, eminently tending to disaffect him towards,
and to take off his heart toward a People, so as they are found
amongst us, they fall under such considerations, such circum-
stances, such aggravations as cannot but render them exceed-
ing grievous to the very soul of God, and superlatively provok-
ing; but to intimate, hi the land of uprightness, we have dealt
thus wickedly : 'Tis the noble Vine that God hath planted so
lately that hath brought forth such degenerate fruits, such wild
grapes as these. Can this but be greatly provoking ?
Again. So have these roots of bitterness sprung up, that thereby
many are defiled ; these are not the sins of some few, but we
are many that have transgressed in these things: The evils
mentioned (at least as to many of them) are such as the body of
this people are deeply leaven'd and tainted with, and certainly
when such sins grow common, we have cause to think what is
coming. But again above all, The impenitent persistence in
these evils, after all God hath said and done to reclaim us,
looks dreadfully upon us : God hath tryed us with enterchange-
able dispensations, mercies and corrections, afflictions and salva-
tions, have had their turns and returns upon us ; yet we sin still,
he hath smitten ; yea, he hath consumed us but we have not
received correction ; he hath knock us off with many a hard blow ;
yea, with blow upon blow, and breach upon breach, but we hold
fast deceit and refuse to return : What shall God do with such a
People ? what may they expect from him ? Because I have
purged thee and thou wast not purged, thou shall not be
purged from thy filthiness any more until I have causedmyfury
to rest upon thee, Ezek. 21, 13. Our wayes toward God then
give us much cause to fear lest God leave and lay us desolate.
2. Let us consider God ' s wayes toward us, and see if they
also do not give us ground jealousie that the Lord is about to
leave us: Evident it is that the countenance of the Lord is not
toward us as heretofore ; the face of Divine Providence is full of
awful indiciums that God is taking off his heart, and withdrawing
his gracious presence from us: What said good Gideon, If the
Lord be with us why then is all this befallen us ? And where
are all his miracles that our fatliers told us of? May not we
so say, if the Lord be with us, if he be not about to leave us, have
not begun to disaffect us and estrange himself from us, why then
is all this befallen us ? And where are those signal tokens of his
presence, and all his wonder-working providences that our fa-
thers have told us of ? Is he with us as with them ? Alas for the
solemn and certain symptoms that he is leaving and forsaking of
us: Is God with us in his Ordinances, or is he with us in the wayes
of his Providences as sometimes ? Let us a little consider of
I. Is God with us in his ordinances as sometimes? Two
things here.
1, Is God hearing and answering our Prayers as some-
times ? Our former times have afforded us many evident answers
of prayers, some memorable instances of which are upon publick
record, to which more might be added; but how hath it been
with us of latter days ? Have not our most solemn addresses unto
God greatly failed us of those signal and speedy answers ? hath
not God shut out ? yea seemed angry against the prayers of his
people in the time of the Indian War ? and since have we not had
matters of sorrowful observation as to this ? To omit other in-
stances, that second and sorer flood that was upon this River, not
two years since, falling out presently upon a day of publick fast-
ing and prayer, as it is published to the world amongst remark-
able Providences, so cannot but be to us of awful remembrance
and remark as to what we are speaking ; God hath been nigh unto
us in all things that we have called upon him for; yea, mercy hath
prevent us; before we have called. God hath answered, and
while we have been yet speaking he hath heard ; but now, alas,
what cause to complain. We fast and he seeth not, we afflict our
souls and he taketh no knowledge.
2. Is God owning and influencing his Ordinances the ?neans
of his Grace as sometimes? Was it once a truth (which that
Reverend Person who Preached to you now eleven years since,
upon this occasion told you) that our Sion had multitudes con-
verted to her ? Hartford had so, New-haven had so, Windsor
had so, and so had many other Churches in this Land; multi-
tudes converted to them. How is it now? Are not our converts
comparatively like the grape-gleani?igs of the vintage, now and
then one comes dropping in. And me thinks also the word Sacra-
ments and other Ordinances are deinforced as to what they have
been ; God hath unclothed them, left them in a degree forsaken
of his sometimes working power and virtue towards the souls of
his own, they are net affected, humbled, quickened, raised,
warmed, comforted by them, as sometimes they do not pros-
per, thrive, flourish and bring forth fruit under them as hereto-
fore ; they do not find them such a feast of fat things, and so full
of marrow as in former days ; and can we have a sadder token of
God's withdrawing and estranging himself from us than his fail-
ing his Ordinances of the wonted influence of his spirit, both as
to Conversion and Edification.
2. Is God with us in the wayes of his Providences as some-
times? How many wayes, and for how long a time hath God
manifested his displeasure against us, his disfavour toward us ?
'Tis evident by the operations of his hand that the affections of
his heart are not to us as heretofore, for though it be a truth that
afflictions upon particular persons may have other causes, yet it
generally concluded that publick calamities are certain tokens of
Divine displeasure: when God smites a Nation, a People, a Coun-
try with War, Sickness, Famine, &c. They are undoubtedly
testimonies of his anger: And how hath God done by us ? Hath
not the sword gone through our Land ? hath not sore diseases had
their annual returns upon us ? Yea, of late both Summer and
Winter abode with us to the taking of many from us ? And
how sadly hath God of late years smitten us in all the
labours of our hands by blasting, mildews, catterpillars, worms,
tares, floods aud droughts ? And truly not only for all this his
anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still ;
but in all this God seems to be making a way for his anger, that
he may pour forth all his wrath. Observable is the way and
manner of God's dealing with his People of old, and the method
of his gradual proceeding against them, till at last he utterly re-
jected and destroyed them. 'Tis said, 2 King 13, 23, God would
not destroy them, neither cast them from his presence as yet.
He had not yet done it, neither would he yet do it, but how even
then he was making way for it: you may see, 2 King 12,32, He
began to cut them short. And 2 Chron. 28, 19, He brought thetn
low; and hath God begun to cut us short ? and doth he not go on
to cut us shorter and shorter ? Hath he not brought us low ?
And is he not still bringing us lower and lower ? How many
wayes hath God been, and still is short cutting, and low-bringing
of us ? He hath cut us short of our members, brought us low by
taking away many, and many Righteous Ones from us ; hath he
not (of late years especially) bereft us of many Magistrates,
Ministers, and other useful Persons, and added that late fore
breach, and causefully bitterly lamented loss to the rest ? And
hath he not cut us short in our comforts, brought us low by de-
priving us by one means and other of so much of the fruits of the
earth ? We have sown much and brought in little ; sowen Wheat,
Barley, good feed, but reaped Tares, Cockle, and such like trash ;
The ancient curse for sin is revived, and heightened upon us.
Under the rain that hath come oft upon us, and all the husbandry
God hath been at with us, we have not brought forth fruit meet
for him, by whom we have been dressed, and what measure we
have meeted: it hath been measured to us again: under such
means, and a promising, flourishing profession, little real fruit
hath been biought forth to God; and how like to this have we
found in that little good grain under goodly appearances, and a
great burden that the earth hath brought forth to us ? And doth
not the hand of God upon this account grow very awful toward
us ? is not the meat cut off before our eyes ? do we not see men's
crops fail them (at least in many places) year after year, and
every year more than other ? Should God go on to do by us a
few years more as he hath done for some years past, it would look
apace toward cleanness of teeth. And hath God not cut us short
of our credit and estimation ? brought us low upon that account also
New-England' s name hath been much set by, much more than
now New- England' s credit and repute is brought many pegs
lower than sometimes; when we were precious in God's sight, we
were honourable ; but when he makes no such account of a Peo-
ple, they soon go out of credit ; God hath made us to know the
truth of that, 1 Sam. 2, 30 (the subject that was insisted upon by
that eminently holy man of God this time three years) them that
honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall
be lightly esteemed; we have found the truth of that, that
them that honour God he will honour, and now God is verifying
the truth of that also, that those that despise him shall be lightly
esteemed: Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a re-
proach to any People, Prov. 14, 24. And New- England' s for-
mer and latter experiences may feel to both parts of the truth of
that Text. Under all these short cutting, lowering, afflicting dis-
pensations, may we not say in this day, as 'twas said, Israel
should do in that, when many evils and troubles should befall
them ? Dent. 31, 17. Are not these evils come upon us because
our God is not amongst us ? is not with us as he hath been, nor
favours us as he hath done. But I must pursue these things no
further which I have been drawn forth to follow thus far, if possi-
ble to make you sensible, both from the consideration of our
wayes towards God and his wayes toward us, that according to
the present frame and posture of things with us, it looks very ex-
ceeding threateningly upon us, least God leave us and lay us
3. Consider, Hotv sad would it be, should it come to this : it
is evident from the considerations mentioned, that it may be so,
and also that it looks exceeding threatningly, lest it be so ; but
what a dismal thing would it be, should it be so indeed ! to lose
God's love, his favour, his good will; to have his soul depart from
us, what a dreadful thing would it be ! How emphatically doth
God shut up sundry sore threatnings with this as the most miser-
able complement of ! Yea, wo also unto them when I depart
from them, PIos. 9, 12, that burden, Jer. 23, 33 (so it is there
called) I will even forsake you, saith the Lord : it is the most
intolerable, crushing, back-breaking Burden that was ever laid
upon any people for God to disaffect, reject, forsake a people, it
is the most formidable thing that can bef al them : In his favour
is life, his loving-kindness is better than Life : it is the founda-
tion, fountain and well-head of all our good ; all that good is, is
originally, virtually and eminently contained in it, founded upon
and flowing from it; but to be rejected of God, cast out of his af-
fections, it is in itself the sorest judgment; it hath in it all that
evil is, and it is the source of all that doth, or may, or can fall out
sadly or unhappily to us: if we have God's heart we cannot want
his hand: if he be with us, if he be for us, who or what shall be
against us? If he cause his face to shine upon us, we shall be
saved: but if he take off his heart, forsake, hide his face from us,
we shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befal us,
all kinds of calamities will crowd in ; mischiefs will be heaped
upon us if God take his presence (and consequently his peace)
from us, even loving-kindness and mercies : what will follow but
that he will vex us with all adversity ; our wife-men will be infat-
uated, our men of courage and activity dispirited, our peaceable
and guidable men froward and headlong, nothing will prosper
with us, but all things will conspire and work together ruineward ;
counsel, strength, protection, sustenance, all will fail us: Sword,
Sickness, Famine, evils of all sorts grow in upon, pursue and
cleave unto us till they have consumed us. And further, let me
here add that consideration, that should it come to this with us,
God should take off his heart from us, turn his hand against us, it
will certainly fall exceeding aggravatedly heavy up07i us. It
will so eminently, in a two fold respect.
i. // will be a sad and sorrowful thing indeed, when as it
threatened, Josh. 24, 20, God shall turn and do us hurt, and
consume us after that he hath done us good : Miser um est
There is no greater misery than to have been happy ; it is more
to be brought than to be born low, to be degraded than never to
have been exalted: worse is so much the worse by how much we
have known better: Thoic hast lifted me up and cast me down,
saith the Psalmist, aggravating his affliction, Psal. 10, 2, 10.
How art thou fallen from Heaven, 0 Lucifer, Son of the
Morning ? was the cutting question to the King of Babylon, in
the day of his ruine, Isai. 14, 12. And it was the deapth of feru-
salem's wo, that she came down wonderfully, Sam. 1, 9. Know,
if you lose God you will be miserable many, many, that never
knew what it was to enjoy him as you have done: When you
have lost God, his love, his favour, and lost your all in that loss,
then to look back and bemoan yourselves, 0 that we were as in
months past, when the Almighty was yet with us : then to re-
member in the days of your affliction and misery all the pleasant
things that you had in the days of old, then to lament that you
once had a God, what a bitter, bitter and heart-breaking thing-
will it be.
2. When God turns to do a people hurt after he hath done
them good, they may expect he will do them hurt according as
he hath done them good, Deut. 28, 63.
And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over yon
to do yoti good and multiply you, so the Lord will rejoice over
you to destroy you, and to bring you to naught : of whom God
saith, you only have I known ; God hath an evil, an only evil for
them, Ezek. 7, 5, For whom God hath done, that which he hath
not done, against them will God do that which he hath not done,
and whereunto he will not do any more the like, Ezek. 5, 9.
The punishment of the inigtiity of the Daughter of my People
is greater than the punishment of Sodom, Sam. 4, 6. Under
the %vhole heaven hath not been done as hath been done upon
Jerusalem, Dan. 9, 12. There was no sorrow like that of Sion,
wherewith the Lord afflicted her in the day of his fierce anger,
Sam. 1, 12. Wo unto us when God (turning to do us hurt shall,
come to measure us by the same Rule that he hath done us good
by: Will not New-England then be made one of the blackest
spots of earth under the heavens of God ?
4. Consider, It may yet be prevented; and what mercy it is
that it may so be in that things come not to this woful pass ? will
we yet be perswaded to hearken to the counsel in the Text ? will
we yet be instructed, bethink ourselves, repent, amend, convert,
turn to God, he will not leave us, ae will not cause his anger to
fall upon us: and wherein he hath so done, we returning unto
him he will return with us : Doubtless God is spirited and acted
toward us by the same Rule that himself gives us. Prov. 27, 10,
Thine own friend and thy father s friend forsake not: God
hath been our friend, and our father's friend, we have had (as I
may say) his favour by inheritance ; because he loved our fathers,
he hath chosen their seed after them, and loth he is both for our
own and their sakes (his grace and mercy having descended thus
upon us) to disinherit us, nor will he do it, if after all we yet
prove not utterly uncounselable and incorrigible. The love and
kindness of Neiu- En gland 's first times stick by him; all our
back-slidings, unworthy carriages, evil requitals have not so
wholly razed out the remembrance of it, but that God hath sensi-
bly manifested even in the way of his judgment, many relentings
of heart toward us, and would we yet be perswaded to recede our
pursuit of vain things that cannot profit nor deliver, for they are
vain, and unsaintly, and with our whole heart return to him, how
would his bowels be moved for us ? his passions stirred up to meet
us at our coming, and his heart knit unto us ? And think also what
an act of grace it is that God will thus accept of, and re-entertain
repenting and returning sinners ; it is a great act of grace for God
totake any to be his People ; but it is a much greater to fall in
again with those that have deeply revolted from him: O me-
thinks such peerless, unpattern'd, unparrall'd mercy, as such it is
proposed in the third chapter of this prophesie, vers, i, should
melt, overcome, win upon the hearts of poor sinners ; thougJi we
have played the harlot with many lovers will God yet receive
us. O will he methinks, as persons overcome of mercy, our very
souls should say, behold we come unto thee, for thou art the Lord
our God.
5. And lastly Consider, That if we be not instructed, continue
incorrigible, irreclaimable, God will certainly leave us, his
soul will depart from us, and he will make us desolate. We
may natter ourselves in our own way until our iniquity be found
to be hateful; bless ourselves in our hearts while God's anger
smokes against us ; cry peace, peace, until remediless ruine come
upon us, and there be no escaping ; but assuredly what God
threatens, unless Repentance intervene, he will accomplish: Me-
thinks it fares between God and New-England People, as be-
tween a tender hearted Parent and an untoward, stuborn child;
the poor afflicted Father, with many yearning bowels bespeaks ;
yea, begs, beseeches him. O my son be instructed, be perswad-
ed, bethink thyself, hearken to counsel ; and in the issue begins
to tell him, well son, look to it, if thou goest on thus, and nothing
will do with thee, thou wilt lose thy Father's heart at last, as
well as I have loved thee, my affections will be wholly weened off
from thee, I will disown, disinherit, turn thee out of doors; and
shall it come to this between God and us, if we continue unin-
structed it will come to this. We shall lose God's love, leave our-
selves no more room in his affections, utterly harden his heart
against us, work it to that issue, that God will thoroughly disaf-
fect us, and what then ? Why, when God thoroughly disaffects a
People, then as in Chap. 15 of this prophesie, vers. 1, 2, though
Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind eould not be to-
ward this People, cast them out of my sight, and let them go
forth ; such as are for death to death and such as are for
the sword to the sword, a?id such as for famine to famine,
and such as are for captivity to captivity ; as if God should
say, I cannot abide them, they have quite lost my heart, I
I can no more affect them ; let who will intercede for them, away
with them, let them dy, be slain, famished, captivated, no matter
how many wayes, so they be any ways destroyed. This, even
this will be the fatal upshot that our sins and rebellions will bring
it to between God and us if we be not instructed. And now I be-
seech you reflect upon what hath been said, lay together the
considerations that have been laid before you, and think whether it
be not high time to hearken to that awful, yet compassionate ad-
monition of the Text, Be thou instructed O New-England, lest
God's soul depart from thee, lest he make thee desolate, a land
not inhabited: Methinks we should find ourselves concerned, and
that all sorts of persons, as those that came to John Baptist,
should be, asking what shall we do ? and what shall we do ; Mag-
istrates, Ministers and Masters of Families, men of all ranks and
conditions, should be earnestly enquiring what shall we do, and
what shall we do as to the retaining and regaining the good will
of God. and keeping his gracious presence with us ? And possi-
bly it is expected (according to the ordinary use upon these occa-
sions) that by way of answer I should apply myself to these and
those, but the time takes me off. Much Honoured ; I know much
lyes upon you (and although my haste be great) , let me call at
your door with that of the Psalmist, Psal. 2, 10, 12, Be instruct-
ed ye Judges of the Earth, kiss the Son; professedly and actu-
ally own Jesus Christ, signalize your love and affection, your
homage and subjection to him, even in such a day as this; what
difficulties or hazards this may cast you upon, or what disfavour it
may work you, or with whom it is my business to say, and I hope
will be besides yours to consider, suffice it me to say, and you to
think, that this is the way to the heart of God ; the way to get and
keep in with him, which is the thing we are upon: O shew your
love to Jesus Christ, your zeal for him, his cause, interest, wayes,
People, all his concerns, and set yourselves against whatsoever is
contrary thereunto, suppress sin, promote holiness to your utmost
power. And let me only in general say, both to you, Right Hon-
ourable, and to the Honourable Deputies with you, that make up
the grand counsel of this poor colony (I know you have not been
without deep thoughts of heart upon the account) if there be any-
thing yet do-able as to these things, either by Law making, or
Law executing, that may conduce to keep God with us, let it be
diligently done.
Nextly, I should have applyed myself to you, my dear and rev-
erend Brethren in the Ministry you are set for the instruction of
others, but it is not too much to be said to you (however it may
seem too much for me to say it) be you also instructed. O look
about you, it eminently concerns you, think what is yours to do,
that it may not come to the parting pull between God and this
People. I doubt not Brethren, could I lay my hand so near your
hearts, I could find them in old Ely s posture trembling for the
Ark of God, the God of the Ark, God and his Ark, his taking his
presence from us, and the signal tokens of the same ; but what is
ours to do that it may not be so, I know myself (though too little)
too well to take upon me to direct you ; let me only say as the
eyes of that Cripple, of whom you read, Acts 3, were upon Peter
and John, the poor man looked wishfully upon them, hoping to
receive somewhat from them, so my eyes, and the eyes of this
poor People are (under God) upon you earuestly, expecting that
you should do something for us, as the poor man in the Gospel,
Mark 9, once solicited your great Lord and Master in his day
upon earth for his woful sin ; let me bemoan to you the lament-
able condition of this miserable people, thus and thus it is with
us, and these and those means have been used with, and improved
for us, but to no purpose, if you can do anything have compas-
sion on us, and help us ; I know you are not in God's stead, but
as I was saying, under God our eyes are upon you ; and I be-
seech you remember that they are so.
Again, give me leave in passing to drop a word to the Free-
men ; be you also instructed as to the work of this day, as you
would not have God depart from us, disregard us, do not disre-
gard him in these grand motions, do not leave him out in your
Elections : surely it is not the ingraciating way with God to give
him cause to complain, as, Hos. 8, 4, They have set up Kings
but not by me, and have made Princes and I know it not: have
a respect to God in your Elections in having a respect to godli-
ness: not that every godly man is fit to make a Magistrate, or
every one that hath grace is fit to govern you may read, Exod.
18, 21, That they must be able men, as well as fearing God, not
only good, honest, well-minded, well-meaning men, but such as
sit chief (that you sit in that place) had need to be able to chuse
out the way of a People for the?n, Job 29, 25. Yea, and then
when it comes to a Day of Difficulty, it is not only integrity of
heart but skilfulness of hands that is required to the well man-
agement of the reins of government, Psal . 78, ult. Yet surely
Godliness is an essential qualification. Nor can you disregard it
without disregarding God in your Elections, would you have
God's heart with you ? chuse men of David's character, Acts
13, 22. Men after God's own heart ; it may be in such a day as
this there are many and great thoughts of heart, such a man is in
favor, and such a man is so and so ; I have nothing to say against
all prudential considerations (provided they always be pious)
upon these accounts, if policy were unlawful Christ would never
have bidden his Disciples to be wise as Serpents, Mar. 10, 16.
Policy and Piety, the Serpent and the Dove, do as well together
as they do ill asunder ; but what I have to say, and what the Doc-
trine under hand leads me to say, is chuse Men in favour with Lhe
King of Kings, who hath King's hearts in his hand to turn as he
will, and can if men's wayes please him, make even their enemies
be at peace with them.
Heads of Families would have been next spoken to ; there is
more than a little for them to do upon the great account we are
I would also address myself to God's own dear ones amongst
us (those few names comparatively that are yet left us) that are
great and gracious with him, that they would have improved their
outmost interest for us, who can do great things with God ; that
they would desire mercies of the God of Heaven, I would have
begg'd the very sinners of the times, that at last they would not
thrust away God from us; but the time bids me have done.
I shall conclude all with two or three words of Instruction and
1. Let us make work into a thorough confession unto God;
surely the want of this is our great wound, the core and root of
all our maladies ; our next complying with the calls of his grace
to a thorough, entire, irreserved closure with himself, hence have
grown those estrangements between God and us, that now
begin to look threateningly as to an utter parting ; and it is a
thorough conversion unto God that must lay the foundation of our
cure. I must confes the sense of this hath been so much with me,
since the call to this daye's work was undoubtedly laid upon me,
that I have had many thoughts to say neither of this nor of that
but to turn the whole stream of my Discourse into this channel:
O that you were to be prevailed with as to this, our work were
done at once ; and is there no perswading you ? though not only
God's gracious presence with you in this world, but your everlast-
ing enjoyment of him in glory in that other world lies upon it:
What shall I say to you sirs? I beseech you shew yourselves
men, act but the part of reasonable creatures (which looks like a
reasonable request), set but your understandings and thoughts
seriously to work, and I profess to you, it is beyond my conceiv-
ing (so doing) that you can be other than thorow, down-right
Christians: a thinking man can not be but a serious man; 'tis the
want of this that ruines men, Israel doth not know, my people
doth not consider, Isai. 1, 3, in consideration is the undoing of men
under means of knowledge ; men know enough, would they but con-
sider what they know, to make them in good earnest about matters
of greatest moment. I have a great request (to the unconverted I
especially intend it, knowing some will do much more than I say) to
make to this great congregation, and every person, I am under the
present opportunity of speaking to, which I am never like to be in
this world ; I have a great request to you, indeed, as to the thing
desired, it is but a small matter, but my heart is much in it ; and
I shall verily hope that this poor Sermon will not be utterly lost,
if you will but grant it; I beseech you deny me not, and 'tis this
that you would take some time to bethink yourselves of your
greatest concernments ; and I would fain beg some time every
day, but I will bring my request very low that I may not be
denied ; shall I obtain of you that you will constantly set apart
one half hour in a week ; be it on the Saturday night, or some-
time, and getting alone, set yourselves to this with utmost serious-
ness about the matters of your soul and your future and eternal
states; would persons be perswaded thus to do, I do think it
would be impossible for them to stand before their own thoughts:
I doubt not but if men would give themselves leave to think
what it would be to be in Heaven or Hell, for ever, it would
bring them to themselves : And, O were we thorough here as to
the work of Conversion, were the as yet utterly unconverted, but
converted ; were the half converted, the almost perswaded, but
altogether, but thoroughly converted, were the slight and for-
mal, and such as have a name to live, the professionally convert-
ed, but sincerely converted, were the converted, but so back-
slidden, fallen, that they stand in need of renewed conversions,
but reconverted: this would lay a foundation for the return and
still continuance of God's giacious presence with us.
2. Let us mightily stir tip ourselves to lay hold upon a de-
parting God: It is a very lamentable complaint the Prophet
makes, Jsa. 64, 7, that at such a time when God hid his face from
them, and consumed them because of their iniquities ; yet there
was none that called upon his Name that stirred up themselves
to take hold of him. Shall God go, and we be silent ? Shall we
see him going, and shall nothing be said to invite him back
again ? Methinks our hearts should be at our mouthes, our very
souls should sit upon our trembling lips, and we should even
disolve into sighs and supplications. O that we may humble our-
selves, greatly mourning over all the provoking causes of Divine
displeasure: We may bemoan ourselves, sensibly lamenting
after the Loid under all the hidings of his Face, and the
estrangements of himself from us ; we may awaken ourselves ex-
ceedingly, call up all our powers, put to our utmost strength,
plead with God ; yet thou Lord are in the midst of us, and we
are called by thy Name, leave us not ; wrestle it out with God,
and resolve we will not let him go; thus do, and though you have
gone far from him, return yet again to the Lord, cleave to him
with purpose of heart, and you shall find (though he hath made
many offers that way) yet God will not leave you.
3. And lastly, Be on God's side, espouse his interest, be you
ingaged in every cause that is his, own what God owns, and own
whom God owns, be not ashamed to appear for him, his wayes,
worship, people, however it may befal ; what though the world
turn a back-side upon these things (you know Moses his choice)
let us cast in our lot here : when the Persian Empire favored the
Church, the Samaritans would help build the Temple, and when
the Mordecai was great at court, many people of the land became
Jews; but God knows such fair-weathered friends, and makes
reconing of them accordingly; but that's the man God will own,
that Jesus Christ will own, that is not ashamed of him nor of his
words before a f roward and adulterous generation : that I say is
the man Christ will own at that day when to be owned by him,
will be found worth cf now owning of him at dearest rates: be it
that the tempest-tost, weather-beaten, and well neigh shipwrecked
state of the Church of Christ in an angry world, be as the Ship
wherein himself with his Disciples were imbarked, when in that
mighty storm that came down upon the lake, they were even
filled with water, and now ready to sink. My mite shall be cast
in here, as the Lord shall help me, my interest, my title, all what
it is, sink or swim, shall be ventured in this bottom ; and I be-
seech you, let us all put in here, have we not much greater and
better assurances than the trembling Marine that was told he car-
ried Cesar in his Barge ? Wo to us if an hour of temptation dis-
cover another spirit in us ; but if the Lord shall help us, owning,
cleaving to and abiding with him to approve ourselves in the day
of tryal ; and though we have fate too loose to him, and grown
slight and wanton in our prosperous times, nevertheless in an evil
day there shall be good things found in us, there will yet be hope
in our end.
" At a Court of Elections held at Hartford, May the
14th, 1685,
This Court appoints Major Gold to give the Rev.
Mr. Wakeman the thanks of this Court for the great
pains he hath taken in Preaching the Election Sermon,
and to desire him to grant a Coppey thereof that it may-
be printed.
By the General Court's Order,
John Allyn, Sectet."
Then follows an " Address to the Christian reader by
John Bishop of Stamford," 4 pages, and then the ser-
mon, 44 pages.
Text of sermon, " Jer. 6, 8: Be thou instructed, O
Jerusalem, lest my soul depart from thee ; lest I make
thee desolate, a land not inhabited."
The following is from " Records of Church of Christ
in Fairfield," vol. 3, page 1, entitled "Catalogue of
' ' From the town Records it appears that the Rev.
Samuel Wakeman was called by a vote of the town to
take the Pastoral office among them on the 30th Sep-
tember, a. d. 1665. He died Nov. 8, 1692. The
records of his ministry are lost."
£ s. d.
Imprs. Wearing aparell ab't 11 10 00
His library or books as they wear apprised by
Mr. Hanford, Mr. Walker and Mr. Chancy, 54 08 06
Arms and Amonition, 2£, of plate and money
apprised as silver, i2£ is., all is at 14 07 00
Sheets g£, table linen ?,£ 6s., cupboard cloths
14s., pillow boars \£, Towels 6s 14 06 00
One pare of curtons & valances 2£, 4 yds can-
opy 7s. yer yd, i£ Ss 3 08 00
One bedstead, Curtons & valances, & beddind
at 7 00 00
One trundle bedstead & beding & bed ?,£ 5s., a
cupboard & great chest ?,£ 5s 6 10 00
One long table, carpet, & forms i£ 10s., 3 boxes
3s., 2 cups i4d 1 14 02
A looking glass, a venace glass, & an hour glass
8s., glass bottles with an old case o 11 06
It. 9 chairs i£ 5s, and old linen wheel 3s. 6d., 5
cushions 10s., baskit 5s 2 03 06
It. Pewter platters <±£ 12s., old pewter 2£ 4s., a tin
candlestick is., abed pan 17s 7 14 00
It. A brass pan i£ 5s., a copor furnace $£, a great
kittle 6£ 10s 12 15 00
It. One old brass kitle and a little brass kitle. ... 1 02 00
It. 2 Iron kittles, 2 Iron pots & % an Iron pot, a bell
mettall pot, a pothook, & a driping pan . . 2 02 06
It. Earthen ware 10s., old pynt pot & skimer is,, a
warm pan & old skillet 15s., stilliards scales
& box of iron 1 10 09
It. Spit 3s., wooden ware 8s., pailes & canns, 5s., a
bariill with some molasses 15s 1 11 00
It. 2 old pare of cords 4s., 2 sickles 2s., 3 tables
6s., pothooks tongs tramell & andirons. . . 1 02 00
It. 6 putor spoons 3s. 6d., 1 barrill l/z poark, half a
a barrill of beef, 1 barrill of sider 7 03 06
It. Two plows & shares, a chaine and devices at . 2 00 00
It. A cart at ■$£, a yoak & Irons & horsegears, . . 3 10 00
It. A thousand of eight penny nails at o 13 00
It. A tonnat saw, a chest, and a small hatchet. . . o 16 06
It. A fether bed, bedstead curtons, & valans, 3
coverlets & a green rugg 13 00 00
It. A Wainscot chest at o 11 00
It. 4 chairs 14s., old bed & beding i£ 5s 1 19 00
It. A box 8s., 3 old boxes with old iron i£, a par-
cel of four penny nails i£ 6s 2 14 00
It. A parcel of old agers, a chisell & a Joyner's
plain o 06 06
It. A Close stool £2 5s., a parcel of barley at
$£ 8s 6 13 00
It. A parcel of linen yarn at 2s. per lb. at 2 01 00
It. A parcel of tow yarn i£ 3s., and old bed and
beding 2>£ 4S., an old sith 18s 4 08 06
It. A bedstead & a bedcord 8s., a parcel of flax at
2,£ 6s., a part of a wheat fan is 3 15 00
It. A parcel of Indian corn £11 5s., a parcel of
wheat at 19^ 17s. 6d 31 02 06
It. A parcel of malt i£ 18s. 6d., old cask 18s., a
meat trof, meal sive & tub 4 05 06
It. An old bed & beding, a parcel of hops & tow
13s., an ax, two forks o 17 06
It ij^ bush of salt ios., a hive of bees 15s., a par-
cel of flax in the barue . 2 15 06
It. 2 oxen i3,£, 2 steers 8£ ios., 3 cows 12^, one
heifer 3£, two year old $£, two one year
old 46 00 00
It. 1 old horse i£ ios., 1 young horse \£, 1 sow &
4 pigs i£ 16s 7 06 00
It. A parcel of tallow & some honey 14s., a cart
rope and sadle and bridle ios , 1 04 00
It. A parcel of seeder shingles at i£ ios., Wheat
and corn sent to Boston 15 05 00
It. The home lot and all the buildings at 160^, five
acres of marsh at ye pint \o£ 170 00 00
It. Land caled the swamp ovar the creek 80^, 3
acres land in Sasco neck \o£ 90 00 00
It. 18 acres land at Round Hill 6o;£, 6 acres land
near East farms •2.c>£ 80 00 00
It. 3 acres land near the farms \o£, 2 acres and ]/z
of meadow on the east side of uncoway
river 25 00 00
It. 1 acre % meadow in the thirds 14^, 4 acres
land in the pasture over the creek 32 00 00
It. 2 acres and three quarters of meadow in the
great meadow 20 00 00
It. 6 acres of land in sascoe field at peaquot
swamp ... 10 00 00
It. 2 acres ^ home lot by Capt. Turney's 50^,
building lots in ye woods 50^" 100 00 00
It. Pasture Lots 7o£. Olliver's pasture lot S£,
Long Lots So£ 158 00 00
It. Wolf swamp & pauls neck divisions 2£ 15s., in-
terest in Commons at 10^ 12 15 00
It. Wheat crop on ye grounds 20^, a farm in the
woods £$ 25 00 00
It. 50 sheep at 25 00 00
It. A piece of gold money 1 00 00
953 iS 10
Thomas Jones,
Nathan Gold, Jr.,
Eliphalet Hill.
The will and inventory of ye Estate of the Reverend Mr. Sam-
uel Wakeman, deceased of Fairfield, being exhibited to ye County
Court in Fairfield this ist of November, 1692, in order to a settle-
ment, and whereas Mrs. Annah Wakeman, ye widow, complaines
yt she hath not sufficient provision ordered in ye will of her de-
ceased husband during her widowhood as to lands. Whereas this
court do order yt ye sd widow shall have ye use of one third of her
deceased husband's lands as dowry over and above what is by
will ordered for her, and this Court do accept of and approve
ye sd will and inventory, and do ordar sd will and inventory to be
Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. II., p 84,
May 11, 1668:
"This court in order to the promoating and estab-
lishing of peace in the churches and plantations, do' de-
sire the Rev. Mr. Fitch, Mr. Gershom Bulkley, Mr.
Joseph Elliot and Mr. Samuel Wakeman to meet at
Saybrook, if Mr. Fitch can come there, if not then at
Norwich, upon the eighth or ninth of June next, to con-
sider of some expedient for our peace by searching out
the rule and thereby cleareing up how farre the
churches and people may walk together within them-
selves, and one with another in the fellowship and
order of the Gospel, notwithstanding some various ap-
prehensions among them in matters of discipline re-
specting membership and baptism, etc.
"Oct., 1668, the Court appoints the same men to
meet at Windsor April next and hear all of the dissent-
ing brethren there in reference to Mr. Chancie's ordi-
nation to office in church of Christ there, also about
continuance of Mr. Woodbridge there, etc.
" The Court grants Revd- Samuel Wakeman 200 acres
of land in 1673.
"In 1675 the council ordered Major Gold and the
assistants of New Haven to appoint a convention of
ministers to meet at New Haven in the fear of God to
make diligent search for those evils amongst us which
have stirred up the Lord's anger against us, that they
being discovered may by repentance and reformation
be thrown out of our camp and hearts, and to send
their conclusions to the Council by Mr. Wakeman and
Mr. Elliot the following week.
"May, 1685. The Court appoints Major Gold to
give the Rev Samuel Wakeman the thanks of this
Court for his great paynes he hath taken in the preach-
ing of the election sermon, and to desire him to grant a
copy thereof that it may be printed, and to send it to
the Assistants at Hartford, who with Mr. Wadsworth
are desired to take order for the printing thereof at the
publique charge of the Colony."
Said to be an almost exact duplicate of residence of Rev. Samuel Wakeman.
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DEV. SAMUEL WAKEMAN, on September 3,
*^ 1663, purchased of Humphrey Hide the dwelling
house that sometimes was the house of Thomas Dem-
mond, deceased, with his home lot adjoining, being in
quantity three acres, being more or less, bounded on
the northwest and southwest with the highways, on the
northeast with the lot of Robert Turney, on the south-
east with the lot that sometimes pertayned to James
Bennett, deceased. Alsoe one parcel of land over the
Mr. Wakeman came to Fairfield with means, and by
purchase and grant became owner of considerable real
estate. He lived in a house (afterward occupied by
Dr. Hull) that stood near the street in front of the resi-
dence where General Parker lived. The house had a
window each side of the front door, the door being in
the center of the front of the house, with a front room
on each side of door. There was an enclosed vestibule
outside of front door, and diamond-paned windows in
either side of the vestibule. There were rooms on the
second floor in front (See cut.)
The cut of the house given here is from a photo of
one now standing in Cohassett, Mass. It is said to be
almost an exact duplicate of the house of Rev. Samuel
Wakeman. The latter was torn down about 1838, and
Miss Hannah Hobart, of Fairfield, is the authority for
the resemblance of the two houses, as she not only re-
members Mr. Wakeman 's house, but also a picture of
it, which was hanging in Miss Hull's house in Fairfield,
Conn., up to about 1880.
Mr. Wakeman also owned the property where Mr.
Wetherbee's house stands. Rev. Mr. Wakeman 's wife
was daughter of Deputy Governor Stephen Goodyear,
who was one of the first settlers of New Haven, and
was a man of means and prominence.
It is supposed that he came from London, and that
he had been a merchant there. He was engaged in
commerce while in New Haven, and was associated with
Mr. John Wakeman in building or buying a ship and
using it for commercial purposes. It started on its
first trip in January, 1646, Mr. Lamberton being mas-
ter. Mrs. Goodyear was a passenger, and the ship
was never after heard of, and as one consequence, Mr.
Goodyear married Mrs Lamberton. Mr. Goodyear
was Deputy Governor of the Colony, elected annually
from the first settlement, until he went to London, and
was second only to Eaton. When the latter died Mr.
Goodyear was in London, where he had gone to live,
and this was the only reason for his not being elected
He was rated at $5,000, and had nine persons in his
family. He had 350 acres of land in New Haven, and
paid over nine pounds in rates on it annually.
In 165 1 he sold Shelter Island, which he had owned
for about ten years, for 1,600 pounds of muscovado
sugar. This was unrefined sugar from the Barbadoes.
His farm was north of New Haven, near Pine Rock,
and when the establishing of a college at New Haven
was first considered, Mr. Goodyear offered to give his
house and lot for its use.
He was connected with John Winthrop in establish-
ing iron works in 1655 at the outlet of Lake Saltonsall,
near New Haven, the ore being dug from the bogs of
North Haven, and taken in part down the Quinnipiac
river in boats. He died in London prior to 1658.
The following copies of the patent of Fairfield and
the New Fairfield grant will be of interest, as showing
onr ancestors' connection therewith.
The General Court of Connecticut hath formally granted to the
proprietary of the inhabitants of the town of Fairfield all those
lands, both meadow and upland, within these abutments upon the
sea towards the south about five miles in breadth, and in length
from the sea into the wilderness 12 miles, and upon Stratford
bounds on the east, and the wilderness on the north, and in Nor-
walk bounds on the west (only a parcel of land between their
bounds and Saugatuck river that is likewise granted to said Fair-
field, provided the said Saugatuck do not exceed two miles from
the said Fairfield) : the said lands having been by purchase or
otherwise lawfully obtained of the Indians, native proprietors.
And whereas the proprietary, the aforesaid inhabitants of Fair-
field in the Colony of Connecticut, have made application to the
Governor, and Council of said Colony of Connecticut, assembled
in Court May 25, 1685, that they may have a patent for confirma-
tion of the aforesaid land so purchased and granted to them as
aforesaid, and which they have stood seized and quietly possessed
of for many years last past without interruption. Now for a more
full confirmation of the aforesaid tract of land as it is butted and
bounded as aforesaid, unto the present proprietors of the said
township of Fairfield in the possession and enjoyment of the
premises. Know ye, that that the said Governor and Council
assembled in General Court according to the Commission granted
to us by His Majesty in our Charter, have given, granted, and by
these presents do give, grant, ratify and confirm unto Major
Nathan Gold, Mr. Saimtel Wakeman, Jehu Burr, John Burr,
Thomas Staples, John Green, Joseph Lockwood, John Wheeler,
Richard Hubbell, George Squire, Isaac Wheeler, and the rest of
the present proprietary of the township of Fairfield, their heirs,
successors, and assigns, forever according to the tenor of East
Greenwich in Kent, in free and common socage, and not by
capitte or Knight service, they to make improvement of the same
as they are capable, according to the custom of the country,
yielding, rendering and paying therefor to their Sovereign Lord
the King, his heirs and successors, his due according to Charter.
In witness whereof, we have caused the seal of the Colony to be
herewith affixed, this 26th of May, 1685, in the first year of our
Sovereign Lord, James the Second of England, Scotland and Ire-
land, King, Defender of the Faith, etc. By order of the General
Court of Connecticut.
Robert Treat, Governor.
John Allen, Secretary.
At a General Assembly holden at New Haven, Oc-
tober the 9th, 1707, and continued by several adjourn-
ments to the end of the seventeenth day of the same
month :
" Upon the petition of Capt. Nathan Gold, Mr. Peter Burr,
Capt. John Wakeman, John Edwards, Jonathan Sturgis, John
Barlow, Gideon Allin, Samuel Wilson, Samuel Jinnings, Moses
Dimon and Joseph Wakeman, all inhabitants of Fairfield, in be-
half of themselves and associates, for a certain tract of land to be
for a township, lying north of and near to Danbury, bounded
southerly on Danbury, running thence northerly fourteen miles;
bounded easterly on New Milford, westerly on the colonie line:
This Court grants to them, the said petitioners and their asso-
ciates, their heirs and assigns forever, the aforesaid tract of land
for a township, provided it doth not prejudice any former grants ;
to be under such regulations for the settlement thereof, and the
number of inhabitants as this Court shall judge fit." (P. 34, Col.
Rec, 1706-1716.)
There appears to have arisen some sort of a dispute
over the exact extent or meaning of the grant, and the
Assembly was called upon to define exactly what rights
the grantees had, and it appears that the patent was not
finally granted until about 1740. it is generally under-
stood and stated by historians that, owing to certain ir-
regularities, or for some other cause, no settlement of
the town was made until more than twenty years after
the grant was made, that is, about 1730, and exactly
who these settlers were no state records that I can find
informs us definitely.
After the grant by the General Assembly in 1707
there is no reference in the records that I can find of
the new town of New Fairfield until at the General As-
sembly in Hartford in May, 1723, when Robert Silla-
man, Richard Hubbell (Martha Hubbell's father), Ben-
jamin Fairweather and others, asked that the grant of
1707 be more fully explained, " whether by said act the
patent of said land was to them granted, or how said
act was to be understood." The assembly decided to
continue the matter for decision to the October session,
when the grantees were ordered to appear and state
what had been done regarding the act granting them
the land. There the matter appears to have been
dropped, for there is no reference to the matter having
come up at the October session. At the May session,
1729, the memorial of Edward Lewis, of Stratford,
'-Agent for the Proprietors of New Fairfield," was
presented, and the consideration deferred until the Oc-
tober term.
Previous to this, in October, 1728, the Assembly
voted " that all that tract of land called New Fairfield,
lieing north of Danbury, west of New Milford and east
of the Government land, shall be annexed to the county
of Fairfield."
In May, 1735, the proprietors of New Fairfield ap-
peared before the General Assembly, "representing
the objections and difficulties they have heretofore met
with in their application for further confirmation of said
tract to them by reason of objections made by some of
the inhabitants of Fairfield," and asked that a commit-
tee be appointed to inquire into the matter.
The committee was appointed and ordered to report
in October at the next Assembly on what they "think
proper to be done in order to further confirm and settle
said tract according to grant made by the Assembly in
In October, 1736, the committee reported, and "it
was resolved, that if persons named in the grant, or
their heirs or assigns, shall settle on the tract so many-
good inhabitants as will make fifty families within three
years time, a patent shall be granted to them;" as is
seen by the following act of the Assembly:
Whereas this Assembly, at their sessions in October,
1707, did grant to Nathan Gold, Peter Burr and others,
of Fairfield, and their associates, a certain tract of land
for a township, bounded southerly on Danbury, and
and running from thence northerly fourteen miles;
easterly it bounds on New Milford, westwardly on the
Colony line; provided it doth not prejudice former
grants, and be under such regulations for the settle-
ment thereof and number of inhabitants as this Court
shall think fit: And whereas sundry persons, claiming
a right by said grant, have moved to this Assembly for
a patent for said lands : It is therefore resolved by this
Assembly that, provided the persons mentioned in the
grant, their associates, heirs or assigns, shall settle on
said lands so many good inhabitants as will make up in
the whole fifty families within three years next coming,
that then and in that case a patent for those lands shall
be granted and executed to the persons mentioned in
the grant, their associates, heirs, or assigns, and such
settlers their heirs and assigns as shall be settled as
In May, 1737, the power was granted to the town to
hold meetings and divide the tract as the grantees saw
fit, and in May, 1740, town privileges were granted and
the town named New Fairfield.
KNOW all men by these presents that we whose names are
underwritten for divers good cause and conciderations espe-
cially us answering thereunto, have and by these presents do for
ourselves, heirs, executors, and assigns, freely give, grant, and
bestow upon and to our loving brother, Jabez Wakeman, all our
right, title and interest in and to all the estate of our brother,
Ebenezer Wakeman, dec. : be it law or whatever else properly
called his estate : We say we have given our right to as anywise
belonging to us in the aforesaid estate unto our brother, Jabez
Wakeman, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,
to have hold and improve as his own proper estate from the day
of this date hereof forever, as witness our hands and seals in
the sixth year of their Majesties' Reign.
Signed and Sealed in
presence of
Eliphalet Hill,
Esther Hill.
John Wakeman,
Albert Denny,
Abraham Howell,
Michael Clugstone,
Joseph Wakeman.
Book B., p. 127, F. T. R.
From O'Callaghan's Documentary History of New
York, page 215, we learn that Ebenezer Wakeman
was one of the soldiers who went with Captain Gabriel
Thompson to Albany. This was probably the Wood
Creek expedition.
This Ebenezer must have been the son of Rev. Sam-
uel Wakeman, and died in 1690.
The following data regarding Rev. Jabez Wakeman,
son of Rev. Samuel, is of interest. It was procured by
Mr. Emory McClintock :
PP. 106-109.
' ' Jabez Wakeman was about fourteen years of age when his fa-
ther died, and in the will direction is given that he be kept at
school and enter college the next August. The delay of a year,
however, seems to have occurred, for we find by the catalogue of
Harvard College — "the college," as the will denominates it — that
he was graduated in the year 1697. About a year and four months
after this date, the people of Newark, wishing to obtain an as-
sistant for their worthy pastor, had their attention turned towards
this young graduate, and appointed a committee to treat with Mr.
Wakeman and Mr. Prudden for that purpose. But the resigna-
tion of Mr. Prudden, which took place early in June following,
gave a new aspect to affairs, and shortly afterwards measures
were adopted to secure Mr. Wakeman's services as a candidate for
the pastoral office. He was first engaged to preach in that ca-
pacity for a year, but scarcely was the year half out before the
ardor of the people pressed the question to an issue, and at a
meeting held on the 15th of April, 1700, ' it was particularly in-
quired of every person whether they desired Mr. Jabez Wakeman
to be called to the pastoral office in this town, and they every one
manifested their willingness thereto, and also voted the same.' "
"The salary of Mr. Wakeman was, at first, ^60, but it was
soon after raised to ^80, the same with that of the two Piersons.
* * * # A subscription was also raised to procure for him a
' settlement,' that is a homestead or ' accommodations,' as in the
case of his predecessor ; in pursuance of which a house and its
appurtenances were purchased and presented to him by a deed of
gift, 'as the town's act and deed.'
"Mr. Wakeman became the sole pastor of this congregation at
the early age of about twenty-one years. He was a young man
of great promise, amiable, accomplished, and remarkably popular
in the pulpit. The attachment of the people to their young and
talented pastor appears to have been deep and tender. Under his
ministry the congregation became so much increased that addi-
tional accommodations were required for public worship, and the
town ordered a gallery to be built across the north end of the
meeting house. But the hopes of the people and the fair earthly
prospects of the young minister and his family were destined to
an early reverse. In the autumn of the year 1704 that fearful
malady, the dysentery, prevailing in a fatal form among the
people invaded his family. His little son Samuel, a child of two
years old, and an only one, died on the 29th of October ; and only
nine days later the father followed, leaving a childless widow and
a disappointed flock to shed tears over his early grave."
From the same, foot note to page no; tombstone
near church :
" Here lye the Remains of ye Revd. Mr. Jabez Wakeman, the
faithful pastor of ye Church of Christ in this place, who Departed
this life, Octr. 8th, 1704. ^Etatis 26.
" Hoc sunt tumulo Wakeman venerabilis ossa.
" By him lies his son, Samuel, died Sept. 29, 1704. ^Etatis 2d."
Dates corroborative of above, extracted by E. M.
from Newark Town Records:
Jan. 2, 1698-9: Looking towards employment of Mr. J. W. "to
join with Mr. Pruden."
June 9, 1699: Closing with Prudden; committee to look out ,
J. W. evidently not there.
Aug. 8,1699: Committee asked people to vote, and they voted
for Mr. W.. who must have preached there.
Nov. 16, 1699: Unanimously voted to treat with Mr. W.,
" ;£6o for this year."
April 19, 1700: Call to pastorate, as quoted in detail above.
May 19,1700: Town committee to act with church committee
to treat with Mr. W.
Aug. 16. 1700: Committee "to procure a settlement," and
raise (by taxing those who subscribed)
"money to procure a settlement," meaning a
Sept. 30, 1700: £60 salary.
Feb. 28, 1700-1: Deed of gift from town, mentioned above.
Nov. ii, 1701: ,£60 "for year past," ^80 for future, also 70
acres " if he settle among us."
Nov. 2, 1702: Same as last year for salary.
March 10, 1703-4: Building gallery in meeting house.
Oct. 12, 1704: Salary to be paid same as last year ("Mr.
Wakeman's salary"); vacancy in pastoral
office; Mr. Prudden asked to preach pro
Mr. W. 's uncle by marriage, Samuel Kitchel (whose
wife, Elizabeth Wakeman, had died earlier), was one of
the first settlers of Newark, and J. W.'s cousins were
there in 1699.
Here followeth an Inventory of the Estate of Samuel
Wakeman, Jun'r, son of Rev. Samuel Wakeman, late of
Fairfield, decd- taken and apprised this 4th day of June,
1 69 1, by us whose names are under written.
£ s. d.
His wearing apparel at ■ . 09 1 5 o
Arms and Ammunition at 02 03 o
Books at 00 10 o
Bed, bedstead, curtains, valence, bolster and pillow . . 12 00 o
Plate 10 10 o
Sheets at 09 00 o
A rug and coverlids at 07 10 o
A bed, a bolster, a bedstead, curtains and valence at . . 09 05 o
Woman's apparel 10 00 o
A chest and a box at 00 18 o
Napkins 03 02 o
Towels 00 10 o
Pillow beers 04 00 o
Table linen . » 01 03 o
Six leather chairs 03 00 o
Four chairs and a chest 01 too
Two boxes at 00 06 o
A case with six bottles 00 10 o
A pair of hand irons at 00 18 o
A warming pan 00 07 o
A long table at 02 10 o
A looking glass at 00 05 o
A tramill and 2 pairs of fire tongs and fire shovel. ... 01 05 o
£ s. d.
A frying pan at 00 06 o
Two old chests at 15s., a pot, iron and pot hooks 10s . . 01 05 o
A table, two linen wheels, 4 cushions at 01 02 o
Two looking glasses at 00 05 o
Pewter platters at 09 09 o
3 pewter basins at 01 00 o
Porringers . , 01 15 o
2 small basins 4s., 9 spoons 00 n o
3 candlesticks, a tankard, a salt cellar, a paster cup. . . 01 10 o
3 brass kettles at 06 00 o
2 brass skillets at 00 08 o
Earthen ware at 00 12 o
23 lb. flax at 00 15 4
2 doz, trenchers and wooden ware at 00 07 o
Glazier's tools 00 10 o
2 glass bottles, a brush and 2 brackets, a gimlet . . . 00 04 o
An axe and hoe, a cross-cut saw at 00 10 o
To two bags with wheat in them 00 17 o
A parcel of feathers at 00 15 o
Wheat ios., a meat trough & sieve at 12s 01 02 o
Old iron 6s., glass and led and old boxes ios 00 16 0
Old cask 00 07 o
Pork, old cask, and tubs & molasses 04 10 o
To two hives of bees 01 00 o
To one three-year-old heifer at 2>£ os- od., to three
swine 05 05 o
A bed and bolster at 07 00 o
To a house and homestead at 190 00 o
To two acres of land in the old fields at 16 00 o
To four acres of meadow at 32 00 0
To six acres and three-quarters of land in Sasco Neck . 40 00 o
To one parcel of land near Jonathan Sturgeis house at . 20 00 o
To a long lot, and juts off in commons, Compo land-and
wolf swamp and Pauls neck, all . . 15 00 o
Samuel Roberson,
Samuel Wilson,
Eliphalet Hill.
The widow & relict of Sam'll Wakeman, deceased, appeared in
Court this 2d day of December, 1691, and affirmed that the above
inventory is a true inventory of her deceased husband's estate,
but do refuse to swear.
Nathan Gold, Clerk.
An inventory of the Estate of Samuel Wakeman, dec'd, being
exhibited to the County Court this 2d of Decamber, 1691 ; the
Court as yet not approving said Inventory do appoint Sarah
Wakeman, widow, Relict of said Sam'll, with Mr. John Edwards,
to administer on the said Estate, they to pay and receive all just
debts due to and from the said Estate, and preserve it from em-
bezzlement and return an account, called for.
Nathan Gold, Clerk.
The will and inventory of Samuel Wakeman, deceased, being
exhibited to the County Court in Fairfield this 8th of March 1691/2,
and this Court do approve the said will excepting the part that
respects Mary Wakeman, the eldest daughter of said Samuel
Wakeman, for whom there not being provision in said will for her
living, to which part of said will this Court do refuse a farther
liberty to say, by reason it is thought there may be some way
found to provide for said Mary.
The will of Samuel Wakeman, deceased, formerly presented as
above, the probate thereof then do found by reason that the eld-
est daughter of said Samuel was not provided for in said will ; the
said eldest daughter of said Samuel being now provided for as
followeth, viz. : the County Court this 1st November, 1692, do or-
der the widow, Relict of said Samuel, to take the said child,
daughter of said Samuel, and do for her as to the bringing her
up, until she arrive at the age of eighteen years, or marriage if
sooner, and to see that she have suitable education. Capt. John
Burr and said John Wakeman is appointed by this court to be
overseers to the said child, and that the said child shall not be
placed out to be brought up by any other without the consent of
one of the said overseers with the said widow ; and whereas said
John Wakeman was appointed executor with the said widow in
said Samuel's will; said John Wakeman strongly refusing the said
trust, this Court do order that said widow, Relict of said Samuel,
shall have the sole power of executing the said will, and this
Court do approve the said will and inventory and order them to
be recorded.
Nathan Gold, Clerk.
Capt. John Wakeman and Lieu't Joseph Wakeman, adm's to
the Estate of Mr. Albert Denny, late of Fairfield, deceased, ac-
cording to a former order of Court, having this 12th day of June,
1708, exhibited an inventory of the said estate in order to a pro-
bate. The said inventory being proved, is by the Court approved
and ordered to be recorded, and the Court do continue Lieu't
Joseph Wakeman his administration on the said estate, he to pre-
serve said Estate from embezzlement, and to pay and receive all
just debts due from and to said estate, and return an account of
his administration to the Court in Fairfield as soon as conven-
iently he may, or when called thereof by the Court. In order to
a farther settlement.
And Capt. John Wakeman and Lieu't Joseph Wakeman do
acknowledge themselves jointly and severally bound to the Court
of Probate in Fairfield in the Recognizance of two thousand
pounds cash, that he the said Joseph Wakeman shall faithfully
perform his works of Administration according to the above order
of Court.
Capt. John Wakeman and Lieu't Joseph Wakeman gave oath
before the Court June the 12th, 1708, that the foregoing Inventory
of the Estate of Albert Denny, late of Fairfield, dec'd, both real
and personal that at present they can obtain, excepting what
debts and credits are yet to be accounted for, belonging to the
Estate within the Court of Connecticut, is a true Inventory accord-
ing to the best of their knowledge.
John Denny, son of Albert Denny, late of Fairfield, dec'd, ap-
peared before the Court of Probate held in Fairfield June the
4th, 1708, and declared that he hath made choice of his uncle,
Lieu't Joseph Wakeman, of Fairfield, to be his guardian, which
the Court do approve and confirm.
Here followeth an Inventory of the Estate of Capt. John
Wakeman, late of Fairfield, deceased.
£ s. d.
To wearing apparel, one carter hat l£ 2s , 2 old hats
4;£, old cloth cloak i£ ios., old hanging coat
is. 6d., broadcloth coat is. 6d., druget coat is. sd.,
old stuff coat is 2d., Callaminco lot of cloth, serge
vest 18s., for a pair breeches 5s., 2 pair linen
breeches 4s., 2 pair old stockings 4s., 2 shirts 8s. . 07 02 06
2 neckcloths 5s., a feather bed & bolster 5s., 4 yds. new
fine ticking S£ ios 08 15 00
A feather bed and bolster, 66 yds. old ticking 08 00 00
Six feather pillows, 25 yds 02 10 00
A feather bed and two bolsters, 70 yds. old 07 00 00
Old bed, part feathers, 20s 01 co 00
A set of curtains \£, new bedstead ios 04 10 00
A great bedstead & cord 9s., 3 small chairs 7s 00 16 00
£ s. d.
2 great chairs 10s., new trunk 15s., cupboard 20s. ... 02 05 00
A chest 7s., a table with 2 drawers 8s 00 15 00
A table with one drawer 9s., a tankard 7s 00 16 00
Laced cupboard cloth & 2 cushions 4s., 5 glass bottles
also 00 06 06
Brass candlestick 4s., box, iron and one heater 5s. . . 00 09 00
A fine coverlid 20s., checked coverlid 10s 01 10 00
3 old coverlids 10s., a carpet 4s 00 14 00
2 woolen wheels 12s., a linen wheel 6s 00 18 00
17 pound wollen yarn, 3s. 4d. pound 02 16 00
3 new sheets i£ 17s. 6d., 10 pr. sheets at 12s. 6d. per pr. 08 02 06
2 pr. sheets more, new i£ 10s., 1 old sheet 3s 02 13 00
One fine linen sheet 15s., 3 doz. &6 fine napkins 3s. each. 07 01 00
3 table cloths 21s., 6 pillow cases 24s 02 05 00
2 fine Holland pillow cases 7s., 2 fine linen pillow cases
5s 00 12 00
15 napkins and towels 01 10 00
In plate and money 6£ 8s. in pay 09 12 00
6 yds. tow cloth 15s., 30 lb. of iron 15s 01 10 00
A fine flowered fustian blanket 01 00 00
A fine mantle 2£, 7 yds. drugget 35s 03 15 00
Small trunk is., old books 8s., bedstead and cord 8s. . . 00 17 00
Old bedstead and small cord 6s., new coverlid 15s . . . 01 01 00
4 old coverlids xos. , old trunk and chest 4s 00 14 00
2 paper books, part written, 4s., cradle 5s 00 09 00
417 feet pine boards i£ 5s., 2 old boxes 6s 01 11 00
Old warming pan 2s., 17 old cask 12s 00 14 00
Trundle bedstead 3s. , old iron 5s 00 08 00
35 bushel peas 10^, 16 bush, corn 48s., 3 bush, barley 12s. 13 10 00
5 old casks 3s., about 6 pound hops 6s 00 09 00
3 bush, malt 12s., 2 bush, rye 6s 00 18 00
20 pound coverlid yarn 2£ 02 00 00
A brass kettle, 25 pound, 4^, 26 pound pewter ?>£ 18s. . 07 18 00
6 pewter plates gs., 3 pewter porringers 6s 00 15 00
5 old pewter basins 5s, 3 old platters 4s 00 09 00
1 large old pewter basin and old porringer 00 02 00
1 pewter platter 3s.. small bellmetal skillet 5s 00 08 00
Brass skillet 8s., pewter pot 2s 00 10 00
2 old cups & 2 old salt-cellars, all 3s ... 00 03 00
Earthen ware 2s., a meal sieve is. 6d 00 09 06
3 wooden rollers & 1 tray 2s., 2 knot dishes 3s 00 05 00
A hand pail, can, and little wooden dishes . - 00 02 00
£ s. d.
6 trenchers is., frying pan 6s 00 07 00
One iron pot 12s., 1 iron pot gs., 2 pair pot hooks 3s. . . 01 04 00
A tramill 5s. , 2 iron pot hooks 2s. 6d 00 07 06
Old bell-metal skillet is., 1 pair tongs 2s. 6d 00 03 06
In the cellar 4 meat barrels 8s., 2 barrels 5s 00 18 00
Beef in the barrel 12s., 2 bush, turnips 3s 00 15 00
2 gallons bottles 4s., 2 small tight casks 5s 00 09 00
A tub and butter in it 1 os., jars 6d 00 10 06
2 oxen i2;£, 5 cows \~i£ 10s., a three-year-old steer 3^ 10s. 33 00 00
3 steers, cow 3 y's old 8£, 2 cattle 2 y's old \£ 12 00 00
1 calf 15s., a sorrel horse i£, a black i£ 04 15 00
17 pounds and y^ tryed tallow 8s. gd., 1 pair stilliards
12s 01 00 00
Horse-kind, in the woods 3/*, beetle-rings 4s. . . . 03 04 00
A lamp is., tape loom is., small table 2s 00 03 06
35 sheep 15^ 15s., cart rope 4s 15 19 00
Half bushel 00 07 06
A pillion cloth 10s., 1 pepper mill is 00 11 00
A roasting iron is., old curtain's valence 2s 00 03 00
Iron crow 141b. weight 9s., 7 lbs. of flax drest 12s. gd. . 01 01 09
House, barn and homestead 120 00 00
Land over the creek . . 16 00 00
Land in the old fields 70 00 00
Salt meadow next the beach 50 00 00
4 acres of meadow below the wolf swamp 28 00 00
yi acre of meadow he had of Peter Burr 03 o > 00
A small lot of meadow below Peter Burr's inclosure . 11 00 00
His island in the thirds 15 00 00
~iyz acres pasture land by the Round Hill 37 ro 00
Land at two mile Rock 80 00 00
Long lot i20;£, land at Compo 20^, all 140 00 00
His farm in the woods 50 00 00
3 fat hogs at 45s. each 06 15 00
4 small swine and a sow 03 00 00
A bed pan and chamber pot 06 06 00
A churn 2s., barrels 2s. 6d. 00 04 06
Ten bush, of rye i£ 15s., ^e in the barns \\£ . . . . 15 15 10
Wheat in the barn 13^ 10s., barley in the barn ?,£ 10s. . 17 00 00
Flax not drest j£ 17s 01 17 00
Crop on the ground 05 00 00
Plow chain 15s., plow and plow irons i£ 01 15 00
Cart and wheels, with the irons belonging to them ... 01 00 00
£ s. d.
Yoke, yoke irons and clevis 6s 00 06 00
2 meal bags 5s 00 05 00
Horse gears 10s., 2 axes, irons for draft yoke 7s 00 17 00
Old saddle 2s. 6d., land at New work $£ 04 02 06
Cooper's tools, viz., spoke, shave & crows 2s. 6d 02 06 00
Hand saw & drawing knife, tap borer 3s 00 15 00
Brass wimble is., heeding knife 8s., adze 5s 00 14 00
Hoes 4s., crows is. 6d., joynting stock 4s 00 09 06
2 jointing irons 7s., old hand saw 2s 00 09 00
Old board axe is., his right in commonage 30 01 00
His right in a grant for a tract of land above New Mil-
ford 05 00 00
848 17 3
The above Inventory taken and appraised this 6th day of De-
cember, 1709, by us.
Nathaniel Burr,
Samuel Squire.
Also a gauging rod & 2 pitchforks.
Mrs. Martha Wakeman, widow, relict of Capt. John Wakeman,
late of Fairfield, dec'd, appeared before the Prerogative Court
held in Fairfield, December the 8th, 1709, and gave oath to the
truth of the above Inventory, and if any thing shall after appear
she will cause it to be inserted.
Mrs. Martha Wakeman, widow, relict of Capt. John Wakeman,
late of Fairfield, dec'd, hath exhibited a true & perfect inventory
of his Estate to the Court of Probate held in Fairfield, December
the 8th, 1709, in order to a settlement. The said Inventory being
proved, is by the Court approved and ordered to be recorded.
A true copy of the original :
Capt. John Wakeman, late of Fairfield, being dead some time
since, and there have not been any person in law to take care of
his Estate, the Court of Probate held in Fairfield, November 9th,
1709, do appoint and impower Mrs. Martha Wakeman, Relict of
the said Capt. John Wakeman, to administer on the said Estate,
she to make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of
the said Estate, and the same to be exhibited to the Court of Pro-
bate within one month next after this date, and the said Mrs.
Martha Wakeman acknowledged herself bound to said Court in
the Recognizance of 300^" for a faithful discharge of her adminis-
tration according the above order of said Court.
In the Name of God amen, I, Martha Wakeman of Fairfield, in
the Colony of Connecticut in New England, being weak of body,
but of sound mind and perfect memory, do make this my last will
and testament in manner and form following:
I commit my precious soul to God, hoping for the free pardon of
all my sins, through the merits of Jesus Christ my merciful Re-
deemer and my body to the earth, to be decently buried at the
direction of my executor hereafter named, and as for my worldly
apparel and that part of my deceased husband's estate that of
right belongs to me, I dispose thereof as followeth: My will is and
I do hereby give unto my son Samuel, a good bible and five yards
and a half of drugget and trimming to suitably make him a
Item. I give to my daughter Hellena a bible, and my scarf, my
silk petticoat, my gold ring, and my black gloves.
Item. I give to my daughter Elizabeth my silk damask mantle,
my woolen damask petticoat, my riding hood, my silk
hood and a bible.
Item. I give to my daughter Ann a bible, my black crape man-
tle, and petty-coat, my damask riding gown and my
drugget petticoat.
Item. I give to my daughter Martha my dark colored damask
mantle, my thread laced handkerchief, my silver clasps
and my serge petticoat, and my will is that my caps be
equally divided to my daughters Ann and Martha. I
give to my daughter Martha a bible.
Item. My will is and I do hereby give all the rest of my estate to
my sons Steven and John, to be equally divided unto
them, and if either of them die before he arrives to the
age of twenty-one years, then my will is, his part shall
be equally divided to his surviving brothers and sis-
ters, and I do nominate and appoint my well beloved
brother, Richard Hubbell, sole Executor of this my
last will and testament; in Confirmation whereof I
hereunto set my hand this 23d day of March, Anno
Domini 1709/10.
Peter Burr, her mark,
Abigail French. Martha M. Wakeman.
Major Peter Burr and Abigail French, witnesses to the within
will of Mrs. Martha Wakeman, dec'd, do testify before the Court
of Probate held in Fairfield, Sept. 6th, 17 10, that they saw the s'd
Martha Wakeman sign the said will, and that at the time of sign-
ing they judged her to be in her right mind and understanding,
and that she then declared the same to be her last will and
Elizabeth Wakeman, daughter of Capt. John Wakeman, de-
ceased, makes choice of her uncle, Serg't Samuel French, to be
her guardian. The Court approve and orders Record to be made
thereof, and the said Serg't Samuel French acknowledgeth him-
self bound to said Court in the Recognizance of 100^ for a faith-
ful discharge of his guardianship according to law.
Samuel Wakeman makes choice of Major Peter Burr to be his
guardian. The Court approves thereof. Major Peter Burr
acknowledgeth himself bound to said Court in the Recognizance
of ioo;£ for a faithful discharge of his guardianship according to
The Court makes choice of Capt. Joseph Wakeman to be guar-
dian to Stephen Wakeman, and said Joseph Wakeman acknowl-
edgeth him bound to the Court in the Recognizance of ioo^" for a
faithful discharge of his guardianship according to law.
The Court of Probate held in Fairfield, Sept. 12, 17 10, do make
choice of Major Peter Burr to be guardian for John Wakeman,
son of Capt. John Wakeman, deceased, and the said Major Burr
acknowledgeth himself bound to said Court in the Recognizance
of one hundred pounds for a faithful discharge of his guardian-
ship according to law.
The Will of Mrs. Martha Wakeman, deceased, being exhibited
to the Court of Probate held in Fairfield, September 6th, 1710,
with an Inventory of her Estate, in order to a settlement. The
said Will and Inventory being proved, is by the Court approved
and ordered to be recorded.
Ensign Richard Hubbell, who is adm'r to the Estate of Capt.
John Wakeman, late of Fairfield, dec'd, having made return of an
acc't of his Administration of the said Estate, which having been
considered and computed, allowing all lawful debts, necessary
charges and inevitable loss of the Estate, do find that there is
clear dividable Estate amounting to the sum of 915^ 19s. 6d., to be
divided as f olloweth : The widow & oldest daughter being dec'd,
there remains three sons and three daughters: The eldest son to
have a double portion, and the rest of the children to have equal
and single portions of the said Estate, and the Court do appoint
and impower Ensign Richard Hubbell, Mr. John Thompson and
Mr. William Hill to make distribution of the Estate, according to
the above order of Court.
A Court of Probate, March 6th, 1710/n.
An account of the Distribution of Capt. John Wakeman's
Estate, made by us, John Thompson, William Hill and Richard
Hubbell, appointed thereto by the Court of Probate held in Fair-
field, March the 7th, 1710/1, as followeth:
Samuel Wakeman Rec'd as portion, March 7th, 1710/11:
£s. d.
Drawback from Gilbert's bill, i£ 2s. 8d., to the long
lot at i20;£ 121 02 8
To half the farm over the creek, the southwest end ... 80 00 o
To land at Newark ^o£ 40 00 o
To a quarter part of the salt meadow next the Reed pond
by the Beach 12 10 o
To a quarter part of the Commonage^? 10s., to a new
sheet 12s. 6d 08 02 6
One shilling two much.
Major Peter Burr, guardian for
Stephen Wakeman Rec'd as portion March 1st, 1710/11, by
Capt. Joseph Wakeman, his guardian:
£ s.d.
To say drawback from Gilbert's bill, us. 4d 00 11 4
To land at two mile Rock 8q£ , to ]/z the salt meadow, the
end next the fence 25^ 105 00 o
To his part of Commonage $£ , to half the pasture at the
Round hill 1 8£ 15s 22 15 o
To half the right of a grant of land above New Milford . 02 10 o
John Wakeman Rec'd as portion March 7th, 1710/11, by Major
Peter Burr, as followeth, his guardian :
£ s.d.
To say drawback from Gilbert's Bill 00 11 4
To the farm in the woods at so£ 50 00 o
To half the farm over the creek, the northeast end ... 80 00 o
More in pay from Peter Burr 00 05 9
Elizabeth Wakeman Rec'd as portion March 7th, 1710/11, by
Samuel French, her guardian:
£ s.d.
To say in moveables out of the house 57171
To the Island in the thirds at 15 00 o
To yz an acre of meadow he had of Peter Burr 03 10 o
To land at Compo 2o_£ , to 4 acres of meadow below wolf
swamp 28£ . 48 00 o
To commonage 06 10 o
Ann Wakeman Rec'd as portion March the 7th, 1710/11, by
Samuel Hubbell, her guardian:
£ s-d.
To say in moveables the sum of 35 02 1
In land to commonage 4.£, to half the pasture at the
Round Hill iS£ 15s 22 13 o
To a quarter part of the salt meadow at the Beach, the
middle part of it 12 10 o
To half the homestead and buildings at 60 00 o
Martha Wakeman Rec'd as portion March 7th, 1710/11, by
Samuel Hubbell, her guardian:
£ s-d.
In moveables the sum of 42 07 1
To half the homestead and the buildings 60 10 o
To 2 acres in the old field 20^ , to commonage 8£ 28 00 o
John Thompson, ^
William Hill, >• Distributors.
Richard Hubbell, )
A true copy of the original Recorded.
Andrew Burr, Clerk.
An account of the distributions of Capt. John Wakeman's es-
tate, made by us, John Thompson, William Hill, and Richard
Hubbell, appointed thereto by the Court of Probate held in Fair-
field, March the 7th, 1710/11.
£ s. d.
As the eldest son, Samuel Wakeman hath received by
his guardian, Major Peter Burr, March the 7th,
1710/n t 261 15 02
Stephen Wakeman received as portion March the 7th,
1710/11, by Capt. Joseph Wakeman, guardian . . 130 16 04
John Wakeman received as portion March the 7th,
1710/y, by Major Peter Burr, his guardian. . . . 130 17 01
£. s. d.
Elizabeth Wakeman received as portion March the 7th,
1710/11, by Samuel French, her guardian .... 130 17 01
Ann Wakeman received as portion March the 7th,
1710/11, by Samuel Hubbell, her guardian .... 130 17 01
Martha Wakeman received as portion March the 7th,
1710/11, by Samuel Hubbell, her guardian .... 130 17 01
916 00 00
A true copy of the original recorded Jan'y 20th, 171 1,
by me, John Gold, Clerk.
An Inventory of the Estate of Martha Wakeman, of Fairfield,
deceased, taken by us, Joseph Wakeman and Samuel Hubbell,
this gth day of June, 17 10, as followeth:
£ s. d.
To say one new cape, scarf, 3 yards at 7s. per yard, cash. 01 01 00
To a silk petticoat, cash, 2£ 2s., to a gold 12s. ..... 02 14. 00
To a pair of black leather gloves 2s., these above are
Helena's by her mother's w 00 02 00
To an old silk damask mantle, Cash 14s., to a damask
petticoat at 1 pound 01 14 00
To a drugget riding hood at 1 pound, to a silk hood 4s.. . 01 04 00
These are Elizabeth's by her mother's will.
To Ann by her mother's will, a black crape mantle . . . 00 06 oS
To a black crape petticoat 13s., to a damask riding
gown 18s 01 11 00
To a homespun drugget coat 6s. qcL, to three lace
caps 7s 00 13 09
To Martha by her mother's will, a worsted drugget man-
tle at •••.... 01 00 00
Now to a lace handkerchief 12s., to a pair of silver
clasps is. 2d 00 13 02
To a serge petticoat us., to three lace caps 7s 00 18 00
Joseph Wakeman.
Ens. Richard Hubbell appeared before the Court of Probate
held in Fairfield, September the 6th, 17 10, and made oath to the
above Inventory, and if anything shall after come to hand be-
longing to the Estate, he will cause the same to be inserted.
Nathan Gold, Judge.
The following is a copy of the commission to Capt.
Joseph Wakeman, son of Rev. Samuel Wakeman:
Gurdon Saltonstall, Esqr,, Gouernour and Comander in Chief
of her Majesties Colony of Connecticut^ in New England, To
Joseph Wakeman, Gent: Greeting. You being by the Generall
Assembly of this Colony accepted to be Captain of the first, or
Eastermost Company of Souldiers, or Train-band in the Town of
Fairfield, Reposing Special Trust and Confidence in your Loy-
alty, Courage and good Conduct, I do (by virtue of the Letters
Pattents from the Crown of England to this Corporation, me
thereunto enabling), Appoint and Impower you, to take the
Train-band into your Care and Charge as their Captain, carefully
and diligently to discharge that trust. Excercising your Infe-
rior Officers and Souldiers in the Use of their Arms, according to
the discipline of Warr, keeping them in good Order and Gouer-
ment, and Comanding them to Obey You as their Captain for her
Majesties Service. And You are to observe all Such Orders and
directions as from time to time you shall receive either from me,
or from other your Superiour Officer, pursuant to the trust hereby
reposed in yon, Given under my hand and the Seal of this
Colony, in Hartford, August the 13th, Annoque Dominy 1708.
And in the Seventh Year of the Reigne of Our Souereigne Lady
Anne Queene of Great Britain.
G. Saltonstall. -j seal. !•
By his Honno's Command,
Eleazar Kimberly, Secr'y.
Capt. John Wakeman had a similar commission, but
the original is lost.
In the name of God Amen !
I, Joseph Wakeman, Sr., of the town and county of Fairfield
and Colony of Connecticut in New England, being sick and
weak of body, but of perfect minde and memory, thanks be to
God therefor: Considering my mortality do make and ordain this
my last will and testament. Firstly and principally I commit my
soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my body to a decent
Christian burial at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubt-
ing of its resurrection at the last day by the mighty power of
God, and hoping for eternal life thro ye merits of my blessed
Gurdon Saltonstall, Esqr,, Gouernour and Coraander in Chief
of her Majesties Colony of Connecticutt in New England, To
Joseph Wakeman, Gent: Greeting. You being by the Generall
Assembly of this Colony accepted to be Captain of the first, or
Eastermost Company of Souldiers, or Train-band in the Town of
Fairfield, Reposing Special Trust and Confidence in your Loy-
alty, Courage and good Conduct, I do (by virtue of the Letters
Pattents from the Crown of England to this Corporation, me
thereunto enabling), Appoint and Impower you, to take the
Train-band into your Care and Charge as their Captain, carefully
and diligently to discharge that trust. Excercising your Infe-
rior Officers and Souldiers in the Use of their Arms, according to
the discipline of Warr, keeping them in good Order and Gouer-
ment, and Comanding them to Obey You as their Captain for her
Majesties Service. And You are to observe all Such Orders and
directions as from time to time you shall receive either from me,
or from other your Superiour Officer, pursuant to the trust hereby
reposed in yon, Given under my hand and the Seal of this
Colony, in Hartford, August the 13th, Annoque Dominy 1708.
And in the Seventh Year of the Reigne of Our Souereigne Lady
Anne Queene of Great Britain.
G. Saltonstall. -j seal, i
By his Honno's Command,
Eleazar Kimberly, Secr'y.
Capt. John Wakeman had a similar commission, but
the original is lost.
In the name of God Amen !
I, Joseph Wakeman, Sr., of the town and county of Fairfield
and Colony of Connecticut in New England, being sick and
weak of body, but of perfect minde and memory, thanks be to
God therefor: Considering my mortality do make and ordain this
my last will and testament. Firstly and principally I commit my
soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my body to a decent
Christian burial at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubt-
ing of its resurrection at the last day by the mighty power of
God, and hoping for eternal life thro ye merits of my blessed
&*£o i-h, /fun »Te4^e*t^fi
''.>- V ,
Savior Jesus Christ, and as touching such worldly estate where-
with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I will and be-
queath the same in manner following, that is to say:
Imp. My will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be
discharged by my exrs out of my estate, and the remainder of my
estate I will and bequeath as follows: I. To my dearly beloved
wife, Elizabeth Wakeman, I will and bequeath all the real estate
which she brought to me, and one full third part of all my mov-
able estate that shall remain after the payment of debts and
funeral expenses, the sd real and movable estate bequeathed as
above to be to her, her heirs and assigns forever. Also to her I will
and bequeath the use of my house and home lot and one barn so
long as she lives my widow : also to her I will and bequeath be-
sides the third of my movables above sd, my negro woman Dinah.
II. To my well beloved son. Joseph, I will and bequeath my sil-
ver headed sword. III. To my well beloved daughter, Kath-
erine Burr, I will and bequeath three hundred pounds and my
biggest silver tankard, in addition to what I have already given
her, only providing that her mother shall have during her natural
life the use of the sd tankard and all other the pieces of plate
hereinafter bequeathed to my children. IV. To my well be-
loved daughter, Elizabeth Burr, I will and bequeath three hun-
dred pounds and my smaller silver Tankard, in addition to what
I have already given her. V. To my well beloved son, Jabez
Wakeman, I will and bequeath my gun. VI. To my well be-
loved daughter, Mary Wakeman, I will and bequeath my biggest
silver tumbler and three hundred and ten pounds. VII. To my
well beloved son, Samuel Wakeman, I will and bequeath my other
Silver tumbler. VIII. To my well beloved son, Stephen, I will
and bequeath a Silver cup. IX. To my well beloved grand-
child, Ebenezer Wakeman, 1 will and bequeath ten shillings as a
token of remembrance, I having heretofore given to my son
Ebenezer, his father, a full portion.
Item. I will and bequeath to ye church of Christ in Fair-
field, whereof Rev. Mr. Webb is Pastor, the sum of three pounds
to purchase a silver tumbler for ye churches use.
Item. I will and bequeath to ye Revd Mr. Joseph Webb, of
Fairfield, and to ye Revd Mr. Samuel Cooke of Stratfield, to each
of them three pounds.
Item. All the remainder of my estate, after the deduction of
debts and legacies as above. I will and bequeath to my sons,
Joseph, Jabez, Samuel and Stephen, to be equally divided among.
Further, my will is that my son Samuel be educated with school
and college learning by the care of his brother, Joseph Wakeman,
and that the cost thereof be deducted out of his portion, and that
the remaining part of his portion be delivered to him at the age
of twenty-one years.
Finally, I ordain and appoint my dearly beloved wife, Elizabeth
Wakeman, and my well beloved son, Joseph Wakeman, executors
of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have
hereunto sett my hand and seal this third day of December Anno
Domini one thousand seven hundred and twenty-six. Signed,
sealed, published, pronounced and declared by Captain Joseph
Wakeman as his last will and testament in presence of us ye
Nath'lBurr, ST!!,* 9i(S*KSrr»+A**>+.
Stephen Wakeman,
Samuel Cooke.
We, the subscribers, being appointed by the Court of Probate
to distribute the Estate of Capt. Joseph Wakeman, late of Fair-
field, dec'd, according to his will, after the legacies are paid, that
is to his four sons, viz. : Joseph, Jabez, Sam'l and Stephen, have
divided it as followeth, being under oath, viz. :
To Joseph Wakeman, Eldest Son :
£ s. d.
The fourth part of commonage 3^ 15, the fourth part of
New Fairfield 25^ 2S 15
The houseing and barn and the bricks, and about three
thousand of pine boards, at town, all 130
A hundred and fifteen acres and three roods of land ad-
joining at the front 926
The 4th part of land in Paul's Neck 10
1 acre and quarter of Salt meadow at the lower end of
the meadow, that was Knowls and Middlebrooks.
In moveables ,
• 13
8 6
6 6
1 109
0 0
s. d.
To Jabez Wakeman, 2nd son ;
The 4th part of commonage 3^ 15s., the fourth part of
New Fairfield 2$£ 28 15
£ s. d.
The house and barn at Town and land adjoining . . . 400
The lot that was Joseph James's, near En's Daniel
Morhouse's barn 28 15
The land at the Round Hill 240
4 acres and quarter of meadow at the upper end of the
meadow that was Knowls and Middlebrooks. . . 46 10
1 acre of meadow at the Reed Pond, 4
The long lot that was Hill's 5 rods wide 100
The land purchased of Maj. Jno. Burr and Ignatius
Nichols, 25 acres 87 10
The fourth part of the land at Paul's Neck 10
One acre and quarter and 14 rods of meadow at the up-
per end of the meadow that was Clogstone's. . . 133
In moveables 176 11 6
1 109
To Samuel Wakeman, 3d son:
£ s. d.
The fourth part of commonage $£ 15s., the fourth part
of New Fairfield 2$£ 28 15
The land at Meaker's field 70
The orchard that was bought of John Sloss 40
The farm in the woods, bought of the country .... 100
The fourth part of the long lot that was old Mr. Wake-
man's 220
66 acres of land at Newtown, bought of Ephraim Haw-
ley 135
4 acres of land at the upper end of the farm at Greens
farms 34
A small lot next to Samuel or burns land near Churches
that was purchased of William Hill 12
4 acres of meadow that was Henry Hendrick's and Jos.
Rowland 48
4 acres of meadow that was bought of Mr. John Ed-
wards 40
5 acres of land over the creek 30^, the 4th part of the
land in Paul's Neck 10s 30 10
Three-quarters of an acre of meadow at the rear end of
the meadow that was bought of Banks 8
In moveables 342 15
1 109
To Stephen Wakeman, 4th son:
£ s.
The 4th part of corn-nonage ^3 15s., the 4th part of
New Fairfield £25 28 15
Sixteen acres of land at Greens farms, bought of Ed-
ward Jesup 180
The long lot bought of Cable, lying at Greens Farms . 380
The land at Pequot Swamp 200
One acre, a quarter and 26 rods of the meadow that
was Jno. Clogstone's at the lower end . . 11 12
4th part of the land in Paul's Neck 10
One acre and quarter of meadow at the upper end
which was bought of Banks 12 10
The land by Capt. Osborn's new house, 15 acres. ... 120
In moveables jyj 22
Moses Dimon,
Gideon Allen.
1 109
Here is an Inventory of the Estate of Ebenezer Wakeman, de-
ceased, taken by us, whose names are under written, February
26, 1690.
£ s. d.
Wearing Apparel 06 08 o
Arms and Ammunition 01 10 o
One Bible 00030
Silver i£ 10s. 8d., gold ring 1 00s. od., all 03 10 8
12 yds. of Silk Crape, 4 yds. drugget, all 04 04 o
13 bushels of wheat and one House, all at 06 05 o
Chest, One inkhorn, Small box and some 00 11 o
Land in the wood 26 00 o
48 10 8
An Inventory of the Estate of Ebenezer Wakeman, dec'd (he
being intestate), it being exhibited to the adjourned County
Court the 2d of December, 1691 ; said Court do approve the said
Inventorv and order it to be recorded, and do appoint and im-
power Mr. Samuel Wakeman, father to said Ebenezer, deceased,
to administer on the said Estate, to pay and receive all just debts
due to and from the said Estate, and the debts first, and this
Court do distribute the said Estate as followeth, viz. : it to be
equally divided between the deceased Ebenezer's brothers and
sisters ; his three brothers to receive their parts in land.
The above said Mr. Wakeman being dec'd, the Special Court
this 16 of January, 1692, do appoint and impower said John
Wakeman to administer on the said Estate to receive and pay
debts and legacies according to the said above order of Court.
At a Court cf Probate held in Fairfield March the 4th, A. d.
1745, Ebenezer Wakeman, son to Ebenezer Wakeman, late of
Fairfield, Dec'd, made choice of Mr. Lothrop Lewis, of Fairfield,
to be his guardian which choice said Court accepts, and the said
Lothrop Lewis acknowledged himself bound to the Public Treas-
urer of the County of Fairfield in a Recognizance of two hundred
pounds, current money, for a faithful discharge of his guardian-
ship according to law.
Wm. Burr, Clerk.
At a Court of Probate held in Fairfield Feb'y the 7th, 1726/7.
Joseph Wakeman of Fairfield and Sarah Wakeman, widow, and
Relict of Ebenezer Wakeman, late of said Fairfield, deceased, ap-
peared before this Court and moved that they might have letters
of administration granted to them on the Estate of the said de-
ceased, Ebenezer Wakeman. This said Court having heard their
arguments and Reasons on the Premises, do appoint the said Jo-
seph Wakeman & Sarah Wakeman administrators on all the
Estate of the said deceased, both real and moveable, and do order
that Letters of Administration be granted to them as the law
directs, and they have given bond with surety upon file for a
faithful discharge of their administrations.
Elizabeth Wakeman was by the Court of Probates, held in Fair-
field, February the 16th, 1726/7, appointed guardian to Stephen
Wakeman, son of Capt. Joseph Wakeman, late of Fairfield, dec'd.
and Mary Wakeman hath made choice of the said Elizabeth
Wakeman to be her guardian, and she hath given bond on file for
a faithful discharge of her guardianship.
At a Couit of Probate held in Fairfield, July the 21st, A. Domini
1727. Sarah Wakeman appeared before said Court and desired
the guardianship of her child, Ebenezer Wakeman, and offered
sufficient surety. This Court notwithstanding, do see cause to
deny her her request. At her request this Court have granted
her an appeal to the Superior Court to be held at Fairfield, on the
Last Tuesday in August next, & Sarah Wakeman, Principal, and
Jonathan Sturgis, surety, became bound to the Public Treasurer
of the County of Fairfield, in a Recognizance of io^", to prosecute
her appeal at said Court and answer all damages in case she
make not her plea good, acknowledged before the Court.
Andrew Burr, Clerk.
Know all men by these presents that I, Samuel Wakeman,
Jun'r, of the Town and County of Fairfield in the Colony of Con-
necticut, in New England, have received of my brother and
guardian, Joseph Wakeman of Fairfield, the full of my portion
committed into his hands, and the Rents thereof to my full satis-
faction, and I do therefore acquit and discharge the said Joseph
Wakeman from any further demands to be made by me, my heirs,
exec'tor, or administrators upon the account of portion or other-
wise before the Date of this given instrument. In witness
whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of
October, A. D. 1734.
Samuel Wakeman, Jun'r.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in presence of
Jabez Wakeman, A true copy of the original Exm'd
Andrew Burr. by Wm.. Burr, Clerk.
In the name of God Amen,
I, Samuel Wakeman, of the town and County of Fairfield and
Colony of Connecticut in N. England, being sick and weak in
body tho' of sound mind and perfect memory, the Lord be
thanked, therefor, considering my own mortality, & not knowing
how soon it may please God to put a period to my natural life, do
ordain this to be my last will and testament. First of all, I be-
queath my soul into the hands of God who gave it, hoping for the
salvation thereof thro' the merits of Christ, my Redeemer, and
my body I recommend to the earth, to be decently interred, and
the disposition of my Estate hereafter named, and as touching
the worldly estate with which it hath pleased God to bless me, I
dispose of in manner following, viz. :
Imprimis. My will is that all my just debts and funeral charges
shall be first paid by my Executors hereafter named.
Item. I will, give & bequeath unto my well beloved son,
Moses Wakeman. & to his heirs and assigns forever,
all my right in the Long Lot that originally belonged
to my Honored Grandfather, the Rev'd Samuel
Wakeman, late of sd Fairfield, deceased ; that is to
say, from the south bounds of Reading Parish down-
ward till it comes to the land belonging to my Cousin
Samuel Wakeman, of said Fairfield ; also I give him
my salt meadow lying by the pines so called, between
the pines and pine creek, being the easternmost part
of my said Honored Grandfather's meadow,
Item. I will, give and bequeath unto my well beloved son,
Samuel Wakeman, and to his heirs and assigns for-
ever, all my land in my Long Lot and my land ad-
joining, beginning at the front or southernmost end
of said Lot running from thence up unto the first
Cross Highway, so called, with the building and
fruit trees thereon standing and growing.
Item. My will is, and I do hereby order, that all my Land
lying within the Parish of Reading be sold by my
executors hereafter named, for the uses and purposes
hereafter mentioned.
Item. I will and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter,
Eleanor Wakeman, forever, One Hundred and Fifty
pounds out of the money that shall be produced by
the sale of lands aforesaid.
Item. My will is that the remainder of the money that said
Land shall sell for, shall be by my Executors let out
to interest till my other three daughters, Ann, Eliza-
beth & Sarah, shall arrive successively to the age of
eighteen years: And further, my will is, and I here-
by bequeath unto them severally and to each of them
one-third part of the remainder of said money & the
interest thereupon ; they and each of them to receive
it when they severally arrive to the age of eighteen
Item. I will & bequeath tinto my dear and loving wife, Eliza-
beth, the use and improvement of one-third part of
my Real Estate during her natural life ; also I give
her for her own, my two working oxen & my cart
horse; as also my cart & cart tacklings, yoke and
yoke irons, & two of my cows, at her choice ; also, I
give her ten sheep, & my pacing mare which I bought
of Mr. Gold; also one of my breeding sows & three
shoats, & ten bushels of wheat out of the crop that is
now growing on the ground ; also five bushels out of
that which is now in the house or barn; also ten
bushels of Indian corn; also fifty pounds of flax; also
sufficient provender for the maintainance of what
creatures I have given her for the space of the re-
maining part of this winter ; also I give her, my said
wife, the use & improvement of the biggest end of
my new dwelling house & one half of the cellar
during her natural life, & the best bed & furniture, as
also the one-half of all my household goods now in
the house excepting the Linen ; & I give her for her
own disposal one-third part thereof ; as also I give
her one hundred and fifty weight of pork & fifty
weight of beef.
Item. I will the care & tuition of all my children that are
under age to my said wife, Elizabeth; also, I be-
queath unto her for the bringing up of my three
youngest children till they arrive severally to the age
of seven years, the use & improvement of the other
two-thirds of my real estate not before disposed of
for the space of eight years.
Item. My will is that my just debts & funeral charges shall be
paid out of my movable estate.
Item. I will & bequeath unto my four daughters aforenamed
that after my debts are paid & the things already be-
queathed unto my said wife Elizabeth are taken out,
the remainder of my movable estate, to be equally
divided between them.
Item. I will and bequeath unto my aforenamed son Samuel,
my Salt meadow, called Reed-pond meadow, lying by
the Reed-pond so called, to be to him & his heirs and
assigns forever.
Item. I will & bequeath unto my said sons, Moses & Samuel,
forever, all my right in the common & undivided
land in the township of said Fairfield; also, I be-
queath unto my said son Moses the colt that I suppose
my mare, already bequeathed unto my said wife, is
now big withal.
Item. My will is that in a case either of my sons should die be-
fore they arrive unto the age of twenty-one years,
that then the surviving brother shall have and inherit
what is herein bequeathed to him that shall be taken
away by death.
Item. My will is that in case any of my aforenamed daugh-
ters shall die before they arrive at the age of eight-
een years, then what is herein bequeathed unto her or
them that shall so be removed by death, shall be to
the surviving sister or sisters in equal proportion.
Item. I do constitute & appoint my beloved wife Elizabeth
& Lieut. Samuel Burr, of said Fairfield, the executors
of this my last will & Testament. Finally, I do re-
voke and make void all former wills by me made and
done, ratifying & confirming this & no other to be
my last will & Testament ; in witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand & seal this 23d day of Jan.
A. D. 1734.
Sam'll Wakeman.
Signed, sealed & declared by Mr. Samuel Wakeman
to be his last will and testament in presence of:
John Goodsell,
Davis Adams,
Edw'd Silliman.
In the Name of God Amen: the 8th day of February A. Dom,
1760. I, Stephen Wakeman 2d, of the Town and County of Fair-
field in ye Colony of Connecticut, in New England, being Sick
and Weak of Body, but of sound Mind and Memory, Thanks be
given to God therefor: And calling to Mind my Mortality do
make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament . Firstly and
principally, I recommend my soul into the Hands of God that
gave it, and my Body to ye Earth to be decently Buried, at ye
Direction of my Executors hereafter named, Nothing doubting of
its Ressurrection at the last Day by the Mighty power of God :
And hoping for Eternal Life thro' ye merits and Mediation of
Jesus Christ my Savior: And as touching such worldly estate
wherewith it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I will, Devise
and bequeath the same in Manner and Form following, viz. :
Imprs. My Will is that all my Just Debts and Funeral Expenses
be first paid out of my personal Estate, with what
Land I shall order to be sold.
Item. My Will is that 1 give to my dear and loving Wife One
third part of my Real Estate during her Natural
Life and my Negro Woman Nanny, with the third
Part of my personal Estate forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Loving Daughter, Eunice Bur-
rett, the Sum of Fifty pounds current Money of the
Colony, to be paid by my son, Stephen Wakeman,
when he arrives to ye age of Twenty One Years,
which with what I have given her is to be her full
Portion of my Estate.
Item. I will, devise and bequeath to my beloved Son Stephen
Wakeman my Gun and my Homestead, containing
about Fifty Eight Acres, with all the Buildings
thereon, to him, his Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give to my beloved Son Jesup Wakeman, the Home-
stead I lately purchased of Abraham Higgins, con-
taining about Fifty Eight Acres, with all ye build-
ings thereon to him and his Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Stephen Wakeman, the
Value of Fifty pounds Current Money of this Colony
out of my Estate, this I give him to pay my Daugh-
ter Eunice Burrett her Portion, which is Fifty
pounds Current Money of this Colony.
Item. My Will is that my Executors shall sell three pieces .of
Land hereafter mentioned towards paying my Debts
(viz.): Three acres of Salt Marsh lying in Conyrea
Creeks, which I lately purchased of Abraham Hig-
gins, the other piece lying southwardly from John
Elwood, containing about four acres lately purchased
of Higgins. The other piece lying to ye Southwardly
End of the School Meadow so Called containing
about One acre and a half.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Sons Stephen and Jesup
Wakeman all my Right and Interest I have in ye
tract of Land called Susquehannah.
Item. All ye Remainder of my Estate, both Real and personal,
of what kind or nature soever not before disposed of,
I will, devise and bequeath in manner following
(viz.), to my Sons, Stephen and Jesup Wakeman,
one-third part to be equally Divided between them to
them their Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. The Remaining two-thirds I give and bequeath to my
loving Daughters, Sarah, Mary, and Bette Wakeman
to be equally Divided between them, to them, their
Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. My Will is that my Executors shall have ye Improvement
of my whole estate to bring up my Children until
they arrive at age, Stephen and Jesup Wakeman till
they are twenty-one, and my Daughters, Sarah,
Mary and Betty Wakeman til Eighteen or Marriage.
Item. My will is that if either of my Sons, Stephen or Jesup
Wakeman, die before they arrive to the age of
Twenty One Years, ye Surviving Son shall have
both Homesteads, containing Fifty Eight acres
each, with all ye Buildings thereon, and also to
divide equally with his sisters in ye Remaining Es-
tate of ye Dec'd.
Finally, I do hereby constitute and appoint my well beloved
Wife, Sarah Wakeman, Executrix of this my last Will and Testa-
ment, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made ; Declaring
this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness
whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal ye Day and
Date ahove written.
Stephen Wakeman, 2D. -Jseal. j-
Signed, Sealed published and Declared
by the Testator to be his Last Will and Testament
in Presence of
Jabez Wakeman,
Richard Elwood,
Gideon Wakeman.
At a Court of Probate held in Fairfield, April ist, A. D. 1760.
Personally appeared Messrs. Jabez Wakeman, Richard Elwood
and Gideon Wakeman, Subscribing Witnesses to ye foregoing In-
strument, and made oath that they saw Stephen Wakeman 2d
Sign and Seal the same, and heard him declare ye Same to be his
Last Will and Testament, and that they then Judged him to be
of Sound Mind and Memory, and that they all signed as Wit-
nesses to sd Will in ye presence of the Testator and of each other.
Sworn before the Court. Test.
At sd Court also personally appeared Sarah Wakeman, named
Executrix to sd will, accepted ye Trust committed to her by ye
Testator, Exhibited sd Will to sd Court for probation, and ye
same being proved, is by sd Court approved and ordered to be
b. for born. ch. for children,
d. for died. dau. for daughter,
m. for married. s. for son.
w. for wife. yr. for year,
wid. for widow. inv. for inventory,
bap. for baptized. (?) implies doubt,
d. s. p. for died single person.
In presenting this lineage to the family, their indul-
gence is asked regarding errors and omissions, and as
the volume is provided with stub leaflets on which
sheets containing additional data may be gummed, we
hope that all who are able to procure for us the names
and dates necessary to fill in the missing links, will do
so at their earliest opportunity and forward the same to
the author, in order that it may be arranged and printed
for insertion in the book. Of the sons of Francis
Wakeman, of England, but two are known to have
come to this country.
Francis Wakeman, of Bewdley, Worcestershire, Eng-
land, was m. at Eastham, England (now in Ten-
bury), Oct. 6, to Anne Goode. He d. Sept. 2, 1626.
She d. Jan. 29, 1621. They begat,
I. Mary, bap. 1591. She m. Jan. 14, 1622,
John Wo wen, and begat,
A. Mary.
II. Sarah, bap. April 23, 1593. She m., April
30, 162 1, Richard Hubbell, and begat,
A. Richard.
III. Martha, bap. March 27, 1596, d. 1664, in
New Haven, Conn. She m., Nov. 30,
1621, William Davis, in Bewdley, and he
d. 1659. They begat,
A. John, d. at sea 1657, lost in Garrett's ship.
B. Sarah. She m. William Russell and begat,
a. Noadiah. b. Anna. *
\. IV. John, bap. March 29, 1601; d. 1661. (See
2 John below.)
2 V. Samuel, bap. Sept. 25, 1603; d. 1641. (See
J Samuel below.)
VI. Isaac, bap. Aug. 3, 1606; d. April 14, 1609.
VII. Joseph, bap. April 23, 1609.
VIII. Anne, bap. July 3, 1614. She m. Adam
Nichols prior to 1645, an^ begat,
A. John, bap. Aug. 10, 1645; d. 1662.
B. Barachiah, bap. Feb. 14, 1647.
C. Anna, b. at Hartford, Conn.
D. Esther, bap. March 10, 1650. She m. Mr. Ellis.
E. Lydia, bap. Feb. 28, 1652.
F. Sarah, b. at Hartford, Conn.
G. Ebenezer, b. at Hartford, Conn.
Adam Nichols was from Springfield, Mass.,
and lived in Hartford to 1655, and in
Hadley to 1661, and was in Boston 1670.
He d. Aug. 25, 1682.
IX. Hester, bap. June 15, 161 7. She m. Thomas
Selden (d. 1655), She d. 1693. They
A. Thomas, bap. Aug. 31, 1645; d. Nov. 24, 1734.
He m. at Hadley, Conn., Felix, dau. of Wil-
liam and Mary (Hopkins) Lewis, of Farming-
ton. She d. 1738.
B. John, bap. 1647; d. May, 1650.
C. Mary, bap. March 26, 1648-9; d. Jan. 7, 1713. She
m. John Taylor (d. Oct. 1, 1713) Dec. 12, 1666.
D. Esther, bap. March 3, 1650 d. 1651.
E. Joseph, bap. Nov. 2, 1651; d. July 14, 1724. He
m. Feb. ir, 1677, Rebecca (dau. of Dea. Ed-
ward and Mary Church); d. Sept. 17, 1691.
F. Hannah, d. single, 1695.
G. Esther.
H. Sarah. Mrs. Hester Selden m. Andrew Warner
for her second husband, and d. at Hadley,
X. Priscilla. She m., Jan. 23, 1630, Thomas
Richards, and begat,
Mary and Thomas.
J. Samuel Wakeman,1 born at Bevvdley, Worcester-
shire, England, and baptized Sept. 25, 1603; m. Elisa.
He was killed at the Bahamas in 1641. (See p. 44.)
He begat,
I. Son, who d. at sea in 1631.
II. Elisa. She m. Joseph Arnold, b. in Eng-
land, d. in Haddam, Conn., Oct. 22, 169 1,
son of John Arnold, who was, in Cam-
bridge, Mass. Freeman, May 6, 1635, and
with Samuel Wakeman in Hartford, Conn.,
in 1636. His wife was Susanna, and he
d. in 1664. Joseph and Elisa settled in
Haddam, Conn., and begat,
A. John, b. 1662.
B. Joseph, b. 1665.
C. Samuel, b. East Haddam, Conn., 1668; d. East
Haddam, Conn., March 20, 1739; m- unknown.
He begat,
Enoch Arnold, born East Haddam, Conn. ;
bap. Sept. 9, 1716; d. Millington, Conn.,
April S, 1795; m. June 16, 1743, Dorothy
Emmons, b. East Haddam, Conn., Sept.
18, 1722; d. East Haddam. Conn., June
24, 1754. They begat,
Jonathan Arnold, b. East Haddam, Conn.,
May 21, 1754; d. Meredith, N. Y., Oct.
16, 1828; m. Jan., 1774, Lucy Green,
b. Millington, Conn. ; bap. Nov. 14, 1756;
d. Meredith, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1837. They
Jonathan Arnold, b. Sandisfield, Mass.,
Oct. 29, 1792; d. Sheffield, Mass., May
14, 1837; m. Dec. 29, 1814, Maria Em-
mons, b. Cornwall, Conn., April 1, 1794;
d. New Marlboro, Mass., Feb. 15, 1854.
They begat,
Emmons Arnold, b. Canaan, Conn. Dec. 2,
1815; d. Portland, Oregon, Feb. ir, 1878;
m. Sept. 23, 1841, Ruth Jane Kellogg, b.
Sheffield, Mass., Jan. 19, 1821; d. Port-
land, Orogen, June 27, 18S9. They
Frederic . Kellogg Arnold, b. Sheffield,
Mass., July 10, 1844; lives now at Port-
land, Oregon; m. Sept. 15, 1869, Mary
Nichols Tower, b. Springfield, Vt., April
7, 1847.
D. Susannah, b. 1675.
E. Jonathan.
F. Elizabeth.
3. III. Ezbon,2 d. 1683.
IV. Joanna.2 She m. Francis Hacleton, of
Northampton, 1661, Hartford, 1662, and
was a brickmaker.
V. Grace,2 m. John Kelly. He died prior to
Mrs. Elisa Wakeman m. Nathaniel Willett prior to
1643. He died Jan. 4, 1698.
3. Ezbon Wakeman,2 m. Hannah Jordan at Guil-
ford, Conn., April 1, 1669. They begat one child,
I. Abigail, who m. Thomas Hill. Mrs. Hannah
Wakeman m. Joseph Bastard for her sec-
ond husband.
2. John Wakeman,1 born at Bewdley, Worcester-
shire, England, about 1598-9; m. Elizabeth Hop-
kins, dau. of William Hopkins and Helen Vickaris (m.
Oct. 30, 1609), at Bewdley, Jan. 28, 1628-9. He d. at
Hartford, 1661. She was bap. Oct. 7, 1610, in Ribbes-
ford Church, England, and d. at New Haven, 1658.
They begat at Bewdley,
, OU <kfi&*»-<Vr>^
I. John,2 bap. July 25, 1630; d. Jan. 19, 1636.
II. Hellena,2 bap. Dec. 23, 1632; d. June 22,
1674. She m. Lieut. -Col. John Talcott,
Oct. 29, 1650. He d. July 23, 1688. (He
m. Mary Cook, dau of Rev. John Cook,
ofN. H., Nov. 9, 1676.) He begat,
A. John, b. Nov. 24, 1651.
B. John, b. Dec. 14, 1653; m. Abigail Tibbals.
C. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1655.
D. Samuel, b. Aug. 21, 1658; d. April 4, 1661.
E. Mary, b. April 26, i66r. She m. Richard Ed-
wards about 1692. She d. April 19, 1723. He
d. April 20, 1718. He was grandfather, by his
first wife, of Rev. Jonathan Edwards. (Tal-
cott's Gen. Notes.)
F. Hannah, b. Dec. 8, 1663; d. March 28, 1696. She
m. Lieut. -Gov. Nathan Gold, Jr.
G. Dorothy, b. Feb. 20, 1666.
H. (Gov.) Joseph, b. Nov. 16, 1669.
I. Hellena, b. June 17, 1674.
III. Samuel,2 bap. June 7, 1635; d. March 8,
IV. Elizabeth,2 bap. Sept. 16, 1638. She m.
Samuel Kitchell, of Newark, N. J. (b.
1633; d. April 20, 1690), March 11, 1656-7,
and begat,
A. Sarah, b. Dec. 9, 1657.
B. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 1, 1659. She m. Seth Tomp-
kins, b. 1649, son of Michael Tompkins, of Mil-
ford, Conn., who harbored the Judges of King
Charles in his house.
C. Abigail, b. August 10, 1661 ; married John Wood,
of Newark, N. J.
D. Samuel.
E. Mary, m. Josiah Ward, of Newark.
F. Susanna, m. Ensign Jonathan Baldwin, of
Milford, Conn., Samuel Kitchell, Sr., next m.
Grace Pierson, and begat,
G. Abraham, b. 1679; d. Dec, 1741.
H. Grace.
4. (Rev.) Samuel Wakernan m., Aug. 28, 1656, by
Gov. Stephen Goodyear, in New Haven, Conn., to his
daughter Hannah. Shed. 1721. He d. March 8, 1692.
His widow m. Nathaniel Burr. Rev. Samuel begat,
5. I. Samuel,3 b. Oct. 12, 1657; d. 1691.
6. II. John,3 b. 1659 (?); d. Feb. 15, 1709.
III. Ebenezer,3 b. 1668 (?); d. 1690. (See previ-
ous record of his military service from
O'Callahan's Doc. Hist, of New York.)
IV. Joseph,3 b. 1670; d. Dec. 5, 1726.
9. V. Jabez,3 b. 1678; d. Oct. 8, 1704.
VI. Mary,3 m. Michael Clugstone, and begat,
A. John, bap. June 23, 1695.
B. Samuel, bap. Jan. 17, 1696-7.
C. Mary, bap. Sept. 18, 1698.
VII. Ann,3 m. Abraham Howell. He was major
of a regiment in Suffolk County, L. I., in
VIII. Elizabeth,3 m. Albert Denny, and begat, sH cj> a
A. John, bap. Oct. 7, 1694. He m., first, Mary, dau. ^« *£" ""^.
of John and Mary (Hanford) Edwards, of Strat- X//I. 14-SiF,
field, Conn.; and second, Sarah, dau. of Rev. &&*?■•
Joseph and Elizabeth (Nichols) Webb, of Fair-
field. He was grandfather of William Hooper,
a signer of the Declaration of Independence,
and of Joseph Dennie,* editor of the Portfolio,
and author of " The Lay Preacher."
* Different from all the professional writers of his day was Joseph Den-
nie, the "American Addison," as his friends delighted to call him. Life
with him was at the best a play ; and one cannot wander far in the rough,
uncleared1 pathways of our early literature without coming often into the
warmth and sunshine of his presence. He was a native of Boston, and
B. Grizzell, bap. Feb. 28. 1696; d. June 10, 1754.
She m. Rev. Daniel Chapman.
C. Margaret, bap. April 30, 1696; d. young.
D. Annabel, bap. Nov. 30, 1701 ; d. young.
E. James, bap. March 14, 1702-3. He m. first, Eu-
nice, who d. Oct. 6, 1740; and second Sarah,
a classmate of the elder Quincy. His early reputation was made in the
Farmer's Museum of Walpole, N. H., 1795-1797, and was continued in the
Portfolio at Philadelphia from 1800 to 1812. He was an elegant scholar,
a graceful and pleasing writer, charming in conversation, a most winning
and delightful companion. His literary work, though universally read and
extravagantly praised at the time, proved ephemeral, like that of most of
his profession. His most famous essays, printed under the title of " The
Lay Preacher," touching with pleasant satire and amiable philosophy on
the follies and foibles of the time, mixed with not a little serious counsel and
good criticism, are now as if they had never been. In their day they were
famous. All the newspapers were in hot rivalry with each other to get the
first printing of them. The were compared to the writings of Addison and
Steele, and they made the young writer the center of the most interesting
group of wits and scholars then on the stage. Though a graduate of Har-
vard College, for some unaccountable reason he hated the college and de-
spised the faculty, and he delighted in making them the object of his satire.
He studied law, and began to practice ; but one day a client came in while
he was more agreeably occupied, and irom that time till he abandoned the
profession he kept his office door locked on the inside. The late Edmund
Quincy, in the fascinating biography of his father, speaks of the Portfolio
as "far superior to any magazine ever before attempted in this country" —
"a model of exact and careful editorship, and greatly beneficial in raising
the standard of literary taste in the country." It was strongly federalist in
its politics, and the most eminent federalist writers and statesmen did not
consider it beneath their dignity to contribute to its pages. While Dennie
lived in Philadelphia he was the soul of its gay, convivial society, and his
name still lives in its traditions. Tom Moore was one of his many guests,
wrote songs for the Portfolio, and joined in the nightly festivities. In one
of his poems relating to America I recall the lines:
" Yet, yet forgive me, O ye sacred few,
"Whom late by Delaware's green banks I knew ;
Whom, known and loved through many a social eve,
'Twas bliss to live with, and 'twas pain to leave.
Not with more joy the lonely exile scanned
The writing traced upon the desert's sand,
Where his lone heart but little hoped to find
One trace of life, one stamp of human kind,
Than did I hail the pure, th' enlighten'd zeal,
The strength to reason and the warmth to feel,
The manly polish and the illumin'd taste,
Which — 'mid the melancholy, heartless waste
My foot has travers'd — O you sacred few !
I found by Delaware's green banks with you."
Joseph Dennie died, in 1812, at the early age of 44 years. The Portfolio
did not long survive him.
b. 1724; d. Jan 24, 1796, widow of Dr. Francis
Forgue. James begat,
Eunice, who m. Thaddeus Burr, of Fair-
field, Conn.
Sarah, who m. Rev. James Sayre, and d.
Dec. 15, 1797, aged 41.
5. Samuel Wakeman,3 m. Mary Burr, dau. of Jehu
Burr, and begat,
I. Mary,4 b. d. age 16. He then
m. Sarah Knowles, dau. of John
Knowles, and begat,
II. Sarah,4 b. May 13, 1691; d. Nov. 28,
1 7 10. Samuel Wakeman d. in the
fall of 1691. His widow m. Dugald
6. Capt. John* Wakeman,'1 m. April 24, 1687, Mar-
tha Hubbell (dau. of Richard Hubbell and Elizabeth).
She d. June 5, 17 10. They begat,
I. Hellena,4 b. Aug. 24, 1689; d. Feb. 12,
1710-1 1.
II. Ann,4 b. March 24, 1692.
10. III. Samuel,4 b. Feb. 24, 1693; d. Oct. 19,
IV. Elizabeth,4 b. June 1, 1695; d. 1737 (?)
V. Martha,4 b. Sept. 24, 1700. She m. in
Stratfield, Feb. 2, 1720-1, Israel
Chauncey (b. 1693, d. after 1731), son
of Rev. Charles Chauncey. They
A. Sarah, b. Oct. 26.
B. Abigail, b. April 9.
11. VI. Stephen,4 b. Oct. 15, 1702; d. 1761-2.
^S^U, '%(faj£'*r»-<*~*'*
♦Facsimile of signature of Capt. John Wakeman,
12. VII. John,4 b. Aug. 27, 1705; d. 1789-90.
Capt. John, son of Rev. Samuel, was
a prominent man in the Colony of
Connecticut. He was appointed .Dep-
uty to the General Court, from Fair-
field, and served at twenty -three ses-
sions from 1690 to 1706. He was
appointed Commissioner in 1695, 1696
and 1697; also Justice for Fairfield in
1698, and many times thereafter. He
was appointed Lieutenent in May,
1697 and Captain in May 1704 and
1705. He left an estate of about
1,000 pounds.
8. Capt. Joseph Wakeman,3 m. in 1697-8, Elizabeth
Hawley, b. May 6, 1679, d. Aug. 18, 1753, dau. of
Ebenezer Hawley and Esther Ward, dau. of Andrew
Ward, a man of prominence in the Colony of Connecti-
cut.* Capt. Wakeman, d. Dec. 5, 1726, leaving an
estate of over 5,000 pounds. (His widow m. Col. John
Burr, in 1727.) He begat,
13. I. Ebenezer,4 b. Jan. 10, 1699; d. Sept. 25,
II. Catherine,4 bap. April 27, 1700; d. Sept.
25< r 753- She m. John Burr, Oct. 18,
1722. He d. Sept. 13, 1752, and was
bap. Aug. 28, 1698. They begat,
A. Catherine, b. Oct. 26, 1723; m. Robert Wil-
son, Sept. 7, 1741; b. June 3, 1722.
B. Sarah, b. Feb. 7, 1724; m. Daniel Silliman.
C. Ann, b.Sept. 7, 1726; m. Thomas Sherwood.
D. John, b. June 13, 1728; d. July 28, 1771.
♦Facsimile of signature of Hon. Andrew Ward.
E. Deborah, b. May 14, 1730; m. Ichabod
Wheeler, Jan. 12, 1752.
F. Elizabeth, b. April 7, 1732. She m. Col.
Abraham Gold, Jan. 1, 1754.
G. Mary, b. April 7, 1732. She m. Ebenezer
H. Justus, b. Sept. 2, 1734; d. July 13, 1766.
I. Abigail, b. July 27, 1736.
J. Ozias, b. May 1, 1739; d. Sept. 5, 1836.
K. Amos, b. Sept. 8, 1741; d. Sept. 27, 1743-
L. Wakeman, b. Oct. 3, 1743-
III. Elizabeth,4 bap. April 19, 1702; d. June
16, 1753. Shem. Capt. Samuel Burr,
June, 1722. He d. 1774, and begat,
A. Mehitable, b. May 28, 1723. She m. Joseph
B. Seth, b. Jan. 1726; d. single, 1764-5.
C. Samuel, b. Nov., 1728; d. March 20, 1791-
D. Daniel, b. July 2, 1730.
E. Ebenezer, b. Oct., 1732; d. 1766.
F. Nehemiah, b. April 18, 1734: d. 1814-5.
G. Ellen, b. Nov., 1736; d. June 18, 1777- She
m. Capt. Abel Gold, Dec. 19, 1754-
H. Elizabeth, b. Sept., 1738. She m. Samuel
I. Charles, b. Aug., 1741; d. March 15, 1800.
Capt. Samuel Burr next m. Ruth Bulkley,
March 14, 17 54-
14. IV. Joseph,4 b. 1703; d. Sept. 23, 1762.
15. V. Jabez,4 b. 1705-6; d. Oct. 10, 1774.
VI. Samuel,4 bap. Jan. 30, 1709; d. in in-
VII. Mary, bap. July 23, 1710; d. March 19,
1743. She m. Aug. 4, 1736, William
Burr (bap. Feb. 10, 1711-12, d. May
5, 1769), son of Col. John Burr, and
A. William, b. June 20, 1739; d. J74°-
16. VIII. Samuel,4 b. 1713; d. Aug. 15, 1752.
17. IX. Stephen,4 b. i7i6;bap. March 10, 1717;
d. March 23, 1760. Captain Joseph
Wakeman was a man of prominence
and business ability. He was ap-
pointed Lieutenant by the Council,
Dec. 13, 1704. (Queen Anne's War.)
See Col. Rec. Conn., Vol. IV., p. 497.
He was appointed Captain in Fairfield,
May, 1708 (see copy of Military Com-
mission, p. 144). He was also ap-
pointed Oct., 1709, a member of com-
mittee of war for the County of Fair-
field, to take care for the defence of the
frontier towns within said County, and
of Wianteus or New Milford, and shall
have full power to act and order for
the defence of the said frontier against
the assault of the enemy, as they shall
judge needful. He was also appointed
member of a committee to consider
" the desire of assistance by Governor
of Massachusetts Bay on the war with
Eastern Indians," October, 1722. He
also served as member of a committee
on New York boundary, October, 17 13.
He was also appointed member of a
committee of both houses which made
recommendations for securing our
frontiers, May, 17 12. He was elected
Justice for Fairfield many times, and
Probate Judge and Judge of County
Court. He was a member of the Gov-
ernor's Council in 1724 and 1725. He
served as Deputy from Fairfield, to
the General Court for 28 sessions, from
1705 to 1722, and was appointed
. ■//
■A ' \ /
assistant in May, 1724, and in May,
1725. He left an estate of over 5,000
pounds, including his house in Greens-
farms, of which we give a picture, and
also a house in Fairfield village.
The house of Captain Joseph Wakeman, now standing
in Greensfarms (Westport), Connecticut, formerly
a part of Fairfield, was built about the year 1700.
It was occupied by Captain Wakeman, and by his
lineal descendants by the name of Joseph, for four
succeeding generations. After the death of the
widow of the latter Joseph, it was sold to A. Jen-
nings, and is now used as a storehouse. It was a
stately mansion in its day, with stone steps and
stone walled terrace in front. Its timbers are
eighteen inches square, with heavy floor joists. The
kitchen is long and low, wainscoted to the win-
dows set high in the wall. The front rooms are fif-
teen by twenty feet, with nine foot ceilings ; doors
forty inches wide ; windows forty-two inches, with
twenty-four panes, eight by ten inches each. Every-
thing betokens the wealth of the owner. On the
southern side of the chimney is the old dining room ;
here the sideboard held his silver tankard and cups.
The staircase has a low balustrade of turned wood,
the caps of the newel posts being carved. In the
lesser attic the slaves had their quarters, and the
attic story over-hangs on three sides which enabled
the occupants to shoot at the Indians most any time
without much risk. One of the front chambers held,
during the Revolution, much British gold (as the
English officers made their headquarters here at
the time), and the daughter of the house who at-
tended to the room thought that she would like a
little of it and put one coin under each bed post,
but it was discovered. This house and that of his
son Stephen, and grandson Captain Stephen, were
the only houses in Greensfarms that were not
burned by the British ; Captain Stephen's being left
because of some kindness he showed some prisoners,
but he was half sorry it was not burned as he feared
that his neighbors would think that he was a Tory.
9. Rev. Jabez Wakeman,3m. at Southampton, L. I.,
Sept. 29, 1702, Eunice Howell (b. Aug. 18, 1678, d. May
25? I738)» dau. of Col. Matthew Howell. Rev. Jabez
Wakeman preached in Newark, N. J., and his widow
m. Gov. Joseph Talcott, June 26, 1706. He begat,
I. Samuel,4 b. Sept. 27, 1704; d. Sept. 29,
1704. (See page 161, No. 9.)
JO. Lieut. Samuel Wakeman,4 m. Elizabeth, b. 1695;
d. March 14, 1759. He was appointed Lieutenant of
the first company in Fairfield, May 1742. He begat,
I. Eleanor,5 bap. Aug. 8, 1726.
18. II. Moses,5 bap. Aug. 8, 1726; d. May 14,
III. Anne,5 bap. Aug. 8, 1726. She m. Na-
than Hubbell.
IV. Elizabeth,4 bap. 1729. She m. Jan. 23,
1746, John Lyon. He lived in Lanes-
borough, Berkshire County, Mass., in
1773. They begat.
A. Jabez, b, March 18, 1747.
B. Thomas, b. Oct. 9, 1749.
C. John, h. Aug. 30, 1752; d. Sept. 8, 1752.
D. Elizabeth, b. July 7, 1754.
E. John, b. April 19, 1756.
V. Sarah,5 bap. Oct. 5, 1731; d. Jan. 18,
1769. Shem. Gershom Hubbell, Nov.
2, 1756. He was b. 1731 ; d. April n,
1803. They begat no children.
19. VI. ,Samuel,5 bap. Mar 10, 1734; d. Aug. 6,
VII. Martha,5 bap. Aug. 15, 1736; d. March
9, 1766. She m. Nathan Hill, son of
John Hill and Esther Bulkley, Aug.
26, 1765. Nathan Hill was b. Oct. 9,
1 73 1. He m. Dec. 1766, Elizabeth
Whitehead, dau. of Gershom White-
head, and begat,
John, b. June 5, 1767.
20. VIII. Seth,5 bap. Jan. 8, 1738.
21. IX. George,5 bap. June 1, 1740.
J J. Stephen Wakeman,4 m. in Fairfield, Conn., April
28, 1727, Rebecca Morehouse (dau. of Daniel More-
house). She was bap. Feb. 24, 1712; d. 1762. He d.
1 761. They begat,
I. Sarah," b. March 15, 1728; d. June 11,
22. II. David,5 bap. Jan. 11, 1730; d. 1813-4.
23. III. Daniel,5 b. April 6, 1732.
IV. Eunice,5 b. Jan. 31, 1735; d. Jan. 29,
1765. She m. July 3, 1753, Nathan
Hill, b. Oct. 9, 1731, son of John Hill
and Esther Bradley. They begat,
A. Eunice, b. June 3. 1754. She m. Daniel
Meeker, and begat,
Hill, David, William, Eunice, Clar-
issa and Abigail.
B. Aaron, b. Dec. 12, 1755.
C. Sarah, b. Nov. 17, 1760.
D. Stephen, b. Nov. 16, 1762.
24. V. Squier,5 b. June 29, 1738.
VI. Stephen, 5b. Nov. 19,1740; d. May 7, 1744-
25. VII. James,5 b. March 19, 1743. d; about
April, 1768.
26. VIII. Stephen,5 b. Oct. 23, 1745; d. about
April, 1768.
IX. Sarah,5 b. Jan. 26, 1748; d. April 26,
1779. She m. John Alvord, Nov. 11,
1772. He was b. July 11, 1750; d.
July 3, 1845. She begat,
A. John, bap. aged 9 mos., Jan. 8, 1775.
B. David, bap. in infancy, July 21, 1776.
27. X. Noah5, b Nov. 28, 1751; d. Nov. 5, 1777.
J 2. John Wakeman,4 of upper part of Greenfield,
Hill, Conn. He m. April 8, 1730, Catherine Gilbert (b.
July, 1706, d. April 9, 1777, dau. of Moses and Jane Gil-
bert). They begat,
I. Ebenezer,5 b. Jan. 20, 1729; d. June 20,
28. II. John,5 b. Jan. 29, 1730-1; d. July 24,
29. III. Gershom,5 b. Nov. 8, 1731; d. May 30,
30. IV. Ebenezer,5 b. July 20, 1737; d. March 31,
V. Eleanor,5 b. April 9, 1739; d. 178-. She
m. Eliphalet Lyon, May 3, 1764.
They begat,
A. Wakeman, b. Jan. 25, 1765; d. May 23, 17 — .
B. Eleanor, b. April 18, 1767. She m. Mr.
C. Eliphalet, b. March 2S, 1771 ; d. Aug. 7, 1846.
D. Rowland, b. May 13, 1774; d. Feb. 4, 1775.
E. Lucinda, b. Dec. 27, 1777; d. Sept. 26, 1833.
Eliphalet Lyon, Sr., served in the Revo-
lution, and was born May 24, 1739; d.
March 11, 1832. He m. later Mary Perry,
Eleanor Sterling, and Hannah Wheeler.
VI. Abigail,5 b. Sept. 22, 1741; d. March 3,
1847. She m. Seth Meeker, March 8,
1758. He d. 1794. They begat,
A. Seth, bap. May 6, 1759.
B. Joseph, bap. June 1, 1761.
C. Abigail, bap. Feb. 12, 1764.
D. Samuel, bap. Sept. 18, 1768
E. Eleanor, bap. March 18, 1770. She m. S.
F. Mary, bap. She m. Nathan
G. Huldah, bap. March 19, 1780. She m. Heze-
kiah Ogden.
H. Wakeman, bap. Jan. 3, 1784.
I. Joseph G., bap. Feb. 20, 1785.
Mrs. Meeker, m. David Jennings next.
He was b. 1759; d. Feb., 1831.
31. VII. Seth,5 b. Jan. 30, 1744; d. July 18, 1770.
VIII. Jane,5 b. Jan. 7, 1748; d. Jan. 27, 1748.
32. IX. Thaddeus,5 b. Sept. 19, 1745; d.
X. Catherine,5 b. Jan. 24, 1750-1. She m.
Ichabod Wheeler, b. May 11, 1746.
XI. Hannah.5
J3. Ebenezer Wakeman,4 m. Sarah Sturges, b. 1704,
d. May 15, 1756. They begat,
S3- I. Ebenezer, b. June 26, 1725, d. 1762.
Ebenezer Wakeman, Sr., was ap-
pointed Deputy for Fairfield, for three
sessions in 1725 and 1726. He was
also appointed Justice in Fairfield.
He graduated at Yale College in 1720,
M. A. , at the head of his class, and was
a man of exceeding ability and prom-
ise. He d. Sept. 25, 1726, and his
widow m. Lotrop Lewis, July 26, 1727.
He was born 1701, d. Nov. 23, 1773.
J4» Joseph Wakeman,4 m. in Fairfield Conn., Oct.
23, 1727, Abigail Allen, b. 1705, d. 1804, dau. of Gideon
Allen and Annah Burr. Mr. Wakeman d. Sept. 23,
1762, leaving 5,300 pounds. He begat,
I. Ann,5 b. Oct. 24, 1728. She m. Isaac
Gorham, July 26, 1752, and begat,
A. Hannah, b. Nov. 15, 1752.
B. Ann, b. Sept. 29, 1754.
II. Joseph,5 b. Nov. 26, 1730; d. Jan. 1731.
III. Mary,5 b. Jan. 5, 1732 ; d. Sept. 13, 1822.
She m. April 9, 1752, John Hazzard,
b. 1719; d. March 29, 1771. They
A. Joseph, bap. March 25, 1753, d. Jan. 7, 1775.
B. Mary, bap. Nov. 24, 1754.
C. Samuel, bap. Nov. 7, 1756, d. July 24, 1794.
D. Mercy, bap. July 15. 1759, d. Nov. 1, 1761.
E. Mercy, bap. Nov. 9, 1761.
F. Anna, bap. Sept. 30, 1764, d. Oct. 19, 1787 (?).
G. John, bap. Sept. 4, 1768. Mrs. Mary Haz-
zard, m. Moss Kent, of Frederickburg,
Dutchess County, N. Y., March 14, 1773.
Mary (Wakeman) Hazzard was sent to Bos-
ton, to complete her education and as she
had to go by stage coach, it is supposed
that she met John Hazzard at some stop-
ping place in Rhode Island, where the
family lived. She was very handsome and
accomplished, and became proficient in
dancing, among other things, and this did
not exactly suit the staid people of Greens-
farms. Her father was the richest Wake-
man of that century, so far as known, and
her grandfather, Joseph, came next in
point of wealth, but was much the most
prominent in public life. Her second hus-
band, Moss Kent, was father of the well
known Chancellor Kent, of New York.
IV. Joseph,5 b. Dec. 4, 1733; d. in infancy
V. Abigail,5 b. Dec. 19, 1735. She m.
Oct. 2, 1754, John Gorham, b. July 4,
1732, son of Joseph Gorham, and
A. Deborah, b. March 10, 1755.
B. John, b. May 22, 1756.
C. James, b 1757.
D. Seth, b. 1760.
E. Jared.
F. Wakeman.
G. Abigail.
H. Abigail, b. July 19, 1770; d. Dec. 23, 1842.
She m. June 16, 1778, Solomon Comstock.
I. Hezekiah.
J. Lucy.
K. Joseph.
34. VI. Gideon,5 b. Dec. 17, 1737; d. March 30,
35. VII. Joseph,5 b. Feb 25, 1740; d. Sept. 2,
VIII. Hellena,5 b. April 4, 1742; d. Dec. 21,
1820. She m. James Rogers, March
30, 1762. He was b. Sept. 5, 1742, d.
April 9, 1823. (Son of Dr. Uriah and
Hannah Rogers, Norwalk, Conn.) He
A. Joseph, b. Oct. 31, 1762.
B. Chloe, b. Oct. 24, 1766; d. Aug. 14, 1844.
C. Twins, b. 1768.
D. Jedediah.
E. Aaron, b. Aug. 22, 1770.
F. Uriah, b. Dec. 13, 1772; d. April 13, 1788.
G. Abigail, b. 1776.
H. Betsey, b. 1779; d. 1846.
I. James, b. 1783; d. March 6, 1794.
IX. Seth,5 b. March 3, 1744; d. Oct. 5, 1744.
X. Elizabeth,5 b. Sept. 4, 1745; d. Feb. 11,
1778. She m. Rev. Hezekiah Gold, b.
Jan. 18, 1731, .d. May 29, 1791, of Corn-
wall, Conn., Oct. 11, 1768. They
A. Joseph Wakeman, b. Sept. 4, 1769.
B. Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1771; d. Nov. 1, 1776.
C. Mary, b. July 2, 1775; d. Nov. 12, 1776.
J5. Jabez Wakeman,4 of Fairfield, Conn., d. Oct.
10, 1774, leaving an estate of 1,135 pounds. He m.
June 1, 1727, Ruth Treadwell, b. Sept. 5, 1709, dau. of
Timothy Treadwell and Sarah Sherwood, and begat,
I. Hannah Elizabeth,5 b. March 30, 1728.
She m. May 1746, Stephen Hull, b.
July 25, 1724, and begat,
A. Ruhamah, b. April 16, 1747; d. June 29, 1823.
B. Sarah, b. March 23, 1748.
C. David, b. April, 1751.
D. William, b. Feb. 27, 1753.
E. Wakeman, bap. infancy, Oct. 28, 1759.
F. Walter, b. 1770 or 3; bap, Feb. 28, 1773.
36. II. William,5 b. April 1, 1730; d. March 22,
III. Joseph,5 b. March 30, 1731; d. June 30,
IV. Sarah,5 b. April 15, 1732; d. Feb. 20,
1803. She m. Samuel Bradley, Jr.,
of Greenfield Hill (b. Jan. 4, 1734; d.
1804), Sept. 10, 1751, and begat,
A. Zalmon, b. Feb. 10, 1752; d. in infancy.
B. Zalmon, b. Dec. 31, 1754; d. Oct. 6, 1813.
C. Samuel, b. Sept. 9, 1757; d. Dec. 4, 1777.
D. Sarah, b. Nov. iS, 1758.
E. Priscilla, b. Feb. 10, 1760.
F. Clarina, b. Nov. 16, 1762.
G. Walter, b. Aug. 15, 1764; d. March 7, 1842.
H. Lucy, b. Jan. 18, 176S; d. March 6, 1823.
I. Urania, b. March 22, 1769.
J. Ulilla, b. March 22, 1769.
K. Oliver, b, 1771; d. Jan. 27, 1775,
L. Huldah, b. Sept. io, 1773; d. Dec. 14, 1842.
V. Jabez,5 b. Dec. 2, 1734; d. July, 1738.
VI. Joseph,5 b. March 30, 1737 ; d. July, 1738.
VII. Jabez,5 b. May 10, 1739.
VIII. Mable,5 b. May 24, 1742; d. Aug. 22,
1822. She m. Dec. 30, 1762, George
Burr (b. May 26, 1736, d. 1813), of
Greenfield Hill, (son of Col. Andrew
Burr and Sarah Sturges). They begat,
A. Priscilla, b. Sept. 26, 1763.
B. Ann, b. April 3, 1766; d. Nov. 7, 1778.
C. Sarah, b. May 15, 1770.
D. Elizabeth, b. May 24, 1773; d. 1848. She m.
in Fairfield, Conn., Moses Beers, of Fair-
field, Conn., and Macedon, N. Y., and
Wakeman Burr, b. May 28, 1796; d. March 17, 1882.
He married in Macedon, Jan. 27, 1819, Lois Wood
(b. Jan. 3, 1801, d. 1865), dau. of Levi Wood and
Bethany Fuller, of Macedon, and^begat,
Norman Terry, b. 1820; d. 1875.
Harriet Permelia.
Salome Gertrude, m. John Henry Smyth of Montreal.
He was a graduate of McGill University, and a man
of scholarly tastes, with a liking for erudite re-
search. He was descended through his mother from
toP^ '->
fi^x -*^ '^--,-is^ * j l
! -
Procured by Samuel Bradley, Jr.
the De Burgh family, one of the oldest in Ireland.
They were originally Crusaders, and Sir Herbert
DeBurgh is mentioned at the Siege of Acre, in Pal-
estine. He fought with Richard Coeur de Lion.
Their names are in the Domesday book. The De-
Burgh's were originally of French extraction.
Henry III of England, appointed one of his nobles —
Sir Herbert DeBurgh to take charge of Ireland.
He was given control of Connaught and settled in
Galway. They were Earls in those days. Their
estates were confiscated by Cromwell and they be-
came adherents of the Stuarts. The estates were
afterwards restored.
E. Deborah, b. Feb. 4, 1775; d. April 24, 1779.
F. Eunice, bap. March 25, 1777.
G. Deborah, bap. May 25, 1783.
37. IX. Peter,5 b. Oct. 18, 1744; d. Feb. 21, 1778.
X. Eunice,5 b. Oct. 2, 1746; d. July 11, 1799.
She m. Lewis Goodsell, March 2, 1767.
38. XI. Timothy,5 b. Dec. 2, 1749; d. March 28,
39. XII. Joel,5b. May 17, 1752; d. 1786.
J 6. Lieut. Samuel Wakeman,4 was appointed ensign
May, 1745, of First Co. in Fairfield. He m. Ruth,
dau. of She d. 1783. They begat,
I. Catherine,5 b. Aug. 23, 1740. She m.
Abraham Andrews, Feb. 14, 1765.
II. Hannah,5 b. Oct. 18, 1741; d. She
m. Samuel Andrews, May 24, 1767,
and begat,
A. Samuel, bap. Nov. 21, 1773.
III. Mary,5 bap. March 10, 1742. She m. Isaac
Tucker, June 1, 1764, and begat,
A. Samuel W., b. Nov. 27, 1764, at 4:35 A. M.
B. Mary, b. Sept. 19, 1766, at 1 A. M. She m.
James Penfield.
C. Hannah, b. Aug. 31, 1768, at 3 P. M. Shem.
Peter Jennings, Feb. 1791-
40. IV. Andrew,5 bap. Dec. 22, 1745; d. Aug.
22, 1821.
V. Elisabeth,5 b. Dec. 4, 1747; d. May 24,
VI. Elisabeth,5 bap. Aug. 17, 1752; d. Dec.
26, 1777. She m. Col. Jonathan
Dimon, April 16, 1775.
Jonathan Law, Esq., Governor and Commander-in-
Chief of His Majesty's Colohy of Connecticut, in
New England.
To Samuel Wakeman, Gent, Greeting: You being
by the General Assembly of this Colony accepted
to be Ensign of the first Company or Train band in
the Town of Fairfield, Reposing special Trust and
confidence in your Loyalty, courage and good con-
duct, I do by virtue of the Letters Patents from the
Crown of England to this Corporation, me there-
unto enabling, Appoint and Impower you to take
the said Train-band into your care and charge as
their Ensign, carefully and diligently to discharge
that Trust ; Exercising your Inferior Officers and
Soldiers in the use of their arms according to the
discipline of War; Keeping them in good Order
and Government, and Commanding them to obey
you as their Ensign for His Majesty's Service.
And you are to observe all such orders and Direc-
tions as from time to time you shall receive, either
from me or from other your Superior Officers pur-
suant to the Trust hereby reposed in you. Given
under my Hand and the Seal of this Colony in Hart-
ford, the 29, Day of May In the 18th Year of the
Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second,
King of Great Britain, &c. Annoque Domini 1745,
By his Honours Command. J. Law.
George Wyllys, Sec'y.
J7» Stephen Wakeman,4 graduated at Yale, 1738, B.
A. He m. Jan. n, 1734, Mary Adams, dau. of Stephen
Adams, b. 1717-8; d. Aug. 16, 1741. She begat,
I. Eunice,5 b. 1735; d. Jan. 29, 1802. She
m. about 1749, Elihu Burritt, bap.
Dec. 24, 1732; d. March 19, 1793; he
served in the Revolution in 1775.
They begat,
A. Polly, b. 1750; d. Nov. 3, 1823. She m. Jos-
eph Mather, of New Britain, in 1766.
B. Elijah (?)
C. Wakeman, b. 1766; d. June 15, 1846, m. Mrs.
Amelia (Banks) Wakeman, 178-.
D. Naomi, b. 1761; d. Jan. 12, 1853. She m. in
in 1790, to Noah Stanley, of New Britain.
E. Isaac, b. 1762; d. March 16, 1766.
F. Elihu, b. Dec. 13, 1765: d. Jan. 29, 1827. He
m. July 20, 1793, Elizabeth Hinsdale, b.
Feb. 6, 1775; d. Aug. 27, 1843, and begat,
Elihu, b. Dec. 8, 1810; d.
Who became a noted man of educa-
tion; was Consul to Birmingham,
England, and prominent in Peace
Almira, b. July 27, i8i6;d. Dec. 28,
1898; m. Stephen L. Strickland, and
Mr. Wakeman, next m. Sarah Jesup, Jan.
11, 1744. She was b. 1727; d. 1805. She
was dau. of Edward Jesup and Sarah
Blackleach; her wedding dress was of
rainbow silk and had a long train. It was
worn by her mother when she married
Edward Jesup, and cost 40 pounds, or one
acre of land for a yard of silk. Mrs. Wake-
man m. Captain David Banks, of Green-
field Hill, Conn., June 2, 1778. He was
b. April 22, 173S; d. Sept. 19, 1791. She
41. II. Stephen,5 b. Sept. 19, 1744; d. 1789.
42. III. Jesup,5 bap. Sept. 25, 1748; d. Jan 2,
IV. Sarah,5 bap. Aug. 10, 1746; d. July 28,
1828. She m. Benjamin Banks, b.
Dec. ai, 1746; d. March 7, 1836, of
Greenfield, Oct. 11, 1770. They be-
A. Sarah, bap. Aug. 16, 1772.
B. Cynthia, b. Nov. 16, 1773.
C. Charity, bap. March 19, 1775: d. Nov. 15,
D. Deborah, bap. April 2, 1780; d. Dec. 10, 1861.
She m. Mr. Burr Middlebrook, b. 17S3; d.
Oct. 8, 1846.
V. Mary,5b. 175-; d. Oct. 29, 1751.
VI. Betsey,5 bap. June 1, 1755; d. April 20,
1805. She m. March 20, 1776, Zal-
mon Bradley, b. 1754; d. Oct. 6, 1813.
VII. Mary,5 bap. Dec. 31, 1752; m. Seth
Sherwood, Feb. 7, 1770, and begat,
A. Wakeman, b. 1771 ; d. 1775.
B. Seth, ; d. 1S23.
C. Wakeman.
Mr. Stephen Wakeman, d. March 23, 1762, leaving
5,125 pounds. His Diploma reads, Omnibus et
Singulis has Literas lecturis Salutem in Domino:
Vobis votum sit quod Stephanum Wakeman Can-
didatum primum in Artibus Gradum competentam
tam probavimus quam approbavimus quam examine
sufEciente previo approbatum nobis placet Titulo
Graduque Artium liberalium Baccalaurei et adorn-
are et condecorare. In, cujus rei majorem Fidem
et plenius testimonium Sigillum Collegii Yalensis
quo in hac parte utimur Proesentibus apponi
Eliseus Williams, Rector, ~\
Samuel Whitman,
Jared Elliot,
Samuel Woodbridge,
t „ r Curatores.
Jonathan Marsh, '
Samuel Cook,
Samuel Whittlesey,
Joseph Noyes, J
Datum a Collegio predicto quad est in Novo Portu
Connecticutensium, Sepber 13, A. D., 1738.
Daniel Chapman, son of the Greensfarms minister
was his classmate ; President Burr was one year
with him in College ; so also was Daniel Bucking-
ham. Probably Mr. Wakeman's knowing him was
the means of introducing him in Greensfarms as
minister in 1742. In those days students' names
were arranged in the Catalogue according to the
social position of their families. It is a noteworthy-
fact that Mr. Wakeman's name stands head of his
class as did that of his brother Ebenezer in 1720.
The late Elihu Burritt, descendant of Eunice Wake-
man above, bore a strong likeness to Mr. Zalmon
B. Wakeman, who was a descendant of Joseph
J8. Moses Wakeman,5 m. in Fairfield, Aug. 21, 1745,
Mary Goodsell, b. Nov. 29, 1727; d. July 16,1757, dau.
of John Goodsell. They begat,
43. I. Epaphras,6 b. May 4, 1746; d. June 27,
44. II. Eliphalet,6 b. March 16, 1749; d. 1779.
III. Elizabeth,6 b. March 17, 1751. She m.
James Hill (d. 1780), July 13, 1776,
and begat,
A. Huldah, m. Mr. Dikeman.
B. Elizabeth, who m. for her second husband,
Mr. Colyer.
IV. Mary,6 b. July 12, 1752. She m. Mr.
Fitch, of Penn.
V. Sarah,6 b. April 12, 1755. She m. about
1776, Elisha Thorp, of Easton. He
was a Tory and had to go to Nova
Scotia. They begat,
A. Eliphalet, Wakeman,
B. Philo.
C. Henry.
D. William.
E. Thomas.
F. Nancy.
G. Sarah.
VI. Samuel, b. July 8, 1757 ; d. July 8, 1757.
J9. Capt. Samuel Wakeman,5 of Greenfield, was ap-
pointed Lieutenant of the Fourth Regiment, May, 1768,
and Captain in May, 17 74- He m. Mabel Burr, b. Jan.
17, 1740; d. June 19, 1818, dau. of Timothy Burr and
Sarah Rowland. They begat,
45. I. Lloyd,6 b. Aug. 17, 1760; d. Aug. 16,
II. Anne,6 b. Aug. 12, 1762.
46. III. Samuel,6 b. Nov. 5, 1763; d. Jan. 27,
IV. Mable,6 b. Feb. 16, 1769.
47. V. Ezekiel,6 b. June 3, 1771; d. March 6,
VI. Jesse, b. Nov. 12, 1773; d. May 6, 1774
VII. Eleanor,6 b. April 12, 1775. She m.
Judge Stephen Wheeler, of Weston,
Conn., and begat,
A. Willis.
B. Burr.
C. Sanford.
D. Mabel.
E. Nancy.
F. George.
G. Charles.
H. Samuel Wakeman.
I. Mary.
VIII. Sarah,6 b. Aug. 13, 1777; d. Feb. 10,
1864. She m. David Bradley, of Wes-
ton, Conn., and Balston, N. Y. (b.Q? H'
1777; d. Sept. 6, 1857). They begat,
B.' Mabel1!*' *"(. * $** ,
48. IX. Jesse,6 b. May 13, 1781; d. Feb. 10, 1875.
20. Seth Wakeman,6 No record found.
21. George Wakeman,5 m. June 17, 1762, in Fair-
field, Conn., Sarah Hill (b. April 28, 1742; d. Feb. 6,
1832,) dau. of John Hill and Esther Bradley. They
I. Hannah,6 b 1764.
49 II. Hill,6 b. April 5, 1766; d. Jan. 1845.
50. III. Samuel,6 b. about 1767; d
22. David* Wakeman,5 enlisted May 9, 1775, in Cap-
tain Beardsley's company, of New Fairfield, Conn., un-
der Major Tafford, of the 5 th Regiment, and was dis-
charged in October. «His service was chiefly along the
upper Hudson. When he and John Hendricks returned
from the war, they first arrived at the house of Hen-
dricks, but found no one there, so they went across the
lots to Wakeman 's home where they found Mrs. Hen-
dricks helping Mrs. Wakeman in spinning yarn and the
boys and girls were all helping Jeremiah harvest the
buckwheat. David had much ground prepared for corn
in the spring before he went to war, and as Jeremiah
could not take care of it all, if planted, he utilized some
of it with buckwheat. So that while David did not
leave his plow in the furrow, he left corn unplanted.
The two families of Wakeman and Hendricks helped
each other during the war. He m. Feb. 17, 1754, in Fair-
field, Conn., Mary E. Jennings (b. Aug. 21, 1730), dau.
of Jeremiah Jennings and Elizabeth Coley, of Fairfield.
They begat,
51. I. Jeremiah,6 b. April, 1756; d. in the spring
of 1801.
II. Mary,6 bap. Septs, 1762. She m. David
III. Sarah,6 b. about 1774. She m. 1793,
Thomas Ludington, of Dutchess Co.,
N. Y.
52. IV. David,6
V. Eunice,6 b. about 1778. She m. James
Treadwell, Oct. 24, 18 16.
♦Facsimile of si^nr.ture of David Wakeman.
23. Daniel Wakeman,6 m. in Fairfield, May 28, 1761,
to Esther Hill (b. Aug. n, 1736,) dau. of John Hill and
Esther Bradley and begat,
I. Sarah,6 bap. March 8, 1772.
24. Squier Wakeman,5 m. in Fairfield, Conn., May
28, 1761, Damaris Bradley (b. Dec. 2, 1742,) dau. of
David Bradley and Damaris Davis. He begat,
I. Olive,6 bap. Jan. 17, 1762; d. in infancy.
II. Dau,6 bap. July 13, 1764.
III. Olive,6 bap. July 8, 1770.
IV. Damaris,6 bap. Aug. 9, 1772.
25. James Wakeman,5 believed to have married but
complete evidence is lacking.
26. Stephen Wakeman,5 believed to have married
but complete evidence is lacking.
27. Noah Wakeman,5 m. Lydia Wheeler, in Fair-
field, Oct., 1770, and he m. in Fairfield, Dec. 3, 1772,
Mary Bradley, probably dau. of David Bradley.
28. John Wakeman,5 of Greenfield Hill, Conn., m. in
Greenfield, Oct. 3, 1754, Esther Bradley (b. Sept. 2,
1736; d. Dec. 20, 1808), dau. of Francis Bradley and
Sturges. Mr. John Wakeman served as pri-
vate in1 the 4th Regt. , Conn, militia, Col. Gold S. Silli-
man, May. 1776; also in the coast guard Oct., 1776;
also at Peekskill, under Lieut. Col. Jonathan Dimon,
Oct., 1777.
This old and traditionally well known tree is now
standing on the second cross highway, the present
boundary line between Fairfield and Easton, and is
a large and old tree that dates back to earliest Col-
onial times. The land opposite the tree belongs to
the family of John Wakeman, who died Nov. 1897.
He inherited the property in the direct line of de-
scent from Capt. John Wakeman, who in turn re-
ceived it from the estate of his father, Rev. Samuel
Wakeman, to whom it had been granted from the
public Colonial lands. This is an unusual case of
Still standing on land granted to Rev. Samuel Wakeman.
land remaining in the same family for over 200
years. The tree has been known as the "Wake-
man Chestnut Tree" for generations, and is un-
doubtedly much older than 200 years, and is one of
the original forest trees of the Colony. The late
Rev. Samuel Nichols used to say that when he was
a boy and went to school he often ate his dinner
under its shade, and when he was an old man he
said that he could see little difference in the size of
the tree then from what it was in his boyhood
(about 1810).
Mr. Wakeman begat,
53. I. Lyman,6 b. Jan. 26, 1755; d. -March 6,
II. Esther,6 b. August 15, 1756; d. Mar. 4,
1820. She m. Isaac Bradley (d. Nov.
7, 18 13,) and begat,
A. Uriah, d. June 21, 1826.
B. Isaac.
C. Eleanor.
D. Uranah, m. Mr. Nichols, and d. Oct. 9, 1813.
III. Mary,6 b. July 15, 1758; d. Jan. 20,
1849. She m. Jan. 25, 1781, LevPR.
Bradley, b. Nov. 5, 1758; d. May 8,
1829. They begat,
A. Alja, b. Oct. 9, 1783; d. Dec. 2, 1861. He m.
Elizabeth Dimon.
B. Clarissa, b. Oct. 21, 1786.
C. Eunice, b. May i, 1791; d. Feb. iS, 1806.
D. Woolsey, b. Dec. 5, 1794; d. Sept. 14, 1848.
54. IV. John,6 b. March 10, 1760; d. Sept. 16,
V. Eleanor,6 b. Jan. 30, 1762; d. May 21,
1846. She m. Gideon Couch, of
Greensfarms, Conn., Dec. 26, 1781.
He was b. Sept. 12, 1757; d. Sept. 21,
18 1 7. They begat,
A. Wakeman, b. March 3, 1785.
B. Gideon, b. Oct. 12, 178S; d. May 31, 1846-
C. Eli, b. June 2, 1791; d. Sept. 3, 1796.
. IX.
D. Charity, b. July 2, 1793; d. Sept. 3, 1796.
E. Eli, b. Sept. 25, 1797.
F. Charity, b. Feb. n, 1S02.
Eli,6 bap. March 17, 1764; d. in infancy.
Nathan,6 bap. March 23, 1766; d. Feb.
16, 1857, at the lakes.
Eli,6 bap. Sept. 10, 1768.
Aaron,6 bap. Sept. 26, 176S; d. Sept. 30,
58. X. Asahel,6 b. May 2, 1771; d. Nov. 24,
59. XI. Daniel,6 b. Sept. 26, 1773; d. July, 1849.
XII. Betsey,6 b. Oct. 10, 1775; d. Oct. 7, 1776,
XIII. Betsey,6 b. Dec. 14, 1777; d. Aug. 26,
1820. She m. Jonathan Goodsell, of
Weston (d. Aug. 26, 1820,) May 24,
1795, and begat,
A. Bradley, b. Nov. 2, 1795; d. Dec. 25, 1815.
B. Maranda, b. Feb., 1799; d. 1890. She m. Ziba
Glover, of Newtown, Conn.
C. Emily, b. July 4, 1808; d. June 4, 1809.
60. XIV. Zalmon,6 b. May 11, 1779; d. Feb. 8,
29* Gershom Wakeman,5 of Greenfield, Conn. He
served in the Revolution and was slain by the British at
Compo, Westport, Conn., May 30, 1781. He m. first
April 15, 1757, Elizabeth Down (b. 1735, d. March 29,
1776), dau. of David Down. Mr. Wakeman m. second,
Mrs. Huldah Williams, April 12, 1781, dau. of Mr. Hub-
bell. She was b. Sept., 1744; d. July 11, 1799. Mr.
Wakeman begat,
I. Abigail,6 b. March xo, 1758. She m.
Moses Banks, Dec. 9, 1778, and begat,
A. Wakeman, b. 1779; d. 1781.
B. Wakeman, b.
C. Mary, She m. Capt. W. Meeker.
61. II. Abel,6 b. March 19, 1760; d. Aug. 13,
62. III. Gershom,6 b. April n, 1762; d. April
5, 1848.
IV. Molly,6 b. July 21, 1765; d. Nov. 22,
1829. She m. Jonathan Banks, of
Greenfield, Dec. 20, 1781. He was b.
1760; d. Nov. 29, 1820. He begat,
A. Jonathan, b. 17S3; d. Oct. 19, 1820.
B. Zalmon, b. May 23, 1786; d. March 12, 1854.
C. Abram, b. March 1, 1787; d. Jan. 24, 1870.
D. Sally, b. 1793; d. Dec. 6, 1842.
E. Polly. She m. Charles Nichols.
F. Sophia.
63. V. Isaac,6 b. March 13, 1768; d. Sept. 23,
1844, at Fairfield, Vt.
VI. Betsey.6
VII. Seth,6 b. Jan 15, 1773; d. April 8, 1775.
VIII. Parmelia,6 b. May 7, 1772; d. Feb. 18,
1862. She m. first Gershom Sherwood,
b. 1764; d. June 1, 1797. Shem. second
Jeremiah Sherwood, b. June 8, 1770;
d. Feb- 8, 1854. She begat,
A. Fanny, b. Feb. 17, 1788; d. Dec. 27, 1875.
She m. Zalmon Banks.
B. Cynthia, b. Aug. 21, 1791. She m. Daniel
C. - Gershom Wakeman, b. Feb. 21, 1799 ;d. Sept.
30, 1848.
D. Parmelia, b. Nov. 4, 1802; d. Feb. 12, 1854.
She m. William Banks.
E. Delia M., b. Jan. 28, 1808. She m. Eli
Wakeman, (see No. 133.)
64- IX. Seth B.,6b. Dec. 10, 1775; d. Feb. 24,
30. Ebenezer Wakeman,5 of Greenfield Hill, m. May
3, 1764, Elizabeth Webb (b. 1737; d. March 29, 1776),
dau. of Josiah Webb and Susanna Disbrow. He m.
second, Sarah Shelton (b. 1744; d. March 22, 1814), dau.
of Daniel Shelton and Mary Hubbell. He begat,
I. Elizabeth,6 b. June =0, 1765; d. June 4,
1835. She m. Hyot Banks (b. 1764;
d. April 14, 1847), and begat,
A. Milly, who m. Mr. Wheeler.
B. Ebenezer,
C. Emily, who m. Charles Winton.
D. Albert.
E. Noah.
F. Charles.
II. Eunice,6 b. Aug. 10, 1766. She m. Oct.
2, 1783, Asa Squire, and begat,
A. Ebenezer.
B. Morris.
C. Anne.
D. Sarah.
E. Mary.
Asa Squire was a British soldier and moved with his
wife to Vermont, in the middle of winter, with
three children, and lived in a log house for several
years. They had not a chair in the house for three
years after they went there. They raised their grain
and had to go forty miles to a grist mill. She used
up all the thread she carried with her and then
raveled out her cotton stockings for thread to use.
Her nearest neighbor was a mile away. Her father
was not in favor of the match, but gave him all the
land he would clear up. He afterwards moved to
65. III. Ebenezer,6 b. March 4, 1770; d. Oct. 12,
66. IV. Abijah.6
67. V. Jonathan,6 d. at Albany, July 6, 1843.
VI. Abram,6
VII. Sarah,6 b. about 1777; d. Feb. 14, 1857.
She m. Sept. 30, 1803, Richard Fir-
man, or Fairman, of Newtown, Conn.
He went South with a wagon load of
shoes and boots to sell and was never
heard from again. They begat,
A. Julia, b. Sept., 1S03; d. June 10, 1805.
B. Harriet, b. June 7, 1S06; d. Jan. 7, 1867. She
m. William Banks, of Greenfield Hill.
VIII. Rachel,6 b. Sept. 24, 1768; d. Oct. 7,
IX. Mary,6 b. Sept. 24, 1768; d. Nov., 1768.
3 J. Seth Wakeman,5 of Greenfield. It is presumed
that as his father gave him house and land in 1768, and
as he bought more land in the spring of 1770, and left
considerable household property at his death (he died by
a drowning accident), that he was married and was prob-
ably the father of a son.
68. I. Seth," b. 1771; d. in Salisbury, Conn.,
Jan. 9, 1838.
32. Thaddeus Wakeman,5 of Greenfield, m. in Fair-
field, Nov. 10, 1772, Esther Bradley (b. 1752; d. Nov.
22, 1823), dau. of Daniel Bradley and Mary Burr. They
I. Daniel,6 b. April 24, 1773; d. the same
II. Esther,6 b. Jan. 29, 1775; d. April 24,
69. III. Thaddeus Burr,6 b. Sept. 13, 1778; d-
Nov., 1848.
IV. Esther,6 b. Sept. 23, 1781; d. Oct. 25,
V. Clara,6 b. 1784; d. Nov. 16, 1850. She
m. Jonathan Wakeman. (See No. 67.)
VI. Eunice.6 (?)
70. VII. Daniel,6 b. 1784; d. May 30, 1867.
VIII. Abraham,6 d. Nov. 21, 1815.
33. Ebenezer Wakeman,5 of Fairfield, m. in Fair-
field, Sept. 4, 1748, Hannah Hill (b. Nov. 6, 1723; d.
July 31, 1749), dau. of Thomas Hill. They begat,
71. I. Ebenezer,6 b. July 20, 1749; d- June x»
1801. Mr. Wakeman, Sr., then m.
♦ May 10, 1752, Sarah Hanford (bap.
Feb. 16, 1729; d. March 22, 1814),
dau. of Thomas Hanford, and begat,
72. II. Thomas Hanford,6 b. Sept. 25, 1755; d.
34. Gideon Wakeman,& of Bedford, N. Y., was a
graduate of Yale, 1759, and was the hero of the Hasty
Pudding story.
The Hasty Pudding story is about as follows: One
day when Gideon Wakeman was about to go to his
class in college for recitation, he had occasion to
pass through the kitchen, where an old mammy
was making hasty pudding, and as he was always
bent on some mischief, together with an abiding
desire to raise Cain generally, he hastily filled his
pockets with the hot hasty pudding concoction, and
with bulging pockets, proceeded sedately into the
class room. Instantly the professor exclaimed:
"What have you in your pockets, sir?" "Pud-
ding, professor." "What?" "Pudding, sir."
Thereupon the irate professor rushed down upon
Gideon, exclaiming, "I'll pudding you!" and
thrust his hand deep into Gideon's pocket. What
followed can be imagined, for in 1759 "our spe-
cial artist was not on the spot," neither was the
snap shot. And all physicians agree that hot mush
makes an excellent poultice, being one of the best,
because of its great ability to retain heat.
He d. March 30, 1792. He in., in Greensfarms, Conn.,
1759, Ann Adams (b. Feb. 19, 1740; d. ), dau.
of Nathaniel Adams and Ann Stillman. Mrs. Wake-
man received slaves from her father as a wedding pres-
ent. They begat,
73. I. Nathaniel,6 b. June 3, 1760; d. May 30,
74. II. Gideon,6 bap. Nov. 29, 1761; d. April,
III. Anna,6 bap. May 27, 1764. She m. in
1785, Alexander Smith Piatt, of Wes-
ton, Conn. (b. April 17, 1762). They
A. Polly, b. April 16, 17S6; m. Wm. Burr.
B. Jarvis, b. Sept. 28, 1791.
C. Adams Wakeman, b. Oct. 28, 1791 ; m. Sarah
McAllister. -
D. Abby, b. Jan. 17, 1794.
E. Obadiah H.
F. Eliza; m. Hiram Foster.
75. IV. Adams,6 ; d. 1834.
V. Aaron,6 b. Oct. 30, 1769; d. March 30,
VI. Rachel,0 b. Oct. 30, 1769; d. April 8,
1854. She m. in Greensfarms, Conn.,
Oct. 19, 178S, Samuel Pearsall (b
Sept. 13, 1767; d. Dec. 9, 1824).
They begat,
A. Polly, b. at Westport, Conn., April 20, 1789.
She m. Major John Williams Hanford, at
Westport, Feb. 14, 1806; d. at Silver
Creek, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1884. He served
in the war of 1S12 at Black Rock, Conn.
They begat,
a. Frederic Augustus Hanford, b. at West-
port, Conn, Jan. 20, 1808, and d.,
unmarried, at Irving, N. Y., Sept.
24, 1846. He was a graduate of Yale
College, and at the time of his death
was the law partner of Hon. Hugh
Maxwell, of New York city.
b. Sarah Williams Hanford, b. at Westport,
Dec. 14, 1809; d. Feb. 20, 1849.
She m. Joseph Rose at Collins, N. Y.,
Jan. 6, 1S31. Their only child is Mrs.
Amelia Rose Foot, of Chatfield, Minn.
c. Samuel Pearsall Hanford, b. at Westport,
Aug. 13, 1812; d. at Irving, N. Y., July
2, 1S95. He m. Maryette Fuller Lyon
at Villanova, Chautauqua County, N.
Y., Oct. 10, 1833. They begat,
Marcia Theresa, b. at Irving, N.Y.,
April 3, 1836; m. Henry N. Hall
at Leon, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1854.
Jennie Linn Hall, b. April 21,
1855; m. Edward Kelder at
Dunkirk, N. Y. ; d. without
issue July 28, 1876.
Harry Hanford Hall, b. April
4, 1857; m. Nellie Hovey at
Randolph, N. Y. No chil-
Frances De Ett, b. at Irving, N.Y.,
Oct. 10, 1838; hi., first, John
Sherman Stone, at Leon, Sept.
10, 1853. He was killed on May
2, 1862, in the war of the Re-
bellion while serving as a soldier
in the 154th Regiment of N. Y.
Volunteers. She m., second, Jas.
Locke at Dunkirk, N. Y., Nov.
25, 1862. Children,
Minnie May Stone, b. at
North East, Pa., Oct. 10,
1 86 1 ; m. George Heine
Shofner at Silver Creek,
N. B. They have four chil-
dren: Lotta Frances, b.
April 24, 1882 ; Earl
George, b. April 20, 1885 ;
Hattie May, b. May 31,
18S8; Harry W., b. June
19. 1^93.
Harry Wilder Locke, b. at
Irving, Dec. 29, 1873; m.
and resides in Buffalo.
James William Locke, b. at
Irving, March 3, 1876; un-
married, and lives at
Julia Allen, b. at Irving, March 9,
1839; m. Spencer Carr Horton at
Leon, May 21, 1858. They reside
at Rowayton, Conn. Children,
Cora Linn Horton, b. at In-
dependence, la., April 9,
1861; m. Stanley Wood,
ward Neuer at Rowayton,
Conn., Feb. 25, 1886.
They had one child, Eliza-
beth, b. at Wilkesbarre,
Pa., Jan. 12, 1889. Mr.
Neuerd. at Monrovia, Cal.,
Sept. 29, 1892.
Spencer Clyde Horton, b. at
Rowayton, Conn., Jan. 15,
Ellen Cordelia, b. at Leon, Oct.
15, 1845; d. at Irving, June 26,
1874. She m., first, Edward
Story in 1864; and second, Wil-
liam T. Neville in 1866. She had
no children.
Clara Eugenia, b. at Leon, N. Y.,
Dec. 18, 1849; d. in New York
city Dec. 4, 1895. She m. Rosell
Llewellyn Richardson at Irving,
N. Y., Jan. 6, 1874, and they re-
sided in New York city. Chil-
DeLancey Richardson, b.
Sept. 5, 1876; d. Sept. 26,
Nina May Richardson, b.
Sept. 5, 1876; d. Dec. 17,
Grace Richardson, b. Oct 2,
1879; d. Nov. 6, 1880.
Fenton Winthrop Richard-
son, b. Aug. 11, 1881.
Harold Hanford Richardson,
b. June 25, 1888.
Kezzie Jane, b. at Leon Dec. 1,
1851; d. at Irving, Aug. 16, 1875.
Mary Lyon, b. at Leon, May 31,
1853; m. Hanson Alexander Hil-
ton at Albany, N. Y., May 22,
1872. They have one child, John
Hanford Hilton, b. at Jersey City,
April 16, 1873.
d. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 1, 1814. She m.
Benjamin Tyler Weller at Villanova,
N. Y., Dec. 22, 1833. They begat,
Augustus N. Weller, b. at
Dec. 5, 1834. He has been m. twice,
has a number of children, and resides
at Hempstead, L. 1. He is the Sur-
rogate of Queen's County.
Sarah F. Weller, b. Aug. 16, 1873; m.
and lives in Michigan.
Walter Hanford Weller, b. Oct. 23,
1850; d. at Silver Creek, N. Y., May,
1889. He m. DeEtt Marsh, and left a
number of children, who reside at Sil-
ver Creek, N. Y.
Philander Hanford, b. Jan. 1, 1818; d. in
in New York city, June 8, 1877.
Lansing Bemas Hanford, b. at Collins,
N. Y., March 31, 1820; d. at Silver
Creek, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1S97. He m.,
first, Maranda Smith, at Smith's Mills,
Oct. 20, 1853; and second, Jane Eliza-
beth Wiley, at Hanover Center, Dec.
14, i860. They begat,
William Piersall Hanford, b. at Sil-
ver Creek, Oct. 22, 1861; un-
married, and lives at Silver Creek.
Adelle Martha Hanford (twin to
Belle Mary), b. at Silver Creek,
March 22, 1864; unmarried, and
lives at Silver Creek.
Belle Mary Hanford (twin to Adelle
Martha; , b. at Silver Creek,
March 22, 1864; d. at Asheville,
N. C, March 31, 1894. She m.
Oliver B. Main, of Cleveland,
Ohio, Feb. 18, 1S85, and left two
Helen Hanford Main, b. at
Cleveland, Jan. 31, 1886.
Hanford Main, b. Aug. 22,
Keziah C. Hanford, b. at Collins, N. Y.,
May 4, 1822; m. Henry Bartholomew,
at Irving, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1857. They
had no children, and he d. Sept., 1870.
h. Hester Ann Hanford, b. at Hamburg,
N. Y., Aug. 26, 1824; m. Samuel Whit-
aker, at Irving, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1850.
Lansing Hanford Whitaker, b. at
Silver Creek, Feb. 4, 1853. He
is married, resides in Silver Creek,
and has a number of children.
Florence Whitaker, b. Nov. 15,
1855; m., and lives in Michigan.
William Whitaker, b. May 28, 1857.
Frederick Augustus Whitaker, b.
Oct. 13, 1861 ; unmarried, and re-
sides at Silver Creek, N. Y.
1. Jane M. Hanford, b. at Gowanda, N. Y.,
Dec. 7, 1826.
B. Piatt, b. Oct. 31, 1790; d. Sept. 6, iSoo. He
m. Mary Hurlbut, dau. of Taylor Hurlbut,
Jan. 22. 1826.
C. Keziah, b. April 12, 1793; d. Oct. 7, 1878.
She m. Daniel Andrews, and begat,
a. Edward.
b. Samuel P.
c. Daniel.
D. Anna, b. April 27, 1796; d. Nov. 12, 1879.
E. Betsey, b. March 31, 1800. She m. Mr.
F. Aaron, b. May 17, 1802. (Served in war of
VII. Parmelia,6 bap. Oct. 6, 1771. She m.
Benjamin Hull, and begat Sally.
VIII. David,6 bap. July 3, 1774; d. July 9,
76. IX. David,6 bap. Nov. 10, 1776; d. Aug. 23,
X. Elizabeth,6 bap. Oct. 25, 1778; d. Dec.
12, 1833. She m. May 13, 1802, Eph-
raim Wheeler (son of Calvin Wheeler),
b. Jan. 21, 1779; d. Oct. 12, 1853.
They begat,
A. Eliza, b. 1803; d. 1831; m. George Foster.
B. Julia, b. 1805; d. 1894; m. John Wheeler, of
Cleveland, O., and begat,
a. Isaac.
b. William.
c. Charles.
d. Sarah.
e. Henry.
f. James.
g. Ella.
h. Clara.
C. Caroline, b. June 6, 1807; d. Aug. 24, 1878.
She m. in Elmira, N. Y., March 8, 1831,
John Hepburn, of Williamsport, Pa. (b.
Nov. 16, 1806; d. Nov. 24, 1878). They
A. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 8, 1832. She m. in
Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 17, 1853, Valen-
tine S. Doebler, of Milton and Williams-
port, Pa. (b. April io, 1824; d. Oct. 17,
1866). They begat,
Mary Caroline, b. May 28, 1854.
Maggie Biggs, b. Jan. 7, 1855.
Mercy Anne, b. Dec. 8, 1857.
Charles Hay, b. March 17, i860.
John Hepburn, b. Nov. 22, 1861.
Elizabeth Lyon, b. Dec. 30, 1863.
Valentine Sherman, b. Dec. 1, 1865.
b. William Ephraim. b. March 11, 1834.
c. Albert Huston, b. Aug. 29, 1836; d, Aug.
10, 1897.
d. Mercy Anna, b. March 25, 1839. She m.
in Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 13, 1869, Ed-
son Avery Tinker, of Harrisburg.
e. Charles John, b. July 3, 1841 ; m. May 23,
18615, Georgiana M. Taylor, dau. of B.
H. Taylor, of Williamsport, Pa.
f. Clarence W., b. Aug. 22, 1845; d. Oct. 1,
g. Caroline Emily, b. May 15, 1847. She m.,
first, in Williamsport, Pa., Sept. 23,
1868, Martin Powell (b. June 7, 1845;
d. May n, 1879), of Philadelphia and
Williamsport, Pa. They begat,
George Martin, b. April 26, 1870;
d. in infancy.
Mary Caroline, b. July 17, 1872.
Elizabeth Hepburn, b. Sept. 19,
Mrs. Powell m., second, in Harrisburg,
Pa,, Feb. 26, 1884, Amos H. Mylin, of
Lancaster, Pa. (b. Sept. 29, 1837), and
Barbara Kendig, b. Jan. 7, 1885.
Helen, b. March 10, 1887.
Mercy Hepburn, b. July 31, 1889.
D. Anna, b. 1810; d. 1832; m. William More-
E. Eli Wheeler, of Elmira, N. Y., b. Oct., 1813;
d. Nov., 1882; m. in Elmira, 1839, Laura
Bentley (b. 1818; d. 1896), dau. of Dr.
Bentley, of Chemung County, N. Y. ; no
F. Orsemus H. Wheeler, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ;
b. Aug. 20, 1816; m. Feb. 1, 1844, in
Kingston, Pa., Malvina F. Barnes (b. in
Kingston; d. March 25, 1895), dau. of
Jas. Barnes, of Kingston, and Eliza Wood-
bridge, of Mass. They begat,
Edward B., b. April 24, 1849.
Harry C, b. Aug. 15, 1854.
G. Roania, b. 1819; d. 1848; m. Joseph More-
XI. Mercy,6 bap. Oct., 1782 She m. Stephen
Clark, and begat,
A. Elizabeth.
B. Wakeman.
C. Isaac.
D. Nathaniel.
Mr. Gideon Wakeman, Sr., had a negro slave, Amos,
and the following is a copy of the manumission
paper providing for his freedom:
" We, the heirs of Gideon Wakeman, late of Bedford,
deceased, whose names are underwritten, do here-
by agree to free Amos, a negro man belonging to
the estate of the said Gideon Wakeman, after do-
ing three years service from the present date, this
1st of April, 1798, to go about his own business at
his free will and pleasure, provided that the au-
thority and selectmen of Connecticut judge that the
said Amos is supposed to be able to get his own
living so as not to be chargeable to any of the heirs
of the said Gideon Wakeman.
" Witness our hands this 2d day of April, 1798."
Hezekiah Wakeman, David Wakeman,
Thomas Davis, Alexander Platt,
Obadiah Platt, Anna Platt,
Elizabeth Wakeman, Ann Wakeman,
Mercy Wakeman, Parmela Hull,
Adams Wakeman, Gideon Wakeman.
Recorded April 8, 1799, Book 28, p. 5S8.
35. Joseph Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, served in the
Revolution. He died Sept. 2, 1784, leaving- an estate
of 1,653 pounds. He m. in Greensfarms, July 28, 1762,
Rebecca Adams (b. June 3, 1742; d. April 16, 1772),
dau. of Nathaniel Adams and Ann Silliman. He is
said to have had two wives, one a Miss Kent, but I have
not been able to procure sufficient evidence. He begat,
77. I. Joseph,6 b. 1763; d. May 25, 1839.
78. II. Seth,6 b. April 12, 1766; d. Aug. 31,
79. III. Hezekiah,6 b. 1769; d. April 20, 1855.
80. IV. Nathan,6 b. 177-; d. July, 1813.
V. Abigail,0 b. 1765-7; d. Jan. 24, 1842. She
m. Thomas Davis, April 20, 1780, and
A. Rebecca, b. 1787; d. 1793.
B. Joseph W., b. 1790.
C. Abigail, b. 1792.
D. Hezekiah, b. 1794.
E. Samuel, b. June 2, 1796; d. June 25, 1850.
F. Rebecca, b .1799.
VI. Gideon.
When the British landed at Cedar Point, about 1781,
near Greensfarms, Conn., Mr. Wakeman had his
men take his family and blacks with beds and pro-
visions to Weston, Conn. They hid their silver
They found a
: owners, and
t midnight the
g up all their
1 unmolested.
gold military
so that it was
x. Wakeman's
■ i for the Brit-
her room up
akeman house
rved in the
I in Captain
dgn, in 7 th
tie 21, 1753,
L 1803), dau.
.. April 26,
d. Sept. 2,
ay 25, 1793.
(b. 1753; d.
in Fairfield,
25, 1842.
y 23, 1846.
>; d. Sept.,
about 1836.
d. April 5,
'eb. 4, 1830.
d. Feb. 25,
1st of April, 1798, to go about his own business at
his free will and pleasure, provided that the au-
thority and selectmen of Connecticut judge that the
said Amos is supposed to be able to get his own
living so as not to be chargeable to any of the heirs
of the said Gideon Wakeman.
" Witness our hands this 2d day of April, 1798."
Hezekiah Wakeman, David Wakeman,
Thomas Davis, Alexander Platt,
Obadiah Platt, Anna Platt,
Elizabeth Wakeman, Ann Wakeman,
Mercy Wakeman, Parmela Hull,
Adams Wakeman, Gideon Wakeman.
Recorded April 8, 1799, Book 28, p. 5S8.
35* Joseph Wakeman,5 of Greensfarms, served in the
Revolution. He died Sept. 2, 1784, leaving an estate
of 1,653 pounds. He m. in Greensfarms, July 28, 1762,
Rebecca Adams (b. June 3, 1742; d. April 16, 1772),
dau. of Nathaniel Adams and Ann Silliman. He is
said to have had two wives, one a Miss Kent, but I have
not been able to procure sufficient evidence. He begat,
77. I. Joseph,8 b. 1763; d. May 25, 1839.
78. II. Seth,6 b. April 12, 1766; d. Aug. 31,
79. III. Hezekiah,6 b. 1769; d. April 20, 1855.
80. IV. Nathan,6 b. 177-; d. July, 1813.
V. Abigail," b. 1765-7; d. Jan. 24, 1842. She
m. Thomas Davis, April 20, 1780, and
A. Rebecca, b. 1787; d. 1793.
B. Joseph W. , b. 1790.
C. Abigail, b. 1792.
D. Hezekiah, b. 1794.
E. Samuel, b. June 2, 1796; d. June 25, 1850.
F. Rebecca, b .1799.
VI. Gideon.
When the British landed at Cedar Point, about 1781,
near Greensfarms, Conn., Mr. Wakeman had his
men take his family and blacks with beds and pro-
visions to Weston, Conn. They hid their silver
196 •
35. Jose
of 1,653 po
Rebecca A
dau. of Na
said to hav<
not been at
78. ]
79. II
50. r >
5 c-
and money in elderberry bushes. They found a
house in Weston, deserted by the owners, and
went in there for the night. About midnight the
British came along, and after eating up all their
provisions, went on and left them unmolested.
The British were dressed in red and gold military
uniforms which sparkled in the sun, so that it was
a dazzling sight to look on them. Mr. Wakeman's
daughter Abigail, kept money in gold for the Brit-
ish, two stacks like hay mounds in her room up
stairs. This was in the old Capt. Wakeman house
previously described.
36. William Wakeman,5 of Fairfield, served in the
Revolution in Capt. Dimon's Co., 1775, an(^ m Captain
Burr's Co., 1777. He was appointed Ensign, in 7th
Co., 4th Regt. of Conn., 1777. He m. June 21, 1753,
Sarah Hill (b. Aug. 21, 1733; d. April 29, 1803), dau.
of Joseph Hill and Abigail Dimon. He begat,
I. Sarah,6 b. Jan. 24, 1754; d. April 26,
II. Abigail,6 b. Oct. 4, 1755; d. Sept. 2,
III. Ruth,6 b. June 3, 1757; d. May 25, 1793.
She m. Andrew Bradley (b. 1753; d.
June 2, 1832). He lived in Fairfield,
Vt., and begat,
A. Jane, b. Dec. 23, 1775; d. June 25, 1842.
B. Sarah, b. May 23, 1779; d. May 23, 1846.
C. Eunice, b. 1787; d. Feb. 5, 1842.
D. Jonathan.
E. Ruth.
F. Esther.
81. IV. William,6 b. April 29, 1759; d. Sept.,
82. V. Jabez,6 b. May 10, 1762; d. about 1836.
83. VI. Levi,6 b. March 13, 1764; d. April 5,
84. VII. David,6 b. April 5, 1766; d. Feb. 4, 1830.
85. VIII. Hezekiah,6 b. June 19, 1768; d. Feb. 25,
IX. Selina Hill,6 b. June 8, 1771; d. July 10,
1838. She m. Feb. 12, 1795, Aaron
Burr Sturges, of Broome, N. Y. (b.
July 16, 1771; d. Nov. 8, 1834), and
A. Eunice, b. May 7, 1796; d. Feb. 3, 1861.
B. Sarah H., b. June 21, 1798; d. March 19,
C. George, b. Sept. 15, 1799; d. Aug. 26, 1872.
D. Charles Wakeman, b. Aug. n, 1801; d. July
2, 1876.
E. James, b. March, 19, 1804; d. May 16, 1864.
F. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 29, 1806; d. Oct. 3, 1853.
G. Mariah, b. July 30, 1810; d. May 11, 1851.
H. Selina, b. Aug. 5, 1812; d. Jan. 3, 1858.
I. David, b. June 13, 181.5; d. May 2, 1867.
X. Eunice," b. June 22, 1774; d. Sept. 4,
86. XI. Ira,6 b. March 9, 1777; d. March 8, 1833.
37, Peter Wakeman,6 served in the Revolution as
private in Capt. Dimon's Co. , 1775. He m. Feb. 26,
1775, Sarah Jennings. He left 762 pounds, and begat,
I. Charles Lee, bap. March 3, 1776.
38. Timothy Wakeman,5 of Georgetown, Conn. He
served in the Revolution as private in Capt. Dimon's
Co., 1775, and in Capt. Hill's Co., at Fishkill, 1777. He
m. Anna Sherwood (b. 1752; d. Aug. 17, 1812), dau. of
Rev. John Sherwood, of Stratfield, Conn., and begat,
87. I. Walker Sherwood,6 b. Feb. 5, 1774; d.
Oct. 12, 1850.
II. Anne,6 b. June 10, 1776; d. March 17,
1841. She m. Samuel Hull, and be-
A. Eliza.
III. Urania,6 b. June 24, 1778; died March,
1865. She m. John Darling, and be-
A. Pauline.
B. Abigail.
C. Maria.
88. IV. Salmon,6 b. Oct. 3, 1780; d. Aug. 2,
V. Mary,6 b. Sept. n, 1782; d. April 30,
1853. She m. Ephraim Godfrey, and
A. Eliza.
B. Mar}\
C. Wakeman.
D. Silliman.
E. Anna.
VI. Timothy,6 b. March 7, 1785; d. Dec. 3,
89. VII. Samuel S.,6 b. April 6, 1787; d. June
22, 1872.
VIII. Ruth,6 b. Aug. 30, ^89 5 d- March 26,
1876. She m. Ezekiel Hull, and be-
A. Anna.
IX. Eleanor,6 b. April 13, 1793-
X. Sarah,6 b. Dec. 17, 1795; d- JulY 28>
XL Paulina,6 b. March 17, 1800; d. March,
39. Joel Wakeman,5 of Fairfield, served in the Rev-
olution as fifer in May, 1775, and Oct., 1777. He lived
later in Ulysses, N. Y. Hem. May 18, 1779, Rachel
Thorp, and begat,
90. I. Peter,6 b. about 1780; cl. Nov. 12, 1850.
91. II. Elisha,6 b. May 9, 1784; d. May, 2,
III. Josiah,6 d. Nov., 1822.
IV. Sarah,6 b. 1785; d. Oct. 5, 1808.
Mrs. Joel Wakeman m. Mr. Jennings for
her second husband.
40. Capt. Andrew Wakeman,5 of Fairfield, served
in the Revolution in the Lexington Alarm List, and
was conductor of teams for transporting supplies from
Connecticut to the Continental Army in 1777. He had
eleven teamsters, and was appointed lieutenant of the
First Company, 4th Regiment, Conn., May, 1777, and
captain later. He m. April 14, 1773, Hannah Allen
(bap. May 31, 1747; d. Sept. 8, 1787), dau. of David
Allen. He also m. June 16, 1791, Eunice Smedley (b.
Dec. 26, 1767; d. Oct. 5, 182 1), dau. of John and
Eunice Smedley. He begat,
92. I. Samuel,6 b. 1774; d. March 16, 1826.
II. Elizabeth,6 b. 1775; d. Oct. 25, 1810.
III. Sarah," b. April 22, 1780. She m. Dan-
iel Beers Osborn (b. April 22, 1780),
Dec. 31, 1801, and begat,
A. Hannah A.
B. Catherine.
C. Sarah W.
D. Wakeman.
E. Elizabeth.
IV. Catherine.6 She m. about 1820 Gilbert
Brush. She m. second, Dr. Ken-
nedy, and d. at Verona, N. Y.
93. V. Joseph,6 bap. June 12, 1792; d. Aug.
i5> l854-
94. VI. Benjamin,6 b. Dec. 25, 1800; d. Jan. 25,
4 J. Capt. Stephen Wakeman,5 of Greensfarms,
Conn. , and Balston Spa. , N. Y. , served in the Colonial
troops, being appointed ensign in the 4th Conn. Regt.,
October, 1769, and lieutenant May 1774. He also
served in the Revolution, and was appointed captain of
the 6th Company, 4th Regt., January, 1778, Col. Whit-
ing's Regt., 4th Militia, Lieut. -Col. Jonathan Dimon,
and served at Peekskill, 1777. Captain Stephen Wake-
man, who served before and during the Revolution,
lived in Greensfarms in an old house back of where Mr.
Fairchild now lives. He sold this place in March,
1789. In the deed he is mentioned as of Balston, N.Y.,
where he had been to found a new home, from which
trip he returned to Greensfarms with his daughter
Mary on horseback, and received the money for his old
home. Before leaving Greensfarms he called on Sarah
Whitehead, who was engaged to his son Stephen (she
m. him June 29, 1789), and expressed the pleasure
they felt that she would soon join them in their new
home. His daughter Mary preferred to return by boat
on the Hudson, so he started to go on horseback, and
stopped at Squire Adam's inn in Weston. Miss Grace
Cable was staying there at the time, and has told her
descendants her recollections of it: that Asa Belden,
of Wilton, was also there that day, and after a pleasant
stay Capt. Wakeman started to go, but was urged to
remain over night. He said no, that he wanted to join
Short Molly that night; so he went out and saddled his
horse and started. Asa Belden went out immediately
after, and Mr. Wakeman was never seen again. As he
did not return to his home at Burnt Hills, near Balston
Spa, his wife went to Connecticut on horseback to find
him, taking her son Stephen with her. At Albany they
consulted a clairvoyant, who told them that Capt.
Wakeman had purchased a couple of speckled handed
jackknives for his boys. She gave them a few more
statements and asked them to come again, but that they
must keep it in confidence. They found the purchase
of the jackknives was true, but did not keep quiet; so
when they returned she refused to tell any more. An-
other account says that Belden overtook him, or way-
laid him with an axe that he was cutting wood with,
and when Capt Wakeman spoke of the fine springs at
Balston, replied that he had one that was fine, and
wanted Capt. Wakeman to drink of it, and while he was
drinking, Belden killed him and threw his body in an
old well and filled it up (some say it was an old mine).
It was also said years after that Belden was trying to
cheat his sister, Mrs. Hull, of Redding, out of her pat-
rimony, and in her anger she accused him of murdering
Capt. Wakeman, and said she washed his bloody shirt.
He was arrested, and she gave evidence against him in
court. Then he settled with her, and she signed a
libel, and asserted that her statements were made in
anger and wholly false; so nothing could be done.
Some time after this Belden was taken sick, and wanted
to have Mrs. Wakeman sent for, but his family would
not consent, as they said that he was crazy. He seemed
to be in great distress of mind, and the doctor said that
it was some secret that he wished to reveal, and that
he should have a chance to do so. He said that he
could not die in peace until he had confessed it to the
doctor, whom he told about killing Capt. Wakeman,
and putting the body in a well and filling it up. After
Belden was dead, the doctor had the well dug out to
satisfy himself of the truth of the story, and found the
bones there, but none of the money was recovered.
Moses Jennings was hired to care for Belden during his
illness, and was put under bonds not to reveal anything
Belden might say. Belden died in 1828 or 1829.
Capt. Wakeman stopped at his sister's, Mrs. Benja-
min Banks, of Greenfield, and started from there on his
return trip to Balston Spa. Mrs. Craft says that wThen
she was in Wilton she learned for a fact that Belden
buried the body of Capt. Wakeman under that part of
his house where there was no cellar, and it is said that
Belden 's bed stood over this place.
It is said that when Asa Belden was ill he had a
young man who was a neighbor of his write a letter for
him to Benjamin Banks or his wife, and that in this
letter Belden made confession of the murder of Capt.
Stephen Wakeman, and that the body would be found
under a certain heap of stones.
This young man is also said to have written or told
Mr. Banks that he had better put an attachment on Mr.
Belden's place. It is also said that some of the Belden
family got wind of this letter, and went to Mr. Banks,
who was old, and got possession of the letter.
The papers that disappeared with Capt. Wakeman
caused his family much trouble, as some were receipts
for money that had to be paid again. Capt. Wakeman
deeded, April 20, 1789, land in Weston to his wife
Mary. This land came from her father. She sold it in
1 791 to John and Samuel Lord.
Capt. Wakeman,' m. in Greensfarms, Conn., June
29, 1760, Mary Adams (b. Feb. 1, 1742; d. Oct. 18,
18 1 2), dau. of Nathaniel Adams and Ann Silliman.
They begat,
95. I. Stephen,6 b. Sept. 19, 1761; d. Sept. 16,
II. Mary,6 b. Sept. 20, 1769; d. June 1,
1846. She m. Samuel Clark, of New-
burg and Burnt Hills, N. Y (b. April
11, 1768; d. Oct. 6, 1845). They
A. Clarissa. She m. John Wood.
B. Stephen A., rn. Parmela Fay and Sarah
Philips, and begat,
Samuel A. ,
Helen T.
C. Catherine, who m. John Copeland.
D. Salome, who m. Asa Buel.
E. Harriet, b. 1801; d. Aug. 14, 1839.
F. Juliet, who m. Thomas Carpenter.
G. Mary, d. aged 3 years, 6 months.
H. Samuel W„ b. Feb. 1, 1805; d. Oct. 9, 1838.
Hem. Ann E. Pease, and begat James
and Theresa E.
I. Mary, b. June 6, 1806; d. Aug. 26, 1846. She
m. Sands Carpenter.
J. Clarissa, who m. Mr. DePuy.
K. Direnda, b. 1814; d. Feb. 24, 1836.
L. Eliza Ellen.
III. David,6 bap. March 7, 1772; d. March
12, 1772.
IV Rebecca.6 bap. Feb. 11, 1773; d. Feb.
13, 1773-
V. Rebecca, b. Jan. 22, 1774. She m.
Stephen Sherwood, and begat,
A. Louisa.
B. Arita.
C. Miranda.
D. Stephen.
E. Walter.
F. Wakeman.
G. Alvah.
96. VI. Wakeman,6 bap. July 28, 1776; d. Feb.
14, 1825.
97. VII. Benjamin,6 bap. Nov. 22, 1778;' d. April
3, 1851.
VIII, Silliman.6
IX. Salome,6 b. May 8, 1782; d. March 29,
18 19. She m. Nov. 28, 1807, Thomas
H. Wakeman, of Balston Spa, N. Y.
(b. Feb. 4. 1782; d. Jan. 12, 1827), (see
No. 156), and begat,
A. Mary Ann, b. July 20, 1808; d. April, 1853.
B. Wakeman, b. Sept. 18, 1811; d. Oct. 9, 1842.
C. Juliette, b. May 29, 1814; d. Oct. 21, 1814.
D. Horton, b. April 19, 1822; d. April 27, 1822.
E. Thomas H., b. June 8, 1826.
X. Samuel,6 bap. Sept 2, 1783 or 5 ; d.
Sept. 10, same year.
XI. Nathaniel,6 bap. May 20, 1787.
42. Jesup Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, m. in Green-
field, Dec. 29, 1768, Amelia Banks (d. Dec. 17, 1833,
age 87 years), dau. of Nehemiah Banks* and Abigail
Bradley, and begat,
♦Nehemiah Banks begat a daughter Hester, b. Nov. 30, 1744, who married
Daniel Lee, of Ridgefield, Conn., Nov. 16, 1768. They begat David, who mar-
ried and begat three daughters. David Lee died about 1853, and his widow
99- I. Banks,6 b. Sept. 12, 1769; d. March 29,
100. II. Jesup,6 b. Feb. 12, 1771; d. May 4, 1844.
III. Sally,6 b. Feb 4, 1773; d. July 13, 1857.
She m. July 1, 1792, Peter Jennings
(b. Sept. 9, 1764; d. May 5, 1841).
They begat,
A. Wakeman, b. April 12, 1793; d. Oct. 28, 1867.
B. Abigail, b. 1795.
C. Peter Burr, b. 1797; d. Nov. 12, 1867.
D. Sally W., b. Aug. 6, 1812; d. May 16, 1832.
E. Edward, b. April 3, 1802; d. Sept. 26, 1858.
IV. Amelia,6 b. Jan. 27, 1775; d. Jan. 17,
1859. She m. Jan. 15, 1795 (at Ridge-
field, probably), Jere Scott, of Ridge-
field, Conn. (b. Feb. 10, 1770; d. Feb.
18, 1843). They begat,
A. Maria, b. April 3, 1797; d. Jan. 14, 1S92.
B. Jesup W., b. Feb. 25, 1799; d. Jan. 22, 1874.
He m. dau. of No. 100 above.
C. Amelia B., b. Aug. 6, 1801 ; d. Aug. 14, 1882.
D. David B., b. Oct. 31, 1803; d. Oct. 16, 1891.
E. Jere Austin, b. April 13, 1806; d. July 25,
F. George W., b. Aug. 18, 1808; d. May 30, i860.
G. Bradner B., b. Jan. 11, 1811; d. Feb. 26,
H. Elizabeth B., b. Jan. 2, 1814; d. Dec. 5, 1834.
I. Julia, b. March 6, 1816; d. April 6, 1873.
V. Mary,6 bap. June 1, 1777. She m. Noah
Thorp, of Southport, Conn. (b. May
8, 1774; d. Aug. 27, 1807). They be-
(who died April, 1899, age 96 years), went to Stuttgart, Germany, to live.
One of these daughters married Baron Von Waechter, of Wurtemburg, who
was Ambassador to France. Another daughter married a British officer of
rank, and the third daughter, Mary Esther, married first, Prince Frederick
of Schleswig. After his death his widow, Princess Noer, married Alfred,
Count Waldersee, and has been a sterling power in beneficent ways in Ger-
many, enjoying the confidence of the Emperor and his family.
A. Eliza.
B. Emily.
C. Mary Ann.
D. Abigail.
VI. Zalrnon,6 bap. June 24, 1779; d. 1779.
Mrs. Jesup Wakeman, m. next Wakeman Burritt (d.
June 15, 1846, age 80 years), of Ridgefiled, and begat,
A. Abigail, d. Aug. 21, 1793.
B. Wakeman.
C. Stephen.
D. Elizabeth, m. Mr. Foster.
43. Epaphras Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
m. Aug. 21, 1766, Eunice Nichols (b. April 15, 1748; d.
Dec. 13, 1820), dau. of Ephraim Nichols, of Fairfield,
Conn. They begat,
101. I. Moses,7 b. Oct. 17, 1767; d. April 10,
102. II. James,7 b. Nov. 17, 1769; d. Oct. 11,
103. III. Stephen,7 b. Nov. 20, 1771; d. Nov. 16,
IV. Gilbert,7 b. Nov. 17, 1773; d. Sept. 5,
V. Polly,7 b. Dec. 20, 1774; d. Aug. 4, 1819.
She m. Asahel Wakeman, see No. 58.
104. VI. Epaphras,7 b. Aug. 19, 1777; d. April
18, 1851.
105. VII. Eliphalet,7 b. July 5, 1781; d. Aug. 19,
VIII. Eleanor,7 b. Sept. 12, 1783; d. Feb. 7,
1873. She m. Jesse Wakeman, of
Easton, Conn. See No. 48.
IX. Elizabeth,7 b. Sept. 14, 1786; d. May 7,
1841. She m. Asahel Wakeman. See
No. 58.
X. Priscilla,7 b. June 12, 1789; d. Feb. 17,
185 1. She m. first, Winthrop Wilson,
and begat,
A. Moses Wakeman.
She m. second, William Lyon (b. March 27,
1784; d. July 18, 1861), and begat,
B. Eleanor, who m. George Wildman.
106. XI. Henry,7 b. April 17, 1793; d. Aprils,
44* Eliphalet Wakeman,6 of Greenfield m. March
11, 1773, Katherine Bennett, dau. of William Bennett,
of Weston, Conn., and begat,
I. Gillialma, bap. Jan. 19, 1777. She m.
Hull Bradley, son of Seth Bradley,
and begat,
A. Eliphalet.
B. Benjamin.
C. Seth.
D. Katharine.
E. Eunice.
F. Sarah.
45« Lloyd Wakeman,6 of Balston Spa, N. Y., m.
Sarah Redfield (b. 1761; d. 1821), and begat,
I. Abigail,7 who m. Rev. Darius O. Gris-
wold, of Saratoga, and begat,
A. Sarah Caroline, b. 1816; d. Feb., 1824.
B. Helen, who m. Mr. Bushnell.
II. Elizabeth,7 bap. May, 1784, who m.
Rev. Mr. Smith.
107. III. James.7
108. IV. Zalmon,7 b. July 31, 1789; d. Dec. 23,
V. Sabe,7 bap. July, 1792. (Easton, Conn.,
Church Records.)
VI. Sarah M.,7 b. 1795; d. Dec. 6, 1824.
She m. Burr Wakeman. (See No.
VII. Nancy,7 d. 1835. She m. Rev. Mr.
Goodman, and begat,
A. Sarah.
B. Zilpha, who m. Mr. Richards.
VIII. Zilpha,7 b. 1802; d. 1843. She m. W.
DeForest, of Balston Spa, and begat,
A. Samuel.
B. Jasper.
C. Jane.
D. Anna.
E. Zilpha.
IX. Mary O.,7 b. 1S05; d. March 19, 1838.
46. Samuel Wakeman,6 of Balston Spa, N. Y. ; rn.
July 15, 1787. Caty Beach (b. 1761; d. May 30, 1830),
of Weston, Conn., They begat,
I. Anne, b. Jan. 5, 1788; d. Jan. 7, 1811.
She m. Nathan Raymond.
II. Charlotte, b. Dec. 27, 1790; d. Jan. 21,
III. Mary, b. May n, 1800; d May 25,
1844. She m. Anson Buel, of Bal-
ston, N. Y. (b. 1795; d. June 20,
1866). They begat,
A. Mary M.. b. March 13, 1825; d. Aug. 4, 1853.
B. Charlotte Ann, b. Aug. 22, 1827; d. Nov. 18,
C. Eleanor W., b. Feb. 2, 1832; d. March 13,
47. Ezekiel Wakeman,6 of Balston Spa, N. Y., m.
July 22, 1792, Sarah Wheeler (b. 1771; d. Aug. 12,
1849), dau. of John Wheeler, of Weston, Conn. They
109. I. Stephen Hubbell,7 b. Jan. 31, 1793; d.
April 12, 1863.
no. II. Burr,7 b. April 30, 1795; d. 1888.
III. LydiaS.,7b. 1802; d. Aug. 23, 1838.
IV. Ann Charlotte,7 b. 1811; d. June 23,
V. Samuel,7 d. Aug 2, 1834.
48. Jesse Wakeman6 of Easton, Conn., m. 1803,
Eleanor Wakeman, dau. of Epaphras Wakeman, of
Greenfield Hill, Conn., and begat,
1. Moses Beers,7 b. April 17, 1804; d. Feb.
13, 1823.
49. Hill Wakeman,6 of Harpursville, N. Y. ; m.
March 12. 1796, Dorcas Dorothy Saunders (b. April 16,
1779; d. July 12, 1858), dau. of John Saunders (b. 1754;
d. July 13, 1812) and Mercy Closson (b. 1754; d. 1822).
He begat,
in. I. Loied,7 b. Aug. 30, 1797; d. Oct. 13,
112. II. Stephen,7 b. July 24, 1799; d. 1884.
III. George,7 b. Sept. 10, 1803: d. March 10,
IV. Parmelia,7 b. July 22, 1805; d. April 6,
1873. She m. Aug. 14, 1822, Stephen
Bates, of Broome Co., N. Y. (b. May
22, 1798; d. May 19, 1840). They
A. Clarissa, b. July 4, 1823.
B. Mary C, b. Feb. 15, 1825; d. 1891. She m.
Mr. Hawley.
C. Henry Mapes, b. Oct. 7, 1826; m. April 2,
1848, at Harpursville, N. Y., Abigail
Truesdell (b. July 1, 1826), dau. of Elisha
Truesdell. She d. Jan. 5, 1889, and begat,
a. Bradley H., b. June 3, 1849.
b. Alma Ann, b. Nov. 8, 1850; d.
June 4, 1895.
c. Elizabeth M., b. Dec. 3, 1853.
D. Orison, b. March 17, 1828; d. March 28,
E. Caroline, b. April 22, 1829; m. Lloyd Frank-
lin Aug. 30, 1849.
F. Roswell, b. March 17, 1831; d. March 16,
G. Sarah M., b. Oct. 21, 1832; d. Aug. 27, 1893.
H. Emily R., b. Sept. 25, 1834; d. 1885.
I. George O., b. Jan. 31, 1837.
J. Dorcas Dorothy, b. May 7, 1839; d. Nov. 15,
1S64. She m. Feb. 23, 1856, James A.
Tiller, of Detroit, Mich. She d. in Ed-
wardsburg, Mich., and begat,
a. Carrie D., b. Sept. 13*, 1858.
Mrs. Bates nextm. Jan. 16, 1841, at Colesville, N. Y.,
Samuel Thompson, of Colesville (b. July 31, 1798).
They begat,
Willard W., b. Sept. 4, 1S42.
William H., b. Jan. 3, 1845.
V. Roxanna,7 b. Jan. 4, 1807; d. Sept. 2,
1852. She m. John Maynard Stevens,
of Colesville, N. Y. (b. July 9, 1805;
d. Jan. 1, 188 1 ). They begat,
A. Ira, b. Jan. 18, 1S42; d. Sept. 8, 1852.
B. Reuben, b. Aug. 14, 1843. He m. Aug. 7,
1883, at Perry Trop, Iowa, Catherine E.
Gates (b. March 10, 1848), dau. of Wil-
liam H. Gates and Maria A. . yde. They
a. Harry Reuben, b. Dec. 15, 1886.
C. Mary F., b. Feb. 22, 1846; d. Sept. 3, 1852.
D. Bennett, b. Oct. 8, 1S47; d. Sept. 4, 1S52.
113. VI. John Saunders,7 b. April 1, 1810; d.
April 2, 1892.
114. VII. Roswell,7 b. Sept. 14, 1812; d. Sept. 2,
VIII. Mercy,7 b. Oct. 8, 1801 ; d. June 28, 1843.
She m. Truman Smith (b. 1800; d.
Jan. 23, 1886), of Coventry, N. Y. ,
and begat,
A. Nancy.
B. Frank.
C. John Henry, b. July 8, 1826; m. Jan. 17,
1S53, in Binghamton, N. Y., Ida Melissa
Moore (b. Sept. 9, 1834), dau. of John
Moore and Lucy Springsteen, of Windsor,
N. Y. They begat,
a. Delphine, b. Dec. 31, iS54;d. Aug.
21, 1874.
b. Albert Leroy, b. Sept. 12, 185S.
c. Cora Stella, b. Jan. 13, 1S61.
d. Lucy Janette, b. March 29, 1S65.
e. Warren E,, b. June 2, 1874.
D. Betsey Ann, b. April 29, 1824; d. May 24,
1875. She m. in 1846, John Montgomery,
of Bethlehem and Church Hollow, N. Y.
(b. Aug. 27, 1809; d. Feb. 23, 1897), and
Sarah Ette, b. Sept. 6, 1865; m. Jan.
31, 18S3, Edwin M. Haynes, of Page
Brook (b. April 29, 1S52).
E. Warren.
F. Susan.
G. William.
IJ. Jannette, b. March 28, 1839. She m. March
3, 1863, Jirah Wheeler (b. in Guilford, N.
Y., Oct. 27, 1883). They begat,
a. Elmer L., b. Jan. 19, 1864.
b. Jennie L., b. March 6, 1871.
115. IX. Robert,7 b. May 3, 1815; d. 1849.
116. X. Harvey Anabel,7 b. Aug. 29, 1821; d.
Dec. 13, 1865.
XI. Richard,7 b. April 30, 1825; d. Sept. 1,
1850. His wife died the same day; no
The following- data of No 50, Samuel Wakeman,6 fol-
lowed in its proper place by that of his descendants, is
inserted here because of the belief afforded by several
bits of evidence that he was a brother to No. 49, Hill
Wakeman,6 above. Any one learning differently or
having- additional data will please send it to the author.
50. Samuel Wakeman,6 of Wayne, Ashtabula Co.,
Ohio, m. Ruth Wright. They begat,
I. Mary.7
117. II. George,7 b. Sept. 15, 1807; d. June 1,
d. Dec. 3,
George,7 b. Sept. 15, 1807:
Samuel,7 b. Aug. 3, 1811;
Jonathan,7 d. April 24,
119. VI. Jonathan, d. April 24, 1882.
VII. Wright.7
120. VIII. Isaac,7 b. Oct. 3, 1815.
IX. Henrietta,7 she m. Mr. Sweet.
X. Polly.7
5 J. Jeremiah Wakeman,6 of New Fairfield, Conn,
served in the Revolution as private in Capt. Hickox's
Co., Third Regt., Conn. Light Horse, under Major
Starr. He enlisted at Danbury, Aug. 20, 1780, and
was discharged Jan. 1, 1781. His regiment was one of
the four organized in May, 1776, from the twenty-four
troops of Light Horse then in existence. When his
father, David Wakeman, returned home from the war
he was too fatigued to help his son gather the crops, and
when Jeremiah wanted to enlist, his father would not
consent that he should go in the militia on account of
the great hardships, but when there was a call for
mounted men, Jeremiah was allowed to go and join the
troops, and served much longer than his father. He m.
1 78-, Phcebe Hendricks (b. Nov. 24, 1754; d. April 3,
1836), dau. of John Hendricks, of New Fairfield, and
I. Eunice.7 b. ; d. March 27, 1819.
She m. Aaron Piatt, of Weston, Conn.
II. Martha,7 b. 1793; d. Feb. 22, 1819. She
m. 18 to, Hezekiah Wellman, of New
Fairfield, Conn. (b. March 26, 1789; d.
Sept. 15, 1865), and begat,
A. Phoebe, b. June 17, 1817; d. Feb. 20, 1843.
She m. March, 1834, in New Fairfield,
Napoleon Bonaparte Turner, of Ridge-
bury and Danbury, Conn. (b. June 1, 1816;
d. Sept. 26, 1852). He begat,
a. Fannie Augusta, b. Aug. 16, 1836;
d. July, 1864. She m. Elbert C.
Howes, of Brewsters, N. Y.,
and begat,
b. Mary Melvina, b. Sept. 13, 1839;
d. March 21, 1865. She m.
Nov. 2i, i860, Jesse Sands, of
New York City and Meriden,
Conn., and they begat,
Clara Louise, b. Feb. 17,
Frank Elbert, of Meriden,
Conn.; b. July 17, 1863.
He m. Apr. 26, 1888, Alice
Louise Brasee, at Lancas-
ter, Ohio, and they begat,
Anna Brasee, b. Dec.
10, 1889.
Trafford Turner, b.
Feb. 22, 1891; d.
June 12, 1891.
Mr. Wellman m. second, Losey Watkins, and begat,
A. Marvin, b. Dec, 1820.
B. Hendrick Hudson, b. March 25, 1830.
III. Mary,7 b. d. June 13, 1813.
52. David Wakeman,6 of Easton, Conn., m. Ester,
(See Easton church records), and begat,
I. Ester,7 bap. March 22, 1770.
II. Abigail,7 bap. March 22, 1770.
III. Rebecca, bap. March 22, 1770.
IV. Ruth,7 bap. March 22, 1770.
Mr. David Wakeman is believed to have been a son
of David, No 22, (page 1S1) who stayed in Eas-
ton," formerly part of Fairfield, though our evi-
dence is not entirely positive.
53, Lyman Wakeman.6 of Greenfield, served as pri-
vate in Capt. Dimon's Co., in the Revolution, 1775. He
m. about 1780, Abigail Turney (b. 1754; d. Sept. 1,
1834). They begat,
121. I. Samuel,7 b. Dec. 17, 1781; d. Aug. 2,
122. II. Lewis B.,7 b. July 1784; d. Jan. 10, 1823.
III. Esther,7 bap. Aug. 29, 1790. She m.
Isaac Jennings, Nov. 16, 1809, and
went to Tioga Co., N. Y.
54. John Wakeman,6 of Greenfield, served in the
Revolution as private in Capt. J. Dimon's Co., 1775.
He m. 1786, the first time, but her name is not known.
He m. second, Mrs. Lydia Bradley (d. 1836). He begat,
I. Sally,7 b. Sept., 1788; d. Oct. 14, 1803.
She m. Mr. Barnum.
II. Fanna,7 b. Jan., 1790.
123. III. John,7 b. April 27, 1791; d. April 8,
IV. Anna,7 b. Dec, 1794 She m. Mr. Banks.
V. Laura,7 b. Oct., 1797; d. 1821.
VI. Harriet,7 b. June, 1800; d. Dec. 12, 1820.
55. Nathan B. Wakeman,6 m. April, 1787, Abigail
Gold (d. Feb. 1846), of Fairfield, Conn. He begat,
124. I. Almon,7 b. July 10, 1788; d. 1855.
II. Joseph Hill,7 b. April 9, 1790; d. March
12, 1823.
125. III. Nathan,7 b. March 24, 1792; d. June 6,
126. IV. Solomon,7 b. Feb. 26, 1794; d. Dec, 1856.
V. Abigail,7 b. March 5, 1796; d. 1892.
56. Eli Wakeman,6 of Greenfield and Easton, m.
Ruhamah Goodsell (d. Nov. 16, 1858), dau. of Epaphras
Goodsell and Jane Burr. They begat,.
I. Medad,7 bap. Sept. 19. 1790; d. July 17,
181 1, off the coast of Ireland.
127. II. Elihu,7 bap. Jan. 22, 1797.
III. Parmelia Burr,7 b. Feb. 14, 1793; d.
Aug. 15, 1840. She m. in 1812, Josiah
Smith, of Watertown, Conn. (d. Feb.
9, 1845), and begat,
A. Martha, b. Nov. 7, 1825; d.
IV. Eleanor,7 b. 1795; d. Aug. 18, 1867.
She m. Bela Seymour (b. 1792; d. Feb.
14, 1869), of Watertown, Conn., at
Watertown, and begat,
A. Mary Ann.
B. George.
C. William.
128. V. Bradley,7 b. 1796; d. 1834.
VI. Dimon,7 bap. Jan. 22, 1797; d. May 8,
1870, at Mayfield, Ohio.
VII. Gideon.7
129. VIII. Austin,7 b. Feb. 11, 1804; d. Dec. 13,
IX. Adelia,7 b. July 21, 1805; d. July 20,
1893. Shem. Austin Sperry, of Water-
town (b. Jan. 12, 1791; d. Sept. 4,
1875), at Watertown, in 1827. They
A. Mary J., b. May 28, 182S; d. May 27, 1854.
She m. James Atwood, May 28, 185,3.
B. Eliza M., b. Aug. 29, 1830. She m. Freder-
ick Fairchild, Jan. 1, 1S50, and begat,
Emma J., b. Feb. 8, 1853; d. Oct. 16,
X. Henry,7 of Columbus, Ohio.
XL Susan,7 b. March 22, 1802; d. Feb. 9,
1887. She m. in New York City, Sept.
10, 1820, William Hawley, Jr. (b. May
23, 1799 ;d. Jan. 2, 1853), of New York
and Brooklyn. They begat,
A. Sarah Marshall, b. Jan. 28, 1823; d. March
12, 1899. She m. first Mr. Fredericks
and begat,
Mary A.
Mrs. Fredericks m. second, Mr. Sanger in
Brooklyn, March 15, 1854, and begat,
a. Frank M.
b. Lizzie Raymond.
c. Fred Clifford.
d. Elisa Robbins, who m. Freder-
ick Bennett, of Binghamton,
N. Y., and begat,
Mabel S.
F. Stanley.
Fannie Raymond.
XII. Jane,7 b. June 18, 1808; d. Oct. 22,
1876. Shem. Sept. 7, 1 831, at Water-
town, Conn., Guy B. Fenn, of Water-
town, Conn., and Brimfield, Ohio (b.
Jan. 7, 1808; d. Dec. 30, 1892). They
A. Mary Ann, b. July 30, 1S34; d. March 4, 1836.
B. Mabel B. (M. D.), b. Oct. 21, 1838. She m.
at Brimfield, Ohio, June 27, 1867, Dr.
Robert L. King, of Charlestown, Ohio,
and Flint, Michigan (b. Oct. 3, 1S41: d.
Jan. 9, 1890). They begat,
a. Minnie A., b. Oct. 24, 1868.
b. Helen B. (Ph. B.), b. March 19,
C. Amelia, b. Nov. 10, 1840.
XIII. Marie,7 b. Sept. n, 18 10. She m in
Mecklenburg, N. Y., April 12, 1829,
Oliver Clock (b. Nov. 13, 1803; d. July
4, 1880), of Stamford, Conn., and
Mecklenburg, N. Y. They begat,
A. Adaline, b. March 22, 1830.
B. Zalmon W., b. June 2, 1832.
C. William B., b. April 2S, 1836; d. Nov. 2, 1840.
D. Edwin A., b. May 22, 1834; d. Nov. 20, 1840.
E. George E., b. June 2, 1838.
130. XIV. Uriah,7 b. Sept. 11, 18 10; d. Dec. 14,
185 1, in Texas.
XV. Ruhamah,7 b. Dec. 19, 1812. She m. in
Watertown, Conn., Feb. 23, 183 1,
Dayton Mattoon, of Vienna, N. Y.,
and Watertown (b. Aug. 20, 1S11; d.
Oct. 15, 1888). They begat,
A. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sept. 24, 1832; d. Jan. 6,
1S91. She m. March 29, 1853, George R.
Baldwin, who d. Dec. 23, 1896.
B. William Bradley, b. Sept. 23, 1835; d. Sept.
i, 1858. He m. April 20, 1857, Sarah Jane
Davis, of Watertown.
C. Amelia Jane. b. Jan. 1, 1842; d. May 29, 1889.
Shem. in Watertown, Jan. 24, 1867, Henry
Truman Dayton (b. Jan. 22, 1842), of
Watertown. They begat,
A. Helen Gertrude, b. Feb. 28, 1869.
b. Clara Elizabeth, b. April 10, 1870.
c. A. B., b. Aug. 11, 1872.
D. Alanson, b. Jan. i, 1842.
E. Helen Gertrude, b. July 21, 1849; d. Feb. 8,
F. Charles Burr, b. Dec. 23, 1851; m. Alice Kel-
logg, of Wis., Oct, 2, 1879.
XVI. Medad,7 d. in infancy.
57. Aaron Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, Conn. He
served as private at Bridgeport, Conn. , in the war of
1812, from July to Sept., 1814. He m. Jan., 1786, Sarah
Sherwood (b. Aug. 4, 1768; d. Nov. 21, 1844). They
I. Abigail,7 b. Nov. 27, 1786; d. Oct. 20,
1841. She m. Jonathan Banks (b.
1783; d. Oct. 20, 1820), of Greenfield
Hill. They begat,
A. Anna, b. 1806; d. 1881. She m. Eli Sher-
B. Polly, b. 1811; d. 1891. She m. Bradley
C. Catherine, b. June 13, 1807; d. June 25, 1834.
She m. Jarvis Patchen.
D. Jonathan, b. Feb. 13, 1815. Hem. in Green-
field, Feb 6, 1845, Laurinda Sherwood (b.
Jan. 12, 1823; d. Feb. 13, 1892), dau. of
Levi Sherwood. They begat,
a. Mary Josephine,
b. Ann Augusta.
c. Royal.
d. Georgia.
e. Emma.
E. Aaron, b. July, 1797; d. Sept. 13, 1859.
II. Mary,7 b. Oct. 6, 1788; d. Oct. 29, 1826.
She m. Abijah Merwin (b. 17S7; d.
April 14, 182 1).
III. Sarah,7 b. Sept. 20, 1790; d. Sept. 15,
131. IV. Charles,7 b. May 21, 1792; d. Aug. 8,
V. Aaron,7 b. March 21, 1794; d. Feb. 28,
VI. Laurinda,7 b. Jan. 20, 1799; d. Sept. 12,
1825. She m. in Weston, Conn., Oct.
25, 1821, Hanford Nichols, of Weston
(b. Nov. 15, 1796; d. July 19, 1868).
They begat,
A. Lloyd, b. Jan. r, 1823; d. July 25, 1839.
B. Henry, b. Feb. 29, 1824; d. June 3, 1869.
C. Laura, b. Aug. 27, 1825; d. June 12, 1894
She m. David Sherwood.
VII. Burr,7 d. in infancy.
132. VIII. Burr,7 b. Dec. 23, 1802; d. Aug. 20, 1832,
at Albany.
IX. Betsey,7 b. Feb. 22, 1806 ; d. May 20, 1889.
She m. Dec. 14, 1834, Emory Sher-
wood (b. May 23, 18 10; d. Aug. 20,
i860), and begat,
A. Laurinda W., b. April 23, 1840; d. April 23,
1875. She m. Arthur Merwin.
B. Sarah A., b. Oct. 20, 1S44; d. Feb. 9, 18S1.
She m. A. C. Lyon.
133. X. Eli,7 b. Oct. 24, 1809; d. Oct. 13, 1888.
134. XI. Moses,7 b. April 6, 1815; d. April 19,
58. Asahel Wakeman,6 of Easton, Conn., served as
private in the war of 181 2, at Fairfield, Conn., April,
1814. He m. Feb. 28, 1798, Polly Wakeman (b. Dec.
20, 1774; d. Aug. 4, 1 819), dau of Epaphras Wakeman
(see No. 43). He also m. April 26, 182 1, Elizabeth
Wakeman (b. Sept. 14, 1786; d. May 7, 1841), dau. of
Epaphras Wakeman, (see No. 43). He begat,
135. I. Alanson,7 b. Jan. 19, 1800; d. Dec. 21,
136. II. Gilbert,7 b. Nov. 29, i8oi;d. Dec. 29,
1 891.
137. III. Silas,7 b. May 6, 1804; d. March 28,
IV. A dau.,7 b. May, 1805; d. April 24, 1806.
59. Daniel Wakeman,6 of Little Falls, N. Y. , m. May,
1799, Esther Bucklin, dau. of David Bucklin and Abi-
gail Waldo, of R. I. They begat,
I. Stephen.7
II. Waldo,7 b. Oct. 17, 1820; d. Oct. 17, 1820.
138. III. John B.,7 b. Dec. 6, 1804; d. March 31,
IV. Eleanor,7 b. July 11, 1808; d. Sept. 4,
1829. She m. Julius S. Beardsley and
begat three children.
139. V. Zalmon Bradley,7 b. Aug. 10, 1809; d.
Sept. 10, 1887.
VI. Esther A.,7 b. May 24, i8i5;d. March
24, 1834. She m. 1832, Wells Bray-
ton, of Winfield, N. Y., and begat one
VII. Laura,7 b. Dec. 16, 1817; d. July 31, 1825.
VIII. Polly,7 b. Dec. 16, 1817 ; d. June 14, 1819.
60. Zalmon Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.
He m. Oct. 8, 1806, Clara Nichols (b. May 10, 1783; d.
Nov. 16, 1849). They begat,
I. Mary,7b. March 22, 1807. (See No. 138.)
II. Abigail Turney,7 bap. July 9, 1809.
III. Esther,7 b. Dec. 2, 1809; d. Sept. 17,
140. IV. John, 7b. Nov. 12, 181 1; d. Nov. 17, 1897.
141. V. Zalmon,7 b. June 13, 1814; d. Aug. 26,
VI. Eleanor,7 b. Jan. 19, 1817; d. Feb. 19,
VII. Elizabeth,7 b. April 25, 1827.
6J. Abel Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, m. Eunice
Down (b. 1765; d. July 8, 1847), and begat,
I. Susan,7 b. Nov. 8, 1787; d. Aug. 25,
1826. She m. Oct. 30, 1823, Sturges
Morehouse, of Weston (b. 1797; d.
Sept. 2, 1841). They begat,
A. Hughes, d. in infancy.
B. Sturges, b. March 20, 1826; d. Oct. 6, 1826.
II. Abel,7 b. Aug. 2, 1803; d. Oct. 4, 1823.
III. Frederick,7 b. March, 1817; d. July 19,
62. Gershom Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, served
in the Revolution eight months as private. He m. Dec.
13, 1781, Sibbell Bradley (b. 1762; cl. Dec. 25, 1828).
They begat,
I. Lucy,7 bap. May 25, 1784; d. 1824. She
m. at Greenfield Hill, Dec. 24, 1809,
Joseph Odell, of Redding, Conn. (b.
1785; d. 1817). They begat,
A. Wakeman, b. Aug. 18, 1811; d. 1830.
B. Jane, b. July 6, 1S13; d. July, 1842.
C. Mary, b. Sept. 26, TS15. She m. Alonzo
Wakeman (No. 145).
Gershom Wakeman m. next Lucy Ann Buckley
(b. i8i5;d. March 29, 1888), dau. of David Buckley,
of Greenfield, and begat,
142. II. George,7 b. Feb. 4, 1841; d. March 19,
Gershom Wakeman, d. 1848; and his widow m. Dec.
7, 1856, Marquis Bond.
63. Isaac Wakeman,0 of Greenfield Hill, Conn., and
Fairfield, Vt., m. in Greenfield, Jan. 10, 1800, Sarah
Bradley (b. June 23, 1776; d. Feb. 22, i860). They
I. Clara,7 b. Sept. 3, 1800; d. Nov. 24,
1885. She m. Coville Buckley, of Ver-
gennes, Vt. (d. Sept. 11, 1877), and
A. Coville.
B. Lovinna.
. . C. Charles.
143. II. Horatio P.,7 b. Aug. 15, 1804; d. Sept.
10, 1868.
III. Ezekiel B.,7b. May 25, 1802; d. April 6,
64. Seth Burr Wakeman,6 of Lawyersville, N. Y.,
m. Feb. 23, 1805, in Greenfield, Clara Nichols (b. July
3, 1783; d. Feb. 24, 1828), dau. of Jesse Nichols, of
Greenfield. Mr. Wakeman m. April 15, 1831, Sarah
Wheeler, of Greenfield (b. 1794; d. Aug. 21, 1863), dau.
of Nathan Wheeler and Mabel Bulkley. Mr. Wakeman
144. I. Horace,7 b. Aug. 27, 1807; d. Jan. 30,
145. II. Alonzo,7 b. Oct. 23, t8io; d. Aug. 31,
III. Horatio,7 b. Jan. 9, 1813; d. April 5,
IV. Maria,7 b. Feb. 17, 1815 ; d. Aug. 29, 1887.
She m. in Lawyersville, Oct. 29, 1840,
Joseph Sharp, of Sharon (d. Oct. 10,
1882). They begat,
A. Mary E., b. July 30, 1846.
B. Charles W., b. March, 1848.
C. Clara A., b. Jan. 31, 1850.
D. Eliza, b. Dec. 29, 1852.
E. Jedediah M., b. Feb. 20, 1855; d. Sept. 1,
F. Elizabeth, b. July 4, 1842; d. May 30, 1843.
V. Charles,7 b. Oct. 27, 1817; d. March 26,
65. Ebenezer Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
m. there April 2, 1790, Eunice Bradley (b. July, 1774;
d. March 27, 1861), dau. of Seth Bradley and Dorothy
Williams, of Greenfield. They begat,
I. Clarissa,7 b. Oct. 30, 1790; d. Feb. 4,
1874. She m. Nov. 21, 1805, Eben-
ezer Hawkins, of Greenfield (b. 1783;
d. April 1, 1841). They begat,
Burr, b. 1806; d. May 5,
II. Errata,7 b. Sept. 21, 1792; d. June 26,
1877. She m. Nov. 24, 1813, Wake-
man Hull (b. Aug. 30, 1793; d. Jan.
21, 1876), of Bridgeport, Conn. They
A. Samuel, b. Sept., 1814; d. July 11, 1895.
B. Edward, b. 1816; d. in infancy.
C. Edwin, b. 1816; d. Sept. 12, 1854.
D. David Edward, b. 1819; d. June 16, 1859.
E. Abigail, b. 1821; d. April 12, 1847.
F. Eunice, b. April 6, 1S26; d. Feb. 1, 1896.
G. Eliza Frances, b. Feb., 1829; d. Feb. 20, 1872.
H. Sarah Jane, b. 1831; d. in infancy.
146. III. Wyllis,7 b. July 4, 1794 5 d. Feb. 15,
IV. Matilda,7 b. July 4, 1796. She m. first
Miles Lockwood, and second James
Blackman, and begat by first,
A. Emily, b. 1828; d. Aug. 17, 1851; and by
B. Sarah.
C. Frederick.
D. Franklin.
V. Paulina,7 b. Aug. 15, 1798; d- l847- She
m. Abijah Wallace, of Derby, Conn.
They begat,
A. Elizabeth, who m. Nelson Downs.
B. Harriet.
C. Sarah.
D. Lucy.
E. George.
F. Edward.
G. Jessie.
H. Henry, b. Sept. 7, 1818; d. March 18, 1819.
VI. Catherine,7 b. Aug. 12, 1800; d. Aug.
27, 1800. She m. 1826, in Weston,
Conn., Robert Sage, of N. Y. (b.
April 6, 1807; d. Nov., 1849). They
A. John, b. 1830; d. 1853-
B. Benjamin, d. 1895.
C. Edward, d. 1848.
D. Frances.
E. Agnes.
F. Harriet.
G. Augustus, d. 1874.
H. Georgiana.
I. Robert, d. 1839.
VII. Eunice,7 b. July 28, 1802. She m. John
Wallace, of Bridgeport.
VIII. Fanny,7 b. June 27. 1804. She m. in
Greenfield, Jan. 16, 1S25, Orrin Sher-
wood, of Bridgeport. They begat,
A. Richard.
B. Frank.
C. Fanny, who m. Mr. Whiting.
IX. Happy,7 b. Jan. 19, 1808; d. Jan. 15,
1883. She m. in Greenfield, Nov. 6,
1827, William Patterson Knapp, of
Bridgeport, and N. Y. (b. Nov. 24,
1808; d. Aug. 20, 1857). They begat,
A. George William, b. June 29, 1829; d. Nov.
28, i860.
B. Frances Louisa, b. Dec. 27, 1831. She m. in
N. Y. City, Jan. 7, 1855, Marcus Young
Graff, of Frederick, Md. They begat,
a. William Knapp. b. Oct. 13, 1855.
b. Marcus Young, b. Oct. 5, 1857.
C. Theodore Royal, b. May 6, 1836; d. Nov. 28,
D. William Henry Harrison, b. Oct. 17, 1840; d.
July 1, 1841.
E. Harriet Amelia, b. Aug. 24, 1842.
X. Frederick,7 b. Feb. 7, 1809; d. July 28,
147. XI. Frederick B.,7b. June 17, 181 1 ;d. March,
XII. George,7 b. April 23, 1814; d. July, 1842.
XIII. Elizabeth,7 b. Sept. 13, 1816; d. Jan. 1,
66*- Abijah Wakeman,6 of Greenfield, was a soldier
in the war of 18 12, in October and November, 18 14.
His father gave him a vessel which he built for him
when Abijah was eighteen. He worked hard to build
the boat, going on horseback after his day's work was
done, to the forge in Redding, to get iron and bring-
ing back what he could. The vessel was lost after a few
trips; Mr. Sturges was captain. Abijah then came
home, learned saddle-making and moved to New York
state. He m. May 27, 1802, Mary Buckley (b. 1788;
d. Oct. 29, 1826), and begat,
148. I. Charles,7 b. 1803; d. Sept. 22, 1881.
II. Caroline,7 bap. Aug. 1, 1804; d. Nov. 17,
III. Mary,7 b. Jan. 25, 1807; d. Oct., 1887.
She m. March, 1825, Cyrus Beardsley
(b. Aug. 8, 1804; d. July 31, 1890), at
Catherine, N. Y.
IV. Maria.7 She m. Joseph West, of Boon-
ville, Mo., and begat,
A. Joseph.
B. Charlotte.
C. Mary.
V. Harriet.7 She m. Randolph A. Hufford,
of Boonville, Mo.
VI. Caroline,7 b. July, 1813; d. May, 1814.
67. Jonathan Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
m. Aug. 28, 1815, Clara Wakeman, dau. of Thaddeus
Wakeman, (see No. 32), and begat,
149. I. Abram,7 b. May 31, 1824; d. June 29,
150. II. James.7
151. III. Thaddeus Burr,7 b. Dec. 23, 1834.
IV. Caroline,7 b. Feb. 11, 1818; d. Oct. 28,
She died at her brother's at Oyster Bay, N. Y., and
was a native of Greenfield Hill. Under circum-
stances of singular difficulties she prepared herself
as a teacher and was sustained by the convictions
of early piety and the friends they gained for her.
In commencing her career as a teacher in New York
City, and vicinity, she began her public work with
Principal McElligott of the old Mechanics School,
which antedated and helped to prepare for the suc-
cess of our public school system. For many years
after it was suspended she conducted, very success-
fully, a school for young ladies in New York City.
She was active in the sunday school of the Presby-
terian church under the pastorship of Drs. Potts,
Philips and J. W. Alexander, at Duane and Church
streets, who upheld at that day, on the west side of
the city, the cause of religion and education. They
were the active supports of a widespread influence,
the results of which still survive, although its pro-
moters seem to have vanished as completely as the
old church. She afterwards conducted a parochial
school near New Hamburgh, N. Y., and later
taught in Astoria, N. Y., until failing health pre-
vented. She will be remembered by those who
knew her for her faithful and consistent Christian
life and her devotion to the duties of every situa-
tion in which she was called to act.
68. Seth Wakeman,6 of Salisbury, Conn., m. in Wes-
ton, Conn., April 29, 1796, Sarah Bennett (b. Nov.,
T775; d. July 25, 1845), dau. of Thaddeus Bennett.
They begat,
I. Alphonson,7 (see bap. record of Fairfield
Episcopal Church), or
152. Alonzo,7 b. Oct. 16, 1797.
II. Edgar Bennett,7 bap. Oct. 9, 1803. .
III. Almira. 7 bap. Oct. 9, 1803; b. 1801; d.
Sept., 1826.
IV. Seth Melnor.7
153. V, Thaddeus Burr,7 b. Jan. 31, 1814; d.
July 12, 1881.
VI. Mary Louise.7
154. VII. George P.7
VIII. William.7
69. Thaddeus Burr Wakeman,6 of Greenfield Hill
and New York city, graduated at Yale College in 1799.
He became a lawyer, and was a founder and secretary
of the American Institute of New York. He died
Nov. 7, 1848.
70. Daniel Wakeman, 6 of Greenfield, m., 1831, Mary
Hallett (b. July 28, 1805; d. Jan. 19, 1885), dau. of Ben-
jamin W. Hallett. They begat,
I. Sarah,7 b. Aug. 26, 1833; d. May 20,
1867. She m. March 31, 1866, Phil-
ander Ferry (b. Dec, 1804; d. May
8, 1886).
II. Irene J.,7 b. Jan. 19, 1839.
III. Ida Frances,7 b. May 30, 1849. She m.
Sept. 19, 1872, John Burr, of Prince-
ton, Mo. (b. June 9, 1842; d. June
15, 1896). They begat,
A. William Lewis, b. June 9, 1873.
B. Georgiana, b. Nov, 17, 1874.
C. John, b. Aug. 15, 1876.
D. Wakeman, b. Dec. 18, 1S77; d. July 10,
Founder of the American Institute of New York City.
71. Ebenezer Wakeman,6 of Fairfield, Conn., served
in the Lexington Alarm List of the Revolutionary war,
April, 1775. He m. in Weston, Conn., Nov. 17, 1771,
Anna Banks (b. Aug. 5, 1749; d. at Balston, N. Y.,
June 27, 1827), dau. of Ebenezer Banks (b. Dec. 9,
1727; d. Mar. 22, 1777) and Sarah Hyde (b. 1728; d.
March 10, 1796). They begat,
I. Ebenezer,7 bap. June 4, 1775.
II. Anne,7 bap. June 13, 1777.
155. III. Henry,7 bap Sept. 19, 1779; d. about
IV. Thomas Hanford,' b. May 5, 1782.
72. Thomas Hanford Wakeman,6 of Fairfield, Conn.,
served in Capt. Hall's company in the Revolutionary
war. He. m. June 4, 1776, and begat,
156. I. Thomas H.,7 b. Feb. 4, 1782; d. Jan.
12, 1827.
II. Lute.7
73. Nathaniel Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, Conn.,
m. in Weston, Conn., March 22, 1794, Mercy Coley (b.
Sept. 2, 1772; d. Dec. 19, 1824). They begat,
I. Anna,7 b. Oct. 9, 1796; d. Oct. 1, 1829.
She m. Nov. 24, 1816, Walter Coley,
of Westport, Conn. (b. Oct. 11, 1791;
d. Sept. 5, 1858). They begat,
A. Rachel.
B. Sally Wakeman, who m. Jonas B. Hill, Feb.
2, 1842.
C. Wakeman.
D. Mercy Ann, b. May 15, 1825; d. July 10,
II. Sarah Coley,7 b. June 5, 1799; d. Jan.
14, 1886. She m. in Westport, Feb.
17, 1823, Alva Gray, of Westport (b.
May 4, 1796; d. July 3, 1876). They
A. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1824; d. May 26, 1868.
B. Edward, b. Oct. 10, 1826; d. April 17, 1842.
C. John Henry, b. Sept. 18, 1829; d. April 18,
D. Frances Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1833.
E. Sarah Alvira, b. Sept. 3, 1837; d. Oct.- 24,
74. Gideon Wakeman,6 of Sherman, Conn., served
in the Revolution. He m. Dec. 8, 1783, Clarissa Strat-
ton, of Greensfarms, Conn. (b. 1767), dau. of Cornelius
Stratton and Abigail Hull. Mr. Wakeman begat,
I. Abigail,7 bap. July 18, 1784.
157. II. Gideon, bap. May 20, 1787; d. 1853.
III. Anna,7 b. 1797; d. 1880. She m.
Sturges Hayes (b. Nov. 22, 1797; d.
in Wakeman, O., Junes, 1869). They
A. Phoebe A., b. Oct. 22, 1822; d. Oct. 25, 1840.
B. Hannah, b. June 25, 1825; d. Nov. 1, 1840.
C. Maria, b. Jan. 20, 1S27.
D. Bradley, b. Sept. 24, 182S. He m. Mary
Wheeler Hanford.
E. Edward, m. Sarah Hiles, and begat,
a. William H.
b. Frank.
c. Hattie.
d. Grace.
F. Lucy, m. William Mead.
G. Lewis, m. Sarah McCord.
H. Elie, m. Marshala Hoag.
I. Harriet, b. July 6, 1840; m. Abe Harris.
J. Frances, b. Oct. 12, 1845 ; m Henry Holcomb.
IV. Maria.7
V. Eliza.7 She m. Philo Barber, and had
her father's estate.
158. VI. Aaron,7 b. Aug. 15, 1795; d. Sept. 11,
VII. Rebecca.7 b.
159. VIII. Bradley,7 b. Sept. 11, 1800; d. Oct. 26,
75. Adams *Wakeman,6 of Bedford, N. Y., and New
York City, m. in Bedford, Susanna Bassett (d. about
1 841), and begat
I. Sophia Ann,7 b. 1798; d. 1873. She m.
in New York, 1843, Daniel Dibble (b.
1797; d. 1880, at Sandusky. Ohio).
II Mary Caroline,7 b. 1801; d. 1842. She
m. in New York City, in 1820, Daniel
Dibble, above, of Westbrook, Conn.
They begat,
A. Wakeman Adams, b. July 11, 1822; d. July
25, 1852. He m. in New York City, in
1S40, Ellen Healy, who d. Nov. 16, 1864.
They begat,
a. Daniel Wakeman, b. May 3, 1849;
d. March 11, 1864.
b. Mary Caroline, b. Feb. 15, 1851.
c. Ellen Wakeman, b. Feb. 20, 1853;
d. Feb. 15, 1894. She m. in
Kalamazoo, Michigan, Sept. 20,
1876. John H. Dix, of School-
craft and Kalamazoo, Michigan
(b. Jan. 13, 1842), and begat,
Carrie L., b. Aug. 6, 1877.
John Wakeman, b. Sept.
29, 1879.
Mr. Dix m. Mary Caroline
(above), April 26, 1895.
B. Merritt, b. 1S25.
C. Eliza, b. 1S27. She m. Milo H. Pettibone
(d. 1S60) in 1846; also she m. Gordon H,
Merrell (d. 1888) in 1862. She begat,
a. William, b. 1850; d. 1850.
b. Frank A., b. 1S52.
c. Jessie M., b. 1S54; d. 1S74.
d. Flora E,
* Facsimile of signature of Adams Wakeman.
D. Caroline, b. 1830; d. 1888. She m., 1851,
William C. Pettibone, and begat,
a. Hatfield, b. 1874.
b. Carrie E., d. 1883.
E. Daniel, b. 1841; d. 1842.
III. Eliza,7 b. March 20, 1807; d. April 3,
1882. She m. Feb. 12, 1826, in New-
York city, Abram Hatfield, of White
Plains, N. Y. (b. Sept. 1, 1801; d.
Dec. 23, 1876). He begat,
A. Abram, b. 1836; m. C. C. Leggett.
B. Sophia H., m. Robert Buchan. Mr. A. Hat-
field was a man of high standing in New
York city and Westchester. He was a
supervisor for fourteeen years, and chair-
man of the board. He was also an alderman
in New York and a member of the assem-
bly. He was a fair, just and impartial
man, highly respected by his political op-
ponents. He was one of a committee to
go to Boston to inspect the prisons for the
benefit of New York city. They drew
$400 for expenses of the trip, and returned
a balance to the treasury, an unusual
thing these days.
The people of the State of New York, by the grace of
God free and independent, to Adams Wakeman,
Gentleman, greeting: We, reposing especial trust
and confidence as well in your patriotism, conduct
and loyalty, as in your valour and readiness to do
us a good and faithful service, have appointed and
constituted, and by these Presents do, appoint and
constitute you, the said Adams Wakeman, Ensign
of a Company in the Regiment of Militia in the
County of Westchester whereof Jesse Holly, Es-
quire, is Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant.
You are therefore to take the said company into your
charge and care as Ensign thereof, and duly to ex-
ercise the officers and soldiers of that company in
arms, who are hereby commanded to obey you as
their Ensign ; and you are also to observe and fol-
low such orders and directions as you shall from
time to time receive from our General and Com-
mander-in-Chief of the Militia of our said State, or
any other of your superior officers, according to the
rules and discipline of war, in pursuance of the
trust reposed in you ; and for so doing, this shall
be your Commission for and during our pleasure to
be signified by our Council of Appointment.
In testimony whereof, we have caused our seal for
Military Commissions to be hereunto affixed.
Witness our trusty and well beloved George Clinton,
Esquire, Governor of our said State, General and
Commander-in-Chief of all the Militia, and Admiral
of the Navy of the same, by and with the advice
and consent of our said Council of Appointment, at
our city of Albany, the twenty-ninth day of March,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and two, and in the twenty-sixth year of our Inde-
pendence. Passed the Secretary's office the 22d
day of April, 1802.
George Clinton.
Arch'd McIntyre, Dep. Secretary.
Personally appeared before me Thomas Ferris, Clerk
of the County of Westchester, on the 10th day of
December, 1802, the within named Adams Wake-
man, and the three following oaths as required by
law, viz. : The Oath to support the Constitution of
the United States, the Oath of Abjuration, and the
Oath of Office to the within Commission.
Thos. Ferris.
76. David Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, m. Elizabeth
Hoag (b. Aug. 17, 1778; d. Jan. 25, 1837), dau. of Tim-
othy Hoag. They begat,
160. I. Mark Hoag,7 b. Aug. 30, 1799; d. June
14, 1866.
161. II. Adams,7 b. Dec. 1, 1804.
162. III. Hiram,7 b. Oct., 1808; d. Dec. 22, 1880.
IV. Mary Ann,7 b. March 25, 1814; d. Feb.
2, 1856.
77. Joseph Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, m. about
1785, in Greensfarms, Rachel Hyde (b. 1762501. May
12, 1840). They begat,
I. Salome,7 bap. Sept. 23, 17875(1. 1844.
She m. Nov. 3, 1810, Joshua Jennings,
of Greensfarms. They begat,
A. Uriah.
B. Maty.
C. Henry.
D. Rachel.
163. II. Joseph Hyde,7 b. Aug. 20, 1791 ; d. Aug.
15, l854-
Mr. Joseph Wakeman, Sr., served as Sergeant, in
April and October, 18 14, in the war of 18 12.
78. Seth Wakeman,6 of Sherman, Conn., served for
fourteen months as private in the Revolution, under
Captain Moore, and Col. Dimon, and drew a pension.
He m. in Greensfarms, April 5, 1784, Mary Stratton (b.
May 23, 1776; d. Oct. 6, 1745), dau. of Cornelius Strat-
ton and Abigail Hull. They begat,
164. I. Joseph,7 b. Nov. 5, 1784; d. March 10,
II. Rebekah,7 b. March 18, 1787; d. Oct. 6,
1871. She m. in Sherman, Dec. 24,
1809, Isaac Buckley (d. Feb. 25, 1870),
of Seabrook, Conn., and Spencer, N.
Y. They begat,
A. Homer, b. Nov. 21, 1810.
B. Seth Wakeman, b. March 14, 1812.
C. Eliza A., b. Dec. 8, 1S13. She m. Horace
Ryant, of Horseheads, N. Y., June 12,
1833, and begat,
a. Chester W., d. Nov. 18, 1870.
b. Isaac D., b. Nov. 15, 1836; d. Feb.
15, 1S37.
c. Seth D., b. Jan. 22, 1840; d. Dec.
1, 1S71.
D. Mary A., b. Nov. 14, 1815.
E. Dimon, b. March 25, 1S1S.
F. Egbert, b. April 17, 1820.
G. Miles, b. March 16, 1822.
H. Isaac Newton, b. March 14, 1824.
I. Nancy B., b. Dec. 8, 1826; m. June 7, 1853,
in Spencer, N. Y., John P. Vose, of
J. Harriet, b. March 19, 1829.
165. III. Walter,7 b. Dec. 21, 178S; d. Sept. 10,
IV. Eunice,7 b. Sept. 6, 1791. She m. Mr.
166. V. Hull,7 b. March 22, 1794; d. May 22,
VI. Cynthia,7 b. April, 1796; d. May 16,
VII. Dimon,7 b. Sept. 13, 1798; d. s. p.
VIII. Miles,7 b. Oct., 1802.
IX. Harriet.7 b. Sept., 1804. She m., in
Sherman, John Orson Page, of Sher-
man and Monroe, Conn., and begat,
A. John Clark, b. Nov. 9, 1826; d. May 31, 1891.
He lived at N. Kent, Conn., and m., at
Dover Plains, N. Y.. July 5, 1847, Helen
Josephine Soule (b. Oct. 3, 1831), dau. of
Henry Soule and Abigail Benson. They
a. Edgar Clarence, b. May 21, 1848.
b. Walter Odle, b. April 7, 1850.
c. Cynthia Caroline, b. Aug. 28,
1852; d. July, 1864.
d. Laura Abbie, b. June 15, 1S55.
e. William Egbert, b. Nov, 7, 1857.
f. George McClellan, b. April 13,
B. John Odle, b. Feb., 1S27.
C. Almira.
D. Sarah Jane.
167. X. William C.,7 b. May 30, 1808; d. Jan.
25, 1S83.
XI. Laura Ann,7 b. Sept. 28, 1810; d. May
29, 1868.
79. Hezekiah Wakeman,6 of Westport, Conn., m.
there Feb. 18, 1798, Mary Godfrey (b. 1780; d. Oct. 6,
1859), dau. of Nathan and Mary Godfrey. They begat,
I. Benjamin,7 b. 1801; d. May 15, 1867.
He. m. Ruth Gay, and was a captain
on the Hudson river.
168. II. Hezekiah,7 d. Jan. 7, 1886.
169. III. Samuel,7 b. 1817; d. July 2, 1852.
170. IV. Edgar,7 b. May 24, 1818; d. May 8, 1875.
V. Mary,7 b. March 5, 1803; d. Jan. 21,
1888. She m. at Westport, Conn.,
Jan. 8, 1826, William G. Burr, of Gal-
way and Broadalbin, N. Y. (b. July
26, 1796; d. Dec. 23, 1877), and begat,
A. William H., b. Nov. 17, 1826.
B. Henry, b. May 15, 1828; d. March 7, 1885.
C. Jane E., m. in Galway, March 25, 1858,
Leonard S. Northrop, of Broadalbin (b.
Oct. 8, 1S24; d. Sept. 28, 1891), and begat,
a. Agnes E.
b. Leonard S., b. April 10, 1861 ; d.
April 11, 1861.
c. Mary Eugenia, m. July 26, 1887,
John Milton Gardner, of N. Y.
d. Helen B., b. July 18, 1S65; d.
Aug. 28, 1866.
e. Edgar B.
f. Aldah K., b. March 13, 1868; d.
June 30, 1869.
D. Hezekiah Wakeman.
E. Helen M.. b. Aug. 15, 1834; d. May 17, 1891.
F. Edgar Wakeman.
G. Aaron B.
H. Hetty L., b. Nov. 19, 1843; d. July 28, 1858.
I. Samuel M.
VI. Hetty,7 d. 1866. She m. in Westport,
Feb. 17, 1828, Henry Sherwood, of
Westport (b. 1796; d. May, 1878), and
A. Mary Elizabeth, who m. Mr. Woodward.
B. Henry Edgar.
VII. Jane,7 b. Oct. i, 1810; d. July 3, .1849.
She m. in Westport, Conn., May 31,
1831, Henry Nichols, of Albany, N.
Y. (b. Sept. 26, 1803; d. Oct. 28,
1846), and begat,
A. Henry Wakeman, b. Sept. 11, 1832; d. Nov
25, 1867.
B. Francis, b. March 20, 1834; d. May 22, 1879.
C. Edward Kilbourne, b. Aug. 28, 1837; d. Dec.
4, 1867.
D. John Cutler, b. Jan. 17, 1842.
VIII. PhilaA.7
80. Nathan Wakeman,6 d. at Malone, N. Y., July,
1813. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812, and was
killed. He m. Phoebe Johnston, and begat,
171. I. Marcus,7 b. in New Fairfield, Conn.,
March 17, 1795; d. Jan., 1869.
172. II. Oliver,7 b. in Rutland, Vt., Jan. 30, 1797;
d. March 7, 1876.
173. III. Nathan.7
IV. Joseph,7 d. single.
V. Phoebe,7 d. June 8, 1862. She m. first,
in Batavia, N. Y. , Calvin Cummings,
of Maine. He d. in Batavia. They
A. John, b. Aug. 4, 1820.
B. Calvin, b. April 12, 1822; d. i8q7.
She m. second, Abihu Reed, and begat,
C. William.
D. Eliza.
174. VI. Seth,7b. Jan. 15, 1811; d. Jan. 4, 1880.
8 J. William Wakeman,6 of Trumansburg, N. Y.,
served in the Revolution, in Capt. Dimon's Co., in
1775; also in the war of 1812, in April, 1814. He m.
Hannah Bradley, of Greenfield (d. 1833), and begat,
I. William Bradley.7
Thomas William,7 b. June 1, 1783; d.
April 4, 1840.
Abigail,7 m. Rev. Parker Wood worth.
Selina,7 m. Hersey King.
Priscilla,7 b. 1800; d. Oct. 17, 1868.
Sarah,7 m. Harvey Kinne.
Hannah,7 m. Eli Wheeler (son of John,
Jr.), and begat,
A. William.
B. Sarah.
C. Elinor.
D. John.
E. Charles.
F. Henry.
82. Jabez
Wakeman,6 served in the Revolutionary
•war, as is evidenced by the following affidavit :
State of New York, /
> ss. :
Sullivan Co. )
On the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-two, personally appeared in open Court before the Court
of Common Pleas of the said County of Sullivan now sitting,
Jabez Wakeman, a resident of the town of Fallsburgh in the
County of Sullivan and State of New York aforesaid, aged seventy
years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his
oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit
of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1S32. That he entered the
service of the United States, and served as herein stated ; that he
was born in the town of Fairfield, County of Fairfield and State of
Connecticut, on the tenth day of May, one thousand seven hun-
dred and sixty-two, as he believes and as it appears by his family
bible now at his home ; that when called into service he lived in
said town of Fairfield, and since the Revolutionary war resided
in Redding in said County of Fairfield twelve or fourteen years,
and then moved to the town of Thompson, now in the said town
of Fallsburgh, where he has lived ever since. That in the year
1777 he was drafted in the Militia and served three months in
Captain Ebenezer Hill's company, of which Lewis Goodsell was
Lieutenant, and in the regiment commanded by Colonel Jonathan
Dimon, and served out the said turn on the lines. In 1778 he en-
listed with Captain Eliphalet Thorp, Samuel Taylor, Lieutenant,
belonging to Colonel Webb's Regiment of Militia, and served six
months, kept guard on Sheppard's point an performed various
other duties, and served as Sergeant in said Company for six
months. In 1779 enlisted for one year as Sergeant in an Artil-
lery Company of Militia Commanded by Captain Eliphalet Thorp,
Lieutenant Samuel Sturgis and Isaac Jarvis in said Colonel
Dimon's Regiment, and served the whole time as Sergeant. At
Black Rock Fort was in the following different engagements,
viz.: When the British landed at Fairfield, at Ridgefield when
Danbury was burnt, at Cumber Hill when Greens Farms were
burnt, also when Norwalk was burnt and a number of skirmishes
on the lines. In the year 1780 served for three months under
Captain Jabez Botsford and Lieutenant Dunkins on the lines near
Horseneck. Besides the above regular service he frequently
volunteered in Colonel Sheldon's Regiment, and also on board of
whale boats commanded by Captain Brewster ; was wounded in
the wrist in the taking of Captain Hoyt, a Tory, who commanded
a British privateer, and generally lay at or near Hamburgh;
never received any written discharge, and believes that none were
given to the Militia in that quarter.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or
annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on
the pension roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
Jabez Wakeman.
Jesse M. Foster,
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas.
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the in-
vestigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatories
prescribed by the War Department, that the above named appli-
cant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states ; and the
Court further certifies that the said David Hammond, who has
signed the preceding certificate, is a resident of the Town of
Thompson, adjoining the Town of Fallsburgh, which has lately
been taken off of the Town of Thompson in that part where the
applicant resides, and that Daniel Crawford, who has also signed
the same, is a resident in the said Town of Fallsburgh, and that
they are persons of much respectability, are credible persons, and
their statements are entitled to credit.
Wm. Gillespie,
Thos. Coary (?),
Samuel Smith,
Judges of the
Common Pleas of
Stcllivan County.
I, Jesse M. Foster, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of
Sullivan County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains
the original proceeding of the said Court in the matter of the ap-
plication of Jabez Wakeman for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of
office this ioth day of October, 1832.
Jesse M. Foster.
Names of General and
Field Officers un-
Period. Years. Months. Days. Asa der whom he served.
Col. Joanthan
Drafted in 1777 3 .. Private. Dimon.
Capt. Ebenezer Hill.
Col. Webb.
Enlisted in 1778 6 .. Sergeant. Capt. Eliphalet
,-, ,. . , . Col. Dimon.
Enlisted m 1779 x •• •• Sergeant. Capt. E. Thorp.
Volunteered in 1780. . .. 3 .. Private. CaptHJo^sfoZrd.
County troops.
Certificate No. 14,915, issued July 25, 1833, rate $110 per an-
num, payable at the New York Agency. Rev. War ii,68i, File
No. 11,681, Invalid Vol. A., page 394.
Mr. Jabez Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, Conn., moved
to Sandburg, N. Y. , and became County Judge of Sul-
livan County, N. Y. , in 1803. He m. at Greenfield
Hill, Conn., June 21, 1781, Clarissa Banks (b. March
10, 1761; d. about 1836), dau. of Nehemiah Banks and
Abigail Bradley, of Danbury, Conn., and begat,
I. Hezekiah,7 who m. Miss Baird, of Corn-
wall, N. Y.
175. II. Uriah,7 b. May 4, 1782; d. 1829.
176. III. Jabez,7 b. Jan. 22, 1785; d. April 10,
177. IV. Talcott,7 b. June 5, 1787.
178. V. (Dr.) Banks,7 b. Aug. 2, 1789; d. Aug.
30, 1819.
179. VI. George Anson, 7b. June 4, 1794; d. March
22, 1850.
VII. (Rev.) Dimon,7 b. about 1800; d. 1829.
VIII. Clarissa,7 b. May 17, 1791; d. April 27,
1822. She m. Dr. Apollus B. Han-
ford, of Monticello, N. Y. He d. Jan.
21, 1830, and begat,
A. Clarissa Louisa, b. June 26, 1820. She was
the second wife of Edward K. Bryar, of
Huntington, N. Y., and m. him June 21,
1853, and begat,
a. George, b. March 12, 185S; d. Oct.
17, 1862.
b. Helen, b. March 6, 1864; d. Aug.
4, 1892.
IX. Abigail Bradley,7 b. May 4, 1795 ; d. Feb.
28, 1861. She m. E. H. Beardsley;
see below.
X. Esther Banks,7 b. May 30, 1798; d. Feb.
2. 1829. She m. Elijah Hopkins
Beardsley (b. Oct. 12, 1796; d. June
18, 1881), Jan. 27, 1819. They begat,
A. Lucinda A., b. March 16, 1S21. She m. Gov.
Sears, in 1840.
B. Esther Ann, b. Aug. 29, 1823; d. Sept. 5,
1845. She m. Benjamin Howes, Nov. 13,
C. Harriet M., b. July 11, 1S26. She m. in
Sandburg, N. Y., July 27, 1845, Ira
Penny, of Emporia, Kansas (b. Feb. 19,
i8ig;d. Oct. 31, 1S91). They begat,
a. Esther Maria, b. March 4, 1848.
b. Lucinda A., b. Oct 8, 1852.
c. Clara B., b. Nov. 20, 1862; d. June
8, 1894.
Mr. Beardsley, m. Oct. 31, 1830, Abigail,
(see above), and begat,
D. Damon N., b. Feb. 27, 1832.
E. Clarissa L., b. July 19, 1834. She m. George
Smith, of Ellenville, N. Y.
S3. Levi Wakeman,0 m. Jan. 9, 1787, Sarah Osborn
(b. Sept., 1765). They begat,
I. Lois,7 b. Oct. 8, 1787. She m. Ephraim
II. Sarah,7 b. Feb. 22, 1790; d. Feb. 14,
1865. She m. Thaddeus Morehouse
(b. Feb. 23, 1783; d. at Olney, 111.,
March 15, 1866), March 1, 1808. They
A. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 7, 1808.
B. Cynthia, b. Dec. 10, 1S10.
C. Denize, b. March 24, 1814; d. May 14, 1822.
D. Philena, b. Feb. 29, 1816.
E. David W., b. Nov. 7, 1819.
F. Daniel W., b. May 14, 1821.
G. Thaddeus, b. Oct. 14, 1824.
H. Levi S., b. June 20, 1S27.
I. Othniel B., b. Jan. 2S, 1829. Hem. in Olney,
111., Dec. 22, 1850, Mary Elliott (b. July
16, 1831), dau. of James Elliott and Mary
Rawlings, of Tenn. They begat,
a. Medora, b. Nov. 5, 1851.
b. Carliette, b. June 18, 1853. She
m. July 1, 1S69, Aden Knoph
(b. Dec. 18, 1843). They begat,
Ada, b. Dec. 10, 1S70; d.
April 7, 1893.
Edward, b. Feb. 7, 1873.
Maud, b. Dec. 1, 1874.
Charles Fremont, b. April
18, 1855.
J. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 6, 1S30; d. Oct. 1, 1831.
K. Catherine, b. Sept. 19, 1831; d. Oct. 31, 1832.
180. III. William,7 b. March 27, 1793; d. Nov.
22, 1881.
IV. Levi Hill,7 b. Dec. 28, 1796.
84. David Wakeman,6 of Lafayette, N. Y., m. in
Fairfield, Conn., April 9, 1794, Clarissa Morehouse (b.
May 26, 1773; d. Nov. 16, 182 1), dau. of Seth More-
house. They begat,
181. I. Morehouse,7 b. Jan. 28, 1795; d. Sept.
28, 1838.
182. II. David,7 b. July 3, 1797; d. April 28)
III. Ruth,7 b. June 12, 1800; d. March 27,
1844. She m. in Milan, N. Y., Jan.
6, 1827, Noah Wilbur, of North Ber-
gen, N. Y. (b. Aug. 31, 1797; d. July
25, 1874). They begat,
A. Clarissa, b. March io, 1824.
B. Samuel, b. Aug. 12, 1826.
C. David, b. Dec. 14, 1830; d. March 2§, 1866.
D. William, b. Aug. 25, 1840.
E. Mary E., b. July 5, 1843. She m. at Stam-
fordville, N. Y., June 10, 1873, Rev.
James Wright, now of Ridgeway, Mich,
(b. Nov. 13, 183S). They begat,
A. Ernest W. W., b. May 17, 1878.
b. Charles Herbert, b. March 7, 1886-
183. IV. William H.,7 b. April 4, 1807; d. Nov.
11, 1839.
V. Hezekiah,7 d. s. p.
85. Capt. Hezekiah Wakeman,6 of Thompson, N. Y.,
1809. He m. Matilda Bradley, dau. of Seth P. Brad-
ley and Dorothy Williams. They begat,
I. Charlotte,7 bap. 1803.
II. Hezekiah Jefferson,7 bap. 1803.
III. Bradley,7 d. in infancy.
IV. One more.7
86. Ira Wakeman,6 of Greenfield, m. Rhoda Sly (b.
Nov. 6, 1786), dau. of Phineas Sly. They begat,
I. Mary,7 d. May 14, 1858; m. Burr Hall.
II. Clarissa,7 m. John Parkington.
III. Sarah,7 m. Alden Gould, March 27,
183 1, begat Charles.
184. IV. William,7 b. May 9, 1817.
185. V. David,7 b. 1818; d. 1895.
VI. Caroline,7 m. April 6, 1845, Ephraim
Lane (b. Jan. 6, 1815 ; d. April 1, 1878),
and begat,
A. Frederick Andrew.
B. Horatio M.
VII. Selina,7 m. Charles L. Lockwood.
87. Walker Sherwood Wakeman,6 of Wilton, Conn.,
and Lewisboro, N. Y., m. at Georgetown, Conn., Dec.
x8, 1799, Mary Osborn (b. May 11, 1774; d. Oct. 11,
1S60), dau. of Isaac Osborn. They begat,
I. Julia,7 b. Nov. 30, 1800; d. June 3, 1876.
She m. Oct. 25, 1821, Lewis Denton,
of Wilton, Conn., and begat,
A. Wakeman, d. aged 4 years.
B. Clarissa R.
C. Mary, d. aged 6 years.
D. Lewis.
E. Sylvester, d. 1S69.
F. Annie, d. 1875.
G. Paulina, d. aged 8 years.
H. James, b. June 16, 1838.
I. Sarah Paulina, b. July 24, 1840.
II. Clarissa,7 b. July 2, 1802; d. March 31,
1861. She m. Nov. 17, 1825, at South
Salem, N. Y. , Ebenezer S. Raymond,
of Portchester, N. Y. (b. April 22,
1804; d. Jan. 23, 1879). They begat,
A. Eliza, b. Sept. 12, 1826; d. Jan. 17, 1856.
. B. Julia, b. Oct. 15, 1829; d. Feb. 14, 18S1.
C. Hiram, b. May 28, 1S31.
D. Clarissa, b. Aug. 5, 1832. She m. Dec. 25,
1854, in Portchester, N. Y., Oliver J.
Rudd, of Portchester (b. Sept. 14, 1828).
They begat,
a. C. Raymond, b. Dec. 1, 1855.
b. George M., b. March 13, 1S65.
III. Sherwood,7 b. March 18, 1804; d. Nov.
25, 1816.
186. IV. Samuel,7 b. Sept. 19, 1805; d. Jan. 3,
187. V. Aaron O.,7 b. June 12, 1810; d. May 20,
VI. Walker Sherwood,7 b April 17, i8i7;d.
April 27, 1848.
88. Salmon Wakeman,6 of Redding and Wilton,
Conn., m. Elizabeth Perry, and begat,
I. Salmon,7 d. in infancy.
188. II. Gorham,7 b. June, 1801; d. Sept. 8, 1833
189. III. Eri,7 b. Sept. 25, 1802; d. June 15, 1884
IV. Rosalind,7 b. 1803; d. Sept. 4, 1836
She m. May 27, 1838, Thomas Good
win, of Derby, Eng. (b. May 16, 1798
d. Dec. 20, 1874). They begat,
A. Serena H.,b. March 7, 1839; d. March 6, 1883
B. Mary Frances, b. May 4, 1840; d. May 27
C. Wakeman, b. Dec. 1, 1842; d. Sept. 17, 1843
190. V. Daniel Perry,7 b. March 9, 1806; d. April
10, 1842.
191. VI. Isaac,7 b. Feb. 23, 1808; d. Oct. 24, 1888.
VII. Ruth Ann,7 m. David D. Day, of Troy,
N. Y., and Georgetown, Conn. They
A. Charles.
B. Rosaline.
C. Henry M.
D. Amos C.
E. Josiah Lyon, b. Oct. 21, 1S40. He m. in
Carmel, N. Y. , Ellen Louise Baldwin, dau.
of Nathaniel Stow Baldwin and Mary Ann
Penny, of Danbury, Conn. They begat,
a. Arthur Morgan, b. April 12, 1867.
b. Julia May, b. April 6, 1870.
VIII. Elizabeth.7
IX. Almira.7
X. John.7
XI. George,7 d. April 30, 1884.
89. Samuel Sherwood Wakeman,6 of Balston Spa,
N. Y., m. Sept. 12, 1809, Sarah Lee (b. Oct. 30, 1790;
d. Jan. 8, 187 1), dau. of Rev. Elias Lee. They begat,
I. Rachel Edmond,7 b. July 13, 1810; d.
May 7, 1848. She m. in Saratoga, N.
Y. , Oct. 1832, Daniel Ramsdale, of
Saratoga (b. 1806; d. May 24, 1858).
They begat,
A. Mary, b. July 11, 1837; d. Dec. 19, 1887.
B. John Henry, b. Oct. n, 1841.
C. Frances, b. Sept. 27, 1843.
D. Lucy Maria, b. June ir, 1847.
II. Anne Amanda,7 b. July 6, 1812; d. May
6, 1893. She m. Daniel Perry Wake-
man (see No. 190).
III. Elias Lee,7 b. Jan. 10. 1816; d. Oct. 6,
192. IV. John Alexis,7 b. Aug. 26, i8i7;d. Feb.
2 1, 1889.
V. Margaret Lee,7 b. Dec. 1, 1819; d. Feb.
18, 1891.
VI. Sara Maria,7 b. March 11, 1827; d. Oct.
31, 1895. She m. in Saratoga, N. Y. ,
Feb. 11, 1852, James Langdon Weed,
of Saratoga (b. June 27, 1825; d. Feb.
24, 1892). They begat,
A. Sarah Esther, b. Aug. 3, 1859.
90. Peter Wakeman,6 of Covert, N. Y., m. 1805,
Mary Squire (b. Feb. 22, 1786; d. Feb. 24, 1874), dau.
of Samuel Squire, of Fairfield, Conn. They begat,
I. Miranda,7 b. Dec. 20, 1807; d. Sept. 24,
1897. She m. March 5, 1829, George
Burr (b. Aug. 30, 1808; d. Aug. 5,
1897), son of Timothy Burr and Mary
Taylor. They begat,
A. Elizabeth, b. March 6, 1830. She m. Aug.
25, 1850, Charles P. Bradley, of Green-
field Hill (b. Dec. 17, 1824), and begat,
a. George William, b. June 21, 1851;
d. July 6, 1S51.
B. Florence Orphelia, b. May 23, 1854 ;
d. March 1, 18S5. She m. Thom-
as Archibald, July 5, 1876, and
begat, Bessie. He d. Feb. 1880.
B. Georgianna Perry, b. May 3, 1840; d. Oct.
24, 1870. She m. George Henry Bradley,
of Greenfield Hill, Oct. 10, 1856. They
a. Fanny Miranda, b. Jan. 9, 1867;
she m. July 9, 1896, Robert C.
Hitchcock, and begat,
Roland C, b. July 5, 1897.
II. Sarah Ann,7 b. June 21, 1811. She m.
Samuel Rappelye, of Ridgeway, Mich-
igan, and begat,
A. Oscar.
B. Erastus.
C. Hannibal.
D. Lafayette.
E. Buel.
III. Clarissa,7 b. Nov. 13, 1814. She m.
July 12, 1835, Lewis Matthews, of
Sheldrake, N. Y. (b. March 14, 1814;
d. Dec. 18, 1893, in Ovid, N. Y).
They begat,
A. Peter W., b. Sept. 22, 1839; d. Feb. 23, 1S41.
B. Horace S.. b. Jan. 18, 1841.
C. Angeline W., b Feb. iS, 1843.
D. Anna W., b. Jan. 15, 1845-
E. Sarah L., b. Aug. 7. 1849.
F. Rachel B., b. April 10, 1847.
G. Francis, b. Oct. 10, 1851.
H. Wakeman P., b. Sept. 4, 1853.
I. Diana D., b. June 28, 1856.
J. Richmond, b. Oct. 17,1857.
IV. Rachel Squire,7 b. March 2, 1817; d.
May 2 7, 1896. Shem. William W. Rap-
pelye, of Farmer, N. Y., Feb. 27,
1840 (b. Nov. 20, 1816; d. Dec. 27,
1890). They begat,
A. Sarah Squire, b. Dec. 15, 1842.
B. Mary Angeline, b. June 23, 1846.
C. Miranda Burr, b. Jan. 7, i860; d. Feb. 23,
V. Angeline,7 b. Aug. 18, 1824. She m.
Franklin Kennedy, of Ridgeway,
Michigan. They begat,
A. Henry.
B. Alfred.
C. Franklin.
9U Elisha Wakeman,0 of Covert, N. Y., m. at Rhine-
beck, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1808, Marie Ostrom (b. Oct. it,
1792; d. Sept. 21, 187 1), dau. of Rulof Ostrom, of Hol-
land. They begat,
193. I. Joel,7 b. Oct. 23, 1809; d. May 24, 1898.
II. John,7 b. June 19, 1813; d. July 20, 1883.
III. Samuel,7 b. July 21, 1818; d. Oct. 10,
92. Samuel Wakeman,0 of Fairfield, Conn., m. there
Dec. 18, 1800, Sarah Burr (bap. Dec. 9, 1779; d. March
6, 1857), dau. of Peter Burr, of Fairfield. No children.
93. Joseph Wakeman,6 of Fairfield, Conn., m. there
May 11, 1834, Sarah A. Bulkley (b. 1813; d. Jan. 9,
1880), dau. of Henry S. Bulkley and Nancy Tiller.
They begat,
I. Jane,7 b. April 13, 1835; d. Jan., 1882.
She m. Benjamin P. Bacon (b. 1834),
Nov, 7, i860.
194. II. Andrew Peck,7 b. Jan. 17, 1838.
94. Benjamin Wakeman,6 of Monroe, Conn., m. in
Tashua, Conn., Nov. 21, 1821, Julia Gregory, dau. of
Daniel Gregory, of Tashua. They begat,
I. Eunice,7 b. Jan. 16, 1S23. She m. Feb.
24, 1843, Frederick Hurd, of Fair-
field, Conn., and begat,
A. Eugene Frederick.
B. Julia Claire.
95. Stephen Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, Conn., and
Lockport, N. Y. He enlisted at Fairfield, Conn., and
served nineteen months in the Revolution, a part of the
time under Capt. Nash. He received a pension in 1832.
He m. in Greensfarms, June 29, 1789, to Sarah White-
head, of Greensfarms (b. Aug. 24, 1768; d. May 11,
1844). They begat,
195. I. Stephen,7 b. Oct. 29, 1790; d. Sept. 23,
II. Charity,7 b. May 2, 1792; d. 1844. She
m. Abraham Van Deventer, of Rom-
ulus and Friendship, N. Y. (b. Nov.
4, 1792; d. March 1873). They begat,
A. Isaac, b. 1S13.
B. Stephen Wakeman. b. Sept. io, 1814; d. June
26, 1SS7. He m. in Townsend, N. Y.,
Dec. 23, 183S, Eliza McElwee (b. April 23,
1 814), dau. of William McElwee and Eliz-
abeth Scott, of Watkins, N. Y. They
a. Abraham F., b. Oct. 8, 1839; m.
Oct. 24, i860, Augusta J. Breese,
of Horseheads, N. Y.
b. Katherine E., b. April 1, 1843; m.
Oscar Haring, of Watkins, N.
C. Charles, b. 1816.
D. John, b. 1818.
E. Anna, b. 1821 ; d. Feb. 8, 1897.
III. Parmela,7 b. March 6, 1794.
IV. Abel,7 b. May 27, 1796; d- APril> l8l7-
V. Benjamin,7 b. March 2, 1798; d. Oct. 15,
VI. Salome,7 b. Sept. 14, iS°°; d- APnl 24*
1883. She m. in Lockport, N. Y.,
Oct. 25, 1818, Rosekrans Holmes, of
North ville, Mich. (b. Feb. 23, 1797;
d. Sept. 5, 1844). They begat,
A. Charles A., b. April 15, 1820; d. Jan. io, 1887.
He m. Betsey Brown, Dec. 24, 1843, and
Susie Reed, 1863.
B. Helen Ann, b. May 20, 1821. She m. Wil-
liam Warner, March 18, 1846.
C. Mary, b. Sept. r, 1822; d. Dec. 29, 1827.
D. Amanda D., b. May 3, 1824; m. L. P. Nor-
ton, May 19, 1S47.
E. Catherine, b. March 6, 1826; d. Sept. 4, 1850.
F. Sarah E., b. Aug. 25, 1827. She m. Oct. 7,
1856, Robert Yerkes, of Novi, Mich. (b.
Sept. 27, 1S29). They begat,
a. John G., b. Aug. 15, 1S57; d. June
21, i860.
b. William H., b. Sept. 7, 1860.
c. George B. , b. Nov. 16, 1864.
d. Donald P., b. Oct. 29, 1866.
e. Robert Clare, b. Feb. 28, 1868.
G. Mary Jane, b. April 30, 1829; d. March 15,
H. Lucinda C, b. March 28, 1831; d. Dec. 18,
1S91. She m. Bryon C. Whittaker, Dec.
17, 1862.
I. Alfred W., b. April 23, 1833; m. Lydia Dev-
J. Hiram R., b. Nov. 10, 18341m. June 16, 1887,
in Novi, Jennie R. Blackwood (b. May 7,
1855), dau. of Samuel Blackwood and
Mary J. Ewing. They begat,
a. Albert, b. March 24, 1890.
b. Hiram P., b. Nov. 17, 1S94.
c. Mary Helen, b. Feb. 18, 1896.
K. Infant, b. Sept. 23, 1836; d. Sept. 23, 1836.
L. Louisa T., b. Oct. 10, 1837. She m. March
27, 1862, Henry W. Norton, of Northville,
Mich. (b. Jan. 19, 1837). They begat,
a. Mary Kate, b. May 25, 1862, m.
T. G. Youngs.
b. Henry Perley, b. Oct. 10, 1865.
c. Lucy Salome, b. March 6, 1S67.
d. Helen Amanda, b. Sept 22, 186S.
e. Charles Hardy, b. April 6, 1870.
f. Martha Louisa, b. March 11, 1873.
g. Arthur H., b. Dec. 26, 1877.
M. Dorinda C, b. Aug. 10, 1837. She m. at
Plymouth, Mich., Oct. 7. 1867, Samuel
Bassett (b. Feb. 18, 1836), and begat,
a. George H., b. May 10, 1870.
b. Edith K., b. Jan. 31, 1872.
c. Emma V., b. Sept. 21, 1875.
d. Charles E., b. Feb. 24, 1881.
N. George L., b. April 16, 1841.
VII. Ann,7 b. July 2, 1802; d. 1843.
196. VIII. Samuel,7 b. Feb. 2, 1806; d. 1882.
197. IX. Alfred,7 b. Jan. 9, 1808; d. March 26,'
X. Lucinda,7 b. March 26, 1810; d. Feb. 26,
1868. She m. in Lockport, N. Y.,
April 19, 1838, Henry Hazard Norton,
of Howell, Mich. (b. Nov. 15, 1808;
d. July 22, 1874). They begat,
A. Helen Sarah, b. May 2S, 1839.
B. Henry Gould, b. Dec. 18, 1840; d. Oct. 11,
C. Henry Holmes, b. Oct. 15, 1843; d. Aug. 21,
D. Malcolm Declair, b. Feb. 12, 1846. He m.
Feb. 11, 1S80, Ada Caroline Norton (b.
Nov. 4, 1855), dau. of O. W. Norton, of
Stillman Valley, 111., and Margaret L-
E. Frances Amelia, b. March 3, 1849. She m.
March 15, 1892, Henry F. Lake, of Gun-
nison, Colo. (b. 1843).
F. Horace Wakeman, b. Sept. 28, 1852. He m.
Dec. 13, 1876, Hattie Bailey (b. Jan. 15,
1855), dau. of Charles Bailey and Harriet
McDowell, and begat,
A. Henry H., b. Oct. 2, 1877.
b. Ruth, b. Sept. 26, iS7g;d. July,
c. Horace W., b. Oct., 1883.
d. Charles B., b. Jan. 7, 1886.
e. Helen Louise, b. May 19, 1889.
XL Caroline,7 b. Oct. 4, 1812; d Jan. 28,
She rn. Matthew Rainforth, and begat,
A. Miles, b., Nov. 22, 1843; d. Aug. 5, 1844.
B. Mary, b. June 4, 1845; d. Jan. 20, 1S47.
C. Helen, b. Nov. 4, 1847; d. July 26, 1848.
96. Wakeman Wakeman," of Balston Spa, N. Y., m.
Phoebe b. i78i;d. Oct. 4, 1835. No children.
97. Benjamin Wakeman," of Burnt Hills, N. Y., m.
and begat,
I. Polly,7 who m. Mr. Baker, and begat,
A. Eliza, who m. Mr. Hollister.
B. Mary Ann, who ra. Mr. Jennings.
II. Sally,7 m. Mr. Monroe, and begat,
A. John.
III. Lucy,7 m. Mr. Barber, and begat,
A. William H.
B. Louisa.
98. Silliman Wakeman," m. Susannah Thurston, in
Seneca County, N. Y. He d. in Toledo, Ohio, and
I. Adaline,7 b. Aug., 1808; m. Mr. Ford.
II. Jane,7 b. 1809; d. 1894; m. Mr. Fisher.
198. III. Edward Adams,7 b. July 4, 181 1 ; d. Feb.
9, 1898.
IV. Joseph,7 b. 1813.
99. Banks Wakeman,6 of Greensfarms, Conn., m.
in Fairfield, first, to Happy Osborn (b. 1770; d. June 16,
1794), and second, to Eleanor Jennings (b. April 28,
1776; d. March 25, 1861), Nov. 20, 1796, dau. of Joshua
Jennings, of Greensfarms, and begat,
I. Happy Osborn,7 b. Jan. 27, 1794; d-
Dec. 31, 1871. She m. in Greens-
farms, Oct. 6, 18 16, Joseph Mather
(b. Sept. 30, 1789; d. Sept. 27, 1864),
of Darien, Conn. They begat,
A. David Banks, b. Oct. 16, 1817; d. Dec. 13,
B. Sarah Jarvis, b. Sept. 16, 1S1S; d. Feb. 15,
C. Joseph Wakeman, b. Jan. n, 1820. Hem.
in New York City, Dec. 25, 1856, Maria
A. Mahan (b. Feb. 4, 1833 ; d. March 16,
1859), dau. of Thomas Mahan and Jane
Merritt. Joseph W. Mather next m. in New-
York, June 27, 1864, Bertha J. Walker (b.
March 31, 1844), dau. of Edward Walker
and Sophia Shedell. He begat,
a. Ella Maria, b. Sept. 29, 1857; d.
Dec. 16, 1861.
b. Stephen Tyng, b. July 4, 1S67.
c. Joseph Wakeman, b. Jan. 18, 1869;
d. Feb. 4, 1888.
D. Henry Burritt, b. April 30, 1825; d. June 2S,
E. William Francis, b. May 13, 1829.
II. Maria,7b. Feb. 22, 1798; d. Oct. 30, 1866.
She m. in Greensfarms, Dee. 21, 1817,
Nathaniel L. Hill (b. June 28, 1793;
d. Feb. 17, 1861). They begat,
A. William Augustus, b. April 7, 1819.
B. Mary Eleanor, b. March 3, 1822; d. Feb.,
C. Maria Augusta, b. May 16, 1825.
D. Thomas Banks, b. June 28, 1828.
E. Henry Martyn, b. Aug. 31, 1S33.
F. George Cook, b. Dec. 29, 1837.
III. Esther,7 bap. Sept. 19, 1802.
199. IV. Charles,7 b. Jan. 23, 1800; d. Jan. 5, 1880.
V. Amelia E.,7 b. July 17, 1801; d. Feb. 5,
200. VI. Stephen Burritt,7 b. Nov. 15, 1804; d.
Dec. 2, 1857.
VII. Sally Burr,7 b. Feb. 15, 1807; d. Dec, 22,
VIII. Eleanor,7 b. Feb. 10, 1809; d. Feb. 15,
IX. Eliza Lucretia,7 b. Dec. 5, 1812; d. April
15, 1887.
201. X. Talcott Banks,7 b. Aug. 14, 1815 ; d. Jan.
18, 1888.
XI. Mary,7 b. Oct. 11, 1817; d. Aug. 9, 1819.
XII. Eleanor,7 b. Feb. 14, 1810; d. Nov. 14,
202. XIII. Henry Burr,7b. April 12, 1820; d. March
30, 1892.
J 00. Jesup Wakeman,6 of Southport, Conn. He
was a man of prominence and good business ability,
being interested in various enterprises. He had a gen-
eral store in Southport, and ran a line of boats from
there to other ports. He was an original director of the
Bridgeport Bank in 1807, and served on the board
twenty-one years. He was collector of internal rev-
enue for the district in which Fairfield is located, from
1815 to 1818. He was also largely interested in the
Turnpike Co., that built and owned a section of the new
turnpike between New York and New Haven; this sec-
tion being the one lying between Stamford and Bridge-
port. He was also interested with Mr. E. Jesup and
Mr. Bronson, in buying up some of the fire land scrip
issued by the Government to recoup losers by the Brit-
ish during the wars. He obtained government land for
this scrip, locating it in Northern Ohio, the Western
Reserve. As one result the present town of Wakeman,
Ohio, was named for him. He d. in May, 1844, leaving
an estate of $120,000. He m. in Fairfield, Conn., May
24, 1796, Esther Dimon (b. Jan. 28, 1770; d. March 17,
1855), dau. of William B. Dimon and Esther Sturges.
They begat,
I. Susan,7 b. March 7, 1797; d. April 20,
1882. She m. in Southport, Conn.,
May 4, 1824, Jesup W. Scott, of Ridge-
field, Conn., and Toledo, O. (see page
No. 205). They begat,
A. William Henry, b. Sept. 3, 1825, in Colum-
bia, S. C. He m. in Adrian, Mich., Oct.
15, 1851, Mary Agnes Winans (b. April 2,
1829), dau. of Edward Holly and Lydia
Catherine Winans, of Adrian, Mich. They
a. Fannie. She m. Mr. Waters, of
Baltimore, Md.
b. Susan Wakeman.
c. Jennie.
d. Edward Jesup.
B. Maurice A.
C. Frank Jesup.
203. II. William Webb,7 b. June 19, 1799; d.
April 19, 1869.
204. III. Maurice,7 b. Sept. 15, 1801; d. Dec. 1,
205. IV. Zalmon Bradley,7 b. Nov. 2, 1803; d.
Feb. 12, 1865.
206. V. Jesup Banks,7 b. June 17, 1806; d. March
VI. Julia Frances,7 b. Sept. 23, 1811; d. Jan.
23, 1888. She m. in Southport, Oct.
30, 1833, Ebenezer Jesup, Jr., of
Westport (b. Aug. n, 1805; d. March,
1861). They begat,
A. Hetty Wakeman, b. Feb. 29, 1844; d. Oct. 18,
VII. Esther Dimon,7 b. Sept. 27, 1814; d.
Dec. 25, 1897. She m. in Southport,
Jan. 11, 1847, Warren Dernman Gook-
in, of Brooklyn, N. Y. (b. Feb. 16,
1810; d. Jan. 27, 1874). He was a
prominent shipping merchant in New
York, and partner of Capt. William
W. Wakeman (No 203).
VIII. Cornelia,7 b. Oct. 8, 1817; d. Sept. 22,
1896. She m. in Southport, Conn.,
Oct. 18, 1837, Samuel Aborn Crapo,
of Providence. R. I. (b. March 9, 1804;
d. May 9, 1853). They begat,
A. William Wakeman, b. Oct. 30, 1838 ; d. March
21, 1871.
B. Cornelia Wakeman, b. March 20, 1841.
JO J* Moses Wakeman,7 of Tompkins, Del. Co., N.
Y, b. at Easton, Conn., d. at Tompkins; m. March
1790, Sarah Williams (b. Aug. 28, 1772; d. June 14,
1845), dau. of Elnathan and Hannah Williams, of Eas-
ton, and begat,
207. I. Hanford,8 b. Feb. 12, 1792; d. Dec. 27,
II. Clarissa,8 bap. April 8, 1792; d. April 10,
1817; m. Hezekiah Beers, and begat,
A. Eleanor, who m. Maurice Gould, of Conn.
B. Abigail, d. in infancy.
C. Clarissa, b. April 5, 1817.
III. Eunice,8 b. Jan. 10, 1794; d. 1840. She
m. Nathan Nichols, of Walton, N. Y.,
in 1810. He was b. Feb. 19, 1789;
d. Aug. 6, 1857. They begat,
A. Betsey, who m. Mr. Booth, and Nelson Beers.
B. Deborah, b. April 6, 1811 ; she m. S. Phelter.
C. Samantha, m. Wm. Taylor.
D. Harvey, b. Sept. 26, 1812.
E. Perry, b. Oct., 1S13.
F. Smith, b. Sept. 13, 1S16.
G. William Henry, b. Jan. 20, 1818.
H. Melissa, b. Nov. 1, 1819.
I. Wright.
208. IV. William,8 d. Sept. 11, 1833.
V. Walter,8 d. aged 20.
VI. Amelia,8 b. Aug. 30, 1800; d. April 17,
1862. She m. March 21, 1819, at
Walton, N. Y., Jonathan Beers, of
Walton (b. Sept. 16, 1788; d. April 3,
1875). They begat,
A. Almira, b. July 19, 1S20.
B. Martha, b. May 5. 1822.
C. Bradley, b. Jan. 3, 1824.
D. Albert, b. Oct. 5, 1826.
E. Wallace, b. June q, 1828.
F. Walter, b. Oct. 30, 1830.
G. Adaline, b. Dec. 1, 1832.
H. Moses Wakeman, b. March 3, 1835.
I. Harriet, b. Nov. 13, 1836.
J. Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1838.
K. Augusta, b. July 16, 1844.
VII. Julia," b. April 5, 1801; d. s. p.
VIII. Sally,8 b. March 22, 1803; d. 1880. She
m. Dec. 10, 1826, at Walton, N. Y.,
Alvah Rowell, of Trumbull, Conn.,
and Franklin, N. Y. (b. May 8, 1803;
d. April 3, 1869). They begat,
A. Helen M., b. Aug. 12, 1S28.
B. Julia A., b. Nov. 2, 1S31.
C. Edwin, b. Aug. 15, 1833.
D. Mahlon D., b. Jan. 6, 1837.
E. Charles L., b. Feb. 13, 1840.
F. Julia, b. Aug. 6, 1843.
G. Edward P., b. Nov. 4. 1845.
IX. Eleanor,8 d. aged two years.
X. Elnathan,6 d. aged one year.
XI. Sophronia,8 b. Jan. 13, 1805. She m. in
Walton, N. Y., March 31, 1848, James
Elderkin, of Salisbury, Conn., and
Franklin, N. Y. (b. Feb. 21, 1810).
209. XII. Moses,8 b. Nov. 2, 1808; d. April 30,
XIII. Selina,8 b. Oct. 8, 1813. She m. June
24, 1838, in Walton, Hiram H. Gard-
ner, of N. Leveritt, Mass., and Vestal,
N. Y. (b. Jan. 22, 1814). They begat,
A. Lyman Wakeman, b. Aug. 28, 1849.
210. XIV. Stephen,8 b. Nov., 1815.
J02, James Wakeman,7 of Walton, N. Y., m. Dec,
1789, at Roxbury, N Y., Elizabeth Dimon (or Dem-
mon), dau of Benjamin. She d. July 3, 1831. They
211. I. James,8 b. April 14, 1791; d. Jan. 6,
212. II. Benjamin,8 b. May 22, 1793; d. March
15, 187.1.
213. III. John,8 b. July 27, 1795; d- JulY J» l874-
IV. Betsey,8 b. March 2, 1798; d. Jan. 25,
1874. She m. in Walton, March 16,
18 1 7, Bradley Lyon, of Conn. (b. Sept.
14, 1790; d. Sept. 6, 1865, in Hobart,
N. Y.) They begat,
A. James Wakeman, b. April 10, 1819; d. May
15, 1819.
B. William W., b. Jan. 18, 1821; d. March, 1879.
C. James W., b. March 17, 1823.
D. Charles B., b. June 28, 1826.
E. Betsey Ann, b. Aug. 1, 1828.
F. Levi, b. Jan. 31, 1832.
G. John H., b. Feb. 14, 1835.
H. Augustus B., b. Aug. 26, 1839.
V. Catherine,8 b. Jan. 7, 1802; d. May 14,
1873. She m. in Walton, James Smith,
of Roxbury, N. Y. (d. Dec, 185 1).
They begat,
A. William.
B. Johnson.
C. Elizabeth.
214. VI. Abel,8 b. Oct. 25, 1S05 ; d. Feb. 16, 1871.
VII. Anna,8 b. Oct. 27, 1813; d. Aug. 28,
1880. She m. Dec. 6, 1830, in Wal-
ton, Nicholas Nichols, of Walton (b.
July 21, 1805; d. Feb. 11, 1868). They
A. Truman, b. April 25, 1832.
B. Elizabeth, b. April 11, 1835.
C. Harriet, b. Aug. 30, 1839.
D. Daniel, b. Oct. 20, 1847.
215. VIII. Alfred,8 b. May 21, 1816; d. Aug. 4,
The following Bear story with James Wakeman (see
No 211) as one of the principal actors, was supplied
by Mr. G. B. Wakeman, of Unadilla, N. Y. :
"During the winter of 181 5, big black bears had de-
pleted the sheep of James Wakeman, grandfather
of the writer. Mr. Wakeman had made a number
of attempts at shooting these big bears, but without
success, and finally concluded to try the virtues of
a bear trap possessed by his brother Benjamin.
The trap was accordingly set in the woods and a
carcass of a sheep, lately deceased, was placed in
the crotch of a sapling near by, and the trap deftly
. covered with leaves. On the fourth morning there-
after, as Mr. Wakeman was casually strolling in
that immediate vicinity, he was pleased to notice
that a big black bear of the male persuasion was
caught in the trap by a rear leg, the trap having
been fastened to a large log of wood to prevent it
from being carried away without leaving a trail.
Mr. Wakeman went home with speed and from
thence to the house of his brothers, Benjamin, John
and Abel, whom he informed of the interesting situa-
tion. The four hastily repaired to the woods, and
as Mr. Wakeman wished to take the big black bear
alive, he made the following proposition which was
agreed upon by all: 'John, you cut a good withe
and make it into a running noose which you can
get over the bear's head.' The bear in the mean-
time had been prodded with saplings and had been
rushing at the four brothers until he had gotten
near the edge of the woods from which no amount
of urging or torture would tempt him. The log at-
tached to the strap was finally made fast, when the
fun began in earnest. John finally got his noose
over the bear's head and immediately snubbed it
around a tree. ' Now boys,' said Mr. Wakeman,
'we have him. I have here some cord to tie him
with ; now Abel I want you to take enough in your
teeth to tie his hind legs together, and Benjamin
and I will each rush in and each take one of his fore
legs. Remember, this boys, we have all got to
hang on, for if one lets go his hold the others are
going to get hurt. Now then, all ready, catch
him ! ' The three rushed in and each caught his
leg as directed and a lively tussle ensued lasting at
least some time, and I have heard my grandfather
say, that he never in all his life saw ' stars ' so fast
as he did while the bear was threshing his and Ben-
jamin's heads together. The bear was finally tied,
and a sapling run through his legs lengthwise of his
body. The brothers then shouldered him and car-
ried him to the house. A jointed ring was made
and put about his leg, and he was tied to a tree in
the back yard where he was kept about two years,
and finally shot by grandfather and it weighed 323
J03. Stephen Wakeman, 7 of Walton, N. Y. , m. Sept. ,
1792, Sara Jennings (probably dau. of Jabez and Sarah
Jennings), of Fairfield, Conn. They begat,
216. I. Jabez Jennings,8 bap. Aug. 17, 1794.
217. II. David.8
218. III. Jesup,8 b. 1796; d. 1866.
IV. Polly,8 m. Peter Nichols, and begat,
A. Matilda.
219. V. George,8 d. Sept., 1848.
VI. Abigail,8 b. May 6, 1813; d. Aug., 1893.
She m. Nov. 6, 1836, Zalmon Turney,
of Easton, Conn. (b. April 20, 1800;
d. Dec. 31, 1880). They begat,
A. Julia M., b. Aug. 7, 1834; m- David Edwards.
B. Mary B., b. Nov. 24, 1841.
C. Abba, b. Jan. 15, 1848 ; m. Melvin Silliman.
D. James B., b. June 21, 1856.
VII. Stephen,8 d. aged 21.
104. Epaphras Wakeman,7 of Walton, N. Y., m.
June 28, 1800, in Conn., Abigail Banks (b. July 25,
1781; d. March 24, 1871), dau. of Aaron and Sarah
Banks. They begat,
220. I. Aaron Banks,8 b. Aug. 25, 1803; d.
March 22, 1878.
II. Ophelia,8 b. July 25, 1806; d. July 30,
1891. She m. Dec. 30, 1822, in Walton
Eli Gould, of Walton (b. July 15,
1798; d. March 11, 1878). They begat,
A. Alfred, b. Nov. 26, 1S23.
B. Emily, b. Oct. 21, 1825.
C. Amelia, b. July 3, 1829.
D. Adelia, b. July 3, 1829.
E. Orlando, b. May 5, 1834.
III. Eleanor,8 b. Oct. 4, 1810; d. 1893. She
m. Jan., 1828, in Walton, John Ben-
nett, of Walton (b. April 27. 1803; d.
March, 1889, in Wheatland, Iowa).
They begat,
A. Infant, d. 1830.
B. Edwin W., b. 1838.
C. Amelia A., b. 1S50.
IV. Priscilla,8 b. Feb. 19, 1813; d. Feb. 11,
1897. She m. in Walton, Jan. 23,
1832, Zalmon Cable, of Walton (b.
Nov. 26, 1808; d. Aug. 20, 1877).
They begat,
A. Asbury, b. Nov. 3, 1834.
B. Vernon Wheeler, b. Jan. 9, 1837; d. Aug. 17,
C. Samuel W., b. Oct. 2, 1839.
D. Newel B., b. March 12, 1842.
E. John A., b. Dec. 4, 1845.
F. Edwin B., b. Dec. 17, 1848.
G. Mariette E., b. July 7, 1852.
221. V. Samuel," b. Jan. 19, 1819.
222. VI. Silas,8 b. March 8, 1821.
VII. Frances, 8b. April 26, i8i5;d. Dec, 1882.
She m. Chauncey Wilkins (d. 1887),
of Bainbridge and Afton, N. Y. They
A. George.
B. Ray.
223. VIII. Rufus B.,8 b. July 21, 1823.
105. Eliphalet Wakeman,7 of Walton, m. Dec. 2,
1806, Eunice Gould (b. March 6, 1790; d. Jan. 4, 1869),
dau. of Nathan Gould, of Conn. They begat,
I. Betsey Ann,8 b. Feb. 2, 1807; d. May 25,
II. Polly,8 b. Dec. 11, 1809; d. Jan. 17, 1874.
She m. in Walton, Dec. 15, 1842, John
St. John, of Walton (b. Jan. 14, 1806;
d. Feb. 26, 1868). They begat,
A. Emma, b. Jan. 26, 1844.
B. Eunice, b. Oct. iS, 1847.
224. III. Nathan,8 b. April 16, 1811; d. Sept. 21,
IV. Henry,8 b. Feb. 19, i8i3;d. Aug. 14, 1835.
V. Penina,8 b. July 12, 1815; d. April 15,
1859. She m. in Walton, March 12,
1838, Joseph Barlow, of Walton (b.
Nov. 30, 1811; d. April 16, 1873).
They begat,
A. Melissa, b. Dec. 5, 1S43; d. Nov. 1, 1844.
B. John Q., b. Feb. 23, 1847.
C. Beulah, b. Oct. 8, 1849; d. Dec. 20, 1861.
D. Camilla, b. April 12, 1851 ; d. Jan. 4, 1862.
VI. Patience,8 b. May 20, 1817. She m. Dec.
31, 1839, in Walton, John Gosper, of
Walton (b. Jan. 7, 1817). They begat,
A. Mortimer, b. Nov. 18, 1840.
B. Adaline, b. Aug. 11, 1857.
225. VII. Eliphalet,8 b. Feb. 13, 1823.
VIII. Eunice,8 b. Feb. 13, 1825. She m. first,
John Houghtailing, and begat,
A. Amelia, b. Dec. iS, 1850.
B. John, b. April 1, 1855.
She m. second, Philo Beers, of Hancock, N. Y.
IX. Jesse,8 b. July 26, 1828.
106. Henry Wakeman,7 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
m. 1824, Mabel Hill (b. Feb., 1793; d. Nov. 18, 1867).
They begat,
I. Mary Henrietta,8 b. Aug. 15, 1826. She
m. March 18, 1844, in Greenfield, Wil-
liam F. Lockwood, of Greenfield.
They begat,
A. William H., b. Jan. 25, 1850.
B. Charles E., b. May 2. 1856.
107. James Wakeman,7 m. Jerusha Usher. He was
a clergyman and lived and died at, or near Macon, Ga.
108. Zalmon Wakeman,7 of Balston Spa, N. Y., m.
first, Sally (b. 1788; d. Jan. 5, 1S17). They begat,
226. I. James Chamberlain,8 b. April 2, 181 1;
d. April 15, 1874.
II. Caroline R.,8b. Sept. 25, i8i3;d. June
2, 1839. She m. in Balston Spa, Oct.
24, 1832, Almond Holcomb.
227. III. George Burr,8 b. Oct. 7, 1814; d. Aug.
31, 1874.
Mr. Zalmon Wakeman next m. Asenath Sears (b.
Sept. 27, 1788; d. Sept. 16, 1871). They begat,
IV. Charlotte,8 b. May 6, 1818; d. May 10,
228. V. Montgomery Morgan,8 b. Jan. 13, 1820;
d. 1S76.
VI. Elizabeth,8 b. June 12, 1822; d. May 20,
1856. She m. Rev. Morgan L. Wood,
' of Amsterdam, N. Y., and Marion
Center, Kansas. They begat,
A. Alice Martha, d. 1867.
B. Lilian Elisabeth.
C. Charlotte.
D. Mary M.
VII. Samuel Odell,8 b. Oct. 22, 1823.
229. VIII. Halsey Wood,8 b. Get. 13, 1825.
IX. Mary,8 b. May 27, 1S28. She m. Rev.
Morgan L. Wood, in 1858. They be-
A. Margaret R.
B. Linda C.
C. Halsey A., b. 1863.
D. Willard H.
E. Mary L.
F. Wilhelmina.
230. X. Edwin Burr,8 b. March 23, 1831.
J09. Stephen Hubbell Wakeman,7 of Balston Spa,
N. Y., m. June 15, 1S15, at Balston, Elizabeth Oliphant
(b. Oct. 20, 1793; d. Sept. 14, 1879), dau. of Duncan
Oliphant and Rachel Woodruff, and probably begat,
I. David B.,8b. 1818; d. April 14, 1842.
II. Eliza M.,8 b. Nov. 12, 1825; d. March
28, 1868.
J JO. Burr Wakeman,7 of New York City, m. Sarah
M., dau. of Lloyd Wakeman. They begat,
I. Martha Stanton,8 b. Feb. 4, 1824; d.
June 5, 1825.
Mr. Wakeman next m. Miss DeForrest, and begat,
II. Edwin Burr,8 b. Aug. 12, 1842; d. Feb.
26, 1851.
III. A dau.,8 who m. Mr. Knox.
ItU Loied Wakeman,7 d. at Bainbridge, N. Y., and
had a wife Anna. No children.
J J2. Stephen Wakeman,7 m. at Harpursville, N. Y. ,
Eunice Bates, dau. of Jonathan Bates, and begat,
I. Lloyd,8 who went to Plover, Wis.
II. Other children.
JJ3. John Saunders Wakeman,7 of Harpursville,
N. Y. , m. Sept. 23, 1832, at Harpursville, Elizabeth B.
Kelley (b. Feb. 27, 1810; d. Oct. 9, 1889), dau. of John
and Jerusha Kelley. They begat,
I. Martha M.,8 b. Aug. 2, 1833; d. Aug.
10, 1833.
231. II. Bennett,8 b. Nov. 17, 1835.
III. Cyrus,8 b. July 16, 1838; d. Nov. 3, 1841.
232. IV. DeWitt,8 b. June 17, 1841.
V. Mary Jane,8 b. May 1, 1847. She m.
Nov. 7, 1864, Eli B. Pratt. They begat,
A. Harry E., b. Oct. 4, 1S67.
B. Milo D., b. Jan. 12. 1872.
C. Delia M., b. Jan. 15, 1881.
VI. Lewis Harpur,8 b. July 16, 1852; d.
Oct. 2, 1853.
JJ4. Roswell Wakeman,7 of Port Deposit, Md., m.
June 28, 1842, at East Nottingham, Md., Mary Slicer,
dau. of Thomas J. and Deborah Slicer. They begat,
233. I. Henry Thomas,8 b. Nov. 28, 1849.
234. II. Charles Roswell,8 b. Feb. 18, 1865; d.
Oct. 19, 1895, at Eldersburg, Md.
III. Ella Jane,8 b. Aug. 28, 1844; d. July 25,
1896. She m. at Port Deposit, Md.,
Feb. 11, 187 1, J. Henry Steele, of
Eldersburg, Md. (b. Jan. 29, 1848).
They begat,
A. Guy Wakeman, b. Dec. 9, 1871.
IV. Lucy S.,8 b. Dec. 7, 1848; m. Oct. 24,
1878, at Port Deposit, Md., to Town-
send T. Pennington, of Philadelphia,
Pa. They begat,
A. Mary Letitia, b. Aug. 4, 1880.
B. Ella Milton, b. Feb. 18, 1SS3.
JJ5. Robert E. Wakeman,7 m., first, in Chile; sec-
ond, in Honolulu, to Princess Adline Kaarvorla. He
d. 1848. No children.
J J 6. Harvey Anable Wakeman,7 of Afton, N. Y.,
m. at Coventry, N Y., April 4, 1842, Emily Hale (b.
March 18, 1823; d. April 3, 1884), dau. of William
Hale and Sarah Baker. They begat,
I Sarah Rosetta,8 b. Jan. 16, 1843, d.
July, 1863.
II. Emily Celestia,8 b. March 12, 1847.
She m. in Guilford, N. Y., May 17,
187 1, Leonard John Montgomery, of
Colesville and Bainbridge, N. Y. (b.
June 20, 1847). They begat,
A. George Wakeman, b. Aug. 13, 1875.
B. Fred Leonard, b. Nov. S, 1886.
III. Lois Amelia,8 b. Aug. 17, 1849; d.
March n, 1876. She m. at Port
Crane, N. Y„ Oct. 3, 1869, Bradley
Henry Bates * (b. June 3, 1849), and
A. George Henry, b. Oct. ic, 1870.
B. Luella May, b. Jan. 27, 1876.
235. IV. Robert Etna,8 b. Aug. 14, 1851; d. Dec.
21, 1896.
V. Susan Althea,8 b. July 28, 1853; d.
April 13, 1876. She m. at Doraville,
N. Y., April 20, 1S73, Alva Jackson
Wilder, of Bainbridge, N. Y. (b. July
6, 1S42). They begat,
A. Lewis A., b. March 10, 1874.
B. Susie L., b. April 6, 1876. She m. Jan. 15,
1896, Guy Blowers, of N. Sanford, N. Y.
(b. June 15, 1870).
C. Dayton Edwin, b. Feb. 15, 1886; d. July 28,
VI. Sophronia Angelia,8 b. April 21, 1855.
She m. at Harpursville, Jan. 21,
1873, Edwin Clendenning, of Coven-
try, N. Y. (b. May 22, 185 1; d. July
1,1880). They begat,
A. Delia M., b. April 9, 1875. She m. Dec. 28,
1S94, LeRoy McCulley (b. April 11, 1873),
and begat,
Lina Roxena, b. March 2, 1897.
VII. Mary Eda Alvira,8 b. Feb. 27, 1858.
She in. at E. Windsor, N. Y., Jan. 2,
1888, Avery Stillson, of Doraville,
N. Y. (b. April 8, 1822; d. May 6,
236. VIII. Harvey Lincoln,8 b. Dec. 4, 1861.
IX. Catharine Elizabeth,8 b. Jan. 19, 1863.
She m. at Coventry, N. Y., Oct. 5,
1 88 1, Albert Leroy Smith (b. Sept.
12, 1858). They begat,
* See marriage of Parmelia, dau. of No. 4g.
A. Mabel Elizabeth, b. June 16, 1883; d. Aug.
15. 1883.
B. Ruth Emily, b. March 2, 1885.
C. Neva Ida, b. Oct. 21, 1893.
D. Esther Elizabeth, b. March 4, 1898.
JJ7. George Wakeman,7 of Lindenville, O., m. in
Gustavus, O., Jan. i, 1832, Wealthy H. .Wakefield (b.
Oct. 25, 18 10), dau. of Elijah Wakefield and Abigail
Whitney, of Canada. They begat,
237. I. Merrick M.,8 b. Sept. 29, 1833.
II. Lovina C.,s b. Nov. 22, 1835; d. Sept.
7, 1883.
238. III. Melvin George,5 b. July 19, 1837.
IV. Oscar O.,8 b. June 17, 1839. Killed in
the Civil War May 2, 1862.
239. V. William S.,8b. Feb. 18, 1841.
VI. Melissa L.,8 b. March 17, 1843. She m.
in Gustavus, O. , Aug. 1, 1863, George
Lyman, of Ames, Story County, la.
They begat,
A. Nellie, b. Nov. 8, 1868.
B. Hattie, b. March 27, 1869.
C. Frank, b. Feb. 5- 1S73.
D. Charles, b. Dec. 24, 1876.
E. Harry, b. June 9, 1879.
VII. Ruth Wright,8 b. Feb. 28 1845- She
m. in Turnersville, Pa., Dec. 25, 1865,
Andrew Sharp, of Gustavus, O. (b.
May 25, 1841). They begat,
A. Scott O., b. Oct. 15, 1S66.
B. Hugh W., b. Feb. 22, 1869.
C. Pearl M., b. Sept 28, 1S72; d. Feb. 17, 1878.
D. Cora B., b. Dec. 24, 1877.
VIII. Delite Mary,8 b. July 11, 1850. She m.
in Wayne, O., Nov. 26, 1874, James
J. Ogram (b. May 27, 1850). They
A. Etta G., b. Oct. 17, 1S75; d. March 18, 1897.
B. William Fern, b. Sept. 12, 1S78.
C. Pearl M., b. Dec. 29, 1880.
D. Jay M., b. Aug. 7, 1883.
E. Lena R., b. Oct. 3, 1S87.
F. Arlie O., b. April 29, 1890.
MS, Jonathan Wakeman,7 of Wayne, O., m. Aug.
7, 1829, Ruhamah Brockway (b. Aug. 7, 1811; d. June
6, 1866), dau. of Philemon Brockway and Sally Fobes,
of Wayne, O., and begat,
I. Finetta D.,8 b. Oct. 23, 1831; d. Oct. 14,
1887. She m. Sept. 5, 1849, Elijah
Sardine Alderman (b. April, 1830), of
Bloomingdale, Wis. They begat,
A. Viana D., b. June 5, 1854.
B. Almeda F., b. Aug. 5, 1853.
C. Arza S., b. May 22, 1857.
D. Ruhamah Frances, b. Nov. 24, 1859.
E. Adeline A., b. July 9, 1S62; d. Sept. 25, 1862.
F. Ida B., b. July 16, 1866; d. Feb. n, 1890.
G. Flevvella Weston, b. Nov. 24, 1868.
II. Ruth,6 b. Dec. 25, 1833. She m. Dec.
4, 1859, George Coles, of Dell, Wis.
They begat,
A. Ruth Alinda, b. Dec. 7, 1861.
B. Eva Adella, b. Nov. 9, 1S64.
C. Sarah Ruhamah, b. March 1, 1872.
III. Charlotte E.,e b. Nov. 23, 1835. She
m. Feb. 2, 1854, Daniel S. Alderman,
of Rice Lake, Wis. They begat,
A. Ransom R., b. July 6, 1855.
B. Franklin G., b. April 3, 1857.
C. Marietta, b. Oct. 20, 1859.
D. James W., b. Feb. 2, 1862.
E. Finetta, b. Aug. 5, 1S65.
F. Caroline E., b. Sept. 27, 1867.
G. Charlotte, b. Oct. 20, 1869.
H. Francis, b. April 16, 1S72.
I. Daniel S., b. March 28, 1877.
J. Jane M., b. May 3, 1880.
IV. Seth/ b. Dec. 23, iS37;d. 186-.
V. Jarus," b. Jan. 1, 1841 ; d. Nov. 23, 1863.
VI. Ransom,8 b. May 21, 1843; d. June 12,
VII. Silas, * b. Oct. 20, 1844; d. Nov. 17, 1844.
240. VIII. James Frank,8 b. July 28, 1847.
241. IX. Jonathan Wright,8 b. Sept. 8, 1851.
JJ9. Isaac Wakeman,7 of Griggs Corners, Ohio. He
m. first, in Williamsfleld, Sept. 20, 1834, Alma Haynes
(b. Dec. 15, 1815; d. Nov. 3, 1853), dau. of William
Haynes. He m. second, Louisa Marsh (b. Dec. 28,
1836; d. April 30, 1897), dau. of Hiram Marsh, of Shef-
field. He begat.
I. Wright.8
II. Martha."
III. Lorenzo.8
IV. Alonzo.8
V. Mary.8
VI. Elmer F.,8 b. March 31, 1856.
VII. Wilbur J.,8 b. March 28, 1858.
VIII. Leander,8 b. April 25, 1861.
IX. Elsworth.8 b. Dec. 6, 1863.
X. George M.,8 b. Dec. 6, 1869.
J20. Samuel Wakeman,7 of Bloomingdale, Wis., m.
Dorinda Cutler (b. Jan. 22. 1S12; d. Feb. 1, 1881).
They begat,
I. William,8 of Bloomingdale.
J2J. Samuel Wakeman,7 of Easton, Conn., m. Oct.
13, 1805, Drusilla Nichols (b. Dec. 21, 1784; d. Oct. 6,
1874). They begat,
242. I. David,8 b. Aug. 21, 1806; d. April 5,
II. Abigail,8 b. Aug. 19, 1808; d. March
5, 1896. She m. Wakeman Jennings,
of Canda, N. Y., and begat,
A. Anna.
B. Isaac Burr.
C. Mary Esther.
D. Charles.
E. Edmond.
F. Amelia.
G. James R.
H. Benjamin.
III. John,8 b. Oct. 23, 1810; d. May 10, 1820.
IV. Jane,8 b.*Jan. 28, 1813; d. Oct. 10, 1813.
243. V. Samuel,8 b. July 20. 1814; d. April 3,
VI. Seth,8 b. Jan. 1, 1817; d. s. p.
VII. Huldah,8 b. April 11, 1819; d. Oct. 5,
VIII. Polly,8 b. July 11, 1821. She m. Hiram
S. Wakeman, of Ohio (see No. 250).
IX. Harriet.8 b. June 19, 1823; d. March 28,
1 891.
122. . Lewis B. Wakeman,7 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
m. June 17, 1810, Esther O'Banks (b. May 25, 1787; d.
Dec. 7, 1861), dau. of Ezekiel O'Banks. They begat,
244. I. Bradley,8 b. Dec. 30, 1810; d. Feb. 3,
II. Hanford,8 b. April 25, 1816; d. July 4,
245. III. Andrew,8 b. Aug. 4, 1S18.
IV. Mary," b. July 7, 1820; d. August 30,
V. Esther,8 b. Nov. 17, 1822; d. June 2,
J23. John Wakeman,7 of Algansee, Mich. He m.
in Greenfield or Weston, Conn., Dec. 12, 181 1, Ruth
Adams (b. Jan. 28, 1792; d. Nov. S, 1S56). They be-
246. I. William Henry Harrison,8 b. Jan. 16,
1813; d. March 28, 1888.
247. II. John Adams,8 b. Jan. 23, 1815.
248. III. Sherwood E.,8b. Oct. 16, 1816.
IV. Bradley,8 b. July 8, 1819.
259. V. Eli,8 b. Aug. 17, l82I„
VI. Harriet,8 b. March 17, 1824; d. 1837.
She m. Dr. Abraham Bronson, of
Norwalk, O. They begat,
A. Desseline, b. 1843; d. July 15, i860. She m.
Dr. M. Keith (b. 1829; d. June, 1888).
B. Crevola.
C. Kossuth, of San Jose, Cal.
VII. Aboy,8b. Oct. 15, 1826; d. in infancy.
VIII. A girl,8 b. Oct. 12, 1830; d. in infancy
• IX. Maranda,8 b. July 29, 1832; d. 1840.
124. Almon Wakeman,7 of Ovid, N. Y., or Covert,
m. Ruhamah (who d. at Covert, N. Y. , Aug. 30, 185 1).
They begat,
250. I. Hiram Sherwood.8
II. George,8 d. Dec. 28, 1851.
251. III. David,8 d. June, i860.
IV. Morris. 8
V. Thomas.8
VI. Esther,8 bap. Feb., 1815; d. 1894. She
m. (see No. 246).
VII. Sherwood.8
VIII. A dau.,8 who m. Mr. Treadwell.
J25* Nathan Wakeman,7 of Trumansburg, N. Y. ,
m. in Connecticut, Dec. 10, 181 2, Sarah Burr (b. Aug.
9, 1792; d. Nov. 27, 1866), dau. of Eben Burr and
Mollie Ogden, and begat,
I. Eleanor,8 b. Nov. 16, 1813; d. May 20,
II. Nathan B.,8 b. Jan. 1, 18 16; d. Feb. 19,
III. Harris,8 b. Jan. 10, 1820.
252. IV. Scudder B.,8 b. Dec. 19, 1826.
V. Jehiei H.,8 b. Feb. 14, 1830.
VI. Henry,8 b. Aug. 23, 1832; d. May 17,
VII. Harriet,8 b. Jan. 31, 1835; d- Sept. 2,
VIII. Sarah M.,8 b. Feb. 16, 1837; d. June 18,
J 26. Solomon Wakeman,7 m. Esther Burr, dau. of
Zalmon Burr (of Fairfield, Conn.,) and Polly Ogden,
and begat,
I. Solomon,8 d. Dec, 1856.
II. And others.
J 27. Elihu Wakeman,7 m. Martha- Mann, dau. of
Andrew Mann, of Hebron, Conn. She
d. at Stafford, Conn. ; no children.
J28. Bradley Wakeman,7 of Greenfield, Conn., and
Baltimore, Md. He was a man of fine appearance, be-
ing over six feet tall. He possessed an amiable dispo-
sition and was an Episcopalian in religion, and an old
line Whig in politics. He was a resident of Baltimore,
and was interested in an iron furnace near there. He
m. in Baltimore, July, 1826, Mary Ann Wellslager, dau.
of Jacob Wellslager, of Holland. They begat,
I. Austin,8 b. May, 1827; d. June, 1828.
II. Alonzo Burr,8 b. July, 1828.
III. Elizabeth Ruhamah,8 b. Dec. 23, 1830.
Shem. in Newark, N. J., Feb. 1, 1851,
Joseph Proctor, of Manchester, Mass.
(b. May 7, 1816; d. Oct. 2, 1897). One
adopted daughter.
253. IV. Lewis Bud,8 b. Jan. 18, 1833.
J 29. Austin Wakeman,7 of Fen ton, Mich. He m.
May 27, 1830, in Buffalo, N. Y., Louisa H. Curtis (d.
Jan., 1900), dau. of Mayor Curtis, of Conn., and begat,
I. Julia Ann,8 b. July 20, 1831.
254. II. Lewis B.,8 b. June 8, 1834.
III. Mayor Curtis,8 b. Jan. 12, 1838.
IV. Horetta,8 b. Aug. 18, 1839; d. May 10,
V. Albert C.,8b. Nov. 22, 1842.
VI. Egbert J.,8 b. June 15, 1844.
VII. Uriah/ b. May 12, 1847.
VIII. Charles E.,8 b. Oct. 7, 1849.
IX. Frank,8 b. Dec. 7, 1851; d. Feb. 12,
X. Richard A.,8 b. Nov. 12, 1858; d. April
28, 1881.
130. Uriah Wakeman,7 of New Orleans. He m. in
Seymour, Conn., Elizabeth Abel. No children.
J3J. Charles Wakeman,7 of Greenfield, m. there
Oct. 24, 182 1, Marilla Banks (b. 1798; d. Oct. 6, 1873),
dau. of Nathan Banks, and begat,
I. Aaron Burr,8 b. Nov. 19, 1822; d. Feb.
28, 1851.
II. Irving,8 b. Jan. 17, 1828; d. Sept. 15,
J32. Burr Wakeman,7 of Greenfield, m. Mary A.
Lyon and begat,
255. I. William Burr,8 b. Sept. 24, 1831.
II. Jane.8
Mrs. Wakeman, m. second, Rev. Charles Blakeman.
J33. Eli Wakeman,7 of Greenfield, m. Nov. 5, 1829,
Delia M. (dau. of Jeremiah Sherwood and Parmelia
Wakeman (b. Jan. 28, 1808; d. Jan. 16, 1879). They
256. I. Hermon,8 b. May 22, 1830.
II. Amelia,8 b. June 23, 1832.
257. III. William,8 b. July 12, 1834.
257. IV. Henry,8 b. July 12, 1834.
V. Elizabeth. 8 b. Feb. 11, 1837.
VI. Mary,8b. Sept. 5, 1841; d. May 10, 1847.
VII Dwight,8 b. April 10, 1848; d. March
15, 1856.
259. VIII. Eli,8b. July 12, 1850.
J34. Moses Wakeman,7 of Weston, Conn., m. Jan.
18, 1837, Lydia Sherwood (b. Dec. 2, 1814; d. Jan. 9,
1893), dau. of Hezekiah Sherwood. They begat,
260. I. Moses Aaron,8 b. May 8, 1839.
261. II. Charles Burr/ b. Feb. 15, 1852.
III. Child,8 b. March, 1849.
IV. Alida Bell,8 b. Nov. 26, 1859. She m.
Aug. 21, 1878, Melzar Brotherton,
and begat,
A. Mary Etta, b. Dec. 26, 1884.
B. Sarah L., b. Jan. 16, 1891.
C. Ethel, b. May 7, 1S94.
J35. Alanson Wakeman,7 of Easton, Conn., m. Aug.
23, 1841, Angeline Fanton (b. Sept. 6, 1809; d. May 3,
1897), dau. of Judson Fanton, of Weston, Conn., and
262. I. Henry,8 b. Aug. 25, 1842.
II. Jesse,8 b. March 13, 1844.
III. Alecia,8 b. Oct. 10, 1845. She m. Eli
C. Goodsell, and begat,
A. Minnie A., b. Nov. 1, 1870.
B. Charles G., b. 1874.
C. Sarah Louise, d. in infancy.
263. IV. Chauncey Cleveland,8 b. March 27, 1850.
J36. Gilbert Wakeman,7 of Easton, Conn., m. Nov.
29, 1832, Elizabeth Beardsley, of Long Hill, Conn. (b.
May 22, 18 1 2), dau. of Joseph Beardsley, and begat,
264. I. Joseph Sherwood,8 b. Oct. 3, 1834.
II. Caroline A.,8 b. Sept. 25, 1836.
265. III. Asahel G. ,8 b. March 1, 1839; d. Feb. 28,
' IV. Elizabeth H.,8 b. Nov. 26, 1840. She
m. in Easton, Dec. 4, 1866, Daniel
Fuller (b. Nov. 1, 1838), and begat,
A. Stella, b. Feb. 21, 1871.
B. Birtha, b. May 22, 1880.
V. John,8b. Dec. 11, 1843; d. June 10, 1868.
J37. Silas Wakeman,7 of Fairfield, Conn., m. first,
Dec. 23, 1827, Abbey Bradley Wheeler (b. Oct. 13,
1807; d. June 19, 1842), dau. of Nathan and Clarina
Wheeler, and begat,
266. I. Moses H.,8 b. Nov. 4, 1829; d. Jan. 6,
II. Polly Sophia,8 b. Sept. 1 1, 1831 ; d. April
6, 1854. She m. Horace Bradley
Coley, of Westport, Conn. They be-
A. Henry Bradley, b. March 23, 1854; d. Aug.
28, 1857.
III. Betsey Ann,8 b. Jan. 1, 1834. She m.
May 15, 1853, Morris Wakeman Sal-
mon, of Weston (b. Aug. 1, 1832; d.
Jan. 21, 1866). They begat,
A. Charles Curtis, b. July 26, 1856.
B. Fanny Wakeman, b. Jan. 8, 1867. She m. Dr.
Gorham, of Weston, Conn., June 21, 1893.
IV. Clarina Bradley,8 b. Dec. 15, 1837; d.
1863. She m. Horace Bradley Coley,
of Westport, Conn., and begat,
A. William Bradley, b. Jan. 12, 1862.
B. Carrie E., b. Dec. 5, 1859; d. Feb. 22, 1892.
She m. Dr. Gorham, Sept. 5, 1889.
V. Abigail B.,8 b. June 6, 1842. She m.
Nov. 9, 1832, Erastus B. Sherwood
(b. 1836). They begat,
A. Everett S.
B. William F.
C. Clarence.
Silas Wakeman,7 m. second, Dec. 2, 1857, Sally Wil-
son (b. Jan. 31, 1809; d. Aug. 16, 1894), dau. of
Samuel Wilson.
J38. John B. Wakeman,7 of Little Falls, N. Y., m.
Oct. 5, 1828, Mary Wakeman, dau. of Zalmon Wake-
man and Clara Nichols (see No. 60), and begat,
I. Eleanor Couch,8 b. Aug. 27, 1829; d>
Dec. 2, 1830.
II. Warren Waldo,8 b. Dec. 12, 1833, &
III. Hugh B.,8 b. July 12, 1838; d. July 12,
IV. John Zalmon,8 b. Jan. 21, 1832.
V. Horace,8 b. Feb. 3, 1836.
VI. Ward,8b. about 1844.
VII. Burrell,8 b. Aug. 12, 1846; d. Dec. 5,
J39. Zalmon Bradley Wakeman,7 of Chicago, m.
Oct. 9, 1837, Alvira Thornton (b. 1820), of Ridgefield,
N. Y., and begat,
I. Laura L.,8 b. Sept. 8, 1838; d. Oct. 16,
II. Julia A.,8 b. Jan. 8, 1840. She m. Aug.
4, 1862, at Rockford, 111., Charles Fan-
cher, of Halstead, Kan. (b. Jan. 25,
1836). They begat,
A. Belle Louise, b. April 24, 1864.
B. Jessie Elvira, b. March 16, 1S71.
C. Bert, b. Nov. 17. 1S74.
267. III. Francis Burr,8 b. Nov. 8, 1842.
IV. Phebe Esther," b. Sept. 8, 1844. She
m. in Rockford, 111., June 15, 1862,
William S. Inman, of Rockford (b.
April 1, 1834). They begat,
A. Jessie M., b. Nov. 9, 1867.
B. Hope, b. March 15, 1863; d. Sept. 9, 1866.
Mr. Inman served in the Civil war in
the 74th Regt. 111. Volunteers, from
Aug. 8, 1862, to June, 1865.
V. Victoria J.,8 b. May 7, 1852; d. Dec. 15,
VI Stephen Quincy,8 b. Sept. 8, 1854.
VII. Cora,8 b. Nov. 13, 1859.
J40- John Wakeman,7 of Greenfield Hill, Conn., m.
Feb. 3, 1836, Sarah M. Taylor (b. Sept., 1835; d- March
si, 1846), dau. of David Taylor and Mary (Hubble)
Taylor, of Weston, and begat,
I. Mary E.,8 b. June, 1839. She m. Feb.
13, i860, Silliman Fanton. Mr. Wake-
man also m. Jan. 19, 1864, Esther
Jane, dau. of David Wakeman (see
No. 242).
J4J. Zalmon Wakeman,7 of Greenfield, Conn., m.
May 1, 1839, Susan Warner Nichols (b. 1816; d. March
5, 1897), and begat,
I. Maria Josephine,8 b. May 29, 1840. She
m. at Greenfield, Conn., June 10,
1862, Rev. John S. Beers (b. April 19,
1836; d. Nov. 20, 1886), of Natick,
Mass., and Brookfield, Conn. They
A. Charlotte Louise, b. July 12, 1863; d. May
26, 1864.
B. George Emerson, b. Oct. 7, 1865. He m.
Aug. 7, 1892, in Covington, Ky., Marga-
ret Lowery, dau. of William Lowery, of
Covington, and begat,
a. Margaret Lowery, b. June 10,1893.
b. Henry Samuel, b. June 22, 1898.
C. John Howard, b. Sept. 25, 1869.
D. Susan Wakeman, b. May 29, 1873.
E. Henry Sherman, b. March 7, 1876; d. March
8, 1S84.
F. Eleanor Margaret, b. April 16, 1880.
II. Emerson Bradley,8 b. Sept. 22, 1846; d.
May 30, 185 1.
268. III. Howard Nichols, 8 b. Nov. 21, 1856.
J 42. George Wakeman,7 of Greenfield, m. and his
wife d. in childbirth. He next m. Anna R. and
left no children. He was a man of ability, as journal-
ist and reporter. He was a contributor to the Galaxy,
Appleton's Journal, The Round Table, Putnams, and
Lippincotts. He was a rapid and correct stenographer
and a gifted writer.
J 43* Horatio P. Wakeman,7 of Fairfield, Vt. He m.
there Feb. 13, 1827, Rachel Lobdell (b. April 7, 1800;
d. Nov. 28, 1872), dau. of Nathan Lobdell, of Fairfield,
Vt. , and begat,
269. I. SethB.,8b. Nov. 30, 1827.
II. Abigail Amelia," b. June 13, 1829. She
m. Aug. 21, 1 88 1, in Fairfield, Vt.,
Van Rensaellaer Skinner (b. Oct. 1,
III. Sarah C.,8 b. Sept. 17, 1831. She m.
Feb. 14, 1863, Timothy Jarvis (b. Jan.
1, 1834-
270. IV. Sanford H.,8b. Jan. 7, 1834; d. Oct. 20,
V. Clara,8 b. Nov. 16, 1837. She m. June
17, 1868, Smith F. Sturges, of Hull,
Mass., and begat,
A. Walter M.
B. May Rachel.
VI. Isaac C.,8 b. Aug. 30, 1839; d. April 29,
271. VII. Walter,8 b. Jan. 25, 1843.
J44. Horace Wakeman,7 of Lawyersville, N. Y., m.
Nov. 24, 1 83 1, in Cobbleskill, N. Y., Jeannette Becker,
dau. of John Becker, and begat,
I. Jane,8 b. Feb. 28, 1834. She m. Jan. 5,
1854, Harley T. Dana, of Cobbleskill
(b. March 11, 1831), and begat,
A. Albert W., b. June 17, i860; d. May 28. 1864.
B. Seth W., b. June 6. 1870.
272. II. Seth B.,8 b. May 10, 1843.
J 45. Alonzo Wakeman,7 of Lawyersville, N. Y. , m.
first, in Seward, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1S33, to Catherine
Stall (b. Dec. 1, 1814; d. Sept. 11. 1834), dau. of Peter
Stall. Mr. Wakeman m. second, in Greenfield Hill,
Conn., June 23, 1837, Mary Odell (b. Sept. 26, 1815),
dau. of Joseph Odell and Lucy Wakeman. He begat,
I. EmmaJ.,h b. June 14, 1843. She m.
June 15, 1863, in Lawyersville, N. Y.,
Solomon Larkin, of Lawyersville (b.
March 28, 1840). They begat,
A. Charles W., b. June 17, 1875.
B. A dau., d.
II. Clara A.,8 b. April 14, 1849. She m. in
Lawyersville, N. Y., June 12, 1873,
Romeyn Brown, of Sharon, N. Y. (b.
April 7, 1847). They begat,
A. Alonzo, b. Nov. 12, 1874; d. March 2, 1876.
B. Wakeman, b. March 8, 1876.
C. Floyd, b. March 4, 1876.
III. Ella F.,8 b. Jan. 7, 1852. She m. in
Lawyersville, Nov. 28, 1887, George
B. Story (b. May 3, 1862). Begat one
child, d. young.
IV. Sara C. W.,8b. April 27, 1857. Shem.in
Lawyersville, Sept. 3, 1884, Rev. My-
ron V. Stupplebin (b. Oct. 3, 1856; d.
Jan. 5, 1894), of Guilderland Center,
N. Y. They begat,
A. Myron W., b. Oct. 3, 1893; d. Oct. 22, 1893.
She m. next, John Gannon, of Castile, N. Y.
H6. Wyllis Wakeman,7 m. Oct. 31, 1819, Anna Jen-
nings (b. June 2, 1796), dau. of Edmond Jennings and
Esther Barlow, and begat,
273, I. James Henry,8 b. March 21, 1821; d.
Nov. 12, 1876.
274. II. Mortimer Nelson,8 b. Nov. 26, 1822.
275. III. George Monson,8 b. March 14, 1823; d.
July 27, 1867.
276. IV. Thomas Jefferson,8 b. Aug. 11, 1827.
147. Frederick Bradley Wakeman,7 of Fairfield,
Conn., m. Oct. 4, 1832, Anna B. Sherwood (b. Feb. 29,
1812; d. Feb. 12, 1883), dau. of Stephen Sherwood and
Urilla Goodsell, of Fairfield, and begat,
I. Margaret S.,8 b. Aug. 25, 1833; d. Feb.
15, 1896. She m. Oct. 9, 1855, Wil-
liam Colfax Benedict, of Utica, N. Y. ,
and Bridgeport, Conn., and begat,
A. George Wakeman, b. Oct. 13, 1856.
B. Alice Martha, b. Aug, 16, 1858. She m.
April 30, 1879, Edward W. Downs, of
Bridgeport, Conn. (b. Oct. 20, 1852; d.
April 16, 1886). They begat,
a. Pauline B., b. May 20, 1882.
b. Nelson H., b. Sept. 12, 1884.
C. Charles Edward, b. July 10, 1865.
D. Anna Colfax, b. July 1, 1872.
277. II. Madison," b. Aug. 26, 1835; d. Dec. 3,
III. Mary E.,8 b. Aug. 13, 1837. She m.
John S. Hubbell (b. Jan. 16, 1836), in
Greenfield, Oct. 12, 1864, and begat,
A. Grace.
B. Lily.
C. Daisy.
IV. Martha,8 b. July 18, 1839. She m- in
Fairfield, June 25, 1864, James T.
Higby, of Milford, Conn.
278. V. Frederick,8 b. May 17, 1841.
279. VI. Charles,8 b. Nov. 9, 1846.
VII. Harriet,8 b. Nov. 19, 1850; d. Nov. 24,
Mr. F. B. Wakeman, m. second, Dec. 24, 1884, Sal-
ly Robertson (b. Oct. 13, 1815 ; d. April 22, 1897),
dau. of Levi Robertson and Polly Patchen.
148. Charles Wakeman,7 of Dane County, Wis., m.
in 1826, in Catharine, N. Y., Lydia Mitchell (b. 1803;
d. Oct. 19, 1846), dau. of John Mitchell and Sarah Ben-
nett, of New York, and begat,
280. I. Thaddeus Burr,8 b. Dec. 22, 1826; d.
Dec. 25, 1894.
281. II. James Mitchell,8 b. Aug. 30, 1828; d.
May 27, 1895.
III. Emily,8 b. Nov. 24, 1830.
IV. Miranda,8 b. Nov. 17, 1832; d. March
21, 1834.
V. Amanda,8 b. Novi 10, 1835. She m. in
Sun Prairie, Wis., Aug. 31, 1862,
Roswell P. Andrews (b. May 10,
1839; d. Dec. 6, 1895), and begat,
A. Charles, b. Nov. 16, 1863; d. Sept. 25, 1864.
B. Carlie, b. Feb. 8, 1868; d. Aug. 27, 1869.
C. Howard L., b. April 22, 1871.
Mr. Andrews served in the 42d Regt.
(Wis.) Volunteers in the Civil War.
VI. Sarah Caroline,8 b. April 10, 1837; d.
April 11, 1838.
VII. Harriet,8 b. July 3, 1839.
282. VIII. John,8b. Feb. 13, 1842.
IX. Sarah,8 b. May 29, 1845. She m. Nel-
son Bacon (b. March 9, 1844), of
Burke, Wis., and begat,
A. Charles W., b. Nov. 24, 1874.
Charles Wakeman, Sr. , next m. Debby Mitchell
Bacon (d. Dec. 10, 1878), dau. of John Mitchell.
J 49. Hon. Abram Wakeman,7 of New York city.
Hem. at Sandy Hill, N. Y., Mary E. Harwood (b.
March 10, 1825; d. March 7, 1883), dau. of Cyrus Har-
wood and Mary Lee, of Ridgeway, N. Y., and begat,
I. Harwood,8 b. 1849; d. 1879.
283. II. Abram,8 b. April 23, 1850.
III. MaryC.8
IV. Rosamond B.,fib. Oct. 25, i86i;d. March
7, 1883.
(From the New York Times, June 30, 1889.)
Abram Wakeman, one of the active contemporaries
of Thurlow Weed, William H. Seward, Horace
Greeley, Henry J. Raymond and Preston King in
the organization of the old Republican party, died
early yesterday morning at his residence, 46 East
Twentieth street in this city, after an illness of
more than three months from a complication of
painful ailments, succumbing finally to rheumatic
Mr. Wakeman was born May 31, 1824, at Fairfield,
Conn. His beginnings in life were much like those
of the average New England youth. He was
schooled at the academy in Fairfield, which was
founded by Prof. Timothy Dwight, who is now the
President of Yale University. At fourteen years
of age he started out to make his way in the world
alone and unassisted. He taught school at first at
New Rochelle, and afterward in Lockport, N. Y.,
and then, resuming his studies, was graduated
from Herkimer Academy. Then he studied law
with Capron & Lake at Little Falls. Coming to
New York city in 1S46, he continued his law studies
with Horace Holden, and a year later was admitted
to practice and to a partnership with Mr. Holden.
Mr. Wakeman early took an active interest in poli-
tics, supporting with ardor the candidates of the
Whig party. In 1850 he was elected a member of
the legislature from the Fifth Ward, and was re-
elected in 1851. His legislative record was distin-
guished by successful efforts to secure a revision of
the public school laws. He also supported Hamil-
ton Fish in his election to the United States Senate.
In 1854 he was elected alderman from the Twelfth
ward on the reform ticket, and was largely instru-
mental the same year in securing the election of
Gov. Preston King, the Free Soil and American
party candidate. In 1856 he was a member of the
Republican National Convention that nominated
Gen. John C. Fremont tor president, and was a
member of the national committee from this state
during the twelve succeeding years. He himself
was elected to Congress in 1856 as the candidate of
the Free Soil and American parties, that subse-
quently became merged in the Republican party.
For a few years he continued the active practice of
the law, his firm being Wakeman, Latting &
Phelps, the junior member of which was the minis-
ter of the United States to the Court of St. James',
under Mr. Cleveland's administration.
Mr. Wakeman attracted the favorable attention of
Mr. Lincoln in the campaign of i860, and although
he had been a supporter of William H. Seward
in the convention, a warm friendship sprang up be-
tween " Big Abe" and " Little Abe," as they famil-
iarly called each other, and continued until Mr. Lin-
coln's tragic death. At the outbreak of the war
Mr. Wakeman raised a regiment of volunteers, the
Eighty-first Pennsylvania, and was appointed its
colonel, but he resigned the position at President
Lincoln's earnest request to become postmaster of
tais city. The administration thought he could do
better service in helping to keep down the fire in
the rear in those troublous times, and in doing this
Mr. Wakeman was exposed to many dangers. Dur-
ing the draft riots he was marked for a victim by
the rioters, and had his residence, containing his
large law library, in Eighty-seventh street, near
Fifth avenue, burned by them. As postmaster he
reorganized the service and established the district
system, which remains in force at this day. During
Mr. Lincoln's second term and to the end of John-
son's term Mr. Wakeman was surveyor of the Port
of New York, but having sided with Seward in his
stand by the Johnson Administration, he incurred
the enmity of a branch of the party, and from that
time on was out of politics. The pride of his after-
life was that he had retained throughout their lives
the trusted friendship of Lincoln and Seward.
After his retirement from politics Mr. Wakeman re-
sumed the practice of law and became actively in-
terested in railroads on Long Island. He organized
the Bay Ridge and Manhattan Beach Roads, and
was largely instrumental in establishing and im-
proving the pleasure resorts on Coney Island. He
sold his interest in all these enterprises to Austin
Corbin and other members of the purchasing syn-
dicate. Mr. Wakeman was twice married. His
first wife and one of her children were burned in
the Cambridge fiats fire several years ago. There
survive Mr. Wakeman his second wife and two of
the children of his first wife, a daughter and a son.
J50. James Wakeman,7 m. first, at Little Falls, N.
Y., Miss Rathbun. He m. second, Rebecca Oothout,
of Albany, N. Y. He m. third, Elizabeth Oothout, of
Albany, N. Y. He begat by first wife,
I. George.8
II. Caroline,8 who m. Daniel P. Ketchum,
and begat,
A. Elizabeth.
B. Daniel P. Jr.
C. Harold.
She next m. Irving M. Smith, April,
1887, and begat,
D. Kenneth.
E. .Nathalie.
He begat by second wife,
III. Albert.8
IV. James.8
V. Katherine.8 She m. Frederick Albert
Parker, and begat,
A. Frederick Albert.
284. VI. Eugene.8
{51. Thaddeus Burr Wakeman,1 of New York city.
He is a well known lawyer, and was in partnership with
his brother Abram. He is a member of the Goethe
Club, and interested in political matters. He m. at
Oyster Bay, N. Y., May 24, 1859, Emily Frances Lud-
lam (b. Aug. 27, 1839), dau. of Elbert Ludlam and
Mary S. Cock. They begat,
I. Clara,8 b. May 20, i860.
285. II. Elbert,8 b. April 24, 1862.
III. Mary Cock,8 b. July 11, 1867; d. March
1, 1870.
IV. Emily Isabel,8 b. Oct. 28, 1872.
J52* Alonzo Wakeman,7 m. and begat,
286. I. Alonzo C.,8d. Sept. 9, 1867.
II. F. O.8
Ill Theodore.8
153* Thaddeus Burr Wakeman,7 was one of the first
settlers of McHenry Co., 111., at what was known as
Big Foot Prairie. Here he eventually became one of
the wealthiest and most successful farmers and land
owners in that section. He became Justice of the
Peace, and moved later to Harvard, 111. , and built up a
good law practice. He was one of the most active and
uncompromising abolitionists in Northern Illinois, and
spent a large portion of his property before and during
the Civil War, for the furtherance of freedom. He was
sent to the Legislature in 1867, and later established
himself in Chicago, where he followed his practice of
law. He was noted for open-handed generosity and
uprightness of purpose and attained the rare distinction,
for a man who had taken so active a part in political
and other affairs, of going through life without making
an enemy. He m. in Tully, N. Y. , Sept. , 1835, Hannah
Bennett (b. 1817; d. 1892), dau. of Gershom Bennett, of
Tully, N. Y., and begat,
I. B. Thaddeus,6 b. July 15, 1840.
287. II. Alonzo C.,eb. June 26, 1842.
288. III. Edgar L.,e b. Aug 23, 1848.
IV. Elmira,8 b. Nov. 3, 1849. She m. at
Harvard, 111., March, 1868, Elnathan
S. Weeden, and begat,
A. Burr, b. Jan. 1870.
289. V. Wilbur F.,8 b. April 3, 1857.
J54. George P. Wakeman,7 d. at Exeter, Neb., May,
1894. He begat several children by first wife, one of
whom was
I. William,8 who lived in Kansas City, Kan.
J55. Henry Wakeman,7 of Fairfield, Conn., m. about
1800, Eunice Mitchell, and begat,
I. Thomas,8 d. aged 30.
II. Eunice Burr,8 m. in Bridgeport, Conn.,
July 28, 1833, Thomas Adams, of
Stratford, Conn. They begat,
A. William H., b. Sept. 27, 1834; d. June 4, 1886.
B. Charles, b. Nov. 24, 1836; d. July, 1877.
C. Augusta, b. March 5, 1842; d. May 21, 1888.
D. Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1848; m. M. L. Smith.
III. Sarah Ann,8 b. Nov. 27, 1808; d. May 4,
1878. She m. Oct. 23, 1832, Azariah
Cogswell (b. Feb. 29, 1812; d. Dec. 9,
1859), and begat,
A. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 7, 1834, who m.
Samuel Jessup.
290. IV. Henry,8 b. Feb. 11, 1810; d. Aug. 26,
291. V. William/ b. Feb. 26, 1814.
156* Thomas Hanford Wakeman,7 of Gal way, N. Y. ,
m. in Balston Spa, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1807, Salome Wake-
man, dau. of Stephen Wakeman (see No. 41), and be-
I. Mary Ann,8 b. July 20, 1808; d. April,
1853. She m. Lewis Lorenzo More-
292. II. Wakeman,8 b. Sept. 28, 1811; d. Oct. 9,
III. Juliette,8 b. May 29, 1814; d. Oct. 21,
Mr. Wakeman, Sr. , m. second, Jan. 27, 1820 Clar-
inda Hart (b. Oct. 4, 1795; d. April 21, 1822),
dau. of Aaron Hart and Lydia Woodwell, of R.
* I., and begat,
IV. Horton,8 b. April 19, 1822; d. April 27,
Mr. Wakeman, Sr. , next m. Jan. 21, 1824, Sally
Hart (b. Nov. 27, 1790; d. Jan. 19, 1894), dau. of
Aaron Hart, and begat,
293. V. Thomas Hanford,8 b. June 8, 1826.
Mrs. Sally (Hart) Wakeman, m. Rev. William
Thompson, in 1832.
■**■ ■■ 1
Vf ' >?«C
157. * Gideon Wakeman,7 of Oxford, Ind., d. there in
1853. He m. Deborah Haynes, of N. Y., and begat,
294. I. William Frederick,8 b. 1810; d. 1870.
295. II. JaredA.,8b. 1813; d. Nov. 1892.
III. Charles E.8
IV. Harmon.8
V. Harriet. 8
VI. Mary.8
VII. Sally.8
VIII. Jane.8
15S. Aaron Wakeman, 7 of Laceyville, Pa. , m. in New
Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 27, 1820, Betsey Hayes (b. March
12, 1793; d. May 4, 1863), dau. of Nathan Hayes, and
I. Mary Ann,8 b. Dec. 7, 1822; d. April 1,
296. II. Miles H.,8b. Dec. 15, 1824.
III. Sophia M.,8b. Jan. 21, 1827.
IV. Lucy J.,8 b. Jan. 16, 1829; d. Jan. 30,
V. William W.,8 b. Aug. 7, 1832; d. April
5, 1856.
159. General Bradley Wakeman,7 of Great Bend, Pa.,
m. in Weston, Conn., Dec. 24, 1824, Maria Edwards (b.
Dec, 3, 1807; d. April 19, 1878), dau. of Isaac and Anna
Edwards, of New Fairfield,. Conn. General Wakeman
lived there four years and moved to Laceyville, Pa.,
where he engaged in mercantile business for many
years. In 1867 he moved to Great Bend, Pa., and went
into the banking business. He was a member of the
Methodist church, and was universally respected. He
was liberal, energetic and social, being popular with all.
He begat,
* Gideon above, must have been a son of No. 35, or No. 74, and has been
placed as son of No. 74, because of birth date. A family tradition, however,
gives him a brother Seth, which would make him son of No. 35.
I. LeGrand,8 b. Dec. 15, 1826; d. Jan. 15,
297 II. Benjamin E.,8b. April 24, 1828.
III. Ann Maria," b. Aug. 1, 1830; d. May 3,
IV. Mary Jane,8 b. Sept. 3, 1832; d. Aug-. 29,
1885. She m. May 20, 1856, in Mus-
cola, Wis., William M. Yielding, of
Batavia, N. Y., and Laceyville, Pa.,
and begat,
A. Fred D., b. July 15, 1857.
B. Marie W., b. Feb. 4, 1863.
C. Bradley W., b. June 22, 1870.
V. Caroline Eliza,8 b. Oct. 25, 1834. She
m. April 24, 1856, in Laceyville, Pa.,
John Henry Dusenbury, of Scranton,
Pa. (b. June 13, 1835). They begat,
A. George Bradley, b. May 6, 1858; d. March 6,
B. John Wakeman, b. March 24, i860.
VI. Evaline Alice,8 b. Nov. 24, 1836; d.
April 23, 1864.
J60. Mark Hoag Wakeman,7 of Mendon, Mich. He
was one of the early settlers in St. Joseph Co., Mich.,
in 1833-4. He and his brothers Adams and Hiram, had
large landed interests there and were citizens of honor-
able repute and standing in private and political life.
They were interested in stock raising and in various
commercial enterprises in Mendon, and were men of in-
fluence. Mark H., m. in Mendon, first, in 1856, An-
nette Anderson, and begat,
I. Mary Ann,8 who m. Mr. McPherson.
II. Alice E.,8 d. in infancy.
III. Annette,8 b. Sept. i860. She m. Mr.
IV. John Charles Fremont,8 b. 1863.
V. Jessie Adele,8 b. 1865, and m. Mr. Cha-
Mrs. Wakeman d. Feb. 10, 1859, and hem. in i860,
her sister Julia, dau. of Henry and Mary Ann An-
derson, of Mendon.
J6J. Adams Wakeman,7 of Mendon, Mich., m. July
i, 1836, Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley, of Philadelphia, who
d. 1845. He then m., March, 1857, Mrs. Susan B.
Reeves, and begat,
I. Belle,8 d. in infancy.
II. Jessie,8 d. in infancy.
J62. Hiram Wakeman,7 of Mendon, Mich., m. Dec.
9, 1840, Sarah Jewett, and begat one child who d. in
163. Joseph Hyde Wakeman,7 of Greensf arms, Conn.,
m. March 6, 1825, Emmeline Jennings (b. Aug. 30,
1805; d. Jan. 5, 1878); no children.
J64. Joseph Wakeman,7 of Mt. Clemmons, Mich.,
m. Sept. 19, 1807, Sylvia Arnold (b. Aug. 24, 1791 ; d.
April 18, 1848), dau. of William Arnold, of R. I. They
I. Mary Ann,8 b. Aug. 2, 1808; d. March
30, 1809.
298. II. William Arnold,8 b. March 6, 1810; d.
May 19. 1888.
III. Mary Ann,8 b. Feb 10, 181 2; d. Dec. 26,
1852. She m. in Macedon, N. Y., Sept.
6, 1836, Charles Dickey, of Marshall,
Mich. (b. April 3, 1813; d, Jan. 13,
1879). They begat,
A. Charles Theodore, b. Oct. 12, 1837.
B. Franklin Wakeman, b. Aug. 18, 1839.
C. Harrison, b. May 20, 1841; d. Nov. 12, 1841.
D. Gilbert Arnold, b. Feb. 18. 1843; d. July 1,
1863. Killed in the Civil War.
E. Mary Rosetta, b. Jan. 22, 1845; d. Aug. 1,
F. Matthew Harrison, b. Nov. 3, 1846; d. July
28, 1894.
G. Mary Rosetta, b. Sept. 6, 1852; d. Aug. 19,
IV. Phoebe Rosetta,6 b. Feb. n, 1814; d.
April 9, 1823.
299. V. Walter Demmon," b. Sept. 25, 1816; d.
May 13, 1890.
VI. Sylvia A., * b. Oct. 18, 1818. She m. at
Port Gibson, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1858,
Frederick M. Schutt, of Mt. Clem-
mons, Mich. (b. May 20, 1816; d. Nov.
2, 1884).
VII. Laura L.,b b. Jan. 8, 1821; d. Aug. 17,
1886. She m. first, at Port Gibson,
N. Y., Oct. 20, 1843, Samuel Carpen-
ter, of Palmyra, N. Y. She m. sec-
ond, Jan. 28, 1859, J. Madison Crosby,
of Bethel, N. Y. (b. 1820; d. Nov. 1,
1892), and begat,
A. George W. , b. March 22, 1846; d. Jan. 14,
B. Hattie, b. June 3, 1S61.
VIII. Phoebe Rosetta/ b. Jan. 14, 1823; d.
Jan. 25, 1891. She m. in Port Gibson,
N. Y., Sept. 11, 1847, Seymour W.
Hosmer, of Minneapolis, d. March 19,
1890, and begat,
A. Charles S., b. Nov. 28, 1853.
B. Kittie L., b. April 15, 1861.
IX. Minerva A., * b. Nov. 2, 1825; d. March
31, 1893. She m. at Port Gibson, N.
Y. , Dec. 20, 1849, Elias B. Drake, of
Shepherd, Mich. (b. Nov. 11, 1825;
d. April 17, 1893). They begat,
A. Francis I., b. Oct. 5, 1850.
B. Miles W., b. May 30, 185b.
C. Charles H., b. May 10, 1861.
D. Fred J., b. March 24, 1S64.
E. William E., b. May, 26, 1868.
X. Velina F.,8 b. Oct. 10, 1827. She m. at
Port Gibson, N. Y., July 21, 1845,
James C. Patton, of Chesterfield,
Mich. (b. Feb. 3, 1825). They begat,
A. Lydia Augusta, b. April 4, 1852.
B. Sylvia L., b. May 12, 1855.
C. Minnie G., b. July 3, 1867.
XI. Miles S.,6 b. Oct. 25, 1829.
300. XII. Daniel Joseph,8 b. Dec. 10, 1833.
165. Walter Wakeman,7 of North East, N. Y. He
served in the war of 181 2, and m. at North East, Nov.
11, 1817, Almira Kinchell (b. Oct. 26, 1800; d. April 3,
1847), dau. of Martin Ebenezer Kinchell and Clarissa
Hartwell, and begat,
301. I. Orrin,8b. Nov. 7, 1818,
II. Julia Maria,6 b. Aug. 10, 1820; d. Nov.
3, 1869. She m. at North East, N.
Y., Aug. 29, 1844, William Sheldon,
(d. Oct. i, 1865), and begat,
A. William, who d. aged 22 years.
Also four more who d. in infancy.
III. Jane Ann,' b. Aug. 7, 1822; d. Dec. 21,
1881. She m. at North East, Sept. 8,
1858, Rev. George Kempton, of Ame-
nia, N. Y. (d. Dec. 21, 1888).
IV. Charlotte," b. Nov. 15, 1824; d. Sept. 2,
185 1. She m. in North East, June 22,
1853, Oliver Chamberlain, of Amenia
(d. April 18, 1884), and begat,
A. Virginia, d. in infancy.
B. Charlotte M.
C. Charles.
D. Alexena.
V. Chloe," b. April 23, 1827; d. Aug. 7,
VI. Martin Ebenezer,6 b. Feb. 4, 1830; d.
Oct. 5, 1851.
VII. Louisa Reed,sb. Feb. 15, 1832; d. Oct.
31, 1849.
302. VIII. James Miles,8 b. May 1, 1834; d. April
14, 1874.
IX. Harriet Page,8 b. Sept 30, 1836. She
m. first, at North East, N. Y., Feb.
22, i860, Henry Woodworth, of Salis-
bury, Conn. (d. Aug. 8, 1887). She
m. second, Elijah Woodworth, of Con-
neaut, O., Feb. 8, 1894.
J66. Hull Wakeman,7 of Sherman, Conn., m. Ruha-
mah O'Banks (b. March 27, 1793; d. Feb. 12, 1868), dau.
of Nathan O'Banks, of Patterson, N. Y. They begat,
303. I. Levi,8 b. March 17, 1815; d. Nov. 16,
II. Elvira,8 b. Aug. 26, 1817; d. Nov. 4,
1877. She m. Jan. 31, 1841, Richard
Caldwell, and begat,
A. William A., b. July 12, 1842. He m. Hattie
Mitchell, April 7, 1874, and m. Mary R.
Hotchkiss, Aug. 31, 1879, and begat,
a. Edith E.
III. Harriet,8 b. Feb. 28, 1819.
IV. Caroline,8 b. March 28, 1822 ; d. Jan. 27,
V. Drusilla,8 b. April 24, 1824. She m.
Nov. 25, 1853, Stephen Joyce, and be-
A. William, b. Aug. 19, 1854; d. Oct. 17, 1876.
B. John Frederick, b. July 14, 1858.
C. Allen, b. Oct. 6, 1862.
D. Alonzo, b. July 21, 1864.
E. Robert, b. Jan. 16, 1869; d. Nov. n, 1889.
VI. Miles Hull,8 b. Aug. 25, 1826 ; d. Jan. 16,
304. VII. Linus Alonzo,8 b. Dec. 13, 1828; d. Jan.
28, 1895.
305. VIII. William Seth,8 b. Sept. 14, 1831.
IX. Julia Maria,8 b. March 2, 1834.
X. Josephine Ruhamah,8 b. Aug. 12, 1836;
d. Nov. 22, 1892.
J67. William C. Wakeman,8 of Pawling and Pough-
keepsie, N. Y., m. in Pawling, Nov. 27, 1842, Elizabeth
F. Crooker (b. Dec. 3, 1820; d. Nov. n, 1864), dau. of
Jabez Crooker and Susan S. Foss, and begat,
I. Francis,8 b. Oct. 24, 1843; d. April 22,
II. W. Frank,8 b. June 29, 185 1.
III. Susan M.,8 b. Feb. 6, 1846. She m. in
Macedon, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1866, Ches-
ter W. Freer (b. Sept. 11, 1847), of
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , and begat,
A. William D., b. June 29, 1867.
B. Julia Grace, b. March 17, 1870; d. Oct. 2,
C. Percy, b. April 8, 1872: d. Aug. 8, 1872.
D. Hattie May, b. Dec. 1, 1874.
E. Charles F., b. Feb. 3, 1877.
IV. Juliette H.,8 b. May 6, 1849; d. Aug. 20,
J68. Hezekiah Wakeman,7 of Westport, Conn., m. in
New York, Feb. 10, 1844, Virginia Willard Bradish (b.
Aug. 12, 1830; d. Aug. 2, 1882), dau. of James Bradish
and Virginia Willard, of N. Y., and begat,
I. Virginia Mary,8 b. June 9, 1845. She
m. in New York city, Sept. 9, 1873,
Jarvis Stanley Baker, of Flushing, N.
Y. (b. Nov. 27, 1831; d. Dec. 25,
II. Maria Louise,8 b. July 13, 1848. She m.
in Westport, Conn., Nov. 4, 1863, Dr.
Robert Milbank, of New York city (b.
Jan. 15, 1838), and begat,
A. Antoinette Louise, b. Feb. 23, 1865.
B. Robert Watkinson, b. Nov. 12, 1866.
C. Charles Budd, b. Nov. 13, 1869.
D. Isabella Gertrude, b. Feb. 16, 1873-
E. Montgomery Nichols, b. June 7, 1875.
F. Samuel, b. April 23, 1880.
G. Virginia Willard, b. July 26, 1882.
H. Harold, b. Sept. 19, 1884.
III. Isabella Gertrude,8 b. Sept. 14, 1850.
J69. Captain Samuel Wakeman,7 of Westport, Conn,
m. in Weston, Conn., 1845, Mary Eugenia Adams (b.
April 9, 1824; d. June 5, 1877), dau. of Joshua Adams
and Catharine Comstock, of Weston. Conn., and begat,
306. I. Samuel," b. Oct. 20, 1847.
Mrs Wakeman m. May 6, 1863, Edmund W. Tay-
lor (b. Sept. 11, 1805)
J 70. Captain Edgar WTakeman,7 of San Francisco,
Cal. He was a well-known navigator in many parts of
the world. His daughter has published a book about
him entitled " The Log of an Ancient Mariner." He
m. in East Oakland, Cal., Dec 24, 1854, Mary Lincoln,
dau. of Ephraim Lincoln, of Damariscotta, Me., and
I. Adelaide Seaborn," b. April, 1856; d.
August, 1856.
II. Mary Lincoln,6 b. Feb. 26, 1858. She
m. May 30, 1876, William Bostwick
Curtis, of Rockford, 111., and Oak-
land, Cal. (b. June 13, 1856), and
A. Edgar Wakeman, b. June 16, 1S77.
B. Waldo, b. Sept. 2, 1S78; served in the 7th
Regt. Cal. Volunteers at Manila, 1898.
III. Francisca Fluca,8 b. Jan. 23, i860.
307. IV. Edgar L. ,8 b. Aug. 26, 1863.
V. Angeline Farwell,8b. April 7, 1865.
VI. Godfrey Lincoln,8 b. Dec. 3, 1870.
J7J. Marcus Wakeman,7 of Jackson, Mich., m. May,
181 7, Sarah Woodward (b. at New Lebanon, N. Y. ,
Aug. 20, 1800; d. October, 1875), dau. of Joseph
Woodward and Miss Towner, and begat,
I. Susan Maria,8 b. Sept. pi, 1818. She
m. in Jackson, Jan. 1, 1839, Lewis E.
Welling, of Jackson (b. Sept. 12,
1812). They begat,
A. DeWitt Clinton, b. Jan. 12, 1840; d. Feb. 16,
B. Alva D., b. May, 1842.
C. Lawson P., b. March 7, 1844.
D. Czaretta, b. Oct., 1845. She m. Mr. Burk-
hardt, of Jackson.
II. Harley N.,8 b. Nov. 8, 1820; d. 1826.
308. III. Harvey N.,8 b. Sept. 27, 1822; d. Jan.
5, 1893.
IV. Volney M.,8 b. Aug. 29, 1824.
V. Mary Ann,8 b. Feb. 26, 1827; d. in in-
VI. Lavinia,8 b. April 20, 1828; d. 1830.
VII. Albert T.,8 b. Aug. 9, 1830.
VIII. Alice A.,8 b. Nov. 13, 1832; d. Dec. 1832.
IX. Willett,8b. Dec. 23, 1833; d. 1892.
X. Viola A.,8 b. Sept. 17, 1836; d. Sept. 6,
309. XI. Jay,8 b. Oct. 19, 1842.
J 72* Oliver Wakeman,7 of Batavia, and East Pem-
broke, N. Y. , m. at Batavia, Feb. 7, 1819, Lucinda
Reed (b.Dec. 10, 1804; d. March 1, 1890). They be-
I. Esther,8 b. Oct. 4, 182 1; d. Jan. 2, 1846.
She m. Thomas Crafford.
II. Clara,8 b. Aug. 4, 1822; d. March 1,
310. III. George L.,8 b. Aug. 17, 1825
IV. Mary,8 b. Aug. 17, 1825; d. young.
311. V. Marcus,8 b. Aug. 18, 1827; d. May 12,
VI. Alonzo,8 b. Jan. 8, 1829; d. Sept. 8, 1848.
312. VII. Horace,8 b. Aug. 7, 18.31; d. April 17,
VIII. Mary,8 b. Aug. 4, 1834. She m. in Bata-
via, Sept. 6, i860, H. N. Wells, of
East Pembroke, N. Y. (b. May 26,
1832; d. June 22, 1864), and begat,
A. Sarah L., b. May 3, 1861 ; d. Aug. 4, 1888.
B. Florence A., b. Sept. 6, 1862 ; d. Feb. 22, 1867.
C. Minnie E., b. Sept. 6, 1864.
313. IX. Nathan,8 b. June 7, 1837.
X. Sophia,8 b. June 6, 1840. She m. L. C.
Briggs, of East Pembroke, N. Y.,
March 7, 1861, and begat,
A. Ida May, b. Jan. 3, 1862.
B. Myrtle Belle, b. June 19, 1864.
C. Augusta, b. July 10, 1S67.
D. Leander Coley, b. Oct. 23, 1872.
E. Alonzo E., b. Dec. 16, 1875.
XI. Calvin,8 b. Dec. 22, 1843.
314. XII. Orsemus,8 b. Feb. 15, 1846.
173. Nathan Wakeman,7 b. at East Pembroke,
N. Y., Feb. 19, 18 13; d. at Grand Blanc, Mich., Feb.
7, 1882 ; m. at East Pembroke Hannah Taft (b. Jan.
20, 1815; d. April 11, 1891), dau. of Israel and Cynthia
Taft, of Townsmond, and begat,
I. Joseph, b. Aug. 10, 1841.
II. Frank, b. Sept. 19, 1847; d. Oct. 12,
III. Florence, b. Nov. 16, 1853; m. at Grand
Blanc, Oct. 4, 1881, John D. Scott,
and begat,
A. Edwin W., b. May 9, 1884.
B. Clare, b. July 2, 1888.
J 74. Hon. Seth Wakeman,7 of Batavia, N. Y. When
a young man he was elected constable of Pembroke,
N. Y., and became interested in law. In 1837 he
moved to Batavia, and in 1838 was elected justice of the
peace, and was admitted to the bar in 1844. He held
offices of supervisor of the town, superintendent of the
county poor, county treasurer, and was elected county
attorney of Genesee County in 1851, and until 1856.
In 1856 and 1857 he represented his district in the New
York Assembly, of which he was a prominent member.
He was a member of the State Constitutional Conven-
tion in 1867-8, and in 1870 was elected a member of the
426. Congress. He m. first, in Pembroke, N. Y., in
1832, Demis Powers (d. March 10, 1836), and begat,
315. I. Eugene,8 b. May 1, 1834.
II. Demie,8 b. March 10, 1836. She m.
first, at Batavia, April 21, 1857,
Charles E. Allen, of Batavia; and
second, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Luther
Hildreth, of Sag Harbor, N. Y., Oct.
6, 1866 (b. March 31, 1832; d. Jan.
17, 1898).
Seth Wakeman,7 m. in Cleveland, O., second, Dec,
1856, Laura Winans, dau. of Elisha Winans, of
Cleveland, and begat,
III. Emma,8 b. Aug. 8, i860. She m. in Ba-
tavia, N. Y., Cct. 27, 1881, Gerrit
Smith Griswold, of Batavia (b. July
30, 1858). They begat,
A. Laurence Wakeman, b. Oct. 26, 1884.
B. Ruth, b. June 24, 1887.
C. Octavia, b. Aug. 16, 1891.
IV. Bryan Seth,8 b. May 3, 1862.
V. Henry Clay,8 d. aged 6 years.
316. VI. William Sprague,8 b. June 29, 1868.
J75* Uriah Wakeman,7 m. Eunice Andrews (b. Aug.
17, 1786; d. May 18, 1859), dau. of Francis Andrews,
and begat,
I. Harriet,8 m. Ebenezer Heaverlon.
317. II. William.8
III. Clarissa.8
J76. Jabez Wakeman,7 of Jersey City, N. J.t m.
about 1810, Sarah Betts (b. 1791; d. 1864), dau. of Azor
Betts and Silence Warner, of New Milford, Conn., and
318. I. David Betts,8 b. April 18, 1811; d. Sept.
21, 1855.
II. Caroline Augusta,8 b. 1814; d. 1850.
She m. in Jersey City, in 1837, Rev.
John McClintock, D.D., L.L.D., of
Philadelphia and Carlisle, Pa., and
Madison, N. J. (b. Oct. 27, i8i4;d.
March 4, 1870), and begat,
A. Sarah Augusta, b. 1838; d. 1839.
B. Emory, b. Sept. 19, 1840.
C. Augusta, b. April 20, 1843. She m. in Phila-
delphia, Nov. 23, 1865, James Madison
Longacre, of Philadelphia, (b. May 18,
1833), and begat,
a. Caroline Augusta, b. Sept. 15,
b. James Barton, b. March 10, 1868.
c. Helen, b. April 2, 1870.
d. John McClintock, b. Oct. 30, 1873.
D. Sarah Louise, b. 1845; d. 1846.
III. Edgar Banks,8 b. April 17, 1816; d. Nov.
6, 1885.
IV. Sarah Louise,8 b. 1820; d. 1825.
J77. Talcott Wakeman,7 of Sullivan County, New-
York, married first, Maria Reynolds; second, Mary
Wilson (b. July 5, 1796; d. Sept. 27, 1832), dau. of
Valentine Wilson; third, Lucinda. He begat,
I. Benjamin,8 d. Sept. 5, 1876.
II. William Augustus.8
319. III. Nelson,8 b. May 14, 1821; d. Nov. 5,
IV. Maria,8 b. March 20, 1823. She m. at
Fallsburg, N. Y., July 27, 1849, Amos
Avery (b. December, 1815), and be-
A. Charles E., b. March 2, 1850.
B. Benjamin L., b. March 7, 1852.
C. Albert F., b. April 25, 1854.
D. Carrie A., b. July 11, 1856.
E. George E., b. July 29, 1858.
F. Mary L., b. Aug. 16, 1861.
G. William S., b. Sept. 22, 1865.
V. Valentine,9 b. March.
320. VI. Uriah Dimon,8 b. Aug. 4, 1823.
VII. George.8
VIII. Gideon.8
J78. Dr. Banks Wakeman,7 of Natchez, Miss., m.
June 10, 1817, Araminta Hynson, dau. of Richard
Hynson and Araminta Bowers, of Maryland, and be-
I. William B.,8 who. d. at Edenton, N. C,
and left children,
Mrs. Dr. Wakeman m. William Crane for
a second husband.
179. George Anson Wakeman,7 of Wheeling, Va.,
m. in Sullivan County, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1820, Ann
Hooper (b. Jan. 5, 1802), dau. of Stephen Hooper, of
England, and begat,
321. I. William Banks,8 b. July 12, 1822; d.
Aug. 6, 1859.
II. Jabez Newel,8 b. May 18, 1824; d. Sept.
1, 1824.
III. Cornelia A.,8 b. July 28, 1825.
IV. George Dimon,8 b. Dec. 3, 1828; d. Dec.
17, 1829.
V. Clarina Araminta,8 b. June 17, 1831.
She m. in Mendon, 111., Aug. 11,
1857, Dr. William C. Lane, of Mercer-
burg, Pa. (b. March 22, 1825; d.
March 4, 1890), and begat,
A. Eliza Ann, b. Oct. 1, 1858; d. July 29, 1859-
B. Thomas Wakeman, b. July 15, i860.
C. George Hamilton, b. Dec, 30, 1862.
D. Samuel Helick, b. May 3- 1868.
E. William Augustus, b. Dec. 23, 1865.
F. Cornelia Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1872.
G. Edwin Banks, b. Oct. 1, 1875; d. May 30,
H. James H., b. May 7, 1870; d. Feb. 28, 1873.
VI. Sarah Caroline,6 b. Jan. 13, 1834. She
m. Stephen G. Tyler, grand-nephew
of ex-President Tyler.
VII. Georgia Anna,8 b. Sept. 19, 1840. She
m. Joseph Wilkinson Aldrich, of Vir-
ginia, and begat,
A. Charles Lawrence, d. in infancy.
B. Roy.
C. Jules.
180. William Wakernan,7 of East Haddam, Conn.,
m. in Wilton, Conn., Feb. 10. 181 6, Polly Hurlbutt (b.
May 1, 1793; d. Sept. 3, 1873). They begat,
322. I. Levi Hurlbutt," b. Dec. 28, 1816; d.
April 21, 1889.
324. II. Sarah,8 b. March 23, 1820; d. Aug. 18,
III. Orilla,8 b. Feb. 24, 1822; d. Jan. 24,
IV. Minerva,6 b. April 12, 1824; d. Aug. 23,
323. V. George,8 b. Oct. 12, 1827.
J8J. Morehouse Wakeman,7 m. March 4, 1822, Mary
Parks, dau. of David Parks, of Dutchess County, N. Y.,
and begat,
I. William.8
b. Jan. 31, 1818; d. Dec. 8,
John P.
Mary E.
182. David Wakeman,7 of Red Hook, N. Y., m. in
Clinton, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1820, Eleanor Waltermire
(b. Sept. 23, 1798; d. April 2, 1881), dau. of George
Waltermire, of Clinton. They begat,
325. I. George Waltermire,8 b. Feb. 7, 1821.
II. Clarissa Ann,8 b. April 13,1824; d. July
17, 1825.
326. III. David Edwin,8 b. Oct. 30, 1826; d. Oct.
20, 1852.
IV. Sarah Credelia,8 b. April 24, 1828.
327. V. Luman Irskine,8 b. Feb. 27, 1831.
183. William Hill Wakeman,7 of Rhinebeck, N. Y.,
m. in Milan, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1827, Sarah White (b. Feb.
18, 1809; d. Aug. 22, 1893), dau. of John White and
Ruth Merrihew, of Dutchess County, N. Y., and begat,
328. I. John,8 b. April 28, 1831; d. Feb. 23,
II. David,8 b. Aug. 15, 1836.
III. Alfred S.,8 b. June 1, 1829; d. Sept. 3,
J84. William Wakeman,7 of New Haven, Conn., m.
first, Oct. 13, 1849, Julia Wilson, dau. of James B.
Wilson; second, Mary Eliza Jennings; and third, April
23, 1864, Henrietta Sharp, dau. of Henry Sharp, of
Newtown, and begat,
329. I. William H.,8b. June 1, 1855.
II. Charles B.8
J85. David Wakeman,7 m. Nov. 28, 1839, Mary
Turney (b. 1823), of Fairfield, and begat,
I. Charles.8
II. Isaac.8
III. Agnes.8
IV. One more.8
J86. Samuel Wakeman,7 of Georgetown, Conn., and
Lewisboro, N. Y., m. in Wilton, Conn., Sept. 18, 1828,
Harriet Whitlock, dau. of Matthew Whitlock, and be-
I. Louisa,8 b. Aug. 5, 1829. She m. in
New Canaan, Conn., Sept. 15, 1850,
Charles Smith Raymond, of Mon-
tague, Mass. (b. Oct. 3, 1828). They
A. Charles Theron, b. Dec. 22, 1852; d. Nov.
Nov. 11, 1889.
B. George Edward, b. June 11, 1854.
C. Wilfred, b. Dec. 3, 1855.
D. Walker Samuel, b. Sept. 17, 1859.
E. Harriet Louisa, b. March 25, 1861.
330. II. Hiram,8 b, Dec. 29, 1830.
III. Ruth,8 b. Jan. 23, 1834; d. March 7,
1875. She m. April 24, 1853, Andrew
Hoyt, of South Salem, N. Y. (b. Aug.
18, 1 81 8). They begat,
A. John.
B. Charlotte.
C. Anna.
D. Josephine, b. Aug. 9, 1857. She m. Frank
Wakeman (No. 431).
331. IV. Lester,8 b. Oct. 20, 1835.
332. V. Samuel Sherwood,8 b. Aug. 28, 1838.
333. VI. Andrus,8 b. March 11, 1841.
VII. Harriet,8 m. Joseph Crawford, of New
Canaan, and begat,
A. Cora Frances Seymour.
B. Myron Elmer.
334. VIII. Alsop,8 b. May 28, 1845.
J87. Aaron Osborn Wakeman,7 of Lewisboro, N. Y.,
m. May 10, 1837, Nancy G. Wilson (b. July 14, 1803;
d. Aug. 27, 1888), dau. of Jotham Wilson and Miss
Green, of Glenville, Conn., and begat,
335- I- Jotham W.,8 b. May 30, 1839.
336. II. James Aaron,8 b. Jan. 12, 1841.
III. Mary Green,8 b. Aug. 14, 1844; m. Mr.
J88. Gorham Wakeman,7 of Ramapo, N. Y., and
Beavertown, N. J., m. at Ramapo, Nov. 20, 1827, Ann
Maria Suffern (b. July 12, 181 1; d. June 12, 1880), dau.
of William and Martha Suffern, of Ramapo, and begat,
I. Elizabeth Perry,8 b. Oct 28, 1828.
II. Mary Suffern,8 b. June 3, 1831.
III. Salmon,8 b. Feb. 28, 1833.
J89. Eri Wakeman,7 of Catlett, Va., m. in Wells-
boro, Pa., May 21, 1843, Elizabeth Mallory (b. Feb. 28,
1812; d. Feb. 7, 1883), of Austerlitz, N. Y., and begat,
I. Hannah Esther,8 b. March 31, 1844. She
m. in Catlett, Va., Feb. 23, 1875,
Charles Daniels, of Catlett (b. Oct.
31, 1841), and begat,
A. Eva May, b. Feb. 21, 1879.
B. Nancy Ida, b. Nov. 26, 1880.
C. Sarah Ethel, b. Sept 18, 1882.
D. Charlsie Bella, b. June 10, 1884.
E. Nettie Louisa, b. July 17, 1886.
II. Lydia E.,8 b. Aug. 19, 1845. She m. in
Delmar, Pa., Oct. 14, 1863, Isaac John
Losinger, of Middlebury and Delmar,
Pa. (b. Oct. 10, 1838), and begat,
A. James E., b. Oct. 3, 1865.
B. Arthur Samuel, b. Feb. 23, 1869.
C. Cloys Franklin, b. Oct. 1, 1871.
D. John Frederick, b. July 2, 1S73.
E. Charles Sidney, b. May 14, 1875; d. Oct. 22,
F. Lydia Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1876.
III. Harriet Evelyn,8 b. May 25, 1847. She
m. in Delmar, Pa., Sept. 5, 187 1, By-
ron Eugene Harding, of Delmar (b.
March 5, 1847). They begat,
A. John B., b. April 5, 1873.
B. Lizzie M., b. Aug, 25, 1874.
C. Roy M., b. March 25, 1881.
D. Kittie A., b. July 5, 1884.
337. IV. John E.,8b. July 26, 1849.
V. James T.,b b. March 25, 1853; d. Aug.
11, 1879.
J 90. Daniel Perry Wakeman,7 of Ridgefield, Conn.,
and Balston Spa, N. Y. , m. in Saratoga Springs, 1830,
Anna A. Wakeman (b. July 6, 1812; d. May 7, 1893),
dau. of Samuel S. Wakeman (see No. 89), and begat,
I. Sara E.,8 b. Nov. 1, 1831. She m. at
Saratoga Lake, N. Y., April 6, 1857,
William Chester Shipherd, of Balston,
N. Y. (b. Jan. 8, 1828), and lives in
Cleveland, Ohio. They begat,
A. Emma Elisabeth, b. June 24, 1858; d. June
18, 1895. She m. George H. Shannon.
B. Anna Martha, b. Sept. io, 1859, m. John H.
Hunie, and begat,
a. Ruth Lee.
C. Esther Raymond, b. Nov. 10, 1862, m. Nelson
O. Fuller.
D. Frankie Cleveland, b. Jan. 28, 1866, m.
Frank Robinson, and begat,
a. Helen.
b. Esther.
E. Kittie Wakeman, b. Feb. 11, 1877; d. Oct.
31, 1877.
II. Fred J.,8b. Sept. 18, 1833; d. July 26,
III. Salmon A.,8 b. Feb. 2, 1835; d. Oct. 6,
IV. Samuel S.,8 b. July 12, 1837.
J9J. Isaac Wakeman,7 of Wilton and Northfield,
Conn., m. Mary Taylor (b. July 27, 18 19), dau. of Moses
Taylor and Polly Grumman, and begat,
I. Elizabeth A.,8 b. Aug. 27, 1842. She
m. Oct. 6, 1868, Walter E. Cadwell
(b. Jan. 22, 1837; d. April 29, 1869,
and served in the Civil War, in Co. E.,
20th Regt, Conn. Vols). They begat,
A. Walter, b. Sept. 4, 1867.
II. Augusta M.,8 b. April 10, 1843.
338. III. Daniel Perry,8 b. Aug. 17, 1845.
IV. Martha C.,1 b. July 6, 1847, m. Lewis
Samuel Chipman, of Cornwall Hollow,
Conn., April, 1866, and begat,
A. Walter Harlan, b. Sept. 20, 1867.
B. Louisa Isabella, b. Aug. 20, 1869.
C. George Lewis, b. Dec. 8, 1870.
D. Ida Birtha, b. Aug. 31, 1873.
E. Anna May, b. Sept. 9, 1881.
339- V. Walker S.,8 b. Sept. 6, 1849.
VI. Julia H.,8 b. Oct. 24, 1850; d. Feb. 6,
VII. Ellen J.,8 b. April 19, 1852; m. John F.
Woodruff, of Connecticut.
VIII. Edward J.,8 b. April 22, 1852.
IX. EmmaG.,8 b. April n, 1854; d. Feb.
7, 1862.
X. Clarissa A.,8 b. Feb. 23, 1857; d. March
2i, 1883.
340. XI. Ernest C.,8 b. April 21, 1859.
XII. Isabelle,8b. Aug. 27, 1861; d. Sept. 29,
J 92. John Alexis Wakeman,7 of Balston Spa, N. Y.,
m. there Sept. 16, 1847, Harriet Ann Hatch (b. Dec.
1, 1826; d. April 15, i860), dau. of James Hatch and
Lucinda Ann Finney, and begat,
I. Frank,8 b. June 10, 1849; d. Sept. 5,
II. Ellen Augusta,8 b. Aug. 8, 185 1; d.
Sept. 3, 1853.
III. John Finlay,8 b. July 17, 1854.
IV. Kate,8 b. June 29, 1858; d. Jan. 24,
Mr. Wakeman m. second, at Burnt Hills, N. Y. ,
Feb. 25, 1863, Marion Post (b. May 20, 1836),
dau. of William K. and Esther Post, of Burnt
J 93. Joel Wakeman, D.D.,7 of Rhinebeck and
Campbell, N. Y., m. first, Abigail Judson, March 27,
1838, dau. of David Judson. He m. second, Irene Cole-
man, May 20, 1 89 1, dau. of Joseph Coleman. He d. at
Campbell, May 24, 1898. He was born at Rhinebeck,
and at the age of twelve moved with his father to Hec-
tor, N. Y. In 1832 he came to Prattsburg, N. Y.,
where he worked at the trade of wagon making. In
the great revival which prevailed there from 1828 to
1832 he was converted, and united with the Presbyterian
Church with seventy-two others, several of whom en-
tered the ministry. He studied at Prattsburg Academy
and at Auburn Seminary from 1841 to 1844. After
supplying the church at Dansville a few months, he ac-
cepted a call to Almond, where he preached for twenty-
one years, building up a strong church. He preached
in Painted Post, from 1865 to 1868; Campbell 1868 to
1872; at Almond again, 1872 to 1874; and at Milburn,
1874 to 1879. He then retired, living in Painted Post
until four years ago, when he moved to Campbell to
spend his remaining years with an adopted daughter.
He was very active in the temperance and anti-slavery
movements, and a very popular speaker. He was also
much sought after in revival work. He wrote two vol-
umes on temperance, viz.: "The Satanic License,"
which was widely circulated, and " The Golden Horn."
He received the degree of D.D. from Alfred Univer-
sity. In 1862 he recruited a company in the i32d Reg-
iment, of which he became captain. After his discharge
from disability he served on the Christian Commission.
He preserved his faculties to the last in a ripe,
useful, and cheerful old age.
J 94. Andrew Peck Wakeman,7 of Fairfield, Conn.,
m. in Fairfield May 15, 1861, Cornelia K. Burr (b. June
14, 1837), dau of Eben Burr and Harriet Albee Osborn,
of Fairfield, and begat,
I. Jennie L.,8b. June 6, 1862; d. Dec. 14,
341. II. Samuel Burr,* b. Oct. 26, 1863.
III. Andrew Smedley,8 b. Oct. 5, 1865.
342. IV. Bacon," b. May 10, 1867.
V. Emma Frances,6 b. Nov. 23, 1868.
VI. Carrie Thomson,8 b. Oct. 4, 1870; d.
Aug. 22, 1884.
VII. Joseph Howard,8 b. Feb. 14, 1875.
VIII. Bessie Osborn,8 b. July 19, 1876; d. Oct.
23, 1882.
IX. Florence Cornelia,8 b. Oct. 16, 1878.
195. Stephen Wakeman,7 of Lockport, N. Y., m.
Feb. 17, 1817, Rachel Van Deventer (b. Feb. 27, 1798),
of Seneca County, and begat,
343. I. Isaac Van Deventer,8 b. Nov. 29, 18 18;
May 23, 1890.
344. II. James Adams,8 b. March 20, 1821; d.
March 3, 1864.
345. III. Harvey H.,8 b. May 9, 1823.
346. IV. Stephen Clark,8 b. Aug. 19, 1825.
V. Sarah Maria,8 b. July 3, 1828 ; d. July 16,
1850. Shem. 1849, Chaun^ey Wolcott,
and begat one dau. who d. in infancy,
VI. Anna Parmela,8 b. Jan. 3, 1831, d. June
26, 1861.
J 96. Samuel Wakeman, 7 of Lockport, N. Y. , m. Eliza
Cargel (d. Aug., 1886), of Lima, N. Y., and begat,
I. Ida,8m. Henry Buell, and begat four
II. EmmaG.8
III. Nellie E.8
IV. Hattie.8
197. Alfred Wakeman,7 of Bedford, Iowa, m. first at
Lockport, N. Y., Mary Ann Williams (b. Jan. 11, 1817;
d. May, 1872), dau. of John Williams and Catherine
Norton, of Lockport, and begat,
I. John,8 b. Sept. 18, 1836; d. Feb. 4, 1891.
347. II. Stephen A.,8 b. April 18, 1838.
III. Kate A.,8 b. Sept. 2, 1839. Sne m. in
Lockport, Dec. 11, 1855, Orren Marsh,
of Lockport, N. Y. , and Terrell, Wis.
(b. Jan. 7, 1828), and begat,
A. C. W., b. March 27, 1857; m. Emma Herder,
Nov., 1894.
B. May E., b. Dec. 14. 1S60; m. C. C. Warren,
C. Elmer A., b. March 28, 1864; d. Feb. 23,
D. Florence C, b. Dec. 8, 1865; d. Jan. 8, 1866.
E. F. E., b. June 19, 1869.
F. Lillian I. A., b. Jan. 22, 1871; d. March 17,
1893. She m. O. E. McCue, May 16, 1891.
348. IV. Alfred B.,8 b. March 3, 1843.
V. Cornelia Elizabeth,8 b. July 25, 1844.
She m. first, in Merton, Wis., March
14, 1868, to Edward C. Palmer, who
d. Dec. 2, 1880. She m. second, in
Bedford, Iowa, 1892, David J. Mc-
VI. Mary Jane,8 b. May 26, 1846; d. Jan. 18,
VII. Henry M.,8 b. March 28, 1849; d. Sept.
26, 1850.
VIII. Helen M.,8 b. March 28, 1849; d. Sept.
26, 1850.
349. IX. Roderick A.,8 b. March 24, 185 1.
J 98. Edward Adams Wakeman,7 of Lockport, N. Y.,
m. in Lockport, April 7, 1836, Elizabeth B. Jones (b.
Dec. 17, 1817; d. Jan. 9, 1878), of Easton, N. J., and
I. William H.,8 b. May 21, 1837; d. Aug.
31, 1838.
350. II. Charles Edwin,8 b. July 3, 1839; d. Dec.
20, 1886.
III. Edward Jones,8 b. Sept. 21, 1841; m.
Miss Morton.
351. IV. Frank Stephen,8 b. Mays, 1846.
V. Fred,8 b. March 10, 1849; m- Mary
J 99. Captain Charles Wakeman,7 of Greensfarms,
Conn., m. at Greenfield Hill, Conn., April 4, 1824,
Elizabeth Bradley (b. March 18, 1800; d. July 9, 1874),
dau. of Stephen Bradley, of Greenfield. They begat,
I. Charles Austin,8 b. Sept. 30, 1825; d.
Feb. 24, 1827.
II. Infant,8 b. July 30, 1826; d. July 30,
Henry T.,8b. Sept. 22, 1827.
Mary Elizabeth,8 b. Sept. 20, 1829; d.
July 26, 1830.
Stephen Bradley,8 b. May 9, 183 1.
Edward Osborn,8 b. Aug. 12, 1833.
Aritta Mindwell,8 b. July 25, 1835.
Charles Sereno,8 b. Dec. 6, 1837.
Frederick,8 b. Feb. 12, 1842.
Rufus,8 b. April 2, 1843.
Cornelius,8 b. Aug. 16, 1846; d. Dec.
19, 1872.
200. Stephen Burritt Wakeman,7 of Greensfarms,
m. March 8, 1835, Betsey Couch (b. 1813; d. March 27,
185 1), dau. of Wakeman Couch (see No. 28), and be-
358. I. Stephen Banks,8 b. 1835.
II. Julia M.,8 b. Nov. 9, 1839; d. May 25,
1 87 1. She m. in New Haven, Conn.,
Dec. 2,1862, Edwin Squires, of South-
port and Saugatuck, Conn. (b. Sept.
7, 1839), and begat,
A. Edwin Burritt, b. April 8, 1865.
B. Charles W., b. May 15, 1871.
35 2-
. V.
355- vi:
. X.
359. III. Horace Staples,8 b. March 18, 1847.
2QJ. Talcott Banks Wakeman,' of Greensfarms, m.
in Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 17, 1838, Abigail H. Coley,
dau. of David Coley, of Greensfarms, and begat,
I. Mary Eleanor,8 b. May 11, 1840. She
m. in Greensfarms, Sept. 1, 1858, Ar-
thur C. Taylor, of Greensfarms (b. Oct.
17, 1833; d. Nov. 15, 1894), and be-
A. Arthur Wakeman, b. July 23, 1859.
B. Bessie R., b. March 22, 1861.
C. Ida Louise, b. Jan. 14, 1864.
D. Edward Jesup, b. Jan. 2S, 1866.
E. Howard Garnering, b. March 17, 186S.
F. Mary Eleanor, b. Jan. 18, 1871; d. Aug. 25,
G. Frank Wakeman, b. Oct. 31, 1878; d. Aug.
18, 1879.
II. Julia Coley,8 b. June 2, 185 1.
I cannot do better here than to give the following
sketch of Mr. Talcott B. Wakeman, from the pen of
his friend, the Hon. T. S. Gold, of West Cornwall,
" I am happy to recall my memory of my old time
friend, Talcott B. Wakeman, and give a few lines
as my testimony to those characteristics of the man
as he appeared to me. Mr. Wakeman had a genu-
ine love for his calling — agriculture — and was an
honor to it by its successful prosecution. Though
educated in the old time ways of the early part of
the nineteenth century, he kindly and readily
sought and accepted the teachings of modern
science. His farming was thorough and his execu-
tive ability in conducting his affairs, and managing
his men, rendering labor efficient, excited my ad-
miration. He had no use for the idle or inefficient.
He made short work with any of that class that
sought employment. Skillful and industrious him-
self, he encouraged and developed the same spirit
in others ; everything was kept in order on his prem-
ises. Yet he found time for his public duties as a
citizen and his sterling integrity gave weight to his
counsels. Connecticut agriculture depends more
for its prosperity upon such men as was Mr. Wake-
man, than upon the natural advantages of the state
in soil, climate, or location. Such examples should
ever be remembered and honored as an encourage-
ment to ' keep the boys on the farm ' if they are fit
for the business. Farming is a hard business for
those who have no love for husbandry, who can see
no beauty or pleasure in rural life. I view Mr.
Wakeman as having a heart as large and free as
was his physical frame, who will always live in the
kindly memory of those who knew him."
202. Henry Burr Wakeman,7 of Greensfarms, was a
well known agriculturist and fruit raiser, a man of in-
tegrity and high standing in his community. He m. in
Greensfarms, Jan. i, 1844, Esther Jennings (b. Dec. 7,
1823), and begat,
360. I. Maurice B.,8 b. Feb. 21, 1845.
361. II. Lewis Penfield,8 b. June 11, 1847.
III. William Henry,8 b. Dec. 27, 1851; d.
Jan. 24, 1853.
362. IV. William James,8 b. Dec. 30, 1854.
V. Ella Maria,8 b. May 20, 1862; d. Jan. 3,
363. VI. Alfred John,8 b. Feb. 8, 1865.
203. Captain William Webb Wakeman,7 of South-
port, Conn. , and New York city. He m. in Southport,
Conn., Oct. 29, 1833, Mary Catherine Hull (b. Aug. 20,
1813), dau. of Lyman Hull and Amelia Bulkley, of
Southport, and begat,
I. Eliza Hull,8 b. Jan. 9, 1835; d. Nov. 14,
1889. She m. in Southport, Oct. 8,
1874, Charles M. Taintor, of Buffalo,
N. Y., and New York city. They
A. Charles M., b. July 17, 1S77.
II. Delia Maria,8 b. Sept. 28, 1837; d. April
21, 1880. She m. in New York city,
May 2, 1866, Dwight Baker, of Sack-
etts Harbor, N. Y., and Scranton, Pa.
(b. July 3, 1834; d. July 3, 1880).
III. Cornelia Crapo,8 b. Jan. 2, 1840. She
m. in Southport, Conn., June 15,
1870, Charles Blagge Tompkins, of
Middletown, Conn., and New York
city (b. July 17, 1831; d. Sept. 16,
1892, in Litchfield, Conn). They be-
A. William Wakeman, b. Nov. 27, 1871; d. July
17, 1872.
364. IV. William Webb,8 b. Aug. 23, 1842; d.
Feb. 25, 1881.
V. Mary Catherine,8 b. Aug. 23, 1842; d.
May 14, 1853.
365. VI. Jesup,8b. May 4, 1844.
VII. Susan Amelia,8 b. April 3, 1848; d. Dec.
28, 1882.
Captain William Webb Wakeman, when a young
man, was engaged in business with his father at
Mill River, now Southport, Conn., where his early
life was spent. He branched out for himself after
a short period, and became master of his own ves-
sel, which was employed in the coasting trade be-
tween New York, Boston, and Salem, Mass.
During this period of his business life his vessel was
wrecked near Holmes Hole, Mass., and in this
emergency his characteristic coolness and deter-
mination were strongly manifested ; for every man
on board was sent ashore in safety before he con-
sented to leave his vessel.
He was next engaged in the coasting trade between
New York and Georgetown, D. C, and at a later
period extended the business to Savannah, Ga.,
and Galveston, Texas, where regular lines were
established under the name of the Star line. Mr.
Wakeman was at the same time extensively en-
gaged in the East India and China trade under the
firm name of Wakeman, Dimon & Co., which he
organized. This firm was one of the first to send
vessels to California after its annexation to the
United States.
At the outbreak of the war of the Rebellion, in i860,
steamships were added to the prosperous lines of
sailing vessels, which were employed by the gov-
ernment as United States transports.
About this time the firm name was changed to that
of Wakeman, Gookin & Dickinson, but subse-
quently to W. W. Wakeman & Co.
After the close of the war a line of steamships was
established between New York and Savannah, Ga.,
under the old name of the Star line, which was
maintained for several years. In addition to their
heavy shipping interests, this house became largely
interested in gold and silver mines in California
and Nevada, and at one time acted as New York
agents for various mines.
Mr. Wakeman was by nature a man of marked
energy and force of character, and thus made his
influence felt, and often paramount, in whatever he
undertook. These qualities not only gave him suc-
cess in business, but made him a valuable acquisi-
tion to any cause which he espoused.
In all public movements that promised moral and
material improvement to those among whom he
lived he was ever ready, by personal effort and
generous contributions, to render efficient aid.
He strongly advocated and was one of the committee
to erect a suitable building for a graded public
school in Southport during the years 1851 and 1852.
He was one of the original trustees of the South-
port Savings Bank when it was organized in 1854,
and at a later period a director of the Shoe and
Leather Bank in New York city. He was an in-
corporator and original trustee of the Oak Lawn
Cemetery Association of Southport, Conn., and
was ever deeply interested in its development and
success. He became a member of the Southport
Congregational Church in the year 1847, and a
deacon in 1849.
His church life, like his daily life, was earnest and
faithful wherever duty called, allowing no ordinary
obstacle to hinder or defeat its conscientious per-
formance. True to his convictions, prompt in his
engagements, and with open-handed bounty to the
poor and needy, he was always found a staunch
friend on the side of right and justice, and an out-
spoken foe to whatever he esteemed to be wrong.
His works live after him, not only in his wholesome
example and consistent religious life, but in his
testamentary benefactions to the church and to the
leading benevolent institutions of the day, bearing
testimony to his interest in those objects which in
later years lay very near his heart.
He passed from mortal life to the immortal at his
home in New York city, April 19, 1869, to which he
returned smitten with a fatal malady from Cali-
fornia, where important business had summoned
him a few months previous, and when realizing his
critical condition, with heroic resolution, com-
menced immediate preparation for the long sea
voyage home from San Francisco to New York,
which he patiently endured, and with deep grati-
tude and satisfaction reached the haven which he
earnestly longed to gain ere life should end. The
desire was granted, and, surrounded by his family,
his last hours were passed in the home which was
ever the nucleus of his keenest happiness.
204. Maurice Wakeman,7 of Southport, Conn. He
was in the flour business in Boston, in the early '30's,
and later became interested in realty in Brooklyn. He
went to Chicago in 1836, on horseback, and became
largely interested in real estate in Oswego, Buffalo,
Cleveland and Chicago, mostly at the latter place, and
in some adjacent towns. In 1837 the panic caused his
failure for a large amount. He recovered some of the
land by his father's aid, and settled in Southport, Conn.,
in 1846. Thereafter he followed his scholarly tastes
and love of literature and English poetry, having his
library stocked with the standard works. He also took
much interest in the political affairs of the world and
carried on a correspondence with prominent statesmen
in this country and abroad. He was a man of kindly
and charitable disposition, and of nobility of character.
He was a member of the Congregational church in
Southport, and was its clerk for a number of years. He
m. in Southport, Oct. 15, 1845, Mary C. Thorp (b. Feb.
4, 1824), dau. of Capt. Walter Thorp and Elizabeth
Sherwood, of Westport, Conn., and Southport, and be-
366. I. Robert Peel,s b. Oct. 2, 1849.
II. Florence Dimon,8 b. Aug. 15, 1855; d.
June 7, 1873.
III. Virginia Dimon,8 b. Aug. 15, 1855. She
m. June 1, 1892, at Southport, William
B. Van Wagenen, of Newark, N, J.
205. Zalmon Bradley Wakeman,7 of Southport, was
a man of prominence and possessed good business qual-
ifications, leaving a large property. He was a man of
principle and interested in church work. He m. in
Fairfield, Conn., March 3, 1829, Sarah Ann Fowler
(b. July 22, 1806; d. July 30, 1873), dau. of Stephen
Fowler and Mary Strong, of Guilford, Conn., and be-
I. Mary Fowler.8
II. Frances.8
III. Sarah White,8 b. 1843; d. 1844.
206. Jesup Banks Wakeman,7 of Southport, m. in
New York city, Dec. 30, 1830, Amelia A. Jarvis (b.
May 22, 1806; d. Aug. 29, 1892), dau. of James Jarvis
and Elizabeth Smith, of New York, and begat,
I. James Jarvis,8 b. Feb. 13, 1832; d. Feb.
22, 1832.
II. Henry,8 br Nov. 21, 1836; d. Dec. 15,
III. Julia Frances,8 b. Oct. 7, 1833; d. June
7, 1862. Shem. Lewis Dimon Bulkley,
of Southport, and begat two child-
ren; both d. s. p.
207. Han ford Wakeman,8of Tompkins, N. Y., m. in
Walton, March 1817, Anna Gould (b. April 25, 1799; d.
Oct. 24, 1862), dau. of Luther Gould, of Walton, and
I. Harvey,9 m. Sally Durfee, and begat
one daughter.
II. Sabrah.9
III. Amanda,9 m. Daniel Avery, of Sidney,
N. Y.
367. IV. William H.,9 b. July 30, 1832.
208. William Wakeman,8 of Hamden, N. Y. He
m. Demilah Beers, dau. of Ephraim Beers, of Rock
Rift, N. Y., and begat,
I. Gabriel,9 of Deposit, N. Y.
II. Julia,9 m. Theodore Galloway, of Sus-
quehanna, N. Y.
III. Cordelia,9 m. George Foote, of Hones-
dale, Pa.
IV. Jane,9 m. Mr. Woodburn, of Addison,
N, Y.
V. William.9
VI. Gilbert.9
209. Moses Wakeman,8 of Sidney, N. Y. Hem. in
Windsor, N. Y. , Mary Ann Alexander (b. Aug. 29,
1810), dau. of Jedediah Alexander, of Windsor, and
I. LydiaJ.,9b. Feb. 29, 1840.
II. Sabrah M.,9 b. Jan. 2, 1842.
III. Judson A.,9 b. Aug. 5, 1843.
2 JO. Stephen Wakeman,6 of Walton and Vestal, N.
Y., m. Mary Ann Ossincup, and begat,
I. Catharine,9
II. Lucy Peabody. 9
III. Moses.9
211. James Wakeman,8 of Walton and Sidney, N.
Y. , m. in Stamford, N. Y. , 1818, Sarah Polly, dau. of John
Polly, of Stamford, N. Y., and begat,
I. Lucy Ann,9 b. Oct. 17, 1820, m.
John F. Grant, of Hobart, N. Y., and
begat two children.
II. Catharine," b. March 10, 1822; d. June
11, 1895.
III. Sarah,9 b. May 22, 1824; d. Aug. 21,
1886. She m. in Sidney, N. Y., May
7, 1850, Sherman D. Mitchell, of
Meredith, N. Y., and begat,
A. Frederick James, b. Feb. 26, 1851.
B. Frances, b. Oct. 5, 1857.
368. IV. James,9 b Dec. 29, 1826.
369. V. Sanford B.,9 b. Jan. 21, 1830.
212. Benjamin Wakeman,8 of Walton and Pike, N.
Y., m. in Walton, Nov. 12, 1878, Rachel Nichols, dau.
of Daniel Nichols, of Walton, and begat,
I. Truman,9 b. April 10, 1820; d. July 10,
II. Juliette,9 b. Aug. 18, 1827; d. July 10,
1865. She m. Horton Clute.
III. Mariette,9 b. Oct. 25, 1829. She m. in
Pike, N. Y., June 23, 1829, Smith G.
Clute, of Earlsville and Pike, N. Y.
(b. Oct. 31, 1827), and begat,
A. Olive, b. Sept. 13, i860.
B. John A., b. Oct. 10, 1862.
C. Warren W., b. Nov. 21, 1864.
D. Minnie E., b. Aug. 3, 1868.
IV. Rosetta,9 b. June 1, 1833.
V. Warren,9 b. Sept. 27, 1822; d. Oct. 3,
213. John Wakeman,8 of Walton, N. Y. Hem. in
Meredith, N. Y., March 1, 1821, Lydia Pease, dau. of
Gad Pease, of Meredith, and begat,
370. I. Clark,9 b. April 6, 1822; d. Jan. 2, 1888.
371. II. Smith,9 b. June 10, 1824; d. June 20,
III. Mariette,9 b. Aug. 31, 1826; d. May 24,
372. IV. Warren,9 b. Oct. 16, 1828; d. June 15,
373. V. Vermilye,9 b. Dec. 25, 1830; d. Feb. 11,
VI. Harriet,9 b. March 31, 1833; d. Feb. 18,
2*4. Abel Wakernan,8 of Walton, N. Y., m. in Wal-
ton, June 20, 1827, Marilda Beers, dau. of Ephraim
Beers, of Walton, and begat,
I. Matilda,9 b. July 24, 1828; d. May 24,
1872. She m. Ezra Piatt. He d.
March 5, 1876, leaving one child.
374. II. Ephraim,9 b. March 5, 1830.
375. III. Charles,9 b. June 8, 1848.
215. Alfred Wakernan," of Grattan, Mich. He m
in Franklin, N. Y. , first, Dec. 16, 1841, Mary Ann Ed-
monds (b. June 25, 1818; d. Aug. 12, 1864). Hem.
second, Nov. 26, 1866, Eliza Hanford, dau. of Stephen
Hanford, of Walton, N. Y. , and begat,
376. I. Clark,9 b. Dec. 11, 1843.
377. II. Theodore,9 b. Nov. 16, 1846.
2J6. Jabez Jennings Wakernan/ of Towanda, Pa.,
m. in Walton, N. Y., Polly Butler, dau. of John
Butler, of Walton, and begat,
I. Hiram G.,9 m. Asenath Scott; d. about
II. Elizabeth G,9 m. Hiram Teed, of
Delhi, N. Y.
378. III. Asahel,9 b. July 1, 1830.
IV. Chester F.,9 of Bolivar, N. Y.
379. V. David C.,9 b. May 18, 1837.
VI. Sarah,9 m. James Patterson.
VII. Martha B.9
VIII. Bayard.9
217. David Wakeman,8 of Walton, N. Y., m. first
(not known). He married second, Emeline Cable, of
Walton, and begat,
I. Sarah,9 of Binghamton.
II. Stephen,9 of Kansas.
III. Celestia,9 m. Mr. Mayhew.
IV. Nettie.9
2!8. Jessup Wakeman,8 of Walton, N. Y. He m.
in 1819, Julia Nichols (b. 1802), dau. of Daniel Nichols,
of Walton, and begat,
I. Sylvia,9 b. 1820; d. 1857, m. in 1846
Ezra Beers, and begat,
A. Charles, b. Aug. 3, 1850.
II. Laura A.,9 b. 1826, m. Israel Silk-
worth in 1864.
III. Abigail,9 b. 1829, m. Allen Beers in
1850, and begat,
A. Sylvia A., b. June 29, 1859.
B. William, b. May 2, 1874.
IV. Ann Eliza,9 b. 1834: d. 1859.
V. Mary,9 b. 1837, m. in i860, George
W. Beers, and begat,
A. William J., b. June 3, 1861.
B. Winifred, b. May 27, 1864.
C. Neenah G„ b. April 5, 1867.
VI. Emma C.,9 b. 1842, m. Sherman
Beers in 1869.
VII. Ellen A.,9 b. 1842, m. Philo W.
Thayer in 1869.
2J9. George Wakeman,8 m. Meribah Durfee, dau.
of Thomas Durfee, of Tompkins, N. Y. They begat,
I. Charles,9 d. aged 3 years.
II. Eliza,9 m. James Ostrom.
There were three more, names were not furnished.
220. Aaron Banks Wakeman,8of Walton, N. Y, and
Willow Creek, Colo. He m. in Walton. Jan. 15, 1827,
Sarah Bennett (b. Nov. 30, 1808; d. Feb. 28, 1890),
dau. of Joseph Bennett and Elizabeth Morehouse, of
Connecticut. They begat,
380. I. Joseph Bennett,0 b. Feb. 12, 1828.
381. II. Abijah Seeley,9 b. Dec. 22, 1829.
III. Mary Jane,9 b. Nov. 5, 1832; d. July 20,
1863. She m. in Hamden, N. Y.,
June 20, 1850, James Miller, of Wal-
ton (b. 1828; d. Nov. 1891). They
A. Julius, b. 1853.
B. Alice, b. 1854; d. Nov., 1893; m. Irwin Buck-
C. Elthea, b. 1856, m. George Smith.
D. Horace, b. 1857.
E. Marshall, b. 1S58.
F. Ida Bell, b. i860, m. S. Hoyt.
382. IV. Washington Lafayette,9 b. Nov. 26, 1834.
383. V. Peter Smith,9 b. Sept, 28, 1836; d. Dec.
25, 1894.
384. VI. Alonzo Walker,9 b. Oct. 26, 1838; d. Jan.
5.. l874-
385. VII. Moses Hermon,9 b. Oct. 3, 1844.
VIII. Ellen Eva,9 b. May 21, 1854; d. June 18,
22 J. Samuel Wakeman,8 of Walton, N. Y., and La
Crosse, Wis. He m. and had twelve children but the
data has not been supplied.
222. Silas Wakeman,8 of Walton and Coleville, N.
Y., m. in Coventry, N. Y. , Oct. 27, 1842, Amarilla L.
Wilkins (b. Feb. 17, 1826), dau. of Joshua Wilkins and
Mary Stowell. They begat,
I. Celia,9 b. April 30, 1845.
II. Mellie,9 b. Jan. 7, 1849.
III. Sylvester,9 b. April 13, 1851.
223. Rufus B. Wakeman,8 of Walton, N. Y., m. in
Walton, Jan. i, 1856, Anzilla Hawley (b. May 8, 1837;
d. March 8, 1861), dau. of Edward Hawley and Ange-
line Gee, of Walton. He m. second, Dec. 15, 1863,
Sarah Skinner (b. Feb. 11, 1833), dau. of Anson Skin-
ner, of Franklin, N. Y. , and begat,
386. I. George Epaphras,9 b. Jan. 22, 1857.
II. Frances Eleanor/ b. Feb. 3, 1859.
m. Delos Luscomb.
III. Harvey Lincoln,9 b. March 4, 1861.
224. Nathan Wakeman,8 of Walton, N. Y., m. in
Walton, Nov. 27, 1836, Eliza Beers (b. April 8, 1813;
d. June 7, 1879), dau. of David Beers, of Tompkins, N.
Y., and begat,
387. I. Henry,9 b. Nov. 4, 1837.
388. II. Edwin,9 b. Oct. 26, 1838.
III. Betsey A.,9 b. July 24, 1840; d. March 7,
1875, m. May 17, 1862, Abram
Boice, and begat,
A. Lida, b. March 4, 1S64.
IV. Fanny B.,9 b. S^pt. 10, 1845, m.
Feb. 8, 1866, Egness Van Akin (b.
Feb. 22, 1839), and begat,
A. Carrie E., b. Feb. 5, 1879.
V. Mary E.,9 b. Nov. 3, 1846, rn. Feb.
8. 1866, Robert Van Akin, and begat,
A. Emma G., b. Aug. 20, 1868.
VI. Ellen,9 b. Nov. 30, 1852, m. Dec.
24, 1871, Henry L. Henderson.
225. Eliphalet Wakeman,8 of Walton. He m. in
Teedville, N. Y., May 1, 1872, Mrs. Sarah Teed, dau.
of Charles Jackson, of Teedville.
226. James Chamberlain Wakeman,8 of Balston Spa,
N. Y., and Elmhurst, 111., m. in Chicago, 1838, Mary
P. Kent, and begat,
389. I. Bradford James,9 b. Jan. 15, 1841.
390. II. George B.,9 b. Dec. 19, 1849.
III. Amelia M.9
IV. Alice C.9
227. Dr. George Burr Wakeman,8 of Chebanse, 111.,
m. at Balston Spa, N. Y. , Jan. 24, 1842, Emily Van
Nostrand (b. Aug. 3, 1818), dau. of Charles Van Nos-
trand and Anna Sherwood, of Balston Spa, and begat,
I. Anna Caroline,9 b. June 10, 1847; d.
Aug. 26, 1878. She m. Mr. Hunger-
391. II. Charles J.,9 b. March 29, 1859.
228. Rev. Montgomery Morgan Wakeman,8 of Bals-
ton, N. Y. , and Iowa, m. in Balston, 1842, Alida Conde,
of Charlton, N. Y., and begat,
I. Charlotte E.,9 b. March, 1843.
II. Albert C.9
III. Irenius.9
229. Halsey Wood Wakeman,8 of Stuttgart, Ark.,
m. in Lima, Ind.. Nov. 19, 1846, Catherine Alvord (b.
Sept. 22, 1830), dau. of Melzar Alvord, of Geneseo, N.
Y., and begat,
392. I. Melzar Alvord,9 b. Feb. 18, 1848.
II. Harriet L.,9 b. Dec. 25, 1849.
III. Mary A.,9 b. Nov. 1, 1851.
IV. Sarah R.,9 b. July 14, 1856.
V. Alice,9 b. Aug. 10, 1857.
VI. Lizzie,9 b. Jan. 29, 1858.
393. VII. Willard,9 b. Sept. 8, i860.
VIII. Walter,9 b. Nov. 15, 1870; d. Sept. 19,
IX. Pearl,9 b. April 3, 1872.
X. Edith,9 b. March 21, 1874.
230. Edwin Burr Wakeman,8 of Wheaton, 111., m. in
Farmersburg, Iowa, Sept. 8, 1857, Rosella R. Russell,
dau. of Isaac Russell, of Thedford, Vt. , and begat,
I. Arthur Edwin,9 b. April 30, 1858.
II. Edwin Burr,9 b. July 2, 1878.
III. Stella Russell,9 b. July 30, 1874.
23 J. Bennett Wakeman,8of Hornellsville, N. Y., m.
at Port Crane, N. Y., March 24, 1857, Bethiah Edson,
dau. of Jacob Edson, of Milford Center, N. Y., and be-
I. Nellie,9 b. June 26, 1861; d. Sept. 17,
II. Bertis Rupert,9 b. July 12, 1869.
III. Ernest,9 b. Oct. 23, 1873; d- Nov. 6,
IV. Arthur,9 b. Oct. 26, 1874; d. March 26,
232. DeWitt Wakeman,8 of Harpursville, N. Y., m.
there, Nov. 7, 1865, Eliza A. Hare (b. May 27, 1839),
dau. of James Hare and Rachel Brown, of Afton, N. Y. ,
and begat,
I. Ella M.,9 b. Aug. 8, 1865. She m. Oct.
13, 1887, Augustus Eldred, of Bain-
bridge, N. Y. (b. August, 1865), and
A. Flossie N., b. March 22, 1889.
B. Leon D., b. November, 1893.
C. Leda E., b. Feb. iS, 1896.
II. Nettie E.,9 b. Aug. 5, 1869; d. March
11, 1895. She m. Aug. 18, 1893,
Robert Cauthers, of Sullivan County,
N. Y.
233. Henry Thomas Wakeman,6 of Baltimore, Md.
He m. there July 27, 1884, Mrs. Ann Eliza Ruckle,
dau. of John R. Clemmons, of Baltimore, and begat,
I. Beulah May,9 b. April 5, 1884.
234. Charles Roswell Wakeman,8 of Philadelphia,
Pa., m. there Sept. 20, 1890, Ida Williams (d. Jan.,
1892), and begat,
I. Roswell S.,9b. Sept. 14, 1891.
235. Robert Etna Wakeman,8 of Brisbin, N. Y., m.
in Green, N. Y , March 2, 1873, Mary Elizabeth
Waters, dau. of Chas. Waters, of Coventry, N. Y., and
I. Emily Amelia,9 b. May 1, 1874.
II. Charles Harvey,9 b. Nov. 1, 1876.
III. Luther C.,9 b. Dec. n, 1878.
IV. Leon Carl,9 b. April 23, 1886.
V. Pearl,9 b. Nov. 10, 1887.
236. Harvey Lincoln Wakeman,8 of Binghamton,
N. Y., m. there first, Jan. 27, 1886, Polly Leonora
Yale (b. July 15, 1861; d. Oct. 20, 1890), dau. of Clark
Yale, of Onaquaga, and Parmelia Daring. He m. sec-
ond, in Port Crane, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1893, Minnie Ann
Youngs (b. July 15, 1868; d. Feb. 19, 1895), dau. of
Sylvester Youngs and Ann Winn, of Port Crane. He
m. third, in Binghamton, Nov. 24, 1895, Sarah Eva
Sherwood (b. Jan. 6, i860), dau. of Barney Sherwood
and Helen Brink, of West Windsor, N. Y. He begat,
I. Odessa Odelia,9 b. April 20, 1887.
II. Dora Balcom,9 b. April 20, 1887; d.
Aug. 21, 1887.
III. Ethel,9 b. April 20, 1889; d. Aug. 16,
IV. Nina Permelia,9 b. Aug. 19, 1897.
V. Milton Crosby,9 b. Feb. 15, 1899.
237* Merrick M. Wakeman,8 of Wayne, O., m. first,
in Jefferson, Wis., Oct. 15, 1859, Caroline A. Stoddard
(b. Oct. 14, 1842; d. July 20, 1875), dau. °f Silas E.
Stoddard. He m. second, Rose Wenger. He begat,
I. Florence E.,9 b. Sept. 15, i860; d. Oct.
18, 1896.
II. Carrie A.,9 b. July 12, 1863.
III. Lucy E.,9 b. Jan. 20, 1866; d. Sept. 14,
IV. Eva M.,9 b. Nov. 2, 18S8.
238. Melvin George Wakeman,8 of Boyne Falls,
Mich., m. in Chester, Mich., Aug. 20, 1865, Frances
Marie Olin (b. June 18, 1848), dau. of Roswell W. Olin
and Martha A. Olin, of Chester. He begat,
I. Nina Wealthy,9 b. Aug. 4, 1866.
II. Lyle O.,0 b. June 9, 1874.
III. Ula Clare,9 b. Aug. 6, 1890.
239. William S. Wakeman,8 of White Bluff, Tenn.,
m. in Hartstown, Pa., Sept. 6, 1861, Emma Pelton (b.
June 29, 1845), dau. of Lester and Polly Pelton, of
Gustavus, O. He begat,
I. Amy B.,9 b. Nov. 2, 1863.
II. Oscar O.,9 b. July 22, 1866.
III. Ada O.,9 b. April 10, 1868.
IV. Alma M.,9 b. Jan. 24, 1870.
240. James Frank Wakeman,8 of Ophir, Ore., m.
Oct. 30, 1866, Mary E. Dolen, and begat,
I. Charles Leroy,9 b. Aug. 15, 1867.
24 J. Jonathan Wright Wakeman,8 of Colgate, North
Dakota, m. Nov. 3, 1872, Adell King, and begat,
I. Orlo Egbert,9 b. Jan. 18, 1875.
II. Mary Minnie,9 b. Nov. 10, 1877.
III. Julia Ruhamah,9 b. May 11, 1887.
242. David Wakeman,8 of Fairfield, Conn., m. Oct.
21, 1832, Rebecca Barlow (b. June, 1808; d. Nov. 2,
1846), dau. of Nehemiah Barlow. They begat,
I. Esther Jane,9 b. Sept. 17, 1833; d. April
26, 1869. She m. John Wakeman (see
No. 140),
II. Abby Delia,9 b. Jan. 23, 1835.
III. Ellen Augusta,9 b. April 16, 1840 ; d. Feb.
25, 1842.
IV. Mary Ellen,9 b. Aug. 5, 1842; d. Oct. 20,
243. Samuel Wakeman,8 of Southport, Conn., m. in
1842, Sarah Bradley (b. June 2, 1816; d. Nov. 25, 1886),
dau. of Alja Bradley (b. Oct. 9, 1782; d. Dec. 2, 1861),
and Elizabeth Dimon (b. May 23, 1790; d. Dec. 19,
1876). They begat,
394. I. John Bradley,9 b. June 7, 1853.
244. Bradley Wakeman,8 of Easton, Conn., m. Nov.
9, 1835, Lucy Jennings (b. Feb. 9, 1815 ; d. Feb. 3, 1884),
dau. of Jennings and Roxana Johnson, and be-
395. I. Albert,9 b Aug., 1836.
II. Aretta E.,9 b. June 7, 1838; d. July 31,
1864. She m. in Fairfield, Conn., Feb.
13, 1858, James Jenkins, of Bethel,
Conn. (b. Nov. 20, 1834), and begat,
A. Sarah, b. Feb. 8, 1859; d- Jan- 25- l863-
B. Aretta E., b. July 7. 1864.
396. III. Tyler,9 b. Oct. 9, 1840; d. Sept. 8, 1863.
IV. Anna,9 b. July 14, 1845.
V. Lavina R. ,9 b. March 4, 1849. She m.
in Bridgeport, Conn., March 5, 1873,
Marvin Wilson of Fairfield (b. Jan. 7,
1842; d. Aug. 6, 1894), and begat,
A. Harry, b. July 21, 1875.
B. John, b. June 16,1878.
C. Lucy, b. Nov. 25, 1881.
245. Andrew Wakeman,8 of Greenfield Hill, Conn.,
m. Dec. 24, 1846, Mary Bradley (b. Feb. 6, 1823), dau.
of Samuel Bradley, and begat,
397. I. Andrew Bradley,9 b. June 20, 1848.
II. Martin E.,9 b. May 31, 1848.
III. Mary Esther,9 b. Dec. 2, 1854.
IV. Anna Maria,9 b. Jan. 30, 1858.
246. William Henry Harrison Wakeman,8 of For-
sythe, Mo. He m Esther Wakeman, dau. of No. 124,
and begat,
I. Ruhamah,9 m. Dr. Charles Ailing, of
Norwalk, O.
II. Eva,9 m. James Pryor, of Bronson, O.
247. Dr. John Adams Wakeman,8 of Centralia, 111.
Hem. at Columbus, O., March 25, 1838, Huldah J.
Stiles (d. Sept. 7, 1885), dau. of Henry Stiles, of Col-
umbus, and begat,
398. I. Emmett B.,9 b. Oct. 9, 1837.
II. Josephine C.,9 b. Sept. 27, 1841; m.
first, in Centralia, 111., May 8, i860,
John C. Kehoe, of Centralia (b. June
9, 1833; d. Jan. 12, 1871). She m.
second, Oct. 11, 1885, Dr. William H.
Leonard, of Minneapolis, Minn., and
A. Charles Wakeman, b. May 15, 1861; d. Aug.
8, 1883.
399. III. Henry Stiles,9 b. April 27, 1845.
248. Sherwood E. Wakeman," of North Fairfield,
O. He m. there Oct. 23, 1847, Helen M. Ells (b. July
18, 1821), dau. of Elisha Ells and Sarah- Harper, of
Coventry, Conn., and begat,
I. Fred H ,9 b. June 8, 1853, of Sparta,
II. Clara B.,9 b. March 11, 1856; m. Bur-
ton E. Cherry, of Norwalk, O.
249. Eli Wakeman,8 of Algansee, Mich., m. at North
Fairfield, O., Nov. 4, 1842, Louisa A. Benson, dau. of
Abijah Benson, of North Fairfield, and begat,
400. I. Mortimer Burr,9 b. Jan. 17, 1844; d.
Jan. 22, 1894.
II. Emma L.,9 b. Jan. 25, 1850.
250. Hiram Sherwood Wakeman,8 m. Polly Wake-
man, dau. of Samuel Wakeman (see No. 121), and be-
I. Lyman."
II. Mary F.,9 b. February, 1847; d. Dec. 7,
251. David Wakeman,8 of Hector, N. Y., and North
Fairfield, O., m. there, April, 1853, Sarah H. Ells (b.
February, 1832; d. May 23, 1884), dau. of Elisha Ells
and Sarah Harper, of Connecticut, and begat,
I. Alice J.,9 who m. Dwight Vermilye, of
Wildwood, Mich., Jan. 28, 1872, in
North Fairfield, O., and begat,
A. Ralph W., b. March 25, 1875.
B. Edward E., b. March 31, 1877.
C. Thaddeus D., b. Feb. 16, 1879.
D. Jay J., b. Jan. 22, 1886.
252* Scudder B. Wakeman/ of Trumansburg, N. Y. ,
m. there Dec. 28, 1858, Elizabeth B. Osborn (b. Aug. 1,
1830), dau. of Ephraim Osborn and Lois Wakeman, and
I. Lois," b. July 16, 1862.
401. II. Nathan L.,9 b. Mays, 1866.
III. Burr O.,9 b. Oct. 7, 1871.
253. Lewis Budd Wakeman,8 of Arcadia, La. He
m. in Baltimore, Md., Aug. 28, 1855, Mary Layfield (b.
Aug. 18, 1833; d. Sept. 20, 1888), dau. of Captain Wil-
liam W. Layfield and Miss Montgomery, of St. Michaels,
Md., and begat,
I. Mary Beatrice,9 b. July 11, 1856; d. Nov.
9, 1896. She m. in Pass Christian,
Miss., July 29, 1882, John J. Curtis,
of New Orleans, and begat,
A. Ida Frances, b. July 25, 1883.
B. Isabel Layfield, b. Aug. 8, 1885.
C. John William Aubray, b. Oct. 12, 1886.
D. Lewis Edward, b. June 12, 1888.
E. William Joseph, b. April 5, 1890.
F. May Beatrice, b. Dec. 12, 1891.
G. Edith, b. June 3, 1S93.
402. II. Lewis Farrington,9 b. May 28, 1859.
III. Sarah Priscilla,9 b. Oct. 6, 1862. She
m. in Mansfield, La., Oct. 6, 1892,
Samuel Augustus Guy, of Mansfield,
La. (b. March 16, 1862).
403. IV. William Bradley,9 b. Aug. 31, 1865.
V. Joseph Proctor,9 b. Oct. 12, 1867.
VI. Alonzo,9 b. Jan. 28, 1869; d. March 10,
VII. Waiter Moxley,9 b. Dec. 15, 1874; d.
March 10, 1875.
VIII. Anna Layfield,9 b. July 23, 1876.
254. Lewis Burr Wakeman," of Fenton, Mich., m. in
Hartland, Mich., March 7, 1855, Lavinia P. Walton,
dau. of Moses Walton, of Hartland, and begat,
I. Laura,9 b. April 30, 1856.
II. Frank E.,9 b. Nov. 16, 1864; d. Aug.
21, 1878.
255. William Burr Wakernan,8 of Trumbull, Conn.,
m. first, Sept. 26, 1850, Sophia G. Nestelle (d. July 17,
185 1), and second, on Dec. 10, 1852, to Emmeline Gil-
bert (b. Dec. 11, 1835), dau. of Reuben B. and Catha-
rine L. Gilbert, and begat,
I. William C.,9 b. June 23, 1851.
256. Hermon Wakernan,8 of Bridgeport, Conn., m.
first, in Newark, N. J., Feb. 18, 1863, Britannia S.
Tuers (d. Sept. 14, 1865), dau. of Richard Tuers. He
m. second, Mrs. Edith Hall, dau. of William Wilkin-
son, of Troy. He begat,
I. Britannia T.,9b. Sept. 4, 1865. She m.
W. F. Mauger, of Newark, N. J., and
Denver, Colo.
257. William Wakernan,8 of Greenfield, m. Oct. 21,
1858, Eveline J. Meeker (b. Feb. 1, 1839), dau. of Wil-
liam Meeker, and begat,
I. Georgiana,9 b. Aug. 11, 1859. She m.
Charles Jennings, Dec. 25, 1879.
258. Henry Wakernan,8 of Akron, O., m. at Cuya-
hoga Falls, O., May 24, 1864. Sarah A. Wadsworth (b.
Nov. 25, 1843), dau. of Apollos K. Wadsworth and
Harriet Ullmer, of Hartford, Conn., and begat,
I. Theodore W.,9 b. Feb. 1, 1866.
259. Eli Wakeman,8 of Bridgeport, Conn., m. in
Lyons Plains, Conn., Nov. 7, 1877, Mary Burr John-
son (b. Dec. 1, 1853), dau. of Charles W. and Parthena
M. Johnson, of Lyons Plains, Conn.
260. Moses Aaron Wakeman,8 m. March 16, 1864,
Mary Williams (b. March 29, 1842), dau. of Bradley
Williams, and begat,
I. Frederick Bradley,9 b. Dec. 23, 1864.
261. Charles Burr Wakeman,8 of Weston, Conn., m.
May 12, 1877, Julia H. (b. 1858), dau. of John Lock-
wood, and begat,
I. Charles William,9 b. Dec. 7, 1878.
II. Lillian May,9, b. July 12, 1890.
262. Henry Wakeman,8 of Easton, Conn., m. first,
in Easton, June 1, 1873, Eleanor Amelia Wildman (b.
1854; d. 1890), dau. of George Wildman and Eleanor
Lyon, of Bridgeport, Conn. He m. second, in Weston,
Conn., Oct, 15, 1885, EmmaE. Sandford (b. 1852), dau.
of W. O. Sandford and Lydia A. Wheeler, and begat,
I. Minnie,9 b. April 27, 1874.
II. Anna E.,9 b. Sept. 6, 1887.
III. Mary B.,9 b. Dec. 22, 1890.
IV. Ruth A.,9 b. April 11, 1894.
263. Chauncey Cleveland Wakeman,8 of Bridgeport,
Conn., m. in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 25, 1878, Lizzie
Maria Summers (b. June 27, 1861), dau. of David Sum-
mers and Jane Avaria, of Newtown, and begat,
I. Arthur Sinclair,9 b. June 22, t88o.
II. Jennie Alecia,9 b. Nov. 2, 1882.
III. Angeline Fanton,9 b. Sept. 10, 1889.
IV. Earl Judson,9 b. March 13. 1895; d.
June 16, 1896.
V. Irwin Alanson,9 b. March 13, 1895; d.
March 13, 1895.
264. Joseph Sherwood Wakeman,8 of Southport,
Conn. Hem. in Fairfield, Jan. 14, 1880, Harriet Nich-
ols, dau. of Willis Nichols, of Southport.
265. Asahel G. Wakeman,8 of Easton, Conn., m. in
North Fairfield, O., Harriet A. Keeler (b. May 13,
1842). They begat,
I. George Wilbur,9 b. Jan. 19, 1862
II. Elbee Clare,9 b. May 24, 1881.
266. Dr. Moses H. Wakeman,8 (Yale 1854) of Red-
ding, Conn., m. May 31, 1864, Harriet W. Collins, dau.
of Samuel James Collins, of Norwalk, Conn., and begat,
I. Mary Collins,9 b. May 2, 1866; m. in
Redding, April 9, 1890, Dr. Ernest
Smith, of West Roxbury, Mass. (b.
July 13, 1863), and begat,
A. Herman White, b. March 9, 1891.
B. Homer Morgan, b. May 17, 1894.
II. Henry Wheeler,9 b. March 6, 1869; d.
Feb. 25, 1870.
III. Harriet Wheeler,9 b. June 13, 1871.
267* Francis Burr Wakeman, 8 of Eldora, Iowa, served
in Co. D., nth Regt., 111. Vols., from May 1, 1861, for
three months and re-enlisted for three years at Birds
Point, Mo. Was discharged for disability at Lake Prov-
idence, La., March, 1863. He was in the battles of
Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, etc. He
m. in Rockford, 111., Sept. 23, 1863, Mary E. Luscomb,
dau. of John Luscomb, of Devonshire, England, and
I. Frances Ada,9 b. Feb. n, 1865.
II. Theresa Ida,9 b. Jan. n, 1868.
III. Lewis Burr,9 b. May 17, 1870.
IV. Esther Estella,9 b. Nov. 20, 1875.
V. Amy Jane,9 b. Oct. 6, 1878.
268. Howard Nichols Wakeman,8 of Southport,
Conn., m. in Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 28, 189 1, Grace
Melville Hall (b. Nov. 4, 1S65), dau. of Henry Hall
and Catharine Silliman Lacey, of Bridgeport, and be-
I. Talmadge Nichols,9 b. July 23, 1892.
II. Katherine DeForrest,9 b. May 12, 1895.
269. Seth B. Wakeman,8of Jay, Vt., m. Feb. 22,
1858, Cynthia C. Houghton (b. July 8, 1834) and be-
I. Clarence S.,9 b. Sept. 25, 1853.
II. Arthur M.,9 b. Nov. 27, 1855.
III. Frank B.,9 b. Oct. 4, 1857.
IV. Ernest H.,9 b. Sept. 3, 1859.
V. Percival H.,9 b. Sept. 2, 1861; d. March
7, 1887.
VI. Stillman S.,9 b. March 24, 1863.
VII. Lucy M.,9 b. Jan. 24, 1865.
VIII. Rolla D.,9 b. Jan. 6, 1867.
IX. Albert R.,9 b. Dec. 4, 1869.
X. Guy H.,9b. March 12, 1871.
XI. Fred R.,9 b. March 11, 1873.
XII. Infant,9 b. Aug. 16, 1876.
XIII. Ray E.,9 b. July 20, 1878.
270. Captain Sanford H. Wakeman,8 of Vermont,
served in the Civil War. He m. June 1, 1876, Theresa
V. Samson. He moved from Vermont to Richmond,
111., in 1855, and was given charge of the station. At
the first call for volunteers in 1 861, he enlisted in the
36th Illinois Volunteers, was made sergeant, and later
lieutenant and captain. He was with Rosecrans at
Chickamauga, Tenn., where he fell with a musket ball
through his breast.
27 J. Walter Wakeman,8 of Marshall, Minn., m. at
Lynd, Minn., June 1, 1876, Eva J. Watson (b. Feb.
20, 1856), dau. of W. L. Watson, of Lincolnshire, Eng.
Mr. Walter Wakeman enlisted in 1862, and was with
the 2d Vermont Brigade through the term of its enlist-
ment. He was at Rappahannock, Va., when Lee
started to invade Maryland. The Northern army fol-
lowed and met him at Gettysburg. He begat,
I. Howard Guy,9 b. Feb. 20, 1877; d. July
8, 1882.
II. Minnie May,9 b. July 27, 1878; d. Sept.
20, 1882.
III. Hazel,9 b. June 26, 1884.
IV. Walter Earle,9 b. April 24, 1888.
272. Seth B. Wakeman,8 of Lawyersville, N. Y., m.
in Savona, N. Y., July 13, 1870, Helen A. Dana (b. July
22, 1S48), dau. of James G. , and Ann E. Dana, of Law-
yersville, N. Y., and begat,
I. Arthur H,,9 b. Aug. 24, 1871.
273. James Henry Wakeman,8 of Blackrock, Conn.,
m. first, in Bridgeport, Conn., Sept 29, 1846, Catherine
Beach (b. Oct. 27, 1826; d. Aug. 28, 1855). Hem.
second, June 6, 1859, Sarah M. Beardsley, of Bridge-
port, dau. of Anson Beardsley, and begat,
I. Anna F.,9 b. July n, 18475 m. William
Keys, of Ionia, Mich., 1865.
II. EvaJ.,9b. Nov. 22, 1848; d. Dec. 24,
III. Elizabeth B.,9 b. May 22, 1852, m. May,
1868, Sylvester D. Lunderveg, of
IV. Carrie B.,9 b. April 17, i860. She m.
Mr. Burnell.
V. Wyllis H.,9 b. March 20, 1862; d. Dec.
4, 1867.
VI. Frank,9 b. Oct. 25, 1870.
274. Mortimer Nelson Wakeman,8 m. Elizabeth
Beach, of Pleasant Valley, Conn.
275. George Momsen Wakeman,8 of Fairfield, Conn.,
m. June 28, 1846, Antoinette H. (b. 1826), dau. of Elisha
B. Burr, of Easton, and begat,
I. George B.,9 b. May 20, 1848; m. Miss
II. Marianna,9 b. July 15, 1855; m. Peter
Perry, of Lyons Plains, Conn.
III. Susan Jane,9 b. 1856; d. Feb. 16, 1862.
276. Thomas Jefferson Wakeman,8 m. Electra
of St. Clairville, N. Y.
277. Madison Wakeman, e of Fairfield, Conn. , m. Nov.
23, 1859, Helen A. Hart (b. June 4, 1836), dau. of Tar-
ney Hart, of Bridgeport, Conn., and begat,
I. Twins,9 b. Sept. 15, i860; d. same day.
II. Hattie Birtha,9 b. Jan. 5, 1862; m. in
Fairfield, Conn., by Rev. Mr. Cran-
ford, Nov. 20, 1884, Carl Anderson, of
Bridgeport, and begat,
A. George F.
B. Herbert.
III. Lillie Bell,9 b. April 19, 1863; m. E. L.
Foster, of Chicopee Falls, Mass., and
A. Lucy.
B. Helen.
404. IV. Frank Ellsworth,9 b. Jan. 24, 1866.
V. Carrie Louise,9 b. Jan. 24, 1866.
VI. Alice Martha,9 b. Dec. 22, 1868.
VII. Josephine,9 b. Feb. 5, 1870; m. in Fair-
field, Conn., July 4, 1895, Rufus K.
Fitch, of Weston, Conn. (b. March 5,
VIII. Minnie,9 b. April 21, 1872; m. Feb. 28,
1895, Wilbur B. Morehouse, of Weston
(b. April 14, 1863), and begat,
A. Madison C.
IX. Effie,9 b. June 20, 1875.
278. Frederick Wakeman,8 of Bridgeport, m. first,
in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 18, 1867, Addie Collins (b.
Nov. 5, 1839; d. April 23, 1868). He m. second, in
Bridgeport, Oct. 12, 1869, Lucy A. French (b. Sept. 1,
185 1), dau. of Lewis French and Samantha Bevans, of
Monroe, Conn., and begat,
I. Addie C.,9 b. April 15, 1868.
II. Cora A.,9 b. July 12, 1870; d. March 3,
405. III. Lewis F.,9 b. April 26, 1872.
IV. Lucy May,9 b. Feb. 5, 1878.
V. Martha A.,9 b. Nov. 4, 1879.
279* Charles Wakeman,8 of Bridgeport, m. Jan. 1,
1867, Fanny French (b. Oct. 18, 1844), dau. of Lewis
French, and begat,
I. Edith Frances,9 b. September, 1877; d.
Nov. 22, 1881.
II. Jessie May,9 b. June 8, 1875. She m.
June 10, 1896, Frank M. Kenedy of
Long Hill, Conn.
III. Charles Edward,9 b. Aug. 3, 1882.
IV. Robert Lester,9 b. March 31, 1885.
280. Thaddeus Burr Wakeman,8 of Marshall, Wis.,
m. in Wisconsin June 2, 1849, Julia Ann Nichols (b.
Jan. 30, 1829; d. March 13, 1869), dau. of Sheldon
Nichols, of Canada, and begat,
I. Augusta Octavia,9 b. April 16, 1850.
II. Charles Francis,9 b. Aug. 15, 1851.
406. III. Edgar Carson,9 b. Jan. 18, 1853.
IV. Harrison Abijah,9 b. Oct. 7, 1854.
V. Thaddeus Burr,9 b. Aug. 1, 1856.
VI. Frederick Nichols,9 b. July 5, 1858.
VII. James L.,9 b. Sept. 29, i860; d. Dec,
VIII. Eva Julia,9 b. June 23, 1862.
IX. Jennie Amanda,9 b. Oct. 1, 1864.
X. Henry Ernest,9 b. April 12, 1867.
28J. James Mitchell Wakeman,8 of Marshall, Wis.,
m. in Deanville, Wis., Sept. 15, 1853, Beulah Nichols
(b. Sept. 11, 1836), dau. of Sheldon Nichols and Susan-
na Chipman, of R. I., and begat,
407. I. Alvin Charles,9 b. July 4, 1854.
408. II. Albert H.,9 b. 1858.
282. John Wakeman,8 of Sun Prairie, Wis., m. first,
Aug. 6, 1864, Martha Hatch (b. Aug. 9, 1838; d. Jan.
28, 1887), dau. of Wells Hatch and Mary Rexford, of
Falls Church, Va. He m. second, Ella F. Rowe. He
I. Irene Martha,9 b. May 27, 1865.
II. Mary Lydia,9 b. Jan. 9, 1869.
III. Nellie Antoinette,9 b. Feb. 20, 1871.
IV. Hattie Josephine,9 b. Oct. 20, 1872.
V." Ruth Elizabeth,9 b. July 22, 1890.
283. Abram Wakeman,6 of New York city, m. in
Buffalo, N. Y., April 10, 1876, Louise S. Vail (b. March
21, 1852), dau. of George O. Vail (of Danby, Vt., and
Buffalo, N. Y.), and Helen Nancy.
284. Eugene Wakeman,8 m. Miss Wolcott, and be-
gat three sons.
285. Elbert Wakeman,8 of Oyster Bay, N. Y., m. in
Albany, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1889, Clara Livingston Cana-
day (b. Oct. 31, 1857), dau. of Lloyd Canaday and
Matilda Livingston, of Albany, and begat,
I. Sally Skidmore,9 b. March 11, 1893.
286. Alonzo C. Wakeman,8 of Philadelphia, Pa., and
San Francisco, Cal., m. at Alton, 111., 1848, Anna V.
Townsend (b. Sept. 28, 1832; d. Aug. 10, 1895), dau. of
Jeremiah Townsend, of Cincinnati, and Mary C. Mix.
He begat,
I. Eugene F.'J
II. Frank.9
III. Clarence T.9
409. IV. Ernest H.,9 b. June 13, 1858.
287. Rev. Alonzo C. Wakeman,8 of Park Ridge, 111.,
m. in Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 4, 1869, Margaret J. Per-
kins (b. March 2, 185 1), dau. of Jesse G. Perkins and
Mary Ann Perkins, of Lee's Summit, Mo. He begat,
I. Neenah Maria,9 b. Oct. 4, 1870; m. Mr.
Shaad, of Danville, la.
II. Ora Edith,9 b. Oct. 26, 1871, m. Mr.
Holt, of Chicago.
III. Olin Alonzo,9 b. Sept. 16, 1882.
288. Edgar L. Wakeman.8 He is a well known
writer, litterateur and poet. He m. at Hastings, Minn.,
February, 1868, Antoinette Van Hosen, dau. of John
Van Hosen. He begat,
I. John,9 b. August, 1869.
289. Hon. Wilbur F. Wakeman,8 of New York city,
was appointed appraiser of the Port of New York Cus-
tom House by President McKinley in 1897. He has
also been secretary of the Protective Tariff League of
New York for a long time. He m. in New York city,
in June 4, 1898, Helen Edith Ainsworth (b. April 2,
1873), dau. of Alonzo Ainsworth, of Lisbon, N. Y. , and
Eliza Wainwright Dillon.
290. Henry Wakeman,8 of Southport, Conn., m. in
Greenfield Hill, Conn., Aug. 15, 1836, Caroline Banks
(b. Dec. 19, 1800; d. Feb. 14, 1879), dau. of Joseph and
Abigail Banks, of Greenfield, and begat,
I. Emma B.,9 b. Sept. 25, 1837.
II. Clara H.,9 b. April 15, 1840.
29 J. William Wakeman,8 of Hancock, N. Y., m. in
Matteawan, N. Y., first, May 10, 1834, Susan C. Dolen
(d. March 7, 1872), dau. of Michael Dolen, of Walden,
N. Y. He m. second, Mrs. Evans, May 18, 1875, and
410. I. Henry DeWakeman,9 b. Sept. 5, 1835.
II. Francenah,9 b. Oct. 18, 1837. She m.
Nov. 9, 1865, Reuben H. Cooper, of
Trumansburg, N. Y. She m. second,
Irving Agney.
411. III. Joseph Bogardus,9 b. Aug. 28, 1839.
IV. Annah Funday,9 b. Oct. 21, 1840. She
m. Feb. 15, i860, Oscar H. Dillon, of
Stockport, Pa., and begat two chil-
V. AlleahP.,9b. April ic, 1845. She m.
in Hancock, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1867, Ben-
jamin R. Reynolds, of Hancock (b.
June 9, 1841), and begat,
A. Susan Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1868; m. Feb. 6,
1887, in Colorado Springs, John Corwin.
B. Lulu Alleah, b. April 18, 1871; m. at Seat-
tle, Wash., Feb. 5, 1890, Walter V. Shan-
VI. William Archer,9 b. April 10, 1849.
412. VII. George Fenno,9 b. Feb. 1, 1861.
292. Wakeman Wakeman,6 of Middle Grove, N. Y.,
m. in Howards Corners, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1832, Susannah
Hume (b. Oct. 10, 1811; d. Sept. 21, 1884), dau. of
Nahum Hume, of Rhode Island, and begat,
I. Lorenzo Valda,9 b. May 10, 1834; d.
July 29, 1838.
II. Martha Ann.0 b. Oct. 18, 1S36; d. April
25, 1882. She m. in Greenfield Hill,
Conn., in 1856, George A. Whiteman.
They begat,
A. Flora Estelle, b. Aug. 14, 1857, who m. Wil-
liam C. Boggs, of New York, at Middle
Grove, Nov. 22, 1882, and begat,
a. Mary Wakeman, b. Aug. 23, 1885;
d. Sept. 18, 1885.
b. Flora Hood, b. Aug. 18, 1887.
III. Marietta,9 b. May 30, 1839; d. Feb. 23.
413. IV. Henry Hanford.9b. Nov. 9, i84o;d.Feb.
5. l879-
293. Thomas Hanford Wakeman,8 of Rockwood, N.
Y., m. there Jan. 25, i860, Emmeroy Greenman (b.
Aug. 17, 1840; d. Jan. 15, 1863), dau. of George and
Eliza Greenman. No children.
294. ' William Frederick Wakeman," of Pine Village,
Ind., m. in 1839, Valitta Stowe (b. 1813; d. 1897), dau.
of John Stowe, of Oxford, Ind., and begat,
I. Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 1839; m. H. C.
Cassell, of Boswell, Ind.
414. II. Francis Marion,9 b. Feb. 6, 1840.
III. Harriet Ann,9 b. 1842; d. 189 1; m. Mr.
IV. Charles Emory;9 b. 1846, of Pine Vil-
lage, Ind.
V. Hannah Rachel,9 b. 1850; m. Mr. Wade,
of Pine Village.
415. VI. William Edgar,9 b. 1856.
295* Jared A. Wakeman,e of Odessa, Mo., m. in
1836 Catharine Walm (b. 18 15), dau. of Obed C. Walm
and Mary Parlet, of Ohio, and begat,
I. W. S.,9 b. 1837; served in the Civil
II. Charles A.,9 b. 1839; d. in the Civil
War in 1864.
III. George W.,9 b. 1842; served in the Civil
IV. MaryM.,9b. 1844; d. 1864.
V. B. F.,9 b. 1846; d. 1864.
VI. O. G.,9 b. 1849.
VII. Deborah J.,9 b. 185 1.
VIII. J. W.,9 b. 1853.
IX. Alice A.,9 b. 1856; d. 1864.
X. Frances A.,9 b. i860.
296. Miles H. Wakeman,8 of Dalton, N. Y., m. at
Nunda, N. Y., April 6, 1852, Electa Newton (b. March
9, 1824), dau. of Jacob Newton and Annah Thompson,
of Portage, N. Y. , and begat,
416. I. William N.,9b. Aug. 24, 1853.
417. II. Frank E.,9 b. July 26, 1855.
418. III. Miles Edson,9 b. Sept. 2, 1859.
IV. Ellie S.,9 b. April 20, 1863; d. July 31,
V. Nellie S.,9 b. April 8, 1866.
297. Benjamin E. Wakeman,8 of Laceyville, Pa., m.
first, in March, 1850, Juliette Camp (b. 1830; d. Nov.
27, 1857); and he m. second, in June, 1861, Harriet
Phinney (b. 1845; d. July 22, 1884), and begat,
I. Kennon,9 b. 1854.
II. Bradley,9 b. 187 1.
III. Benjamin,9 b. 1873.
IV. Harriet,9 b. 1876; m. Mr. Putnam.
298. William Arnold Wakeman,8 of Mt. Clemmons,
Mich., m. first, on Feb. 4, 1836, Mary L. Cox. He m.
second, Mrs. Schmitt. He begat,
I. Arnold Schmitt,9 b. 1879.
299. Walter Demmon Wakeman,8 of Webster, N.Y.,
m. in Perrington, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1839, Elizabeth Ar-
nold (b. Oct. 18, 1817; d. Aug. 14, 1896), dau. of
Nathaniel Arnold and Sarah Doty, of Perrington, N.
Y., and begat,
I. Amelia,9 b. Aug. *i6, 1840.
II. Eugene Arnold,9 b. Oct. 14, 185 1.
300. Daniel Joseph Wakeman,8 of Vassar, Mich.,
m. hi Palmyra, N. Y. , March 30, 1853, Louise Wilcox (b.
Jan. 16, 1834), dau. of Hiram Wilcox and Lucy Brown,
and begat,
I. Ida Lucy,9 b. Dec. 30, 1855; d. April
24, 1880.
II. Ella Louise,9 b. March 10, 1859; d. Jan.
9, 1884.
III. Carrie W.,9 b. Jan. 9, 1862.
IV. Infant, b. April 14, 1867; d. April 14,
V. Infant, b. October, 1874; d. October,
VI. Maud Bess,9 b. April 15, 1878; d. Aug.
8, 1878.
30J. Orrin Wakeman,8 of Millerton, N. Y., m. first,
in North East, New York, Sept. 12, 1843, Chloe Sheldon
(b. Feb. 27, 1823; d. May 12, i86i),d. of David Sheldon
and Mary Winchell. He m. second, on April 15, 1862,
Frances S. Pulver (b. April 10, 1831). He begat,
I. Sheldon,9 b. July 8, 1844; d. July 8,
II. Mary Louise,9 b. May 2, 1851; d. Oct.
17, 1851.
III. Alma,9 b. Oct. 7, 1848; m. Oct. 16,
1868, Walter C. Paine (d. Nov. 5,
1893), of Toledo, O.
IV. Libbie Chloe,9 b. Feb. 13, 1856; d. Oct.
3, 1878.
419. V. Walter,9 b. June 5, 1864.
VI. Julia Maria,9 b. Sept. 19, 1866.
VII. Orrin William,9 b. March 31, 1869.
VIII. Fannie Jane,9 b. June 25, 1873.
302. James Miles Wakeman,8 of Amenia, N. Y., m.
in Brockton, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1867, Anna E. Weeks,
and begat,
I. Hattie Page,9 b. 1871.
II. James Raymond.9
303. Levi Wakeman,8 of Patterson, N. Y., m. in
South East, New York, Feb. 22, 1848, Charlotte Crane
(b. July 4, 1826), dau. of Zebulon Crane, of South East,
New York, and begat,
I. Martha Crane,9 b. Dec. 31, 1848; m.
Nov. 16, 1870, James W. Palmer, and
A. William G., b. Dec. 28, 1872.
420. II. George,9 b. Feb. 19, 1851.
III. William Alonzo,9 b. Oct. 31, 1856.
421. IV. Thaddeus Crame,9 b. March 23, 1862.
304. Linus Alonzo Wakeman,8 of Savannah, Ga.
He m. in Jacksonville, Vt., Aug. 28, 1861, Harriet
Ellen Corkins, dau. of John Corkins, of Vermont, and
I. Nellie Arita,9 b. Sept. 27, 1873.
II. Charles Hull,9 b. Sept. 28, 1877.
305. William Seth Wakeman,* of Nantucket, Mass.
He enlisted in August, 1862, in Company D, 28th Regi-
ment, Connecticut Volunteers, and served twelve
months as sergeant. He m. in Nantucket, Nov. 4,
1869, Mary Abbie Hallett, dau. of John William Hallett,
of Nantucket, and begat,
I. Frank Merwin,9 b. Dec. 16, 1870.
II. Marion Elizabeth,9 b. Sept. 7, 1873; d.
Feb. 24, 1878.
306- Samuel Wakeman," of Bridgeport, Conn. He
m. in Bridgeport, June 3, 1875, Sarah Rebecca
Wood (b. Jan. 16, 185 1), dau. of Levi S. Wood and
Betsey Gilbert, of Danbury, Conn. He begat,
I. Samuel Wiley,9 b. Nov. 15, 1876.
II. May Eugenia,9 b. Nov. 28, 1877.
III. Lucilia Valentine,9 b. Feb. 14, 1882.
307. Edgar L. Wakeman,8 of San Francisco, Cal.,
m. in Oakland, Cal., in 1893, Bertha Liest (b. 1873).
308. Harvey N. Wakeman," of Batavia, N. Y. , and
Jackson, Mich., m. Nov. 19, 1843, Parthenia Burdick
(b. March 13, 1825; d. Jan. 7, 1870), dau. of Rev. Asa
Burdick and Patty Cheeseborough, and begat,
I. Marcus,9 d. 1845.
II. Harley,9 b. Oct. 16, 1846; d. 1862.
III. Cynthia Delia,9 b. Feb. 10, 1848. She
m. Frank B. Shaver.
IV. Mary L.,9 b. Feb. 19, 1850. She m.
July 2, 1870, Peter Rogers, of Jack-
son, Mich. (b. Nov. 26, 1841), and be-
A. Charles, b. March 20, 1873.
B. Earle E., b. Aug. 18, 1876.
C. Richard, b. Dec. 6, 1S85.
V. Robie Adelle,9 b. Aug. 4, 1852. She m.
Robert M. Walker.
VI. Virginia Viola,9 b. . She m.
Albert J. McLeod.
VII. Albert,9 b. Dec. 20, i860.
VIII. Judson Burr,9 b. Nov. n, 1864, of Jack-
son, Mich.
IX. Willett J.,9b. Nov. 11, 1864, of Chat-
ham, Ont.
309. Jay Wakeman,8 of Jackson, Mich. He m. in
Jackson, April 13, 1870, first, Charlotte Peck (b. April
13, 1848); hem. second, April 30, 1896, Rhoda Dru-
man, of Owasso, Mich., dau. of E. M. Druman, of
Owasso, and begat,
I. H. M.,9 b. Jan. 13, 1871.
II. Loren D.,9 b. Feb. 8, 1873.
III. Carl F.,9 b. Nov. 7, 1880.
IV. Clyde R.,9 b. Nov. 7, 1880.
310. George L. Wakeman," m. Aug. 20, 1859, Esther
Burdick, and begat,
I. Albert.9
311. Marcus Wakeman,8 m. Sept. 12, 1852, Eliza de
Potty (d. Aug. 12, 1865).
312. Horace Wakeman,8 m. July 4, 1858, Emma
313. Nathan Wakeman,8 of Batavia, N. Y., served in
the Civil War, and m. May 18, 1863, Eliza Hayes, and
I. Edgar A.9
II. Eugene W.9
314. Orsemus Wakeman,8 of Jackson, Mich., m. in
Jackson, Aug. 12, 1871, Damaris Burdick (b. Sept. 19,
1852), dau. of Asa Burdick and Marian Rogers, of Ba-
tavia, N. Y. , and begat,
422. I. Floyd W.,9b. May 18, 1872.
II. Adelphene,9 b. Sept. 26, 1875.
315. Eugene Wakeman,6 of Batavia, N. Y., m. in
Batavia, April 11, 1863, Marion Emily Hewitt, of
Batavia, dau. of Marlborough Wells Hewitt, of Batavia,
and begat,
I. Demis Eliza,9 b. June 24, 1873.
II. Marion May,9 b. July 29, 1874.
316. William Sprague Wakeman,8 of Batavia, N. Y.,
m. in Mount Morris, N. Y. , April 30, 1890, Jennie A.
DeBow, dau. of Stephen DeBow, of Bethany, N. Y. ,
and begat,
I. Frances DeBow,9 b. Feb. 24, 1891.
II. Seth,9 b. May 18, 1893.
III. Helen Louise,9 b. Jan. 19, 1896.
317. William Wakeman,8 m. and begat
I. Uriah,9 of Michigan.
II. Stephen,9 of Kansas.
318. David Betts Wakeman,8 of Jersey City, N. J.
He m. in Jersey City, April 21, 1839, Mary Brown
Gautier (b. July 29, 1817; d. Aprils, l85o), dau. of
Thomas B. Gautier, M. D., and Elizabeth Hornblower,
of Jersey City. They begat,
I. Elizabeth Gautier,9 b. May 4, 1840; d.
April 12, 1893.
423. II. Edmund Drinan Barry,9 b. Jan. 27,
1842; d. Jan. 26, 1887.
III. Annie,9 b. Dec. 25, 1843. She m. in
Bergen Heights, N. J., Dec. 21, 187 1,
Abraham Kip Van Vleck, of Morris-
town, N. J. (b. December 9, 1843), and
A. Edgar Wakeman, b. Sept. 26, 1872.
IV. Jabez,9 b. Dec. 5, 1845.
V. Sarah,9 b. Jan. 17, 1848.
VI. Mary Caroline,9 b. February, 1850; d.
319. Nelson Wakeman,8 of Thompsonville, N Y.,
m. there Feb. 18, 1844, Susan Canfield (b. April 30,
1827), dau. of Nelson Canfield, of Thompsonville, and
I. Harriet,9 b. Dec. 9, 1844; d. March 27,
424. II. Charles Nelson,1' b. June 2, 1848.
III. Sarah Elizabeth, ,J b. March 17, 1852.
She m. June 3, 1871, Ira L. Knapp,
and begat,
A. Fanny, b. Aug. 23, 1873.
B. Ella, b. Aug. 7, 1877.
C. Howard, b. Nov. 5, 1879.
IV. Ellen/ b. Feb. 18, 1856. She m. Charles
Newkirk, Feb. 26, 187 1, and begat,
A. William.
B. Frederick, b. Sept. 10, 1877.
V. William Augustus,9 b. May 28, 1858; d.
Feb. 2, 1874.
VI. Esther Estelle,9 b. April 21, 1862.
VII. Millie Irene,9 b. June 22, 1865.
320. Uriah Dimon Wakeman,8 of Thompsonville, N.
Y. He m. in Monticello, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1855, Milli-
cent H. Crissey, dau. of Stephen Crissey, of Thompson-
ville, N. Y. , and begat,
I. Georgiana,9 b. Aug. 7, 1857; d. Aug. 7,
II. Howard Banks,9 b. April 27, 1859.
III. Edgar Eugene,9 b. Aug 22, i860; d.
April 26, 1862.
425. IV. Melvin Crissey,9 b. June 24, 1863.
V. Lydia Leonette.9 b. May 24, 1864.
VI. Ralph Dimon,9 b. April 24, 1866.
VII. George Aaron,9 b. July 3, 1868.
VIII. Frances Augusta,9 b. April 8, 1875. She
m. Mr. Dill.
32 J. William Banks Wakeman,8 of Thompsonville,
N. Y. , m. in New York city, Mrs. Maria H. Bloom. He
lived in California some time, where he became Alcalde
and Judge. He d. in Mo.
322. Levi Hurlbutt Wakeman,8 of Stamford, Conn.,
m. Jan. 17, 1838, Mary Elizabeth Baxter, and begat,
I. Hezekiah,9 b. Feb. 13, 1839; d. Oct. 7,
II. Sarah Emily,'' b. Nov. 4, 1841.
III. Ellen Maria,11 b. Aug. 24, 1845; d. Aug-
13, 1873.
323. George Wakeman,8 of E. Haddam, Conn., m.
there first, on June 12, 1856, Virginia Bulkeley (b. July
10, i83i;d. Aug. 12, 1862), dau. of David Bulkeley
and Cynthia Bigelow, of East Haddam. He m.
second, in East Longmeadow, Mass., Nov. 23. 1863,
Mary M. Spencer (b. Sept. 26, 1837; d. Dec. 13, 1891),
dau. of Elijah Spencer and Mary Bigelow, of East Had-
dam. He begat,
I. George Bulkeley,9 b. April 30, 1857.
II. William Walter,9 b. July 29, i860.
III. Levi Virginius,9 b. Aug. 10, 1862; d.
Oct. 20, 1864.
IV. Mary Virginia,9 b. Jan. 30, 1868.
V. Arthur Elijah,9 b. April 11, 1873.
VI. Violet Mehitable,9 b. May 7, 1877.
324. John P. Wakeman," of Newark, N. J., was a
prominent business man, and m. Maria Sherman (d.
April 3, 1894), dau. of Barzilla Sherman, of New York,
and adopted his brother's son,
I. Frederick S.," d. Sept. 1889, who m.
Minnesota Pettet. One child only,
d. s. p.
325. George Waltermire Wakeman/ of Jeddo, N. Y. ,
m. in Stuyvesant, N. Y., March 18, 1843, Eliza Ham
(b. April 16, 1823), dau. of Philip Ham, of Kinderhook,
N. Y., and begat,
I. George Waltermire,9 b. Dec. 12, 1847;
d. March 27, 1863.
426. II. John Philip,9 b. May 24, 1850.
427. III. David Henry Thorn,9 b. March 31, 1854.
428. IV. Seth Lyman,9 b. Oct. 22, 1858.
326. David Edwin Wakeman,8 of Newark, N. Y., m.
in Sweden, N. Y., July 20, 1848, Clarissa Walker (b.
Feb. 4, 1828), dau. of James H. Walker, of Sweden, N.
Y., and begat,
429. I. James David Wakeman,9 b. Sept. 8, 1850.
327. Luman Irskine Wakeman," of Sterling, 111., m.
first, Sarah Ann Bradbury, and second, on Sept. 19,
1858, Emily Amelia Cunningham Christie, and begat,
I. David Luman,9 b. Oct. 1, 1853.
II. Aetna Delisle,9 b. May 16, 1857.
III. Emma Adele,9 b. March 14, 1864.
IV. Edwin Morehouse,9 b. Dec. 16, 1875.
328. John Wakeman,8 of Red Hook, N. Y., and New
York city, m. in New York city, Sept. 4, 1854, Caroline
Westervelt Smith (d. 1865), dau. of Albert Witte Smith
and Catherine Westervelt, of New York and begat,
I. John,'' b. Jan. 18, 1857; d. April, i860.
430. II. Stephen H.,9 b. Aug. 23, 1859.
III. Charles C.,8 b. Oct. 9, 1869.
329. William H. Wakeman,8 of New Hampshire, m.
there June 22, 1876, Mary E. Rolf, dau. of Herman
Rolf, of Hanover, Ger. , and begat,
I. Harry G.," b. June 5, 1878.
330. Hiram Wakeman,8 of New Canaan, Conn., m.
there Jan. 31, 1878, Polly H. Keeler (b. Oct. 24, 185 1),
dau. of Stephen E. Keeler and Ann Augusta Raymond,
of New Canaan, and begat,
I. Leila Augusta,9 b. June 18, 1882; d.
July 30, 1892.
II. Bertha Louise,9 b. Dec. 27, 1886.
331. Lester Wakeman,8 of Akron, Iowa, m. first, in
White Plains, N. Y., April 12, 1856, Phoebe Ann Adams
(b. March 17, 1838; d. June 21, 1862). He m. second,
in Lewisboro, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1863, Nancy M. Blake
(d. July 13, 1880). He m. third, at Elk Point, South
Dakota, Nov. 14, 1882, Harriet E. Cox (b. Jan. 26,
1843), and begat,
431. I. Frank,9 b. April 24, 1857.
II. Harriet Louisa," b. Feb. 21, i860; d. Oct.
20, 1861.
432. III. George Henry," b. Oct. 1, 1861.
IV. Lymanetta,9 b. Feb. 27, 1865. She m.
in Sioux Valley, Dakota, March 15,
1880, David Knox Bennett, of Chats-
worth, Iowa (b. Oct. 11, 1858), and
A. Albert Lester, b. Nov. 1, 1881.
B. Mabel Frances, b. July 26, 1883.
C. Lyman Conrad, b. June 15, 1887.
D. Floyd Cullen, b. April 18, 1890; d. Jan. iS,
E. Donald Kenneth, b. March 8, 1896.
332. Samuel Sherwood Wakeman," of New Canaan,
Conn., m. first, on Nov. 24, 1861, Huldah M. Ogden (b.
Aug. 12, 1838; d. March 27, 1881). He m. second, on
Oct. 3, 1882, Anna O. Ogden (b. Jan. 27, 1853), dau. of
Barlow Ogden, of New Canaan, and begat,
I. Alice L., b. Nov. 17, 1883.
II. Clarence S., b. May 13, 1889.
333. Andrus Wakeman,8 of Vista, N. Y. , served in
the Civil War, in Co. G., 10th Conn. Regt. of Vols. He
m. in Poundridge, N.Y., Dec. 3, 1865, Harriet F. Han-
ford (b. April 14, 1846; d. Jan. 8, 1884), dau. of Holly
Hanford and Harriet Fancher, of Walton, N. Y., and
I. Eugenia M.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1873.
II. Samuel S.,9 b. May 17, 1876.
III. Bessie L.,9 b. March 18, 1879.
IV. Harry H.,9 b. Nov. 23, 1881; d. June 4,
334. Alsop Wakeman,8 of Akron, Iowa, m in Rich-
land, South Dakota, Nov. 11, 1874, Louise Waterbury
(b. May 9, 1845), dau. of Isaac Waterbury and Harriet
Jones, of Fairfield County, Conn., and begat,
I. AsaR.,9b. Nov 24, 1875; d- Aug- J5>
II. Ada S.,9 b. July 5, 1880; d. Feb. 5, 1893.
335. Jotham Walker Wakeman,8 of Jersey City, N.
J., m. in Portchester, N. Y., Nov., 1863, Frances Page
Finlay (b. Feb. 3, 1843), dau. of John H. Finley and
Sarah G. Wilson, of New York city.
336. James Aaron Wakeman,8 of Lewisboro, N. Y.,
m. in Wilton, Conn., Jan. 3, 1877, Mary Hickok (b. July
29, 1852), dau. of William H. Hickok and Huldah Cole,
of Wilton, and begat,
I. Mary Frances,9 b. Sept. 12, 1878.
II. Clara,9 b. Jan. 18, 1881 ; d. April 4, 1884.
III. James Willson,9 b. March 10, 1885.
337. John E. Wakeman,8 of Wellsboro, Pa., m. in
Nakersville, Va., Feb. 19, 1882, Jeannette Watrous (b.
Dec. 15, 1858; d. Nov. 26, 1886), dau. of William M.
Watrous and Jane Watrous, of Forest Grove, Ore.
They begat,
I. Flora E.,9 b. Dec. 23, 1883.
II. Mabel G..9 b. March 27, 1885.
III. Elmer J.,9 b. Oct. 26, 1886.
338. Daniel Perry Wakeman,8 of Hinsdale, 111. He
served in the Civil War, and m. Emily Bell, and begat,
I. Llewellyn.9
II. Charles.0
339. Walker Salmon Wakeman, 8 of Northfield, Conn. ,
m. in Morris, Conn., in 1875, Phoebe Wheeler (b. 1844),
dau. of Frederick Wheeler and Louisa Gunn, of Morris,
and begat,
I. Minnie.9
II. Mabel.9
340. Ernest C. Wakeman,8 of Norwalk, Conn., m.
Sept. 5, 1888, Anna Dunn, and begat,
I. Robert,9 b. Oct. 28, 1889.
341. Samuel Burr Wakeman,8 of Greenfield Hill,
Conn., m. Aug. 16, 1897, Margaret Kealie (b. Sept. 1,
1873), dau. of Dennis and Anna.
342. Bacon Wakeman,* of Fairfield, Conn., a gradu-
ate of Yale, m. in Fairfield, July 16, 1896, Helen Whit-
ing Sturges (b. April 7, 1869), dau. of Joseph H. Stur-
ges and Mary A. Whiting, of Fairfield. He begat,
I. Mildred Sturges,9 b. Jan. 18, 1898.
343. Isaac VanDeventer Wakeman,6 of Jackson,
Mich., m. first, at Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1842, Sarah
P. Griswold (b. Jan. 31, 1820; d. Feb. 5, 1861), dau. of
Jesse Griswold and Sarah Turner, of Lockport. He m.
second, in Pine Hill, N. Y. , Oct. 22, 1862, Cornelia J.
Turner (b. Feb. 8, 1834), dau. of Mark Turner and E.
Davis. He begat,
433. I. Stephen Wirt/' b. Sept. 30, 1848.
II. Anna Lillian," b. Sept. 10, i85i;m. in
Caroline County, Va. , Sept. 27, 1876,
Walter E. Doty, of Lockport, N. Y.,
(b. Nov. 18, 1850), and begat,
A. Jessie Winifred, b. July 8, 1S77.
B. Irving Wakeman, b. April 30, 1880.
C. Wirt Stephen, b. Dec. 29, 1882.
D. Emily Sarah, b. Aug. 25, 1884; d. Aug. 6,
E. Chester Allan, b. Oct. 23, 1886.
434. III. James Griswold,'-' b. March 17, 1857.
344. James Adams Wakeman/ of Lockport, N. Y.,
m. there Oct. 15, 1845, Lucy J, Griswold (b. Dec. 3,
i82i;d. May n, 1879), dau. of Jesse Griswold and
Sarah Turner, of Lockport, and begat,
I. Emma Griswold,9 b. March 7, 1850; m.
in Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1871,
Benjamin Wheaton Clark, of Lock-
port, a well known fruit culturist.
They begat,
A. James Wheaton, b. Oct. 13, 1872.
B. Emma Grace, b. Nov. 1, 1874. She m. Oct.
5, 1898, in Lockport, Ernest T. Vining, of
New York city, and begat,
a. Grace, b. Sept. 22, 1899.
C. Elizabeth May, b. March 17, 1875.
D. Willard Weld, b. Jan. 17. 1879.
E. Robert Norton, b. Dec. 18, 1882.
F. Lucy Kendall, b. May 18, 18S6.
G. Louise Morris, b. Aug. 8, 1894.
435. II. James Irwin,9 b. May 4, 1852.
345. Harvey H. Wakeman,8 of Lockport, m. there
Oct. 21, 185 1, first, Mary Jane Patch (d. Sept., 1867).
He m. second, Nov. 17, 1875, Minerva Davis, and be-
I. Sarah Maria,9 b. Aug. 4, 1852; d. Jan.,
1873. She m. in 187 1, R. E. Church-
ill, and begat,
A. Alice.
II. Alice P.,9b. 1854; d. 1885. Shem. R. E.
Churchill, 1876, and begat four child-
436. III. William Harvey,9 b. i860; d. April 2,
346. Stephen Clark Wakeman," of Wilson, N. Y., m.
in Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1851, Elizabeth Goodrich,
dau. of James Goodrich, and begat,
I. Martha Arnold,9 b. Nov. 29, 1852.
437. II. Stephen Mason,9 b. April 14, 1856.
III. Carrie,9 b. 1858; d. March, 1864.
IV. Amanda Rachel,9 b. Oct. 21, i860.
438. V. James Goodrich,9 b. March 28, 1868.
347. Stephen A. Wakeman,8 of Cannonsburg, Mich.,
m. in Merton, Wis., Feb. 20, 1868, Charlotte E. Moul-
ster, dau. of John C. Moulster, of Merton, Wis. They
I. Ida B.,9 b. Aug. 10, 1876.
II. J. Edith,9 b. Dec. 25, 1879.
348. Alfred B. Wakeman," of Bedford, Iowa, m. in
Cornwall, Vt., Dec. 3, 1866, Jennie M. Foote, dau. of
Russell Foote, of Cornwall. They begat,
439. I. Frank E.,9b. Nov. 27, 1867.
II. Lillian J.,9 b. Dec. 14, 1874.
349. Roderick Adelbert Wakeman,8 of Kansas City,
Kansas, m. in Merton, Wis., Feb. 9, 1871, Ella J. Pearl,
dau. of Elisha Pearl, of Merton, and begat,
I. Frank Jehiel,9 b. Sept. 8, 1874.
II. Gertrude Leona,9 b. Jan. 21, 1872; d.
June 2, 1883.
III. Bertha Josephine,9 b. Aug. 14, 1878.
IV. Mary Ella,9 b. Jan. 1, 1882; d. Oct. 16,
V. Grace L.,9 b. Oct. 4, 1887; d. Nov. 7,
350. Charles Edwin Wakernan,8 of Lockport, N. Y.,
m. there July 23, 1868, Helen M. Vayo (b. June 10,
1850), dau. of Charles Vayo and Eliza La Duke, of Bur-
lington, Vt. , and begat,
I. Susie E.,a b. Dec. 8, 1869, m. in Lock-
port, April 21, 1891, Louis J. Bates,
of Sugar Hill, N. Y. (b. March 30,
1867). They begat,
A. Edward Douglas, b. Feb. 14, 1892.
B. Marie Louise, b. May 26, 1894.
C. Helen Marguerite, b. March 24, 1896.
35J. Frank Stephen Wakeman,8 of Cleveland, Ohio,
ni. Lizzie Richards, and begat.
I. Geraldine.9
352. Henry Thomas Wakeman,8 of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
m. in Fowlerville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1867, Martha Jane
Gray Casey (b. Nov. 9, 183 1), dau. of Dea. Israel Casey
and Ruth Powell, of Fowlerville, and begat,
I. Lillian C.,9 b. July 7, 1869.
II. Everett H.,° b. 1858; d. Dec., 1876.
353. Stephen Bradley Wakeman,8 of Bridgeport,
Conn., m. in Somers, N. Y., in 1852, Helena Monroe,
dau. of John Monroe. They begat,
I. William Monroe,9 b. 1854; d. 1862.
II. Ida Belle,9 b. 1857; d. 1859.
III. Anna Belle,9 b. 1859; m. Alfred A.
Camp, in 1883.
254. Edward Osborne Wakeman,8 of Greensfarms,
m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1868, Sarah M. Vail
(b. Jan. 21, 1 841), dau. of Silas J. Vail and Sarah J.
Mather, of Brooklyn. He begat,
I. Nellie M.,9 b. Feb. 24, 1873.
440. II. Richard Cordeley,9 b. July 3, 1875.
355. Charles Sereno Wakeman,8 of Greensfarms,
Conn., m. in Westport, Conn., first, on Sept. 14, 1859,
Sarah Josephine Adams (b. Aug. 6, 1839; d. July 1,
189 1 ), dau. of Joseph Adams, of Westport, and m. sec-
ond, Feb. 22, 1894, Sarah Eliza Taylor (b. Dec. 5, 1856),
dau. of Theodore Taylor, of Westport, and begat,
441. I. Joseph Adams,9 b. Nov 19, i860
II. Frank Cornelius,9 b. May 18, 1874; d.
March 21, 1878.
III. Clara Elizabeth,9 b. Aug. 31, 1876.
356. Frederick Wakeman,8 of Greensfarms, served
in the Civil War under Capt. James E. Hubbell, Co. E.,
17th Regt., Conn. Vols., from Aug. 9, 1862, to July 19,
1865, and was imprisoned at Chancellorsville. He m.
in Westport, Sept. 12, 1867, Sophia Fairchild (b. Nov.
25, 1843), dau. of George Fairchild and Polly Ann Nash,
of Greensfarms. He begat,
I. Ernest,9 b. Nov. 15, 1869; d. April 11,
II. Ella May,9 b. March n, 187556!. June
28, 1888. •
III. Frederick Dwight,9 b. Feb. 16, 1878.
IV. Charles Clifford,9 b. May 3, 1881.
357. Rufus Wakeman,* of Westport, Conn., served
three years in the Civil War. He is a promineut man-
ufacturer and served his town as Representative at
Hartford, and as Selectman, as well as other offices.
He m. in Westport, Sept. 17, 1867, Frances Fairchild
(b. June 22, 1845), dau. of George Fairchild and Polly
Ann Nash, of Westport, and begat,
I. Irving,9 b. June 9, 1870; d. Jan. 13, 1888.
II. Austin,9 b. June 1, 1874.
III. Frances,9 b. May 30, 1882; d. Aug. 19,
358. Stephen Banks Wakeman,8 of Westport, m.
first Nov. 27, 1859, Ann Jane Burr (b. Dec. 25, 1839;
d. Sept. 10, 1863), dau. of John Burr. He m. second,
in New York, 1864, Charlotte Allen (b. June 2; d. Jan.
30, 1890), dau. of Gershom Allen and Ann Nash, of
Westport, and begat,
I. Jennie B.,9 b. 1858; m. in Westport,
Conn., Oct. 26, 1887, Charles Burr
Meeker, of Westport (b. Nov. 5, 1858),
and begat,
A. Nellie Asenath, b. March 18, 1890.
II. A dau.9 b. April 16, 1861.
442. III. Isaac B.,9 b. Sept. 16, 1865.
IV. Burritt,9 b. 1866; d. about 1870.
V. Nellie B.,9 b. March 16, 1870; m. in
Westport, Conn., June 21, 1892, Rev.
Robert B. Illman, of West Granby,
Conn. (b. Jan. 31, 1863), and begat,
A. Margaret Kemble, b. Dec. 17, 1895.
VI. John S.,9b. Feb. 16, 1874.
VII. Stephen B.,9 b. May, 1879; d- Feb., 1893.
359. Horace Staples Wakeman, 8 of Saugatuck, Conn.
He m. in Westport, Conn., Feb. 18, 1872, Minnie H.
Gould (b. Jan. 16, 1853), dau. of William C. Gould and
Josephine Thorp, of Greenfield Hill, and begat,
443. I. William Burritt,9 b. Oct. 25, 1874.
II. Horace Staples,9 b. Oct. 25, 1874.
360. Maurice Banks Wakeman, e of Portland, Oregon,
m. Jan. 21, 1874, Emma Jane Adams (b. 1851), dau. of
George Adams and Polly M. Coley, of Westport, Conn.
36 J. Lewis Penfield Wakeman,8 of Greensfarms, m.
March 12, 1874, Jennie Sherwood, dau. of Franklin
Sherwood, of Greensfarms. He begat,
I. Birtha,9 b. May 7, 1876.
II. Elsie Sherwood,9 b. Aug. 9, 1878; d. Feb.
15, 1880.
III. Ethel Sherwood,9 b. April 15, 1881.
IV. Louis Kenneth,9 b. Oct. 4, 1891.
362. Captain William James Wakeman,8 U. S. A.
(Yale 1876). He m. July 6, 1882, Mary Relyea, dau. of
Rev. J. B. Relyea, of Greensfarms, Conn. They begat,
I. Henry Relyea,9 b. Aug. 31, 1883.
II. Albert Dubois,9 b. Oct. 6, 1885.
III. Ruth Penfield,9 b. March 5, 1891; d.
Sept. 26, 1892.
IV. William James,9 b. March 6, 1895.
363. Alfred John Wakeman,8 M. D. (Yale Graduate).
He m. April 21, 1892, Harriet Pierson Taylor (b. Jan.
27, 1865), dau. of Edward J. Taylor, of Greensfarms,
and begat,
I. Ella Clay,9 b. Oct. 1, 1893.
II. Alfred Maurice,9 b. March 30, 1897.
III. Edward Taylor,9 b. March 30, 1897.
364. William Webb Wakeman,8 of Morristown, N.
J., m. in New York city, Oct. 14, 1868, Charlotte
Augusta Wood (b. May 8, 1842), dau. of Ross Wyman
Wood and Anna Dunn, of New York. He begat,
I. Edythe Wood,9 b. Aug. 22, 1869.
II. Mary Louise,9 b. May 24, 187 1. She m.
in New York city, Oct. 18, 1893, Wal-
ter William Shaw, of London, Eng.
(b. Feb. 20, 1868), and begat,
A. Walter Reginald Courtenay.b. Sept. 25, 1895.
III. Ross Wood,9 b. Dec. 13, 1873.
365. Jesup Wakeman,8 of New York city, m. in New
Hartford, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1869, Elizabeth King Dutton
(b. June 5, 1848; d. July 5, 1892), dau. of James Dut-
ton and Elizabeth King, of New Hartford, and begat,
I. Elizabeth King,9 b. Jan. 26, 187 1.
II. Walter Lyman,9 b. June 30, 1873; d.
July 31, 1873.
III. Mary Hull,9 b. Dec. 16, 1875 ; d. Aug.
19, 1876.
366. Robert P. Wakeman,8 of Southport, Conn.
367. William H. Wakeman,9 of Tompkins, N. Y., m.
there July 25, 1854, Sabrah Boothe (b. Sept. 16, 1834;
d. Oct. 30, 1891), dau. of Erastus Boothe, of Tompkins,
and begat,
444. I. E. Dewitt,10 b. Oct. 23, 1855.
II. Lamorie,10 b. June 22, 1857; d. Feb. 18,
III. Harvey,10 b. Jan. 12, 1859.
445. IV. Elmer L.,10b. Sept. 1, i860.
V. Ida Roselle,10 b. March 6, 1862 ; d. March
24, 1862.
VI. Minnie,10 b. Oct. 3, 1863; m. W. L. Pal-
mer, Feb. 2, 1879.
VII. Dora,10 b. Nov. 8, 1865.
VIII. William H.,10 b. July 1, 1871.
368. James Wakeman,9 of Sidney, N. Y., m. in Mer-
edith, N. Y., Sept. 9, 185 1, Margaret M. Phelps (b. Aug.
13, 1825), dau. of Burr Phelps and Annie Crandall, of
Unadilla, N. Y., and begat,
I. Hattie A.,10 b. May 22, 1856; d. Dec. 26,
446. II. Gaylord Bacon,10 b. Oct. 11, 1864.
369. Sanford B. Wakeman,9 of Jersey City, m. in
Millston, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1854, Catharine Van Fleet,
dau. of Elias Van Fleet, of Millston, and begat,
I. Julia,10 b. Oct. 28, 1855.
II. Sarah Anna,10 b. Sept. 14, 1857; d. March
14, 1862.
III. James A.,10 b. Aug. 28, 1862.
IV. William Van Fleet,10 b. Aug. 21, 1865.
370. Clark Wakeman,9 of Beerston, N. Y., m. Feb.
21, 1843, Fanny Beers (d. Jan. 1, 1893), dau. of David
Beers, of Walton, and begat,
I. Louisa M.,10 b. Nov. 1, 1847; m. first in
Hancock, Dec. 23, 1864, Wheeler Ca-
ble, of Walton, N. Y. (b. Jan. 9, 1837;
d. Aug. 17, 1869), and begat,
A. Florence, b. May 30, iS66;'d. Sept. 20, 1877.
B. Flora, b. Dec. iS, 1869.
Mrs. Cable m. in Walton, Oct. 30, 1877. Milton
Pease (b. Nov. 21, 1834), of Delhi, N. Y.
447. II. Vermilyea H.,10 b. May 14, 1856; d.
Nov. 22, 1895.
37 J. Smith Wakeman,9 of Walton. He m. first, in
Stamford, N. Y., June 1, 1850, Louisa E. Hait (b.
March 8, 1829; d. Nov. 29, i860), dau. of Stephen
Hait. Mr. Wakeman m. second, in Morris, N. Y.,
Sept. 28, 1862, Lucy A. Gallup, dau. of Simon Gallup,
of Walton, and begat,
448. I. EzraH.,10b. Feb. 28, 1851.
II. Hattie L.,10 b. Oct. 21, 1856; m. in Beer-
ston, Oct. 6, 1881, Charles Peck, of
Granton, N. Y. (b. Nov. 7, 185 1).
They begat,
A. Sylvester E., b. Sept. 26, 18S2.
B. Robert S., b. June 26, 1884.
C. Anna L., b. Nov. 23, 1889.
D. Hildred E., b. Aug. 22, 1895.
449. III. Leander,10b. Sept. 8, 1867.
372. Warren Wakeman,9 of Franklin, N. Y. He m.
there June 10, 1857, Susan S. Smith (b. Jan. 22, 1838),
dau. of Reuben S. Smith and Patty Cohoon, of Franklin.
373. Vermilyea Wakeman,9 of Walton, N. Y. He
m. in Tompkins, N. Y. , Dec. 24, 1857, Adaline Gould
(b. Oct. 8, 1839), dau. °f Jonn Gould and Eliza Good-
rich, of Walton. He begat,
I. Lydia E. ,10 b. Jan. 10, i860; m. in Wal-
ton, Oct 18, 1881, Herman J. Gould,
of Sidney, N. Y. (b. May 6, 1856),
and begat,
A. Flossie C, b. May 29, 1886; d. Oct. 12,
B. Floyd C, b. Feb. 6, 1891.
430. II. John C.,10 b. June 13, 1863.
III. Clinton D.,10 b. Feb. 20, i86g.
374. Ephraim Wakeman,9 of Hamden, N. Y,, m. in
Walton, N. Y. , March 27, 1851, Mary Launt, dau. of
John Launt, of Walton, and begat,
I. Julius,10 b. Jan. 29, 1852.
II. John,10 b. Oct. 14, 1854. He m. Emma
III. Adda,10 b. Jan. 19, 1857; d. March 18,
IV. Sarah Jeannette,10 b. Feb. 8, 1859.
V. Lydia May,10 b. Dec. 18, 1864.
VI. Lena M.,10 b. Oct. 29, 1S68.
375. Charles Wakeman,9 m. Mary Reynolds, and be-
gat three children.
376. Clark Wakeman,9 of Grattan, Mich., enlisted
Aug., 1862, in the Civil War and was confined in An-
dersonville prison nineteen months. He saw service at
Perrysville and Chickamauga, and was discharged from
service June, 1865. He m. in Otiseo, Mich., March 28,
1866, Hattie A. Moon (b. April 24, 1845), dau. of Tracy
Moon and Abigail Beadle, of Otiseo, Mich.
377. Theodore Wakeman,9 of Grattan, Mich., en-
listed in the Civil War in Dec, 1863, and was discharged
July, 1865. He m. in Spencer, Mich., Feb. 28, 1874,
Hattie Cutler, dau. of John Cutler.
378. Asahel Wakeman,9 m. Aug. 29, 1867, Melora
E. Teed (b. April 7, 1846), dau. of Jesse S. Teed, of
Tompkins. He begat,
I. William B.,10 b. Dec. 15, 1868; d. May
5, 1869.
II. Hattie Z.,11' b. Nov. 29, 1870.
III. Beulah E.,10 b. Sept. 27, 1873.
379. David C. Wakeman,9 of Walton, N.Y., m. there
Jan. 7, 1 86 1, Mary E. Niles, dau. of Vestus P. Niles, of
Walton, and begat,
I. Charles R.,10 b. Sept. 7, 1862.
II. Kate F.,10 b. July 3, 1864.
III. Martha B.,10 b. Jan 22, 1865.
IV. Nellie,10 b. May 3, 1867.
380. Rev. Joseph Bennett Wakeman,9 of Rock Rift,
N. Y., was engaged to Marietta Wakeman (b. June 1,
1833). She d. before marriage.
38J. Abijah Seeley Wakeman,9 m. first, on Sept. 9,
1854, Fidelia Robinson; and second, on Sept 19, 1868,
Frances M. Wakeman. He begat,
I. Frank D.,10 b. December, 1855.
II. Ida,10 b. Sept. 3, 1856.
III. Annabelle,10 b. March 24, 1858.
IV. Clara,10 b. June 18, 1862.
V. Elmer T.,10 b. April 4, 1865.
VI. Pearl,10 b. Nov. 20, 1892.
382. Washington Lafayette Wakeman,9 of Colorado.
He m., but no data has been furnished.
383. Peter Smith Wakeman,9 of Littleton, Colo.
He served in the Civil War, and m. first, in Cannons-
ville, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1859, Martha J. Reed (d. March
25, i860), dau. of Cyrus and Malvina Reed, of Tomp-
kins, N. Y. He m. second, in Colorado, and begat,
I. Loren,10 b. 1861 ; d. 1881.
II. Wilson,10 b. 1863; d. 1883.
III. Frank,10 b. 1865; d. 1890.
384. Alonzo Walker Wakeman,9 of Clinton, la. He
served in the Civil War, and m. first, in Clinton, March
5, 1868, I. C. Forbush (b. April, 1847; d. Sept. 6,
1870). He m. second, Maud V. Meeker. He begat,
I. George,10 b. April 16, 1869; d. July 20,
II. An infant,10 b. Aug. 25, 1870; d. Aug.
29, 1870.
385. Moses Hermon Wakeman,9 of Denver, Colo.
He m. there Dec. 31, 1879, Elizabeth Murphy, dau. of
Henry C. Murphy, and begat,
I. Grace Isabelle,10 b. April 1, 1880.
386. George Epaphras Wakeman,9 of Shinhopple,
N. Y., m. in Walton, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1880, Matilda
Antoinette Fox (b. June 30, 1858), dau. of Nelson L.
Fox and Hannah E. Dow, of Walton. He begat,
I. Clara B.,10 b. March 8, 1882.
II. Jesse G.,'°b. Dec. 10, 1884.
III. JohnV.,'°b. Nov. 12, 1895.
IV. Ray,10 b. May 12, 1897.
387. Henry Wakeman,9 m. in Walton, Dec. 3, 1867,
Eugenia C. Evans (b. May 23, 1847), dau. of Edward
Evans, of Walton, and begat,
I. Roma E.,10 b. Oct. 23, 1868.
II. Avis M.,10 b. Oct. 11, 1871.
III. Bertha C.,10 b. June 20, 1874.
IV. Lorrin H.,10 b. July 20, 1878.
388. Edwin Wakeman,9 of Little York, N. Y., m. in
Franklin, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1865, Mary Boice (b. Feb. 22,
1845), dau. °f Jacob Boice.
389. Bradford James Wakeman,9 of Chebanse, 111.,
served four years and six months in the Civil War, in
the 33rd Regt., 111. Vols., and was engaged in eighteen
battles. He was Sergeant-Major of the regiment at
the time of his discharge. He m. at Chebanse, Dec. 27,
1868, Ettie A. Root (b. Aug. 9, 1845), dau. of Nathan
and Mary Root, of Albion, N. Y. He begat,
I. Mary A.,10 b. Aug. 17, 1870.
II. Lena E.,10 b. May 29, 1872.
III. Grace M.,10 b. Dec. 29, 1874.
IV. George C.,10 b. Jan. 9, 1879
V. Oliver M.,10 b. Sept. 26, 1880.
390. George B. Wakeman,9 of Englewood, 111., m.
June 15, 1856, Elizabeth P. Mead, dau. of George G
Mead and Kate Kairjan, of Wilton, Conn. He begat,
I. Angeline A.,10 b. Sept. 2, 1875.
II. Lillian M.,10 b. Feb. 18, 1S77.
III. Caroline A.,10 b. May 6, 1879.
IV. James B.,10 b. Feb. 26, 1881.
V. Nettie M.,I0b. March 24, 1890.
391. Charles J. Wakeman,9 of Englewood, 111. He
m. in Wheaton, 111., Dec. 14, 1888, Mabel H. DeWitt
(b. Sept. 11, 1866), dau. of L. DeWitt and Margaret
Cooper, of Norwalk, O.
392. Melzar Alvord Wakeman,9 of Otho, la. He m.
in Otho, Oct. 30, 1870, Abi Flora Pratt, daughter of
Luther M. Pratt, of Otho. They begat,
I. Bert Maturen,10b. March 1, 1872.
II. Clarence Wood,10 b. Sept. 3. 1873.
III. Carrie Adel,10 b. April 26, 1875.
IV. Henry,10 b. Aug. 8, 1876.
V. Christie Rose,10 b. April 6, 1878.
VI. Iris,10 b. Nov. 28, 1882; d. Jan. 30,
VII. Ray Pratt,10 b. March 9, 1886.
393. Willard H. Wakeman,9 of Stuttgart, Ark. He
m. in Steele City, Neb., April 21, 1883, Mary E. Ken-
dall (b. June 6, 1863), dau. of Ivy M. and Emily Ken-
dall, of Ridge Farms, 111., and begat,
I. Ethel,10 b. May 18, 1884.
II. Mabel,10 b. Oct. 10, 1885.
III. Inez,10 b. Aug. 5, 1889.
IV. Irene,10 b. June 17, 1891; d. Dec. 4, 1892.
V. Willard,10 b. Sept. 5, 1893.
VI. Pauline,10 b. Sept. 5, 1895.
394. John Bradley Wakeman,9 of Southport, Conn.
He m. in Fairfield, Conn., May 20, 1880, Sarah Maria
Morehouse, dau. of Stephen Morehouse and Sarah
Banks, of Fairfield, and begat,
I. Sarah,10 b. Aug. 15, 1881.
II. Samuel Alja,10 b. June 13, 1885.
395. Albert Wakeman,9 of Bridgeport, Conn., m.
there Nov. 16, 1858, Lucy Hawkins (b. 1835), dau. of
William Hawkins and Lucy Beers, of Fairfield, and be-
I. Edward Lester,10 b. March 11, i860; d.
April 2, 1862.
II. Lydia Hawkins,10 b. Nov. 30, 1862; d.
Oct. 24, 1878.
III. Josephine,10 b. Dec. 24, 1864; d. Nov. 15,
IV. Fannie Louisa,10 b. Oct. 2, 1867.
451. V. Albert Bradley,10 b. Sept. 16, 1869.
VI. William,10 b. April 5, 1876; d. Oct. 20,
VII. Clara Maud,10 b. July n, 1878.
396. Tyler Wakeman,9 of Greenfield Hill, served in
the Civil War, and m. Polly A. Dayton (b. 1842), and
I. Ada E.,10 b. July 31, i860.
397. Andrew Bradley Wakeman,9 of Greenfield Hill,
Conn., m. in Southport, Conn., April 30, 1872, Eliza
Jane Mills (b. Aug. 9, 1849; d. April 7, 1886), dau. of
George Mills. They begat,
I. Howard J., Iu b. Dec. 31, 1873.
II. Clarence E.,10 b. June 23, 1876; d. April
6, 1886.
III. George Franklin,10 b. Aug. 7, 1879.
398. Emmett B. Wakeman,9 of Minneapolis, Minn.,
m. at Milwaukee, Wis , Sept., 1864, Carrie E. Gabriel-
son, of Bergen, Norway (b. May, 1838), dau. of Captain
Gabrielson. They begat,
452. I. Louis E.,10 b. Oct. 29, 1864.
II. Jean E.,10 b. Nov., 1867.
III. Evan J.,10 b. April, 1871.
399. Henry Stiles Wakeman,9 of Willmar, Minn., m.
in Centralia, 111., Oct. 1, 1867, Emma Perry (b. July 24,
1846), dau. of Richard Howell Perry and Maria Gabriel,
formerly of Salem, N. J. He begat,
I. Henry Emmett,10 b. Oct. 29, 1868.
II. Frederick Perry,10 b. Sept. 5, 1870; d.
Aug. 6, 1872.
III. Jesse H.,10 b. May 25, 1874.
IV. Emma Josephine,10 b. May 17, 1877; d.
June 14, 1879.
V. Edna Gertrude,10 b. Jan. 15, 1881.
400. Mortimer Burr Wakeman,9 of Algansee, Mich.
Hem. at California, Mich., May 5, 1868, Abbie W.
Melendy, dau. of Norman Melendy. They begat,
I. Leo Ray,10 b. Nov. 18, 1871; d. Aug. 17,
II. Sherwood Austin,10 b. Sept. 28, 1874.
III. Lorena,10 b. Aug. 3, 1877.
401. Nathan L. Wakeman,9 of Trumansburg, N. Y.
He m. in Deming, New Mexico, in 1896, Lillie Smith.
402. Lewis Farrington Wakeman,9 of Arcadia, La.
He m. in Mansfield, La., Oct. 18, 1894, Lucy Guy (b.
Dec. 16, 1873), dau. of Thomas Augustus Guy and
Sallie Hawkins Roberts, of Mansfield, and begat,
I. Lucy,10 b. Feb. n, 1896; d. May 12,
II. Thomas Augustus,10 b. March 8, 1897.
403. William Bradley Wakeman,9 of Arcadia, La.
He m. in New Orleans, Feb. 19, 1892, Cornelia Loeb-
nitz, dau. of Henry E. Loebnitz and Martha Edwards
Rayland, of Nuremburg, Germany. They begat,
I. Mildred,10 b. April 15, 1893.
II. Mary,10 b. Aug. 13, 1895.
404. Frank Elsworth Wakeman,9 of Southport, m.
in New York, Oct. 28, 1886, Mary Monroe McGraw,
dau. of John McGraw.
405. Lewis F. Wakeman,9 of Bridgeport, Conn., m.
April 12, 1893, Carrie W. Gilbert, dau. of Isaac Gilbert,
and begat,
I. Earle Gilbert,10 b. March iS, 1896.
406. Edgar C. Wakeman,9 of Sundance, Wyo., m. in
Spearfield, South Dakota, Oct. 13, 1881, Mary Frances
Mulholland (b. June 13, 1863), dau. of Thomas and
Mary Mulholland, of Sundance, and begat,
I. Don L.,10 b. July 30, 1882.
II. Edgar Earle,10 b. May 8, 1885.
407. Ernest H. Wakeman,9 of San Francisco, Cal.,
m. there Dec. 23, 1889, Adelphia L. Phillips (b. June
6, 1865), dau. of William Phillips and Ella E. Gold, of
Oregon, and begat,
I. Helen Geraldine,10 b. Sept. 28, 1890.
II. Clarence Gold,10 b. May 15, 1892.
408. Alvin Charles Wakeman,9 of Waterloo, Wis.,
m. Dora McCall, and begat,
I. Roy James,10 b. Sept. 3, 1880.
409. Albert H. Wakeman,9 of Marshall, Wis. He
m. in 1883, Maud Rushford, and begat,
I. Hazel,10 b. Nov. 18, 1891; d. Sept. 2,
II. Dorothy,10 b. Oct. 31, 1894.
410. Henry De Wakeman,9 of Hancock, N. Y. He
served in the Civil War, and m. May 18, 1869, Amanda
H. Leonard, dau. of Charles Leonard, of Hancock, and
I. Susan Emily,10 b. Dec. 31, 1870.
II. Charles Leonard,10 b. July 24, 1872.
III. Mary Amelia,10 b. Nov. 20, 1875.
4J1. Joseph Bogardus Wakeman,9 of Deposit, N. Y.
He m. in Franklin, Pa., Dec. 3, 1866, Sarannah Banks,
of Ohio. He begat,
I. Susan Chenilla,10 b. Sept. 10, 1868.
II. Alleah Josephine,10 b. March 22, 1872.
III. Margaret Lutrede,10 b. June 1, 1876.
412. George Fenno Wakeman,9 of Rico, Colo. He
m. in Watkins, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1880, Jennie A. Lock-
wood (b. July 30, 1852), dau. of Robert Lockwood and
Jane Clark, of Watkins, and begat,
I. Russell Clark,10 b. June 24, 1881; d.
Sept. 4, 1882.
II. Alleah Marie,10 b. July 23, 1884.
III. Ethel Jane,10 b. Sept. 6, 1887.
IV. Ralph Waldo,10 b. Sept. 4, 1889.
4J3. Henry Hanford Wakeman,9 of Middle Grove,
N. Y* He m. at Hillsdale, Mich., Oct. 31, 1878. Ma-
tilda M. Sutton, dau. of John Barlow Sutton, of Ovid,
N. Y.
4J4. Francis Marion Wakeman,9 of Dodge City, Kan-
sas, m. in Pine Village, Ind., Sept. 23, 1866, Mary Eliz-
abeth M. Stanfield (b. May 17, 1845), dau. °f Jonn an^
Margaret Stanfield, of Odessa, Mo. They begat,
I. Alonzo,10 b. Nov. 10, 1866.
II. Morton D.,10 b. Aug. 20, 1869.
III. William Eustace,10 b. Feb. 11, 1872.
IV. Elizabeth Ellen,10 b. March 11, 1874.
V. Carl Edward,10 b. July 22, 1876.
VI. Lester Alphonso,10 b. Nov. 5, 1879.
VII. Margaret Valletta,10 b. Nov. 20, 1880; d.
April 25, 1888.
VIII. Venia Alma,10 b. Jan. 19, 1883.
IX. Marion O.,10 b. June 19, 1885.
X. Warren Webster,10 b. March 12, 1888.
415. William Edgar Wakeman,9 of Williamsport,
Ind., m. at Pine Village, Ind., Dec. 22, 1872, Amanda
S. Ritenour (b. Dec. 4, 1854), dau. of David Ritenour
and Sarah E. Fisher, of Pine Village. He begat,
I. Sylvia Gertrude,10 b. Aug. 5, 1874; m.
Mr. Winks.
416. William N. Wakeman,9 of Nunda, N. Y., m.
there Dec. 13, 1877, Lydia A. Closse (b. Nov. 15, 1859),
dau. of Michael and Sophia Closse, of Nunda, and be-
I. Walter R.,10 b. March 28, 1879.
II. Bessie May,10 b. June 29, 1889.
417. Frank E. Wakeman,9 of Mount Morris, N. Y.,
m. there Oct. 7, 1886, Lizzie A. Gamble (b. Sept. 7,
1864), dau. of Thomas J. and Harriet M. Gamble, of
Mount Morris,
418. Miles Edson Wakeman,9 of Dalton, N. Y., m.
in Granger, N. Y. , Oct. ic, 1895, Emma Closse (b.
March 15, 1868), dau. of Jacob and Lavinia Closse, of
419. Walter Wakeman,9 m. Oct. 16, 1889, Sarah
Elizabeth Hurlburt, of Salisbury, Conn., and begat,
I. Maria Elizabeth,10 b. Sept. 17, 1891.
II. Walter Hurlburt,10 b. March 28, 1894.
420. George Wakeman,9 of Danbury, Conn., m. in
Hillsdale, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1876, Calvina Vosburg (b.
March 3, 1854), dau. of Sylvester Vosburg, of Copake,
N. Y. , and begat,
I. Charlotte Julia,10 b. Aug. 23, 1877.
II. J. Rcemer,10 b. Jan. 16, 1885.
421. Thaddeus Crane Wakeman,9 m. June 6, 1883,
Lillian Halliwell, and begat,
I. William A.,10 b. May 20, 1884.
II. Lillian,10 b. Feb. 1, 1886.
422. Floyd William Wakeman,9 of Erie, Pa., m. in
Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1892, Estella Urch (b. July
1, 187 1), dau. of Lewis and Emma Urch, of Green
Township, N. Y.
423. Edmund Drinan Barry Wakeman,9 of Jersey
City, N. J., m. there June 24, 1868, Katherine Gliick
(b. June 17, 1853), dau. of J. Phillip Gliick and Mary
Darmstatter, of Greenville, N. J., and begat,
I. Mary,10 b. Jan. 22, 1871.
II. Ethel,10 b. Sept. 1, 1875; d. Oct. 20,
III. David Gliick,10 b. March 29r 1879.
424. Charles Nelson Wakeman,9 of Elliston, Mon-
tana. He m. in Helena, Mont., May, 1891. Mrs.
Nettie M (b. 1848; d. Jan. 18, 1894), dau. of Nat-
lor Danes.
425. Melvin Crissey Wakeman,9 of Newburg, N. Y.
He m. in New York, May 31, 1887, Josephine Latimer
(b. July 15, 1863), dau. of William Latimer and Cathar-
ine Johnson, of Middletown, N. Y.
426. John Philip Wakeman,9 of Wheatville, N. Y.
He m. in Oakfield, N. Y., April 20, 1870, Marietta
Brown (b. Aug. 2, 1S47), dau. of Alexander Brown, of
Oakfield. He begat,
I. George Alexander,10 b. July 4, 1873.
II. John Allison,10 b. Aug. 13, 1876.
III. William Henry,10 b. May 4, 1879.
427. David Henry Thorn Wakeman,9 of Jeddo, N.
Y. He m. in Oakfield, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1873, Marion
A. Brown (b. Nov. 20, 1848), dau. of Alexander and
Harriet Brown, of Oakfield. He begat,
I. Frederick E.,10 b. Aug. 24, 1880.
II. Glenn H.,10 b. May 1, 1883.
428. Seth Lyman Wakeman,9 of Bangor, Mich. He
m. in Alabama, N. Y., April 4, 1883, Bertie A. Sim-
mons (b. April 27, 1862), dau. of Theodore B. and
Roby Simmons, of Geneva, 111. He begat,
I. Arthur W.,10 b. Sept. 7, 1884.
II. Pearl Eliza,10 b. May 24, 1887.
III. Winnie Roby,10 b. Oct. 4, 18S9.
IV. Harry Simmons,10 b. June 8, 1894.
429. James David Wakeman,9 of Bismarck, N. Dak.
He m. in South Byron, N. Y. , Nov. 26, 1874, Joseph-
ine Rosamond Warner (b. April 18, 1854), dau. of
Quartius Warner and Jane Summerwell, of South
Byron. He begat,
I. Edith Adele,10 b. May a*, 1876.
430. Stephen H. Wakeman,9 of New York city. He
m. in Washington, D. C, April 7, 1885, Alice L.
James (b. Nov. 21, 1866), dau. of Richard James and
Alice R. Phinney, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He begat,
» I. John,10 b. March 22, 1886.
II. Alice Livingston,10 b. June 21, 1889.
431. Frank Wakeman,9 of Akron, la. He m. there
May 12, 1884, Josephine Hoyt (b. Aug. 9, 1857), dau.
of Andrew Hoyt and Ruth Wakeman, of Ridgefield,
Conn., and Akron. He begat,
I. Mildred,10 b. July 19, 1885.
432. George Henry Wakeman,9 of Chatsworth, la.
He m. in Vermillion, South Dakota, Nov. 3, 1888,
Dora Larkin (b. July 4, 187 1), dau. of F. Larkin, of
Jefferson. South Dakota. He begat,
I. Pearl,10 b. May 26, 1889.
II. Edith,10 b. July 10, 1891.
III. Lester,10 b. June 13, 1893.
IV. Millard,10 b. Sept. 27, 1896.
433. Stephen Wirt Wakeman,9 of Dimondale, Mich.
He m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 26, 1872, Augusta
Austin (b. April 20, 1847), dau. of Edgar D. Austin
and Ruth A Corbin, of Ann Arbor. He begat,
I. vSara Caroline,10 b. Feb. 19, 1878; d.
Feb. 24, 1878.
II. Avis Churchill,10 b. Oct. 15, 1882.
434. James Griswold Wakeman,9 of Eaton Rapids,
Mich. He m. there Sept. 24, 1884, Flora Howell (b.
May 22, 1863), dau. of Nelson H. Howell and Alvira
Clark, of Eaton Rapids. He begat,
I. Charles,10 b. July 25, 1888.
II. Nelson,10 b. Jan. 10, 1892.
III. James Erwin,10 b. Aug. 15, 1894.
IV. Mary Anna,10 b. April 22, 1897.
435. James Irwin Wakeman,9 of Lockport, N. Y.,
m. there Nov. 7, 1889, Alice Washburn, of Lockport,
dau. of Daniel C. Washburn.
436. William Harvey Wakeman,9 m. Nov. 1879, Lil-
lian Davis, and begat,
I. Roy Leigh,10 b. Nov. 6, 1880.
II. William Ross,10 b. Nov. 14, 1885.
III. Sarah Marie,10 b. July 21, 1887.
437. Stephen Mason Wakeman,9 of East Wilson, N.
Y., m. in Wilson, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1886, Mary Lewis,
dau. of Daniel Lewis, of Wilson, and begat,
I. Edgar Stephen,10 b. Nov. 17, 1889.
II. Charles Lewis,10 b. Aug. 1, 1S94.
III. Marion,10 b. June 28, 1897.
438. James Goodrich Wakeman,9 of East Wilson, N.
Y. , m. at Niagara Falls, May 24, 1891, Addie Woods,
dau. of George Woods, of East Wilson, and begat,
I. Myra Elizabeth,10 b. Jan. 29, 1894.
439. Frank E. Wakeman,9 of Bedford, Iowa, m. there
Nov. 27, 1896, Elizabeth Wilson, dau. of Caleb Wilson,
of Bedford, Iowa.
440. Richard Cordeley Wakeman,9 of Boston, Mass.,
m. Nov. 25, 1897, Bessie Burton Bunnell, dau. of
Charles Bunnell, of Bridgeport, Conn.
441. Joseph Adams Wakeman,9 of Bridgeport, m.
first, in Westport, Conn., Katharine Kirk Spicer (b. Oct.
2, i860; d. Jan. 1, 1889), dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth
Spicer, of Westport. Hem. second, in Danbury, Conn. ,
Oct. 14, 1891, Cassie Edith Griffin (b. Sept. 2, 1862),
dau. of Frank Cornelius and Sarah Jane Griffin. He
I. Richard Frederick,10 b. June 19, 1887.
II. Katharine Monroe,10 b. Nov. 14, 1893.
442. Isaac B. Wakeman,9 of Saugatuck, Conn. He
m. there Dec. 26, 1888, Florence A. Fyfe (b. Aug. 24,
1867), dau. of Dr. John W. Fyfe and Mary E. Cord, of
Saugatuck, Conn.
443. William Burritt Wakeman,9 of Saugatuck, m.
Aug. 11, 1897, Hattie Nash, of Saugatuck.
444. E. DeWiit Wakeman,10 m. April 24, 1877,
Anna McLaury, dau. of E. McLaury, and begat,
I. Carrie,11 b. March 18, 1878.
II. George,11 b. June 17, 1880.
445. Elmer L. Wakeman,10 of Walton, N. Y. He
m. in Cannonsville, N. Y., March 2, 1887, Edith D.
McLaughlin (b. March 2, 1869), dau. of Charles B. and
Mary A. McLaughlin, of Cannonsville.
446. Gaylord Bacon Wakeman,10 of Unadilla and
Wellsbridge, N. Y. He m. in Otega, N. Y., June 22,
1892, Jessie May Burnside (b. Dec. 3, 1872), dau. of
William Wilson Burnside and Susan M. Walley, of Ote-
go. He begat,
I. Blaine,11 b. Aug-. 24, 1893.
II. Iva May,11 b. March 6, 1895; d- March
19, 1895.
III. Frank Bolles,11 b. May 15, 1896.
447. Vermilyea H. Wakeman,10 of Walton, N. Y.
He m. at Beerston, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1884, Rovilla Beers
(b. Sept. 13, 1867), dau. of Ezra Beers and Emily
Buckbee, of Beerston. He begat,
I. Warren B.,11 b. March 24, 189 1 ; d. Sept.
25, 1891.
II. Florence,11 b. April 25, 1893.
Mr. V. H. Wakeman was a man of excellent stand-
ing and to know him was to respect him. He
was of a cheerful disposition, always ready to
lend a helping hand, and was strictly upright.
He was connected with journalism at the time of
his death.
448. Ezra H. Wakeman,10 m. June 21, 1874, Mary
E. Barlow.
449. Leander Wakeman,10 m. in Wurtsboro, N. Y. ,
Oct. 18, 1893, Mary Mclntyre, dau. of William Mcln-
tyre, of Mongaup Valley, N. Y. He begat,
I. Lucy,11 b. Nov. 9, 1894.
450. John C. Wakeman,10 of Walton, N. Y., m. Oct.
18, 1S90, Ida Smith (b. April 21, 1859), and begat,
I. Howard,11 b. March 18, 1893.
II. Carlton,11 b. Nov. 15, 1895.
45 J. Albert Bradley Wakeman,10 of Bridgeport,
Conn., m. there June 21, 1893, Lena LaTour (b. Oct.
27, 1868), dau. of Louis LaTour and Elizabeth Minch,
of France.
452. Louis E. Wakeman,10 of St. Cloud, Minn., m.
there April 13, 1887, Gertrude Powell (b. March 14,
1866), dau. of William Powell and Lucretia A. Marvin,
of St. Cloud. He begat,
I. Annette Elene,11 b. April 26, 1897.
The following data, pertaining to various members of
the Wakeman family, whom we have been unable to
connect with the line of John of New Haven, is inserted
here in the hope that the author may receive additional
information concerning the people herein named, in
order that their lines may be connected with the main
family line :
Zalmon Wakeman, of Easton, Conn., m. Eleanor,
who d. Feb. 20, 1825. They begat,
I. Sylvester.
II. Thomas, bap. July 1, 1836.
III. Mary.
IV. Elizabeth.
Charles Wakeman m. Rachel, and begat,
I. Charles B., bap. April 28, 1826.
II. Elizabeth, bap. April 9, 1830.
Stephen Wakeman, of Hillsdale, N. Y., m. Abigail
H. Ogden, Feb. 12, 1823.
James Bartholomew, b. Jan. 12, 1819; m. March 15,
1854, Georgiana Wakeman, of Albany.
William Wakeman, b. April 29, i759(?); m. in Sec-
ond Presbyterian Church, New York city, March 21,
1786, Rachel Moffatt.
Wakeman, m. Elizabeth Brumbough Weller (b.
December, 1808; d. Dec. 24, 1884), d. of Benj. Weller
and Jane Dickie.
David Dumont Wakeman, m. in or near Trumans-
burgh, or Searsburgh, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1889, Cora
Estelle Allen (b. Jan. 31, 1868), dan. of James Allen
and Mary Elizabeth Booth, and begat,
I. Lew Elizabeth, b. Dec. 29, 1890.
II. Edna M., b. Jan. 13, 1892.
Abel Strong, of Windsor, Conn., b. Jan. 9, 1752; m.
March 2, 1775, Elizabeth Wakeman, and begat,
I. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6, 1776; d. July 1,
II. Daniel, b. June 28, 1778.
III. Elijah, b. Nov. 28, 1780.
IV. Nathan, b. Oct. 30, 1783.
V. Hannah, b. Dec. 18, 1785.
VI. Eunice, b. Feb. 21, 1791.
VII. Abel, bap. March 17, 1793.
It appears that there was a settlement prior to
1758-9 in New Paltz, Ulster County, N. Y., of some of
the Wakeman name, who are not descended from John
of New Haven. As the settlement was principally
Dutch, and the records kept by Dutch scribes, the
name was variously spelled by them. Below is given
such data as has been obtained from these records
through the kindness of Miss Annie R. Winfield, fol-
lowed by such subsequent lineage as has been obtained.
TTT . ) Marcus, b. Nov. 10, 1759. Wit-
Marcus Wekman, I ne William and Helletze
Martha Litz. I L-tz
Marcus Wekman, \ Johannis, b. Nov. 16, 1787; no
Jennie Cool. [ witnesses.
) Cornelius, bap. 1789. Witness-
Marcus Wecman, f es> Marcus Wecman, Martha
Jannatze Kool. \ 'Litz
Marcus Wecman, ) Stephanus, b. March 25; bap.
Jenny Kool. f April 20, 1794; no witnesses.
Marcus Wekman, I „ .. , , T , „ Q
Jannatze Kool. } Gamaliel, b. July 23, 1798.
__-.,___, ) Catarina, b. April 21; bap. June
Hendrick Wakman, f ^ I?86. Witnesses, Methusa-
Lidia Hert. j lem jjubois, Catarine Bovier.
Hendrick Wekman, ) „ .. , T _ 00
LidiaHert. [ Sally, b. Jan. 18, 1788.
Hendricus Wecman, I „, . , ,,
Lidia Hert. \ Charles> b- Ma^ ^ *79°.
Hendric Wecman, } „. . . T ,
Lidia Hart. f Phebe, b. July 31, 1794-
Hendric Wekman, ) „ , _ t ,
Lidia Hert. \ Gertrug, b. Oct. 22, 1796.
Hendrick Werkman, ) TT , „
Lidia Hert. f Henr^ b' Sel3t- 9, i79».
Henry Wakeman, ) _ ,. , , _
Lydia Hart. \ Gamaliel, b. Sept. 27, 1800.
Hendrick Wockman, )„,,,,.,, „ ,
Lidia Hart f Racnel Maria, b. Jan. 18, 1806.
Robert Hood, m. Martha Wakman, April 12, 1801.
Evert Sluyter, m. Sarah Wakman, July 2, 1801. *
Cornelius Carman, m. Gitty Wackman, May 3, 18 14.
Miller, m. Wackman, April 4, 18 15.
r, , ^ TT , ) Margaret Hasbrook, b. Oct. 4,
S fu w? ' f 1801. Witness, Margaret
Martha Wakmau. J Hasbrook.
Robert Hood, | ^ . , , _ r
Martha Weckman. f Daniel, b. March 18, 1804.
Robert Hood, i
Martha Wackman. \ James> b- Feb- IO- l8°8-
Daniel Wackman, m. Antze Cool, Jan. 11, 1777. In
September, 1786, Daniel Wackman, of New Paltz, a
farmer, is witness of a will for Joshua Decker.
J. Marcus Wakeman, m. Martha Litz, and begat,
2. I. Marcus, b. Nov. 10, 1759; also probably
3. II. Henry.
4. III. Daniel.
2. Marcus Wakeman, m. Jennie Kool, and begat,
I. John, b. Nov. 16, 1787.
II. Cornelius, bap. 1789.
III. Stephen, b. March 25, 1794.
IV. Gamaliel, b. July 23, 1798.
3. Henry Wakeman, m. Lydia Hart, and begat,
5. I. Jacob, b. March 21, 1783.
6. II. Marcus, b. 1775; d. Nov. 10, 1842.
III. Catherine, b. April 21, 1786.
IV. Sally, b. Jan. 18, 1788.
V. Charles, b. May 30, 1790.
VI. Phoebe, b. July 31, 1794.
VII. Gertrude, b. Oct. 22, 1796.
VIII. Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1798.
IX. Gamaliel, b. Sept. 27, 1800.
X. Rachel Maria, b. Jan. 18, 1806; she m.
John E. Freer. One of these daugh-
ters m. Jacob Low.
4. Daniel Wakeman, m. Antze Cool, Jan. 11. 1777.
5. Jacob Wakeman, m. Annatze Van Nostrand, dau.
of Casparus Van Nostrand and Eva Frelinghuysen, and
I. Eva, who m. first, Jennings, and
begat five children; she m. second
Henry Maxson, and begat two child-
II. Thomas.
III. John.
IV. Frederick, who m. Schoonmaker,
and begat three children.
6. Marcus Wakeman, of New Paltz, m. Laura Van
Nostrand (b. Oct. 31, 1787; d. March 19, 1876), dau. of
Casparus Van Nostrand and Eva Frelinghuysen, and
7. I. Garrett Dubois, b. Sept. 14, 1806; d.
Sept. 10, j88o.
II. Jane, b. 19, 1807; sbe m. Parnur
Morehouse, and begat,
A. Nathan, who m. Abbie Van Etten, and begat,
a. William.
B. Henry.
C. Marcus, who lives at Warwick, N. Y., four
8. III. Henry, b. Feb. 5, 1810.
9. IV. James, b. Dec. 16, 18 12.
10. V. Richard Brinkerhofr", b. Feb. 20, 18 14.
VI. Dinah, b. Feb. 28, 1816. She m. John
Houghtailing, and begat,
A. Amanda, who m. Isaac Warwick.
B. Henry.
C. Stewart.
D. Ann, who m. Stephen Loveland.
E. Charles.
F. Laura, who m. Plasz.
G. William.
H. David.
I. Jonathan.
J. Julia, who m. Scholey.
11. VII. Alexander, b. Feb. 28, 1819; d. Dec. 14,
VIII. Jacob, d. aged about 14 years.
IX. Sarah Ann, m. John Litz, and begat three
X. Andrew Jackson, d. aged about 18 years.
XI. Charles.
XII. Marcus, d. aged about 12 years.
XIII. John.
XIV. Mary.
XV. Lavinia.
12. XVI. Frelinghuysen, b. Nov. 30, 1826; d June
3, 1868.
13. XVII. Daniel Tears, b. Aug. 27, 1832.
7. Garrett Dubois Wakeman, of Lackawack, Ulster
County, N. Y., m. in Neversink, N. Y. , 1829, Phebe
Gorton (b. Aug. 5, 181 1; d. Dec. 18, 1881), dau. of
William Gorton and Margaret Tombs, of Neversink,
and begat,
I. James R., b. Feb. 5, 1832; d. aged 20
II. James, b. Dec. 6, 1833; d. aged a few
III. Bathenia Maria, b. Dec. 6, 1833; m.
in Briggs St., Ulster County, N. Y.,
July 3, 1851, Simon Peter Bunting (b.
July 28, 1825), of Lackawack, and be-
A. Minnie E., b. June 2, 1867, m. July 6, 1887,
Romaine Bennett (b. Dec. 23, 1S66), and
a. Georgiana, b. May 21, 1888.
b. Mary Ethel, b. June 15, 1890.
c. James Walter, b. Sept. 1, 1892.
d. Eugene, b. Sept. 22. 1895.
e. Alice, b. May 23, 1898.
IV. Charles H., b. Nov. 30, 1838.
V. Edwin, b. April 6, 1842; d. Dec. 11,
VI. Lucy Ellen, b. Oct. 23, 1847. She m.
in Lackawack, Jan 17, 1867, Peter
Deyo Turner (b. Oct. 3, 1839), of Port
Hixon, and Lackawack, N. Y., and
A. Preston E., b. Aug. 18, 1869; d. May 10, 1897.
He m. Ida J. Smith, July 24, 1889, and
a. Pearl May, b. Nov. 1, 1889.
14. VII. William, b. March 7, 1853.
8. Henry Wakeman, of Sidney, Ohio, m. Oct. 26,
1833, Rachel Van Wagenen (b. Jan. 17, 1813; d. Nov.
5, 1887), and begat,
I. Angeline, b. Oct. 7, 1834 ; d. Jan. 8, 1836.
II. Sarah T., b. Nov. 2, 1836. She m. Wil-
liam M. Baker, of Shelby County,
III. Catherine, b. Oct. 8, 1838; d. May 10,
15. IV. Benjamin, b. Oct. 27, 1848
V. Anna Mariah, b. May 8, 1845. She m- '
William H. Corey, of Kansas City,
16. VI. Alexander, b. Jan. 23, 185 1.
VII. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1854. She
m. Feb. 22, 1872, Harrison M. Potts
(b. Feb. 27, 1847), of Sidney, Ohio,
and begat,
A. Elmer H., b. March 8, 1873.
B. William, b. Aug. 27, 1874.
9. James Wakeman, of Sodus Bay, N. Y., m.
and begat,
I. Charlotte, who m. Knight.
II. Wilbur.
JO. Richard Brinkerhoff Wakeman, m. Leah G. Gar-
rabrant (b. Feb. 17, 18 13), and begat,
I. Abraham S.
II. Mary Frances, b April 14, 1836.
III. Sarah E.
IV. Maggie A., m. Charles Rogers, of Sodus
Bay, and begat,
A. George.
B. Walter.
V. Jane L.
VI. Jane Amanda; m. Frederick W. Shrump,
and begat seven children.
VII. Laura Augusta, b. Sept 7, 1S55; m.
John V. Wakeman.
JJ. Alexander Wakeman, m. Dec. 31, 1846, Chris-
tina Ennist (b. Dec 22, 1825). They begat,
I. Dubois, b. April 9, 1848.
II. Margaret Ann, b. Nov. 28, 185 1. She
m. 1871, Calvin Schoonmaker, and
A. Carrie, who m. O. Odell.
B. Hattie, who m. Geo. Jarvis.
III. Sarah Catherine, b. Nov. 28, 1851; d.
December, 185 1.
IV. Carrie B., b. April 28, 1858; d. March
9, 1863.
Mrs. Wakeman m. second, Mr. Dupuy, and
lives at New Paltz.
12. Frelinghuysen Wakeman, m. June 12, 1852,
Caroline Quick (b. April 30, 1832), living at Momabuc,
N. Y. They begat,
17. I. John V., b. Oct. 12, 1853.
J3. Daniel Tears Wakeman, of Newburg, N. Y., m.
in Newburg, Oct. 17, 1863, Rosanna Girvin (b. Aug.
29, 1839), ^au. °f William Girvin, and begat,
18. I. William Howard, b. May 13, 1864.
19. II. Marcus M., b. Sept. 6, 1867.
20. III. Daniel A , b. Nov. 8, 1868.
IV. Laura, b. Dec. 12, 1869; d. Aug. 29, 1870.
V. Henry, b. Jan. 27, 1871.
VI. Peter J., b. March 27, 1872.
VII. Charles A., b. May 3, 1873.
VIII. Dora J., b. July 12, 1874; d. Aug. 19,
IX. John P., b. Nov. 26, 1875.
X. Frank E., b. April 1, 1876; d. Oct. 14,
XL Mary Josephine, b. May 22, 1880. She
m. William Williams, April 9, 1896,
and begat,
A. Daniel T., b. Sept. 18, 1896.
J4» William Wakeman, of Lackawack, m. there
Jan. 28, 1885, Mary Hoff (b. Aug. 1, 1863), dau. of
John Hoff and Rosa Ernhurst, of Lackawack. They
I. Phebe Rosanna, b. Dec. 4, 1885.
J5. Benjamin Wakeman, of Shelby County, O., m.
Annie E. Close.
J6» Alexander Wakeman, of Sidney, O., m. Sept.
13, 18S2, Minnie English (b. June 6, 1861), and begat,
I. J. Warren, b. July 22, 1883; d. June 17,
II. Henry Grover, b. Sept. 19, 1886.
III. Edna Myrtle, b. Aug. 10, 1892.
IV. Jennie Marie, b. Dec. 27, 1893. t
J7. John V. Wakeman, of Glen Ridge, N. J., m.
April 8, 1880, Laura Augusta, dau. of No. 10 above,
and begat,
I. John Frelinghuysen, b. July 28, 188 — ;
d. Jan. 2, 1888.
II. Richard B., b. March 19, 1884.
J8. William Howard Wakeman, of Newburgh, m.
there May 19, 1891, Annie McTrustry (b. July 28,
1870), dau. of William, and begat,
I. Frank Allen, b. Jan. 22, 1892.
II. William 0., b. April 23, 1894.
III. Annie Rose, b. July 29, 1897.
IV. Edith, b. Sept. 9, 1895; d. July 23,
V. Hugh William, b. April 9, 1S93.
J9. Marcus M. Wakeman, of Newburgh, m. May 22,
1890, Carrie Elizabeth Bignell (b. July 29, 1874; d. Oct.
15, 1894), and begat,
I. Rosa A , b. Aug. 5, 1891; d. Oct. 15,
II. Carrie E.,b. Oct. 14, 1893.
20. Daniel A. Wakeman, m. Nov. 26, 1893, Nellie
Gray (b. July 18, 1861), dau. of John Gray, of New
York city, and begat,
I. Lillie, b. Dec. 26, 1895.
II. A boy, b. Oct. 9, 1897.
Here follows the lineage of Henry Wakeman, of
Bloomingburgh, N. Y., and believed to have been the
the son of 3, Henry, above, and b. Sept. 9, 1798.
J, Henry Wakeman, of Bloomingburgh, m. and
3. I. David D., b. Oct. 17, 1825; d. March
21, 1876.
II. Eliza.
III. Mary Ann.
2. Malvern Wakeman, of Milwaukee, probably a
brother of Henry, of Bloomingburg, m. and begat,
I. Daniel.
II. Philip.
III. Henry.
3. David D. Wakeman, of Newburgh, m. in Bloom-
ingburgh, Nov. 25, 1852, Rachel Norris (b. 1832), and
I. Eva, b. Dec. 2, 1858; d. Aug. 29, 1865.
The following line is supposed to have descended
from a son of Stephen Wakeman, of Greenfield Hill,
Conn., who died in 1760 or 1761. See No. n, on
page 169.
j. Wakeman, m. Sarah Nichols (b. May 11,
1774; d. May 30, 1840), and begat,
2. I. Daniel, b. Dec. 16, 1795; d. September,
Mrs. Sarah (Nichols) Wakeman m.
Ichabod Jennings, Nov. n, 1805, an(^
A. Levi.
B. Andrew.
2. Daniel Wakeman, of Danbury, Conn., m. Nov.
23, 18 — , Lois Crofut (d. May 1, 1872). dau. of Levi
and Susan Crofut, of Bethel, Conn., and begat,
3. I. Andrew, b. September, 1818; d. Jan.
14, 1882.
3. Andrew Wakeman, of Bethel, Conn., m. there
Sarah E. Hawley (d. March, 1866), dau. of Charles and
Anna Hawley, of Newtown, Conn., and begat,
I. E. Beers.
II. Susan Lois.
III. Cornelia.
4. IV. Edward Beach, b. Feb. 18, 1866.
4. Edward Beach Wakeman, of Oxford, Conn., m.
in South East Center, N. Y., Nov. 19. 1881, Mary J.
Drapeau (b. 1867), dau. of Benjamin and Lucy Dra-
peau, of Canada.
J. John Wakeman, of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire,
England, was. b. , m. and d. there. His wife's name
was Phebe. They begat,
I. George.
II. James.
III. Mary, who m. Mr. Amos.
IV. William.
V. John.
VI. Adam.
VII. Emma.
VIII. Thomas, a soldier in the 59th Regt.
IX. Henry W., bap. June 24, 1838.
2. Henry W. Wakeman, of St. Louis, Mo., m. there
May 27, 1876, Louisa Pfaff, who d. Nov. 13, 1893.
HP HE following data was procured by Mr. Emory
* McClintock, by personal research in the British
Museum, in the Spring of 1900. It shows, as he says
in a personal letter, that "It would appear that our
uncle John was Prior when the Abbacy became vacant,
and hurried to London to see about it; that Cromwell
held up the ' temporalities ' until he could secure a sat-
isfactory man for Abbot ; that John agreed to be satis-
factory ; that Cromwell sent inspectors to threaten the
election of a stranger unless the monks allowed the
King to choose among themselves; and that after six
days' caucusing the monks gave up their right to elect
on a compromise by which the King should not choose
a stranger. "
" The letter of John to Kingston the moment it was
over shows that the whole thing was cut and dried."
Vol. VII., 189: 11 April, 1534. John Wyche, prior
of Tewkesbury, to Sir Will Kingston: "I thank you
for your great diligence in my behalf at my last being
in London for the election. On Tuesday, 7 April, Dr.
Tregonwell and Dr. Bagard delivered to me and the
convent the King's letters. When I had read the same
before my brethren, we returned the King hearty
thanks, and on the morrow, observing that we were re-
ferred to their credence, I was informed by them that
we should take the form of a compromise in our elec-
tion, referring the matter to the King's pleasure, which
we did, four only excepted."
Vol. VI.: 1533 [error for 1534], n April, Tewkes-
bury. John Tregonwell and Thos. Bagard to Crom-
well: "We have this instant obtained the election of
the abbot of Tewkesbury by compromise. As it was
noised among the brethren that great labor and suit
were made for a stranger to be abbot, we could not by
all our policy during these six days obtain more, unless
we had promised that one of their own convent should
be abbot. We were the more ready to consent, because
you told me, John Tregonwell, at my departure, that
the King did not intend to prefer a stranger, and that
such a compromise would not be unacceptable. We
beg you will move the King to respect our promise. "
Petition of Convent, 6 May, 1534: royal assent at
Greenwich May 15: ratified "with restitution of tem-
poralities" 10 June, 1534. (It would seem that his
majesty held up the " temporalities " till he was suited
with the election.)
Vol. IX., 229: 24 Oct., 1535. John, Abbot of Tewkes-
bury, to Cromwell: "I thank you for your goodness
at my preferment, and for your loving commendations
to the King when he was at Tewkesbury, as yet unde-
served of me." Says he sends Cromwell a horse and
^20 to buy a saddle.
King Henry signed a patent from the Monastery at
Tewkesbury on 29 July, 1535.
Dugdale's Monasticon, II., 84, 85, mentions among
lands belonging to Tewkesbury abbey the following
places: Sonthwike, Muyth, Forthampton, and Didcot,
the latter in parish of Beckford.
Tanner's Notitia Monastica, article "Tewkesbury,"
says that the Abbey had "lands in Becford" — not the
Beckford Priory lands.
Fosbrooke's Gloucestershire, II., 280: "The demesne
of the manor of Tewkesbury in this place [Mythe] .
was granted to Daniel and Alexander Perte, who had
license (Pat. 7 Edw. VI.) to alienate to Will Thorneby
and Rich. Wakeman." This seems to have been sepa-
rate from the Abbey lands in the Mythe, which seem
to have been in Richard's possession earlier. A patent
of 1 Edw. VI., refers to lands in the Mythe which had
been "in the tenure of Rich. Tyndall and Rich. Wake-
List of "Pentions," 12 Jan., 31 Henry VIII., in Dug-
dale II., 83: "J. Wakeman, late abbot, to have the
house of Forthampton with the demaynes belonging to
the same and the tithes of the tenants of Forthampton
aforesaid and Swynle in ferme for the yerely rent of
^8:13 :i," and pension per annum of ^266 113:8.
Atkyns' Gloucestershire indicates that Richard of
Beckford bought much of his land from Coningsby, who
married heiress of Sir R. Lee. This purchase seems to
have been late in the sixteenth century. Perhaps he
began with some small holdings, favored by the Bishop.
Abel, Elizabeth, 271.
Adams, Ann, 188.
Adams, Augusta, 284.
Adams, Charles, 284.
Adams, Davis, 153.
Adams, Emma J., 353.
Adams, Eunice B., 283.
Adams, Geo. 353.
Adams, Joseph, 351.
Adams, Joshua, 292.
Adams, Mary, 176, 203, 284.
Adams, Mary E., 292.
Adams, Nathaniel. 188, 196,
Adams, Phoebe A., 345.
Adams, Rebecca, 196.
Adams, Ruth, 268.
Adams, Sarah J., 351.
Adams, Squire, 201.
Adams, Stephen, 176.
Adams, Thomas, 283.
Adams, W. H., 284.
Agney, Francenah, 335.
Agney, Irving, 335.
Ainsworth, Alonzo, 335.
Ainsworth, Helen E., 335.
Alderman, Adeline A., 266.
Alderman, Almeda P., 266.
Alderman, Arza S., 266.
Alderman, Caroline, 266.
Alderman, Charlotte, 266.
Alderman, D. S., 266.
Alderman, E. S., 266.
Alderman, Finetta, 266.
Alderman, Flewella W., 266.
Alderman, Francis, 266.
Alderman, Franklin G., 266.
Alderman, Ida B., 266.
Alderman, James W., 266.
Alderman, Jane M., 266.
Alderman, Marietta, 266.
Alderman, Ransom R., 266.
Alderman, Ruhamah F., 266.
Alderman, Viana D., 266.
Aldrich, C. L., 298.
Aldrich, Georgia A., 298.
Aldrich, Joseph W., 298.
Aldrich, Jules, 298.
Aldrich, Roy, 298.
Alexander, Jedediah, 314.
Alexander, Mary A., 314.
Allen, Abigail, 171.
Allen, C. E., 295.
Allen, Charlotte, 352.
Allen, Cora E., 371.
Allen, David, 200.
Allen, Gershom, 352.
Allen, Gideon, 148, 171.
Alien, Hannah, 200.
Allen, James, 371.
Allen, Mr., 74, 126.
Allin, Gideon, 126, 148.
Ailing, Chas., 324.
Ailing, Roger, 69, 74.
Ailing, Ruhamah, 324.
Allyn, John, 118
Alsupp, Joseph, 63, 64.
Alvord, Catherine, 320.
Alvord, David, 169.
Alvord, John, 169.
Alvord, Melzar, 320.
Alvord, Sarah, 169.
Aly, Elizabeth, 29.
Aly, Theophilus, 29.
Anderson, Annette, 286.
Anderson, Carl, 332.
Anderson, Geo. F., 332.
Anderson, Hattie B., 332.
Anderson, Henry, 287.
Anderson, Herbert, 332.
Anderson, Julia, 287.
Anderson, Mary A., 287.
Andrews, Abraham, 175.
Andrews, Amanda, 279.
Andrews, Carlie, 279.
Andrews, Catherine, 175.
Andrews, Charles, 279.
Andrews, D., 193.
Andrews, Daniel, 193.
Andrews, E., 193.
Andrews, Eunice, 295.
Andrews, Francis, 295.
Andrews, Hannah, 175.
Andrews, H. L., 279.
Andrews, Keziah, 193.
Andrews, R. P., 279.
Andrews, Samuel, 175.
Andrews, S. P., 193.
Andrews, Will, 49.
Archibald, Bessie, 245.
Archibald, Florence O., 245.
Archibald, Thomas, 245.
Arnold, Dorothy, 158.
Arnold, Elisa, 158.
Arnold, Elizabeth, 44, 159, 338.
Arnold, Emmons, 159.
Arnold, Enoch, 158.
Arnold, Frederick Kellogg,
Arnold, John, 158.
Arnold, Jonathan, 158, 159.
Arnold, Joseph, 44, 158.
Arnold, Lucy, 158.
Arnold, Maria, 159.
Arnold, Mary N., 159.
Arnold, Nathaniel, 338.
Arnold, Ruth J., 159.
Arnold, Samuel, 158.
Arnold, Susanna, 158, 159.
Arnold, Sylvia, 287.
Arnold, Win., 287.
Attwater, Joshua, 47.
Atwater, Bro. 47, 50, 56.
Atwood, James, 215.
Augur, Mr., 66.
Austin, Augusta, 367.
Austin, Edgar D., 367.
Avaria, Jane, 328.
Avery, A. F., 297.
Avery, Amanda, 314.
Avery, Amos, 296.
Avery, B. L., 296.
Avery, Carrie A., 297.
Avery, C. E., 296.
Avery, Daniel, 314.
Avery, G. E., 297.
Avery, Maria, 296.
Avery, Mary L., 297.
Avery, W. S., 297.
Ayre, Joan, 37.
Bacon, Charles W., 279.
Bacon, Debby M., 279.
Bacon, Nelson, 279.
Bacon, Sarah, 279.
Badger, George, 36.
Badger, John, 38.
Bagget, Frauncis, 30.
Bailey, Charles, 249.
Bailey, Frances, 40.
Bailey, Hattie, 249.
Bailey, Lucy, 40.
Bailey, Mr., 40.
Baird, Miss, 238.
Baker, Delia M., 310.
Baker, Dwight, 310.
Baker, Eliza, 250.
Baker, Jarvis S., 291.
Baker, Mary Ann, 250.
Baker, Mr., 250.
Baker, Polly, 250.
Baker, Sarah, 263.
Baker, Sarah T., 376.
Baker, Virginia M., 291.
Baker. W. M., 376.
Baldwin, Ellen L., 243.
Baldwin, Geo. R., 216.
Baldwin, Jonathan, 160.
Baldwin, Nathaniel Stow, 243.
Baldwin, Sarah E., 216.
Baldwin, Susanna, 160.
Baldwin, Widow, 54.
Banks, Aaron, 217, 258.
Banks, Abigail, 217, 258, 335.
Banks, Abram, 185.
Banks, Albert, 186.
Banks, Amelia, 204.
Banks, Ann Augusta, 217.
Banks, Anna, 214, 217, 227.
Banks, Benjamin, 177, 202, 203.
Banks, Benjamin, Mrs., 202.
Banks, Caroline, 335.
Banks, Catherine, 217.
Banks, Charity, 178.
Banks, Charles, 186.
Banks, Clarissa, 238.
Banks, Cynthia, 178.
Banks, David, 177.
Banks, Deborah, 178.
Banks, Ebenezer, 186, 227.
Banks, Elizabeth, 185.
Banks, Emily, 186.
Banks, Emma, 217.
Banks, Georgia, 217.
Banks, Harriet, 186.
Banks, Hester, 204.
Banks, Hyot, 186.
Banks, Jonathan, 185, 217.
Banks, Joseph, 335.
Banks, Manila, 271.
Banks, Mary, 184, 185.
Banks, Mary Josephine, 217.
Banks, Milly, 186.
Banks, Molly, 185.
Banks, Moses, 184.
Bank.4, Mr., 214.
Banks, Nathan, 271.
Banks, Nehemiah, 204, 238.
Banks, Noah, 186.
Banks, Polly, 185, 217.
Banks, Royal, 217.
Banks, Sally, 185.
Banks, Sarah, 177, 178, 258,
Banks, Sarannah, 363.
Banks, Sophia, 185.
Banks, Wakeman, 184.
Banks, William, 185, 186.
Banks, Zalmon, 185.
Barber, Eliza, 228.
Barber, Louisa, 250.
Barber, Lucy, 250.
Barber, Mr., 250.
Barber, Philo, 228.
Barber, W. H., 250.
Barker, William, 25.
Barlow, Beulah, 260.
Barlow, Camilla, 260.
Barlow, Esther, 277.
Barlow, John,, 126.
Barlow, John Q., 260.
Barlow. Joseph. 260.
Barlow, Mary E., 369.
Barlow, Melissa, 260.
Barlow N., 323.
Barlow, Penina, 260.
Barlow, Rebecca, 323.
Barnes, James, 195.
Barnes, Malvina P., 195.
Barnum, Mr., 214.
Barnum, Sally, 214.
Bartholomew, H., 192.
Bartholomew, James, 370.
Bartram, Ebenezer, 165.
Bartram, Mary, 165.
Bassett, C. E., 249.
Bassett, Dorinda C, 249.
Bassett, Edith K., 249.
Bassett, Emma V., 249.
Bassett, G. H., 249.
Bassett, Samuel, 249.
Bassett, Susanna, 229.
Bastard, Hannah, 159.
Bastard, Joseph, 159.
Bates, Abigail, 209.
Bates, Alma A., 209.
Bates, Bradley H., 209, 264.
Bates, Caroline, 209.
Bates, Clarissa, 209.
Bates, Dorcas D., 209.
Bates, Edward D., 350.
Bates, Elizabeth M., 209.
Bates, Emily R., 209.
Bates, Eunice, 262.
Bates, Geo. H., 264.
Bates, George O., 209.
Bates, Helen M., 350.
Bates, Henry Mapes, 209.
Bates, Jonathan, 262.
Bates, Lois A., 263.
'Bates, Louis J., 350.
Bates, Luella M., 264.
Bates, Marie L., 350.
Bates, Mary C, 209.
Bates, Mrs.. 210.
Bates, Orison, 209.
Bates, Parmelia, 209.
Bates, Roswell, 209.
Bates, Sarah M., 209.
Bates, Stephen, 209.
Bates, Susie E., 350.
Baxter, Mary E., 343.
Beach, Catherine, 331.
Beach, Caty, 208.
Beach, Elizabeth, 331.
Beacher, Hanah, 65.
Beadle, Abigail, 357.
Beardsley, Abigail, 239, 240.
Beardsley, Anson, 331.
Beardsley, Capt, 181.
Beardsley, Clarissa L., 240.
Beardsley, Cyrus, 224.
Beardsley, Damon N., 240.
Beardsley, E. H.. 239, 240.
Beardsley, Eleanor, 219.
Beardsley, Elizabeth, 272.
Beardsiey, Esther, 239.
Beardsley, Esther Ann, 239.
Beardsley, Harriet M., 239.
Beardsley, Joseph, 272.
Beardsley, Julius S., 219.
Beardsley, Lucinda A., 239.
Beardsley, Mary, 224.
Beardsley, Sarah M., 331.
Becker, Jeanette, 276.
Becker, John, 276.
Beers, Abigail, 254, 317.
Beers, Adaline, 255.
Beers, Albert, 255.
Beers, Allen, 317.
Beers, Almira, 254.
Beers, Amelia, 254.
Beers, Augusta, 255.
Beers, Betsey, 254.
Beers, Bradley, 255.
Beers, Charles, 317.
Beers, Charlotte L., 275.
Beers, Clarissa, 254.
Beers, David, 319, 35b.
Beers, Demilah, 314.
Beers, Eleanor, 254
Beers, Eleanor M., 275.
Beers, Eliza, 319.
Beera, Elizabeth, 174.
Beers, Emma C, 317.
Beers, Eiphraim, 314, 316.
Beers, Eunice, 260.
Beers, Ezra, 317, 369.
Beers, Fanny, 355.
Beers, George E., 275.
Beers, George W., 317.
Beers, Harriet, 255.
Beers, Harriet Permelia, 174.
Beers, Henry S., 275.
Beers, Hezekiah, 254.
Beers, J. H., 275.
Beers, Jonathan, 254.
Beers, J. S., Rev., 275.
Beers, Lois, 174.
Beers, Lucy, 360.
Beers, Margaret L., 275.
Beers, Maria J., 275.
Beers, Marietta, 174.
Beers, Marilda, 316.
Beers. Martha. 254.
Beers, Mary, 255, 317.
Beers, Moses, 174.
Beers, Moses W., 255.
Beers, Neenah G., 317.
Beers, Nelson, 254.
Beers, Norman Terry, 174.
Beers, Philo, 260.
Beers, Rovilla, 369.
Beers, Salome Gertrude, 174.
Beers, Sherman, 317.
Beers, Susan W., 275.
Beers, Sylvia, 317.
Beers, Sylvia A., 317.
Beers, Wakeman Burr, 174.
Beers, Wallace, 255.
Beers, Walter, 255.
Beers, William, 317.
Beers, Winifred, 317.
Beers, W. J., 317.
Belden, Asa, 201, 202, 203.
Bell, Emily, 347.
Bell, Lieut, 74.
Benedict, Alice M., 278.
Benedict, Anna C, 278.
Benedict, Charles E., 278.
Benedict, Geo. W., 278.
Benedict, Margaret S., 278.
Benedict, W. C, 278.
Bennett, Albert L., 346.
Bennett, Alice, 375.
Bennett, Amelia A., 259.
Bennett, David K., 346.
Bennett, Donald K., 346.
Bennett, Edwin W., 259.
Bennett, Eleanor, 259.
Bennett, Elisa R., 215.
Bennett, Eugene, 375.
Bennett, Fannie R., 216.
Bennett, Florence, 216.
Bennett, Floyd C, 346.
Bennett, Frederick, 215.
Bennett, F. Stanley, 216.
Bennett, Georgiana, 375.
Bennett, Gershom, 283.
Bennett, Hannah, 283.
Bennett, James, 123.
Bennett, James W., 375.
Bennett, John., 259.
Bennett, Joseph, 318.
Bennett, Katherine, 207.
Bennett, Lyman C, 346.
Bennett, Lymanetta, 346.
Bennett, Mabel F., 346.
Bennett, Mabel S., 216.
Bennett, Mary Ethel, 375.
Bennett, Minnie E., 375.
Bennett, Romaine, 375.
Bennett, Sarah, 226, 278, 318.
Bennett, Thaddeus, 226.
Bennett, William, 207.
Benson, Abigail, 233.
Benson, Abijah, 325.
Benson, Louisa A., 325.
Bentley, Dr., 195.
Bentley, Laura, 195.
Betts, Azor, 295.
Betts, Sarah, 295.
Bevans, Samantha, 332.
Bigelow, Cynthia, 344.
Bigelow, Mary, 344.
Bignell, Carrie E., 378.
Bishop, Henry, 58.
Bishop, F., 82.
Bishop, James, 69, 73.
Bishop, John, 118.
Blackman, Franklin, 222.
Blackman, Frederick, 222.
Blackman, James, 222.
Blackman, Sarah, 222.
Blackwood, Jennie R., 248.
Blackwood, Saml., 248.
Blake, Nancy M., 345.
Blakeman, Rev. Chas., 271.
Bloom, Maria H., 343.
Blount, Edward, 26.
Blowers, Guy, 264.
Blowers, Susie L., 264.
Boggs, Flora E., 336.
Boggs, Flora H., 336.
Boggs, Mary W., 336.
Boggs, W. C, 336.
Boice, Abram, 319.
Boice, Betsey A., 319.
Boice, Jacob, 359.
Boice, Lida, 319.
Boice, Mary, 359.
Bond, Marquis, 220.
Booth, Mary E., 371.
Boothe, Erastus, 354.
Boothe, Sabrah, 354.
Botsford, Jabez, 237, 238.
Bovier, Catarine, 372.
Bowers, Araminta, 297.
Bowyer, Mary, 40.
Bowyer, Mr., 40.
Bracy. Edmund, 40.
Bracy, John, 55.
Bracy, Mary, 40.
Bradbury, Sarah A., 345.
Bradish, James, 291.
Bradish, Virginia W., 291.
Bradley, Abigail, 204, 238.
Bradley, Alja, 183, 324.
Bradley, Andrew, 197.
Bradley, Benjamin, 207.
Bradley, Chas. P., 245.
Bradley, Clarina, 174.-
Bradley, Clarissa, 183. /
Bradley, Cynthia, 185./,
Bradley, Damaris, 182jT
Bradley, Daniel, 185/087.
Bradley, David, 180, 182X
Bradley, Eleanor, 183.
Bradley, Eliphalet, 207.
Bradley, Elizabeth, 183, 245,
Bradley, Esther, 169, 180, 182/
183, 187, 197.
Bradley, Eunice, 183, 197, 207.'
Bradley, Fanny M., 245.
Bradley, Florence O., 245.
Bradley, Francis, 182.
Bradley, George H., 245.
Bradley, Geo. W., 245.
Bradley, Georgiana P., 245.
Bradley, Gillialma, 207. »-•
Bradley, Hannah, 235.
Bradley, Huldah, 174.
Bradley, Hull, 207.
Bradley, Isaac, 183.
Bradley, Jane, 197.
Bradley, Jonathan, 197.
Bradley, Katharine, 207.
Bradley, Levi P., 183.
Bradley, Lucy, 174.
Bradley, Lydia, Mrs., 214.
Bradley, Mabel, 180.
Bradley, Mary, 182, 183, 324.
Bradley, Matilda, 241..
Bradley, Oliver, 174. *^.
Bradley, Priscilla, 17'
Bradley, Ruth, 197. [
(Bradley, Samuel, 174, 324.
Bradley, Sarah, 174, 180, 197,
207,' 220, 323.
Bradley, Seth, 207, 222.
Bradley, Seth P., 241.
Bradley, Sibbell, 220.'
Bradley, Stephen, 307.
Bradley, Ulilla, 174.
Bradley, Uranah, 183.
Bradley, Urania, 174.
Bradley, Uriah, 183.
Bradley, Walter, 174.
Bradley, Woolsey, 183.
Bradley, Zalmon, 174, 178.
Bradshaw, Ann, 40.
Bradshaw, Mr., 40.
Brannch, Petrus, 25.
Brasee, Alice L., 213.
Brayton, Wells, 219.
Breese, Augusta J., 247.
Briggs, Alonzo B., 294.
Briggs, Augusta, 294.
Briggs, Ida M., 294.
Briggs, L. C, 294.
Briggs, Myrtle B., 294.
Briggs, Sophia, 294
Brink, Helen, 322.
Brinley, George, 78.
Brinsmead, Mr., 75.
Brocket, Bro., 51.
Brockway, Philemon, 266.
Brockway, Ruhamah, 266.
Bromwich, Fra., 24.
Bromwicke, Francis, 27.
Bronson, Crevola, 269.
Bronson, Desseline, 269.
Bronson, Harriet, 269.
Bronson, Kossuth, 269.
Brotherton, Ethel, 272.
Brotherton, M., 272.
Brotherton, Mary E., 272.
Brotherton, Sarah L., 272.
Brown, Alexander, 365, 366.
Brown, Alonzo, 277.
Brown, Betsey, 248.
Brown, Clara A., 277.
Brown, Floyd, 277.
Brown, Harriet, 366.
Brown, Lucy, 338.
Brown, Marietta, 365.
Brown, Marion A., 366.
Brown, Rachel, 321.
Brown, Romeyn, 277.
Brown, Wakeman, 277.
Brush, Gilbert, 200.
Bryai*, Clarissa L., 239.
Bryar, E. K.. 239.
Bryar, Geo., 239.
Bryar, Helen, 239.
Buehan, Robert, 230.
Buchan, Sophia H., 230.
Buckbee, Emily, 369.
Buckingham, Daniel, 178.
Buckley, Alice, 318.
Buckley, Charles, 221.
Buckley, Clara, 221.
Buckley, Coville, 221.
Buckley, David, 220.
Buckley, Dimon, 232.
Buckley, Egbert, 233.
Buckley, Eliza A., 232.
Buckley, Harriet, 233.
Buckley, Homer, 232.
Buckley, Irwin, 318.
Buckley, Isaac, 232.
Buckley, Isaac N., 233.
Buckley, Lovina, 221.
Buckley, Lucy A., 220.
Buckley, Mary, 224.
Buckley, Mary A., 232.
Buckley, Miles, 233.
Buckley, Nancy B., 233.
Buckley, Rebekah, 232.
Buckley, Seth W., 232.
Bucklin, David, 219.
Bucklin, Esther, 219.
Buel, Anson, 208.
Buel, Asa, 203.
Buel, Charlotte Ann, 208.
Buel, Eleanor W., 208.
Buel, Ida, 305.
Buel, Mary, 208.
Buel, Mary M., 208.
Buel, Salome, 203.
Buell, Henry, 305.
Bulkeley, David, 344.
Bulkeley, Virginia, 344.
Bulkley, Amelia, 309.
Bulkley, Esther, 168.
Bulkley, Gershom, 121.
Bulkley, Henry S., 246.
Bulkley, Julia F., 313.
Bulkley, Lewis D., 313.
Bulkley, Mabel, 221.
Bulkley, Ruth, 165.
Bulkley, Sarah A., 246.
Bunnell, Bessie B., 368.
Bunnell, Charles, 368.
Bunting, Bathenia M., 375.
Bunting, Minnie E., 375.
Bunting, Simon P., 375.
Burdick, Asa, Rev. 340, 341.
Burdick, Damaris, 341.
Burdick, Esther, 341.
Burdick, Parthenia, 340.
Burnell, Carrie B., 331.
Burnside, Jessie M., 368.
Burnside, William W., 368.
Burr, A. B., 234.
Burr, Abigail, 165.
Burr, Amos, 165.
Burr, Andrew, 142, 150, 174.
Burr, Ann, 164, 174, 352.
Burr, Ann J.5 352.
Burr, Annan, 171.
Burr, Antoinette H., 331.
Burr, Capt, 197.
Burr, Catherine, 164.
Burr, Charles, 165.
Burr, Cornelia K., 304.
Burr, Daniel, 165.
Burr, Deborah, 165, 175.
Burr, Eben, 269, 304.
Burr, Ebenezer, 165.
Burr, Elisha B., 331.
Burr, Elizabeth, 145, 165, 174,
Burr, Ellen, 165.
Burr, Esther, 270.
Burr, Eunice, 163, 175.
Burr, E. W., 234.
Burr, George, 174, 244.
Burr, Georgiana, 226.
Burr, Georgiana P., 245.
Burr, Helen M., 234.
Burr, Henry, 234.
Burr, Hettv L., 234.
Burr, H. W., 234.
Burr, Ida P., 226.
Burr, Jane, 214.
Burr, Jane E., 234.
Burr, Jehu, 125, 163.
Burr, John, 76, 125, 184, 147,
164, 165, 226.
Burr, Justus, 165.
Burr, Katherine, 145.
Burr, Mabel, 179.
Burr, Mablo, 174.
Burr, Mary, 163, 165, 187.
Burr, Mehitable, 165.
Burr, Miranda, 244.
Burr, Nathaniel, 138, 146, 161.
Burr, Nehemiah, 165.
Burr, Ozias, 165.
Burr, Peter, 126, 128, 137, 139,
140, 141, 142, 246.
Burr, Priscilla, 174.
Burr, Samuel, 153. 165.
Burr, Sarah, 164, 174, 246, 269.
Burr, Seth, 165.
Burr, S. M., 234.
Burr, Timothy, 180, 244.
Burr, Thaddeus, 163.
Burr, Wakeman, 165, 226.
Burr, W. G., 234.
Burr, W. H., 234.
Burr, William, 149, 150, 165,
Burr, W. L., 226.
Burr, Zalmon, 270.
Burrell, Mr., 331.
Burrett, Eunice, 154.
Burritt, Abigail, 206.
Burritt, Almira, 177.
Burritt, Elihu, 176, 177, 179.
Burritt, Elijah, 177.
Burritt, Elizabeth, 206.
Burritt, Eunice, 176.
Burritt, Isaac, 177.
Burritt, Naomi, 177.
Burritt, Polly, 177.
Burritt, Stephen, 206.
Burritt, Wakeman, 177, 206.
Burton, Humfry, 30.
Burton, Rev. Mr., 20.
Bury, Johes, 25.
Bushnell, Helen, 207.
Bushnell, Mr., 207.
Butler, John, 316.
Butler, Polly, 316.
Cable, Asbury, 259.
Cable, Edwin B., 259.
Cable, Emmeline, 317.
Cable, Flora, 355.
Cable, Florence, 355.
Cable, Grace, 201.
Cable, John A., 259.
Cable, Louisa M., 355.
Cable, Mariette E., 259.
Cable, Newel B., 259.
Cable, Priscilla, 259.
Cable, Samuel W., 259.
Cable, Vernon W., 259.
Cable, Wheeler, 355.
Cable, Zalmon, 259.
Cadwell, Elizabeth A., 302.
Cadwell, Walter, 302.
Cadwell, Walter E., 302.
Caffinch, Mr, 50.
Caffins, Mr., 50.
Caldwell, Elvira, 290.
Caldwell, Hattie, 290.
Caldwell, Richard, 290.
Caldwell, W. A., 290.
Camp, A. A., 351.
Camp, Anna B., 351.
Camp, Juliette, 338.
Canaday, Clara L., 334.
Canaday, Lloyd, 334.
Canneld, Nelson, 342.
Canfield, Susan, 342.
Carman, Cornelius, 372.
Carpenter, Geo. W., 288.
Carpenter, Juliette, 203.
Carpenter, Laura L., 288.
Carpenter, Mary, 203.
Carpenter Sam'l, 288.
Carpenter, Sands, 203.
Carpenter, Thomas, 203.
Casey, Dea. Israel, 351.
Casey, Martha J., 350.
Cassell, H. C, 337.
Cassell, Mary E., 337.
Cauthers, Nettie E., 321.
Cauthers, Robert, 321.
Ceely, Robert, 48. 49.
Ceffinch, Mr., 57.
Chamberlain, Alexena, 289.
Chamberlain, Charley, 289.
Chamberlain, Charlotte, 289.
Chamberlain, Oliver, 289.
Chamberlain, Virginia, 289.
Chancy, Mr., 168.
Chapman, Daniel, 178.
Chauncey, Abigail, 163.
Chauncey, Charles, 163.
Chauncey, Israel, 163.
Chauncey, Martha, 163.
Chauncey, Sarah. 163.
Cheeseborough, Patty, 340.
Cheever, Hannah, 72.
Cheever, Mr., 52. 53.
Cherry, Burton E., 325.
Cherry, Clara B., 325.
Chipman, Anna M., 303.
Chipman, G. L., 303.
Chipman, Ida B., 303.
Chipman, Louisa I., 303.
Chipman, Martha C. 303.
Chipman, Samuel. 303.
Chipman, Susan, 333.
Chipman, Susanna, 333.
Chipman, W. H., 303.
Christie Emily A. C, 345.
Church, Edward, 157.
Church, Mary, 157.
Church, Rebecca, 157.
Churchill, Alice, 349.
Churchill, Alice P., 349.
Churchill, R. E., 349.
Churchill, Sarah M., 349.
Clare, Johes, 25.
Clare, Will, 24, 25.
Clares, Anna, 30.
Clark, Alvira, 367.
Clark, Benjamin W., 349.
Clark, Bro., 47.
Clark, Mrs. B. Wheaton, 4.
Clark, Catherine, 203.
Clark, Clarissa, 203.
Clark, Direnda, 203.
Clark, Elizabeth, 195.
Clark, Elizabeth M., 349.
Clark, Eliza Ellen, 203.
Clark, Emma G, 34-9.
Clark, Harriet, 203.
Clark, Helen T., 203.
Clark, Isaac, 195.
Clark, James, 203.
Clark, James W., 349.
Clark, Jane, 363.
Clark, Juliet, 203.
Clark, Louise M., 349.
Clark, Lucy K., 349.
Clark, Mary, 203.
Clark, Mercy, 195.
Clark, Nathaniel, 195
Clark, Parmella, 203.
Clark, Robert N., 349.
Clark, Salome, 203.
Clark, Samuel, 203.
Clark, Samuel A., 203.
Clark, Samuel W., 203.
Clark, Sarah, 203.
Clark, Stephen, 195.
Clark, Stephen A., 203.
Clark, Theresa E., 203.
Clark, Wakeman, 195.
Clark, Willard W., 349.
Clarke, John, 47.
Clegstone, Nicholas, 76.
Clemmons, J. R., 321.
Clendenning, Delia M., 264.
Clendenning, Edwin, 264.
Clendenning, Sophronia A.,
Clinton, George, 231.
Clock, Adaline, 216.
Clock, George E., 216.
Clock, Edwin A., 216.
Clock, Marie, 216.
Clock, Oliver, 216.
Clock, William B., 216.
Clock, Zalmon W., 216.
Clogstone, J., 148.
Close, Annie E., 378.
Closse, Emma, 264.
Closse, Jacob, 364.
Closse, Lavinia, 364.
Closse, Lydia A., 364.
Closse, Michael, 364.
Closse, Sophia, 364.
Closson, Mary, 209.
Clotbrook, Annie, 38.
Clotbrook, Thomas, 38.
Clugstone, John, 161.
Clugstone, Mary, 161.
Clugstone, Michael, 129, 161.
Clugstone, Samuel, 161.
Clute, Horton, 315.
Clute, J. A., 315.
Clute, Juliette, 315.
Clute, Mariette, 315.
Clute, Minnie E., 315.
Clute, Smith G., 315.
Clute, Olive, 315.
Clute, W. W., 315.
Coary, Thos., 238.
Cock, Mary S., 282.
Coffinche, Mr., 5G.
Cogswell, Azariah, 284.
Cogswell, Sarah A., 284.
Cogswell, Sarah E., 284.
Cohoon, Patty, 356.
Cole, Huldah, 347.
Coleman, Irene, 304.
Coles, Eva Adella, 266.
Coles, Geo., 266.
Coles, Ruth, 266.
Coles, Ruth Alinda, 266.
Coles, Sarah, 266.
Coley, Abigail A., 308.
Coley, Anna, 227.
Coley, Carrie E., 273.
Coley, Clarina B.. 273.
Coley, David, 308.
Coley, Elizabeth, 181.
Coley, H. B., 273.
Coley, Mercy, 227.
Coley, Mercy Ann, 227.
Coley, Polly M., 353.
Coley, Rachel, 227.
Coley, Sally Wakeman, 227.
Coley, Wakeman, 227.
Coley, Walter, 227.
Coley, W. B., 273.
Collins, Addie, 332.
Collins, Harriet W., 329.
Collins, S. J., 329.
Colman, Joseph, 304.
Colyer, Mr., 179.
Comstock, Abigail, 172.
Comstock, Catherine, 292.
Comstock, Solomon, 172.
Conde, Alida, 320.
Cook, Mary, 160.
Cook, Rev. John, 160.
Cooke, Samuel, 145, 146, 178.
Cooke, Thomas, 27.
Cool, Antze, 373.
Cool, Jennie, 371.
Cooper, Francenah, 335.
Cooper, Jno., 62, 66, 74.
Cooper, Margaret, 359.
Cooper, Reuben H., 335.
Copeland, Catherine, 203.
Copeland, John, 203.
Corbin, A., 281.
Corbin, Ruth A.. 367.
Cord, Mary E., 368.
Corey, Anna M., 376.
Corey, W. H., 376.
Corkins, Harriet E., 339.
Corkins, John, 339.
Corwin, John, 336.
Corwin, Susan E., 336.
Cotton, Mary, 38.
Cotton, Richard, 38.
Couch, Betsey, 307.
Couoh, Charity, 184.
Couch, Eleanor, 183.
Couch, Eli, 183, 184.
Couch, Gideon, 183.
Couch W., 307.
Couch, Wakeman, 183.
Cox, Harriet E., 345.
Cox, Mary L.. 338.
Crafford, Esther, 293.
Crafford, Thomas, 293.
Craine, Bro., 47, 56, 58.
Craine, Jasper, 49, 50, 55.
Crandall, Annie, 355.
Crane, Charlotte, 339.
Crane, W., 297.
Crane, Zebulon, 339.
Crapo, Cornelia, 253.
Crapo, Miss Cornelia W., 4,
Crapo, Samuel A., 253.
Crapo, William W., 254.
Crawford, Cora F. S., 300.
Crawford, Harriet, 300.
Crawford, Josepn, 300.
Crawford, Myron, 300.
Crissey, Millicent H., 343.
Crissey, Stephen, 343.
Croft, Mrs., 202.
Crofut, Levi, 380.
Crofut, Lois, 380.
Crofut, Susan, 380.
Crooker, Elizabeth P., 291.
Crooker, Jabez, 291.
Crosby, Hattie, 288.
Crosby, J. M., 288.
Crosby, Laura L., 288.
Cummings, Calvin, 235.
Cummings, Eliza, 235.
Cummings, John, 235.
Cummings, Phoebe, 235.
Cummings, William, 235.
Curtis, Edith, 326.
Curtis, E. W., 292.
Curtis, Ida P., 326.
Curtis, Isabel L., 326.
Curtis, J. J., 326.
Curtis, J. W. A., 326.
Curtis, L. E., 326.
Curtis, Louisa H., 270.
Curtis, Mary B., 326.
Curtis, Mary L., 292.
Curtis, May B., 326.
Curtis, Mayor, 270.
Curtis, Waldo, 292.
Curtis, W. B., 292.
Curtis, W. J., 326.
Cutler, Dorinda, 267.
Cutler, Hattie, 357.
Cutler, John, 357.
Dana, Anne, 331.
Dana, A. W., 276.
Dana, Helen A., 331.
Dana, H. T., 276.
Dana, J. G., 331.
Dana, S. W., 276.
Danes, Natlor, 365.
Danes, Nellie M., 365.
Danes, William, 32.
Daniels, Chas., 301.
Daniels, Charlsie B., 301.
Daniels, Eva M., 301.
Daniels, Hannah E., 301.
Daniels, Nancy I., 301.
Daniels, Nettie L., 301.
Daniels, Sarah E., 301.
Daring, Parmelia, 322.
Darling, Abigail, 199.
Darling, John, 198.
Darling, Maria, 199.
Darling, Pauline, 198.
Darling, Urania, 198.
Darmstatter, Mary, 365.
Dauncey, Margaret, 38.
Dauncey, Thomas, 38.
Davenport, Mr., 56, 58.
Davies, Martha, 31, 32, 73, 157.
Davies, Sarah, 157.
Davies, William, 31, 157.
Davis, Abigail, 196.
Davis, Ann, 41.
Davis, Bro., 55, 65.
Davis, E., 348.
Davis, Hezekiah, 196.
Davis, John, 157.
Davis, Joseph W., 196.
Davis, Lillian, 367.
Davis, Minerva, 349
Davis, Rebecca, 196.
Davis, Samuel, 196.
Davis, Sarah J., 217.
Davis, Thomas, 41, 196.
Day, Amos C, 243.
Day, Arthur Morgan, 243.
Day, Charles, 243.
Day, David D., 243.
Day, Henry M., 243.
Day, Josiah L, 243.
Day, Julia M., 243.
Day, Rosaline, 243.
Dayton, A. B., 217.
Dayton, Clara E., 217.
Dayton, Helen G., 217.
Dayton, Henry 1., 217.
Dayton, Polly A.. 361.
Deacon, Edward, 4.
Deacon, Hugh, 30.
DeBow, Jennie a., 342.
DeBow, Stephen, 342.
Deburgh, Herbert, 175.
Decker, Joshua, 372.
DeForest, Anna, 208.
DeForest, Jane, 208.
DeForest, Jasper, 208.
DeForest, Miss, 262.
DeForest, Samuel, 208.
DeForest, W., 208.
DeForest, Zilpha, 208.
Denny, Albert, 76, 129, 134,
135, 161.
Denny, Annabel, 162.
Denny, Elizabeth, 161.
Denny, Eunice, 162, 163.
Denny, Grizzell, 162.
Denny, James, 162.
Denny, John, 135, 161.
Dennle, Joseph, 161, 162.
Denny, Margaret, 162.
Denny, Sarah, 162, 163.
Denton, Annie, 242.
Denton, Clarissa R., 242.
Denton, James, 242.
Denton, Julia, 242.
Denton, Lewis, 242.
Denton, Mary, 242.
Denton, Paulina, 242.
Denton, Sarah Paulina, 242.
Denton, Sylvester, 242.
Denton, W., 242.
De Potty, Eliza, 341.
DePuy, Clarissa, 203.
DePuy, Mr., 203.
DeWitt, L., 359.
DeWitt, Mabel H., 359.
Dibble, Caroline, 230.
Dibble, Daniel, 229, 230.
Dibble, D. W., 229.
Dibble, Eliza, 229.
Dibble, Ellen W.. 229.
Dibble, Mary C, 229.
Dibble, Merritt, 229.
Dibble, Sophia A., 229.
Dibble, W. A., 229.
Dickey, Chas., 287.
Dickey, Chas. T., 287.
Dickey, Franklin W., 287.
Dickey, G. A., 287.
Dickey, Harrison, 287.
Dickey, Mary A., 287.
Dickey, Mary R., 287.
Dickey, M. H., 287.
Dickie, Jane, 370.
Dikeman, Huldah, 179.
Dikeman, Mr., 179.
Dill, Frances A., 343.
Dill, Mr., 343.
Dillon, Annah F., 335.
Dillon, Eliza W., 335.
Dillon, Oscar H., 335.
Dimon, Abigail, 197.
Dimon, Benjamin, 255.
Dimon, Gapt., 197.
Dimon, Elizabeth, 176, 183,
255, 324.
Dimon, Esther, 252.
Dimon, Jonathan, 176, 182,
197, 198, 200, 214, 237, 238.
Dimon, Moses, 126, 148.
Dimon, William B., 252.
Disbrow, Susanna, 185.
Dix, Carrie L., 229.
Dix, Ellen W., 229.
Dix, John H., 229.
Dix, John W., 229.
Dix, Mary C, 229.
Doebler, Charles H., 194.
Doebler, Elizabeth, 194.
Doebler, Elizabeth L., 194.
Doebler, John H., 194.
Doebler, Maggie B., 194.
Doebler, Mary A., 194.
Doebler, Mary C, 194.
Doebler, Valentine S., 194.
Doebler. V. S., 194.
Dolen, Mary E., 323.
Dolen, Michael, 335.
Dolen, Susan C, 335.
Doty, Anna L., 348.
Doty, Chester S., 348.
Doty, Emily S., 348.
Doty, Irving W., 348.
Doty, Jessie W., 348.
Doty, Sarah, 338.
Doty, Walter E., 348.
Doty, Wirt S., 348.
Dow, Hannah E., 358.
Down, David, 184.
Down, Elizabeth, 184.
Down, Eunice, 220.
Downs, Edward, 278.
Downs, Nelson, 223.
Downs, Nelson H., 278.
Downs, Pauline B., 278.
Drake, C. H., 288.
Drake, Elias B., 288.
Drake, P. I., 288.
Drake, Fred J., 288.
Drake, Miles W., 288.
Drake, Minerva A., 288.
Drake, W. B., 288.
Drapeau, Benjamin, 380.
Drapeau, Lucy, 380.
Drapeau, Mary J., 380.
Drawers, Thos., 36.
Drayton, Michael, 26.
Druman, E. M., 341.
Druman, Rhoda, 341.
Dubois, Methusalem, 372.
Dunn, Anna, 347, 353.
Durfee, Meribah, 317.
Durfee, Sally, 314.
Durfee, Thomas, 317.
Dusenbury, Caroline E., 286.
Dusenbury, Geo. B., 286.
Dusenbury, J. H., 286.
Dusenbury, J. W., 286.
Dutton, Elizabeth K., 354.
Dutton, James, 354.
Dwight, Timothy, 280.
Eaton, Theophilus, 48, 56, 63,
66, 124.
Edmonds, Mary A., 316.
Edson, Bethiah, 321.
Edson, Jacob, 321.
Edwards, Anna, 285.
Edwards, David, 258.
Edwards, Isaac, 285.
Edwards, John, 126, 134, 147,
Edwards, Jonathan, 160.
Edwards, Julia M.. 258.
Edwards, Maria, 285.
Edwards, Mary, 160, 161.
Edwards, Mary (Hanford) 161.
Edwards, Richard, 160.
Elcott, Anthony, 63.
Elderkin, James, 255.
Elderkin. Sophronia, 255.
Eldred, Augustus, 321.
Eldred, Ella M., 321.
Eldred, Flossie N., 321.
Eldred, Leda E., 321.
Eldred, Leon D., 321.
Elliott, James, 240.
Elliott, Jared, 178.
Elliot, Joseph, 121, 122.
Elliott, Mary, 240.
Ellis, Mr., 157.
Ells, Elisha, 325, 326.
Ells, Helen M., 325.
Ells, Sarah PL, 325.
Elwood, John, 154.
Elwood, Richard, 155.
Emmons, Dorothy, 158.
Emmons, Maria, 159.
English, Minnie, 378.
Ernhurst, Rosa, 378.
Evance, Mr., 49, 50, 55, 57, 59.
Evans, Edward, 358.
Evans, Eugenia C, 358.
Evans, Mrs., 335.
Evans, Mrs. L. B. C, 34.
Elwing, Mary J., 248.
Fairchild, Eliza M., 215.
Fairchild, Emma J., 215.
Fairchild, Frances, 352.
Fairchild, Frederick. 215.
Fairchild, George, 351, 352.
Fairchild, Mr., 201.
Fairchild, Sophia, 351.
Fairman, Harriet, 186.
Fairman, Julia, 186.
Fairman, Richard, 186.
Fairman, Sarah, 186.
Fairweather, Benjamin, 127.
Fancher, Belle L., 274.
Fancher, Bert, 274.
Fancher, Chas., 274.
Fancher, Harriet, 346.
Fancher, Jessie E., 274.
Fancher, Julia A., 274.
Fanton, Angeline, 272.
Fanton, Judson, 272.
Fanton, Mary E., 275.
Fanton, Silliman. 275.
Fay, Parmelia, 203.
Fenn, Amelia, 216.
Fenn, Guy B., 216.
Fenn, Jane, 216.
Fenn, Mabel B... 216.
Fenn, Mary, 216.
Ferris, Thomas, 231.
Ferry, Philander, 226.
Ferry, Sarah, 226.
Finlay, Frances P., 347.
Finley, John H., 347.
Finney, Lucinda A., 303.
Fish, H., 280.
Fisher, Sarah B., 364.
Fitch, Josephine, 332.
Fitch, Mary, 179.
Fitch, Mr., 179.
Fitch, Rev. Mr., 121.
Fitch, R. K., 332.
Fobes, Sally, 266.
Foot, A. R., 189.
Foote, Cordelia, 314.
Foote, G-eorge, 314.
Foote, Jennie M., 350.
Foote, Russell, 350.
Forbush, I. C, 358.
Forgue, Francis, 163.
Foss, Susan S., 291.
Foster, E. L., 332.
Fopter, Eliza, 189, 193.
Poster, Elizabeth, 206.
Foster, George. 193.
Foster, Helen, 332.
Foster, Hiram, 189.
Foster, Jesse M., 237, 238.
Foster, Lillie B.. 332.
Foster, Lucy, 332.
Foster, Stephen, 206.
Fowler, Sarah A., 313.
Fowler, Stephen, 313.
Fowler, Will, 48.
Fox, Nelson L., 358.
Fox, Matilda A., 358.
Franklin, Caroline. 209.
Franklin, Lloyd, 209.
Fredericks, Mary A., 215.
Fredericks, Mr., 215.
Fredericks. Sarah M., 215.
Freer, C. F., 291.
Freer, Chester W., 291.
Freer, Hattie M., 291.
Freer, Julia G., 291.
Freer, John E., 373.
Freer, Percy, 291.
Freer, Rachel M., 373.
Freer, Susan M., 291.
Freer, W. D., 291.
Frelinghuysen, Eva, 373, 374.
Fremont, J. C, 280.
French, Abigail, 139, 140.
French, Fanny, 333.
French, Lewis, 332, 333.
French, Lucy A., 332.
French, Samuel, 140.
Frost, John, 61.
Fugill, Thomas, 51, 52, 53, 54.
Fuller, Bethany, 174.
Fuller, Birtha, 272.
Fuller, Daniel, 272.
Fuller, Elizabeth H., 272.
Fuller, Stella, 272.
Fyfe, Florence S., 368.
Fyfe, J. W., 368.
Gabriel, Maria, 361.
Gabrielson, Capt., 361.
Gabrielson, Carrie E., 361.
Galloway, Julia, 314.
Galloway, Theodore, 314.
Gallup, Lucy A., 355.
Gallup, Simon, 355.
Gamble, Harriet M., 364.
Gamble, Lizzie A., 364.
Gamble, Thomas J., 364.
Gannon, J., 277.
Gannon, Sara C. W., 277.
Gardner, Hiram H., 255.
Gardner, John M., 234.
Gardner, Lyman W, 255.
Gardner, Mary E., 234.
Gardner, Selina, 255.
Garrabrant, Leah G., 376.
Gates, Catherine E., 210.
Gates, Harry Reuben, 210.
Gates, William H., 210.
Gantier, Mary B., 342.
Gautier, Thomas B., 342.
Gay, Ruth, 234.
Gee, Angeline, 319.
Gennings, Margaret, 48.
Gennings, Nicholas, 48.
Gibbard, William, 65.
Gibbord, Mr., 50, 51, 61 62.
Gibbord, Will, 49.
Gibbs, Goodman, 48.
Gifford, Edward, 38.
Afford, Ursula, 38.
Gilbert, Betsey, 340.
Gilbert, Carrie W., 362.
Gilbert, Catherine, 169.
Gilbert. Catherine L., 327.
Gilbert, David. 181.
Gilbert, Emmeline, 327.
Gilbert, Isaac, 362.
Gilbert, Jane, 169.
Gilbert, Mary, 181.
Gilbert, Matthew, 49, 60, 63,
65, 73.
Gilbert, Moses, 169.
Gilbert, Mr., 47, 48.
Gilbert, Reuben B., 327.
Gillespie, Wm., 238.
Girvin, Rosanna, 377.
Girvin, William, 377.
Glover, Harry, 73.
Glover, Joseph, 25.
Glover, Maranda, 184.
Glover, Ziba, 184.
Glower, Elinor, 65, 73.
Gliick, J. P., 365.
Gliick, Katherine. 365.
Godfrey, Anna, 199.
Godfrey, Eliza, 199.
Godfrey, Ephraim, 199.
Godfrey, Mary, 199, 234.
Godfrey, Nathan, 234.
Godfrey, Silliman, 199.
Godfrey, Wakeman, 199.
Gold, Abel, 165.
Gold, Abigail, 214.
Gold, Col. Abraham, 165.
Gold, Elizabeth, 165, 173.
Gold, Ella E.. 362.
Gold, Ellen, 165.
Gold, Hezekiah, 173.
Gold, John, 143.
Gold, Joseph Wakeman, 173.
Gold, Mary, 173.
Gold, Mr., 152.
Gold, Nathan, 78, 117, 120, 121,
122, 125, 126, 128, 133, 134,
143, 160.
Gold, Sarah, 173.
Gold, T. S., 308.
Gomery, William, 25.
Goode, Anne, 156.
Goodman, Nancy, 207.
Goodman, Rev. Mr., 207.
Goodman, Sarah, 207.
Goodman, Zilpha, 207.
Goodrich, Eliza, 356.
Goodrich, Elizabeth, 349.
Goodrich, James, 349.
Goodsell, Alecia, 272.
Goodsell, Bemis, 237.
Goodsell, Betsey, 184.
Goodsell, Bradley, 184, 217.
Goodsell, Chas. G., 272.
Goodsell, E. C, 272.
Goodsell, Emily, 184.
Goodsell, Ephaphras, 214.
Goodsell, Eunice, 175.
Goodsell, John, 153, 179.
Goodsell, Jonathan, 184.
Goodsell, Lewis, 175.
Goodsell, Maranda, 184.
Goodsell, Mary, 179.
Goodsell, Minnie A., 272.
Goodsell, Polly, 217.
Goodsell, Ruhamah, 214.
Goodsell, Sarah L., 272.
Goodsell, Urilla, 277.
Goodwin, Mary F., 243.
Goodwin, Serena H., 243.
Goodwin, Thomas, 243.
Goodwin, Wakeman, 243. •
Goodyear, Hannah, 75, 161.
Goodyear, Mrs., 124.
Goodyeare, Stephen, 50, 54,
56, 64, 66, 69, 73, 75, 124, 161.
Gookin, Esther Dimon, 253.
Gookin, Mrs. W. D., 4.
Gookin, Warren D., 253.
Goole, John, 25.
Gorham, Abigail, 172.
Gorham, Ann, 171.
Gorham, Deborah, 172.
Gorham, Dr., 273.
Gorham, Fanny W., 273.
Gorham, Hannah, 171.
Gorham, Hezekiah, 172.
Gorham, Isaac, 171.
Gorham, James, 172.
Gorham, Jared, 172.
Gorham, John, 172.
Gorham, Joseph, 172.
Gorham, Lucy, 172.
Gorham, Seth, 172.
Gorham, Wakeman, 172.
Gorton, Phebe, 375.
Gorton, Wm., 375.
Gosper, Adaline, 260.
Gosper, John, 260.
Gosper, Mortimer, 260.
Gosper, Patience, 260.
Gould, Adaline, 356.
Gould, Adelia, 259.
Gould, Alfred, 259.
Gould, Alden, 242.
Gould, Amelia, 259.
Gould, Anna, 314.
Gould, Charles, 242.
Gould, Eleanor, 254.
Gould, Eli, 259.
Gould, Emily, 259.
Gould, Eunice, 259.
Gould, Flossie C, 356.
Gould, Floyd, 356.
Gould, Herman J., 356.
Gould, John, 356.
Gould, Luther, 314.
Gould, Lydia E., 356.
Gould, Lydia, Mrs., 4.
Gould, Maurice, 254.
Gould, Minnie H., 353.
Gould, Nathan, 259.
Gould, Orlando, 259.
Gould, Ophelia, 258.
Gould, Sarah, 242.
Gould, Wm. C., 353.
Graff, Frances L., 224.
Graff, M. Y., 224.
Graff, W. K., 224.
Grant, John F., 315.
Grant, Lucy A., 315.
Gray, Alva, 227.
Gray, Edward, 228.
Gray, Elizabeth, 227.
Gray, Frances Ann, 228.
Gray, John, 379.
Gray, John Henry, 228.
Gray, Nellie, 379.
Gray, Sarah Alvira, 228.
Gray, Sarah €., 228.
Greeley, Horace, 279.
Green, Catherine, 38.
Green, John, 125.
Green, Lucy, 158.
Green, Miss, 300.
Green, Samuel, 79.
Green, Thomas, 38.
Greenman, Eliza, 336.
Greenman, Emmeroy, 336.
Greenman, Geo., 336.
Gregory, Daniel, 246.
Gregory, Julia, 246.
Grey, Robert, 64.
Greyson, Mr., 47, 56.
Griffen, Frank C, 368.
Griffen, Sarah J., 368.
Griffin, Cassie E., 368.
Griffith, Dorothy, 40.
Griffith, John, 40.
Griswold, Abigail, 207.
Griswold, Darius O., Rev., 207.
Griswold, Emma, 295.
Griswold, G. S., 295.
Griswold, Helen, 207.
Griswold, Jesse, 348.
Griswold, Lucy J., 348.
Griswold, L. W., 295.
Griswold, Octavia, 295.
Griswold, Ruth, 295.
Griswold, Sarah Caroline, 'Ml,
Griswold, Sarah P., 348.
Grumman, Polly, 302.
Gunn, Louisa, 347.
Guy, Lucy, 362.
Guy, Samuel A., 326.
Guy, Sarah P., 326.
Guy, Thomas A., 362.
Hacleton, Francis, 44, 159.
Hacleton, Joanna, 44, 159.
Hailes, John, 27.
Hait, Louisa E., 355.
Hait, Stephen, 355.
Hale, Emily, 263.
Hale, William, 263.
Hales, John, 30.
Hall, Ann, o9.
Hall, B., 241.
Hall, Benedict, 39.
Hall, Edith, 327.
Hall, Grace M., 329.
Hall, Henry, 329.
Hall, Henry N., 189.
Hall. H. H., 190.
Hall, Jennie L., 189.
Hallett, Benj. W., 226.
Hallett, John W., 340.
Hallett, Mary, 226.
Hallett, Mary A., 340.
Halliwell, Lillian, 365.
Ham, Eliza, 344.
Ham, Philip, 344.
Hammond, David, 237.
Hammons, Rev. Mr., 33.
Hanford, A. B., 239.
Hanford, A. M., 192.
Hanford, B. M., 192.
Hanford, Clara E., 191.
Hanford, Clarissa, 239.
Hanford, Clarissa L., 239.
Hanford, Eliza, 316.
Hanford, Ellen C, 191.
Hanford, P. A., 189.
Hanford, Frances D. E., 190.
Hanford, H. A., 193.
Hanford, Harriet P., 346.
Hanford, Holly, 346.
Hanford, J. A., 190.
Hanford, J. M., 193.
Hanford, John Williams, 189.
Hanford, K. C, 192.
Hanford, Kezzie J., 191.
Hanford, L. B., 192.
Hanford, Mary E., 191.
Hanford, Mary W., 228.
Hanford, M. L., 191.
Hanford, Mr., 118.
Hanford, M. T., 189.
Hanford, Philander, 192.
Hanford, Sarah, 187.
Hanford, S. P., 189.
Hanford, Stephen, 316.
Hanford, S. W., 189.
Hanford, Thomas, 187.
Hanford, W. P., 192.
Harding, Byron E., 301.
Harding, Harriet E., 301.
Harding, J. B., 301.
Harding, Kittie A., 301.
Harding, Lizzie M., 301.
Harding, Roy M., 301.
Hare, Eliza A., 321.
Hare, James, 321.
Haring, Catherine E., 247.
Haring, Oscar, 247.
Harper, Sarah, 325, 326.
Harrington, Catherine, 38.
Harrington, Thomas, 38.
Harris, A., 228.
Hart, Aaron, 284.
Hart, Clarinda, 284.
Hart, Helen A., 332.
Hart. Lidia, 372.
Hart, Lydia, 372, 373.
Hart, Sally, 284.
Hart, Tarney, 332.
Hartley, Eliza, 287.
Hartwell, Clarissa, 289.
Harven, J. R., 33.
Harwood, Cyrus, 279.
Harwood, Mary E., 279.
Hasbrook, Margaret, 372.
Hastings, Isabella, 34.
Hastings, Sir Geo., 34.
Hatch, Harriet A., 303.
Hatch, James, 303.
Hatch, Martha, 334.
Hatch, Wells, 334.
Hatfield, Abram, 230.
Hatfield, Eliza, 230.
Hatfield, Sophia H., 230.
Hawkins, Abigail, 222.
Hawkins, Adeline, 222.
Hawkins, Aurelia, 222.
Hawkins, Burr, 222.
Hawkins, Caroline, 222.
Hawkins, Clarissa, 222.
Hawkins, Ebenezer, 222.
Hawkins, Elihu, 222.
Hawkins, Lucy, 360.
Hawkins, Mary, 222.
Hawkins, William, 222, 360.
Hawley, Anna, 380.
Hawley, Anzilla, 319.
Hawley, Charles, 380.
Hawley, Edward, 319.
Hawley, Ebenezer, 164.
Hawley, Elizabeth, 164.
Hawley, Ephraim, 147.
Hawley, Mary C, 209.
Hawley, Mr., 209.
Hawley, Sarah E., 380.
Hawley, Sarah M., 215.
Hawley, Susan, 215.
Hawley, William, 215.
Hayes, Anna, 228.
Hayes, Betsey, 285.
Hayes, Bradley, 228.
Hayes, Edward, 228.
Hayes, Elie, 228.
Hayes, Eliza, 341.
Hayes, Frances, 228.
Hayes, Hannah, 228.
Hayes, Harriet, 228.
Hayes, Lewis, 228.
Hayes, Lucy, 228.
Hayes, Maria, 228.
Hayes, Nathan, 285.
Hayes, Phoene A., 228.
Hayes, Sturges, 228.
Haynes, Alma. 267.
Haynes, Deborah, 285.
Haynes, Edwin N., 24.
Haynes, Gov., 44.
Haynes, Sarah E., 211.
Haynes, Wm, 267.
Hazzard, Anna, 171.
Hazzard, John, 171, 172.
Hazzard, Joseph, 171.
Hazzard, Mary, 171, 172.
Hazzard, Mercy, 171.
Hazzard, Samuel, 171.
Healy, Ellen, 229.
Henderson, Ellen, 319.
Henderson, H. L., 319.
Hendrick, Henry, 147.
Hendricks, John, 181, 212.
Hendricks, Phoebe, 212.
Hepburn, Albert H., 194.
Hepburn, Caroline E., 194.
Hepburn, Charles J., 194.
Hepburn, Clarence W., 194.
Hepburn, Elizabeth, 194.
Hepburn, John, 194.
Hepburn, Mercy A., 194.
Hepburn, William E., 194.
Hert, Lidia, 372.
Hewitt, Marion E., 341.
Hewitt, M. W., 342.
Hickok, Mary, 347.
Hickok, W. H., 347.
Hide, Humphrey, 123.
Higby, J. T., 278.
Higby, Martha, 278.
Higford, Dorothy, 39.
Higford, Frances, 39.
Higford, William, 39.
Higgins, Abraham, 154.
Higginson, Mrs., 50.
Hildreth, Dennie, 295.
Hildreth, Luther, 295.
Hiles, Frank, 228.
Hiles, Grace, 228.
Hiles, Hattie, 228.
Hiles, Sarah, 228.
Hiles, Wm. H., 228.
Hill, Aaron, 169.
Hill, Abigail, 45, 159.
Hill, Capt, 198.
Hill, Ebenezer, 237, 238.
Hill, Eliphalet, 120, 133.
Hill, Elizabeth, 179.
Hill, Esther, 182.
Hill, Eunice, 169.
Hill, George C, 251.
Hill, Hannah, 187.
Hill, Henry M., 251.
Hill, Huldah, 179.
Hill, James, 179.
Hill, John, 168, 169, 180, 182.
Hill, Joseph, 197.
Hill, Mabel, 260.
Hill, Maria, 251.
Hill, Maria A., 251.
Hill, Martha, 168.
Hill, Mary E„ 251.
Hill, Nathan, 168, 169.
Hill, Nathaniel L., 251.
Hill, Sarah, 169, 180, 197.
Hill, Stephen, 169.
Hill, Thomas, 45, 159, 187.
Hill, Thomas B., 251.
Hill, William, 141, 142, 147.
Hill, William A., 251.
Hilton, H. A., 191.
Hilton, J. H., 191.
Hinde, Anne, 33.
Hinde, Francis, 39.
Hinsdale, Elizabeth, 177.
Hitchcock, Fanny M., 245.
Hitchcock, Robt. C, 245.
Hitchcock, Roland C, 245.
Hoag, Elizabeth, 231.
Hoag, Marshala, 228.
Hobart, Miss Hannah, 123.
Hodgson, Mr., 74.
Hofl, John, 378.
Hon', Mary, 378.
Holcomb, Almond, 261.
Holcomb, H., 228.
Holden, Horace, 280.
Hollister, Mr., 250.
Holly, Jesse, 230.
Holmes, A., 248.
Holmes, Alfred W., 24S.
Holmes, Amanda D., 248.
Holmes, C. A., 248.
Holmes, Catherine, 248.
Holmes, Dorinda C, 249.
Holmes, Geo. L., 249.
Holmes, Helen A., 248.
Holmes, Hiram R., 248.
Holmes, H. P., 248.
Holmes, Louisa T., 248.
Holmes, Lucinda C, 248.
Holmes, Mary, 248.
Holmes, Mary H., 248.
Holmes, Mary J., 248.
Holmes, Rosecrans, 248.
Holmes, Salome, 247.
Holmes, Sarah E., 248.
Holt, Mr., 335.
Holt, Nelson H., 367.
Holt, Ora E., 335.
Hood, Daniel, 372.
Hood, James, 372.
Hood, Margaret H., 372.
Hood, Robert, 372.
Hooper, Ann, 297.
Hooper, Stephen, 297.
Hooper, William, 161.
Hopkins, Elizabeth, 21, 22, 25,
Hopkins, George, 22, 25, 28, 29.
Hopkins, Helena, 22, 29, 30.
Hopkins, John, 25.
Hopkins, Margaret, 24, 25, 29.
Hopkins, William, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 67, 159.
Hornblower, Elizabeth, 342.
Horton, C. L., 190.
Horton, S. C, 190, 191.
Hosmer, C. S., 288.
Hosmer, Kittie L., 288.
Hosmer, Phoebe R., 288.
Hosmer, S. W., 288.
Hotchkiss, Mary R., 290.
Houghtailing, Amanda, 374.
Houghtailing, Amelia, 260.
Houghtailing, Ann, 374.
Houghtailing, Charles, 374.
Houghtailing, David, 374.
Houghtailing, Dinah, 374.
Houghtailing, Henry, 374.
Houghtailing, John, 260, 374.
Houghtailing, Jonathan, 374.
Houghtailing, Julia, 374.
Houghtailing, Laura, 374.
Houghtailing, Stewart, 374.
Houghtailing, William, 374.
Houghton, Cynthia C, 330.
Hovey, N., 190.
Howell, Abraham, 76, 129, 161.
Howell, Ann, 161.
Howell, Matthew, 168.
Howell, Eunice, 168.
Howell, Flora, 367.
Howes, Benj., 239.
Howes, Carrie, 212.
Howes, Elbert C, 212.
Howes, Fanny A.. 212.
Howes, Mary, 212.
Hoyt, Andrew, 300, 366.
Hoyt, Anna, 300.
Hoyt, Charlotte, 300.
Hoyt, I., 300.
Hoyt, Ida B., 318.
Hoyt, Josephine, 300, 366.
Hoyt, Ruth, 300.
Hoyt, S., 318.
Hubball, Richard, 32.
Hubball, Sarah, 32.
Hubbell, Anne, 168.
Hubbell, Daisy, 278.
Hubbell, Elizabeth, 163.
Hubbell, Gershom, 168.
Hubbell, Grace, 278.
Hubbell, J. E., 351.
Hubbell, John S., 278.
Hubbell, Lilly, 278.
Hubbell, Martha, 127, 163.
Hubbell, Mary, 185, 274.
Hubbell, Mary E., 278.
Hubbell, Mr., 184.
Hubbell, Nathan, 168.
Hubbell, Richard, 125, 127,
139, 140, 141, ±±2, 143, 156,
Hubbell, Samuel, 142, 143.
Hubbell, Sarah, 156, 168.
Hufford, Harriet, 225.
Hufford, R. A., 225.
Hull, Abigail, 222, 228, 232.
Hull, Anna, 199.
Hull, Anne, 198.
Hull, Benjamin, 193.
Hull, David, 173.
Hull, David Edward, 222.
Hull, Dr., 123.
Hull, Edward, 222.
Hull, Edwin, 222.
Hull, Eliza, 198.
Hull, Eliza Frances, 222.
Hull, Errata, 222.
Hull, Eunice, 222.
Hull, Ezekiel, 199.
Hull, Hannah E., 173.
Hull, Lyman, 309.
Hull, Mary C, 309.
Hull, Miss, 124, 331.
Hull, Parmelia, 193. 196.
Hull, Ruhamah, 173.
Hull, Ruth, 199.
Hull, Samuel, 198, 222.
Hull, Sarah, 173.
Hull, Sarah Jane. 222.
Hull, Stephen, 173.
Hull, Wakeman, 173, 222.
Hull, Walter, 173.
Hull, William, 173.
Hume, Nathan, 336.
Hume, Susannah, 336.
Hungerford, Anna C., 320.
Hungerford, Mr., 320.
Hurd, Eugene F., 247.
Hurd, Eunice, 246.
Hurd, Frederick, 247.
Hurd, Julia C., 247.
Hurlburt, Sarah E., 364.
Hurlbut, Mary, 193.
Hurlbut, Taylor, 193.
Hurlbutt, Polly, 298.
Huxley, Thomas, 72.
Hyde, Maria A., 210.
Hyde, Rachel, 232.
Hyde, Sarah, 227.
Hynson, Araminta, 297.
Hynson, Richard, 297.
Illman, Margaret K., 352.
Illman, Nellie B., 352.
Illman, Robert B., 352.
Inman, Hope, 274.
Inman, Jessie M., 274.
Inman, Phoebe E., 274.
Inman, W. S., 274.
Jackson, Chas., 319.
James, Alice L., 366.
James, Joseph, 147.
James, Richard, 366.
Jarvis, Amelia A., 313.
Jarvis, Isaac, 237.
Jarvis. James, 313.
Jenkins, Aretta E., 324.
Jenkins, James., 324.
Jenkins. Sarah, 324.
Jennings, A., 167.
Jennings, Abigail, 205, 267.
Jennings, Amelia, 268.
Jennings, Andrew, 380.
Jennings, Anna, 267, 277.
Jennings, Benjamin, 268.
Jennings, Charles, 267, 327.
Jennings, David, 170.
Jennings, Edwards, 205, 268,
Jesup, E
Eleanor, 250.
Emmeline, 287.
Esther, 309.
Eva, 373.
G-eorgiana, 327.
Henry, 232.
Ichabod, 380.
Isaac, 214.
Isaac B., 267.
Jabez, 258.
James R., 268.
Jeremiah, 181.
Joshua, 232, 250.
Levi, 380.
Lucy, 324.
Mary, 232.
Mary E,, 181, 267,
Moses, 202.
Mr., 199, 250.
Peter, 175, 205.
Peter Burr, 205.
Rachel, 199, 232.
Sally W., 205.
Salome, 232.
Samuel, 126.
Sara, 258.
Sarah, 198.
Uriah, 232.
Wakeman, 205, 267.
252, 253.
Jesup, Edward, 148, 177.
Jesup, Hetty W., 253.
Jesup, Julia F., 253.
Jesup, Samuel, 284.
Jesup, Sarah, 177.
Jesup, Sarah E., 284.
Jewett, Sarah, 287.
Johnson, Catherine, 365.
Johnson, Chas. W., 328.
Johnson, Marmaduke, 78.
Johnson, Mary B., 328.
Johnson, Mr., 193.
Johnson, Parthena M., 328.
Johnson, Roxanna, 324.
Johnston, Phoebe, 235.
Jones, Elizabeth B.. 306.
Jones, Frances, 40.
Jones, Harriet, 346.
Jones, Thomas, 76, 120.
Jones, William, 40.
Jordan, Hannah, 45, 159.
Joyce, Allen, 290.
Joyce, Alonzo, 290.
Joyce, Drusilla, 290.
Joyce, J. F., 290.
Joyce, R., 290.
Joyce, Stephen, 290.
Joyce, W., 290.
Judson, Abigail, 303.
Judson, David, 304.
Kaarvorla, Adline, Princess,
Kairjan, Kate, 359.
Kane, Mary, 307.
Kealie, Margaret, 348.
Keeler, Harriet A., 329.
Keeler, Polly H., 345.
Keeler, Stephen E., 345.
Kehoe, C. W., 325.
Kehoe, J. C. 325.
Kehoe, Josephine C, 325.
Kelder, E., 189.
Kelley, Elizabeth, 262.
Kelley, Jerusha, 262.
Kelley, John, 262.
Kelly, Grace, 44, 159.
Kelly, John, 44, 159.
Kellogg, Alice, 217.
Kellogg, Ruth Jane, 159.
Kempton, Jane A., 289.
Kempton, Rev. G., 289.
Kendall, Emily, 360.
Kendall, Ivy M., 360.
Kendall, Mary E., 360.
Kenedy, Alfred, 240.
Kenedy, Frank M., 333.
Kenedy, Franklin, 246.
Kenedy, Jessie M., 333.
Kennedy, Angeline, 246.
Kennedy, Catherine, 200.
Kennedy, Dr., 200.
Kennedy, Franklin, 246.
Kennedy, Henry, 246.
Kent, Mary P., 319.
Kent, Miss, 196.
Kent, Moss, 171.
Ketchum, Caroline, 282.
Ketchum, D. P., 282.
Ketchum, Elizabeth, 282.
Ketchum, Harold, 282.
Keys, Anna F.. 331.
Keys, Win.. 331.
Kimberly, Eleazer, 144.
Kinchell, Almira, 289.
Kinchell, Martin E., 289.
King, Adell, 323.
King, Elizabeth, 354.
King, Helen B., 216.
King, Hersey, 236.
King, Mabel B., 216.
King, Minnie A., 216.
King, Preston, 279, 280.
King, Robert L., 216.
King, Selina, 236.
Kinne, Harvey, 236.
Kitchell, Abigail, 160.
Kitchell, Abraham, 161.
Kitchell, Elizabeth. 72, 73, 160.
Kitchell, Grace, 161.
Kitchell, Mary. 160.
Kitchell, Mr., 55.
Kitchell, Robert, 74.
Kitchell, Samuel, 69, 72, 73,
74. 132, 160, 161.
Kitchell, Sarah, 160.
Kitchell, Susanna, 160.
Knapp, Ella, 343.
Knapp, Fanny, 343.
Knapp, Frances Louisa, 224.
Knapp, Geo. W., 223.
Knapp, Happy, 223.
Knapp, Harriet A., 224.
Knapp, Howard, 343.
Knapp, Iva L., 343.
Knapp, Roger, 56.
Knapp, Sarah E., 343.
Knapp, Theodore R.. 224.
Knapp, W. H. H., 224.
Knapp, William P., 223.
Knoph, Ada, 240.
Knoph, Aden, 240.
Knoph, Carliette, 240.
Knoph, Chas. F., 240.
Knoph, Edward. 240.
Knoph, Maud. 240.
Knowles, John, 163.
Knowles, Sarah, 163.
Knox, Mr., 262.
Kool, Jannatze, 371, 372.
Kool, Jenny, 371, 373.
Lacey, Catherine S., 329.
LaDuke, Eliza, 350.
Lake, Frances A., 249.
Lake, H. F, 249.
Lamberton, Mr., 49, 56, 124.
Lanckton, Margaret L., 249.
Lane, Clarina A., 297.
Lane, Cornelia A., 298.
Lane, E., 242.
Lane, E. B., 298.
Lane, Eliza A., 297.
Lane, F. A., 242.
Lane, George H., 297.
Lane, H. M., 242.
Lane, J. H., 298.
Lane, Samuel H., 297.
Lane, Thomas W., 297.
Lane, W. A., 297.
Lane, W. C, 297.
Larkin, C. W., 277.
Larkin, Dora, 367.
Larkin, P., 367.
Larkin, Solomon, 277.
Latimer, Josephine, 365.
Latimer, William. 365.
LaTour, Lena, 369.
LaTour, Louis, 369.
Launt, John, 356.
Launt. Mary, 356.
Law, J., 176.
Layfield, Mary, 326.
Layfield, W. W, 326.
Lee, Daniel, 204.
Lee, David, 204.
Lee. Mary, 279.
Lee, Mary Esther, 205.
Lee, Rev. Elias, 244.
Lee, Sarah, 244.
Leggett, C. C, 230.
Leonard, Amanda H., 363.
Leonard, Charles, 363.
Leonard, Josephine C, 325.
Leonard. W. H., 325.
Lewis, Daniel, 367.
Lewis, Edward, 127.
Lewis, Felix, 157.
Lewis, Lothrop, 149, 171.
Lewis, Mary (Hopkins), 157.
Lewis, May, 367.
Lewis, William, 157.
Liest. Bertha, 340.
Lincoln, A., 281.
Lincoln, Ephraim, 292.
Lincoln, Mary, 292.
Ling, Mr., 63, 64.
Litz, Helletze, 371.
Litz, John, 374.
Litz, Martha, 371.
Litz, William, 371.
Livingston, Matilda, 334.
Lobdell, Nathan, 276.
Lobdell, Rachel, 276.
Locke, Frances DeE., 190.
Locke, H. W., 190.
Locke, J., 190.
Locke, J. W., 190.
Lockwood, Chas. E., 261.
Lockwood, C. L, 242.
Lockwood, Emily, 222.
Lockwood, Jennie A., 363.
Lockwood, John, 328.
Lockwood, Joseph, 125.
Lockwood, Julia H., 328.
Lockwood, Mary H., 260.
Lockwood, Matilda, 222.
Lockwood, Miles. 222.
Lockwood, Robert, 363.
Lockwood, Selina. 242.
Lockwood, Wm. F., 260.
Lockwood, Wm. H., 261.
Loebnitz, Cornelia, 362.
Loebnitz, H. E., 362.
Long, Ann, 40.
Long, Henry, 40.
Longacre, A. M., Mrs., 34.
Longacre, Augusta, 296.
Longacre, Caroline A., 296.
Longacre, Helen, 296.
Longacre, James B., 296.
Longacre, James M., 296.
Longacre, John M., 296.
Longmore, Alice, 29.
Lord, John, 203.
Lord, Richard, 71, 73.
Lord, Samuel. 203.
Losinger, A. S., 301.
Losinger, Cloys F., 301.
Losinger, C. S., 301.
Losinger, Isaac J.. 301.
Losinger, J. E., 301.
Losinger, J. F., 301.
Losinger. Lvdia E., 301.
Loveland. Stenhen, 374.
Low, Jacob, 373.
Lowe, John.. 27.
Lowery, Margaret, 275.
Lowery, Wm., 275.
Ludington, Sarah, 181.
Ludington, Thomas, 181.
Ludlam, E'lbert, 282.
Ludlam, Emily F., 282.
Lunderveg, Elizabeth B., 331.
Lunderveg, Sylvester, 331.
Luscomb, Delos, 319.
Luscomib, Frances E., 319.
Luscomb, John, 329.
Luscomb, Mary E., 329.
Lyman, Charles, 265.
Lyman, Frank, 265.
Lyman, Geo., 265.
Lyman, Harry, 265.
Lyman, Hattie, 265.
Lyman, Melissa L., 265.
Lyman, Nellie, 265.
Lyon, A. C, 218.
Lyon, Augustus B., 256.
Lyon, Betsey A., 256.
Lyon, Bradley, 256.
Lyon, Charles B., 256.
Lyon, Eleanor, 170, 207.
Lyon, Eliphalet, 170.
Lyon, Elizabeth, 168.
Lyon, Jabez, 168.
Lyon, James W., 256.
Lyon, John, 168.
Lyon, John H., 256.
Lyon, Levi, 256.
Lyon, Lucinda, 170.
Lyon, Mary A., 271.
Lyon, M. F., 189.
Lyon, Rowland, 170.
Lyon, Thomas, 168.
Lyon, Wakeman, 170.
Lyon, William, 207.
Lyon, William W., 256.
MacKenzie, Dugald, 163.
Mahan, Maria, 251.
Mahan, Thos., 251.
Main, H., 192.
Main, H. H., 192.
Main, 0. B., 192.
Malbon, Mr., 47, 48, 49, 50, 56,
Mallory, Elizabeth, 301.
Mann, Andrew, 270.
Mann, Martha, 270.
Marantette, Annette, 286.
Marantette, Mr., 286.
Marsh, C. W., 306.
Marsh, D., 192.
Marsh, Elmer A., 306.
Marsh, F. E., 306.
Marsh, Florence C, 306.
Marsh, Hiram, 267.
Marsh, Jonathan, 178.
Marsh, Kate A., 306.
Marsh, Lillian I., 306.
Marsh, Louisa, 267.
Marsh, May E., 306.
Marsh, Owen, 30,6.
Marvin, Lucretia^A., 369.
Mather, David B., 251.
Mather, Ella M., 251.
Mather, Henry B., 251.
Mather, Joseph, 177, 250.
Mather, Joseph W., 251.
Mather, Sarah J., 251, 351.
Mather, Stephen T., 251.
Mather, William F., 251.
Matthews, Angeline W., 245.
Matthews, Anna W., 245.
Matthews, Clarissa, 245.
Matthews, Diana D., 245.
Matthews, Francis, 245.
Matthews, Horace S., 245.
Matthews, Lewis, 245.
Matthews, Peter W., 245.
Matthews, Rachel B., 245.
Matthews, Richmond, 245.
Matthews, Sarah L., 245.
Matthews, Wakeman P., 245.
Mattoon, Alanson, 217.
Mattoon, Amelia Jane, 217.
Mattoon, Chas. B., 217.
Mattoon, Dayton, 216.
Mattoon, Helen G., 217.
Mattoon, Ruhamah, 216.
Mattoon, Sarah E., 216.
Mattoon, William B., 217.
Mauger, Britannia T., 327.
Mauger, W. F., 327.
Maxson, Eva, 373.
Maxson, Henry, 373.
Maxwell, H., 189.
Maxwell, Teresa-Appolonia,
Maxwell, William Constable,
Mayhew, Celestia, 317.
Mayhew, Mr., 317.
McAllister, Sarah, 189.
McCall, Dora, 363.
McClain, Cornelia E., 306.
McClain, D. J., 306.
McClintock, Augusta, 296.
McClintock.Caroline A., 296.
McClintock, Emory, 4, 130,
McClintock, Rev. John, 296.
McClintock, Sarah A., 296.
McClintock, Sarah L., 296.
McCord, Sarah, 228.
McCue, 0. ^., 306.
MeCue, Lillian I. A., 306.
McCulley, Delia M., 264.
McCulley, Leroy, 264.
McCulley, Lina R., 264.
McDowell, Harriet, 249.
McElwee, Eliza, 247.
McElwee, Wm, 247.
McGraw, John, 362.
McGraw, Mary M., 362.
Mclntyre, A., 231.
Mclntyre, Mary, 369.
Mclntyre, William, 369.
McLaughlin, Chas. B., 368.
McLaughlin, Edith, 368.
McLaughlin, Mary A., 368.
McLaury, Anna, 368.
McLaury, E., 368.
McLeod, A. J., 341.
McLeod, Virginia V., 341.
McPhereon, Mr., 286.
McTrusty, Annie, 378.
McTrusty, William, 378.
Mead, Elizabeth P., 359.
Mead, George G., 359.
Mead, Lucy, 228.
Mead, Wm., 228.
Meeker, Abigail, 169, 170.
Meeker, Capt. W., 184.
Meeker, Chas. B., 352.
Meeker, Clarissa, 169.
Meeker, Daniel, 169.
Meeker, David, 169.
Meeker, Eleanor, 170.
Meeker, Eveline J., 327.
Meeker, Eunice, 169.
Meeker, Hill, 169.
Meeker, Huldah, 170.
Meeker, Jennie B., 352.
Meeker, Joseph, 170.
Meeker, Joseph G., 170.
Meeker, Mary, 170, 184.
Meeker, Maud U., 358.
Meeker, Nellie A., 352.
Meeker, Samuel, 170.
Meeker, Seth, 170.
Meeker, Wakeman, 170.
Meeker, William, 169, 327.
Melendy, Abbie W., 361.
Melendy, Norman, 361.
Merrell, Eliza, 229.
Merrell, G. H., 229.
Merrihew, Ruth, 299.
Merritt, Jane, 251.
Merwin, Abijah, 218.
Merwin, Arthur, 218.
Metcalf, Stephen, 48.
Middlebrook, Burr, 178.
Middlebrook, Deborah, 178.
Milbank, Antoinette L., 291.
Milbank, Charles B., 291.
Milbank, Dr. Robert, 291.
Milbank, Harold, 292.
Milbank, Isabella G., 291.
Milbank, Maria L., 291.
Milbank, Montgomery N., 292.
Milbank, Robert W., 291.
Milbank, Samuel, 292.
Milbank, Virginia W., 292.
Miles, Bro., 47, 50, 55, 56.
Miles, Richard, 50, 63, 66.
Miller, Alice, 318.
Miller, Elthea, 318.
Miller, Horace, 318.
Miller, Ida B., 318.
Miller, James, 318.
Miller, Julius, 318.
Miller, Marshall, 318.
Miller, Mary J., 318.
Milles, Richard, 58.
Mills, Eliza J., 361.
Mills, Geo., 361.
Mills, James, 66.
Milton, William, 23, 24, 27.
Minch, Elizabeth, 369.
Mitchell, Bro., 55.
Mitchell, Eunice, 283.
Mitchell, P. J., 315.
Mitchell, Frances, 315.
Mitchell, Hattie, 290.
Mitchell, John, 278, 279.
Mitchell, Lydia, 278.
Mitchell, Sarah, 315.
Mitchell, Sherman D., 315.
Mix, Mary C, 334.
Moffatt, Rachel, 370.
Monroe, Helena, 351.
Monroe, John, 250, 251.
Monroe, Mr., 250.
Monroe, Sally, 250.
Montgomery, Emily C, 263.
Montgomery, Fred L., 263.
Montgomery, George W., 263.
Montgomery, John, 211.
Montgomery, L. J., 263.
Montgomery, Miss, 326.
Montgomery, Sarah Ette, 211.
Moon, Hattie A., 357.
Moon, Tracy, 357.
Moore, Albert Leroy, 210.
Moore, Cora Stella, 210.
Moore, Delphine, 210.
Moore, Ida M., 210.
Moore, John, 210.
Moore, Lucy J., 210.
Moore, Tom, 162.
Moore, Warren E., 211.
Morehouse, Carliette, 240.
Morehouse, Catherine, 240.
Morehouse, Clarissa, 241.
Morehouse, Cynthia, 240.
Morehouse, Daniel, 147, 169.
Morehouse, Daniel W., 240.
Morehouse, David W., 240.
Morehouse, Denize, 240.
Morehouse, Elizabeth, 318.
Morehouse, Henry, 374.
Morehouse, Hughs, 220.
Morehouse, Jane, 374.
Morehouse, Levi S., 240.
Morehouse, Lewis L., 284.
Morehouse, Madison C, 332.
Morehouse, Marcus, 374.
Morehouse, Mary A., 284.
Morehouse, Mary J., 240.
Morehouse, Medora, 240.
Morehouse, Minnie, 332.
Morehouse, Nathan, 374.
Morehouse, Othniel B., 240.
Morehouse, Parnur, 374.
Morehouse, Philena, 240.
Morehouse, Rebecca, 169.
Morehouse, S., 170. '
Morehouse, Sarah, 240.
Morehouse, Sarah A., 240.
Morehouse, Sarah M., 360.
Morehouse, Seth, 241.
Morehouse, Stephen, 360.
Morehouse, Sturges, 220.
Morehouse, Susan, 220.
Morehouse, Thaddeus, 240.
Morehouse, Wilbur B., 332.
Morehouse, William, 374.
Morton, Miss, 307.
Moulster, Charlotte E., 350.
Moulster, John C, 350.
Mulholland, Mary F., 362.
Mulholland, Thomas, 362.
Murphy, Elizabeth, 358.
Murphy, H. C, 358.
Mylin, Amos H, 195.
Mylin, Barbara K., 195.
Mylin, Caroline E., 194.
Mylin, Helen, 195.
Mylin, Mercy H, 195.
Nancy, Helen, 334.
Napper, Edward, 38.
Napper, Jocosa, 38.
Nash, Hattie, 368.
Nash, Lieut. John, 66.
Nash, Polly A., 351, 352.
Nestelle, Sophia G., 327.
Newkirk, Chas., 343.
Newkirk, Ellen, 343.
Newkirk, Frederick, 343.
Newkirk, William, 343.
Newman, Francis, 47, 50, 55,
58, 66.
Newman, Robert, 49, 57.
Newton, Electa, 337.
Newton, Jacob, 337.
Neuer, S. W., 190.
Nevill, Edward, 38.
Nevill, Margaret, 38.
Neville, Wm. F., 191.
Nicholls, Adam, 72, 157.
Nicholls, Anna, 72, 157.
Nicholls, Ebenezer, 72.
Nicholls, Hannah, 72.
Nicholls, John, 72.
Nicholls, Sarah, 72.
Nichols, Barachiah, 157.
Nichols, Betsey, 254.
Nichols, Beulah, 333.
Nichols, Charles, 185.
Nichols, Clara, 219, 221, 273.
Nichols, Daniel, 256, 315, 317.
Nichols, Deborah, 254.
Nichols, Drusilla, 267.
Nichols, Ebenezer, 157.
Nichols, E. K., 235.
Nichols, Elizabeth, 256.
Nichols, Ephraim, 206.
Nichols, Esther, 157.
Nichols, Eunice, 206, 254.
Nichols, Francis, 235.
Nichols, Hanford, 218.
Nichols, Harvey, 254.
Nichols, Harriet, 256, 328.
Nichols, Henry, 218, 235.
Nichols, H. W., 235.
Nichols, Ignatius, 147.
Nichols, Jane, 235.
Nichols, John, 157.
Nichols, John C, 235.
Nichols, Jesse, 221.
Nichols, Julia, 317.
Nichols, Julia A., 333.
Nichols, Laura, 218.
Nichols, Laurinda, 218.
Nichols, Lloyd, 218.
Nichols, Lydia, 157.
Nichols, Melissa, 254.
Nichols, Mr., 183.
Nichols, Nathan, 254.
Nichols, Nicholas, 256.
Nichols, Perry, 254.
Nichols, Polly, 185.
Nichols, Rachel, 315.
Nichols, Samantha, 254.
Nichols, Samuel, 183.
Nichols, Sarah, 157, 379.
Nichols, Sheldon, 333.
Nichols, Smith, 254.
Nichols, Susan W., 275.
Nichols, Truman, 256.
Nichols, William H., 254.
Nichols, Willis, 328.
Nichols, Wright, 254.
Niles, Mary E., 357.
Niles, Vestus P., 357.
Norris, Rachel, 379.
Northrop, Agnes E., 234.
Northrop, Aldah K., 234.
Northrop, Edgar B., 234.
Northrop, Helen B., 234.
Northrop, Jane E., 234.
Northrop, Leonard S., 234.
Northrop, L. S., 234.
Northrop, Mary E., 234.
Norton, Ada C, 249.
Norton, A. H., 249.
Norton, Catherine, 305.
Norton, C. B., 250.
C. H., 249.
Frances A., 249
H. B., 248.
Helen A., 249.
Helen L., 250.
Helen S., 249.
Henry H., 249.
H. G., 249.
H. H., 249.
H. W., 248, 249.
Louisa T., 248.
Lucinda, 249.
Lucy S., 248.
Martha L., 249.
Mary K., 248.
M. D., 249.
O. W., 249.
Ruth, 249.
Noyes, Joseph, 178.
O'Banks, Esther, 268.
O'Banks, Ezekiel, 268.
O'Banks, Nathan, 290.
O'Banks, Ruhamah, 290.
Odell, Jane, 220.
Odell, Joseph, 220, 276.
Odell, Lucy, 220.
Odell, Mary, 220, 276.
Odell, Wakeman, 220.
Ogden, Abigail H., 370.
Ogden, Anna O., 346.
Ogden, Barlow, 346.
Ogden, Hezekiah. 170.
Ogden, Huldah M., 346.
Ogden, Mollie, 269.
Ogden, Polly, 270.
Ogram, Arlie O., 266.
Ogram, Delite M., 265.
Ogram, Etta G., 265.
Ogram. Wm. F., 265.
Olin, Frances M., 323.
Ogram, James J., 265.
Ogram, Jay M., 266.
Ogram, Lena R., 266.
Ogram, Pearl M., 266.
Olin, Martha A., 323.
Olin. Roswell W., 323.
Oliphant. Duncan. 262.
Oliphant, Elizabeth. 262.
Oothout, Elizabeth, 282.
Oothout, Rebecca, 282.
Osborn, Capt, 148.
Osborn, Catherine, 200.
Osborn, Daniel Beers, 200.
Osborn, Elizabeth, 200.
Osborn, Elizabeth B., 326.
Osborn, Ephraim, 240, 326.
Osborn, Hannah A., 200.
Osborn, Happy, 250.
Osborn, Harriet A., 304.
Osborn, Isaac, 242.
Osborn, Lois, 240.
Osborn, Mary, 242.
Osborn, Sarah, 200, 240.
Osborn, Sarah W., 200.
Osborn, Wakeman, 200.
Osborne, Thomas, 55.
Ossincup, Mary A.. 314.
Ostrom, Eliza, 317.
Ostrom, James, 317.
Ostrom, Marie. 246.
Ostrom, Rulof, 246.
Owen, Elizabeth, 40.
Owen, Mr., 40.
Page, Almira, 233.
Page, Cynthia C, 233.
Page, E. C, 233.
Page, G. M., 233.
Page, Harriet. 233.
Page, J. O., 233.
Page, John C, 233.
Page, John O., 233.
Page. Laura A., 233.
Page. Sarah Jane, 233.
Page, W. E., 233.
Page, W. O., 233.
Paine, Alma, 339.
Paine, Walter C, 339.
Palmer, E. C, 306.
Palmer; James W., 339.
Palmer, Martha C, 339.
Palmer, Minnie B., 354.
Palmer, W. G., 339.
Palmer, W. L., 354.
Parker, F. A., 282.
Parker, General, 123.
Parker, Katherine. 282.
Parkington, J.. 241.
Parks, David, 298.
Parks, Mary, 298.
Parlet, Mary, 337.
Parsons, Connon, 38.
Parsons, Elizabeth, 38.
Pasmore, Mr., 40.
Pasmore, Sybilla P., 40.
Patch, Mary J., 349.
Patchen, Jarvis, 217.
Patchen, Polly, 278.
Patterson, James, 317.
Patterson, Sarah, 317.
Patton, J. C., 289.
Patton, Lydia A., 289.
Patton, Minnie G., 289.
Patton, Sylvia L., 289.
Patton, Velina F., 288.
Paule, Daniel, 4,8.
Pearce, Mr., 48.
Pearl, Elisha, 350.
Pearl, Ella J., 350.
Pearsall, Aaron, 193.
Pearsall, Anna, 193.
Pearsall, Betsey, 193.
Pearsall, Keziah, xc»3.
Pearsall. Piatt, 193.
Pearsall, Polly, 189.
Pearsall, Rachel, 189.
Pearsall, Samuel, 189.
Pease, Ann E., 203.
Pease, Gad, 315.
Pease, Louisa M.. 355.
Pease, Lydia, 315.
Pease, Milton, 355.
Peck, Anna L., 356.
Peck, Charles, 356.
Peck. Charlotte, 341.
Peck, Hattie L., 356.
Peck, Hildred E., 356.
Peck, R. S., 356.
Peck, Sylvester E., 356.
Pelton, Emma, 323.
Pelton, Lester, 323.
Pelton, Polly, 323.
Penfield, James, 175.
Pennington, Ella M., 263.
Pennington, Lucy S., 263.
Pennington, Mary L., 263.
Pennington, Townsend T., 263.
Penny, Clara B., 240.
Penny, Esther M., 239.
Penny. Iva, 239.
Penny, Lucinda A., 239.
Perkins, Jesse G., 334.
Perkins, Margaret J., 334.
Perkins, Mary A., 334.
Perre, Margaret, 48.
Perry, Bro., 47.
Perry, Elizabeth, 243.
Perry, Emma, 361.
Perry, Richard H., 361.
Perry, Mariana, 331.
Perry, Mary, 170.
Perry, Peter, 331.
Pert, Anna, 36.
Pert, Edward, 36.
Pettet, Minnesota, 344.
Pettibone, 'Carrie E., 230.
Pettibone, F. A., 229.
Pettibone, Flora E., 229.
Pettibone, Hatfield. 230.
Pettibone, Jessie M., 229.
Pettibone, M. H., 229.
Pettibone, W., 229.
Pettibone, W. C., 230.
Phelps, Burr, 355.
Phelps, Margaret M., 355.
Phelter, S., 254.
Philips, Sarah, 203.
Phillips, Adelphia L., 362.
Phillips, William, 362.
Phinley, John, 32.
Phinney, Alice R., 366.
Phinney, Harriet, 338.
Pierce, Oapt., 44, 45.
Pierson, Grace, 161.
Plait, Aaron, 212.
Piatt, Abby, 189.
Piatt, Adams Wakeman, 189.
Piatt, Alexander Smith, 188,
Piatt, Anna, 188, 196.
Piatt, Eliza, 189.
Piatt, Eunice, 212.
Piatt, Ezra, 316.
Piatt, Jarvis, 188.
Piatt, Matilda, 316.
Piatt, Obadiah, 196.
Piatt. Obadiah H., 189.
Piatt, Polly, 188.
Polly, John, 315.
Polly, Sarah, 315.
Pooler, Walter, 24.
Porter, Frances, 41.
Porter, Thomas, 41.
Post, Esther, 303.
Post, Marion, 303.
Post, W. K., 303.
Potts, Elmer H., 376.
Potts, H. M., 376.
Potts, Mary E., 376.
Potts, W., 376.
Pountney, Jas. Wm., 25.
Powell, Caroline E., 194.
Powell, Elizabeth H., 195.
Powell, George M., 195.
Powell, Gertrude, 369.
Powell, M., 194.
Powell, Mary C, 195.
Powell, Ruth, 351.
Powell, William, 369.
Powers, Demis, 295.
Pratt, Abi F., 359.
Pratt, Delia M., 262.
Pratt, Eli B., 262.
Pratt, Harry E., 262.
Pratt, Luther, 359.
Pratt, Mary J., 262.
Pratt, Milo D., 262.
Prince, Thomas, 75.
Proctor, Elizabeth R., 270.
Proctor, Joseph, 270.
Proctor, Mrs. E. B., 4.
Prudden, Mr., Io0, 131, 132.
Pryor, Eva, 324.
Pryor, James, 324.
Pulver, Frances S., 339.
Quick, Caroline, 377.
Quincy, Edmund, 162.
, Caroline, 250.
, Helen, 250.
, Mary, 250.
, Matthew, 250.
, Miles, 250.
Daniel, 244.
Frances, 244.
John H.,'»244.
Lm-y M., 244.
Mary, 244.
Rachel E., 244.
Buel, 245.
Erastus, 245.
Hannibal, 245.
Lafayette, 245.
Mary A., 246.
Miranda B., 246.
Oscar, 245.
Rachel S.. 245, 246.
Samuel, 245.
Sarah Ann, 245.
Sarah S., 146.
Rappelye, Wm. W., 246.
Rawlings, Mary, 240.
Rayland, Martha E., 362.
Raymond, Ann A., 345.
Raymond, Anne, 208.
Raymond, Clarissa, 242.
Raymond, C. S., 300.
Raymond, C. T., 300.
Raymond, Eliza, 242.
Raymond, E. S., 242.
Raymond, G. E., 300.
Raymond, Harriet L., 300.
Raymond, Hiram, 242.
Raymond, H. J., 279.
Raymond, Julia, 242.
Raymond, Louisa, 299.
Raymond, Nathan, 208.
Raymond, Wilfred, 300.
Raymond, W. S., 300.
Redfleld, Sarah, 207.
Reed, Abihu, 235.
Reed, Cyrus, 358.
Reed, Eliza, 235.
Reed, Emma, 341.
Reed, Lucinda, 293.
Reed, Malvina, 358.
Reed, Martha J., 358.
Reed, Phoebe, 235.
Reed, Susie.
Reed, William, 235.
Reeves, Susan B., 287.
Relyea, J. B., 353.
Relyea, Mary, 353.
Reynolds, Alleah P., 336.
Reynolds, Benj. R., 336.
Reynolds, John, 30.
Reynolds, Lulu A., 336.
Reynolds, Mary, 296, 357.
Reynolds, Susan E., 336.
Reynolds, Maria, 296, 357.
Richards, Lizzie, 350.
Richards, Mary, 158.
Richards, Mr., 207.
Richards, Priscilla, 158.
Richards, Thomas, 158.
Richards, Zilpha, 207.
Richardson, D., 191.
Richardson, F. W., 191.
Richardson, G., 191.
Richardson, H. H., 191.
Richardson, N. M., 191.
Richardson, R. L, 191.
Ritenour, Amanda S., 364.
Ritenour, David, 364.
Roberson, Samuel, 133.
Roberts, John, 62, 63.
Roberts, Mr., 64.
Roberts, Sallie H., 362.
Robertson, Levi, 278.
Robertson, Sally, 278.
Robinson, Esther, 302.
Robinson, F., 302.
Robinson, Fidelia, 357.
Robinson, Frankie C, 302.
Robinson, Helen, 302.
Robinson, Thomas, 51.
Rogers, Aaron, 173.
Rogers, Abigail, 173.
Rogers, Ann, 38.
Rogers, Betsey, 173.
Rogers, Chas., 340, 376.
Rogers, Chloe, 173.
Rogers, Earle E.. 340.
Rogers, George, 376.
Rogers, Hannah, 173.
Rogers, Hellena. 172.
Rogers, James, 172, 173.
Rogers, Jedediah, 173.
Rogers, Joseph, 173.
Rogers, Maggie A., 376.
Rogers, Marian. 341.
Rogers, Mary L., 340.
Rogers, Peter, 340.
Rogers, Richard, 340.
Rogers, Uriah. 173.
Rogers, Walter, 376.
Rolf, Herman, 345.
Rolf, Mary E,, 345.
Root, Ettie A., 359.
Root, Mary, 359.
Root, Nathan, 359.
Rose, J., 189.
Rowe, Ella F., 334.
Rowell, Alvah, 255.
Rowell. Charles L., 255.
Rowell, Edward P., 255.
Rowell, Edwin, 255.
Rowell, Helen M., 255.
Rowell, Julia, 255.
Rowell, Julia A., 255.
Rowell, Mahlon D... 255.
Rowell, Sally, 255.
Rowland, Jas., 147.
Rowland, Sarah, 180.
Ruckle, Ann Eliza, 321.
Rudd, Clarissa, 242.
Rudd, C. R., 242.
Rudd, Geo. M., 242.
Rudd, Oliver J., 242.
Rushford, Maud, 363.
Russell, Anna, 157.
Russell, Isaac, 320.
Russell, Noahdiah, 157.
Russell, Rosella R., 320.
Russell, Sarah, 157.
Russell, William, 157.
Ryant, Chester W., 232.
Ryant, Eliza A., 232.
Ryant, Horace, 232.
Ryant, Isaac D., 232.
Ryant, Seth D., 232.
Sage, Agnes. 223.
Sage, Augustus, 223.
Sage, Benjamin, 223.
Sage, Catherine, 223.
Sage, Edward, 223.
Sage, Frances, 223.
Sage, Georgiana, 223.
Sage, Harriet, 223.
Sage, John, 223.
Sage, Robert, 223.
Salmon, Betsey A., 273.
Salmon, C. C, 273.
Salmon, Fanny W., 273.
Salmon, M. W., 273.
Saltonstall, Gurdon, 144.
Samson, Theresa V.. 330.
Sandford, Emma E., 328.
Sandford, W. C, 328.
Sands, Anna B., 213.
Sands, Clara L., 213.
Sands, Frank E., 3, 213.
Sands, Jesse, 213.
Sands, Trafford T., 213.
Sanger, Elisa R., 215.
Sanger, Frank M., 215.
Sanger, Fred C, 215.
Sanger, Lizzie R., 215.
Sanger, Mr., 215.
Sanger, Sarah M., 215.
Sares, Mr., 23, 24.
Saunders, Dorcas Dorothy,
Saunders, John, 209.
Sayre, Rev. James, 163.
Sayre, Sarah, 163.
Schmitt, Mrs., 338.
Schoonmaker, Calvin, 377.
Schoonmaker, Carrie, 377.
Schoonmaker, Hattie, 377.
Schoonmaker, Margaret A.,
Schutt, F. M., 288.
Schutt, Sylvia A., 288.
Scott, Amelia, 205.
Scott, Amelia B., 205.
Scott, Asenath, 316.
Scott, Bradner B., 205.
Scott, Clare, 294.
Scott, David B., 205.
Scott, Edward J., 253.
Scott, Elizabeth, 247.
Scott, Elizabeth B., 205.
Scott, E. W., 294.
Scott, Fannie, 253.
Scott, Florence, 294.
Scott, Frank J., 253.
Scott, George W., 205.
Scott, Jennie, 253.
Scott, Jere, 205.
Scott, Jere Austin, 205.
Scott, Jesup W., 205, 252.
Scott, John D., 294.
Scott, Julia, 205.
Scott, Maria, 205.
Scott, Maurice A., 253.
Scott, Susan, 252.
Scott, Susan W., 253.
Scott, William H., 253.
Sears, Asenath, 261.
Sears, Gov., 239.
Seeley, Lieut., 52, 53, 54, 57,
58, 59.
Selden, Esther, 157, 158.
Selden, Hannah, 158.
Selden, Hester, 157, 158.
Selden, John, 157.
Selden, Joseph, 157.
Selden, Mary, 157.
Selden, Sarah, 158.
Selden, Thomas, 157.
Sever, Chas. Wm., 75.
Seward, W. H., 279.
Seymour, Bela, 214.
Seymour, Eleanor, 214.
Seymour, George, 215.
Seymour, Mary Ann, 215.
Seymour, William, 215.
Shaad, Mr., 334.
Shaad, Neenah M., 334.
Shannon, Lulu A., 336.
Shannon, W. V., 336.
Sharp, Andrew, 265.
Sharp, Charles W., 221.
Sharp, Clara A., 221.
Sharp, Cora B., 265.
Sharp, Eliza, 221.
Sharp, Elizabeth, 221.
Sharp, Henrietta, 299.
Sharp, Henry, 299.
Sharp, Hugh W., 265.
Sharp, Jedediah, 221.
Sharp, Joseph, 221.
Sharp, Maria, 221.
Sharp, Mary E., 221.
Sharp, Pearl M., 265.
Sharp, Ruth W., 265.
Sharp, Scott 0., 265.
Shaver, Cynthia D., 340.
Shaver, Frank B., 340.
Shaw, Mary L., 354.
Shaw, Walter R. C, 354.
Shaw, Walter W., 354.
Shedell, Sophia, 251.
Sheldon, Ohloe, 338.
Sheldon, David, 339.
Sheldon, Julia M., 289.
Sheldon, Wm., 289.
Shelton, Daniel, 185.
Shelton, Sarah, 185.
Shepheard, Thomasina, 35.
Shepheard, William, 35.
Sherman, Barzilla, 344.
Sherman, Maria. 344.
Sherwood, Abigail B., 273.
Sherwood, Alvah, 204.
Sherwood, Ann, 164.
Sherwood, Anna, 198, 217, 320.
Sherwood, Anna B., 277.
Sherwood, Arita, 204.
Sherwood, Barney, 322.
Sherwood, Betsey, 218.
Sherwood, C, 273.
Sherwood, Cynthia, 185.
Sherwood, David, 218.
Sherwood, Delia M., 185, 271.
Sherwood, E. B., 273.
Sherwood, Eli, 217.
Sherwood, Elizabeth, 313.
Sherwood, Emory, 218.
Sherwood, Everett, 273.
Sherwood, Fanny, 185. 223.
Sherwood, Frank, 223.
Sherwood, Franklin, 353.
Sherwood, Gershom, 185.
Sherwood, Gershom Wake-
man, 185.
Sherwood, Henry, 234.
Sherwood, Henry E., 235.
Sherwood, Hetty, 234.
Sherwood, Hezekiah, 272.
Sherwood, Jennie, 353.
Sherwood, Jeremiah, 185, 271.
Sherwood, John, Rev., 198.
Sherwood, Laura., 218.
Sherwood, Laurinda, 217, 218.
Sherwood, Levi, 217.
Sherwood, Louisa, 204.
Sherwood, Lydia, 272.
Sherwood, Mary, 178.
Sherwood, Mary E., 235.
Sherwood, Miranda, 204.
Sherwood, Orrin, 223.
Sherwood, Parmelia, 185.
Sherwood, Rebecca, 204.
Sherwood, Richard" 223.
Sherwood, Sarah, 173, 217.
Sherwood, Sarah A., 218.
Sherwood, Sarah E., 322.
Sherwood, Seth, 178.
Sherwood, Stephen, 204, 277.
Sherwood, Thomas, 164.
Sherwood, Wakeman, 178, 204.
Sherwood, Walter, 204.
Sherwood, William F., 273.
Shipherd, Anna M., 302.
Shipherd, Emma E., 302.
Shipherd, Esther R., 302.
Shipherd, Frankie C., 302.
Shipherd, Kittie W., 302.
Shipherd, S'ara E., 302.
Shipherd, W. C, 302.
Shofner, Earl G.4 190.
Shofner, G. H., 190.
Shofner, Harry W., 190.
Shofner, Hattie M., 190.
Shofner, Lotta F., 190.
Shrump, F. W., 376.
Shrump, Jane A., 376.
Sibley, J. L., 75.
Silkworth, Israel, 317.
Silkworth, Laura A., 317.
Sillaman, Robert, 127.
Silliman, Ann. 188. 196, 203.
Silliman, Daniel, 164.
Silliman, Edw'd, 153.
Silliman, Melvin, 258.
Silliman, Samuel, 165.
Silliman, Sarah, 164.
Simmons, Bertie A., 366.
Simmons, Roby, 366.
Simmons, Theodore B., 366.
Skinner, Abigail A., 276.
Skinner, Anson, 319.
Skinner, Sarah, 319.
Skinner, Van R., 276.
Slass, John, 147.
Slicer, Deborah, 263.
Slicer, Mary, 263.
Slicer, Thomas J., 263.
Sluyter, Evert, 372.
Sly, Phineas, 241.
Sly, Rhoda, 241.
Smedley, Eunice, 200.
Smedley, John, 200.
Smith, Albert L., 264.
Smith, Albert W., 345.
Smith, Betsey Ann, 211.
Smith, Caroline, 282.
Smith, Caroline W., 345.
Smith, Catherine, 256.
Smith, Catherine E., 264.
Smith, Clarissa L., 240.
Smith, Elizabeth, 207, 256,
Smith, Elthea, 318.
Smith, Ernest, 329.
Smith, Esther E., 265.
Smith, Frank, 210.
Smith, Geo., 240, 318.
Smith, H. M., 329.
Smith, H. W., 329.
Smith, Ida, 369.
Smith, Ida J., 375.
Smith, Irving M., 282.
Smith, James, 256.
Smith, Janette, 211.
Smith, John Henry, 210.
Smith, Johnson, 256.
Smith, Josiah, 214.
Smith, Kenneth, 282.
Smith, Lillie, 362.
Smith, M., 192.
Smith, Mabel E., 265.
Smith, Martha, 214.
Smith, Mary C, 329.
Smith, Mercy, 210.
Smith, Mr., 207.
Smith, Nancy, 210.
Smith, Nathalie, 282.
Smith, Neva I., 265.
Smith, Parmelia B.. 214.
Smith, Reuben S., 356.
Smith, Ruth E., 265.
Smith, Samuel, 238.
Smith, Susan, 211.
Smith, Susan S., 356.
Smith, Truman, 210.
Smith, Warren, 211.
Smith, William, 211, 256.
Smyth, John Henry, 174.
Smyth, Salome G., 174.
Soley, John, 23.
Soule, Helen J., 233.
Soule, Henry, 233.
Soule, Henry J., 233.
Spencer, Elijah, 344.
Spencer, Mary M., 344.
Sperry, Adelia, 215.
Sperry, Austin, 215.
Sperry, Eliza M., 215.
Sperry, Mary J., 215.
Spicer, Elizabeth, 368.
Spicer, Joseph, 368.
Spicer, Judith, 37.
Spicer, Katharine K., 368.
Spicer, Thomas, 37.
Springsteen, Lucy, 210.
Squire, Anne, 186.
Squire, Asa, 186.
Squire, Ebenezer, 186.
Squire, Eunice, 186.
Squire, George, 125.
Squire, Joseph, 165.
Squire, Mary, 186, 244.
Squire, Mehitable, 165.
Squire, Morris, 186.
Squire, Samuel, 138, 244
Squire, Sarah, 186.
Squires, C. W., 307.
Squires, E. B., 307.
Squires, Edwin, 307.
Squires, Julia M., 307.
Stall, Catherine, 276.
Stall, Peter, 276.
Stanfield, Harriet A., 337.
Stanfield, John, 364.
Stanfield, Margaret, 364.
Stanfield, Mary E. M., 364.
Stanfield. Mr., 337.
Stanley, Noah, 177.
Staples, Thos., 125.
Steele, Ella J., 263.
Steele, Guy W., 263.
Steele, J. H., 263.
Sterling, Eleanor, 170.
Stevens, Bennett, 210.
Stevens, Ira, 210.
Stevens, John M., 210.
Stevens, Mary F., 210.
Stevens, Reuben, 210.
Stevens, Roxanma, 210.
Stiles, Henry, 325.
Stiles, Huldah J., 325.
Stillson, Avery, 264.
Stillson, Mary E. A., 264.
St. John, Emma, 260.
St. John, Eunice, 260.
St. John, John, 260.
St. John, Polly, 260.
Stoddard, Caroline A., 322.
Stoddard, Silas E., 322. ■
Stone, J. S., 190.
Stone, M. M., 190.
Story, E., 191.
Story, Ella F., 277.
Story, Geo. B., 277.
Stowe, John, 336.
Stowe, Valitta, o36.
Stowell, Mary, 318.
Stratton, Clarissa, 228.
Stratton, Cornelius, 228, 232.
Stratton, Mary, 232.
Strickland, Anna, 177.
Strickland, Louise, 177.
Strickland, Stephen L., 177.
Strong, Abel, 371.
Strong, Daniel, 371.
Strong, Elijah, 371.
Strong, Elizabeth, 371.
Strong, Eunice, 371.
Strong, Hannah, 371.
Strong, Mary, 313.
Strong, Nathan, 371.
Stupplebin, M. W., 277.
Stupplebin, Rev. M. V., 277.
Stupplebin, Sara C, 277.
Sturges, Aaron Burr, 198.
Sturges, Charles Wakeman,
Sturges, Clara, 276.
Sturges, David, 198.
Sturges, Elizabeth, 198.
Sturges, Esther, 252.
Sturges, Eunice, 198.
Sturges, George, 198.
Sturges, Helen W., 348.
Sturges, James, 198.
Sturges, Joseph H, 348.
Sturges, Mariah, 198.
Sturges, May R., 276.
Sturges, Sam'l, 237.
Sturges, Sarah, 171.
Sturges, Sarah H., 198.
Sturges, Selina, 198.
Sturges, Selina H, 198.
Sturges, S. F., 276.
Sturges, Walter M., 276.
Sturgis, Jonathan, 126, 133,
Suffern, Ann M., 301.
Suffern, Martha, 301.
Suffern, Wm., 301.
Summers, David, 328.
Summers, Lizzie M., 328.
Summerwell, Jane, 366.
Sutton, John B., 363.
Sutton, Matilda M., 363.
Tafford, Major, 181.
Taft, Cynthia, 294.
Taft, Hannah, 294.
Taft, Israel, 294.
Taintor, Charles M., 309.
Taintor, Eliza H, 309.
Talcott, Dorothy, 160.
Talcott, Elizabeth, 72, 160.
Talcott, Hannah, 160.
Talcott, Helena, 72, 160.
Talcott, John, 72, 160.
Talcott, Joseph, 168.
Talcott, Gov. Joseph, 160.
Talcott, Lieut.-Col. John, 69,
72, 160.
Talcott, Mary, 160.
Talcott, Samuel, 72, 160.
Tamworth, Alicia, 35.
Tappin, John, 78.
Taylor, Arthur C, 308.
Taylor, Arthur W., 308.
Taylor, Bessie R., 308.
Taylor, B. H, 194.
Taylor, David, 274.
Taylor, Edmund W., 292.
Taylor, Edward J., 308, 353.
Taylor, Frank W., 308.
Taylor, Georgiana M., 194.
Taylor, Harriet P., 353.
Taylor, Howard C, 308.
Taylor, Ida L., 308.
Taylor, John, 157.
Taylor, Mary, 157, 244, 274,
Taylor, Mary E., 308.
Taylor, Moses, 302.
Taylor, Sam'l, 237.
Taylor, Sarah B., 351.
Taylor, Sarah M., 274.
Taylor, Theodore, 351.
Teed, Elizabeth G., 316.
Teed, Hiram, 316.
Teed, Jesse S., 357.
Teed, Melora E., 357.
Teed, Sarah, 319.
Thayer, Ellen A., 317.
Thayer, Philo W., 317.
Thompson, Annah, 337.
Thompson, Anthony, 51, 55.
Thompson, Bro., 47.
Thompson, Gabriel, 129, 130.
Thompson, John, 62, 141, 142.
Thompson, Rev. Won., 284.
Thompson, Samuel, 210.
Thompson, Willard W., 210.
Thompson, William H., 210.
Thornbury, Joan, 37.
Thornbury, William, 37.
Thornton, Alvira, 274.
Thorp, Abigail, 206.
Thorp, Capt. Eliphalet, 237,
Thorp, Eliphalet Wakeman,
Thorp, Elisha, 179.
Thorp, Eliza, 206.
Thorp, Emily, 206.
Thorp, Henry, 179.
Thorp, Josephine, 353.
Thorp, Mary, 205.
Thorp, Mary Ann., 206.
Thorp, Mary C, 313.
Thorp, Nancy, 179.
Thorp, Noah, 205.
Thorp, Philo, 179.
Thorp, Rachel, 199.
Thorp, Sarah, 179.
Thorp, Thomas, 179.
Thorp, Walter, 313.
Thorp, William, 179.
Thurston, Susannah, 250.
Tibballs, Abigail, 160.
Tiller, Carrie D., 210.
Tiller, James A., 210.
Tinker, Edson A., 194.
Tombs, Margaret, 375.
Tomlinson, Henry, 65.
Tompkins, Charles B., 310.
Tompkins, Cornelia C, 310.
Tompkins, Elizabeth, 160.
Tompkins, Michael, 160.
Tompkins, Mrs. C. B., 4.
Tompkins, Seth, 160.
Tompkins, W. W., 310.
Torrey, Samuel, 75.
Tower, Mary Nichols, 159,
Towner, Miss, 292.
Townsend, Anna V., 334.
Townsend, Jeremiah, 334.
Treadwell, Eunice, 181.
Treadwell, James, 181.
Treadwell, Nathan, 170.
Treadwell, Mr., 269.
Treadwell, Mary, 170.
Treadwell, Ruth, 173.
Treadwell, Timothy, 173.
Treat, Robert, 126.
Trotman, Ann, 36.
Trotman, Richard, 36.
Truesdell, Abigail, 209.
Truesdell, Elisha, 209.
Tucker, Hannah, 175.
Tucker, Isaac, 175.
Tucker, Mary, 175.
Tucker, Samuel W., 175.
Tuers, Britannia S.. 327.
Tuers, Richard, 327.
Turner, Captain, 48, 50.
Turner, Cornelia J., 348.
Turner, Fanny Augusta, 212.
Turner, Lucy E., 375.
Turner, Mark, 348.
Turner, Mary M., 213.
Turner, Napoleon B., 212.
Turner, Pearl M., 375.
Turner, Peter D., 375.
Turner, Phoebe, 212.
Turner, Preston E,, 375.
Turner, Sarah, 348.
Turney, Abba, 258.
Turney, Abigail, 213, 258.
Turney, James B., 258.
Turney, Julia M., 258.
Turney, Mary B., 258.
Turney, Robert, 123.
Turney, Zalmon, 258.
Tuttill, Mr., 58, 60, 61.
Tyler, Joan, 27.
Tyler, John, 27.
Tyler, Sarah C, 298.
Tyler, Stephen G., 298.
Ullmer, Harriet, 327.
Urch, Emma, 365.
Urch, Estella, 365.
Urch, Lewis, 365.
Usher, Jerusha, 251.
Vail, George 0., o34.
Vail, Louise S., 334.
Vail, Sarah M., 351.
Vail, Silas J., 351.
Van Aiken, Mary E., 319.
Van Akin, Carrie E., 319.
Van Akin, Egness, 319.
Van Akin, Emma G., 319.
Van Akin, Fanny, 319.
Van Akin, Robert, 319.
Van Deventer, Abraham, 247.
Van Deventer, A. P., 247.
Van Deventer, Anna, 247.
Van Deventer, Charity, 247.
Van Deventer, Isaac, 247.
Van Deventer, John, 247.
Van Deventer, Katherine E.,
Van Deventer, Rachel, 305.
Van Deventer, Stephen W.,
Van Etten, Abbie, 374.
Van Fleet, Catherine, 355.
Van Fleet, Elias, 355.
Van Hosen, Antoinette, 335.
Van Hosen, John, 335.
Van Nostrand, Annatze, 373.
Van Nostrand, Casparus, 373,
Van Nostrand, Charles, 320.
Van Nostrand, Emily, 320.
Van Nostrand, Laura, 373.
Van Vleck, A. K., 342.
Van Vleck, Annie, 342.
Van Vleck, E. W., 342.
Van Wachter, Baron, 205.
Van Wagenen, Mrs. W. B., 4.
Van Wagenen, Rachel, 376.
Van Wagenen, Virginia D.
Van Wagenen, W. B., 313.
Vayo, Charles, 350.
Vayo, Helen M., 350.
Vermilye, Alice J., 326.
Vermilye, Dwight, 326.
Vermilye, Edward E., 326.
Vermilye, Jay J., 326.
Vermilye, Ralph W., 326.
Vermilye, Thaddeus'D., 326.
Vicaris, Ann, 63.
Vicaris, Walter, 30.
Vicars, Anne, 30.
Vickaris, Helen, 21, 159.
Vickaris, John, 21.
Vickaris, Robarte, 21.
Vickreg, John, 21.
Vickris, Richard, 21, 27.
Vining, Emma G., 349.
Vining, E. T., 349.
Vining, Grace, 349.
Vosburg, Calvina, b65.
Vosburg, Sylvester, 365.
Vose, J. P., 233.
Vose, Nancy B., 233.
Vuseburne, Malcolm, 34.
Wackman, Daniel, 372.
Wackman, Gitty, 372.
Wackman, Martha, 372.
Wade, Hannah R., 337.
Wade, Mr., 337.
Wadsworth, Apollos K., 327.
Wadsworth, Mr., 122.
Wadsworth, Sarah A., 327.
Wadsworth, William, 71, 83.
Wakefield, Elijah, 265.
Wakefield, Wealthy H., 265.
Wakman, Catarina, 372.
Wakman, Hendrick, 372.
Wakman, Martha, 372.
Wakman, Sarah, 372.
Waldersee, Count Alfred, 205.
Waldersee, Countess, 205.
Waldo, Abigail, 219.
Wallace, Abijah, 223.
Wallace, Edward, 223.
Wallace, Elizabeth, 223.
Wallace, Eunice, 223.
Wallace, George, 223.
Wallace, Harriet, 223.
Wallace, Henry, 223.
Wallace, Jessie, 223.
Wallace, John, 223.
Wallace, Lucy, 223.
Wallace, Paulina, 223.
Wallace, Sarah, 223.
Walker, Anna, 29.
Walker, Bertha J., 251.
Walker, Clarissa, 345.
Walker, Edw., 24, 29.
Walker, Edward, 251.
Walker, Elizabeth, 29.
Walker, J. H., 345.
Walker, John, 29, 65, 72.
Walker Joyce, 29.
Walker, Mr., 118.
Walker, Richard, 29.
Walker, Robert M., 340.
Walker, Robie A., 340.
Walker, William, 29.
Walm, Catherine, 337.
Walm, Obed C, 337.
Waltermire, Eleanor, 298.
Waltermire, George, 298.
Walton, Lavinia P., 327.
Walton, Moses, 327.
Ward, Andrew, 164.
Ward, Ann, 38.
Ward, Esther, 164.
Ward, Josiah, 160.
Ward, Mary, 160.
Warde, George, 56.
Warde, Lawrence, 48, 56.
Warner, Andrew, 158.
Warner, Helen A., 248.
Warner, Hester, 158.
Warner, Josephine R., 366.
Warner, Quartius, 366.
Warner, Silence, 296.
Warner, Wm., 248.
Warren, C. C, 306.
Warren, May B., 306.
Washburn, Alice, 367.
Washburn, Daniel C, 367.
Waterbury, Isaac, 346.
Waterbury, Louise, 346.
Waters, Charles, 322.
Waters, Fannie, 253.
Waters, Mary E., 322.
Waters, Mr., 253.
Watkins, Losey, 213.
Watrous, Jane, 347.
Watrous, Jeannette, 347.
Watrous, Wm. H., 347.
Watson, Eva J., 330.
Watson, W. L., 330.
Webb, Elizabeth, 185.
Webb, Elizabeth (Nichols),
Webb, Joseph, 145, 161.
Webb, Josiah, 185.
Weckman, Martha, 372.
Wecman, Charles, 372.
Wecman, Cornelius, 371.
Wecman, Hendric, 372.
Wecman, Hendricus, 372.
Weeman, Johannis, 371.
Wecman, Marcus, 371.
Wecman, Phebe, 372.
Wecman, Stephanus, 371.
Weed, James Langdon, 244.
Weed, Sarah Esther, 244.
Weed, Sara M., 244.
Weed, Thurlow, 279.
Weeden, Burr, 283.
Weeden, Elmira, 283.
Weeden, Elnathan S., 283.
Weeks, Anna E., 339.
Wekman, Gamaliel, 372.
Wekman, Gertrug, 372.
Wekman, Hendric, 372.
Wekman, Hendrick, 372.
Wekman, Marcus, 371, 372.
Wekman, Sally, 372.
Weller, A. N., 192.
Weller, Benj., 370.
Weller, B. T., 191.
Weller, Elizabeth B., 370.
Weller, Mary E., 191.
Weller, S. F., 192.
Weller, W. H., 192.
Wellman, Hendrick Hudson
Wellman, Hezekiah, 212.
Wellman, Losey, 213.
Wellman, Martha, 212.
Wellman, Marvin, 213.
Wellman, Mary Melvina, 213
Wellman, Phoebe, 212.
Wells, Florence A., 294.
Wells, H. N., 294.
Wells, Mary, 294.
Wells, Minnie E., 294.
Wells. Sarah L., 294.
Wellslager, Jacob, 270.
Wellslager, Mary A., 270.
Welsh', Margaret, 40.
Welsh, William, 40.
Wenger, Rose, 322.
Werkman, Hendri'ck, 372.
Werkman, Henry, 372.
West, Charlotte, 225.
West, Joseph, 224.
West, Maria, 224.
West, Mary, 225.
Westervelt, Catherine, 345.
Wetherbee, Mr., 124.
Wheeler, Abby B., 272.
Anna, 195.
Burr, 180.
Calvin, 193.
Caroline, 194.
Charles, 180,
"W heeler
Clara, 194.
Clarissa, 273.
Deborah, 165.
E. B., 195.
Eleanor, 180.
Eli, 195, 236.
Elinor, 236.
Eliza, 193.
Elizabeth, 63, 193.
Ella, 194.
Elmer L., 211.
Ephraim, 193.
Frederick, 347.
George, 180.
Hannah, 170, 236.
H. C, 195.
Henry, 194, 236.
Ichabod, 165, 171.
Isaac, 125, 194.
James, 194.
, Jannette, 211.
Jennie L., 211.
Jirah, 211.
John, 125, 194, 208,
Julia, 194.
Lydia, 182.
Lydia A., 328.
Mabel, 180.
Mary, 180.
Mr., 186.
Nancy, 180.
Nathan, 221, 273.
Orsemus H., 195.
Wheeler, Phoebe, 347.
Wheeler, Roania, 195.
Wheeler, Samuel Wakeman,
Wheeler, Sanford, 180.
Wheeler, Sarah, 194 208, 221
Wheeler, Stephen, 180.
Wheeler, Thomas, 63.
Wheeler, William, 194, 236.
Wheeler, Willis, 180.
Whitaker, Hester A., 193.
Whitaker, P., 193.
Whitaker, F. A., 193.
Whitaker, L. H., 193.
Whitaker, S., 193.
Whitaker, W., 193.
White, John, 299.
White, Sarah, 299.
Whitehead, Elizabeth, 168.
Whitehead, Gershom, 168.
Whitehead, Sarah, 201, 247.
Whiteman, Flora E., 336.
Whiteman, Geo. A., 336.
Whiteman, Martha A., 336.
Whiting, Col., 200.
Whiting, Fanny, 223.
Whiting, Mary A., 348.
Whiting, Mr., 223.
Whitlock, Harriet, 299.
Whitlock, Matthew, 299.
Whitman, Samuel, 178.
Whitney, Abigail, 265.
Whittlesey, Samuel, 178.
Wich, John, 9.
Wigglesworth, Edward, 68.
Wilbur, Clarissa, 241.
Wilbur, David, 241.
Wilbur, Mary E., 241.
Wilbur, Noah, 241.
Wilbur, Ruth, 241.
Wilbur, Samuel, 241.
Wilbur, William, 241.
Wilcox, Hiram, 338.
Wilcox, Louise, 338.
Wilder, Alva J., 264.
Wilder, Dayton E., 264.
Wilder, Lewis A., 264.
Wilder, Susan A., 264.
Wilder, Susie L., 264.
Wildman, Eleanor, 207.
Wildman, Eleanor A., 328.
Wildman, George, 207, 328.
Wiley, J. E., 192.
Wilkes, Jolin, 27.
Wilkins, Amarilla,, 318.
Wilkins, Chauncey, 259.
Wilkins, Frances, 259.
Wilkins, George, 259.
Wilkins, Joshua, 318.
Wilkins, Ray, 259.
Wilkinson, Wm., 327.
Willard, Virginia, 291.
Willett, Elizabeth, 44.
Willett, Nathaniel, 44.
Williams, , 41.
Williams, B., 328.
Williams, Daniel T., 378.
Williams, Dorothy, 222.
Williams, Eliseus, 178.
Williams, Elnathan, 254.
Williams, Hannah, 254.
Williams, Ida, 321.
Williams, John, 305.
Williams, Mary, 41, 328.
Williams, Mary A., 305.
Williams, Mrs. Huldah, 184.
Williams, Sarah, 354.
Williams, William, 378.
Wilson, Caleb, 368.
Wilson, Catherine, 164.
Wilson, Elizabeth, 368.
Wilson, Harry, 324.
Wilson, James B., 299.
Wilson, John, 324.
Wilson, Jotham, 300.
Wilson, Julia, 299.
Wilson, Lavina R., 324.
Wilson, Lucy, 324.
Wilson, Marvin, 324.
Wilson, Mary, 296.
Wilson, Moses W., 207.
Wilson, Nancy G., 300.
Wilson, Priscilla, 206.
Wilson, Robert, 164.
Wilson, Sally, 273.
Wilson, Samuel, 126, 133, 273.
Wilson, Sarah G., 347.
Wilson, Valentine, 296.
Wilson, Winthrop, 206.
Winans, Edward H., 253.
Winans, Elisha, 295.
Winans, Laura, 295.
Winans, Lydia Catherine, 253.
Winans, Mary A., 253.
Winchell, Mary, 339.
Winfield, Annie R., 371.
Winks, Mr., 364.
Winks, Sylvia G., 364.
Winn, Ann, 322.
Winnington, Baron Francisci,
Winslow, Josiah, 75.
Winthrop, John, 45, 124.
Winton, Charles, 186.
Winton, Emily, 186.
Wiswall, Ichabod, 75.
Wockman, Hendrick, 372.
Wockman, Rachel M., 392.
Wolcott, Chauncey, 305.
Wolcott, Miss, 334.
Wolcott, Sarah M., 305.
Wood, Abigail, 160.
Wood, Alice M., 261.
Wood, Charlotte, 261.
Wood, Charlotte A., 353.
Wood. Clarissa, 203.
Wood, Elizabeth, 261.
Wood, Halsey A., 261.
Wood, John, 160, 203.
Wood, Levi, 174.
Wood, Levi S., 340.
Wood, Lilian E., 261.
Wood, Linda C, 261.
Wood, Lois, 174.
Wood, Margaret R., 261.
Wood, Mary, 261.
Wood, Mary L., 261.
Wood, Mary M., 261.
Wood, Ross W., 353.
Wood, Sarah R., 340.
Wood, Wilhelmina, 261.
Wood, Willard H., 261.
Wood, Rev. M. L., 261.
Woodbridge, Eliza, 195.
Woodbridge, Mr., 121.
Woodbridge, Samuel, 178.
Woodburn, Jane, 314.
Woodburn, Mr., 314.
Woodruff, Ellen J., 303.
Woodruff, J. F., 303.
Woods, Addie, 368.
Woods, George, 368.
Woodward, Joseph, 292.
Woodward, Sarah, 292.
Woodworth, Elijah, 290.
Woodworth, Harriet P., 290.
Wood worth, Henry, 290.
Woodworth, Lydia, 284.
Woodworth, Rev. P., 236.
Wormley, Alice, 7.
Wo wen, John, 30, 32, 33, 156.
Wowen, Mary, 32, 156.
Wright, Anthony, 39.
Wright, C. H., 241.
Wright, E. W. W., 241.
Wright, Prances, 39.
Wright, Mary E., 241.
Wright, Rev. James, 241.
Wright, Ruth, 211.
Wyllys, George, 176.
Wyndsor, Alianora, 37.
Wyndsor, Walter, 37.
Yale, Clark, 322.
Yale, Polly L., 322.
Yerkes, D. P., 248.
Yerkes, G. B., 248.
Yerkes, J. G., 248.
Yerkes, R. C, 248.
Yerkes, Robt, 248.
Yerkes, Sarah E., 248.
Yerkes, W. H., 248.
Yielding, B. W., 286.
Yielding, F. D., 286.
Yielding, Marie W., 286.
Yielding, Mary J., 286.
Yielding, Wm. M., 286.
Youngs, Minnie A., 322.
Youngs, Sylvester, 322.
Aaron, 184, 189, 217, 218, 228,
Aaron B., 258, 271, 318.
Aaron 0., 243, 300.
Abbie W., 361.
Abby B., 272.
Abby Delia, 323.
Abel, 184, 220, 247, 256, 257,
Abi P., 359.
Abigail, 45, 159, 170, 171, 172,
184, 196, 197, 207, 213, 214,
217, 228, 236, 258, 267, 317.
Abigail A. 276.
Abigail B., 239, 273.
Abigail H., 308.
Abigail T., 219.
Abijah, 186, 224.
Abijah S., 318, 357.
Abraham, 187.
Abraham S., 376.
Abram, 186, 225, 279, 280, 281,
Ada E., 361.
Adaline, 250, 356.
Adam, 380.
Adams, 189, 196, 229, 230, 231.
Ada O., 323.
Ada S., 347.
Adda, 350, 356.
Addie, 332, 368.
Addie C, 332.
Adelaide S., 292.
Adelia, 215.
Adelphene, 341.
Adelphia L., 362.
Aetna D., 345.
Agnes, 38, 299.
Alanson, 219, 272.
Albah J., 363.
Albert, 324, 341, 360.
Albert B., 360, 369.
Albert C, 271, 320.
Albert D., 353.
Albert H., 333, 363.
Albert R., 330.
Albert T., 293.
Alecia, 272.
Alexander, 374, 376, 377, 378.
Alfred, 249, 256, 305, 316.
Alfred B., 306, 350.
Alfred J., 309, 353.
Alfred M., 353.
Alfred S., 299.
Alice, 37, 320, 367.
Alice A., 293, 337.
Alice C, 320.
Alice E., 286.
Alice J., 326.
Alice L., 346, 366.
Alice M., 332.
Alice P., 349.
Alicia, 36.
Alida, 320.
Alida B., 272.
Alleah M., 363.
Alleah P., 336.
Alma, 339.
Alma M., 323.
Almira, 226, 243, 289.
Almon, 214, 269.
Alonzo, 220, 221, 226, 267, 276,
282, 293, 327, 364.
Alonzo B., 270.
Alonzo C, 282, 283, 334.
Alonzo W., 318, 358.
Alphonson, 226.
Alsop, 300, 346.
Alvin C, 333, 363.
Alvira, 274.
Amanda, 279, 314.
Amanda H., 363.
Amanda R., 349.
Amanda S., 364.
Amelia, 204, 205, 254, 271, 338.
Amelia A., 313.
Amelia B., Mrs., 177.
Amelia E., 251.
Amelia M., 320.
Amy B., 323.
Amy J., 329.
Andrew, 175, 199, 268, 324, 380.
Andrew B., 324, 361.
Andrew J., 374.
Andrew P., 246, 304.
Andrew S., 305.
Andrus, 300, 346.
Angeline, 246, 272, 376.
Angeline A., 359.
Angeline P., 292, 328.
Ann, 37, 38, 40, 41, 139 142,
143, 151, 161, 163, 168, 171,
196, 249.
Ann 'C., 208.
Ann Eliza, 317.
Ann M., 286, 361.
Anna, 188, 198, 214, 227, 228,
256, 277, 314, 347.
Anna A., 302.
Anna Belle, 351, 357.
Anna C, 320.
Anna EX., 328, 339.
Anna F., 331.
Anna L., 327, 348.
Anna M., 324, 376.
Anna O., 346.
Anna P., 305.
Anna V., 334.
Annan F., 335.
Annan, Mrs., 121.
Anne, 11, 12, 14, 15, 31, 38, 39,
157, 168, 180, 198, 208, 227,
Anne A., 244.
Annette, 286.
Annette E., 369.
Annie, 342, 378.
Annie E., 378.
Annie R., 378.
Antoinette H., 331.
Antoinette V., 335.
Appolonia, 41.
Aretta E., 324.
Arnold S., 338.
Arrita M., 307.
Arthur, 321.
Arthur E., 320, 344.
Arthur H., 331.
Arthur M., 330.
Arthur S., 328.
Arthur W., 366.
Asahel, 184, 206, 218, 272, 316.
329, 357.
Asa R., 347.
Asenath, 261.
Augusta, 367.
Augusta M., 302.
Augusta O., 333.
Austin, 215, 270, 352.
Avis C, 367.
Avis M., 359.
Bacon, 305, 348.
Banks, 205, 239, 250, 297.
Bathenia M., 375.
Bayard, 317.
Belle, 287.
Benedict, 39, 40.
Benjamin, 200, 204, 234, 246,
247, 250, 256, 296, 315, 338,
376, 378.
Benjamin E., 286, 338.
Bennett, 262, 321.
Bert M., 359.
Bertha, 340.
Bertha C, 359.
Bertha J., 350.
Bertha L., 345.
Bertie A., 366.
Bertis R., 321.
Bessie B., 368.
Bessie L., 346.
Bessie M., 364.
Bessie 0., 305.
Bethiah, 321.
Betsey, 178, 184, 185, 218, 256,
285, 307.
Betsey A., 260, 273, 319.
Bette, 154, 155.
Beulah, 333.
Beulah E., 357.
Beulah M., 321.
B. F., 337.
Birtha, 353.
Blaine, 369.
Bradford J., 319, 359.
Bradley, 215, 228, 241, 268, 270,
285, 324, 338.
Britannia S., 327.
Britannia T., 327.
Bryan S., 295.
B. Thaddeus, 283.
Burr, 207, 208, 218, 262, 271.
Burr 0., 326.
Burrell, 274.
Burritt, 352.
Calvin, 294.
Calvina, 365.
Carl E., 364.
Carl F., 341.
Carlton, 369.
Caroline. 224. 225, 242, 282, 290,
335, 377.
Caroline A.. 272, 296, 322, 359.
Caroline E., 286.
Caroline R., 261.
Caroline W., 345.
Carrie, 349, 368.
Carrie A., 322, 360.
Carrie B., 331, 377.
Carrie E., 361, 378, 379.
Carrie L., 332.
Carrie T., 305.
Carrie W., 338, 362.
Cassie E., 368.
Catherine. 37. 38. 39, 40, 171,
164, 169, 175, 200, 223, 256,
282, 314, 315, 320, 331 337,
355, 373, 376.
Catherine E., 264.
Caty, 208.
Celia, 368.
Celina, 34.
Charity, 247.
Charles, 41, 218, 221, 224, 251,
271, 278, 279, 299.
271, 278, 279, 299, 307, 316,
317, 333, 347, 357, 367, 370,
373, 374.
Charles A., 307, 337, 377.
Charles B., 272, 299, 328, 370.
Charles C, 345, 352.
Charles E., 271, 285, 306, 333,
337, 350.
Charles F., 333.
Chas. H., 322. 340, 375.
Charles J., 320, 359.
Charles L., 198, 323, 367.
Charles N., 343, 365.
Charles R., 263, 321, 357.
Charles S., 307, 351.
Chas. W., 328.
Charlotte, 208, 241, 261, 289,
339, 341, 352, 353, 365, 376.
Charlotte A., 353.
Charlotte E., 266, 320, 350.
Chauncey C. 272, 328.
Chester F., 316.
Chloe, 298, 338.
Christie, R., 360.
Chrysogena, 38.
Clara, 187, 219, 221, 225, 276,
282, 293, 347, 358.
Clara, A., 277.
Clara B., 325, 358.
Clara E., 351.
Clara H., 335.
Clara L., 334.
Clara M., 361.
Clarence E., 361.
Clarence G., 362.
Clarence S., 330, 346.
Clarence T., 334.
Clarence W., 359.
Clarina A., 297.
Clarina B., 273.
Clarissa, 222, 228, 239. 241, 242,
245, 254, 295, 298, 345.
Clarissa A., 299, 303.
Clark, 316, 355, 357.
Clinton D., 356.
Clyde R., 341.
Cora A., 274, 333.
Cordelia, 314.
Cornelia, 297, 362, 380.
Cornelia A., 297.
Cornelia C, 310.
Cornelia E., 306.
Cornelia J., 348.
Cornelia K., 304.
Cornelius, 307, 373.
Cynthia, 233.
Cynthia C, 330.
Cynthia D., 340.
Cyrus, 262.
Damaris, 182, 341.
Daniel, 169, 182, 184, 187, 219,
226, 373, 379, 380.
Daniel A., 377, 379.
Daniel J., 289, 338.
Daniel Perry, 243, 244, 302,
Daniel T., 375, 377.
David, 169, 181, 193, 196, 197,
204, 213, 231, 241, 242, 258,
267, 269, 275, 298, 299, 317,
David B., 262, 296, 342.
David C, 316, 357.
David D., 370, 379.
David E., 299, 345.
David G., 365.
David H. T., 344, 366.
David L., 345.
Deborah J., 337.
Delia M., 271, 310.
Delite, 211, 265.
Demie, 295.
Demilah, 314.
Demis E., 342.
DeWitt, 262, 321.
Dimon, 215, 233, 239.
Dinah, 374.
Don L.„ 362.
Dora, 355, 363, 367.
Dora Balcom, 322.
Dora J., 377.
Dorcas D., 209.
Dorinda, 267.
Dorothy, 40, 363.
Drusilla, 267, 290.
Dubois, 377.
Dwight, 271.
Earl G., 362.
Earl J., 328.
E. B., 380.
Ebenezer, 129, 130, 145, 148,
149, 150, 161, 164, 170, 171,
185, 186, 187, 222, 227.
E. D., 354, 368.
Edgar, 234, 292.
Edgar A., 341.
Edgar B., 226, 296.
Edgar C, 333, 362.
Edgar E., 343, 362.
Edgar L., 283, 292, 335, 340.
Edgar S., 367.
Edith, 320, 327, 367, 368, 378.
Edith Adele, 366.
Edith F., 333.
Edmund, 40.
Edmund D. B., 342, 365.
Edna G., 361.
Edna M., 371, 378.
Edward, 8, 11, 36, 37, 38, 39,
Edward A., 250, 306.
Edward B., 380.
Edward J., 303, 307.
Edward L., 360.
Edward O., 307, 351.
Edward T., 353.
Edwin, 319, 358, 375.
Edwin B., 261, 262, 320.
Edwin M., 345.
Edythe W., 354.
Effie, 332.
Egbert J., 271.
Elbee C, 329.
Elbert, 282, 334.
Eleanor, 151, 168, 170, 180, 183,
199, 206, 208, 214, 219, 220,
251, 252, 255, 259, 269, 298,
Eleanor A., 328.
Eleanor C, 273.
Electa, 337.
Elenor, 38.
Eli, 184, 185, 214, 218, 269,
271, 325, 328.
Elias L., 244.
Eli'hu, 214, 270.
Eliphalet, 179, 206, 207 259,
260, 319.
Elisa, 158, 159.
Elisha, 199, 246.
Eliza, 228, 230, 305, 316 317
319, 341, 344, 379.
Eliza A., 321.
Eliza H., 309.
Eliza J., 361.
Eliza L., 252.
Eliza M., 262.
Elizabeth, 16, 29, 35, 37, 38,
39, 40, 41, 44, 67, 68, 132,
139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 149,
151, 152, 153, 159, 160, 161,
163, 164, 165, 168, 173, 176,
179, 184, 185, 193, 196, 200,
206, 207, 218, 220, 224, 231,
255, 261, 262, 271, 272, 301,
307, 331, 338, 342, 349, 358,
368, 370, 371.
Elizabeth A., 302.
Elizabeth B., 262, 306, 326, 331.
Elizabeth E., 364.
Elizabeth G., 316, 342.
Elizabeth H., 272.
Elizabeth K., 354.
Elizabeth P., 301, 359.
Elizabeth R., 270.
Ella C, 353.
Ella P., 277. 334.
Ella J., 263, 350.
Ella L., 338.
Ella M.. 309, 321, 352.
Ellen, 319, 343.
Ellen A., 303, 317, 323.
Ellen Eva, 318.
Ellen J., 303.
Ellen M., 344.
Ellie S., 337.
Elmer P., 267.
Elmer J., 347.
Elmer L., 354, 368.
Elmer T., 358.
Elmira, 283.
Elnathan. 255.
Elsie S., 353.
Elsworth, 267.
Elvira, 290.
Emerson B., 275.
Emily, 262, 279, 320, 347.
Emily A., 322.
Emily A. C, 345.
Emily C, 263.
Emily P., 282.
Emily I., 282.
Emma, 295, 323, 361, 364, 380.
Emma A., 345.
Emma B., 335.
Emma C, 317.
Emma E., 328.
Emma F., 305.
Emma G., 303, 305, 349.
Emma J., 276, 353, 361.
Emma L., 325.
Emmeline, 317.
Emmeroy, 336.
Emmett B., 325, 361.
Epaphras, 179, 206, 208, 218,
219, 258.
Ephraim, 316, 356.
Eri, 243, 301.
Ernest, 321, 351.
Ernest C, 303, 347.
Ernest H., 330, 334, 362.
Errata, 222.
Estella, 365.
Ester, 213.
Esther, 182, 183, 187, 213, 219,
251, 252, 268, 269, 293, 309,
Esther A., 219.
Esther B., 239.
Esther D., 253.
Esther E., 329, 343.
Esther J., 275, 323.
Ethel, 322, 360, 365.
Ethel J., 363.
Ethel S., 353.
Ettie A., 359.
Eugene, 282, 295, 334, 341.
Eugene A., 338.
Eugene F., 334.
Eugene W., 341.
Eugenia C, 358.
Eugenia M., 346.
Eunice, 168, 169, 175, 176, 179,
181, 186, 187, 188, 206, 212,
220, 222, 223, 233, 246, 254,
259, 260, '262, 283, 295.
Eunice B., 283.
Eva, 324, 373, 379.
Eva J., 330, 331, 333.
Eva M., 322.
Svaline A., 286.
Evan J., 361.
Eveline J., 327.
Everett H., 351.
Ezbon, 45, 159.
Ezekiel, 180, 208.
Ezekiel B., 221.
Ezra H., 356. 369.
Fanna, 214.
Fannie J., 339.
Fannie L., 360.
Fanny, 223, 333, 355.
Fanny B., 319.
F. B., 224, 328.
Fidelia, 357.
Finetta D., 266.
Flora, 367.
Flora E., 347.
Florence, 294, 369.
Florence A., 368.
Florence C, 305.
Florence D., 313.
Florence E., 322.
Floyd W., 341, 365.
F. O., 282.
Francenah, 335.
Frances, 13, 39, 40, 41, 259,
313, 352.
Frances A., 329, 337, 343.
Frances D., 342.
Frances E., 319.
Frances M., 323, 357.
Frances P., 347.
Frances 3., 339.
Francis, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
24, 30, 33, 39, 40, 43, 44, 156,
Francis B., 274, 329.
Francis M., 337, 363.
Francisca F., 282.
Frank, 271, 294, 300, 303, 331,
334, 346, 357, 358, 366.
Frank A., 378.
Frank B., 330, 369.
Frank C, 351.
Frank E., 327, 332, 337, 350,
362, 364, 368, 377.
Frank J., 350.
Frank M., 340.
Frank Stephen, 307. 350.
Fred. 307.
Fred B., 224.
Fred H., 325.
Fred J., 302.
Fred R., 330.
Frederick, 220, 224, 278, 332,
351, 373.
Frederick D., 352.
Frederick E., 366.
Frederick N., 333.
Frederick P., 361.
Frederick S., 344.
Frelinghuysen, 375, 377.
Gabriel, 314.
Gamaliel, 372, 373.
Garrett D., 374, 375.
Gaylord, B., 257, 355, 368.
G. B., 4.
George, 35, 169, 180, 209, 211,
220, 224, 244, 258, 265, 269,
275, 282, 297, 298, 317, 339,
344, 358, 365, 368, 380.
George A., 239, 297, 343. 365.
George B., 261, 319, 320, 331,
344, 359.
George C, 359.
George D., 297.
George E., 319, 358.
George F., 336, 361, 363.
George H., 346, 366.
George L., 293, 341.
George M., 267, 277, 331.
George P., 226, 283.
George, Sir, 38.
George W., 299, 329, 337, 344.
Georgia A., 298.
Georgiana, 327, 343, 370.
Geraldine, 350.
Gershom, 170, 184, 185, 220.
Gertrude, 369, 373.
Gertrude L., 350.
Gideon, 155, 172, 188, 195, 196,
215, 228, 285, 297.
Gilbert 206, 219, 272, 314.
Gillialma, 207.
Glenn H., 366.
Godfrey L., 292.
Gorham, 243, 300.
Grace, 44, 159.
Grace I., 358.
Grace L., 350.
Grace M., 329, 359.
Gregory, 36.
Guy H., 330.
Halsey W., 261, 320.
Hanford, 254, 268, 314.
Hannah, 75, 76, 161, 171, 175,
180, 187, 200, 235, 236, 283,
Hannah E., 173, 301.
Hannah R., 337.
Happy, 223.
Happy 0., 250.
Harley, 340.
Harley N., 293.
Harmon, 285.
Harriet. 214, 225, 233, 268, 269,
299, 300, 316, 338, 343.
Harriet A., 303, 329, 337.
Harriet E., 301, 339, 345.
Harriet F., 346.
Harriet L., 320, 346.
Harriet P., 290, 353.
Harriet W., 329.
Harris, 269.
Harrison A.. 333.
Harry G., 345.
Harry H, 346.
Harry S., 366.
Harvey, 314, 354.
Harvey A., 211, 263.
Harvey H., 305, 349.
Harvey L., 264, 319, 322.
Harvey N., 293, 340.
Harwood, 279.
Hattie, 305, 357, 368.
Hattie A., 355, 357.
Hattie B., 332.
Hattie J., 334.
Hattie L., 356.
Hattie P., 339.
Hattie Z., 357.
Hazel, 331, 363.
Helen A., 331, 332.
Helen E., 335.
Helen G., 362.
Helen L., 342.
Helen M., 306. 325, 350.
Helen W., 348.
Helena, 29, 139, 143, 160, 163,
172, 351.
Henrietta. 212.
Henry, 37, 39, 40, 207, 215, 227
260, 269, 271, 272, 283, 284
313, 319, 327, 328, 335, 358,'
360, 372, 373, 374, 376, 377
Henry B., 252, 309.
Henry G, 295.
Henry De, 335, 363.
Henry E., 333, 361.
Henry G., 378.
Henry H., 336, 363.
Henry J., 40.
Henry M., 306.
Henry R., 353.
Henry S., 325, 361.
Henry T., 263, 307, 321, 350.
Henry W., 329, 380.
Hermon, 271, 327.
Hester, 32, 157.
Hetty, 234.
Hezekiah, 196, 197, 234, 238,
241, 291, 344.
Hezekiah J., 241.
Hill, 180, 209, 211.
Hiram, 231, 287, 300, 345.
Hiram G., 316.
Hiram S., 268, 269, 625.
H. M., 341.
Horace, 221, 274, 276, 293, 341.
Horace IS., 308, 353.
Horatio, 221.
Horatio P., 221, 275.
Horetta, 270.
Horton, 204.
Howard, 369.
Howard B., 343.
Howard G., 331.
Howard J., 361.
Howard N., 275, 329.
Hugh B., 274.
Hugh W., 378.
Huldah, 268.
Huldah J., 325.
Huldah M., 346.
Hull, 233, 290.
Ida, 305, 357.
Ida B., 350, 351, 369.
Ida F., 226.
Ida L., 338.
Ida R., 354.
Inez, 360.
Irene, 360.
Irene J., 226.
Irene M., 334.
Irenius, 320.
Iris, 360.
Irving, 271, 352.
Irwin A., 328.
Isaac, 157, 185, 212, 220, 243,
267, 299, 302.
Isaac B., 352, 368.
Isaac C, 276.
Isaac V., 305, 348.
Isabella G., 292.
Isabelle, 303.
Ira, 198, 241.
Iva M.. 369.
Jabez, 76, 77, 78, 129, 130, 131,
132, 145, 146, 150, 155, 161.
165, 168, 173, 174, 197, 236.
237, 238, 239. 295, 342.
Jabez J., 258, 316.
Jabez N., 297.
J. B., Rev., 4, 357.
Jacob, 373, 374.
James 169, 182, 206, 207, 225,
236, 255, 256, 257. 261, 282,
315, 355, 374, 375, 376, 380
James A., 300, 305, 347, 348,
James B., 359.
James C, 261, 319.
James D., 345, 366.
James E., 367.
James G., 348, 349, 367.
James <H., 277, 331.
James J., 313.
James I., 349. 367.
James L., 333.
James M., 278, 290, 333, 339.
James R., 339. 375.
James T., 301.
James W., 347.
Jane, 170, 216, 235, 236, 246,
250, 268, 271, 276, 285, 314,
Jane A., 289, 376.
Jane L., 376.
Jared A., 285, 337.
Jams, 266.
Jay, 293, 341.
Jean E., 361.
Jeannette, 276, 347.
J. Edith, 350.
Jehiel H., 269.
Jennie, 353.
Jennie A., 328, 333, 342, 363.
Jennie B., 352.
Jennie L., 304.
Jwrmie M., 350, 378.
Jeremiah, 181, 212.
Jerusha, 236, 251.
Jesse, 180, 206, 208, 260, 272.
Jesse G., 358.
Jesse H., 361.
Jessie, 287.
Jessie A., 286.
Jessie M., 333, 368.
Jesup, 4, 154, 177, 204, 205, 252,
258, 310, 317, 354.
Jesup B., 253, 313.
Jesup, Mrs., 206.
J. Finlay, 4.
Joan, 11, 12, 15, 17.
Joanna, 44, 159.
Jocosa, 38.
Joel, 175, 199, 246, 303.
Johanna, 36.
John, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27,
29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76,
77, 78, 124, 126, 129, 134, 135,
138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144,
149, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163,
164, 169, 170, 182, 183, 214,
219 244, 246, 256, 257, 268,
272, 274, 279, 299, 306, 315,
323, 334, 335, 345, 356, 366,
373 374 380.
John A., 244, 268, 303, 325, 366.
John B., 219, 273, 324, 360.
John C, 356, 369.
John C. F., 286.
John E., 301, 347.
John P., 303, 378.
John P., 298, 344, 365, 377.
John S., 210, 262, 352.
John V., 358, 377, 378.
John Z., 274.
Jonathan, 186, 187, 211, 225,
Jonathan W., 267, 323.
Joseph, 31, 39, 76, 77, 126, 129.
134, 135, 140, 141, 143, 144,
145, 146, 149, 150, 153, 157,
161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 171,
172, 173, 174, 196, 200, 232,
235, 246, 250, 287, 294.
Joseph A., 351, 368.
Joseph B., 318, 335, 357, 363.
Joseph H., 214, 232, 287, 305.
Joseph S., 272, 328.
Josephine, 332, 360, 365, 366.
Josephine C, 325.
Josephine R., 291.
Josiah, 199.
Jotham W., 300, 347.
J. P., 327.
J. Roemer, 365.
Judith, 35, 37.
Judson A., 314.
Judson B., 341.
Julia, 242, 246, 255, 299, 314,
317 355
Julia A., *270, 274, 333.
Julia C, 308.
Julia F., 253, 313.
Julia H., 303, 328.
Julia M., 289, 290, 307, 339.
Julia R., 323.
Juliette, 204, 284, 315, 338.
Juliette H., 291.
Julius, 356.
J. W., 337, 378.
Kate, 303.
Kate A., 306.
Kate P., 357.
Katharine K., 368.
Katharine M., 368.
Katherine, 207, 365.
Katherine D., 330.
Kennon. 338.
Lamorie, 354.
Laura, 21*, 219, 219, 295, 327,
373 377.
Laura A.,' 233, 317, 377, 378.
Laura L., 274, 288.
Laurinda, 218.
Lavina R., 324.
Lavinia, 293, 327, 374.
Leah Q., 376.
Leandei-, 267, 356, 369.
Le Grand, 286.
Lelia A., 345.
Lena, 369.
Lena E., 359.
Lena M., 356.
Leo R, 361.
Leon C, 322.
Lester, 300, 345, 367.
Lester A., 364.
Levi, 197, 240, 290, 339.
Levi H., 3, 298, 343.
Levi Hill, 241.
Levi V., 344.
Lew E., 371.
Lewis B., 213, 268, 270, 326,
327, 329.
Lewis P., 326, 333, 362.
Lewis H., 262.
Lewis P., 309, 353.
Libbie Chloe, 339.
Lillian, 365, 367.
Lillian C, 351.
Lillian J., 350.
Lillian M., 328, 359.
Lillie, 362, 379.
Lillie B., 332.
Linus A., 290, 339.
Lizzie, 320, 350.
Lizzie A., 364.
Lizzie M., 328.
.ulewellyn, 347.
Lloyd, 180, 207, 262.
Loied, 209, 262.
Lois A., 263.
Loren, 358.
Loren D., 341.
Lorena, 362.
Lorenzo, 267.
Lorenzo V., 336.
Lorrin H., 359.
Louis, 240, 326, 380.
Louis E., 361, 369.
Louis K, 353.
Louisa, 299.
Louisa A., 325.
Louisa E., 355.
Louisa R., 289.
Louisa M., 355.
Louise, 338, 346.
Louise S., 334.
Lovina C, 265.
Lucilia V., 340.
Lucinda, 249, 293.
Lucy, 39, 2zu, 250, 276, 324,
360, 362. 369.
Lucy A., 220, 315, 332, 355.
Lucy E., 322, 375.
Lucy J., 285, 348.
Lucy M., 330, 333.
Lucy P., 314.
Lucy S., 263.
Luman I., 299, 345.
Luta, 227.
Luther C, 322.
Lydia, 214, 272, 278, 315.
Lydia A., 364.
Lydia E., 301, 356.
Lydia H., 360.
Lydia J., 314.
Lydia L., 343.
Lydia M., 356.
Lydia 8., 208.
Lyle 0., 323.
Lyman, 183, 213, 236, 325.
Lynianetta, 346.
Mabel, 179, 260, 347, 360.
Mabel G., 347.
Mabel H., 359.
Mable, 174, 180.
Madison, 278, 332.
Maggie A., 376.
Malvern, 379.
Marcus, 235, 292, 293, 340, 341,
372, 373, 374.
Marcus M., 377, 378.
Margaret, 37, 38, 40.
Margaret A., 377.
Margaret J., 334.
Margaret L., 244, 363.
Margaret S., 278.
Margaret V., 364.
Margery, 36, &1.
Maria E. 285. 364.
Maria H., 343.
Maria J., 275.
Mariana, 331.
Marie, 38, 216, 221, 224, 228,
246, 251, 296, 344.
Marie L, 291.
Marietta, 315, 316, 336, 357,
Marilda, 316.
Marion, 367.
Marion A., ^66.
Marion E., 340, 341.
Marion M., 342.
Marion O., 364.
Mark H., 231, 286.
Martha, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143,
157, 163, 168, 212, 267, 278,
Martha A., 333, 336, 349.
Martha B., 317, 357.
Martha C, 303, 339.
Martha J., 350, 358.
Martha M., 262.
Martha S., 262.
Martin E., 289, 324.
Mary, 4, 16, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41,
77, 134, 145, 149, 154, 155,
156, 161, 163, 165, 175, 176,
178, 179, 181,182, 183, 187, 199,
201, 203, 205, 208, 211, 213,
218 219, 224, 226, 234, 241,
242, 244, 252, 261, 263, 267,
268^ 271, 273, 276, 298, 299,
302, 317, 324, 326, 328, 347,
353, 356, 357, 362, 365, 367,
369, 370, 374, 378, 380.
Mary A., 204, 231, 270, 284,
285, 286, 287, 293, 305, 314,
320, 340, 359, 363, 367, 379.
Mary B., 326, 328, 342.
Mary C, 229, 279, 282, 309, 310,
329, 342.
Mary C. T., 313.
Mary E., 40 181, 264, 275, 278,
279, 298 uuii 319 3Z2, 323,
324, 329/ 337, 343, 345, 350,
357, 360, 363 369 376.
Mary F., 313, 325, 347, 362,
Mary G., 300.
Mary H., 260, 354.
Mary J., 262, 286, 306, 318, 349,
377 380
MaryL., 226, 292, 334, 338, 339,
340 354.
Mary' M., 323, 337, 344, 362.
Mary O., 208.
Mary S., 301.
Mary V., 344.
Matilda, 222, 241. 316.
Matilda A., 358.
Matilda M., 363.
Maud, 363.
Maud B., 338.
Maud V., 358.
Maurice, 253, 312.
Maurice B., 309, 353.
May E., 340.
Mayor C.v 270.
Medad, 214.
Melissa L., 265.
Mellie, 318.
Melora E., 357.
Melville O, 365.
Melvin C, 343.
Melvin G., 265, 323.
Melzar A., 320, 359.
Mercy, 195, 196, 210, 227.
Merrick M., 265, 322.
Mildred, 362, 366.
Mildred S., 348.
Miles E., 337, 364.
Miles H., 290, 337.
Miles S., 289.
Millard, 367.
Millicent H., 343.
Millie I., 343.
Milton C, 322.
Minerva, 298, 349.
Minerva A., 288.
Minnie, 328, 332, 347, 354, 378.
Minnie H., 353.
Minnie M., 331.
Minnesota, 344.
Miranda, 244, 269, 279.
Molly, 185.
Montgomery M., 261, 320.
Morehouse, 241, 298.
Morris, 269.
Mortimer B., 325, 361.
Mortimer N., 277, 331.
Morton D., 364.
Moses, 150, 151, 152, 168, 179,
206 218, 254, 255, 271, 314.
Moses A., 272, 328.
Moses B., 209.
Moses H., 273, 329, 358, 318.
Myra E., 368.
Nancy, 207.
Nancy G., 300.
Nancy M., 345.
Nathan, 184, 196, 214, 235, 260,
269, 294, 319, 341.
Nathan B., 214, 269.
Nathan L., 326, 362.
Nathaniel, 188, 204, 227.
Neenah M., 334.
Nellie, 321, 357, 379.
Nellie A., 334.
Nellie Arita, 340.
Nellie B., 352.
Nellie E., 305.
Nellie M., 351.
Nellie S., 337.
Nelson, 296, 342, 367.
Nettie, 317.
Nettie E., 321.
Nettie M., 359, 365.
Nicholas, 36.
Nina Permelia, 322.
Nina W., 323.
Noah, 169, 182.
Odessa O., 322.
O. G., 337.
Olin A., 335.
Olive, 182.
Oliver, 235, 293.
Oliver M., 359.
Ophelia, 258.
Ora E., 335.
Orilla, 298.
Orlo E., 323.
Orrin, 289, 338, 339.
Orsemus, 294, 341.
Oscar O, 265, 323.
Parmelia, 185, 193, 209, 247,
Parmelia B., 214.
Parthenia, 340.
Patience, 260.
Paulina, 199, 223.
Pauline, 360.
Pearl, 320, 322, 358, 367.
Pearl E., 366.
Penina, 260.
Percival H., 330.
Peter, 175, 198, 199, 244.
Peter J., 377.
Peter S., 318, 358.
Phila A., 235.
Philip, 14, 379.
Phoebe, 212, 235, 250, 347, 373,
378, 380.
Phoebe A., 345.
Phoebe B., 274.
Phoebe R., 288.
Polly, 206, 212, 218, 219, 250,
258, 260, 268, 298, 316, 325.
Polly A., 361.
Polly H., 345.
Polly L., 322.
Polly S., 273.
Priscilla, 33, 158, 206, 236, 259.
Rachel, 187, 189, 199, 232, 276,
305, 315, 370, 379.
Rachel Esmond, 244.
Rachel M., 373.
Rachel Squire, 245.
Ransom, 267.
Ralph D., 343.
Ralph W., 363.
Ray, 358.
Ray Pratt, 360.
Rebecca, 169, 196, 204, 213,
228, 232, 323.
Rhoda, 341.
Richard, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 36,
37, 38.
Richard A., 39, 211, 271.
Richard B., 374, 376, 378.
Richard C, 351, 368.
Richard F., 368.
Richard, Sir, 43.
Robert, 35, 36, 37, 40, 211, 263.
Robert E. 264, 321.
Robert, Dr., 35.
Robert L., 333.
Robert P., 5, 6, 313, 354.
Robie A., 340.
Roderick L., 306, 350.
Roger, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17,
36, 43.
Rolla D., 330.
Roma E., 359.
Rosa A., 379.
Rosanna, 377.
Rosetta, 315.
Rosalind, 243.
Rosamond, 279.
Rose, 322.
Rosella R., 320.
Ross W., 354.
Roswell, 210, 263.
Roswell S., 321.
Rovilla, 369.
Roxanna, 210.
Roy E., 330.
Roy J., 363.
Roy Leigh, 367.
Rufus, 307, 352.
Rufus B., 259, 319.
Ruhamah, 214, 216, 266, 269,
269, 324.
Russell C, 363.
Ruth, 173, 197, 199, 211, 213,
236, 241, 266, 268, 300, 366.
Ruth A., 243, 328.
Ruth E. 334.
Ruth P., 353.
Ruth W., 265.
Sabe, 207.
Sabrah, 314, 354.
Sabrah M., 314.
Sally, 205, 211, 214, 250,
273, 285, 373.
Sally B., 251.
Sally S., 334.
Salmon, 199, 243, 301.
Salmon A., 302.
Salome, 204, 232, 247, 284
Samuel, 3, 4, 29, 31, 44, 45.
72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 117,
120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
130, 131, 132, 133, 134,
140, 141, 142, 143, 145,
147, 148, 150, 151, 152,
157, 158, 160, 161, 163,
168, 175, 176, 179, 180,
200, 204, 208, 211, 213,
243, 246, 249, 259, 267,
292, 299, 305, 318, 323,
Samuel A. 360.
Samuel B., 305, 347.
Samuel O., 261.
Samuel S., 199, 244, 300,
Samuel W., 340.
Sanford B., 315, 355.
Sanford H., 276, 330.
Sara, 258, 276, 27